Adult with Autism | Dislike of the Term 'Autism Spectrum Disorder' | 37

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Adult with Autism

Adult with Autism

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It's funny as we all seem to have something we dislike with the condition we are born with. For some it is the symbol to identify with, the colour to represent Autism. Identity first language vs. Person first etc.
And then here I am, having a hatred for the official term of diagnosis. Who would have thought...
Just an opinion as always.
0:00 Intro / Catch Up
4:52 Autism
17:36 Spectrum
23:10 Disorder
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@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Just to clarify...I don't know if Sheldon Cooper was ever confirmed as Autistic in the Big Bang Theory, but I think it is one of TV's worst kept secrets.
@turtleanton6539 Жыл бұрын
They lied about him not being autistic so they could keep making fun of him
@ButterflyonStone 9 ай бұрын
@@turtleanton6539 I think he's got more than Autism going on, he obviously has savantism, hyperlexia, OC Personality, and hoarding, and I'm sure if I sat and thought about it a bit more I could add to that list. You could in some schools of thought discount the autism, and focus more on his giftedness/savant status being the primary issue depicted. I don't think people realise how rare savantism is, and how much rarer it would therefore be in a group that is already a minority. Being a savant is a whole different experience, some would say related but very different. According to Treffett and co, there's an argument for not automatically diagnosing 'gifted' people with Autism, because they struggle to relate to others due to the difference in intelligence and ability compared to most people, rather than Autism style social 'impairments'.
@raven4090 7 ай бұрын
I haven't watched much of that show, because I couldn't take more than a few minutes at a time, but what made me unable to tolerate it was Sheldon's blatant disregard for people's feelings. I'd add narcissism to that list.
@Marie-1901 2 жыл бұрын
Can’t decide what was funnier: “How was your weekend?” “We’ll let me tell you about my autism…” or “SPABLO” 😂😂 Enjoyed it Paul!
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Marie, always appreciated 👍🏻
@dawnlivingston6236 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Paul for your frankness and your honesty. I'm a shy individual who has a hard time telling people my feelings because usually people don't care. I have three grandchildren with autism, and I feel that I am an adult with autism. I have not been diagnosed. But I just know I am, so much that I hear, coming from you and others who are adults finding out they have autism rings true with me. I can identify wholeheartedly. I just cannot stand to go to the doctor because they don't listen to me either, I get treated like I'm an idiot sometimes. I just want to say thank you it's a pleasure to hear your honest feelings and opinions. ❤️
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
No problem Dawn. I just try to offer an open and honest perspective and hope it helps.
@bryanmerton5153 2 жыл бұрын
Paul, sorry about the heat! Not crazy about it either. Thanks for the PSA about holding ones phone like one is eating a slice of pizza! It drives me crazy! After seeing someone doing it and end up talking about it for ten minutes after walking by! DON”T DO IT! Yeah the word autism basically covers a group of people with infinite combinations of traits. It’s hard to use a term that is supposed to describe a person when it is hard to pin down various traits. The basic description for autism is “ A person with difficulties in social interaction and communication and repetitive behaviors. “ But of course it is far more complex then just that. I hate the word disorder! I prefer condition if anything. I can blend in the the blunt sculls pretty easily by now and, like you said if I don’t have to go out in the NT world my life is a piece of cake! Great video!
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Bryan, and that is exactly the point. 'A person with difficulties in social interaction' - Nope. I can do it, I just don't want to as I get no enjoyment from it. So much so, it is discomforting. The kind of feeling like when you are driving home and REALLY need the bathroom, but every traffic signal is red!! I can very easily stand there, fake smile and pretend I am interested in what people did at the weekend, but I feel the life force draining from me. 'Difficulties in communication' - my videos are 30 minutes of me waffling nonsense in a room by myself. I'd say I've smashed that! Repetitive behaviours - Due to finding the best way of doing something by trial and error, and then choosing not to fix something that isn't broken. We'll get nowhere with NT's at the wheel deciding where the Autism train goes next!
