A Theology of Working Out

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Ascension Presents

Ascension Presents

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Let's talk about exercise!
Today Fr. Mike challenges us to re-evaluate the way we treat and view our bodies as well as to compare the difference between doing a workout and training whether for a race, competition or towards a goal and that same approach to growing in the spiritual life.
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@nonya7954 Жыл бұрын
"Father, bless me for these gainz I am about to receive."
@b.kogotmay Жыл бұрын
That needs to be on a tshirt
@alexanderbrown2717 Жыл бұрын
@@b.kogotmay ✝️🩸 2 Peter 2 KJV 1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. Acts 20 KJV 28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 1 Peter 1 KJV 19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 1 John 5 KJV 13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
@AZ_TONY Жыл бұрын
I've never understood why the saying isn't father bless these gains im about to receive, it just flows better
@alexanderbrown2717 Жыл бұрын
@@AZ_TONY ♥️ Jesus Christ is a perfect author. Hebrews 5 KJV 9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
@rudya.hernandez7238 Жыл бұрын
From thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen.
@pablomoon3470 Жыл бұрын
A prayer I often like to use before and during training is "Heavenly father, accept this sacrifice and keep me safe from injury, that by this training I may be honed as a sharp tool for the coming of your kingdom"
@timothycorneille9500 Жыл бұрын
@chrismaxie2864 Жыл бұрын
Amazing ima start saying this 🙏
@xtrasolido Жыл бұрын
Whoa ! This prayer is FIRE! May I use it, brother?
@devinreed5725 Жыл бұрын
@someman7 Жыл бұрын
1 Timothy 4:7-10 Train yourself for devotion, for, while physical training is of limited value, devotion is valuable in every respect, since it holds a promise of life both for the present and for the future. This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance. For this we toil and struggle, because we have set our hope on the living God, who is the savior of all, especially of those who believe.
@joecardone4887 Жыл бұрын
Please pray for my family and I. We’re struggling financially and in the midst of some tough trials! Thank you!
@clairstrange4362 Жыл бұрын
I’ll be keeping all of you in my prayers 🙏
@joecardone4887 Жыл бұрын
@@clairstrange4362 thank you so much
@limepiper3650 Жыл бұрын
I just prayed for you.
@skylergroen Жыл бұрын
Ave Maria!
@avaryserpa Жыл бұрын
Praying for you! Read Matthew 7 and 2 Corinthians 9:8 ❤
@PetitHibou72 Жыл бұрын
This is SO healing to see a Catholic leader address the body at all. The fact that so much of my Catholic upbringing denied the body’s existence (basically) was not helpful, spiritually, ethically, and had me overcompensating in the other direction. Thank you for starting this conversation Father Mike and I truly hope it continues and deepens. 🕊🙏🏼 💛 Many blessings on your work, for the glory of God
@DaveReddy Жыл бұрын
The Catholic Church has dropped the ball in every respect when it comes to caring for the temple, and the result is people walking into yoga studios when they are searching for a mind, body and spirit relationship. Hopefully we can continue to renew these teachings ... I have done Catholic fitness programs in many Catholic parochial grade schools through the years (integrated into the PE curriculum) and it is a tough sell.
@Mia-vm6pl Жыл бұрын
This priest got a a tattoo to be like Mark Walberg. Yes let's talk about the body then. Walking is being healthy. Stop kissing some guys a ss. Read the Bible and make your own reason w it.
@DaveReddy Жыл бұрын
@@Mia-vm6pl Not sure how to read the tone of your comment ... I'm not a big fan of Fr. Mike's tattoo either but he is a great evangelist teaching college students (and many more) about the bible every day, and certainly does not simply "make his own reason of it" as that is what we call relativism, or abiding by your own truth, versus a truth that is bigger than you and me. Father Mike loves to use metaphors and offer examples for how we are to live with a Catholic or biblical worldview which is the opposite of "making you own reason", though reason is a key component of the faith. The exercise analogy works really well, as most people are not very intentional with their health and fitness habits, nor are they when reading the bible or praying. I hope you get a great walk in today ... God bless!
@nicoles_handle Жыл бұрын
that's interesting, ive always been told my body is a temple and i ought to take care of it. but judging from the traction of this comment, this may be the norm.
@myguitardidyermom212 29 күн бұрын
There's literally a branch of theology called "theology of the body". st jp2 gave 129 (!!!) audiences over the course of 5 years of the same name.
@annk3372 Жыл бұрын
You have changed my life for the better father Mike. I’m stage 4 terminal cancer and you get me out of some dark moments. God bless you. 🙏🏽💓
@marthageoffrey237 Жыл бұрын
Look up "Chris beat cancer" on how to cure cancer.
@femininedivin3 Жыл бұрын
please search 'nsppd' here on yt and listen to them daily
@ajh1066 Жыл бұрын
May God bless you Ann. May God fill your heart with peace.
@SalveRegina28384BlessedArtThou Жыл бұрын
Oh Ann… Mary loves you so 😊☺️
@konradbox2399 Жыл бұрын
God bless you, keep fighting the good fight
@ralphangioli4852 Жыл бұрын
One important thing to add, any athlete preparing for a competition will tell you nutrition is key. You can be in the gym all day long training hard but if you’re living on junk food you’re banging your head against the wall. The same goes for training the soul. In order to properly train the soul we need to regularly take the proper nutrition, that being Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.
@sethbradley974 Жыл бұрын
Amen, and also prayer, prayer is food for the soul.
@danmj2 Жыл бұрын
Listening to this while working and and getting ready for a powerlifting competition....no ego for me, all glory to God for allowing me to be in good health. Definitely a good message, I need to train the spirit more!
@jeffreybabino8161 Жыл бұрын
Hay brother God bless you if God doesn't let us do it it won't happen I am the same way 🙏✝️
@michelelewis5666 Жыл бұрын
Do you even lift? Fr. Ripperger EXORCISES!! 😂😂
@REMEDY_HIT Жыл бұрын
As a Personal Trainer I have but one thing to say, PREACH!! You were dropping BARS in this video. Not all "exercise" is actually Exercise. Now, let's all TRAIN to be the best we can be. God Bless, now pick up that Iron !!
@rommelriot Жыл бұрын
PREACH!!!! Lift the steeeeellll...!!! 👌💯🤘😭🙌☝️😄🙂👌
@GanEdenHolisticHealth Жыл бұрын
I love this, Father! I’m a Catholic and also a fitness instructor and this makes me so happy to see a Catholic priest give us a theological foundation for working out! It makes me very sad to see so many Catholics that place all of their effort and emphasis on the spirit; on going to Mass, reading the scriptures, serving in ministry and going on retreats, but at the same time they are overweight, unfit and unkempt because they have this deep-set belief that working out, being fit, eating healthy and dressing and presenting yourself well is just vanity! When it’s not that at all (unless taken to an extreme). Giving physical fitness and taking pride in one’s appearance it’s due attention is part of good stewardship over one of God’s greatest gifts to us which is our physical body. It’s also part of having a spirit of excellence and being a whole, well-rounded person. I can tell that you work out, Father Mike! And you look great and I’m sure you feel great too and will hopefully last us a long time! Keep up the training!!
