A reflection on my POLISH Journey

  Рет қаралды 3,067

Michael Rubenfeld

Michael Rubenfeld

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@BarBara81010 2 ай бұрын
Panie Rubenfeld masz ciekawe życie i to jest tylko Twoją zasługą. Polska jest fajna ponieważ jest tu dużo Polaków....różnych Polaków z polską dziwną mentalnością. Każdy kraj ma swój charakter, dbaj o to aby ten charakter się zbytnio nie zmienił...bo obecna Polska jest też dobra dla Ciebie.
@frankgradus9474 2 ай бұрын
What you tell is a marvelous story. On a side note, I remember once driving from Szczecin to Cisna in the Bieszczady Mountains during the communist era, when the roads were what they were. It was a beautiful, hardcore adventure and unforgettable impressions - the whole of Poland at your feet. And now you fly planes or drive on motorways ... young lads like you don't know what real life is. Besides, as always, more power to you! Your channel deserves more views, I keep my fingers crossed for some groundswell.
@beatasamson2899 2 ай бұрын
I am Polish and non-Jewish (I was born in Poland so you never know though) and I've been watching your KZbin channel for a while, Michael. And guess what? I like you. I like your approach to Poland and your honesty. It made me promote your play "Poland Is Not Yet Lost" on Linkedin and have a good laugh with some Israelis while watching a trailer with you and Maciej Stuhr. I am 51 y.o. and as of fall of communism I listened to preaching by Lefty Polish and Polish Jewish Holocaust historians telling us that us Poles always hated Jews and that we were always Anti-Semites (like Piast dynasty and Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth never happened, like Jewish contribution into economy of Polish Kingdom never happened (we give you protection on our land you bring your banking and trade know-how that we don't have), like Commonwealth never became the biggest Jewish diaspora of its times in Europe, like Jewish participants of Polish uprisings after 3rd partition of Commonwealth never happened, like 2nd Polish Republic as of 1918 never had the biggest Jewish population in Europe (developed during 22 years), like Jewish victims of Katyń Massacre 1940 never happened and so on). And then there were those shitstorms Poland-Israel (Jews always hated us, too). But seriously if we really hated each other so much through centuries and others were more Jewish friendly than us Poles then how come we spent so many centuries together? For good and bad. Polin = you can rest here in Yiddish. You can rest here until Israel in the Middle East is restored. That was the point. Not Polin=Poland in Latin (Jews will steal Poland from you as Russian Tsarist propaganda claimed). According to them Poles were breeding Jews and co-breeding with Jews to rule the world. Jews as a tool of Polish imperialism 😂 of Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth. 1610. We were supposed to take the Kremlin together. Jewish handlers of Polish Masters. This is not Polish propaganda. Later German Nazis absorbed it and informed the world that if you give an independent State to the Poles they'll start breeding Jews and co-breeding with Jews into half Polish vermin and half dirty Jew that should have never happened (people identified as such as of 1.09.1939 were executed on the spot but we don't talk about it). My friends who studied some old documents believe that so-called Polish anti-Semitism was against Polish statehood and was developed by enemies after 3rd partition in order to prevent restoration of Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth that Poles, Jews and Lithuanians kept together. Cui bono?
@BarBara81010 2 ай бұрын
Zgadzam się , ten "polski antysemityzm" był narzędziem używanym przez wrogów Polski. Też miałam kontakt ze starymi dokumentami.
@thomasturski2837 2 ай бұрын
Such is the fate of an actor in a new country, that he brings with him the accent of his birth country. Polish actors who went to the US were condemned to the roles of immigrants from Eastern Europe, also playing "versions of themselves", because of the accent they were not credible in the role of a "real" American.
@wuf1979 2 ай бұрын
1670 is sooo good! I am happy for you!
@pawelzielinski1398 2 ай бұрын
Interesting fact is that Poland lost Szczecin in ~1170 (to Denmark). So this city was outside of Poland for much longer (almost 800 years) than in Poland (~200-300).
@BarBara81010 2 ай бұрын
Masz swój świeżo kupiony samochód...wymarzony, wygłaskany i najdroższy w świecie....po roku ktoś Ci go ukradnie, samochód zmieni kilku "właścicieli"...czyj on jest ? Najeźdźca jest również złodziejem, a nasi zachodni sąsiedzi mają w tym wielkie doświadczenie.