@rebecca.medicineeagle 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Paul, I love your videos so much. What you say in this video resonates with me greatly, especially in my community here in New York, USA. My local community often portrays autistic people as those with “poor communication skills” and “filthy language,” which is asinine. Many people who swear are allistic, and many autistic people I know (yourself included) are articulate and elegantly communicative. Needless to say, stereotypes are misleading and harmful for sure. In regards to the term ‘disorder’ - I agree that it is a misnomer when used in the context of autistic behaviors. The autistic people I know are super organized. Everything in my home has a ‘department’ - to the point where I can literally find anything I need while blindfolded. You and I are alike in many ways. I believe researchers and medical professionals use ‘disorder’ to refer to anything that is different from the ‘baseline’ - which is the standard, neurotypical person. I’m super obsessed with genetics and am working towards my Masters in Genetic Counseling - that being said, the Human Genome Project ‘mapped’ or identified the complete human genome, which includes both our protein-coding genes (super important) and all the ‘extra’ genes, which are of unknown importance (for now!). Out of the millions of participants, 99% had neurotypical genes, however, those of us who are neurodivergent often have variants (a nice way of saying ‘mutations’) that are not ‘ordered’ or structured on a molecular level, thus - disordered. 🌷
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting what you say about disorder, measuring it against a nuerotypical baseline. Comparing us to non autistics is like comparing fish to submarines. We both have the ability to do similar things, but we are not the same and shouldn't be compared to each other. I think for me that's the problem, we keep getting compared to non autistic people as a measure, whereas it should be standalone when looking to learn about Autism, not used as a comparison. And I laughed when you said you could be blindfolded and find everything, I'm exactly the same 😂
@artisticautistic9664 2 жыл бұрын
My problem with the spectrum concept: -An nt can't tolerate too much socializing, they're introverted. -An nt can't handle loud noises, they're studious or proper. -An nt has food particularity, they're picky. -An nt communicates directly and literally, they're serious or blunt, or honest. -An nt has extreme mood reactions, they're dramatic or lively. -An nt is goal oriented to a fault, they're a go-getter. -So on and so forth. The point is that the ideas that the spectrum concept relies on are that autism 'presents differently' in everyone, as well as that the manifestation level of traits are a descriptor of their hypothetical 'location' or representation on a spectrum (ie a description of what their 'version' of autism looks like). HOWEVER. All of this rubbish is more simply explained by differences in personalities, accompanied by an underlying existence of autism. Thereby, it would be more direct and concrete to say NOT that autism presents differently in everyone, RATHER that personalities present differently in autistic people. Additionally, we can't even use the tired anecdote that relies on 'those nonverbals' etc because the overwhelming majority of autistic people are *not* nonverbal; if it was all the same condition and a spectrum, logic would demand a fair distribution of every trait, nonverbal being a presented trait that would be 50/50 when it's not, at all. Simultaneously, we also have things that may very well be separate things that just so happen to be present in a number of autistic people, such as executive dysfunction, anxiety, etc, presupposed as traits of autism, thus measured in the apectrum approach. Ultimately, I like to point out personality metric systems, as a prime example, to illustrate my perspective. Look at the Myers Briggs system and read into each personality types 'strengths and weaknesses' and how they 'behave under stress'. In such a system, you'll find 'personality traits'. Those very same traits, when examined in an autistic person, are called 'autistic traits', as if autistic people don't have individual personalities outside of autism itself. When considering that someone may be autistic but also just be of a different personality type from another autistic person, the spectrum idea falls apart very quickly. The spectrum idea over-identifies someone with their autism, dehumanizing us, and pathologizes our personality differences.
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Great points, and I agree. Just more things to put us at a 'lesser' level because God forbid we might be better tuned in some instances than the ones who name and structure the ideologies of Autism. And I am absolutely with you, that I am Autistic, but it isn't the entirety of every fiber of my being. It doesn't decide my favourite sports teams for example, but a lot of people today are trying to make out it is their entire being and the foundation of every decision...that isn't the case for me. Interesting how when an NT has a difference, it is just the flip side of a coin, but for us, it is a problem we have to face. Definitely broadened my thought on it.
