A Transgender Man's Journey with Scripture (Response)

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Sean McDowell

Sean McDowell

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How should Christians think about transgender identities? What does science and Scripture reveal? In this video, Dr. Scott Rae and I review the book In the Margins: A Transgender Man's Journey with Scripture (amzn.to/41rf0dJ). This episode is part of the Think Biblically podcast that I co-host at Biola University.
READ: Chasing Love, by Sean McDowell (amzn.to/43O2Ygd)
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@4july99 Жыл бұрын
I was an absolute tomboy as a kid, never had any interest in girly things. If I’d gone to a church like that, it would have really messed me up. But I suspect it would’ve also really messed me up if the whole trans-issue had been around then, as I would’ve almost certainly questioned whether or not I was actually supposed to be a boy. Once I got a bit older, I understood that I was definitely female but just with a lot of boy interests. As a result, I find this whole concept of letting children think that they can be whatever gender they like, is incredibly dangerous. But I do understand that there are many people that feel on a much more deep and fundamental level that they are the wrong gender. My experience isn’t compatible with that. I would agree that we have to accept and love people where they’re at but also not compromise on biblical understanding.
@patrickbarnes9874 Жыл бұрын
Actually, there aren't many people out there that feel they are the wrong gender on a deep and fundamental level. It's just been made a wedge issue for political gain by the left. In reality it is an incredibly rare psychological condition that resolves itself in the vast majority of cases. The number of people who go through life suffering a permanent identity crisis over thinking they are the opposite sex is vanishingly tiny. It's really like how the left tries to say we need legalized abortion as healthcare, when less than 1% of pregnancies pose any threat to the mother's health. It's taking a non-issue and turning it into an issue so as to divide people and create a voting bloc for them to exploit. Transgenderism is identical.
@DannyD-lr5yg Жыл бұрын
I transitioned (female to male) about 10 years ago (as a 24yo _adult),_ and I’m actually glad the “trans issue” wasn’t a big thing in my childhood, too! In fact, I had no idea transitioning existed until I was 24; once I knew, though, I knew. I was very sheltered and just didn’t know it was an option. But I think if I hadn’t had the time and space to come to my conclusions on my own, I would’ve always wondered if I made the right choice. As it is now, I’ve never once questioned that I did.
@allanmichel1041 Жыл бұрын
Well said!
@carissafranz226 Жыл бұрын
I used to live homosexual lifestyle… and be gender confused….. now that I’m in Christ I could never if I truly am loving someone speak to a lie and false identity… I don’t believe Jesus would use pronouns, I believe he would speak to who he created them to be….
@psynurse Жыл бұрын
@edgaracajabon9522 Жыл бұрын
That's a true Christian
@kimberlyromero2089 Жыл бұрын
the problem is many christians and churches don’t give transgenders the time of day-and come across hateful. You have to understand and listen and build a relationship before convicting them with truth. I would love to hear your story of how you came to faith.
@MinimumSpeedOperator Жыл бұрын
Incredibly well said my friend
@edgaracajabon9522 Жыл бұрын
@@kimberlyromero2089 The problem with that is that one condemns one self by it. It is not being judgemental when it's not one's own will to reject them. It's the will of God. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. This goes against the whole purpose of creation. God said, For this a man and woman shall be joined together and become one and what God has joined let no man put asunder. This is just what man is trying to do by trying to say that God's law is wrong and man had the right to change anything that God creates. That's completely wrong. There's a reason why God made things the way he did and no man is God to change what he designed. Jesus said I didn't come on my own account but to do the will of the one who sent me but you do not believe me. Another will come to do his own will and you will believe him. This is pretty much what this means.
@nelidascott6917 Жыл бұрын
Why does Scott kept calling Shannon "he"? Isn't Shannon a biological woman?
@MrBowser2012 Жыл бұрын
Apparently he believes God made a mistake.
@terrorists-are-among-us Жыл бұрын
Because he's a virtue signalling. Same ole Christians 😂🤡
@MrSeedi76 Жыл бұрын
​@@MrBowser2012 and as we all know from the flood, God never makes mistakes. Maybe you should start reading the Bible and not accept philosophical concepts of God that are clearly idolatry.
@MrBowser2012 Жыл бұрын
@@MrSeedi76 that’s my point. I know God doesn’t make mistakes. Those who call a woman “he” because she gets a haircut and changes her name seem to be acknowledging a mistake by God.
@keyman6689 Жыл бұрын
That bugged the heck out of me, too. He explained himself later. He just doesn't understand that he's affirming a lie. Lying to someone in order to keep the lines of communication open so you can share the truth of the gospel doesn't seem to be the right approach.
@timothyhaugan2903 Жыл бұрын
Wow. Never have two Christian teaches worked so hard to not be offensive. Where's John the Baptist when we need him?
@davidryan7486 Жыл бұрын
The kingdom of God is at hand!
@terrorists-are-among-us Жыл бұрын
I couldn't get though it. So pathetic. Virtue signalling never ends.
@martinmcgrath5804 Жыл бұрын
Couldn’t agree more. Sean is so luke warm on any topic like this. He tries so hard not to offend anyone, but yet he purports to be a solid Christian. Kind of two faced. He doesn’t have to be offensive, but by affirming her as a he/him, is basically saying God made a mistake, and she is in fact a he. Kind of offensive in itself.
@littleboots9800 Жыл бұрын
@@martinmcgrath5804 Sean didn't say he uses their pronouns, he didn't call Shannon "him," the other guy did though.
@honeydew4576 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! We need a little stronger position.
@Luke_Radiosmash Жыл бұрын
This comes off as way too coddling to someone in leadership. We aren't justified to lead people astray just because we are confused and society praises our confusion.
@terrorists-are-among-us Жыл бұрын
Narcissism from hell.
@ajburgess7242 Жыл бұрын
I will never insult God as to call His creation anything other than what they were created as. Nor would I disrespect Him by bowing to the world which in turn is by default me saying that He was the one that was wrong.
@ajburgess7242 Жыл бұрын
​​​​​​​@@mohappy236 honesty is never unloving, even if brutal and I can pull up numerous scriptures to back that statement. I think that what you view as love is distorted. Truth in love is what we're to speak. So with all due respect, I wholeheartedly disagree with you sir. Any other way of speaking is far too progressive to me (and I'm not a "conservative" in a political sense, I'm not political by any means) and I use that word for lack of a better term. I don't think that its right at all and my allegiance is to God first. There's absolutely NO WAY I believe that Jesus would call a confused man a woman. Paul also would have been hard-pressed to do the same either. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their sexual immorality...am I to believe that that same God would be so soft on such a deviation? He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I can treat someone with love without also playing make believe. Am I to lie? Because that's exactly what I'd be doing. I don't have to say "you're a man, you're condemned", but I also won't act as if they're something that they're not if it was ever brought up
@ajburgess7242 Жыл бұрын
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​@@mohappy236 my own sister is a homosexual, I love her the same and she knows how I feel and knows what the Bible says, she was raised with it (though rejects those scriptures...and at the moment the entire Bible, knowing both the love and confrontational verses) I don't love her any less nor does she I, on the contrary we're actually very close. I am not "afraid" of those people, nor do I think most are, especially not because theyre as you say "different". Differences are beautiful, difference is my wife and I as male and female, difference is my friends and family who are ethnically and culturally diverse, we're not talking about different here nor are we talking abour fear. I do not think less of them, we indeed all sin but people confronting me with my own sins has brought me through personal past struggles. Being confronted with my sin saved me. I have to confront my own sin daily and I do, but that doesn't mean that I find justification in a LIFESTYLE of WILLFUL sin of others but I dont throw it in their face as you are assuming. I'm not talking about throwing stones, I'm not seeking to hurt anyone nor do I speak to them that way but I'm also not going to lie and if honesty offends so does the cross. I'm not out holding signs saying "God hates such and such" nor am I sitting with my sister or acquaintances saying the same either. I can hold a perfectly normal conversation without bringing up the topic, but if it's brought up I won't lie to them nor myself. We were created imago dei, that is not the image of God, theyve distorted what that is in some respects. I'm not being judgemental, I would feel the same about a serial thief or murderer (there is no measuring rod) however transexual/homosexual people have sinned against themselves not man so there is no imprisonment and such necessary, nor would I call for it. The issue here is what our convictions should be. Just because I refuse to call them by their dysphoric pronoun only means that I'm not going to compromise myself for their benefit. I'm not going out of my way to do this, its just as easy to call/reference them by name and if known, their REAL name. I'm bipolar (which isn't even a sin) I don't flaunt my own mental illness nor do I my sin, but if anyone knew I DO NOT expect it to be catered to. I treat others how I'd like to be treated and that includes being confronted with my own Willful sin for my own benefit. If I were being faced with hell, I would want someone to try and pull me from the fire because that's what true love does, it protects and seeks to save. You have twisted what being judgemental is. You can Joel Osteen them all you want, it will get them nowhere in terms of the kingdom. Do as You please, it doesn't affect me, but I wont do the same. My treatment is the same but by using their pronouns I'm acting as if their sin is acceptable, its not. I am anti gay and trans thats the lifestyle not the person (which is a lifestyle of sin, not sinning as we all do on occasion) and if you find it acceptable to do otherwise I personally believe that that's sin in itself. It's not because I love them less but because I love them more which is a concept that you obviously can't grasp. I am anti-sin and I refuse to cater to it. You'd do well to do the same. All that You're doing is pulling up love verses, that's one attribute of God. The 4 main attributes of God are love and mercy, justice and wrath. I'd hate for them to see the justice and wrath due to a misguided love. (Btw, that's not the 11th commandment, it's the sum of the 10)
@ajburgess7242 Жыл бұрын
​​​​​​​​​​​@@mohappy236 How many times do you have to clarify that youre a "straight Christian male" that obviously approves of such practices? I get it, youre a progressive. No, maybe they wouldn't choose to be struggling in that way, just like I didn't choose to struggle with drug addiction when I was younger. We all are prone to different sins and we all are called to battle them. I believe that we all have a specific struggle that stands above others. "Gay christian" is a contradiction and I've watched NUMEROUS videos like the one that you'd mentioned and hold NO agreement. The fact that you think that theyre a "persecuted minority" is a joke. First off, persecution is a ridiculously strong phrase. Second, that "persecuted minority" has more control over what is going on in society than ANYONE else right now, how blind are you? Christ sets us free from these struggles. I don't think we always choose our battles, but we do war against them by the power of the Holy Spirit and we're set free. Sometimes that takes far more time than others, sometimes we may stumble, sometimes we may fall, but we get back up and continue to fight. Dennis Jernigan is an excellent example. He lived that lifestyle for many years. Now He's married with 4 or 5 children. Why? Because He went to war with His flesh. What does Paul say? 1 Cor. 6.9-11 "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such WERE some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God" Such WERE...WERE...WERE...some of you...we are set free if we give it over to God and crucify our flesh. So that's fine, I'll talk to the hand, maybe you should talk to GOD Btw I'm very well educated. I went to university for my BDIV, I dont need to educate myself on a specific pagan practice that should be submitted to God. We've all lived as pagans at one time and my heart goes out to those who continue to fight the good fight, no matter how hard it may be, we continue to war against our flesh. The influence of society's acceptance is of no benefit to this issue, and I think that that's a huge part of the problem. It's difficult when we are battling the world, the flesh, and the devil, I'm not gonna say it's easy when arrows are flying from everywhere, but thats what the armor of God is for. At one time I did believe it was a choice to struggle with that sin, that part has changed in me and I'm sympathetic to the sin struggle, but what they struggle with is SIN not an "orientation"
@Roescoe Жыл бұрын
@@ajburgess7242 The world LOOOVES the gay/trans agenda. That much should be enough to know it's wrong. But likely Rol Guy already knows that and would have to give up his degenerate lifestyle if he accepted it. Life is rough, but you've gotta pick the right side.
