A look at James Roney Stators

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@schance1666 Жыл бұрын
I've known James since i was 15 (in the 80's) when i would go over to his amazing recording studio in northern VA (1st in his basement, then at a commercial location where i recorded for the first time). He helped me learn so much about recording that i was way ahead of the pack for my age. (And he can play the shit out of a tambourine!). He is a wild and crazy genius. Not only did he intro me to high-level recording, but when I discovered he was working on a permanent magnet motor back in 2010 i began a journey of discovery with that, too. So glad you covered his stators. I hope you will continue this series on his work and your incredible insights into how to experiment with them.
@Motionmagnetics Жыл бұрын
That's good to hear. Thanks for sharing that.
@rickibaron4816 Жыл бұрын
I just wanted to say a couple of things here. I have been working on PMM devices for over 50 years now. One thing I have discovered is that to get them to any kind of working condition they need to be very precisely. In that vain I have had to stop creating things for a while so that I can build my own CNC machines (I have built 2 of them). Another thing which helps myself on my creations is the use of a Tesla meter. I have found that even though the magnets appear to be the same strength the Tesla meter my tell you otherwise. I find the many people working with magnets do not realize this. The James Roney Stator is a very interesting concept. I am currently working on both a PMM, (actually it also uses gravity to make it go), and a pure gravity motor. I cannot stress it enough that without precise dimensions these devices most likely will not work. The last thing i will mention is that any moving parts needs to be balanced! This is absolutely necessary to get any kind rotating device working. I hope these suggestions help in some way.
@FreeMagneticEnergy2 Жыл бұрын
🧲 Bravo! Well done! It’s truly profound the depth you have dove into my findings, including the long history of my channels, along with the vast understanding you have amassed about the cause and effects of magnetism. It must be said that Physics is nothing more then the observation of the natural world around us. Virtually all cause-and-effects are explained in man’s current understanding of physics? However, our current physics do not account for how a large mass with occupants inside can achieve supersonic speeds in the blink of an eye. Nor do our current physics books explain how the occupants inside the craft are not subject to G-forces. It’s only natural to wonder what other gaps exist in our current understanding of physics? After all, magnetism and gravity is one of those areas of physics that is not fully understood by the best of minds, which was what lured me into the field of universal magnetism. Universal in that any, and all matter can be attracted or repelled by means of like and opposing magnetic force. Tipping the scales on an otherwise balanced field of the pulling and repelling forces is the objective of the James Roney Stator. In that only one side and end of the stator has a magnetic flux field. The angle of the stator’s face plate acts as a runway, like that used by airplanes. However as each armature magnet tries to come in for a landing, it suddenly runs out of runway, causing the armature magnet to fly off the end of the runway on the stator magnet. Since the stator has little to no magnetic flux to cause a counter reaction, the armature magnets continue on past the shielded stator magnet. Since the magnetic attraction is greater than the counter attraction, this net gain gives forward motion to the armature magnets. We must then ask ourselves are permanent magnets always a pulling force or repelling force? Most would answer, both. The answer is neither, for magnetic fields exert their force only when in the presence of other mass that interacts with magnets, otherwise there is no active pulling or pushing force. For holding a powerful magnet in our hand does not reveal any such force exist. However the pulling force of gravity can be felt and measured in our hand by holding a one pound weight verses a five pound weight. Likewise the pulling and repelling force of a magnet can be felt by holding the magnet in our hand while in close proximity to another magnet. Magnetism and gravity are not fully understood. It’s for this very reason that, “the day gravity is understood, the answer will be so simplistic, it will account for how the answer has been overlooked for so long. Albert Einstein. Magnetism, gravity, and all matter have one thing in common, the electron. To this very day man uses electrons to manipulate other electrons to create permanent magnets. So why not manipulate the magnetic field of magnets gave rise to my stator concept. Long winded as this might be, it’s important that I included my insights on this. More so, I can’t thank you enough for helping to pass along my research to future generations. Not to mention the huge undertaking to make this highly informative, well made video that takes our mind beyond my current findings. And thank you for for a pronouncing my name correctly, which is not common in other videos about my research. Kind regards. James
@Motionmagnetics Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the kind words, James. It became apparent to me as I was going through all of your videos as research to put this one together that people who might be interested in experimenting with your stators might find it a bit intimidating to piece all of the information together to do their own experiments. So I put this together as a way to explain all of the basics, simplify the information, as well as to try to expand the understanding of your concepts. Hopefully, this will inspire more people to experiment and send some traffic your way if they wish to learn more about your research. You're welcome. You told me the correct way to pronounce your name over ten years ago when I'd only seen one of your videos that had no audible dialogue. Considering how many videos you've uploaded with clear dialogue covering your stators since then, people really don't have an excuse. Keep doing great things!
