Your Friends Who Went to College Will Fail

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The Dad You Never Had: theclareyschoo...

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@DuncansTravels Жыл бұрын
The real issue is that most young people aren’t going to trust cappy’s advice until they’ve learned through firsthand experience that the advice of teachers, guidance counselors, celebrities, and most parents is complete garbage. Pain and failure is unfortunately the best teacher. Just hope that you have the willingness to admit your mistakes instead of doubling down on the path of a miserable life.
@reanschwarzer2187 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately they then have the option of voting to take other peoples money
@prussiansocietyofamerica Жыл бұрын
Pain and Failure as the means to learn the way through life, are what Untermenschen do. Wise Men learn from the mistakes of others, as Bismarck said. This world has enough useless eaters.
@bazookaluke467 Жыл бұрын
from the first time I heard Aaron say that, all the buttons clicked, as an average C-B student, Counselors have always been incredibly condescending and patronizing towards me.
@5thfloor584 Жыл бұрын
that really depends upon personality and intelligence, I can see a lot of people that are somewhat smart to take his advice or at least consider it. I still find going to university to be worth it if you get one of the "good" degrees (like cappy said 10% of all degrees). Working as a blue-collar person, you stagnant quickly, and you never see large gains that you can get working in a stem field, etc.
@MonumentalDong Жыл бұрын
I’ve been watching since I was 17 I’ve had the same mentality as him haha
@raj-cr4nl Жыл бұрын
$25,000 in student loans? That ain’t shit dude. I know people over $250,000. Get a second job and pay it off in 3 years.
@enfyrneaux Жыл бұрын
No kidding. I racked up only $20k for a state school engineering degree, and it's paid for itself several times over now just with my salary. The $250k art school grads without any reasonable future income are the real suckers.
@eightsprites Жыл бұрын
If it was only allowed to takeout expected yearly earnings x 2 in debt.. I bet alot of art people would think twice before even starting a useless degree.
@Exalted_Example Жыл бұрын
@@enfyrneaux What sort of engineering
@enfyrneaux Жыл бұрын
@@Exalted_Example Electrical. I work near a certain bank that Cappy (and everyone else) was talking about last week. My current base pay is on the lower end for a senior engineer at around $200k - lower than a FAANG, but enough to live comfortably and also save a war chest in this expensive hellhole.
@Kevin-ys7sj Жыл бұрын
Wah! Frickin, wah! Grow up or go play in traffic!
@jeffquinlan4064 Жыл бұрын
"Stop looking at the losers in society and taking their advice as gospel." I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember exactly where this was said, but this line stuck with me. I remember hearing the: If you would not trade lives with them, take their advice with a grain of salt.
@technic1285 Жыл бұрын
I started saying, "Don't take winning advice from losers." a few months ago. Maybe there _is_ a collective conscience.
@dirtydan1861 Жыл бұрын
I went to college for a STEM degree. The best friendships I made were with older people, whether they were veterans or professionals changing careers, or university employees that engaged in actual, dangerous critical thinking. Our library also had some transients that were not students. A few were functionally homeless. Befriending those guys taught me so much more than the watered down ethics and humanities classes. They were good friends to have at that point in my life, but they were definitely case studies of what NOT to do. Bright people, great minds, but very damaged.
@robertbell525 Жыл бұрын
When my son graduated from college literally 97% of the humanities and sociology majors were women and 97% of STEM were men. I counted them as they walked in.
@darrenshebell3563 9 ай бұрын
I went to school and got my degree in Electrical Engineering. Not only was the percentage of men to women going after this degree 90%; but the women that were in the curriculum were either ugly and or foreign... About 4 out of 5 of my TA's were foreign. I noticed over the years that Asian sounding names received more partial credit for "incomplete" answers than myself... The Sociology course I took had about 40 people in it. There were 30 women and 10 men. I got the highest grade in the class, as a man, among males, with a "B". The tests would consist of 70% multiple guess, which I always got an 100 on, and 30% essay. I would spend all test time answering the essay questions and write approximately 3 "blue books" worth of "stuff". The girl next to me would write only one books worth... She would get an A and I would get a B... I was still very proud of the 93 I received on an Electromagnetic Fields test once in my junior year; even though I got all the answers right, apparently, I was told they didn't like the way I did my "work"... The average grade for that test was a C-... At least I got all the answers right huh!!! Gotta love public universities... It wasn't a school. It was an erudite combat survivor pit. 400 got to enter 89 managed to get our degree in Electrical Engineering. I was number 59. When I left college I had to enlist in the ARMY to get money to pay back my dad and get food, because of a massive recession...