@rustinhorner6792 Жыл бұрын
Such a thoughtful conversation around a tough topic. Thanks to both of you for taking it head on.
@kimmcnatt6301 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for covering this topic. I understand your opinions, some I agree with, some I differ. I do believe that God loves us all, and calls us to love one another, and that can be difficult at times, especially those whom we don’t agree with. I don’t believe Shannon or any transgender person is truly the opposite sex from the sex they were born with, and therefore I don’t think we should address them as such. I believe that you should treat everyone with love and compassion, just as Christ did, but not perpetuate the lie that they can change their gender. I also am appalled by the vulgarity that this gender ideology is pushing on children and young adults. It is not healthy to allow children to make a life-altering decision to “transition”and mutilate their body, where they are permanently scarred both physically and psychologically. We have to do better to protect our kids, and as Christian’s, we have to stand up and speak the truth in love.
@Blmaca Жыл бұрын
You articulated what most Americans and Christians feel. We need to speak with love, most of us could use your ability to speak with patents and disagree with the appropriate words. I get angry when I see our children and grandchildren as targets. That's where I have to ask Christ to walk with me in this evil scam satan uses to deceive
@smokyquartz5817 Жыл бұрын
No, most Americans don't feel that way at all. We aren't judgemental assholes. Get out of your eco-chamber.
@DeathxStrike18 Жыл бұрын
The main issue is transgenderism is a product of other people convincing someone they are the wrong gender or society glorifying it as a way to gain attention essentially the same thing the serpent of genesis did "Are you sure you were born in the right body? Your too sensitive or masculine you must be the other gender." It is written in Luke "Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows." and Psalms "If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!" God is perfect, he is just, and he made each of us as we are in his image. God loves us so much he came in the flesh, endured torture shedding his blood for us, and died that we may be free from death of sin. We live in an imperfect world of death and deceit because of the fruit of good and evil that man ate subjecting the world to evil that man would gain knowledge of it though the deception of the serpent. The world is pushing more people away from God making them believe in lies and driving them to mutilate their bodies. We continue to suffer today as God waits for people to accept his salvation through Jesus even though it grieves him as he wishes none to be lost and be forever separated from him. Looking at all the twisted things today though that are promoted in government and media as people promote and celebrate things like pedophilia and sexualizing children its not likely long before Jesus returns and judges the people who continue to reject him. I pray for all that read this that they may be saved and accept Gods promise of salvation, that they be there when the perfect world free of suffering that God originally Intended is realized and not lost to eternal darkness. I also ask for prayers for people still lost in sin and struggling to find God that he be revealed to them and for fellow people in Christ that they find comfort and strength within the word and the people in their life they are trying to save are reached.
@cultivatekindness3756 Жыл бұрын
​@@Blmaca I came to say the very same thing. Very well said!
@kimalonzo3363 Жыл бұрын
My neighbors happen to be trans. I am a 60 year old Christian woman and they are 19 year old females. I will NEVER use their preferred pronouns. We exchange letters,gifts and food with each other and I refer to them as girls. They know where I stand and they have not shut me off because I don't use their preferred pronouns. I think God expects us to be truthful and leave their response up to Him. Compromising is a wrong means to an end. That's why churches are woke and seeker friendly and inclusive. They think they have to be to have any chance of reaching people for Christ. My Trans neighbors and I disagree totally on LGBT issues and Christians. I've seen their Facebook pages! But they've always shown me respect outwardly and I respect them. I put Noah's rainbow on my door during pride month while they go to their marches. Do not compromise or think you need to 'help' God out because you think the truth is too offensive. My neighbors told me they are going to college in August and that they will miss me when they leave. I'll miss them too.
@MinimumSpeedOperator Жыл бұрын
@Faith-n-Music Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Compromising to start the conversation is not believing God is big enough to open their hearts, let alone not understanding that it is God, not us, that opens eyes and hearts. Be loving, yes, but never compromise the truth.
@michaelbabbitt3837 Жыл бұрын
Right on the mark! There are only men-wannabes and women-wannabes. The 'trans' prefix is a lie in itself.
@MinimumSpeedOperator Жыл бұрын
@KMJ no it isn’t our place to judge butGod already has. Therefore I or anyone am doing no more than relaying truth. It is not right to affirm something that is a mental illness at best and a straight up perversion of God’s creation at its worst. The truth can cut deep but ultimately it is necessary. If I. Call them by whatever they choose I am now a liar and bad witness therefore encouraging sin and depravity.
@KellieSPEAKS Жыл бұрын
@KMJ love is NOT telling someone lies. People are not born into anything except sin.. We all have our cross to bear. Sexual sins seem to be the hardest to handle but, there is NOTHING too hard for God.
@davidryan7486 Жыл бұрын
1But know this, that in the last days [a]perilous times will come: 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3unloving, [b]unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
@MrSeedi76 Жыл бұрын
Pretty much sums up where evangelicals in the US stand today. Great checklist.
@malcolmlayton2050 Жыл бұрын
This is the dictionary definition of 'woke'
@bjsauerbrei6632 Жыл бұрын
We are all sinners but we can’t accept our sin. We have to turn away from it. I feel that if someone who had those same sex attractions and chose to turn away from those feelings they would be a hero. It’s not easy but all Christians battle with it. Even with same sex attractions we shouldn’t be sleeping or lusting after people out of marriage. It is very hard but that is what we are called to do.
@gedcaeneus4628 Жыл бұрын
I don’t believe that you have turned away from all sin and until you do, it’s sinful to talk about others this way. We are all sinners… you add “but”. There is no “but”. You meet people where they are. Or you can fail to meet them at all. How do you handle a family together for over twenty years who finds Christ? You? You destroy their family and pat yourself on the back as a good Christian. I’m sorry, I do not believe in your words at all. This is more than toeing the line of being a works basis for redemption. How many Christian’s fail and sin again and you don’t question they are Christians? Shame.
@anonyme3123 Жыл бұрын
​@@gedcaeneus4628you are 100% wrong in your comment.
@kaymoto4023 Жыл бұрын
In Shannon’s book we’re reading one side of the story. I’d like to hear from her family members before judging them or her church too harshly. In working with people I’ve found there are always 2 sides. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle.
@taylorbaxter2006 9 ай бұрын
The appropriate and respectful pronouns to use towards Shannon is she/her, as he is living as a man.
@mytreasuredcreations Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this conversation. You always model so well how to think issues thoroughly. ❤
@kellygelso312 Жыл бұрын
I read the Bible everyday for the past 15 years. That is insane to say because someone says obvious that they don’t read the Bible. If you would read it you would see where it says those things I said. Im sorry that that’s how you feel, but I’m not worried about man’s opinions of me there is only one opinion that matters.