@pawelzielinski1398 2 ай бұрын
@@BarBara81010 Czy twoi rodzice byli rodzeństwem? A teraz na serio. Nie jestem pewien czy Dania, jest zachodnim sąsiadem Polski. Raczej takim północno-zachodnim. Poza tym kto tu mówi o kradzieży??? Po prostu jakiś tam polski książe w 1185 roku przepisał Pomorze wraz z Szczecinem królowi duńskiemu. Nie jestem historykiem i nie wiem dokładnie jakie okoliczności towarzyszyły temu aktowi prawnemu. Ale wetedy tak to wyglądało. Co do mojego samochodu, to po prostu pilnuję mojego tytułu własności. Jak ktoś ukradnie samochód to ubezpieczenie zwróci mi pieniądze i kupię nowy, lepszy.
@BarBara81010 2 ай бұрын
@@pawelzielinski1398 Uwielbiam takie małe złośliwości, od razu wiem z kim mam do czynienia :) Historia Szczecina to nie tylko krótki epizod duński. O kradzieży mówię Ja :) Myślę, że tak naprawdę wiesz o co mi chodzi, chociaż przykład z samochodem może też nie był najlepszy.
@pawelzielinski1398 2 ай бұрын
@@BarBara81010 No i co z tego wynika??? Polakom po wojnie wmawiano, że "wracamy na ziemie ojczyste". To był czysty BS, bo w takim np. Szczecinie Polaków nie było od stuleci. To był po prostu chwyt stalinowskiej propagandy mającej na celu pokazanie Polakom jaki to Związek Radziecki jest dobry, bo dał nam nie swoje ziemie a zabrał nam to co do Polski należało przez wieki. Szkoda tylko, że nie dali Prus Wschodnich Litwie, to nie byłoby teraz problemu z roSSją za drzwiami. Teraz oczywiście nikt nie będzie zmieniał w Europie granic. W EU i tak kazdy może mieszkać i pracować gdzie mu się żywnie podoba. Nikogo nie muszę pytać o zgodę, jeśli będę miał ochotę przeprowadzić się na stare lata do Portugalii, Hiszpanii czy gdzie tam mi się spodoba.
@PiotrJaser 2 ай бұрын
Skąd Ty wziąłeś te 200 lat? Szczecin pod jakąś kontrolą polską był łącznie jakieś 70-80 lat. Mówimy o Średniowieczu. Ostatni raz za Bolesława Krzywoustego. Każdy okres panowania polskiego w Szczecinie był bardzo krótki i przejściowy. Oczywiście dziś to miasto polskie i tak powinno pozostać, ale nie fałszujmy historii.
@evka_esgie 2 ай бұрын
Great news!!! Good to see you so optimistic and satisfied. Good luck with your journey and all the activities!!! I understand that being so busy makes you thrive.
@albertmaterski1059 2 ай бұрын
Hey Mike. Very sensible and honest introspection, thank you for that perspective. You are right, your voice is absolutely desired, in fact, I would risk a statement that it is actually needed. I am ethnically Polish and my grandfather was being experimented upon in Auschvitz, and when I hear atrocities commited by Na*is on OUR people being pitted on me and folks who happen to speak my language, it makes my stomach turn. The narrative of both western neoliberals who like painting us as all racist anitsemites bcs of modern geopolitics and the western right, which is trying to shift the blame for holocaust away from Na*is is literally victimblaming in its purest, most evil form. Hence, why I believe that your voice is not only treasured, but actually needed here. I am touched that in spite of the literal hell your family went through you managed to combat that trauma and emerged victorious. The fact that you are actively reconnecting with your roots here honestly brings a tear to my eye. There is a giant jewish-shaped hole in my homeland, and I am extatic that you seem to be filling it up with your art and your personality. So many vibrant colours, so many diverse sounds, so many ancient traditions were brutally ripped from Poland, no wonder it was so gray for so long after II ww. So yes, may your voice shine bright and sound clear! I sincerely hope that you'll find a warmth and happiness here, just like your ancestors did for so many years before. Cheers! PS. Remember to take time to rest and not overexert yourself, sounds like you are doing quite a marathon of stages. :3
@lerubenfeld 2 ай бұрын
Thank you ☺️
@wojtekjj1803 2 ай бұрын
@paniewa8620 2 ай бұрын
Hello Michael, i am from Szczecin.