@artisticautistic9664 2 жыл бұрын
@@AdultwithAutism exactly
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
There is another perspective in there for another video at some point I reckon.
@flamingohead27 6 ай бұрын
"What's eating Gilbert Grape" is another iconic movie. It also says that that's the only way to see Autism. Like we look a certain way. Which isn't it. It's in accurate because every moment is a different variable. Maybe I can converge, but then suddenly I can speak. That's just one example. Your total spot on! I know I say I agree a lot, but I do!
@AdultwithAutism 5 ай бұрын
I've not seen that one 👍🏻
@Gandalf_the_quantum_G 2 жыл бұрын
When you don't like the warm, I can recommend to - maybe its useless, but in my case it was important - to test, if you've got a candida overgrowth in your gut. I disliked the heat, cause it made Candida worse. It may be totally useless to you, maybe you just really dislike the heat, but since I got rid off it, I can again enjoy sunlight and the warm time of the year. Just came to my mind, cause you said it feels like "stabbed across my entire body" and I'd describe my sensation in former times similarly. Thanks like always for the video.
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely will. Always worth exploring ways to see if something can be improved. Thanks for the suggestion 👍🏻
@GemmasJourneyGrace 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Paul for a amazing video !!!
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Gemma, much appreciated.
@LunarGlowMedia 2 жыл бұрын
I snorted when u said that the hot air feels dirtier than a freshly used public toilet seat because that was FACTS. I drive for Amazon, and it's about 90F with 100% humidity here in coastal va, and I hate Every Moment I'm out the the van.
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Don't blame you! Roll on Autumn!!
@music-is-my-world-83 10 ай бұрын
Very interesting perspectives, Paul! Even when I don't 100% agree with you on every point (I'm cool with the word autistic itself, independent of the baggage around it, for example), I'm still grateful for the opportunity to hear your POV. There's not much realistic "everyperson" autistic rep in the media. I will say Bob's Burgers is decent for a funny adult-oriented animated show. It's a comedy but to me clear that entire family is autistic. But most media with autistic characters are either super genius nerd types, a savant, a man who doesn't have empathy for anyone and disrespects everyone's personal boundaries (like in Atypical), or someone who is shown in a mocking and disrespectful way like Sia's Music movie. The film in which the titular character isn't even the main focus of the movie and is more of a plot device to showcase the evolution of the real main character and how being a neurotypical savior made her such a better person uwu. It's so gross. I want a middle aged burnt out professional who is amazing and high performing at work but has 2 entire friends in the world, one of which lives on another continent, and can't even muster the energy to make doctor's appointments or brush their teeth (that's me, I'm the prototype for the character). That's what I want. There are some newer shows with younger canonically autistic characters in which the actors are autistic and the writers consult with them on accuracy, but I want a middle aged or older character as well.
@AdultwithAutism 10 ай бұрын
I share my perspective publicly and unrestricted, it's normal to disagree from time to time. It's a good thing we do! Anything to do with Autism, I want to see a real world person with real world trouble, trying to navigate. Not a quirky person who non Autistic people think will make cute TV.
@10battlecruiseres 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats on the 1000 subs! Also any plans on making a Discord server? "Adults with Autism"? ;)
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks 👍🏻 I wouldn't even know where to begin with any of that to be honest. Maybe something to look into in the future.
@SarahDale111 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being you and doing what you do. 😊❤
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the endorsement 😁
@SarahDale111 2 жыл бұрын
@@AdultwithAutism I'd sent another message that seems to not have shown up. I wondered if you've ever considered doing stand-up comedy. Essentially acting (a one man show!), and you'd get to call all the shots, and when the show's over, you could go home instead of having to schmooze with cast members. (Schmooze...bleccch. It sounds like how it feels. 😝) I watched Hannah Gadsby recently, an Australian, autistic comedian, and not only was she funny, but she ranted with fury and rage. I laughed and I cried. It was very powerful. I don't usually find stand-up funny, but you make me chuckle like nobody's business. I think it's because what you express is so relatable. The old, "It's funny 'cause it's true." 😄
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
I did stand up comedy for a while when I was younger and loved the being on stage part making people laugh, but I hated the waiting, the small talk with other comics, the small rooms they stick you in etc. I took a break from it and never went back. Plus if I did it today, my brand of comedy would have me lynched by the woke mobs.