@mikeconnery4652 Жыл бұрын
Ok I have a question for both of you. (1) Why do you only use one side of a magnet when both sides have repulsive forces? 2. Can these magnet fields be manipulated by silver or copper wires? 3. Why are there not magnets bent or built to utilize both sides more easily?
@JamesRoneyMusic Жыл бұрын
@@mikeconnery4652 🧲 ​​⁠ (1) To utilize both sides of the magnet as a repelling force at the same time can be done two ways. The armature magnet would have to pivot 180 degrees as it passed the center of the stator magnet; or setup a secondary stator magnet with the same repelling force using the other pole/side of the magnet. This requires that the repelling force of both sides of the armature magnet to be mounted in such a way that both sides can be utilized by the stators. You have however given me an idea how this is indeed possible, and do so in such a way as to insure the armature magnet passes through a duel set of stators. Though the concept and design is extremely simple to accomplish this, it is however a very tricky task to accomplish as the stators would need access to both sides of the armature magnet. Splitting the difference in the position of the stator magnets may very well be conducive to causing acceleration. This is tricky to explain in text where as a simple drawing would be very clear to understand. (2) Silver and copper wire will manipulate permanent magnets when a current is passed through the wire. This current can be obtained directly from the motion of permanent magnets. (3) There are various shapes and designs of magnets that allows both sides to be used. But I know of no specific design that is intended specifically to access both sides of the magnets at the same time. A google search brought up nothing specific. However, if there a need, I’m sure it’s already avaible. A 6” long by 1” by 1/4” magnet with a barley twist design would allow the magnet to corkscrew its way through a magnetic field? Not sure if I fully addressed all three questions, but you’ve certainly sparked my imagination. However Motion Magnets has already been playing around with this concept by mashing two opposing magnets together to simulate one magnet with the same pole on both sides.
@tegra5971 8 ай бұрын
“Leave him be” - wise advice on how to deal with crazy people. As I have begged James to show…. 1 Watt of power being taken from the system. (It is easy to fake continuous motion, but hard to show any real work) Unless you can show “work” you are just a dreamer.
@Glo-Blades 7 ай бұрын
The ultimate dream of having a free energy motor in the basement powering your house - especially in California where energy is insanely expensive - may never become a reality, or not until small fusion reactors do. Meanwhile, even just a quasi perpetual motion machine seems to me possibly doable utilizing compounded “free“ fundamental forces, i.e. electromagnetism and gravity working in tandem? If nothing else, it’s a whole heck of a lot of fun experimenting and inspiring to dream on. Thank you, guys! Keep on!
@CrosswireHunter Жыл бұрын
fantastic build ... you patience is like himalayas ... keep trying... you Will meet success.
@djcash2036 Жыл бұрын
Try arranging the stator magnets as a confined center circular Halbach array, but instead of being circular have the magnets spiral outwards around the rotor at a ratio of 1.618, the orientation and strength of the poles is very specific (Can be stacked with trials for right orientation to gain strength). You will need to find a way to hold these in place due to the opposing fields. (Glue, 3d Print) For stability of rotor, use the circular Halbach array with a confined center again, but with a flat N52 between array and rotor (to isolate field), duplicated on each end with a hole for the axis of the rotor to pass through to support and center the axis of the rotor. Rotor Shaft should be ceramic with diametrically magnetized cylinders at each end that will reside in the magnetic bearing. Glue a ruby (or quartz depending on what you want to accomplish) to friction end (down) of rotor and ceramic base for point or ball of ruby to spin on. I'll leave the configuration of the rotor up to the imagination ;) Once the rotor design has been established its much more effective to interchange the design of the rotor and stator. The rotor will end up looking like a propeller. For the field think toroidal shape with spiral waves propagating perpetually in on itself in a motion that resembles the shape similar to DNA strands, or DNA wrapped around a tokamak. Also, possibly look into Dirichlet's theorem for placement and the hall effect to generate some added force from angular motion. Fun thing is that just like interchanging the rotor and stator designs, you can also make this, so the outer is rotor and inner is stator. Bearing gets more complicated though but the spinning mass is extremely helpful. Helpful in a way that makes gravity mathematically coherent in my opinion. What does the Crookes radiometer & magnetometers measurements have in common? What has angular momentum & inertial force that shares that component. Just some ideas if pondered. never really tried any of it. Have a Great day!!