@michah321 3 ай бұрын
What year was that? Half medical school and half law school is women. Women are gaining confidence in these fields they didn't have even 10 years ago.
@chrisl1414 Жыл бұрын
I was a University professor for a number of years and agree with this video (although I am anything but your typical broke Marxist professor). At 15, my son told me he wasn't interested in going to University, and I strongly supported his decision. Now at 19, he has a great well paid union job as a Marine Worker working on large coastal ferries. There is a huge global shortage of Marine workers, and he is getting as many shifts and as much overtime as his heart desires, and he loves his job. Great decision on his part.
@evanm2024 Жыл бұрын
Yup. The laws of supply and demand don't just stop applying because you have a degree.
@chrisl1414 Жыл бұрын
@@evanm2024 Indeed. And there is certainly a greater demand for Marine Workers as opposed to Marxist professors. And unlike college where you have to pay a fortune to attend, the Ferry Corporation paid for almost all of my son's training, courses, and multiple ship class clearances.
@butwhole4186 Жыл бұрын
@@chrisl1414 That's incredible. He has an edge against his peers.
@beavermcdoogles Жыл бұрын
id rather travel the world and bang pinays for two months every year as a high school school history teacher
@Sunfun818 Жыл бұрын
@@chrisl1414 chris you are a great dad. and yes some people should go to college if pursuing nursing, accounting, law if top tier or connections, and engineering. but a vast majority will serve better going straight to work avoiding massive student loans. I salute you, good sir.
@fryode Жыл бұрын
Pay for trucking school yourself. Having a company pay for your training locks you into a long contract and has you paying way too much for the training.
@marksandoval5361 Жыл бұрын
Avoid out-of-state public colleges. Why pay 4 times as much as it would cost to get the same degree at an in-state public college. Avoid private colleges. Why pay 4 times as much as it would cost to get the same degree at an in-state public college. Live at home. If you have a good college near by, living at home can save loads of money. Live without a car. In many college towns it can be quite easy to live without a car. Which can save lots of money. Work part time during the school year and full time during the summer. Paying as you go can cover a large percentage of your costs. Never borrow more than 50% of the starting salary of your profession. Example: Engineer starting salary = $70,000. Max amount borrowed = $35,000. If you keep living like a broke college student after graduation, you should be able to pay off that debt in 2 years without too much effort. Avoid useless degrees. Pretty much every thing in the college of arts and sciences and business schools. Get high paying professional degrees. Engineering, computer science, accounting, medical profession(doctor, nurse, dentist, dental hygienist, pharmacist, imaging tech, etc.), teacher. Never get any college degree where the starting salary is less than $50,000.
@elzoog Жыл бұрын
"Avoid private colleges." The financial aid office in private colleges are more likely to be forthcoming about grants and loans you might be able to get (because they are more expensive). So, visit one, tell them you want to go to that college but don't think you can afford it. Get the information and then use that information to help pay for public college.
@goshawk4340 Жыл бұрын
If you home school you can do some college classes while in highschool.
@mikebraun9673 Жыл бұрын
I work as a dispatcher for a large trucking company.... You would not believe how many english degrees drive truck.... How many journalism degrees are driving truck... I can at least count in my head how many culinary graduates are driving truck.... all making 78k a year... broke as shit because they are paying off student loans...
@richardfloridaman Жыл бұрын
Why would they be broke though because the payments are not big and student loan caps exist. They're probably broke because they also have kids, families and other poor piled up lifestyle choices they've made along the way.