@edmoroz4556 Жыл бұрын
A priest decades (1970 about) ago told me basically the same thing that you and Fr. Mike are saying, never forgot that. Keep up the good work.
@gogogolyra1340 Жыл бұрын
Weird. FASTING is a penitential act and temperance when it comes to the appetites should be practiced by all catholics.
@explore.pilates Жыл бұрын
I wonder if this is a residue of American (non-Catholic) ideas about the body vs the soul. I admit I thought the two were at odds because I had not understood the union of our body with our soul. We are complete, whole and made by the Divine Creator. There is nothing evil about taking care of our body, except maybe the music that is pumped through the speakers in some places. Blessings and have a great workout day today!
@katBerk Жыл бұрын
@@gogogolyra1340 yes, and Catholics fast all the time . Remember we are the OG Christians 😎
@Angel60225 Жыл бұрын
I'm 27 years old. I started working out, lifting weights, intermittent fasting, about a year ago; with the main goal of losing weight. I started at 208lbs, and I'm down to 150. Believe me when I say I was not close to God a year ago, nor was God even in my mind at the time. However, as I began working out every day, progressing in my weight loss, I began to stop doing the things I never intended to stop doing, such as smoking weed, tobacco, drinking, and staying up late, you name it. All those things I wanted to do suddenly became things I felt the urge to stop doing, I no longer wanted them or needed them. Instead I was feeling good by working out, eating less through the day, and getting adequate rest. It has definitely brought some clarity now, mental health wise. I've been inspiring to people close to me, and it has pushed me to keep going and be an example for everyone in my life. Only then, now, has there been a sense of, or a feeling for seeking God and Jesus. Like a gravity that I can't explain, like all of a sudden an urge to learn again about God. Although I'm baptized Catholic as a baby, it was only in name. Since high school, I've been mostly agnostic about God and always questioned the existence of God. Now, I'm a month into the B.I.Y. via Spotify, currently in the book of Exodus, thinking about buying the great adventure bible to read along instead of just listening in the car on the way to work. Who would've thought? This all started because I decided it was time to get my body in shape, at least thats what I accredit to. I've still got a long journey to getting close to God and embracing the Catholic faith. The fact though, this was the first denomination to call to me speaks volumes. My mother is a Jehovah's Witness and most of my family are Protestant Christians. My grandma is the only Catholic that remains, yet still, Catholicism seemed the most natural calling to me. Just want to say, to any one who reads this to keep pushing yourself to becoming a better person, and the rest will follow. Thank you.
@fiteatscoach Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you filmed this video. Many clients I've worked with for 22 years abuse their bodies with unhealthy foods and unhealthy habits then they go on a "workout kick" and want to be whipped into shape with hard workouts. When I ask what their ultimate goal or purpose is they say nothing meaningful and THAT is the biggest obstacle to building strength, endurance and flexibility for physical/mental/spiritual health. You can's just show up and go through the motions. You have to train with purpose. Thank you for pointing out the similarities of my clients workout mindset to my current prayer situation. This is so transformative for me.
@eoinMB3949 Жыл бұрын
I see this all the time when I go by these bootcamps in my local park. People literally flogging themselves, trying to "Get in shape". It seems joyless. I saw an article once about that show, The biggest loser and how the winners, when followed up on a year later, had regained all the weight and more. There has to be a joy in what you do, otherwise it wont last and it will actually cause harm.
@itstymyguy Жыл бұрын
"It doesn't necessarily have to be any more difficult... it's simply more intentional." This hits home for me. I always feel like I have to increase in my strength, in my wisdom, & in my knowledge, and that better means more difficult. But no... training doesn't have to be more difficult than working out, but it does have to be guided towards a higher goal. Thank you Fr. Mike!
@burningbright0103 Жыл бұрын
In 1 Timothy it says "Train yourself in godliness, for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." (4:7-8). I find this passage helpful to reflect on because while I find great enjoyment in physical exercise, I need to make sure I am not making an idol out of it. Good physical health is great, but good spiritual health is essential.
@csongorarpad4670 Жыл бұрын
Indeed and the two are not mutually exclusive. Far too many people think that you can only do one of them. Spiritual health is more important than physical health, but that doesn't mean that one can neglect the physical health of the body!
@JA-ub4ss Жыл бұрын
​@@csongorarpad4670 This is so true. I will even go little further, in my opinion those two are connected. It is tough to be in a good spiritual health with a dysfunctional body (like a serious illness). Indeed, to be concentrated on the spiritual side with a body that is constantly in pain, it is harder. Not impossible, but harder.
@om-qg7ju Жыл бұрын
@@JA-ub4ss if you let your body degrade that means for spiritual health cannot be good
@JA-ub4ss Жыл бұрын
@@om-qg7ju I can't agree more
@om-qg7ju Жыл бұрын
@@JA-ub4ss 👍
@christianmckay8327 Жыл бұрын
As a Born Again Christian and Personal Trainer I greatly appreciate this message. God Bless
@OutRayGeousVideoProductions 8 ай бұрын
(Jan 2024) I am an ice hockey goalie, soon to be age 63. I do weight training for general fitness and goalie specific reps. I exercise for strength and mobility, and I stay within myself. I don't need to set world records! I also stretch while watching TV. I have a good diet and maintain my desired weight (5'9" 180 lbs). I have cheat days too. I don't drink or smoke. I ALWAYS thank The Good Lord for being able to exercise and play my favorite sport. I am, in a non vanity way, an inspiration for younger players who see me an say that they hope to be able to continue playing as I have. My body is a temple! And I plan to keep on going until I no longer can. Thank You Fr. Mike for this video. I am going to share this.
@Joeonline26 Жыл бұрын
Fr. Mike is correct. 'Going to the gym' has become a supreme expression of the atomized neoliberal self, full of people chasing 'goals' too superficial and abstract to ever be attained.
@CarpDiemBaby Жыл бұрын
I train hard physically, but sometimes my spiritual training is lacking. A good reminder to treat both body and soul as equals
@joiemoie Жыл бұрын
Wonderful Father Mike! I had the exact same thoughts earlier! I was thinking that as Catholics we should work out and dress well, without seeking vanity. We should display our love for Christ through a well trained body and modest wear.