@tinazimmer4304 Жыл бұрын
​​@@kellygelso312 I'm just wondering if you had replied to somebody and they had deleted their comment because as I'm reading through these comments, I guess I don't understand yours I'm sorry.
@kellygelso312 Жыл бұрын
Yes it must of been deleted but he’s on here mrseedi or something like that, he said because I used the word obvious that I must not know the scriptures.
@qujo777 Жыл бұрын
Will Jesus use your preferred pronouns?
@MrBowser2012 Жыл бұрын
No He won’t. That would be acknowledging that He made a mistake. He doesn’t make mistakes. WE make mistakes. Calling a female “he” is one of those mistakes.
@edgaracajabon9522 Жыл бұрын
Jesus would say away for me you evil doers I never knew you. Go to the place reserved for the Devil and his angels where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
@stevenbatke2475 Жыл бұрын
I think he would. If anything, Jesus would probably be more upset at the church, for how they have treated the marginalized in his name. After all, the gospels show Jesus getting annoyed with the status quo of pious legalists and befriending the undesirable people of his community.
@MrBowser2012 Жыл бұрын
@@stevenbatke2475 the trans movement is closely connected to the Marxist revolution and pedophilia. We can love the people but to encourage their sin is evil.
@pope3658 Жыл бұрын
@@stevenbatke2475 love this and I think you hit the nail on the head
@frantarver8119 Жыл бұрын
Doesn't the bible say that Christians are only supposed to judge the people that claim to be Christians? And that God will take care of the world? So if those two statements are true shouldn't we as Christians talk to them in love and stop trying to interfere with their lives but coax them like the light and spread the gospel instead of the hate and fear mongering that a lot of Evangelical Christians do to these people
@MrSeedi76 Жыл бұрын
Very true.
@tinazimmer4304 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree with you!! We cannot show the love of Christ to anyone if all we're going to do is tell people that everything they do is wrong.
@KellieSPEAKS Жыл бұрын
Depends on what you mean by love. Often times, people conflate niceness and kindness. We are called to kindness, meekness which is power under control. I don’t see what good can come from lying to people. Telling the truth with love in your heart, IS what we should do. 😊
@eliara-thevoice8430 Жыл бұрын
It's more complicated than that. Children are being manipulated into thinking they are the wrong sex. They are being groomed by perverted education systems. Sexual perversion is not love. Lust is not love. Love is standing up against the sexual debauchery and protecting these children.
@DeniseBakerdrbaker Жыл бұрын
Does this apply to any sinful choice of non-Christians? If we catch someone abusing their kids we should just let it go because they aren't a Christian so we shouldn't "judge" them? Or how about someone who is not doing something that is sinful but legal? We shouldn't say that their lives would be so much better if they didn't watch porn or cheat on their spouse or any number of things? I think we should not judge with a heart of looking down our noses at them and treating them poorly. but I think we all naturally "judge" others through our biblical lens because we know what they are missing out on and how much better their lives would be if they didn't make those choices. Even on things that aren't sinful. I can look at a young student and judge them for making poor choices on not studying hard enough etc. If this student is someone I have relationship with I would be wrong not to point out the better choices they could make.
@aron1193 Жыл бұрын
15 mins in and there's been a whole lot of nothing being said. There's a lot being said but nothing's progressing the conversation forward.
@terrorists-are-among-us Жыл бұрын
They're cowards walking on egg shells and attempting to virtue signal 😂🤡
@eliara-thevoice8430 Жыл бұрын
This was painful word salad. Exiting 2 min in. There is no value here.
@DreamcastFarm Жыл бұрын
I don't think the verse in Deuteronomy is relevant. Christians don't follow the Torah, Christ fulfilled the law. I'd also like to add that I find it strange that there's this presumption that transgenderism gets rid of the binary of gender and sex. You transition from one gender to the other. There's still only two, man and woman. I don't understand how transitioning is against the binary set up in Genesis. To me, that's reading a presumption into the text. I feel there's a reason the Bible is silent on transgender but outspoken about homosexuality.
@mombythesea2426 Жыл бұрын
Christ followed the Torah. So did Paul and most of the first century church
@DreamcastFarm Жыл бұрын
@@mombythesea2426 Christ followed the Torah? That's why throughout the Gospels the Pharisees kept asking him why he's not following Torah? Also a lot of the early Church did not follow Torah. We see that from early church documents like The Didache, the Epistle of Barnabas, and the Epistle of Polycarp. Jesus in Matthew says he fulfilled the law. That's why Christians can eat pork, don't go to church on Saturday, don't need to wear tallits, and many many more things..
@mombythesea2426 Жыл бұрын
@@DreamcastFarm Of course He followed the Torah. If he had sinned, He wouldn't be our savior. He would be the lawless one. They asked Him why He was breaking the Torah because He followed the actual law and not the traditions of man. It would be like Christians today who think Christmas is a staple of being Christian, but it's actually just a tradition of man. And then they accuse someone who doesn't celebrate it of not being faithful, when in reality, they are following the bible and not the tradition of man. Paul didn't eat pork. Neither did Jesus. And both went to synagogue on Saturday. There's no scriptural evidence that says they were law breakers (sinners) except Paul is human and obviously not perfect. But neither condoned breaking God's law.
@DreamcastFarm Жыл бұрын
@@mombythesea2426 Following the Torah does not keep you from sinning. Christ fulfilled the law as he said. Are you disagreeing with Christ's own words? Of course Jesus was perfect and did not sin, but that does not mean he followed Torah, he certainly followed the 10 commandments though. Christ said it's not about our actions, it's about what's in our heart. Remember what he said about adultery and lust? We know Christ's heart was pure and perfect. And even if he did follow the Torah, that does not mean Christians are supposed to. Paul literally tells us not to follow jewish law and tradition. He just made a personal choice to continue it. And as I already pointed out, 1st and 2nd century documents prove Christians didn't follow the Torah. We are not bound by the old covenant, we have a new covenant. If you disagree then you're ignoring the words of Christ himself. Do you eat pork? Do you wear the proper robes? Do you sacrifice animals? Do you observe the day of atonement? You cannot cherry pick and choose Jewish law to meet your bias. Either observe all the Torah, or don't. I choose not to, cause Christ fulfilled it, as he said in the gospel of Matthew. Christ also said the laws of Moses were made because of the hateful hearts of man, which is another reason why he fulfilled it and ended it for Christians. We're part of the kingdom of God, no longer part of the kingdom of men, that's why we follow the laws of Christ, not the laws of Moses. Scripture is clear. 1st and 2nd Century Christians are clear. Christians do not have to follow Torah.
@mombythesea2426 Жыл бұрын
@@DreamcastFarm Christ is the Word. The Word gave us the law. The law predates Moses. Christ followed the Torah. If He hadn't, He would have been sinful, and therefore incapable of saving us. The only way His sacrifice saves in the first place is because of sacrificial law. If the Torah is done away with, then sacrifices don't save anyone, and Christ can't save you. If He was able to just do whatever He wanted with God's Word, why not just abolish everything? Why would He have to die according to prophecy and the law in order to save? Documents from that era prove the church was trying to follow the Torah, but as more Romans became involved, the church became contaminated by Roman worship. Christ said if we love Him, we should obey His commands. His two greatest commands are found in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. He says the entire law rests on the 10 commandments, meaning they are simply sub-laws of the 10 commandments. They specifically tell us *how* to honor our parents, love God with all our heart, follow Sabbath, and what to do if someone is caught stealing. It's all the same. Christ said if we don't believe Moses, we can't follow Him. Paul never preached lawlessness because Paul didn't preach sin. Malachi says God doesn't change. What was once sin is always sin. What was once good is always good. Murder will always be sin. The 7th day will always be Sabbath. Pork will never be food. There are some things we simply can't do right now (no temple or priesthood) but we should do what we can. Christ observed Passover and Sabbath. He didn't eat pork. He was perfect. How can we say we follow Him if we reject how He honored God on His life? And also, if God just changed the rules about sin halfway through history, then He has to repent for unjustly judging the Israelites for breaking His law. He had many killed or sent into exile for breaking the Torah as a nation. Does God need to apologize because He changed the definition of sin? If He knew the law was too difficult, then it seems wrong and unjust to punish people for not following it. But, it's possible Christ was telling the truth when He said His burden was light. The Torah isn't difficult. It is man's traditions that are difficult. I'm going to live how Christ lived to the best of my ability, not how scholars centuries later tell me other men long ago thought Christ wanted us to live.
@PolemicAutist Жыл бұрын
This guy keeps calling the woman a he….
@MrBowser2012 Жыл бұрын
I made it about 10 minutes before shutting it off. I wonder if he also calls pedophiles “minor attracted individuals” as they now want to be called.