@SarahDale111 2 жыл бұрын
@@AdultwithAutism That's awesome that you did that. You have a confidence and courage that I have yet to find in myself. Admirable! I guess making videos eliminates a lot of bs, but also eliminates the paying customer. And damn those stupid woke mobs for ruining all the fun! Aren't people just the worst? 🤨
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
They sure are. If only we could choose which ones we want to keep 😂
@garyhynes 2 жыл бұрын
Much appreciate the videos. They are a breath of fresh air because you're everyman and you're humble. I've never understood or liked the term either. The heat is horrible too, roll on Autumn.
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Gary, appreciate that. I'm with you, bring on Autumn! Bring me jumpers and wooly hats!
@DamnMandi 2 жыл бұрын
It’s interesting how I understand the word spectrum differently, and therefore it makes sense to me, in the autism context. I understand spectrum like the separation of visible light into colors through a prism. Like a rainbow. As each color may vary in intensity and there are countless color combinations. So spectrum works for me, and I like it’s use. Also, I’ve studied several two axis spectrums related to politics and economics. So spectrums are rarely linear in my experience. About the word disorder, I don’t like it, but for different reasons. My interpretation is related to physiology. It’s not how I like things to be that is disordered, but rather my body. My brain works differently, and therefore it would be considered disordered, because it doesn’t work as it “should”. A typical brain is ordered and works well. Mine doesn’t (at least according to the medical standards). On that account I really dislike disorder cause it would suggest my brain is worse than a “normal/typical” brain.
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
In Autism, the colour prism is only now being considered, but only by some. And it was pushed more by Autistic people than 'professionals' who had always used a linear spectrum to assess. But I was going more off dictionary definitions. With a version of spectrum being one extreme to the other, and disorder being messy, or chaotic. I agree with your Spectrum understanding, but for me on a personal level, I don't find anything about my mind to be disordered. I find more disorder in non Autistic people, yet since they decide who is 'right and wrong', I'm thrown in a disordered category...even though my level of order is highly structured. But hey, maybe my intense version of order is my disorder!
@jasonclarke7422 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a young kid Paul 40 years ago I always felt like the normal one, and thought that everyone else was bonkers, so you can imagine the shock I h when I got my diagnosis to find out that I was the crazy one all of that time, give me crazy any day when I look at how a lot of so called normal people live their lives.
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
I don't see that I'm the different one for the bad reasons, I prefer my design than the design of those that run countries and make up the news. Bunch of outright idiots, and that's me being polite.
@turtleanton6539 Жыл бұрын
@cherylm5002 3 ай бұрын
You speak so well, I'm really enjoying your videos😊
@neroz322i 2 жыл бұрын
When I hear spectrum, I always think of the light spectrum/rainbow and as you say a linear scale The best way I've heard of describing autism is rather than the radar chart, is it's like a graphic equaliser on your Hi-Fi system Have you heard of Temple Grandin, who lectures in autism, and is considered one of the leading experts? ~ she uses this graphic equaliser analogy
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Temple Grandin? What a name!! Never heard if her, but I'll never forget that. I'll have a nosy.
@shesays3673 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Paul! Another amazing video 😊 I also hate the hot weather and I'm entirely dreading the summer. I burst out laughing when you mentioned people eating their full bowls of cereal at the wheel 🤣😭😂😂😂 That blows my mind too! Anyhoo, I'm far too low energy to give much more than that, thankyou for another great video 😊 Fuss beautiful George and Dexter 💓
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Bunch of nutters on the road! 😂 And already looking past summer and hoping for winter already...the dreaded hay fever is well underway.
@shesays3673 2 жыл бұрын
@@AdultwithAutism Oh same 😣 Hayfever is the worst!!! The second my eyes itch and I know I can't toutch them cause that'll be it 😵😭 But yes, the hot weather is suffocating, it's insanely overwhelming.