@hongry-life 7 ай бұрын
Maybe a smaller wheel (magnet inside?) and more aerodynamic features could make it work better.
@GazzMoss 9 ай бұрын
Hi, I'm loving you vids on this topic of kinetic power generation. I have been into this for a long time & I thought that magnetic lock up due to both poles being active was the end of my idea & having seen this I am again keen to get going again. If your still available can you please tell me the thickness of the MuMetal you used for these stators you made in this video. Is foil ok is it more of 1 mm thick etc etc. I'm in Australia so I was born in the metric system I have no idea and may never under imperial lol, your help my provide the answer to magnetic lock up for my project. Thanks for sharing all this great stuff! :)
@Motionmagnetics 8 ай бұрын
Most of the stators were made from thin metal strips you could pick up at any hardware store. It's not critical what you use, as long as you use the shielding technique.
@JessTheDragoon 7 ай бұрын
I have a few questions about James Roney's stator design: 1) If the magnet inside the stator was an N35 instead of an N42, would it still work? 2) If how the stator works is due to how the magnet is shielded, can it also be built with magnets of different shapes and sizes? Say a 10mmx2mm N35 round, or triangular, neodymium magnet for example. It would be great if you could demonstrate the concept of building working stators like these with different types of magnets.
@Motionmagnetics 6 ай бұрын
You could use different grades. James usually uses N42 or higher, but you could use a weaker one. The shape I used is easier to build shielding for. You could use different shapes but you'll have to adjust the shielding to make sure you're accomplishing the same thing.
@JessTheDragoon 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the reply @@Motionmagnetics. I have another question is you don't mind... Could you please show us the pattern of the magnetic field around your James Roney stator replica with a magnetic field viewer sheet/film?
@co.creatEvelution Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your work
@TotalFreedomTTT-pk9st 9 ай бұрын
James Roney was a constant source of inspiration in the semi early wild wild west days of the Internet - 2007 and up - his low key at ease approach were great - I would tune in weekly during those late 2000's years - James was like Gilligan's Island Episodes - you'd think they were gonna make it but ... oh no - "I just need a couple more magnets but they don't have any more .... " " .... For me I already knew his stuff worked because you could see a tiny hint of acceleration (I downloaded them and slow motioned them) and then he would adroitly stop the rim (or be stopped by the Thuggy Boys) and he was knocked off of You Tube a bunch of times that only made it MORE believable - and then I think the Powers that Be realized how mechanically incompetent most everyone had become and now they probably are not so worried if a few thousands just make it for themselves - and maybe that's a good thing as odd as that may sound (I can provide arguments for that logic if needed)
@Motionmagnetics 9 ай бұрын
I like James. I remember his videos from way back as well. His exuberance and excitement about his projects is half the fun.
@TotalFreedomTTT-pk9st 9 ай бұрын
@@Motionmagnetics Wow - you a legend of sorts as Well Motionmagnetics - your reasonable logical dare I dare to say "Scientific" - method gives me 'hope' when my motivations are not so great - I really like how much actual work you do and you remind us it's about progress - have a nice Holiday -
@Motionmagnetics 9 ай бұрын
@@TotalFreedomTTT-pk9st Thanks. I appreciate the kind words. Hope you have a great holiday as well.
@ryanjamesloyd6733 Жыл бұрын
you have probably heard, but very strong magnets are about to become very cheap. They managed to make a composite of Iron and Nitrogen, I believe it was, that makes a magnet stronger than neodymium. They've known about it for a very long time, but the process to get it to work was very hit and miss. Some grad students finally figured it out.