@enjoyfullifenatural.cultiv8441 Жыл бұрын
It’s not your ignorance; But your deception, foolishness - defeat. What they said, what you learned in the world - the body (mankind - parents partnership) believes - satisfies. Nothing is true on earth... Superstition! Including this, there are 225+ religions (men made) and its 35+ Gods in different names in world. Even the funny thing, is that there are enough translation errors and people are worshiping the man made fake and idols. Elysium and the world are different. a. Inherent, unceasing abundance of life, of everything, of all living in world. Creator -=1 (1 creator = Ceaseless Creator) b. The creations of the original creator are the earth, the sky, the sea, etc. In it living beings: man, birds, fish, etc. People were - are like you from the star, dancing to the tune of Mankind’s fake idols. Its worship, faith and prayer. As a result, life went through all the ailments, trials and problems. Blind faith. Elysium = Natural, quieter, less use, etc. World = body = more Elysium (the place of the giver of life, of endless abundance, of all things, of all living on earth, sky and in water and world - both distinct (Creator and creations)1 A. The Creator of Immanent, Endless Prosperity - 1b. Creatures like earth (eg: mankind and all other living creatures). Lack of proper - good guidance is the root cause of mankind's problems. First distinguish between good and bad . Culture: Respect. Accept. Adapt. The aspects of anybody's 'ENJOFUL LIFE' Think about your life and well being first. First you Change to an ‘ENJOFUL LIFE' Your Hearty and Healthy Life on the Earth gifted by = Intrinsic and Infinite Abundance - Ceaseless Creator of Elysium = 1 . (1 life, 1 breath, 1 pain, 1 sky, 1 earth, 1 wind, 1 thunder, 1 lightning, 1 water, etc.1) Not knowing self lives worth, lack of self respect, etc. All Religions (225+) & its God (35+) on the earth are men make fakes & idols. • If your Allah, God, Jesus is real, then why the need for 35+ names in the world'? How come your god has 35+ names? All other living things have the same name everywhere. That means, it is a men made cheating method for Divide and rule: • Leaders teach that life is sad and even mankind learns that it is sad from various sources. Life is a precious gift. Don't live like dog, hen, wolf, etc. (that itself means a lot) Know good and bad and live with good Life is a cherish-able FREE Gift. No one really enjoys it, and everyone wastes their lives relying on lies, idols, and Nonsense made up by other men to fulfill their temptations Life - that is gifted by Ceaseless Creator of Elysium . Ceaseless Creator is like your life, breath, pain, etc.; only you will know the result. World - Body - by earth - with - parent’s participation In life lacks affection, feeling, care, mercy and love, then there how can One describe this mixture? Any one of these, alone, is of no use. Human life (active) = i. Life ii. Body iii. Skin (3 inseparable ingredients) like soil, water and sunrays = 1 unique creation (epitome). Life is the amalgamation of 2 aspects in a life. i. the power of body to inhale and relive the breathing sensation. ii. The power of body to carry the breathing sensation. A utmost beautiful creation ’Humankind’ Civilization describes a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop networks of urban settlements like this one. Cheating operandi started silently in centuries (from olden days) back and still continues the fake and idol worship instead of true. They said and you have learned about satisfying body/lust of world. 1 represents the Arabs (autocracy) and the second (democracy) Europe. Study things (history) well about the caste, religion, politics etc. you are aspiring to. He destroyed his own prosperity by bearing the lies of others. Atleast know the Reality of your so called religion. Actually, real life is fun, but they distributed it as sad, mankind believes it, and mankind does not really try; Feeling that sadness is a part of life. It also supports mankind to fulfill their selfishness and greed. Life itself is positive; no need of people's positiveness gimmick. Aww..
@aimeevilleneuve4447 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Fr. Mike! I used to work out physically, and Pray regularly, but I lapsed with both of them. You've inspired me through bible in a year. When I felt like giving up, you encouraged me months ago to keep going with the BIAY, and I'm still with it, and I am going back to physical exercise. I pray for you. Gosh! I can become a saint? I never thought I could. I need as much help as possible. God bless!!
@cobbwebb4501 Жыл бұрын
Hello Father Whilst many people can become obsessed with the body, and exercise it in the hopes of achieving a vain or prideful goal such as an attractive appearance or the ability to over come others (whether in sports or in combat etc). There is also within exercise, to be found a spiritual essence and that is, Exercise can be used as a way to conquer our own weakness and break free from the demonic grasp. Many young men are now suffering mentally and spiritually due to the Demons of Depression, Lust, Sloth, Greed, Envy etc. Exercise can be used as a way to fight for Salvation and God as we can break free from many of them with the tool of exercise. When we hear the call of Sloth we can use our body in a way that we quiet the voice. When we hear the call of Greed and Gluttony we can Give up rich foods and put ourselves into Painful situations. When we hear envy we can give up all we have once more and run in the cold rain. When we lust after others we can remind ourselves through the suffering that is to be found in hard exercise that Jesus suffered for our sins. It is important however that when we do we do not step into the traps of Pride and being Boastful about what we do however and it should not be seen as vain, It is in my opinion a form of prayer and just as was taught we should keep Prayer private. We can Pray in public and put on a show but we are taught to pray in private Just as Exercise can be Prideful but it should be done in private and peace. I think the Distinction between the two is important and i personally use exercise as a way to become a better man and servant of god. Anyway that's how I see it. hope your well and God bless Father
@Kasher18 Жыл бұрын
You can tell Fr. Mike trains….My husband and kids call him Father Cena 😂❤😂
@terrymunoztrujillo483 Жыл бұрын
u can't see me
@danishkamoves Жыл бұрын
As a former athlete and Christian, this hit home and inspired me so much. Thank you!
@spidermiddleagedman Жыл бұрын
Iam not an athlete, but a former superhero!
@hansblitz7770 Жыл бұрын
@JoseSalazar-pl7mn Жыл бұрын
I constantly remind others to, “Always stay strong, not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and more important spiritually!” All mighty men of God should all strive to stay strong no matter what. Healthy and strong Christian Patriots will be needed to fight not only for our lives but our souls as well. Proverbs 4;23-24 “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house , his possessions are safe.” Song of Solomon 3:8 “All of them are wielders of the sword, expert in war, each man has a sword at his side, guarding against the terror of the night.” Joshua 1: 7-9 “ Be strong and very courageous.” Zechariah 8:9 This is what the Lord of the Heavenly Armies says, “ Let your hands be strong...” Psalms 144:1 Praise the Lord, who is my rock. He trains my hands for battle and gives my fingers skill for battle...” Ephesians 6:11/13 “Put on your full amor of God...so when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground.” We are Warriors of Christ and as men of Faith we are to Love God with our heart, soul, mind and strength.
@algon1986 Жыл бұрын
For many years I worked out for vanity...but when my special needs son was born I started to looking for a deeper meaning of my workout...after a few years of reflecting on this I have changed my mindset from vanity to longevity. Now I workout to be as healthy and strong as posible to take care of this special boy that God gave me and support my Wife. Squating on my cold winter garage at 5:00am is not as hard as it sounds any more.
