their names are Nuria and Lesandre, and they are lovely ladies! dudes didn't perform this dance (as user kuringmundo seems to have thought)
@yugandali14 жыл бұрын
Very graceful, very well coordinated. I bet they put a lot of work into that. Well done.
@thecritiquevirtuoso17 жыл бұрын
absolutely beautiful
@tisalew17 жыл бұрын
soooo good
@magna10114 жыл бұрын
so beautiful!
@bugsy93nushka14 жыл бұрын
@Mohamana Well said: I think your observation is true. When Indonesian ladies perform this dance, it is better. But you have to admire the bulehs for trying; and for the fact that they admire Indonesian culture enough to learn what is a difficult dance form
@Rotemetoot14 жыл бұрын
First.... youtube comments is a cesspool of pride, frustration, jealousy, anger and discussion... Second... I don't even read the comments.. But I would think that Javanese or Balinese dancers would find it a great great compliment that people from other nations learn this dance. I'm indonesian myself and remember that every island is different... it's not just indonesian and the rest of asian lands... it is Java, Bali, Sumatra, Ambon... So who are we to judge this dance? did we invent this?
@rieblora16 жыл бұрын
thanks for the video... I am proud to see this ance perform by non-Javanese, I am Indonesian(Javanese)
@miamurasaki14 жыл бұрын
They're good. Nice work !!
@lesandredevi17 жыл бұрын
Translation; "not too bad for foreigner...upload again a lot please:), nice, and proud that the foreigner learn more than indonesian people."
@changtuber15 жыл бұрын
YES! Wonderful to see people learning dances from very different cultures. Thanks for this clip. The only thing that bothered me a bit was how the dancers move in a way that's somehow reminiscent of Ballet. Especially the dancer on the right: her posture, arms/hand movements and build all remind me of a ballet dancer... So I wonder if they have previous ballet training. I'm used to seeing Javanese dancers with much rounder, softer arms and bodies. Just an observation. Otherwise, bravo!
@twistedhand8614 жыл бұрын
kudos for them...
@seawaterwitch15 жыл бұрын
They're dance so beautiful ^__^ AWESOME!! I'm javanese girl and can't dance like them. Shame on me, to forget our tradition m(_ _)m
@rajendrabiswas17 жыл бұрын
@agatherine15 жыл бұрын
kostumnya bagus bgt ya!! ada yang jual gak ya? pengen beli...
@rangzsaroso16 жыл бұрын
setuju... ^^ kembangkan terus kebudayaan Indonesia di luar negeri... btw anda menarikan apa biasanya??? saya juga punya cita" ngembangin budaya Indonesia di negeri orang tapi dalam hal musik tradisional khususnya Gamelan Jawa heehheee...
@thecritiquevirtuoso17 жыл бұрын
The religion that corresponded to this dance was not Indian Hinduism, it was Javanese Hinduism... which had its own individual persona and motif.
@borednow17 жыл бұрын
well i was told that javanese dance was almost the same like balinese so i figured it would have also the head, eyes and toes in it. is the dance of each indonesian island different?
@zainuddin0914 жыл бұрын
tarian ini sebenarnya perlu lagi lambut dan penuh dgn keayuan semasa tarian ini ditarikan.Hal ini kerana tarian ini adalah telah diajar dlm tradisi keluarga kami walupun kami berbangsa melayu-minang-jawa.Tarian sebenarnya menunjukkan keutuhan hubungan keluarga diraja minang dgn keluarga diraja majapahit...
@thecritiquevirtuoso17 жыл бұрын
javanese consider balinese dance to be vulgar and loud, while the balinese consider javanese dancing to be boring. Balinese dancing is typically more energetic and high spirited, I personally prefer balinese dancing.
@Mohamana16 жыл бұрын
When you speak your mother tongue, it flows without doubt from your mouth. The same goes for dance, its blood is raw from the dancer of it's country. "Bumi" and semangat plays a big part in ritualistic and court art forms. If a white lady was to do it, her understanding and also her hereditary understandings are different and will comprehend that of a true Javanese!
@contr4dixion15 жыл бұрын
Wow, so nicely done, despite being of foreign blood. As though their souls were once from those times.
@rangzsaroso16 жыл бұрын
semua orang bisa menarikan apa pun yang mereka mau selama mereka memang ingin menarikan dengan benar dan mau belajar nilai apa yang terkandung di belakangnya... buat saya yang pertama kali harus dilihat adalah keinginan untuk belajar dulu... tentang nilai dan falsafah yang terkandung bisa dipelajari... (learn by doing..) seni budaya itu luas dan kaya.. semua bisa belajar kalo mereka mau selama tidak melenceng dari nilai budaya itu sendiri..
@MarydoBruno16 жыл бұрын
no need to apologise! it's a question of feeling. No harm intended, i'm sure. we just speak our minds.
@variyanti17 жыл бұрын
be tommorrow the best day of life...
@Zoyachubby17 жыл бұрын
Extremely good, bule gitu loch ! jawa aja blm tentu semua bisa nari apalagi luwes narinya. Yg gak biasa bisa sakit pinggang.
@zainuddin0914 жыл бұрын
sungguh ayu tarian ini
@lesandredevi17 жыл бұрын
Translation: "Usually the movement of sarong is very tight and fast while not making you fall. The counting at 1:35 I saw they did little bit slow."
@MrStraightlover14 жыл бұрын
@trounds2 Imitation is true for jazz, rock n roll, since they're pop culture... Yet it sounds terribly stupid to say that this uniquely Javanese fine art are a mere imitation of European culture..
@mattabiko2416 жыл бұрын
iki wong belanda ya?...