@LibbyBrown-ui8ed Жыл бұрын
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 14:33 📖
@adaynasmile Жыл бұрын
I worry that using the pronouns and playing the game in the name of "respect" is much like accepting people and bringing them to Christ is a dangerous route to take. I think that it is likely to lead to a similar situation as to what the church is dealing with in the area of gay/lesbians (or anyone who is living a sinful lifestyle). We cannot play into their games and hope to win people to Christ anymore than we should have church services that appeal to the unsaved at the jeopardy of the souls of the regular members. We need to call out sin and lies. To give into the pronouns just gives into the lie, into the delusion, and into a mental health issue. It is more loving to be honest. And if pronouns are an issue, just use their name. I personally have less of an issue of someone wanting to be called a different name than I do with changing pronouns. There is just too much weirdness that is going on due to people just trying to be loving and accepting. We cannot ally ourselves with people who refuse to abandon their sinful nature and turn to Jesus. We cannot hate them. We need to love them, pray for them, and be kind to them. But we cannot be allies. Everytime the Kingdom of Judah tried to ally with the Kingdom of Israel, destruction occurred to Judah because they were pulled from following God. Jesus accepted people, BUT despite what has been preached recently, Jesus did not want them to stay the sinners that they were. They were to change their bad practices, give their own desires up, and then follow him. Never perfectly. Perfection will not come until Heaven. But we have to turn away from the sin. We cannot affirm. Cannot.
@MrBowser2012 Жыл бұрын
I will NOT use someone’s preferred pronouns. It’s a lie.
@MrBowser2012 Жыл бұрын
@@mohappy236 don’t you see this is the work of the devil. The way transgenderism is being pushed on our children right now needs to stop and it’s not going to happen if we follow the rules they require of us. Pedophilia is next. Pay attention to the way they change the words. Now they don’t want to be called pedophiles. They are “minor attracted individuals”. This whole agenda is evil.
@LibbyBrown-ui8ed Жыл бұрын
They were not born that way. I understand your thought process with the scripture you are referring to. Loving your neighbor as yourself is very important and it is a commandment that he gives us. With that said, speaking truth to sinners to warn them to repent is in itself loving, with prayers for them. God is clear in the scriptures about what is an abomination.
@finray2 Жыл бұрын
I too struggle with using people's pronouns that they prefer. I find it very difficult to do that because of the matter of truth. I also see the other side of this person is most likely lost and in tremendous pain and from a loving perspective I see that as well. This causes me great conflict.
@tompeers53 Жыл бұрын
Regarding preferred pronouns, do you think Jesus would ever say something that is untrue?
@MrSeedi76 Жыл бұрын
Remember when he said his disciples will witness the end of the world?
@matthewking8806 Жыл бұрын
Great discussion on a highly sensitive subject. Thank you for sharing.
@SeanMcDowell Жыл бұрын
You bet
@johndarrow1995 Жыл бұрын
There’s nothing highly sensitive about this. There’s two genders male and female. Dig up a body of one of these female impersonator 100 years from now and I guarantee you the archaeologist Will have no problem identifying the corpse as a male. if there’s a discussion to be had it with a psychologist or psychiatrist… IT’S all in the mind .
@lind774 Жыл бұрын
I don't always agree with Sean Mcdowell, but I respect his spirit, intellectual curiosity, and integrity.
@rosebue3868 5 күн бұрын
When a teenager I was very confused. I thought I was a lesbian….i turned to Christ!❤❤
@bjsauerbrei6632 Жыл бұрын
Generally that is not the case, most societies have the same standard of masculinity. Men hunt and women gather.
@MrSeedi76 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, in the stone age maybe 😂.
@malcolmlayton2050 Жыл бұрын
KZbins 1st commandment : thou shalt not misgender ....
@edseibert9426 Жыл бұрын
The trick is to love without compromise. Love the sinner but we are all sinners and need to live for Jesus first. If we are not heading in a direction toward God but still our own “god”, then we need to humble ourselves and obey the One that loves His Creation. We need to be in the world but not of the world.
@biddiemutter3481 Жыл бұрын
With pronouns, and you're having a conversation with one person (or about one person) I might be able to take the 'meeting where they're at' approach , but as soon as other family members, friends and colleagues are part of the group you're talking to or about it can become an extremely confusing conversation!
@ChalkboardCreativeHomeschool Жыл бұрын
Tell me you’re woke without telling me your woke--calling people who agree with the Bible’s definition of sex and gender as “biased.”
@Ashitaka1110 Жыл бұрын
On using other's preferred pronouns, I think I come down to this; I would tell a person where I'm coming from on not using them, how I view using them to be against my deepest-held convictions about the world and God and who I am and who God wants me to be (a person with the belt of TRUTH strapped around my waist at all times). I would tell them that I desire a relationship with them, and I do not hinge that desire on who they are, how they refer to themselves, how much or how little we agree about, or anything else. I am willing to engage with them honestly and with respect and not demand they change anything about themselves in order to have that relationship. I would then ask them if they would extend me the same courtesy, of having a relationship with me without demanding that I change, ignore, or compromise who I am and my deeply held beliefs. If they refuse, frankly to me that proves that they are unchanged in their heart. As Frank Turek says, they are not on a truth quest, they are on a happiness quest. They are not willing to have a relationship with me, they are only willing to have a relationship with a caricature of me that makes them comfortable and is a part of their echo chamber. My whole worldview as a Christian is to "speak the truth in love" and they are asking me to forgo the truth part. I cannot do that. I do not believe Jesus, Paul, Peter, John etc. would have done that, either. I think we can think too much of ourselves sometimes; "if I don't capitulate, I can't be in their lives, and if I can't be in their lives, I can't win them to Jesus!" No. God is in control, every moment, thought, movement, roll of the dice, atom in the universe. Speak the truth in love. If the other person's heart is hardened, pray for them and leave it to God's will. The Spirit can break the heart of stone when God's timing is right. Maybe you steadfastly standing for both truth and love will be a seed planted that will later bear fruit.
@taylorbaxter2006 9 ай бұрын
As a transgendered person, I would want little to do with you as you would be discounting the essence of my being. I wouldn't be angry with you. I just prefer to have people in my life that help protect my heart.
@justinkuk6613 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the respectful discussion but I strongly disagree with Scott's position on pro-noun usage. I understand the desire to want to maintain relationships for the sake of sharing the gospel, but I believe this position is naive and foolish, even if held with good intentions. I would recommend searching "Rosaria Butterfield Why I No Longer Use Transgender Pronouns" for a thorough explanation of why she repents for using preferred pronouns and publicly advocating (like Scott) that others do the same. She writes, "Does any real Christian believe crafting a relationship on falsehood will give the gospel a better hearing? And is that how people are converted? By meeting God on sin’s terms and hearing nice things about themselves?" Scott clearly believes that transgender ideology is false and harmful to both people and society. So at which point is he going to tell a person that? When you use a preferred pronoun it goes beyond mere politeness. You are affirming their delusion about themselves, one that is spiritual harmful in denying the design of their Creator and could be physically harmful depending on the ways they pursue physical transition. It is also harmful to the people around them. Are you going to use preferred pronouns with the father who is now pretending to be a woman and abdicating his responsibility to his wife and children? I also do not think Scott would be consistent in this position about trying to maintain a relationship for the sake of the gospel. If a gay person asks him about his thoughts on gay marriage, is he going to lie to try to maintain the relationship. Fortunately, this question doesn't come up in every interaction you have with a gay friend, but if you choose to use preferred pronouns you are choosing to lie to a "friend" every time you interact with them. Jesus promises that people will end their relationships with us when we stand for Biblical truth. I actually think we should not use preferred pronouns for the sake of the gospel. First, there are many stories of people who have come out of transgenderism and the people/churches that they trusted were the ones who did not use preferred pronouns because they had the courage and conviction to not just tell them what they wanted to hear. If I was struggling with gender dysphoria and confusion and came out of it, I would not trust Scott. Why should I trust that he has my best interest at heart when he shares the gospel if he wasn't willing to tell me that my belief in the proposition that I could become the opposite gender was harmful to me? Also, the rest of the world is watching. I firmly believe that there are many non-believers who are not comfortable with the rapid ascent of gender ideology and will take notice if Christians are the ones who are willing to courageous stand for truth and refuse to live by the lies of preferred pronouns. Scott, don't you think our choice to not use preferred pronouns might make them more open to what we have to share about truth, our worldview, and the gospel? Furthermore, this is not just happening in the vacuum of personal relationships. I am a teacher and I can attest that elementary aged children are being forced to give their pronouns and recognize preferred pronouns. This is causing confusion that will lead to great harm. Scott cannot divorce the use of preferred pronouns in personal relationships from this crazy cultural trends. Using preferred pronouns affirms the central premise of transgender ideology: that transgender men are truly men and transgender women are truly women. This is leading biological men to be put in women's prisons, biological men being given access to women's locker rooms, and children being led into sterility and body mutilation in rapidly increasing rates. Sorry Scott, you can't divorce your use of pronouns in personal contexts from what is happening in the rest of society. Language is being use intentionally to change long-held beliefs and norms and to make acceptable what would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. Finally, transgenderism is a false God. Using preferred pronouns takes away the glory of the Creator and gives it to the autonomous self. That is idolatry. Christians cannot engage this. I'd also like to point out that Scott used "he" to refer to Shannon throughout the conversation. Since I don't think Scott has a personal relationship with Shannon, I am not sure the reasoning here. Sean was able to avoid pronoun use Shannon's first and last name throughout the conversation without any problem. We can do the same thing in our interactions with transgender people. If we are having a conversation with them we refer to them as "you." If we are in a group, we use their name to refer to them. I believe that Scott is causing confusion on this issue. Scott, if you do read this comment, I hope that you will consider these concerns.