@lslawyer1 Жыл бұрын
I work out as much as I can every morning - I'm disabled and working at getting my legs strong enough so I can walk. It's a challenge, but eventually I'll get there. I really love praying the rosary most of the time - I am able to go deeply into meditation and the world disappears and I'm just sitting there with God. Sometimes I just sit there. Sometimes he shows me what he wants of me. And other times he shows me how my prayers are being answered for someone else to be protected. It's all good.
@bushy9780 Жыл бұрын
Even aimlessly working out to improve general well-being can in itself be purposeful. If you are alive longer, you have more chances to preach the faith to others. More human interactions, more time to do good on the planet, etc..
@danielmsz Жыл бұрын
I’m of the Church of Jesus Christ (LDS). This is one of the greatest messages I’ve ever heard. Thank you. Agree with all you said.
@okj9060 Жыл бұрын
Search up Mormon contradictions
@johannesminge Жыл бұрын
I am a pentecostal theology student, and I love to listen to you, Father Mike! This is really good 🔥
@jamesj9744 Жыл бұрын
Interesting that Pentecostals study theology. I understood they believe the Bible is not open to interpretation.
@benjaminbrett3245 Жыл бұрын
@@jamesj9744 Not at all. Pentecostalism emphasises the gifts of the Holy Spirit for all Christians (e.g. prophecy, healing, tongues), and the direct work the Holy Spirit plays in our day-to-day lives. We will often debate and use interpretations of Scripture to both defend what we believe to other Christians, as well as in discussing disagreements within the Pentecostal tradition (and there are many). Many of us will study theology, and there are also many Pentecostal theologians such as Amos Yong and Roger Stronstad.
@antonioandre1529 Жыл бұрын
As a Portuguese Catholic Athlete and personal trainer, it was wonderful to hear you father, thank you, our bodies are indeed temples of the Holy Ghost, and preserve them through exercise is a prayer for health itself, thank you so much I will hear you more times
@sergiowinter5383 Жыл бұрын
Holy Spirit*
@antonioandre1529 Жыл бұрын
@@sergiowinter5383 in portuguese we say espírito santo Literally it translates to Holy Spirit But sometimes ive heard english speakers say Holy ghost hence my doubt
@Artix902 Жыл бұрын
No matter how strong I get, I'll never be strong enough to carry the sins Jesus carried before He was crucified...
@Sheilamarie2 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Father. I listen to you everyday, Bible In A Year/Perpetuity, because I love God and His Word. It's a workout for my spirit and heart and mind. God Bless You, Father and everyone here.
@enjoyfullifenatural.cultiv8441 Жыл бұрын
It’s not your ignorance; But your deception, foolishness - defeat. What they said, what you learned in the world - the body (mankind - parents partnership) believes - satisfies. Nothing is true on earth... Superstition! Including this, there are 225+ religions (men made) and its 35+ Gods in different names in world. Even the funny thing, is that there are enough translation errors and people are worshiping the man made fake and idols. Elysium and the world are different. a. Inherent, unceasing abundance of life, of everything, of all living in world. Creator -=1 (1 creator = Ceaseless Creator) b. The creations of the original creator are the earth, the sky, the sea, etc. In it living beings: man, birds, fish, etc. People were - are like you from the star, dancing to the tune of Mankind’s fake idols. Its worship, faith and prayer. As a result, life went through all the ailments, trials and problems. Blind faith. Elysium = Natural, quieter, less use, etc. World = body = more Elysium (the place of the giver of life, of endless abundance, of all things, of all living on earth, sky and in water and world - both distinct (Creator and creations)1 A. The Creator of Immanent, Endless Prosperity - 1b. Creatures like earth (eg: mankind and all other living creatures). Lack of proper - good guidance is the root cause of mankind's problems. First distinguish between good and bad . Culture: Respect. Accept. Adapt. The aspects of anybody's 'ENJOFUL LIFE' Think about your life and well being first. First you Change to an ‘ENJOFUL LIFE' Your Hearty and Healthy Life on the Earth gifted by = Intrinsic and Infinite Abundance - Ceaseless Creator of Elysium = 1 . (1 life, 1 breath, 1 pain, 1 sky, 1 earth, 1 wind, 1 thunder, 1 lightning, 1 water, etc.1) Not knowing self lives worth, lack of self respect, etc. All Religions (225+) & its God (35+) on the earth are men make fakes & idols. • If your Allah, God, Jesus is real, then why the need for 35+ names in the world'? How come your god has 35+ names? All other living things have the same name everywhere. That means, it is a men made cheating method for Divide and rule: • Leaders teach that life is sad and even mankind learns that it is sad from various sources. Life is a precious gift. Don't live like dog, hen, wolf, etc. (that itself means a lot) Know good and bad and live with good Life is a cherish-able FREE Gift. No one really enjoys it, and everyone wastes their lives relying on lies, idols, and Nonsense made up by other men to fulfill their temptations Life - that is gifted by Ceaseless Creator of Elysium . Ceaseless Creator is like your life, breath, pain, etc.; only you will know the result. World - Body - by earth - with - parent’s participation In life lacks affection, feeling, care, mercy and love, then there how can One describe this mixture? Any one of these, alone, is of no use. Human life (active) = i. Life ii. Body iii. Skin (3 inseparable ingredients) like soil, water and sunrays = 1 unique creation (epitome). Life is the amalgamation of 2 aspects in a life. i. the power of body to inhale and relive the breathing sensation. ii. The power of body to carry the breathing sensation. A utmost beautiful creation ’Humankind’ Civilization describes a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop networks of urban settlements like this one. Cheating operandi started silently in centuries (from olden days) back and still continues the fake and idol worship instead of true. They said and you have learned about satisfying body/lust of world. 1 represents the Arabs (autocracy) and the second (democracy) Europe. Study things (history) well about the caste, religion, politics etc. you are aspiring to. He destroyed his own prosperity by bearing the lies of others. Atleast know the Reality of your so called religion. Actually, real life is fun, but they distributed it as sad, mankind believes it, and mankind does not really try; Feeling that sadness is a part of life. It also supports mankind to fulfill their selfishness and greed. Life itself is positive; no need of people's positiveness gimmick. Aww..
@VipMike Жыл бұрын
Thank you God Bless 🙏💞🕊 Amen.
@enjoyfullifenatural.cultiv8441 Жыл бұрын
@@VipMike The REAL TRUTH is: Elysium (the place of the owner of life, abundance, everything, all living) and the world (part of the human body) = both are different. a. Providing inherent, infinite abundance- Creator b. Creation (mankind and all creatures). Elysium (life) = natural, quieter, less use, etc. World (body) = more, more powerful, louder, money, assets, facilities, higher education, jobs, etc. Humankind’s life (breath) itself the free gift of real creator then how one can lives the way they want? Say and do only good, for that is your life. • Humankind is focusing a deteriorated body, which will be destroyed. • God, lord, Allahu Akbar etc. are men made and given names for the fake Religion and its respefctive idol God made by men.