@Joe_Dirt82 Жыл бұрын
Skipped college. Went to work force. I didn't make much but I had fun. Me n my friends had great times, bought n sold cars, learned skills from one of my older friends (8 yrs older n a great dude). Tried college, didn't last, dropped out n joined trades. Was too wild when I was younger to have made it in trades. Life's comfortable makin good money. All the kids I knew who went to college... married, divorced, debt, still tryin to show off like it's middle school. Myself n my friends with skills, we all live pretty good. We're looked down on but we know we went the better route cuz we don't have look at me lives and We're all fine with it.
@prussiansocietyofamerica Жыл бұрын
Exactly Man. Life experiences and fun trumps any amount of money. Always remember what Harry Wormwood said in the movie Matilda about College. "I never knew anybody who went to college... Bunch of hippies and cesspool salesmen". College is for losers!
@jessereeves3303 Жыл бұрын
You ain’t making 100k entry level truck driver. Maybe 65k.
@collin9085 Жыл бұрын
Same for entry level engineer.
@69erthx1138 Жыл бұрын
24 months in a data analytics program vs. degree (even entry STEM)? I'm making up for 35 years of mediocre jobs, scraping by with little or almost no retirement savings (co-dependent marriage on top of it). Dad told me many years ago, 1) with women, love'em and leave'um. 2) become an electrical engineer, like him. Majored in biology/ecology emphasis (only jobs regulatory or GOVT), got married at 22. I'm making my third swing at the ball and aiming out of the park.
@annyer262 Жыл бұрын
I know a marine biologist. She is a crazy leftist! I could not work in such an environment!
@SimicChameleon Жыл бұрын
Biology is impressive lot. Good luck hacking calc 2-3, linear and differential equations if plan for the engineering. What is like in data analytics
@lawv804 Жыл бұрын
As someone who went to college and was in a fraternity, we didn't have a guest list for parties or ask for invites. Anyone who showed up and looked like they belonged was allowed in, as long as we knew they were over 18yo. You don't have to be in college to go to frat parties. Just go, get a drink, and have fun.
@n1c704 Жыл бұрын
I crashed a lot of frat parties at local colleges while I was active duty military.
@targetegrat Жыл бұрын
@@ColonelHoganStalag13 Alcohol is more valuble than money at college parties lol
@elzoog Жыл бұрын
I bet if it was a girl who was 16 or 17, you let her slide if she was cute. Am I right?
@lawv804 Жыл бұрын
@@elzoog WTF? No
@Mr3bedid Жыл бұрын
Another thing to add is after college most people no longer stay in contact. So in a few years the people they are partying with will most likely become strangers to them anyway. I agree with Cappy for sure !!
@LprogressivesANDliberals Жыл бұрын
The problem is that 100% of people say college is the only path when in reality it ain’t happening for 100% of people. If your son isn’t a gifted student at 14, push him to a trade.
@Meton2526 Жыл бұрын
This. It's popular to shit on IQ tests, but the best return on value you can make is to take an IQ test when you turn 18 (one of the real ones like the Stanford-Binet,) and if your IQ is less than 115 (or whatever the equivalent score for your test is,) then go into the trades. You can also just take a military ASVAB test, they give them for free if you go to a recruiter. An ASVAB of 60 is the same as an IQ of 115. Just don't let the recruiter talk you into signing up for anything unless everything you want is in writing. And if your IQ is above 115, you only go in for STEM or to become a doctor (better have an IQ closer to 130 for Doctor, otherwise you'll struggle.)
@vicvic2081 Жыл бұрын
So true. It took me 10 years to get my accounting degree. I got an accounting job but it would have been much better for me just to do trades. I sacrificed way too much for this degree
@stevens1041 Жыл бұрын
See here is the thing, I was a very good student all my life. But studying didn't make me happy. Or I should say, studying theoretical nonsense that had no application in the real world. I studied plenty when I started at a trade, but it was all stuff that I knew would help me work every day, help me out in the field, and make more money for my family. People at university talk all day about fixing the entire world, yet they can't even repair the broken concrete in front of the building.