@deslomeslager Жыл бұрын
That would be very good news! Think of better performing motors and generators! now we wait until it hits the market.
@ryanjamesloyd6733 Жыл бұрын
@@deslomeslager the company is NiRon or something like that. Should be on the market by next year I think.
@Motionmagnetics Жыл бұрын
Let's hope they don't slow-walk the technology and it reaches the market in a timely manner.
@ryanjamesloyd6733 Жыл бұрын
@@Motionmagnetics from what ive heard theyre going full bore. Industry seems pretty stoked at cheap stronger magnets, not dominated by any particular region. Its in the monied interest.
@Motionmagnetics Жыл бұрын
@@ryanjamesloyd6733 Let's hope so.
@trench01 Жыл бұрын
I commented on this post and is see the post got erased? Odd I mentioned raymondslab experiment which was interesting in a similar aspect. Also doing the math before doing the experiment might help understand how to fix things. I still think you need one small electromagnet at to make the jump, even if it means using a solar panel and a capacitor . Just an opinion. Since maybe you need it to get enough momentum to also help it with the hump.
@skipsch Жыл бұрын
I would feel like such a caveman playing with those things
@Motionmagnetics Жыл бұрын
They are fun! Inexpensive and easy to make as well.
@tonyhebert1388 Жыл бұрын
Please turn on your cc. I’m deaf and love to see your videos.
@Motionmagnetics Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the reminder. I keep thinking I need to start doing that.
@Jkauppa Жыл бұрын
titanium (and other electroplatable metals) are nice rust shield for steel metal, as thin electroplated paint-like layers
@Jkauppa Жыл бұрын
how about a U-magnet
@Jkauppa Жыл бұрын
check below the table for sneaky coils (snake oil)
@Jkauppa Жыл бұрын
simulate the exact magnetic field configuration
@Jkauppa Жыл бұрын
ask an angel (serving spirit) to rotate the wheel as "work", hmh :) cant see it
@trench01 Жыл бұрын
I think the magnet buffer thing should be used indirectly than directly to be more efficient and need some small amount of electricity to put a little in and get more out. You need at least some small source of energy to get more. Since you can make something with something than nothing making something.
@gristlevonraben Жыл бұрын
Look, it is doable. You just need seven things. Wheel system, I can't type, too tired, it involves using a capacitor on all wire coils, some coils dedicated for generating a pulse to turn the motor against a magnet midway in the center of disk, whose charge is greater than the resistance of the magnets on the outside going through a series of flat circle coils bent into a c shape that the magnets on the wheel go through, it creates more electricity and less resistance from Eddy currents. I used aluminum wire, 16 to 14 gauge thick. Capacitors add to the amount of material connected to coils, giving them a greater charge when a magnet passes through the c shape. I feel so drowsy, under attack, lol, idk, but good luck. PS. You can shield the pulser drive magnet with two to three inches of tin steel, the direction of how you wrap it changes how well it is shielded. Magnets are 42's 1/2 inch wide and long, cylinder magnets, poles on flat ends.
@Motionmagnetics Жыл бұрын
Have you built that? You should definitely post a video of it, if you have.
@TheZafootz Жыл бұрын
As good as that sounds it's unfortunate that I gotta tell you I have made a fly wheel generator with stationary coils around it and magnets on the fly wheel. I had the idea to run the fly wheel generator like a rotor cap configuration on a car. As the motor spins. The rotor the rotor pin energises the coils one at a time causing the magnets on the fly wheel to follow it. It turns out it was just a long what if test experiment to prove to myself that you can have a fly wheel spin with enough energy to feed the stationary coils with just enough power to keep the flywheel in motion but as soon as I attempted to power a small light bulb with the flywheels motion the load was more then enough to make the generator slow down and come to a stop. So in regards to everyone who wants continues motion with magnets and electricity it is possible for a flywheel generator to produce just enough power to keep it in motion, the real trick is to be able to connect a load to your motor/generator and have it capable of power devices and machines and still keep itself in motion that is the real goal to me in the end. I realized that the operator has a important role to play with these motors/machines. In short your finished motor or generator cannot be a turn on or off only machine there must be some sort of operator controls to go with it in order to keep the machine from dragging to a stop or racing itself away to its own self destruction. I bid you good luck with your ideas and hope you all succeed with them as well... P.S The synchronous motor is a good example of an electric motor that's designed to have a load on it or it will race to destruction...