@piotr5338 2 ай бұрын
Michel , be honest , Poland has ,,saved" you life in philosophical meaning , everything what you have achieved is becouse of Poland . Period of success has had begun here in Polska .It means you have found your PO-LIN .
@kastnoka1274 2 ай бұрын
Polin to niech oni sobie robią w Izraelu. Izrael to jedno z najbardziej antypolskich i do tego faszystowskich państw na świecie, które aktualnie od ponad pół roku dokonuje zbrodni wojennych i robi wszystko by doprowadzić do wojny z Iranem. Od dawna ich obywatele powinni być objęci obowiązkowymi płatnymi wizami.
@lerubenfeld 2 ай бұрын
There is some truth to this, though everything that I have achieved is also connected to my time in Canada. Certainly in Poland however I have found new voice, but it was in Canada where I learned my craft and became the artist I am.
@piotr5338 2 ай бұрын
we are made up of all the paths we have walked up to this moment. Today I saw the grave of the outstanding poet Jan Leśmian. He was a Jew. How surprised I was when he had a cross in his grave . Reflection came to me. What makes a Jew? Religion or genetics? It is good that you bear witness to the truth in times when many lie. Soon those who know the truth about our common life will die. Like in a large family. Young Jews will be convinced that in Krakow there are hunts for Jewish women.
@beatasamson2899 2 ай бұрын
​@@lerubenfeldKeep up your good work in Poland, Michael 😊
@beatasamson2899 2 ай бұрын
​@@kastnoka1274Najgorzej jak się ktoś uczy historii polsko-żydowskiej i Bliskiego Wschodu od Rosjan. To się zwykle kończy antysemityzmem albo inną agenturą. Nie jest tak, że wszyscy w Izraelu nienawidzą Polaków.
@davidpeterkofsky2081 2 ай бұрын
Great update full of exciting things for you. And now I know how to pronounce Szczecin :)
@Malcriada115 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Michael. We have never met and we never will, but I love your mind, and I love your heart, and I am just happy you are here. Good luck with everything. Stay well, enjoy the journey.
@lerubenfeld 2 ай бұрын
What makes you so sure that we will never meet? :)
@Malcriada115 2 ай бұрын
@@lerubenfeld Gut feeling? Well, if you come to Warsaw, and I happen to bump into you in the street somewhere, I'll come up and introduce myself. :)
@maciej009 2 ай бұрын
Jak się ma pracę, którą się lubi i potrafi się odłączyć od wszelakiej polityki, to da się żyć w tym kraju ;)
@beatasamson2899 2 ай бұрын
I was born in Szczecin. Enjoy
@SzalonyKucharz 2 ай бұрын
So was Catherine the Great, what are the odds?
@beatasamson2899 2 ай бұрын
@@SzalonyKucharz So was Dita Parlo 😜
@SzalonyKucharz 2 ай бұрын
@@beatasamson2899 Should have written 'ditto Dita Parlo' and you'd have won the Internet for the day.
@thaddausgriech4542 2 ай бұрын
@@SzalonyKucharz, a propos a jakie sa szanse otrzymania sljedzika w oleju zakonserwowanego w puszce lub zawinietego w rolpopsa, poniewaz slyszalem, ze w Szczecinie nie brakuje sljedzikow, az roi sie od tych sljedzikow !
@pawelzielinski1398 2 ай бұрын
@@thaddausgriech4542 tak, śledzi ci u nas dostatek....
@solaris2015 2 ай бұрын
Great life of yours! And good luck with "The Musical" I hope some day!
@maciejzniebuszewa8077 2 ай бұрын
Why does the translator not translate the word Szczecin? Is it because it is an original, old Slavic name?
@PKowalski2009 2 ай бұрын
Nie wiem, jaki masz stosunek do państwa Izrael. W każdym razie, zapewne wiesz, ale mnie (jako Polaka, bez żydowskich korzeni) zdziwiła kiedyś tablica upamiętniająca Konferencję Katowicką, na której podjęto decyzję o osadnictwie żydowskim w Palestynie. Tablica jest blisko dworca kolejowego, ale nie rzuca się za bardzo w oczy. pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konferencja_Katowicka
@lerubenfeld 2 ай бұрын
Oh wow. How interesting. I did not know about this.