@Big_talks. 7 ай бұрын
@@vicvic2081 how did the degree work out for you? I’m in school for it now
@vicvic2081 7 ай бұрын
@@Big_talks. With accounting you just gotta do your time. My first job was Accounts Receivables making $21 an hour. Now I have experience pretty sure my next job i will make 60k. It's not a bad degree. If you can your CPA get it. You will earn 60-70k right out the gate
@sammencia7945 Жыл бұрын
I work in trucking, shipping, and logistics. CDL truckers make 95k to 120k a year. 8k to 10k a month for $5k investment.
@jimv77 Жыл бұрын
My son is a freshman studying Computer Science. These math classes are tough for him. He loves his CS classes. He just wants to devote 4 years and make good money. I wish I could tell him to consider a Coding Boot camp if the struggling continues...but not much knowledge in that area. I got a four year business degree and worked in Software Engineering as a career and always did not enjoy it and told everyone but the money was good. My wife is a Physician Assistant. It's hard to think as a parent of a different route when you succeeded following the traditional route....
@Njliving22 Жыл бұрын
How does your wife like being a PA? I’ve considered that. Healthcare careers can be great. Not talking about being a Dr but a masters level healthcare professional. Nurse practitioner etc. even a respiratory therapist two year degree makes around 100k a year working 3 days a week. Great roi
@jimv77 Жыл бұрын
@@Njliving22 She enjoys being a PA. Being a Nurse Practitioner is also a good choice. College for 6 years and good pay...not as much college time and debt as a Dr.....and you can get a job in any big city or small town. When we moved in 2013 she only did two interviews and got two job offers. She actually graduated back in 1998 and it was ONLY four years total of college for debt. Only downside is can't work from home.....and you deal with the general public.....from low class rude to arrogant elite if you know what I mean.
@stevens1041 Жыл бұрын
Computer Science degrees are insane. Saying this as a former CS student myself--would you learn mechanical engineering to know how to fix your car? That's a good comparison. I ended up doing physical layer cable runs as an IT guy, making 45/hr, as much overtime as I want too. Tough but rewarding work that no one wants to do.
@johnsondailysports1341 Жыл бұрын
Man I have been watching Aaron since like 2012. He keeps it real man
@KevinStone-bf5ey 8 ай бұрын
No group of people have done as much harm in the last two decades as the teachers and professors. Lie after lie, and justice will never be served.
@wickederebus 4 ай бұрын
Boomers are still trying for that runner up position.
@darrenshebell3563 9 ай бұрын
I went to school and got my degree in Electrical Engineering. Not only was the percentage of men to women going after this degree 90%; but the women that were in the curriculum were either ugly and or foreign... About 4 out of 5 of my TA's were foreign. I noticed over the years that Asian sounding names received more partial credit for "incomplete" answers than myself... The Sociology course I took had about 40 people in it. There were 30 women and 10 men. I got the highest grade in the class, as a man, among males, with a "B". The tests would consist of 70% multiple guess, which I always got an 100 on, and 30% essay. I would spend all test time answering the essay questions and write approximately 3 "blue books" worth of "stuff". The girl next to me would write only one books worth... She would get an A and I would get a B... I was still very proud of the 93 I received on an Electromagnetic Fields test once in my junior year; even though I got all the answers right, apparently, I was told they didn't like the way I did my "work"... The average grade for that test was a C-... At least I got all the answers right huh!!! Gotta love public universities... It wasn't a school. It was an erudite combat survivor pit. 400 got to enter 89 managed to get our degree in Electrical Engineering. I was number 59. When I left college I had to enlist in the ARMY to get money to pay back my dad and get food, because of a massive recession...
@darrenshebell3563 9 ай бұрын
1 years worth of Drill Sergeants in the south, 2 years in a German sheep field near Augsburg and 1 year hidden in the valley's of western Maryland. Paid off my college debt to my dad. and paid off my new car, a blue Chevy Cavalier...