@LibbyBrown-ui8ed Жыл бұрын
Very well said!
@neomawzz 5 ай бұрын
I must admit this is a very long comment and I have not read all of it. However I do want to provide my perspective as someone who is both Transgender and Christian. (Though I’m not here to debate about that at all, I just want to understand this guys views) personally I don’t think I would have ever taken someone seriously if they tried preaching the gospel to me before I became a believer yet refused to refer to me how I asked. Even if you don’t agree with it or think anything about it is correct, it’s a bare minimum for showing respect. If he, or anyone else sat there and constantly misgendered shanon (or as you would call it, referring to him according to his biological sex) all that shows me as the viewer was that he refused to take Shanon’s feelings or anything about his experience seriously. We’re called to be compassionate, aren’t we? If you refuse to budge on something relatively simple like changing your language towards me, that gives me a pretty clear impression that you won’t try to understand anything else about my viewpoint either. Then neither person is getting anywhere.
@justinkuk6613 5 ай бұрын
@@neomawzz Many of your arguments are addressed if you read the entire reply. I clearly explain why I do not think "showing respect" is a valid reason for using preferred pronouns and how it ultimately damages people, society, and the cause of the gospel. I do not think that that using preferred pronouns is "something relatively simple like changing your language towards (a person)." Language is used to shape and control how people think. George Orwell illustrates this brilliantly in 1984 and also said, "If though corrupts language, language can corrupt thought. A bad usage can spread by tradition and imitation even among people who should and do know better." Using preferred pronouns does more than just make a single person feel respected. It normalizes and spreads the false ideology of gender theory throughout society where it is doing great damage to families, women, and children. I do not believe that it is respectful or compassionate to affirm someone's self-perception if it does not align with reality. If a teenage girl believes that she is overweight and is anorexic it is not respectful or compassionate to affirm her perception. It is loving and compassionate to tell her the truth and help her to get the help she needs to bring her perception in line with reality. That being said, I don't think that we should try to provoke people by intentionally "misgendering" them in personal interactions. As I clearly stated in the reply, I think that we can wisely avoid using preferred pronouns by using a person's name and second person pronouns (you/your) during personal interactions. Sean did this throughout the discussion. It seems to me that you conflate respect and compassion with protecting people's feelings. Sometimes telling the truth with cause negative emotions. Jesus caused the rich young ruler to go away "grieving" (Mark 10:22) when he exposed the love of wealth in his heart. Yes, a person may feel negative emotions when the idolatry of covetousness is revealed in their hearts. It also seems to me that there is no limiting principle to your position. If a person identifies as an animal, will you agree to treat them accordingly? If an adult man identifies as a pre-teen girl, will you agree to allow him to sign-up for overnight camp and sleep in the girls cabin? If not, what standard are you using to say no to those situations but yes to using preferred pronouns? The standard is clear: God makes us male and female and we do not have the autonomous authority to go against His plans and designs.
@neomawzz 4 ай бұрын
@@justinkuk6613 this has nothing to do it’s people identifying as animals or as a different age. Because those aren’t valid, scientifically backed or common experiences. Please don’t straw man and compare lgbt people to predators..
@justinkuk6613 4 ай бұрын
@@neomawzz This is not a strawman argument. A strawman argument is the logical fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one under discussion or one that your opponent does not actually hold. That is not what I am doing. I am using the logical technique of reducio ad absurdum, which Brittanica defines as “a form of refutation showing contradictory or absurd consequences following upon premises as a matter of logical necessity.” I am not claiming that you support these trans-species or trans-age identifications so that I can then refute them, I am saying that you have no limiting principle to your position that we should use preferred pronouns to show respect for someone’s self-perception. I claim that if this is the standard used to promote the use of preferred pronouns then the same standard would require the acceptance of trans-species and trans-age identification and a respect of requests made under such identifications. I am not comparing a trans-identifying person to these situations. I am saying that you have not provided any standard by which we would say “yes” to using preferred pronouns and “no” to requests made under trans-species and trans-age identifications. It is also not outlandish to see or suggest that this is where we are headed. KZbin won’t let me post links in comments, but a quick search of “trans-species identity” will reveal abundant evidence that many people are already subjectively identifying as non-human species. Also, search “Canadian 50 year old trans swimmer” and you will find articles about how 6-18 year old girls were forced to share a locker room with a 50-year old biological male who has been competing against girls for years. These are not strawman arguments; they are logical conclusions that follow from accepting the transgender premise that a man is woman if he self-identifies that way and vice versa. You say these scenarios are irrelevant because they are not “valid, scientifically backed, or common experiences” like transgenderism is. Is this objection valid? Let’s look one at a time. Valid: By what standard? Your personal preference? The acceptance of secular society? Why do you get to say transgender identity is valid but trans-species and trans-age identities are not valid? The standard that I use to determine that all of these identities are not valid is God’s created order and physical, biological reality. Under this standard I consistently say that a man is not a woman even if he self-identifies as such. A human is not a cat, even if he self identifies as such. And a 50-year-old is not a pre-teen even if he self-identifies as such. Your standard of validity is subjective, constantly shifting, autonomously determined, and has no logical reason to deny trans-species and trans-age identification. Scientifically Backed: By whom? The activist organizations like WPATH that have ideological agendas that they are pushing? The ideologically captured universities? The medical organizations and pharmaceutical industry that have a huge financial interest in promoting transgenderism? I will stick with the scientific facts that define human males and females based on anatomical and genetic distinctions. No amount of hormones and surgeries will change the scientific fact that a man cannot become a woman and a woman cannot become a man. Common: By what standard? Transgender identification used to be uncommon. Was it not “valid” in your eyes at that time? If trans-species identification becomes more common, will it then all of a sudden conform with reality? Why don’t you recognize trans-species identities just because they aren’t as common as transgender identities? One might say that you are promoting transgender normativity. You are not making or responding to any of the arguments that I put forth in either reply. I have put forth multiple arguments explaining why I think that the use of preferred pronouns is harmful to the individual (in the long-term, even if appreciated in the short-term), harmful to society, and harmful to future generations. I have also argued that it is a denial of God’s created order and a promotion of idolatrous self-worship and the sin of covetousness. None of these points have been addressed. If you don’t want to engage with the arguments, that’s fine, but I won’t let them be cast aside by emotional sabotage. You probably think that I am a very hateful person. My comments are motivated by a love for God, a love for neighbor, a love for truth and a belief that sometimes doing the loving thing means saying what other people don’t want to hear.
@renezeringue5835 Жыл бұрын
Hey Dr. McDowell, I’m so appreciative of your work, you are one of the 4-5 Christian apologists that got me into apologetics and eventually into full time ministry a decade ago; this is off topic but I would like to read the ancient myths that people claim the Christians copied, like Horus, Osiris, etc. Is there an easy way to do this?
@SeanMcDowell Жыл бұрын
Start with the book by Ronald Nash on the gospel and the greeks. You're gonna have to track down the early sources, though, and I am not sure of a single source that does that. Sorry! We have a great chapter on this as well in the updated Evidence that Demands a Verdict.
@terryhuffaker3615 Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't the argument be that in Adam the original truth of a creator God was already established. Also, also 50 human family lines can be traced back to Noah and his three sons ( Genesis 10).. And Noah can be traced back to Adam. So it really is a question of who copied who. Did the history of a creator God come first or the history if the many cultural mythologies? And, how many if those mythologies cam be traced to an original source? Kind of a chicken or the egg type of story.
@aradicalmoderate5940 Жыл бұрын
Great conversation. Thank you 🙏
@user-ww1qo3dj2p 5 ай бұрын
Such an important work you do, Sean!! Thank you for all the great material and discussion provided by this channel. I can relate to all moving testimonies, we live and work with men and women who struggle with LGBT-issues, mostly based on several serious biographical experiences and very deep wounds in their core identity. There is so much hidden under the surface of sexual pleasures and narratives, we should learn to deal with the hidden issues in counselling and pastoral care. There is so much to learn for all of us, also about the ambivalencies of the human mind and soul/psyche. It horrifes me how naively evangelical Christians recently adopted ideological frameworks for their own theology and exegesis, just because they believe it to be "scientifical". No it is not, on the contrary: science and analysis/exegesis becomes more and more politicalised by ideologically focused activists. It is very unwise for Christians to take those claims simply for granted. In long term, it will HARM those who struggle with insecure sexual identity and impulses. Affirmation of the person - as person, as creature and child of God - is important, but not all affirmations of what a person believes ir thinks about themselves will lead a man or a woman into personal growth and maturation. I read the biblical stories as an encouragement NOT to stay with what you believe about yourself but to move into a new understanding of yourself. God himself is always provoking his creatures to leave behind their own concepts of their lives and to be open for God's perspective. It is also not by accident that the monotheistic concept of God, the world and man differs in sa many regards from all cultures's concepts surrounding Israel, and THEREFORE very clearly discerns between all, diverse, pansexual and queer heathen concepts of man, sex and gender and the one that is linked narrowly to the beleif in ONE creator God who is Spirit and in whose image man as body-soul-spirit unity is created.