@gristlevonraben Жыл бұрын
@@TheZafootz extremely cool. I came to same conclusion as you, but realized that if you build your propulsion generator to have more force than the resistance of the greatest load, it should, in theory work. It would need a governor circuit for sure! I did not know synchronous motors were able to run away like a diesel engine, that is very cool.
@gristlevonraben Жыл бұрын
@@Motionmagnetics I made and tested the magnetic shielding. I made the flat c coil that had twice the power of a normal coil design and was stunned by its lack of Eddy current drag. My generator design would incorporate a vanderwol device and large plate capacitor that would be grounded with a 9 foot copper rod into the ground and two 10,000 volt diodes helping it to not switch polarity during a lightning storm or from nearby ac voltage power lines.
@gristlevonraben Жыл бұрын
@@Motionmagnetics I've got the magnets, wire, and can either make plate capacitors or Leiden jar capacitors, I have the grounding rod and electronic components, but I don't know what to use for the disk, which needs to not be metal or wood, but is able to take heat picked up by the magnets through the coils, it needs to be at least to 20 inches in diameter. I'm worried wood would catch on fire, and plastic melt. The lighter the better. I have several fidget spinner bearings for a prototype. I've been in chaos, family deaths, and three house movings in one year. But yeah, I can make a wood wheel, but heat warps wood too. The main magnets for electricity and for charging are aligned poles outward, like bicycle spokes, but the two magnets that push the spinning plate would have their pole ends pointed down at a 45 degree angle with two regular wound mini coils made like car coils, able to push upward at 45 degree angles against their matching magnets hanging down from the inner area of the plate.
@ArcadeFM 3 ай бұрын
Can someone link to his back up KZbin channels please?
@Quickened1 Жыл бұрын
I would be very interested in seeing the rotor set up with the configuration used by kzbin.info/www/bejne/lWrHd2VrnN2UndU&feature=share8 Breaking the gate might be achievable using his permanent magnet configuration, combined with shielded magnets .?.?. I know his setup works because of his unique approach using a ring magnet on a straight rail... But when it comes to magnetic experimentation, you're the last person i'd need to tell, you never know until you try! I love seeing your experiments, keep it up man! 👍
@Motionmagnetics Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if the two systems are compatible, as introducing metals to the other configuration would completely alter the magnetic fields to such a degree that they wouldn't function the same way. I'd look more at things like the linear tracks that are often referred to as SMOTs. It would be easier to break away from the ramp in one of those if the magnets at the top were shielded. Thanks, and thanks for the suggestion. Thanks
@TotalFreedomTTT-pk9st 9 ай бұрын
I wanted to tell you guys that I think some sources of Permalloy's - (and maybe even Mu Metals) are all around us in junk electronics - for one (and someone correct me if I'm wrong - I'm all ears) is old Florescent light ballast shells - I used to think they were Aluminum ? cause they are pewter grey and don't rust but they are super magnetic and bingo - greyish very magnetic and doesn't rust and so is a candidate for a form of "Permalloy" (80% nickle 20% iron) - next up is the inside of a Monitor or TV tube - there is a shell inside for electron deflection ? but again - super soft Mu Metalish stuff - BE CAREFUL with the broken glass on the Cathode Ray Tube - it is bad news sharp - last up is the common Microwave oven - I left a crap ton of parts out in the rain for a year - some stuff with no rust and again - greyish in color - - the magnetron box or shell looks to be Permalloy - VCR's often had a good sized plate I stupidly thought was aluminum - (not sure how many I scrap yarded since 1980's ) but they also were Permalloy to block out EMF probably from getting INSIDE the VCR ! - DC motors from electric WEED wackers and such often have a band of Permalloy around the motor shell - All of these devices need super magnetically sponge like materials to make them EMF compliant so the logic is there - look for greyish color very magnetic and does not rust thus maybe some form of Permalloy and excellent for Permanent Magnet Motor Shielding Material
@Motionmagnetics 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the suggestions. I know James has been using part of the shielding material from old VCRs. He's always said that you can use just about any magnetic metal but there are better materials than others.