@VipMike Жыл бұрын
@@enjoyfullifenatural.cultiv8441 I'm sorry Who are you??
@enjoyfullifenatural.cultiv8441 Жыл бұрын
@@VipMike I'm sorry Who are you??
@roycantrall7766 Жыл бұрын
I spent my entire career in teaching and coaching football. Never once did I make this connection. Outstanding job Padre. You can bet I will steal this and use it with our youth. I will,of course, say where I got it....wink and nod
@holyrosarywarrior9939 Жыл бұрын
"I beat my body and make it my slave" is one of my favorite scripture St Paul quotes because it's so metal.
@Lcoreyful Жыл бұрын
Yes, lets be Saints! Our gyms are too full, and our Churches are too empty. "Train yourself for devotion, for, while physical training is of limited value, devotion is valuable in every respect, since it holds a promise of life both for the present and for the future." 1 Tim 4:8
@gabrielalvespereira3750 4 ай бұрын
Do both. As it says in acts, be strong in the faith and act like men.
@brandonburns5249 Жыл бұрын
Tangentially related; I try to pray while working out. Three Hail Marys in between sets and two Rosaries during static cardio. Anyone see any issues with this?
@darrinpatterson7392 Жыл бұрын
I do something similar with the Chaplet of St. Michael. I am using the cadence of the prayers for my reps and sets. I find that it has helped me draw closer to God in the Trinity.
@joecardone4887 Жыл бұрын
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it unless you’re wasting lots of time throughout your day and this is the only time you pray when you workout. I say this because you can most likely focus better and be more intentional when you aren’t doing anything except praying for 30min or whatever your prayer time is.
@darrinpatterson7392 Жыл бұрын
@@joecardone4887 I agree with you and know that this was something I found myself doing, but our Lord said to pray unceasingly and that is what I have been doing going forward. My family and I pray the Rosary as often as we can together and, as a high school teacher, I am finding myself praying for my students, fellow faculty and staff throughout the day. I am not leaving it to only that time since I begin each day in prayer before my workout begins. This usually occurs about a half hour to an hour before the workout commences. This is why I have chosen to use this concept and incorporate my workout into the end of my morning prayer time; it has brought me closer to God.
@joecardone4887 Жыл бұрын
@@darrinpatterson7392 Then it definitely sounds like a good thing! Keep up the good work
@Ms.galilea Жыл бұрын
YES THANK YOU! Not too long ago I was challenged do 1 pull up, and I was not able to fully pull myself to one. After reading scripture, and commentaries I found Proverbs 31:17, then purchsed a pull up resistance band and with each hail mary I go up. Couple months later, I can do more than ONE with out the band. I found no issue unless it is not intentional
@michelleferrao8888 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Fr Mike 🌟 Training is the essence of transformation. The wilderness is God's training ground for our spiritual growth. Learn from our training of Communion and Confirmation Honor the commitment to Jesus Christ Cherish the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ🌻
@JB-ou6fl Жыл бұрын
This video made me think of the spiritual life in a different way. Thank you Fr. Mike!
@simonimo857 Жыл бұрын
He looks like his name is Chadtholic (Compliment intended).
@sirnetflix7162 Жыл бұрын
This is a really good comparison to working out! Never thought of it like this.
@vickipacheco6467 Жыл бұрын
As a professional athlete, one of my goals for my days off this week was to plan a more intentional at-home training routine. This video was exactly what I needed to help me understand how I can take the same concepts I use in my everyday life/career and apply it to my prayer & spiritual life. Thank you Fr. Mike for saying yes to God so that so many of us can find ways to grow closer to our Lord. Praying for you and everyone at Ascension press! God bless!
@gisole98 Жыл бұрын
the actual exercise part of this is amazing and so on time, but "are you working out or training in your relationship with the lord?"............... wow
@oriancunningham Жыл бұрын
I started working out because I accepted Jesus into my heart and figured I should give Him a Temple worthy for him to Dwell in.
@vonMohl 7 күн бұрын
A Chrisitian must be chivalric, that is must be fit to defend his country his family.
@philipjohnson3942 Жыл бұрын
I’m really thankful for this video. I’ve been getting into bodybuilding for a lot of reasons, but a few are that I struggled fighting the sins of gluttony and sloth. I hope that training hard and eating what is temperate will help me to overcome the sins. I was worried this would condemn the actions I’ve been taking, but instead it helped illuminate the darkness I’ve been blind to. I’ve been running aimlessly in my spiritual life, and I’ve been wondering where to go for my life. Thank you for helping me see this.
@wyattcarter3014 Жыл бұрын
$300,000 biweekly profits, Surely there is great good in serving God!!!
@wyattcarter3014 Жыл бұрын
@Eva Carlota
@harrisongordon519 Жыл бұрын
@@wyattcarter3014 Dude, I also trade with Mrs Olivia services what a coincidence!!
@harrisongordon519 Жыл бұрын
I'm grateful to God and thankful to Mrs Olivia Renae Marks trading services, Their services are very genius and experienced in the market for over a decade and counting, they changed my life from a poor plumber to a better and middle class family man with 2kids.
@chinonsoalaeto3294 Жыл бұрын
Yeah!! Mrs Olivia Renae Marks services is the best, I got a brand new Lambo last week and paid off my mortgage loan thanks to her wonderful services!
@wyattcarter3014 Жыл бұрын
@Dinne Nnado There is her line 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
@gracehollingshead3096 Жыл бұрын
stumbled on this while 36wks pregnant and this all speaks to me! the concept of "stewards of our bodies" never feels more real than when I carry one of God's creation. Also, my training is so that i can go up and down stairs without getting winded. In my position/vocation, its kind of a goal post. 😆
@yungganon187 Жыл бұрын
I pray and listen to the Bible while working out. I dedicate my bodybuilding and my workouts to our Heavely Father.
@eightytwobucks623 Жыл бұрын
Jeremiah 29:11 for I know well the plans I have in mind for you. Plans for you to not skip leg day
@gunluvS14 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Fr. Mike. Yep, 1 Timothy 4:8 and don’t skip leg day 😉
@21stHunterGatherer Жыл бұрын
You can’t spell legendary without leg day 😊
@andrewshelton6110 Жыл бұрын
This is a wonderful and relatable message. Thank you, Father Mike!
@rickysneaks7424 Жыл бұрын
What if our body was deformed from birth. How should we approach this? I have Muscular Dystrophy and I'm not sure how I feel about this? I loved my body and was a premier athlete. But, now it's failed me. I still eat healthy because I want to preserve my longevity and I love being around. But, I don't know if I can deal with the pain anymore.