@wickederebus 4 ай бұрын
​@@darrenshebell3563funny, my friend just bought a blue Chevy Cavalier himself.
@wickederebus 4 ай бұрын
33:00 my 2002 camry may never be a "classic car" but at over the 450k miles my family has put on it over the last 20 years, my dad's $14,000 for it was fully waisted.
@unitedstatesofpostamerica7559 Жыл бұрын
College can be really fun, no denying that, probably the best reason to go. I understand why they feel this way.
@TheSpearman-vt3nb Жыл бұрын
Is there any hope for someone like me? Going to be 35 no education wasted my life with (even though I did work hard) shit jobs, getting married, being a criminal no convictions? I’m willing to work hard but I don’t want to shovel dirt anymore. I tried community college back in the day but it seemed even back then you were part of the ideology or you were shunned. Took me right out of wanting to learn anything from them. I still have no idea what to do but I have nothing important that will distract me from completing something
@SimicChameleon Жыл бұрын
Go to community college for a technical trades certification or practical career credits. No arts. Only take stem if you can hack calculus 1-3 with differential equations. Test out first if you like programming, welding, or other trades first before attending a class.
@dr.vonslifeinvesting6485 Жыл бұрын
@richardfloridaman Жыл бұрын
I'm 35 and starting over, too. I signed up for the CDL-A trucking program, and the Welding program, the EMT program and I'm gonna pursue adding something else... and turn it into an interdisciplinary studies degree with at least 4 trade options. Just go to school for the right things.
@1SnuffySmith Жыл бұрын
Notice you didn't mention tech school.
@claytonbouldin9381 Жыл бұрын
The two realities aren't mutually exclusive. He can keep on the trucking thing and go to the college parties at the same time. Get the best of both worlds...that would be my move.
@marverickmercer1968 6 ай бұрын
You call it "college drop out", I call it "speedrunning career".
@alejmc Жыл бұрын
Can’t remember who or what episode, might have been Aaron, who mentioned: that on Instagram we don’t see the aftermath pictures of the hangover, missed important event (some even lose job interviews for partying around), the hole in the bank account after said wasteful night, etc… And regarding famous and rich looking people, they also rent photoshoot time of the yacht, private plane, etc… it wasn’t theirs, as the saying goes: “looking expensive IS expensive”. The out of camera moments that have spilled you can see that said rich and famous person is dreading every second of it up until the fake smile for the photo click.
@PaulVerhoeven2 4 ай бұрын
The advice to the customer about selling his car and buying a good used car is wrong. He already has a good used car - his. What was done is done, you can’t change it, now the right solution is to keep it and take good care of it so it would remain a good used car. A transaction of selling it and buying another introduces both costs and risks. Even if it is on a car loan - loans in 2020 were not bad at all, especially for new cars, could be 0%, 0.9%. Hell, even 3.9% is lower than you can get on a CD in a credit union (or close to it after tax), let alone long term in S&P500, so he should not even rush to pay it off.
@curlyhairdudeify Жыл бұрын
College is only for Lawyers, Engineers, Doctors, etc... All other degrees are useless. Most construction jobs; welding, CNC machining. I don't know about other states but in my state. CNC machining starts at $18-30 dollars in the state of Nevada. Then, I got an Optician Apprenticeship... Starting at $18. And the pay will increase once I obtain and Optician Certificate and will increase more once I get the Optician State License to close to $30 dollars. So I was like... Choosing between being an Optician and being a Machinist when the pay scale is about the same.
@davids.9313 Жыл бұрын
Idk where you live, but where I live and I even heard cappy say it before that Law only works if you are in a top law course or university. Idk about America but in England(i dont feel it would be any different in the US) there are only like a few thousand(maybe 5k) barristers(good lawyers) overall and every year thousands of law graduates apply with only a couple of hundred being accepted, and the other ones (supermarkte lawyers as I call them) are solicitors which get paid relatively the same as the aforementioned truck drivers . Plus even b4 that you have to find someone to shadow that can teach you so you can then pass the bar exam, you need connections, to get accepted into a top law course on top of being smart(last one is at least reasonable). The others I agree with. Can you expand more on the law bit tho?