@annaSapphire360 2 ай бұрын
I always find these conversations fascinating because it takes me back to my youth struggling with my gender and sexuality. It ultimately lead me to leaving the church because the scriptures ran contrary to my conscience but how Christians think is interesting to me
@r-platt 5 күн бұрын
These poor souls think this broken world is God's idea of good and correct. As 1 Cor 13 says, without love all they say is nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate. They are the modern Pharisees. Rules are more important than love and health.
@velvetvideo 7 ай бұрын
I don't agree with all your assertions and there were others you've possibly not considered, but this is one of the fairest, most thoughtful discussions I've seen regarding this issue and touches many difficult key points. Thank you for tackling this topic, its a difficult one for both sides. The Talmud discusses this topic at length just fyi, if you'd like an in depth thought process of how people from Jesus' time viewed gender and social roles. Sefaria has an article called 6 Sexes and Gender Expression, for reference..
@jackjones1140 Жыл бұрын
You guys ever hear of Sodom and Gomorrah? HE didn't rain down cupcakes and gum drops it's clear what's thought of unrepentant sexual immorality. There's a way and that's repentance and turning away from sin
@radscorpion8 Жыл бұрын
i think you better read that chapter again, because I can clearly see the passage where cupcakes and gum drops are raining from the sky
@MrSeedi76 Жыл бұрын
Better read the Bible and learn what Sodom and Gomorrah was actually about. I hate when people misrepresent so grossly what the holy scripture actually says.
@tinazimmer4304 Жыл бұрын
​@@MrSeedi76 and the Bible also goes into detail about Sodom and Gomorrah I think in the book of Ezekiel or on Jeremiah about why the cities were destroyed... It basically says they were destroyed because the people were mean and cruel to others
@velvetvideo 9 ай бұрын
If someone has lived as the opposite gender for years, paid thousands of dollars to change, been forced to see therapists, lived in fear, and been humiliated by society at large and you refuse to show a small amout of respect for who they fought to be.....you are absolutely making it more difficult to witness to them. If they disrespect you right off the bat and speak to you any way they please, the conversation won't go far. You are called to speak with patience and kindness. The pronouns carry a sense of self. If you start the conversation with condemnation, you've already built a wall.
@velvetvideo 7 ай бұрын
email sent to university address @UCoyNz47ha_hnmQuI6fx6ypQ
@April-dt8pp Жыл бұрын
Just call sin what it is....yes, we all have sin and the Bible tells us if we deny that we are lying. Transgenderism and homosexuality and pedophilia and all of that is clearly SIN. Yes, we should love the person and hate the sin...I get that. But it seems like I'm hearing the tiny Tim song playing in the background "tip toe through the tulips with me", as you guys are tip toeing through this conversation.....can't take it seriously when there is no black and white...no lines, no boundaries....👋
@anonyme3123 Жыл бұрын
👏👏👏 so disappointed at Shawn.
@MrSeedi76 Жыл бұрын
Nice, you instantly recognize a brainwashed evangelical when he/she mentions pedo in the same sentence as homosexuality. If you wanna find some pedos, take a long hard look at the preachers, be they catholic or protestant or evangelicals.
@jenrob5938 Жыл бұрын
You both are great! I always learn so much!
@junegilone1854 Жыл бұрын
@psynurse Жыл бұрын
Yep that's basically what the word says
@6thandHarrison Жыл бұрын
I don’t see anything in the 10 commandments (are there actually 10 commandments? I counted more last time I read the Bible back in 2012) about pronouns or how you should dress like your assigned gender at birth.
@Jesusisyhvh1 Жыл бұрын
Not true. Pull the verse.
@honeydew4576 Жыл бұрын
I don't think we should be indulging this kind of sin. You can see how the enemy is laughing at the way he is manipulating everyone with this sinful tactic of getting us all concerned about using pronouns. It's pathetic. Did Isaiah indulge his audience? Did Jeremiah? NO! They said, repent! Sean, would you have talked with the Canaanites about their feelings on idolatry? Some of this is so ridiculous. And it's a slippery slope. If we concede to the pronoun dysfunction, what do we concede to next? Additionally, the suicide threat is another manipulative tactic. Sadly, I was in a relationship with someone who claimed if I left him or did this or that, he would take his life. Eventually, I left him, and now it's 27 years later, and he's still living. He used that tactic to control.
@insiderinside1905 Жыл бұрын
The general ethos here seems to be how can WE get as many people saved as possible. When we know that GOD does the saving we are less likely make all kinds of exceptions for a convert’s repentance. But Abraham bargained with God too.
@jeannorris9276 4 ай бұрын
What has me so upset with this whole sex changing fiasco is finding a way to explain it to a child. This is something we shouldn't have to be doing with our children. The affect of their choice has affected our family in many ways.
@coolclearfacts6105 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for covering this subject,and for posting the video. It was Ann eye opener.
@davidsteffen3860 Жыл бұрын
Male is make female is female and that cannot be changed! The expression of personality traits, interest and mannerisms we associate with gender have different gender based means. There is great overlap and that is absolutely OK. Being at the tail end of the overlap does NOT indicate a body mind misalignment. As fathers we have a responsibility to teach boy how to become and behave like respectful young men. Including how to appropriately interact with women. When you tag them non-binary and let them decide you are dooming them to becoming deviant, maladjusted, and at risk to being taught by tik tok, reddit, and groomers online. It is that simple.
@tinazimmer4304 Жыл бұрын
As I'm reading through these comments I'm very much disheartened by the Christians actually. It is our job as Christians to love our neighbors. There is no way we could ever lead anybody to Christ by passing hardcore judgment on people and telling them everything that they're doing is wrong. Yes, homosexuality is wrong The Bible says it. But instead of condemning people we need to love them. To bring people to Christ, we need to show them the love of Christ. And let the Holy Spirit do the convicting not us trying to do the convincing. We must love the people and pray for them. And what I have read and talked with people about in regards to their gender is that a lot of people have gender dysphoria. And the reason for the gender dysphoria is because they've had very bad things happen to them as a child and/or have had their loved ones such as a parent or whomever raised them basically condemn/ridicule that person because they don't fit into the gender norm. And because of this they don't know what they're supposed to be. And I don't see Sean cuddling people during this discussion what I see is his compassion and his love toward people. And what people tend to forget is that Jesus said in Matthew chapter 7 Don't judge people and point out your fellow humans flaw because while you're doing that you're ignoring the stick poking out of your own eye. And I also read in the comments that someone had pointed out the book of Romans on how to judge people but, the book of Romans was written to the Christians not to the sinners.
@mombythesea2426 Жыл бұрын
Christ told people to stop sinning. He never just swept it under the rug and gave someone a hug a moved on. He spoke the truth because without it we are all condemned
@GlovesOff_jc Жыл бұрын
Don’t you think God would be much more clear about this stuff and do it in a way that doesn’t require these cross cultural analysis and less than exact instructions and information? It’s almost as if the Bible is just a book written by ancient people who were trying to understand the world just like us today.
@popcorn6931 Жыл бұрын
Reaching out to all humans is important and we shouldn't let rigid thinking get in the way of that. Churches should be reaching out, not rejecting people. It is the strong reaction against what we don't understand that creates a gap. People get confused on this subject but proper guidance & patience is still needed.
@idahoplantlady Жыл бұрын
What a great conversation
@juliegallagher566 Жыл бұрын
What do you mean that we should read the scriptures from someone of a different culture? Do you mean hear an interpretation from those of a different culture? Otherwise it doesn't matter who reads scripture...that doesn't change the meaning.
@anitaflanagan-uphouse2463 Жыл бұрын
It's not biblical to use their pronouns and pander to them. You can better love them by not indulging them in their delusion. Speak truth in love, don't adapt to the lie they are telling themselves.
@juliestrock4847 Жыл бұрын
To love the aloes our God and to love others perfectly means telling the truth. We MUST not use personal pronouns against the biological gender. De-transitioners have done back to the relationships they had with parents who never waivered on calling them who they really are.
@kenramirez5782 Жыл бұрын
First Corinthians chapter 6 talks about sexual immorality and why is not allowed in the church it is metaphysical homosexuality transgender ism or marriage outside of Christ can never be in Christ that is like saying that the church would allow demons to live within the body of Christ that isIs like saying let’s tie up our Lord and have demons in defile creatures molest him that happened once for our salvation it will never happen again
@MrSeedi76 Жыл бұрын
Do you read ancient Greek? Guess not.
@jenaogirl Жыл бұрын
The idea that gender bending is a new phenomenon is positively ludicrous.
@Mimi-nr6jx 11 ай бұрын
This is wonderful…yes, demanding conformity to cultural gender stereotypes is legalism. In the same way a legalist thinks that works make one holy, they also think that wearing blue makes one a man. When in truth, holiness is already within the believer as defined/justified by God just as manhood (womanhood) is already within the man (woman) as defined by their Creator.
@sid5ofus Жыл бұрын
this poor guy over here is trying so hard to not say he or she and keeps saying Shannon. What a messed up world we live in. Why not just say "it".