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
I hear you!!
@jimmycylon9437 6 ай бұрын
Interesting. As a mathematician, I want to bring up the concept of dimension reduction. Yes you can reduce many variables into less and down to one. That’s how they evaluate athletes performing set of sports such as gymnastics and track and field. Same for some medical diagnosis. A common approach is called principal component analysis. For ASD I believe it’s a perfect place to apply and reduce to a term arguably severity. However, it’s not been applied and caused confusion everywhere.
@AdultwithAutism 6 ай бұрын
@smicketysmoo 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Paul, found the content very amusing and thought provoking - as always. 😅 Agree with you on much of the heat stuff (except lived in the middle east for a while and discovered it was not just heat but humidity that was the problem for me) and definitely on the phone thing. I haven't got a smartphone due to my irritation in the way that most people use them. 😡 I also agree with you about much of the rest of your arguments - but can't help but wonder what you would call us (comorbid/masked Autistics) then? Sorry, I don't think Spablo will cut it with the rest of the world😆 But... If Allistics can't understand us as Autistics, what term should we use instead to educate them? I believe that you would be great at stand-up comedy, I love your views and the juxtaposition of your autistic observation vs allistic reality - but wouldn't wish to place any pressure upon you! I wish that more Autistic characteristics and presentations - such as yours - were explained/shown to the rest of the world. Perhaps other versions of Autistic/ND would then find it easier in their own lives. But... I am sorry, but I do feel that I should ask you to not characterise OCD in the way you did. I do not have this condition, but do know others that do. It is definitely not the neat-freak/compulsively-organising/germaphobe/hand washing trope that many think (although these may be some of the symptoms) - and it may be damaging to those that have this condition to perpetuate these ideas. I am sure that was not your intention 💯%. I have ADHD - an increasingly common comorbidity with ASD (sorry, going to use the common terms - don't wish to trigger you 😆) - and PTSD (ditto), amongst others. I know that many of us have a need to label things and place them into the "correct" slot into the universal model that we hold in our minds. I share that trait and have (finally) begun to discover that my constellation (a better word than spectrum?) of letters/terms that come with these diagnoses. My own vast comic collection is all in numbered order, cross-referenced by artist/writer/universe/storyline and even letterist/colourist in some cases. The same with my games collection, books, and fidgets. But I also have doom piles, doom boxes and doom cupboards scattered throughout my "nest" - these often represent previous thoughts/moments that I may wish to return to, but are not organised in any way (much like the moment/brain which created them) - a strongly ADHD trait (allegedly). My fridge is rigidly controlled - as is my kitchen (mainly due to eating issues), but general tidiness and housework in the rest of the house I have major problems with (vacuum cleaners drive me mad, despite ear protectors). I also share my home with my NT partner and so have to accommodate their wishes/systems too - especially as I mask/fawn as a result of my other issues/experiences. I have struggled with these and many other issues for many years before discovering that I was Autistic (along with everything else) and that this diagnosis (above all the others) made me feel that I was not alone for the first time, that my struggles were shared with many others; people that could help me (such as you 😊) with those thoughts and issues that had troubled me for decades. Should I now find some smaller, niche, group to join, some new label with which to feel othered from the "common" ruck of other Autists? What label/presentation should I be ascribed to make you feel more comfortable with your own? As you say, "Just my opinion" I only wish to add to the conversation, not detract.