@stevens1041 Жыл бұрын
I always wanted to start my own business or do a trade. My dad that's a teacher roasted me and I made the ultimate mistake of going to a 4 year university at age 18. Got my degree and got no where with it until I learned a trade. A lot of guys when I was working in the trades were the coolest and funniest people I ever met. I was a rack and stack physical layer networks guy, every day I felt like the work I did was important and useful.
@collin9085 Жыл бұрын
College was NOT a highlight of my life. If you have a stem degree you will work hard. High school is the time where you can screw off.
@Big_talks. 7 ай бұрын
How about accounting degree?
@collin9085 7 ай бұрын
@@Big_talks. I'm not sure how demanding that degree is. My guess is that if there are a series of "statistics" courses than this would be the hardest part. Statistics (calculating probabilities) can actually get more complicated than you would think.
@Big_talks. 7 ай бұрын
@@collin9085 you think it’s a good degree to pursue money wise
@collin9085 7 ай бұрын
​@@Big_talks. There are many factors that go into determining if a degree is good for you. Many of those can be much more important than compensation. Income will vary widely based on the company, location, and role you have. I.e. some lawyers make 50k while others make 500k per year. If you work your way up at the "big 4" then you can make well above average. Honestly, very few jobs (i.e. being an employee) pay very well. If your main goal is to make a lot of money, then you may want to do something outside of traditional employment. Like start your own business.
@Big_talks. 7 ай бұрын
@@collin9085 thanks
@goshawk4340 Жыл бұрын
If you pay to get your CDL. Most complies will require 6 months experience or you going through there cdl program. the mega carriers do most of the training. Yard spotter jobs don't require a CDL but you can get your experience to do OTR, regional, or local route if you choose to.
@tarawhite4419 Жыл бұрын
By 2030 college is gonna be half a million a yr
@Dan-440 Жыл бұрын
Rent a Centers here have rims for rent or rent to own. Think about that.
@alexdiaz3311 Жыл бұрын
I am glad that Cappy also mistook Chris Norris name for Chuck Norris, I am not the only one.
@kenrose2523 Жыл бұрын
If you're the one that drives often(or drives for a living), driving a used car with out-dated safety features is not a good idea.
@JamesWorthy-yo1te Жыл бұрын
I agree. Say for any Toyota around 2009 or newer, you get front airbags, side airbags, side curtain airbags, and even ones for the knees. Not to mention better crumple zone engineering and head restraints if you get rear ended. I think the new stuff is mostly overblown safety wise, but the bare minimum should be something with most of the above features and be heavier but still not too prone to rollovers. If you are so inclined, you can even look your car up on a salvage site and see how it holds up in a crash... You do not want to be in a single cab 2001 Tacoma during a rollover... the whole cab can actually flatten on you.
@kenrose2523 Жыл бұрын
@JamesWorthy-yo1te You know, I almost got into a crush with a tractor trailer thanks to some douchebag ahead me. If my vehicle was a few years older, let just say, my original post would not exist.
@mikeg1032 Жыл бұрын
Does your view on buying a new vehicle apply to buying a pickup truck? Even used pickup truck with over a 100,000 miles will still cost as much or more than this brand new Honda Civic. And a brand tacoma will last the rest of your life and has utility.
@Kitsune205 Жыл бұрын
I've got a 2007 Acura with almost 500k miles on it. Yeah, it breaks, but in the last 100k miles not ONCE has it stranded me, so. Find a good mechanic and they'll be able to sus shit out.
@vicvic2081 Жыл бұрын
How much it cost u
@wickederebus 4 ай бұрын
My 2002 Camry is on its 3rd starter. Other than that one time, it has never stranded me. It's past the 500k mile marker now
@paulsmith4118 9 ай бұрын
Cappy was looking the 18 plus night up for himself
@Murfster Жыл бұрын
Spear and magic Helmet? Wet me give you a sample!