@RandomYoutubeMan 7 ай бұрын
We are all Soldiers in the Army of the Lord. Train your mind and your body. The battle of spiritual warfare is real so recognize it and train. A healthier you will inspire others to be a healthier version of themselves. Collecting dust on a couch is sloth and wrong. Running a mile and training is just and serves our lord. Train for Jesus Christ. Your suffering will never amount to his.
@agneskiss8170 Жыл бұрын
Wow this is an awesome answer for a 6 months' asking in prayer. AWESOME 🤩 I also loved doing workout, but then had am accident... Looking back, it really seems I didn't have any concrete aim other than enjoying being strong in others' admiring eyes. My aim is to be God's great saint, I'll train to allow God to form me according to His timing and method. And I am determined to have proper ammount of rest (in HIS PRESENCE)! 😻🤩
@imalive4u169 Жыл бұрын
It certainly is like training when it comes to be more Christ like. We struggle with our sins and we have to ask God for help to overcome them. It's like lifting weights you push harder on your limits to lift heavier weights and do more lifts.
@enjoyfullifenatural.cultiv8441 Жыл бұрын
It’s not your ignorance; But your deception, foolishness - defeat. What they said, what you learned in the world - the body (mankind - parents partnership) believes - satisfies. Nothing is true on earth... Superstition! Including this, there are 225+ religions (men made) and its 35+ Gods in different names in world. Even the funny thing, is that there are enough translation errors and people are worshiping the man made fake and idols. Elysium and the world are different. a. Inherent, unceasing abundance of life, of everything, of all living in world. Creator -=1 (1 creator = Ceaseless Creator) b. The creations of the original creator are the earth, the sky, the sea, etc. In it living beings: man, birds, fish, etc. People were - are like you from the star, dancing to the tune of Mankind’s fake idols. Its worship, faith and prayer. As a result, life went through all the ailments, trials and problems. Blind faith. Elysium = Natural, quieter, less use, etc. World = body = more Elysium (the place of the giver of life, of endless abundance, of all things, of all living on earth, sky and in water and world - both distinct (Creator and creations)1 A. The Creator of Immanent, Endless Prosperity - 1b. Creatures like earth (eg: mankind and all other living creatures). Lack of proper - good guidance is the root cause of mankind's problems. First distinguish between good and bad . Culture: Respect. Accept. Adapt. The aspects of anybody's 'ENJOFUL LIFE' Think about your life and well being first. First you Change to an ‘ENJOFUL LIFE' Your Hearty and Healthy Life on the Earth gifted by = Intrinsic and Infinite Abundance - Ceaseless Creator of Elysium = 1 . (1 life, 1 breath, 1 pain, 1 sky, 1 earth, 1 wind, 1 thunder, 1 lightning, 1 water, etc.1) Not knowing self lives worth, lack of self respect, etc. All Religions (225+) & its God (35+) on the earth are men make fakes & idols. • If your Allah, God, Jesus is real, then why the need for 35+ names in the world'? How come your god has 35+ names? All other living things have the same name everywhere. That means, it is a men made cheating method for Divide and rule: • Leaders teach that life is sad and even mankind learns that it is sad from various sources. Life is a precious gift. Don't live like dog, hen, wolf, etc. (that itself means a lot) Know good and bad and live with good Life is a cherish-able FREE Gift. No one really enjoys it, and everyone wastes their lives relying on lies, idols, and Nonsense made up by other men to fulfill their temptations Life - that is gifted by Ceaseless Creator of Elysium . Ceaseless Creator is like your life, breath, pain, etc.; only you will know the result. World - Body - by earth - with - parent’s participation In life lacks affection, feeling, care, mercy and love, then there how can One describe this mixture? Any one of these, alone, is of no use. Human life (active) = i. Life ii. Body iii. Skin (3 inseparable ingredients) like soil, water and sunrays = 1 unique creation (epitome). Life is the amalgamation of 2 aspects in a life. i. the power of body to inhale and relive the breathing sensation. ii. The power of body to carry the breathing sensation. A utmost beautiful creation ’Humankind’ Civilization describes a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop networks of urban settlements like this one. Cheating operandi started silently in centuries (from olden days) back and still continues the fake and idol worship instead of true. They said and you have learned about satisfying body/lust of world. 1 represents the Arabs (autocracy) and the second (democracy) Europe. Study things (history) well about the caste, religion, politics etc. you are aspiring to. He destroyed his own prosperity by bearing the lies of others. Atleast know the Reality of your so called religion. Actually, real life is fun, but they distributed it as sad, mankind believes it, and mankind does not really try; Feeling that sadness is a part of life. It also supports mankind to fulfill their selfishness and greed. Life itself is positive; no need of people's positiveness gimmick. Aww..
@sherin5201 Жыл бұрын
Thank you father Mike
@Mr39knuck Жыл бұрын
Hey Father…How much you bench?
@luna2690 Жыл бұрын
I was just talking about this the other day! I started strength training at the recommendation of my chiropractor for joint health and stability, but I just retired from professional bellydancing so I'm not worshipping and focusing on the body. So instead of doing it for physical benefit, I recite Psalm 18:32-26 and 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 while I do each set because it's His strength, not mine, that I'm focusing on and He gave me and built up my body to do His work. (It's my Matrix spoon moment each time, lol!)
@realholyrosaries Жыл бұрын
WE GO JIM!💪🏻✝️
@alfredocornelio4329 Жыл бұрын
My reason for working out and getting yolked/big is not for vanity nor validation and cult of self/ego, but for health, practicality and to defend family/flock/those in need if it comes to it. In a way, I lift for Jesus and the One Holy Faith/Tradition.
@willjarvis7512 Жыл бұрын
St. Hyacinth, patron of weight lifting, pray for us!
@joelpolanco4682 Жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this video. I feel like what you are saying is finding a mission. Thinking about that mission and measuring how far you are on a day to day. 90 I pray because it’s good to pray. 10 percent I pray because I want something from God. Comfort and guidance. So now when I pray I’ll think of training!
@memoi80 Жыл бұрын
I exercise so I can take care of my special needs son and take care of me while helping him.
@siegfriedo Жыл бұрын
Giga Chad Priest 💥💪
@ColdDoomOfficial Жыл бұрын
Christ and creatine🙏🙏🙏
@realholyrosaries Жыл бұрын
@haroldoaugusto Жыл бұрын
Your blessing, Father. As a Catholic and a runner, I had the feeling that the video was made specifically for me. I will remember your apostolate in my prayers. A hug from Brazil.
@Densmosis Жыл бұрын
This came right on time. 🙏🙏
@WarriorBongSociety Жыл бұрын
By "speed work", do you mean methamphetamines?
@dennispaulson6954 Жыл бұрын
I have a feeling that all the gym-bro's felt this one 🙏
@nickrugg Жыл бұрын
Fr Mike, Olympic Coach for the soul..!!!