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Difference of opinion is what makes us human, believing our opinion to be above all others is what makes us stupid. I never assume I am right, I just put my opinion out there to see if anyone wants to pick it up. It is unfortunate for some that some things I say will be taken in a negative manner. I know I don't set out to upset or offend, but also don't monitor what I say, and my filter never developed...which is part of my Autism. And there comes the impasse I'm afraid! I wonder what comorbidities I have, but my Imposter which I feel if I am Imposter to, stops me. But if not, I would say I absolutely have high functioning Anxiety, depression, with potential OCD due to how everything has to be. But as you point out, I am deeply uneducated in what it truly is, so maybe not. But something due to the level of order I need. And some PTSD from my Fire Service days, but who knows? I do have a process I believe would be much better for the assessment of Autism, but to write it all down would mean I would run out of weekend. Maybe I can add it to a collection of books I want to write and never have time for! 😆 We just need to do what makes us content, and not put so much emphasis on labels. As much as I don't like the ASD term, I also never think about it either, I am too busy thinking about food. But it works as a topic for a video...which I am fast running out of! So maybe my days of causing a wobble are very numbered 😆
@smicketysmoo 2 жыл бұрын
@@AdultwithAutism Sorry mate, didn't mean to upset in any way - more I didn't want others to be unheard. I find much of your content helpful and thought-provoking and only wanted to help you reassess some of your words/opinions in that light. I'm in awe that you produce this stuff and didn't mean to criticise or try and stop you from giving your authentic opinion. My Imposter syndrome stopped me from discovering my autism for years - so I definitely understand that issue. It was my discovery that led me to your site, and I do not regret that in any way. You keep doing what you do and I'll keep watching - and maybe disagree from time to time. 😊
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Don't worry, it didn't upset me. I understand. And we're allowed to disagree, the world would be a weird place if we all agreed on everything...I mean, that would be terrible as some people like K Pop and I'd be quite happy if it was outlawed tomorrow 👍🏻
@smicketysmoo 2 жыл бұрын
@@AdultwithAutism Now you've gone too far! K-Pop is sacred! 🤣
@E.Pierro.Artist Ай бұрын
It's actually pronounced 'savant' 😂 The issue with the spectrum model is manifold: •ASD diagnostic criteria are specific and are very black & white, no spectrum about it. As such, 'spectrum' is misrepresentative. •Spectrum is misinterpreted by people to mean either that it's a measure of 'severity of autism' or that 'it's a spectrum because everyone is on it (including TD peers) - yes, people actually believe this. This minimizes the struggles of autistics, especially highly verbal ones. •It is lazy and encourages 'good enoughism', where people stop trying to understand what these conditions actually are, as they can simply toss them into a bucket and call it a day. •It's simply unnecessary; there is wide variability in personal presentation in any other disability, disorder, condition, injury, etc., and that's just a given, based on common sense reasoning - we all already expect this, generally speaking. Adding 'spectrum' draws the focus to this, unnecessarily, potentially undermining that reality for other conditions whose diagnostic terminology doesn't include the term 'spectrum'. It's simply redundant. •It can confuse and undermine the diagnostic process, as some may get caught up in the idea of inclusivity, due to the spectrum hypothesis, and this can lead to misdiagnoses. Such ambiguity can also lead to a failure to diagnose other conditions that may either be more appropriate or may be comorbidities, as they may dismiss additional considerations as traits of an 'autistic spectrum'. •The idea of a spectrum dismisses the very real consistent deficits shared by autistic people. •The spectrum model does not allow for the fact that personality has little to do with autism - someone whom is an extrovert may present differently than an introvert, but that has nothing to do with autism. This leads to pathologizing personality differences, causing people to over-identify themselves or others with their diagnoses. •It sounds rainbowy and colorful and it makes me cringe. •There was nothing wrong with 'Autistic Disorder'. It was to the point and specific and concise. •*cringes a bit more* •It's a product of the 'neurodiversity' thing, which isn't representative of the community at large, but only the loudest voices. The deficit model exists because it is real. Example: I have an 8 second long verbal memory, for certain types of information. In no world is that a simple 'difference' - that's a deficit. The neurodiversity thing is harmful to our community. I am an advocate of dismantling the spectrum model, as well as the neurodiversity model.
@AdultwithAutism Ай бұрын
Very well put, I like it. But is it 'savant'...or 'savant' 😂
@E.Pierro.Artist Ай бұрын
@@AdultwithAutism neither. I'll break it down phonetically: savant
@aumtheaum3827 7 ай бұрын
I’m in Florida so heat comes with living and I have asthma so I don’t go out. I stay home.
@AdultwithAutism 7 ай бұрын
Bet it's hot this time of year too over there.
