When you've got a global issue, it is utter BS to claim that individual changes are sufficient. C'est are necessary but it is the global policy framework that serves as a framework for a shift in individual behaviour. As long as there are no treaties that compel countries all over the world to remain within a certain limit of GHG emissions, there can be no efficient energetic transition/reduction since everyone will wait on everyone else. That is why we see year after year, COP after COP, the amount of energy use that keeps increasing with the emerging countries basically burning the fossil fuel that the west with its renewable energy does not need to burn anymore. We need to solve the issue of the free rider. Without mutual cooperation towards a shared energetical descent at an international level, there is no hope and there is no solution. We need the doughnut politically implemented basically. What the environmental crisis comes to assess in human societies is whether we'll burn up together as rivals or work together to keep it cool enough for us to farm and live for a little while longer.