@joelchoquette5674 Жыл бұрын
I'm so thankful to have seen this video Fr. Mike. You're point about praying with intention was a message that I needed to hear.
@marybailey6254 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Father Mike for your positive suggestions 🙏🏻🕊🙏🏻
@AnNguyenpilgrim Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Father. I can relate so much to this message. Sometimes I feel exhausted trying to be better in my spiritual life. I realized that I should let God do what He wants in me rather than doing what I want to. God bless!
@jessewright3728 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE this video. Great analogy! Thank you, Fr. Mike!
@VaGdude Жыл бұрын
Reps for Jesus 🙏
@thimygonzalez8838 Жыл бұрын
Perfect timing for this video thank you 🙏🏻💙
@DreamWolfPics Жыл бұрын
Wooooow... I'm a U.S. Marine, and this really helped me.
@nickballew5333 Жыл бұрын
St. Hyacinth of Poland O.P.N.!
@veronicaford5737 Жыл бұрын
Nice analogy and great encouragement to “train” spiritually and physically 👌
@papallegatepoope3010 Жыл бұрын
We don’t realize it but Fr. Mike is the Abbé of the Gym.
@enjoyfullifenatural.cultiv8441 Жыл бұрын
It’s not your ignorance; But your deception, foolishness - defeat. What they said, what you learned in the world - the body (mankind - parents partnership) believes - satisfies. Nothing is true on earth... Superstition! Including this, there are 225+ religions (men made) and its 35+ Gods in different names in world. Even the funny thing, is that there are enough translation errors and people are worshiping the man made fake and idols. Elysium and the world are different. a. Inherent, unceasing abundance of life, of everything, of all living in world. Creator -=1 (1 creator = Ceaseless Creator) b. The creations of the original creator are the earth, the sky, the sea, etc. In it living beings: man, birds, fish, etc. People were - are like you from the star, dancing to the tune of Mankind’s fake idols. Its worship, faith and prayer. As a result, life went through all the ailments, trials and problems. Blind faith. Elysium = Natural, quieter, less use, etc. World = body = more Elysium (the place of the giver of life, of endless abundance, of all things, of all living on earth, sky and in water and world - both distinct (Creator and creations)1 A. The Creator of Immanent, Endless Prosperity - 1b. Creatures like earth (eg: mankind and all other living creatures). Lack of proper - good guidance is the root cause of mankind's problems. First distinguish between good and bad . Culture: Respect. Accept. Adapt. The aspects of anybody's 'ENJOFUL LIFE' Think about your life and well being first. First you Change to an ‘ENJOFUL LIFE' Your Hearty and Healthy Life on the Earth gifted by = Intrinsic and Infinite Abundance - Ceaseless Creator of Elysium = 1 . (1 life, 1 breath, 1 pain, 1 sky, 1 earth, 1 wind, 1 thunder, 1 lightning, 1 water, etc.1) Not knowing self lives worth, lack of self respect, etc. All Religions (225+) & its God (35+) on the earth are men make fakes & idols. • If your Allah, God, Jesus is real, then why the need for 35+ names in the world'? How come your god has 35+ names? All other living things have the same name everywhere. That means, it is a men made cheating method for Divide and rule: • Leaders teach that life is sad and even mankind learns that it is sad from various sources. Life is a precious gift. Don't live like dog, hen, wolf, etc. (that itself means a lot) Know good and bad and live with good Life is a cherish-able FREE Gift. No one really enjoys it, and everyone wastes their lives relying on lies, idols, and Nonsense made up by other men to fulfill their temptations Life - that is gifted by Ceaseless Creator of Elysium . Ceaseless Creator is like your life, breath, pain, etc.; only you will know the result. World - Body - by earth - with - parent’s participation In life lacks affection, feeling, care, mercy and love, then there how can One describe this mixture? Any one of these, alone, is of no use. Human life (active) = i. Life ii. Body iii. Skin (3 inseparable ingredients) like soil, water and sunrays = 1 unique creation (epitome). Life is the amalgamation of 2 aspects in a life. i. the power of body to inhale and relive the breathing sensation. ii. The power of body to carry the breathing sensation. A utmost beautiful creation ’Humankind’ Civilization describes a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop networks of urban settlements like this one. Cheating operandi started silently in centuries (from olden days) back and still continues the fake and idol worship instead of true. They said and you have learned about satisfying body/lust of world. 1 represents the Arabs (autocracy) and the second (democracy) Europe. Study things (history) well about the caste, religion, politics etc. you are aspiring to. He destroyed his own prosperity by bearing the lies of others. Atleast know the Reality of your so called religion. Actually, real life is fun, but they distributed it as sad, mankind believes it, and mankind does not really try; Feeling that sadness is a part of life. It also supports mankind to fulfill their selfishness and greed. Life itself is positive; no need of people's positiveness gimmick. Aww..
@atti3132012 Жыл бұрын
This message is , sooo ‘On Point’ for me. It’s so very inspiring. Thank you Fr. Mike! 👍🏼🙏😊
@noradsouza3673 Жыл бұрын
How to stop procrastinating and to exercise this body? or how to motivate in ones loneliness!
@westinbasinger5022 Жыл бұрын
Train Brazilian Jiu-jitsu people. You gain the ability to defend yourself or others. You also gain strength, flexibility and mobility, body awareness, and most of all humility and respect. Not to mention it's fun.
@GuitarBloodlines Жыл бұрын
Should be lifting as well though
@westinbasinger5022 Жыл бұрын
@@GuitarBloodlines but of course. One should supplement the other naturally.
@consumermilitia 9 ай бұрын
Awesome underrepresented word; thanks Father Mike. Let us all train to win the prize. 🙏
@DJKraK007 Жыл бұрын
God bless you father Mike.
@lindaharper2870 Жыл бұрын
But how do I hear him Fr Mike? How do I know what I should do? How do I know what I’m doing wrong or doing right? I understand the workout analogy and I pray everyday and go to mass twice a week and regular confession but I still feel like I’m not training hard enough
@realkylehooks Жыл бұрын
I was expecting more references to the Bible than such generalizations. It would help people like me who are not as knowledgeable to point us to the specific places in the Bible that support what you're telling us.
@sarathomas8499 Жыл бұрын
Great video! A lot of people have sold their bodies away with yoga. Also yes in just normal exercising many just go through the motions w/ no purpose in mind (which is important)
@mapinoita279 Жыл бұрын
Watch out for the scammers!
@Bigchilezlife Жыл бұрын
Thank you Fr.Mike! I hope I meet you one day❤️
@touch_iron3383 Жыл бұрын
I train for aesthetics. Because if my body is a temple then I want my body to be a beautiful temple. That is how I will honor the Lord.
@spidermiddleagedman Жыл бұрын
What do you confess when you have confessed recently and you are struggling with the temptations of past sins, but not the sin itself. I know there ate people who goes to confession every week or day. What do these people confess about. I can't recall any sin right now because i have confessed 3 days ago. I hope someone in the comments can answer this Problem.