@MuzakFavo 11 ай бұрын
Have you tried Bach flower remedies? You may find it interesting because you seem to think a lot, and you seem to be in contact with your feelings, so you would be good at picking the right remedies for you in whatever situation you may find yourself in. Weirdly enough they work! Anyway, just a thought seeing how bothered by the heat.
@AdultwithAutism 11 ай бұрын
I've honestly never heard of them. I'll give them a look 👍🏻
@ruthstrickland6679 2 жыл бұрын
Have you tried a cooling mat? I also hate the heat but put under sheet it helps keep the bed cooler at night. I get the pet ones s there cheaper, just a thought...
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
I'll try anything. I've got them for the animals, never thought of them for me. I tend to open all the windows and get fans on to try and create a wind tunnel! Your way seems much less taxing.
@vik5648 2 жыл бұрын
I can't stand the summer either, but equally cannot stand others banging on about what wonderful weather it is, with a delirious smile on their faces, expecting me to agree, which I refuse to. If I have spablo, am I then a spab? What traits would a spab have? It would be very tempting to tell people I have this condition, only to see their confused faces!
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Haha, they do don't they! Yep, the official term for someone diagnosed with Spablo is a Spabloid, but it's called Spab for short. Traits include a love for bacon, wanting to throw a pie in the face of cold callers, hating cutting your toe nails, and laughing at yourself when you make farm animal noises really loudly. It's rare.
@vik5648 2 жыл бұрын
@@AdultwithAutism I better get tested then, I have way too many of those traits. I only hope it isn't called Spablo Spectrum Disorder, or you will have something else to complain about
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Same. I'm trait heavy on this one. But the term is just Spablo. Its that cool, it needs nothing else.
@vik5648 2 жыл бұрын
@@AdultwithAutism yeah, spablo and proud!
@turtleanton6539 Жыл бұрын
@AdultwithAutism Жыл бұрын
@constantcormorant8878 2 жыл бұрын
You remind me a bit of Karl Pilkington and he makes great TV. So perhaps consider doing a travel blog!
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Haha, I've a lot of time for KP, maybe me and him should do one together.
@constantcormorant8878 2 жыл бұрын
@@AdultwithAutism now that I would definitely watch! Instead of it being a gauntlet of torturous experiences set up by Ricky gervais! Perhaps you and Karl just find things you like doing together, it won’t be boring because encountering annoying assholes anywhere is inevitable so the funny bits would be you and Karl having a wee bit of a moan about it!
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Go to a caravan in North Wales, sorted 😂
@efhusoe 9 ай бұрын
It's always our fault and never stops being our fault.
@AdultwithAutism 9 ай бұрын
Easier to blame others than to take responsibility for some. And the problem is, we will take the blame just to move past whatever it is!
@incoglido 2 жыл бұрын
I understand your problem with the word disorder, as it has purely negative connotations. But I disagree with your opinion on "spectrum". I think its a beautiful word. You said you don't like it because it implies a linear transition, and you see autism as being more 3 dimensional than that. I get that this possibly over simplifies the situation. But well no word is perfect, so i feel like you're really getting into semantics here. If you have a better word, then great, but I believe "spectrum" still has positive and easily understandable implications even if its not perfect. We could say something like "on the autism multiverse", "autism mobius strip", "autism cloud" or "autism facets", but then I think it would leave some people still questioning what exactly it is, where as "spectrum" connotates a rainbow, and everyone gets right away what the point is of that. Same could be said about "sexual spectrum". that's why the lgbtqi+ lmnop gets to be too much. just say "queer" or "spectrum" imo and that is simple, but can include everyone, without taking an hour to explain like this bloody long message to you LOL BTW please don't take this as an insult. I like your channel and your dry sense of humor. And despite you not wanting to do things like that, I think you'd be fun to have a drink with.
@AdultwithAutism 2 жыл бұрын
It's all good at this end. I just share my random nonsense, it doesn't keep me up at night. And I share things for the difference, it's always interesting to know other peoples perspectives on things. I'm having a drink tonight, so I'm toasting one to you Lido 👍
@incoglido 2 жыл бұрын
@@AdultwithAutism OK awesome, and I'll do the same! Cheers mate!
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