@BossX2243 Жыл бұрын
I graduated with a masters in Nanoengineering at 23 last year (undergrad in the states and masters in Japan) I already paid off the 30,000 in debt because I make 180,000 a year fresh out of school without having to be dirty and tired rolling around in mud. I have a flexible schedule, and don’t have to work 70-80 hours a week grinding overtime to make 6 figures. Plus, about 10 years from now, I’ll be making ~400,000/yr. I have loads of technical skills from labs and design classes, learned two languages in school, and women appreciate my education. I know most guys here won’t care that much about it, but I appreciate the company of a woman. College isn’t the right choice for everyone, but if you are focused and hard-working, it opens you up to a lot of opportunity, and the networking ability is absolutely insane. I have money, and a physically easy enough job that I can spend that time and money exercising, training, and building cars and motorcycles instead of wasting my energy shoveling dirt. Plus my job is mentally stimulating enough that I’m never bored. It is definitely a good option for a lot of people out there, and I think you are selling it short.
@ronaldsuarez6389 Жыл бұрын
Brah how do I get into that? geez
@SimicChameleon Жыл бұрын
You are so lucky and resilient in the ambition goal. Congratulation and glad you pass calc 2.
@vicvic2081 Жыл бұрын
Aaron love guys like you. He only hates liberal arts degrees
@BossX2243 Жыл бұрын
@@ronaldsuarez6389 you have to grind hard while you’re in school. I worked in high school to pay a large fraction of my college tuition, and I chose to go to an in-state school. I also lived off campus with roommates and worked to pay all of my bills, so I didn’t have to pay for room and board through loans. I ended up paying for my first two years outright, and school only costed 14,000/year because I was in-state and living off campus. While I was doing school and working, I did research in one of my professors labs and interned over the summers to build my resume. Doing personal projects is also a good idea (just make sure you have good documentation). Getting a masters really helped because it raises your salary by ~20-25k off the bat depending on where you are, and there are a lot fewer masters students than there are bachelors so it helps when looking for jobs. I got a scholarship for study in Japan and living expenses over there are relatively cheap (compared to California at least, lmao). Also, I was willing to move wherever to look for a job, and I was pretty aggressive in my negotiations (it helps to get multiple job offers and play them off each other to raise your pay). That’s pretty much it. Loads of hard work up front
@NamelessKing1597 Жыл бұрын
25:43 take the 25, 000 you paid for the car to get da gurlsa to *maybe* bob up and down on your tool and you can get 25-100 hours worth (2-6 weeks if you pay for the whole night) of a lady of the evening bobbing on it instead. Twice as long in Tijuana, Baja, Mexico and 5x as long in the DR. Hell, you can even (I'm legally required to only say) spend an hour of your time with an actual adult film actress 5 - 10 times for that much. If you're gonna pay for it, pay for it.
@jesuscarrillo-kd4on Жыл бұрын
Ol' Hillary is gonna teach a class on how to sell access from political office and how to profit from running a " charity" .
@bluemoondiadochi 10 ай бұрын
one thing not mentioned here is the stigma and fear of "cultural descent into the working class" thats experienced by young men from middle class whose family is also college educated. its a real thing, and i think this is part of why this kid is depressed. its not only losing your circle, its also "falling" down on level of country-music-listening, unshaven beer guzzling truckers and mechanics (in eyes of such fine, gentle white collar families). its a fear that you will not be compatible by personal culture with people around you. its this fear you need to conquer in order to have a great life. even after understanding that the college is a bullshit life choice, you still need to concuer this fear. God knows I had this fear, coming from a mostly highly educated family. I did my twists and turns till i got my masters at environmental bullshittery. then guess what - i worked in warehouses and factories cuz i couldnt fall back on any real skills. i met great people, learned to work with my hands, learned a lot about myself and about what it means to be a man. in meantime i got a job in my field of profession (sorta) and i love my job but its a blue collar job and i didnt need my degree for it. but guess what - i love my job and and MAKING BANK! Anyways, wanted to add my two cents to the conversation.