@rebeccadampier1993 Жыл бұрын
I have a request. Could you do a program that is intended to give real tools using biblical guidelines for Christian parents with transgender children. Or could you suggest a resource. Not just defining the issues, but exploring real practical answers to moral dilemmas. For example, if a child who is 18 and now a legal adult wants to pursue transition through hormones and surgery, even though it is the adult child's decision, is it wrong to let them live at home or use your car to get hormone injections? Is it wrong to let your insurance cover it? Is it wrong to pay for their college education when you know they are going to a college where they can get hormone injections? One may say, well just tell them they can't or that they can only go to a Christian school. It's not that easy. If your child has rejected Christ and if they know you are against these things, but they still want a relationship with you and you still want to support them in their endeavor to receive an education. Are you held accountable for their decisions in what they choose to do with the benefits you work hard to give them? Where is the line drawn. I want to please God and not people. But does pleasing God mean that I cut off financial and educational support to my kid? Or does it mean paying for healthy things even if I have the full knowledge that that kid will use the benefits towards something I am opposed to? I want to do the God pleasing thing. Also what if you are not on the same page as your spouse? What if spouse wants you to compromise what you sense the Lord is calling you to. Do you comply for the sake of the marriage? Or do you separate and tear the family apart. Also, any resources such as books or articles in the matter would be much appreciated. This is the road I am traveling.
@seahawker791 Жыл бұрын
Rebecca I am going through almost similar circumstances. My son has come out as gay and doesn’t know if we believes in Jesus. He at a stages of being confused and feels like a girl at times. He’s 17. I don’t know what to do.
@rebeccadampier1993 Жыл бұрын
@@seahawker791 , It's such a difficult path to walk . I prayed for you and your son and I'll continue to lift him up to the Father. God keep you, my friend.
@kencapps5809 6 ай бұрын
Let me just add that my comment earlier was specific to a confused Christian. I am in no way implying disrespect for a trans-identifying person. I know only two nonbinary persons and they have not identified as Christians. I treat them with respect. Within Christianity, we must be biblical while doing our best to be loving. Jesus was full of truth and grace. Unfortunately, humans will most likely err either in too much grace or too much truth. God bless those who struggle but I cannot confirm biblical error knowingly.
@bettytigers Жыл бұрын
I was stewarding at the Greenbelt festival near Kettering in England. (It used to be called a Christian festival, but now is even more "diversity friendly" perhaps) I'm glad however it still has a communal communion service. They have some very good Christian speakers, but also allowed Richard Dawkins to express his evolutionary inclusive views from the main stage. I decided, not so much to protest, but to politely and silently stand to the side and hold up a placard saying "Test every thing" which the audience could easily see for the 10 minutes I held it up. The talk organiser asked me to not hold it up, after I had been there for about 5 minutes (which I refused to) , siting freedom of speech as a defense. Ironically I had to go on duty 4 minutes later, so my slight distraction was over. I thought your discussion was very positive, caring and wise, allowing your "Richard Dawkins" to speak but asking your audience to kindly question her>his assertions and opinions. 🙂
@taylorbaxter2006 9 ай бұрын
If someone disrespected my preferred pronouns, I would walk away from them immediately and permanently. I could similarly refer to them by the wrong pronoun, but that would be emotionally immature on my part. After one warning and they continue to disrespect...see ya.
@charliemike9940 Жыл бұрын
It's all about how does one identify. My identity isn't in my job, biology, sexuality, or anything else. My identity is in Christ. The kingdom is for those who have the mark of YHWH.
@darrenmiller6927 Жыл бұрын
Sean McDowell is nothing if not a class act, lol. A preacher for our times. Intellect and compassion are a great combination. A great American voice for our troubled times. Is this guy an angel? Lol. Deep topic here. Nice to hear a thoughtful, sincere, empathetic, Christian like Sean tackle these sensitive matters. God bless you Sean McDowell, I think you have huge heart. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, lol. I have dark beginnings as well as a colorful past. Some times God wants those of us from dark oppression to be a part of His kingdom. God's mercy is profound. My guilt and shame nearly killed me. I had both addiction and promiscuity, classic symptoms of adult survivors. God finally got it through my thick skull that He wants me here for a reason. I feel less like an outsider looking in, for the first time in my life. God can go anywhere and nothing escapes His notice. Ruth was an outsider from a wicked nation and is forever our hero in the very blood line of Christ. Like Rahab she says of God, He doess what He wants for His purposes weather we understand or not. The cross trumps all. The most wicked act in history is the most beautiful act in history all at once in the cross of Jesus. Only God could do that. Profound. There is nothing God can't do. And clearly the cross says there is nothing God won't do to save every last man and woman on the planet. Even guys like me. Much love.
@mamuklutze6474 Жыл бұрын
@dennistaylor3165 Жыл бұрын
As a Christian, I have used preferred pronouns and attended gay weddings to maintain a relationship with nonbelievers. What happens if you share Jesus with someone and they want to accept Jesus but then they don’t want to change the way they live. Should we be upfront and honest with people whenever we’re sharing Jesus that their lifestyle, maybe incongruent with Christianity?
@MrSeedi76 Жыл бұрын
First you should look more deeply into the issue yourself before accepting what hateful evangelicals tell you about the issue. Newsflash - they're lying to you.
@GodsDisciple Жыл бұрын
YOU love them by being true to your walk. You share the gospel and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. But you don't compromise your walk for the sake of not offending. The gospel is offensive to those who live opposite of God's Word. God tells us to not love the world, you share the gospel by being true to your new life in him and his Word. Then when people want to know why, lovingly share the gospel. That is love. ❤️❤️❤️
@taylorbaxter2006 9 ай бұрын
Because living in a homosexual lifelong-committed relationship is not incongruent with Scripture. When read in context, the Bible is actually silent on consensual, lifelong-committed homosexual relationships.
@garym6683 Жыл бұрын
This was painful to watch and disappointing. I would describe it as “theological” Cirque du Soleil and for what purpose? So, let’s “think Biblically.” Everybody has a “story” to tell these days and most are writing books about their stories-their stories about (fill in the blank). The paralytic at the pool had a story, didn’t he. Yet it was a simple question asked of him, “Do you want to be healed?” Instead, he defaulted to the telling of "his story.” And what did Jesus do? The woman at the well had a story that Jesus completed without equivocation. And what happened there? The stories coming out of the LGBTQai+ ideological worldview and other places are being used as a cudgel to cause the good people of faith, imperfect as we are, to throw the Church off balance, create chaos and worse the abandonment of telling God’s story. It comes in many forms, the earliest being, “Did God really say…?” And there the slide begins. In my early days of my Christian faith, we used to tell stories about how we were saved, how Jesus rescued us from ourselves, the repentance that came as we saw the harm we were causing in our downward spiral into the pit of ooze and slime and old decay. For the most part, the Church doesn’t make time for those stories anymore and I must ask why. I’m not impugning your faith or devotion to our Lord and Savior. God has blessed you and us by your ministry. But we must be careful in what story we are advancing and the hand-wringing that accompanies it. Yes, Jesus was a friend to sinners, thank God for that, but by virtual of the fact of being in Jesus’ presence, we sinners, are being transformed into his likeness. Where the old has passed away and all things have become new. Now that is a story worth the telling. Praise be to God!
@ohkeipooh9987 Жыл бұрын
In the back of my head I want to detransition for God but I'm scared of the monthly curse I don't want it I hate it I dispise it it's disgusting it's scary it's useless
@cryptickitsune1876 Жыл бұрын
There's nothing wrong with transitioning... and de-transitioning should be a PERSONAL choice. Being who you are is not a sin. If being in the body you were born in causes dysphoria then you were NOT meant to stay in that body. Humans get cancer... we get aids, and the flu... we get sick and we, through our intelligence and free will have found ways to CURE/TREAT these illnesses... If you have bad eyesight you GET GLASSES. If you have gender dysphoria... then there is nothing wrong with TRANSITIONING... *sigh* You are loved. Remember that. regardless of what other "christians" say about it... Existing as you know you are meant to in your own heart is NOT a sin.
@Roescoe Жыл бұрын
@@cryptickitsune1876 How do you know who you are? Do you listen to demons who tell you to mutilate your body or do you listen to God who loves you?
@Roescoe Жыл бұрын
The hormones and other things they put into your body are not good for you in any way. It's a really really hard thing to go against what everyone around you supports. (IE they're likely all gender community people) I would suggest prayer and fasting and ask the Lord for the strength to detransition.
@cryptickitsune1876 Жыл бұрын
@@Roescoe "The hormones and other things they put into your body are not good for you in any way"
@kimberlyromero2089 Жыл бұрын
Sean- 100% right approach to understand and listen to others who identify as transgender before casting judgement on them.
@taylorbaxter2006 9 ай бұрын
@pamwingo4650 Жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness talk about fuzzy wuzzy faith. They both sound like the almost affirm it. Understand compassion but this is so syrupy you could eat it with a spoon 😮
@diannamacintire Жыл бұрын
#1-transgender is not culture like the difference between the culture of one country and another or another people’s group … #2- Wish Sean had corrected the pronouns used by the other guy😢
@pamm2652 Жыл бұрын
I don't think that's what they are saying. More along the line that transgender can be created by feeling like in their culture the are only supposed to the stereotype. Which can be very different depending on the culture and time period.
@macelvee Жыл бұрын
Shannon is a she 😢
@lizzdoe2821 Жыл бұрын
I’m sure you have a video on this already but…. Should Christian’s use pronouns that go alone with a person’s transition or who they were created as..??