@TotalFreedomTTT-pk9st 9 ай бұрын
@@Motionmagnetics Yeah - once I watched the whole video you mentioned a few things I wrote about - I also think that soft iron is good but Permalloy's ability to relinquish it's Magnetic remanance / retention might be key for me since I've got a shielding method currently in play -The BH curve on soft iron is great but not like Permalloy or Finemet FT3H or Met-glass - I have a rotor magnet that has to first pull to the shield and then release from the shield and that lack of retentivity might be key - my process is a bit different than the Roney method and is also slightly unlike the four basic methods you cover in your Basic Mag motor types video but yet to work so... thanx for the response to my comments
@Motionmagnetics 9 ай бұрын
@@TotalFreedomTTT-pk9st No problem. Thanks for the comments.
@shubus Жыл бұрын
As interesting as James Roney Stators are, no one has a self-runner and I'm not of anyone using said stators claiming to have one--including James himself.
@TotalFreedomTTT-pk9st 9 ай бұрын
You really think anyone should disclose 'a running model' ? for why ? for whom ? - maybe it's fitting that only good healthy clues are provided - we've all seen recently enough 'in our faces' that the Thuggy Boys play for keeps - who then would be stupid enough to 'show a working model'
@pappaflammyboi5799 Жыл бұрын
I like your curiosity. However, if I'm to assume here that you might be implying perpetual motion, it ain't gonna happen. These ideas have been disproven every single time. You cannot reverse entropy, and you cannot create energy. Now, on the other hand, if you're claiming to "channel" energy differences in the environment, in an attempt to convert one energy type to another, perhaps that's possible. I suspect there isn't that much useful energy to obtain, since your environment is continually moving towards thermal equilibrium, but maybe you're only wanting to drive small, low power circuitry. Interesting nonetheless.
@PplsChampion Жыл бұрын
10:00 textbook dunning-kruger effect
@fxeconomist 10 ай бұрын
So you went into electromagnetism in the end. You realized advances into pure magnetic motors is too slow for the times ahead. I did that too. But I'm studying overunity.
@linpray Жыл бұрын
is anyone need usb/hdmi/dp/hub cable? Thuder 4 cable also
@FourthWayRanch Жыл бұрын
we have a perpetual motion machine heating our pool
@MagneticBlueSky 10 ай бұрын
Batteries are not needed , just give an excuse of some power hidden. A little dissatisfied, you could do a easy shielding without all that mess. Better then copy a concept is doing an upgrade on concept, as long as you understand what you are doing, of course. Like in this case you absolutely understood the concept.
@co.creatEvelution Жыл бұрын
I believe you will find it inspiring
@Ponk_80 5 ай бұрын
I guess that we are now living in the age of sibilant audio.
@bugsbunny8691 Жыл бұрын
Stop attempting to design a magnet powered wheel, one wheel at a time. Instead design a wheel where all the magnets on the wheel as well as the static magnets position, polarity, orientation, angle, tilt, etc. Can be adjusted and tested by an AI controller, and it will find the configurations required for success, and in no time at all, no doubt. I realize making a wheel that can do that seems difficult, but why take shots in the dark over and over again when, if you sign the wheel I'm suggesting, success is a sure thing?
@asianfish1 Жыл бұрын
Does not work. At some point the magnetic field will comes to equilibrium.
@dreece2000 Жыл бұрын
Look at the big brains on Asianfish your are a smart fish that comment is just what everyone here has been needing. Thank you so much we all need discouragement so much I bet it took so much for you to unselfishly put your hands on the keyboard and type your my idol
@asianfish1 Жыл бұрын
@@dreece2000 i love it when some uneducated einstein believe he can make this work. First year physics, would said no. Let me guess, you didn't go to college?
@reecenaidu6020 8 ай бұрын
I'm sorry. Mechanical Engineer here. It is not lazy thinking to explain the implausibility of perpetual motion using the laws of thermodynamics. It is lazy on the part of the perpetual motion machine designer not to try and understand said laws. This isn't a conspiracy from the powers that be. For perpetual motion to be possible, the way our whole universe works would have to change. And it is not going to change for anyone, not even the powers that be
@GooInYou Ай бұрын
Can you provide proof of life? You've been MIA too long and we're worried that you might have learned too much for your own good.