@redpilledhawk Жыл бұрын
Spear and magic helmet. What’s Opera Doc
@johnfroelich8554 Жыл бұрын
Maybe use a bullhorn, Cappy?
@chrismo1012 Жыл бұрын
Advice....with that amount of money you are make/have. Please learn personal finance/ investing / ROTH IRAs. Save. Put money to work. Learn on your own and Seek good advice for this. Do this now and you will far ahead than most of your peers.
@BastienStarFort Жыл бұрын
@sylwesterirla9246 Жыл бұрын
@paulkal4909 Жыл бұрын
i’m 30 years old and have owned 20 cars, fixed them myself but at current prices for used, you are throwing your money away, good new economy cars are around 20,000 make sure your credit is good and go buy one
@vicvic2081 Жыл бұрын
So what do you recommend doing?
@paulkal4909 Жыл бұрын
@@vicvic2081 your income will determine your choice, if you are poor buy an old pos because that’s all you can afford, if you make good money for your area and have a great credit score, buy a budget car brand new. It will cost you around 300$ a month
@Sunfun818 Жыл бұрын
Aaron, you are doing the lords work. unfortunately, the vast majority will not listen to you. like you said earlier in your videos. you feel like the mythical creature of Casandra from troy. thank you good sir
@foxsspace Жыл бұрын
Cappy's voice is dying again. Time for another 3 weeks off. :(
@technic1285 Жыл бұрын
Where's AI generated cappy voice to yell at us?
@foxsspace Жыл бұрын
@@technic1285 Good thing we don't have to worry about it for a few more years according to yesterday's video.
@directwaytofuture776 2 ай бұрын
@stevenlightfoot6479 Жыл бұрын
Cappy is right and wrong. Yes $50K saved is good, hourly rate is OK, but the people getting professional degrees will pass this guy within 5 or 10 years and end up being way ahead. If the college degree pursued is gender studies, then ok I fully agree.
@joshuahamm5911 Жыл бұрын
I've made more money as diesel mechanic than I did with my college degree. I made more money as a mechanic than every person I've known with a college degree except those in STEM degrees, which are the vast minority of degrees.
@stevenlightfoot6479 Жыл бұрын
@@joshuahamm5911 100%. Skilled trades are great. All you say is true. Only STEM in the long run might pay better.
@johncenator3146 Жыл бұрын
It depends on where you live and so on...
@stevenlightfoot6479 Жыл бұрын
@@johncenator3146 agree
@calebhowell7008 Жыл бұрын
It really depends man, the man making $50,000 a year with absolutely no debt is better than a person graduating with a degree from a state college strapped with $50,000-100,000 in student loan debt that will accrue interest. There are plenty of people with Masters and PhD’s that are absolutely dead broke years after college even working in their field. Cappy here even has stories where he went and did financial audits of people who were supposedly raking in money and come to find out they were posturing the whole time and were in financial ruin. The money smart diesel mechanic is beyond a stupid college graduate every day of the week.
@paulkal4909 Жыл бұрын
the car thing is just plain wrong used cars are a ripoff at current prices, a piece of crap with high mileage will cost you half a new car
@ronaldsuarez6389 Жыл бұрын
Salvage titles and even auction car are still at a decent price,again if you have to go into a little bit of debt for your vehicles its not that bad …but if youre going into 30-50k for a car yea thats stupid
@paulkal4909 Жыл бұрын
@@ronaldsuarez6389 been there, done that, salvage cars are a cat in a bag, a busted up piece of garbage put back together by a guy in an alleyway.
@1SnuffySmith Жыл бұрын
Most economist types push the used car purchase to avoid depreciation. I did that with two of my cars. They both had problems that came from the previous owner. Seems like lease owners only care about returning their car in cosmetically good condition. Since then I bite the bullet and buy new. If you take good care of a car from the beginning it will usually take care of you.
@wickederebus 4 ай бұрын
My parents paid $14,000 in 2004 for a car with 45k miles on it. It was a 2002 camry. Now I drive that same car with 503k miles on it. Dollars per mile, I may never get it down from 3 cents to 2 cents.
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