@superciliousme17 жыл бұрын
hmm i never thought they were (almost) the same. haha.. but maybe there are similarities, though i'd say javanese dance is usually a lot more slower than balinese. but the characteristic movements of the head and eyes are very typical balinese style. and yes every region has a different style of dancing, and music, and musical instruments, traditional costumes, dialects, etc.. :P
@tisalew17 жыл бұрын
do a person need 2 be from java to learn the dance? just enjoy it
@seawaterwitch15 жыл бұрын
They're dance so beautiful ^^ I'm javanese girl and can't dance like them ^^ Awesome, and they are beautiful too like Angel or seven goddes from Jaka Tarub legend ^___^ Shame on me, to forget our tradition ^^;;
@lesandredevi17 жыл бұрын
Translation of dj0jq: "I am seeing Wayang Wong (theatre drama) from Solo (city of Surakarta) but all of the comments are made in English language!!! I'm a Solonese person but give comment in Javanese language, even though I live in Europe, sir !! madame !!"
@thecritiquevirtuoso17 жыл бұрын
yes, I do accept the fact that the ancient javanese culture was heavily influenced by india, but you cannot argue that the Animist culture (old Malay) that was in existance at java did not have a contribution to the ancient javanese culture. for example, many of the rituals in Bali are reminiscent of its animist past, such as the Kecak.
@rangzsaroso16 жыл бұрын
maybe you're right that they can't comprehend the deeper meaning of this dance that because they try to danced the art forms belong to someone else culture not their own... true that depth maybe lost with a white women but what I see here is the will to learn other culture / art forms... these days I barely see Indonesian who want to learn their own culture specially in the big city.. so I'm very proud to those women who willing to learn other people culture / art form...
@superciliousme17 жыл бұрын
maybe you were referring to balinese dance? this is javanese..
@borednow17 жыл бұрын
dont they suppose to dance with their head and eyes too? also, they dont curl their toes up
@rangzsaroso16 жыл бұрын
kurang tau juga yah... tapi bukannya tarian ini mengikuti irama & tempo dari ketukan gamelan yah??? dan gak sembarang orang bisa untuk menarikannya karena butuh latian yang terus menerus untuk bisa belajar satu bagian aja dari ini tarian???
@kuringmundo14 жыл бұрын
theyre dudes!!!!!
@suzeau16 жыл бұрын
Beautifully done. (Who knows what white people comprehend? The entire world is rapping and no one is saying "you should be African-American") Perhaps traditional dances reflect a past that may not be so comprehensible to contemporary Indonesians either?
@rajendrabiswas17 жыл бұрын
indian hinduism rocks!
@AlexanderaCherie14 жыл бұрын
Such a different style compared to Bali But still nice
@borednow17 жыл бұрын
i also think this dance is kinda boring lol, i like the balinese one more too, i like how they move their eyes, fingers and toes
@narablog15 жыл бұрын
your name says it all --nadir-- good self-desciptor, asshead...
@MooWz16 жыл бұрын
Ini Tidak orang Indonesia :S ??
@zndernaam14 жыл бұрын
koh orang bule ya pintr
@Foxxified17 жыл бұрын
Oh my god. "Hinduism is original in India. All dress and style is exactly the same." That statement is not only stupid it's ignorant. Bless your heart Child. Grow up and get your facts straight before you start ranting. xx -Gusti Putra Indya Alexander Chandrawinate-Angelucci
@hetismij2116 жыл бұрын
dutch housewives?
@arvanitsa17 жыл бұрын
Mekaks (bodices) seem to be back to front. Agak kaku juga.
@FireRupee14 жыл бұрын
@muhdatif You want sumos doing this instead, man? lol. It's just her build. She's fairly tall it look like.
@lesandredevi17 жыл бұрын
Translation of Zoyachubby: "Extremely good Westerner (bule=westerner) - even Javanese person, they surely not can dance like that, besides well-mannered/flexibility."
@narablog15 жыл бұрын
@pu3nadira No I got it from the christian-hebrew-muslim dictionary. The dictionary of idiot monotheism from the middle east. The one on your top shelf.
@rajendrabiswas17 жыл бұрын
hinduism is orginal in india,all dress and style is exactly the same
@rangzsaroso16 жыл бұрын
jadi intinya..stiap org bs belajar seni budaya apapun tanpa mlihat suku atau bangsanya.. sy lebih menghargai orang lain yang mau belajar budaya orang lain dgn baik ketimbang orang yg mempunyai budaya itu sendiri tapi tdk mau mengenal ataupun mpelajari budayanya sendiri yg perlu dilihat adalah will atau keinginan mereka untuk belajar & mperdalam nilai seni budaya bkn dari cocok atau tidaknya mereka di dalam budaya itu.. sorry yah kepanjangan... aga menggebu" soalnya hehheee... ^^
@lesandredevi17 жыл бұрын
@rangzsaroso16 жыл бұрын
so what's the point??? nothing.. wong orang jawa sekalipun kadang" juga gak dapet jiwanya koq.. masi mending orang lain yang mau belajar sedalam"nya... apapun seni budayanya tidak ada yang mudah selama orang itu tidak mau mempelajarinya... pun orang melihat tarian tradisional India hanya bisa mengikuti bukan??? tapi kalo orang mau mempelajari nilai apa dalam gerakannya pasti orang itupun akan lebih menghargai apapun seni budaya itu...
@JaydeDidi15 жыл бұрын
Its a beautiful dance.. but the dancer seems cant bring the choreography sharp ... it can be improve... anyway.. itsa beautiful dance...
@Mohamana16 жыл бұрын
its nice but as what white people do, they cannot comprehend the deeper meaning as much as they try to...these art forms belong to the people of Java, so i believe the depth is lost with a white woman!
@MarydoBruno16 жыл бұрын
pity dancers are white. not a critic as such. there isn't the spiritual side, it's so obvious, although it is beautifully danced. it makes me unconfortable