@cryptickitsune1876 Жыл бұрын
Short Answer: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@JBM101 Жыл бұрын
How can this even be something discussed ... bible is clear ... if someone is born again they are a new creation ... no pronouns ... they are in Christ and will be obedient to scripture ... if scriptures provide acceptance of this "behaviour" then you have your answer.
@dpcrn Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this discussion. I think it would’ve liked just a little bit more about how the author biblically justifies their position.
@shelley6690 Жыл бұрын
Would you consider lovingly stating that while we see a person as their biological sex as the truth, but will call them by their preferred pronoun to maintain a gracious relationship. ? Is that valid ?
@tinazimmer4304 Жыл бұрын
I try not to use somebody's preferred pronoun instead I use their name. I think that would be the least offensive thing because we are also supposed to love them
@KellieSPEAKS Жыл бұрын
So you choose to lie to yourself and them? Jesus never did that, He calls us to love.. Love is NOT lying to people to make them feel better.
@tinazimmer4304 Жыл бұрын
@@KellieSPEAKS but there are no lies involved when you use their name
@kristyleavitt8007 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Sean and Scott! I appreciate how all of your conversations are very thoughtful and respectful and grounded in a high view of Scripture. I could listen to you two all day!
@margaretolivas4708 Жыл бұрын
Truth is love.
@Paul8276 Жыл бұрын
The person, although being brought up in the Christian religion, was never born again of the Spirit of God. There is no evidence that she has been born again since. So, she still has a form of godliness but is denying the actual power of it. The upshot is that she is not a new creature in Christ, but retains a form of the Christian religion without knowing God Himself.
@cryptickitsune1876 Жыл бұрын
You migendered him... *he*
@evolgenius1150 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say they were "infirtile" there are many men that are sterile or unfertrile that have high sex drives. I would say more or less they were impotent or possibly hypogonadal and had no testosterone.
@highlandbackrub4736 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant dialogue. Thank you!
@sistergoldenhair0727 3 ай бұрын
I would never use incorrect pronouns period.
@KellieSPEAKS Жыл бұрын
Love is not always going to feel good.. not to the person required to give it nor for the recipient.
@kencapps5809 6 ай бұрын
Scott: There is so much confusion on this issue we have to be very careful in how we discuss it in Christian thinking. It is late at night when I'm listening to your podcast. But I think I understand that Shannon is a biological female. If that is correct, why do you use he/him pronouns? I would not choose to do that even in Shannon's presence at her request. Affirming gender confusion is denying biblical creation, is it not? Can't we love Shannon without affirming her confusion? I may need to come back to listen further. But, now, I'm too tired to try to keep up. Good night.
@ggjr61 Жыл бұрын
I don’t know what world you guys are living in but currently in the mainstream western world the differences between the sexes on a cultural level are as close to non existent as has ever been. If that’s all there was to this Shannons situation once she became an adult there would have been no reason to be concerned male/female stereotypes. There has to be more to it for her.
@terrorists-are-among-us Жыл бұрын
@juliestrock4847 Жыл бұрын
That would be true if Shannon didn’t grow up in a fundamental, rigid, legalistic community. I would imagine it is similar to Ginger Duggar’s story with the legalism of Bill Gothard’s teaching.
@allenmorgan4309 9 ай бұрын
If they don't repent they will be lost because the Bible is very clear about homosexuality and men dressing as women being sinful. It is not to be accepted within the church. Jesus teaches us to love our enemies and they are enemies of God and yet we should be kind and treat them as we would want to be treated and yet we should stand firm about what is sin and what is not sin because in the end all that matters is what Gods Word teaches because that is what we will all be judged by. Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
@pdstor Жыл бұрын
Ohhhhhh ask someone - anyone - in sub-Saharan Africa how they feel about "gender expression." Do it. I **want** you to do it.
@mombythesea2426 Жыл бұрын
Lol when I heard that I could only think of the interviews I've seen from over there
@eastcoastartist Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@ohkeipooh9987 Жыл бұрын
Then how do I get rid of the monthly curse forever I rater die then get that
@Roescoe Жыл бұрын
Is that demons telling you you are cursed? Request God's help, and get yourself a priest or pastor familiar with curses/demons.
@bakacs1n Жыл бұрын
If you are not conversing with someone affected by this issue and focus only on plain facts ... then the whole gay/trans thing can quickly get debunked, because this wave is concentrated to areas, it's not universal by any means. The pronoun thing for example is so funny, because in some languages you don't even have pronouns ... so it's total nonsense. The gay/trans wave is spiritual in nature, otherwise everyone would be affected in the same manner like covid. If it would be physical than there should be proof of genetic disorder, brain disorder etc. since its counter-evolutionist. But if you are conversing with someone affected by this issue, then it's entirely another issue. Then your truth or facts doesn't matter, only the truth of God matters and Jesus is the truth and the life. By Jesus and the Holy Spirit should that person be convicted not by you, otherwise he will not understand and just see you as an enemy and oppressor. So wisdom is your best friend here.
@Roescoe Жыл бұрын
"The gay/trans wave is spiritual in nature" I totally agree. There is clear spiritual warfare with those as the particular attack vectors for gen Y and gen Z.
@ChalkboardCreativeHomeschool Жыл бұрын
I’m disappointed that as a Christian and Dean of theology, we’re referring to mentally disabled females as a “his.” “him,” etc. Shannon is a woman. God created her a woman, regardless of how she is struggling with gender dysmorphia. These two men trying their best to not offend her is very concerning. Disappointed that Sean McDowell is aligning with the wokeness invading Talbott. Standpoint epistemology is the focus of this discussion and it’s saddening to see it being welcomed by a man I genuinely appreciated. Please parents. Hep your young person choose their Christian university wisely; Biola is leaning more and more progressive. Young adults need to be prepared to confront the issue of transgenderism with truth and love, not accepting a person’s pronouns, saying we can learn from them. But confronting these lies with truth so we can change the culture.
@eliara-thevoice8430 Жыл бұрын
This conversation is weak and absokutely not in alignment with the WORD. God does not make mistakes. No one was birthed into the wrong body. One can show compassion without participating in delusion.
@TheHcjfctc Жыл бұрын
As far as pronouns go, I will use whatever naturally comes out. Some trans people present so well as the other gender that it takes intention to use their born pronouns. Pronouns are to make language flow and give our brain a bit of a break. Using they/them or neopronouns, if it’s someone I am in relationship, I will try my best to use them, but I will inform them that they do not come naturally and so I am likely to slip up often, but I will try out of respect for them.
@drmominstlouis662 Жыл бұрын
I don’t agree with the use of preferred pronouns. God is a God of truth and those who follow Him should reflect that. Also, we have no problem disagreeing with someone who has anorexia nervosa when they believe they are fat. Why can we not speak the truth in love with this issue? It is a similar split between the mind and reality. They need truth spoken in a loving way.
@danielpugh2913 Жыл бұрын
Have you invited Shannon to come on your show? Better to hear his conversation rather than two apologists who think transgenderism is an aberrant existence.
@allanmichel1041 Жыл бұрын
Your host has blessed you with wisdom and profound insights on the subject of discussion. I hope you heed them. Remember that Jesus reached out to the marginalized to change and to save them but not be himself morphed by them.
@mombythesea2426 Жыл бұрын
Biblically, if you witness sin and sweep it under the rug, you are just as guilty. Being this compromising is wrong. Allowing this ideology to become so accepted (even if you disagree) will cause it to spread.
@user-yt7df8mw2s Жыл бұрын
every religion every belief system is a compiled context of stories that came from previous religions and belief systems. Christianity predated by Judaism, Judaism by Norse, Greek, etc. predated on and on till you get to animism. the world's oldest known belief system the belief that everything had a spirit. from there going forward we started with everything had a spirit, from everything having a spirit the spirits became gods and demi gods,( it's my thought only here that having so many gods and demi gods was to confusing to people to keep up with who's the god of what) the next evolving stage went from polytheism to monotheism the belief in only one true god so it was easier for people to follow both educated and uneducated alike so there was more common grounds for all to be equal. Just like everything else in life though you get some that take it the way it should be followed and that for peace love and prosperity, and you have others that try to find things in it that's not there and is used for fear, hate and a tool to run over people.
@woodand Жыл бұрын
Dr S has gone down in my estimation..
@JHHodos Жыл бұрын
The compassion evident is good - but the squishy coddling is not. A firm Christian perspective is needed. The hosts jere are afraid of being cancelled or demonetized
@cryptickitsune1876 Жыл бұрын
Is kindness non-Christian now?... By firm do you mean intentionally cruel? you're weird dude...
@JHHodos Жыл бұрын
@@cryptickitsune1876 Just the opposite - kindness is a cardinal Christian attribute. What's unkind is coddling or affirming someone's sinful behaviour. So, you're the weird one, twisted and deceived by whatever liberal culture you've embraced.
@fakeyououtdotcom2409 Жыл бұрын
Using a persons preferred pronouns for the purpose of being able to converse...they know you don't believe a person can change their sex. So, it's like you're not being honest in the way you relate to them to "save them from hell." That's worse than not using their preferred pronouns...in my humble opinion.
@neilsworldwide Жыл бұрын
Well you call a black man the n word but that won't convince him your correct. Just saying.
@sistergoldenhair0727 3 ай бұрын
Using a wrong pronoun is affirmation for THEM.
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