@alexanderg-p3z Жыл бұрын
Don't waste your time on this concept. It's a dead end.
@Motionmagnetics Жыл бұрын
Is your comment based on having spent time experimenting with this concept yourself, or is there another reason you feel that way?
@alexanderg-p3z Жыл бұрын
@@Motionmagnetics As always, this is a comment based on theory only. You might be onto something, and I might be way off. But my experience with magnets shows no potential for anything exttqordinary. Don't give up on my account though. This topic will always be in the back of my mind., in some form or other. There is part of me always pondering the possibiliry of electromagnet tuning with some natural magnetic resonance. Keep at it my man!
@alexanderg-p3z Жыл бұрын
Though, the likelyhood of getting anywhere is thin at best.
@dreece2000 Жыл бұрын
Look at the big brains on Alexander your a smart motherfucka
@TotalFreedomTTT-pk9st 9 ай бұрын
@@Motionmagnetics These guys should have to provide mechanical credentials before they construct a sentence on sites like this - with your Titanic efforts it's dis respectful to dump old 2000's ish troll comments - without very specific mechanical arguments and even if Jame's stuff DID NOT work his effort and intrigue were worth the ticket price - which by the way is about nothing ...' geez
@dans-designs Жыл бұрын
very interesting array!! have you seen any of @aymondslab's videos?
@Motionmagnetics Жыл бұрын
Yes. I did a video on one of his set ups awhile back.
@solexxx8588 7 ай бұрын
Show a perpetual magnetic wheel. No? I guess it's obviously BS.
@HomicideHenry Жыл бұрын
I like James Roney but... I think there is a bit of a con man in it all... I'm having flashbacks to Milo (remember him?) and the reason why I say conman is this... James Roney is basically retired, has all the time in the world, everything he uses is inexpensive, yet he rarely puts out content and when he does its going over old material or if its supposedly good results its taken down... it's a bait and switch. Plus he never takes other peoples ideas into consideration, etc. Maybe I'm wrong but when a person doesn't really produce anything, but spends the bulk of his time selling stators anyone can make at home, I question the validity of what Mr Roney does. Jesus Christ Almighty God bless you all
@Motionmagnetics Жыл бұрын
I don't see him that way. If he wanted to be like Milo he'd just fake some videos with his rotor spinning for several minutes. No one has to buy stators from him, as he shows you how to build them inexpensively yourself. He's not even trying to make money as a third-party vendor. He could do that by recommending magnets he could make a commission off of. Instead, he tells you where he has found the best prices on things without profiting from the information. Some people who are retired are living on tight budgets, so he could be dealing with that, or he may not want to be wasteful with his money. I couldn't say, but there could be a lot of reasons for that. I've seen very little growth from his channel in quite some time, so it's unlikely he's getting paid much by KZbin either, so I just don't see a motive to con anyone. He's made all of his research available for free. So if he didn't believe it could be useful, why bother to do anything with it at all? Thanks for the comment, regardless. If we all had the same opinion on everything the world might be a boring place. Be blessed.
@HomicideHenry Жыл бұрын
@@Motionmagnetics Like I said. I may very well be wrong. I don't know his life, etc that may prevent him from producing more content or data to analyze. He seems more genuine than most in the "free energy" movement, but maybe my opinions are more out of frustration and a lack of patience than anything else. I tend to forget that a lot of famous inventors took years with nothing to show for it before there was solid results. 👍 Keep on keeping on. Jesus Christ Almighty God bless you all
@TotalFreedomTTT-pk9st 9 ай бұрын
James Roney was sincere - you'd have to be hardened to not see that - guys that makes things and have no obvious monetary gain - (youtube was not even monetized back in the 2000's) are not scamming - there's no money in it - or wasn't then - and he showed 'it worked' enough times - YOU just don't have his old video's - and Milo had a running motor as well - that supposed fake was all a ruse to keep him from getting the Malachi crunch - 'thou shalt not produce surplus' is the 1st commandment of Scarcity Management Inc Milo: "Hello Everybody" !!!
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