@thaddausgriech4542 2 ай бұрын
poznalem Szczecin juz w latach 70-tych, a dzis to napewno jest piekniejszy, pozdrawiam i wszystkiego dobrego
@henasgd1566 2 ай бұрын
Dlaczego tak mało o Kanadzie.???? Prosimy więcej o społeczności żydowskiej w Kanadzie.. Miłego dnia Panu życzymy
@jacksonblaze423 2 ай бұрын
SzCzecin come from the word "szczecina" which refers to hair on a pig (bristles) while the town of Swinoujscie means the place where pigs were sold, something like that. Apparently the area was very big in pig farming a thousand years ago. Since Szczecin was part of Piast Poland (a thousand years) and the versions of the name repeat the sound, I suspect the meaning of the name is as suggested making it quite Polish since a long time ago. To my utter surprise I discovered that the above information is not mentioned on Wikipedia or on ChatGPT, but ask any Pole about the meaning of Szczecin's name. Instead these sources connect it to other words which make a lot less sense, except that they make the city sound too Polish. And we know that all of Pomerania was German because of the invasion of Teutonic Knights (well actually a stupid Polish prince invited them to deal with a military problems and after that, for some reasons, they just didn't want to leave and had to be pried out throughout centuries - this was one of the biggest conflicts with Germany in Polish history outside of WW2). As a kid I used to draw the Battle of Grunvald over and over again trying to imitate Matejko.
@matb4336 2 ай бұрын
Omg, they keep you busy. Just hope you have enough time to rest , to enjoy life and family time. :) Best wishes for you.
@magda5820 Ай бұрын
What are you talking about 😅
@wrongguy1963 2 ай бұрын
you are in my city . say hi to it from me.
@lerubenfeld 2 ай бұрын
It says hi back
@wrongguy1963 2 ай бұрын
@@lerubenfeld thank you
@lukaszw1 2 ай бұрын
Gratuluję roli w "1670"! Super sprawa!
@FameBicz 2 ай бұрын
When will you start speaking Polish?
@lerubenfeld 2 ай бұрын
Już mówię
@MarcinAntczak1 2 ай бұрын
1670 :) gratulacje! chociaż w kwestiach relacji polsko-żydowskich bywało tam "grubo" kzbin.info/www/bejne/opekhHuracmBr5Y :)
@jacksonblaze423 2 ай бұрын
I want to tell you of what it was like to immigrate to the US from Poland at the age of 14. Because at first I didn't know the language and felt shy it compound and make it more difficult to relate to people. I found a method which I called a "leap" which simply meant that I jumped over any doubting thoughts directly to the fact that the other person I was talking to was just a human being, like me. That method has helped me all my life because it was deeply natural, but I would like to suggest that this understanding might be more deeply rooted in Polish character than any negativities. After all at that time all I knew was my parents, the school, and the church. It was enough to provoke deeper thought therefore we should be careful when we dump on religion (as a Buddhist I am a respectful nontheist). What's happening in the West is shocking: where is the glue of good ideas.
@jacksonblaze423 2 ай бұрын
I've spoken Polish all my life, so I hope this was just a slow day, because it took me about half of it to get the joke about windy elevators. Saw some other of your stuff - pretty funny. I think you have a great career and life. I would love to know when your kids think about living in Poland when they get older. When I immigrated to the US at fourteen I made it a point not to lose valuable stuff I learned as a kid, but it was still funny to have another kid ask me in Boston if my Dad was my lover, since I walked arm to arm when going to church. They couldn't conceive that this type of touch as being simply a gesture of family warmth, You might have made the right choice, not just from the view of career.
@apkidlafirm522 2 ай бұрын
you didint find anything out in particullar you would need to talk to someone like me to explain stuff what they show you is a shill
@lerubenfeld 2 ай бұрын
@polishmik 2 ай бұрын
Looking forward to the show on the 3rd and seeing you on 1670. Really happy for all the success you're having, you deserve it!
@robertko2164 2 ай бұрын
All the best for Mississauga 🇨🇦
@testowykana1763 2 ай бұрын
Congratulations on the role in Netflix series, I'm happy that you're happy with where you are!
@piotrcieplucha4405 2 ай бұрын
Amazing news! Congrats!
@p5ychonaut 2 ай бұрын
Dobrze ze sa tacy ludzie jak Ty panie kolego 🤜🤛
@AngelinaAndBrad 2 ай бұрын
I think you feel like in home here in Poland as your roots comes from here as well I Hope youll stay with us for good Greetings
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