@Nehara_Seraphine Жыл бұрын
"It doesn't necessarily have to be any more difficult, it's simply more intentional." Yes! So many people either go through the motions or are full-on Jansenist with the harder = holier. We can find a middle ground here and do things with INTENTION, especially with regards to prayer. We shouldn't just do things habitually... even drinking a cup of coffee or walking outside. Every sip, every step... Imagine if we lived life doing everything with intention. Breathing. Speaking to people with intention. LISTENING with intention. Eating. Fasting. Making love. What if we acted as if all of these things gave us opportunities to train to be like Christ? My old "living room workout buddy", Tony Horton (creator of P90X) said, "The Joy of discipline or the pain of regret, which will it be today?". I like that. Thanks Father Mike for another awesome video. (ETA: Fasting never worked in the past for me until I started doing it for God. I would do it for health or weight loss and the benefits of autophagy. I didn’t respect myself enough to instill discipline and my intention was wishy-washy. When I started fasting with deep intention, for God, starving my flesh and entering deeper in prayer to become closer to him, things changed big time and fasting was a breeze. I look forward to my fasting days and I know I’m doing it for him with love.)
@enjoyfullifenatural.cultiv8441 Жыл бұрын
It’s not your ignorance; But your deception, foolishness - defeat. What they said, what you learned in the world - the body (mankind - parents partnership) believes - satisfies. Nothing is true on earth... Superstition! Including this, there are 225+ religions (men made) and its 35+ Gods in different names in world. Even the funny thing, is that there are enough translation errors and people are worshiping the man made fake and idols. Elysium and the world are different. a. Inherent, unceasing abundance of life, of everything, of all living in world. Creator -=1 (1 creator = Ceaseless Creator) b. The creations of the original creator are the earth, the sky, the sea, etc. In it living beings: man, birds, fish, etc. People were - are like you from the star, dancing to the tune of Mankind’s fake idols. Its worship, faith and prayer. As a result, life went through all the ailments, trials and problems. Blind faith. Elysium = Natural, quieter, less use, etc. World = body = more Elysium (the place of the giver of life, of endless abundance, of all things, of all living on earth, sky and in water and world - both distinct (Creator and creations)1 A. The Creator of Immanent, Endless Prosperity - 1b. Creatures like earth (eg: mankind and all other living creatures). Lack of proper - good guidance is the root cause of mankind's problems. First distinguish between good and bad . Culture: Respect. Accept. Adapt. The aspects of anybody's 'ENJOFUL LIFE' Think about your life and well being first. First you Change to an ‘ENJOFUL LIFE' Your Hearty and Healthy Life on the Earth gifted by = Intrinsic and Infinite Abundance - Ceaseless Creator of Elysium = 1 . (1 life, 1 breath, 1 pain, 1 sky, 1 earth, 1 wind, 1 thunder, 1 lightning, 1 water, etc.1) Not knowing self lives worth, lack of self respect, etc. All Religions (225+) & its God (35+) on the earth are men make fakes & idols. • If your Allah, God, Jesus is real, then why the need for 35+ names in the world'? How come your god has 35+ names? All other living things have the same name everywhere. That means, it is a men made cheating method for Divide and rule: • Leaders teach that life is sad and even mankind learns that it is sad from various sources. Life is a precious gift. Don't live like dog, hen, wolf, etc. (that itself means a lot) Know good and bad and live with good Life is a cherish-able FREE Gift. No one really enjoys it, and everyone wastes their lives relying on lies, idols, and Nonsense made up by other men to fulfill their temptations Life - that is gifted by Ceaseless Creator of Elysium . Ceaseless Creator is like your life, breath, pain, etc.; only you will know the result. World - Body - by earth - with - parent’s participation In life lacks affection, feeling, care, mercy and love, then there how can One describe this mixture? Any one of these, alone, is of no use. Human life (active) = i. Life ii. Body iii. Skin (3 inseparable ingredients) like soil, water and sunrays = 1 unique creation (epitome). Life is the amalgamation of 2 aspects in a life. i. the power of body to inhale and relive the breathing sensation. ii. The power of body to carry the breathing sensation. A utmost beautiful creation ’Humankind’ Civilization describes a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop networks of urban settlements like this one. Cheating operandi started silently in centuries (from olden days) back and still continues the fake and idol worship instead of true. They said and you have learned about satisfying body/lust of world. 1 represents the Arabs (autocracy) and the second (democracy) Europe. Study things (history) well about the caste, religion, politics etc. you are aspiring to. He destroyed his own prosperity by bearing the lies of others. Atleast know the Reality of your so called religion. Actually, real life is fun, but they distributed it as sad, mankind believes it, and mankind does not really try; Feeling that sadness is a part of life. It also supports mankind to fulfill their selfishness and greed. Life itself is positive; no need of people's positiveness gimmick. Aww..
@tsaehtron Жыл бұрын
Thank you! To me this was very interesting and important. Ps. @Ascension: I don't particularly like the zoom-ins and zoom-outs. They distract me and then I prefer only to listen and not to watch. I reckon that media currently gives so much dynamics and so many impulses that its not healthy (for the brain, cognictive develeopment, etc), and it would be nice for certain areas to be free from additional "focus boosters".
@michelleharkness7549 Жыл бұрын
In Thanksgiving: { USA 🇺🇸} : btw: Media Technical Support People and Staff at The Very Reverend Father Mike Schmitz ( Roman Catholic) :/ Eucharistic Celebration: btw: thank you 🙏: again: thank you 🙏
@michelleharkness7549 Жыл бұрын
For the record- Fatima in Portugal 🇵🇹: Western Hemisphere: btw: Our Blessed 😇 Lady of Fatima from Portugal 🇵🇹: btw: Intercede for us
@michelleharkness7549 Жыл бұрын
In Thanksgiving: { USA 🇺🇸} : btw: The Very Reverend Father Mike Schmitz, ( Roman Catholic) : btw: very sincere thanks 🙏: again; very sincere thanks 🙏
@JMPStart Жыл бұрын
Can physical exercise be used as a form of mortification? Intense exercise can feel painful as you make your muscles stronger, like feeling the burn
@kathleenwharton2139 Жыл бұрын
Jesus explained it Best. We Are a Soul..Mind..Heart and Body! They all Work Together! Our Soul Knows Right..Our Mind thinks Right..our Heart Feels Right..and then our Body Will Do Right! Calm acceptance of what is and Gratitude are Key!
@michelleharkness7549 Жыл бұрын
In Thanksgiving: { USA 🇺🇸} : btw: The Presentation: er, “ Awareness- Understanding Catholic Faith- Fabulous Information ℹ️ “ is outstanding: that is outstanding ( um - never mind ? )
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