Do you know anything of the history of the AF series of engines Honda made/makes?? Does AF stand for anything in particular is it just an alpha-numeric number code for them? I’m familiar with AF16/18 that came in Elite here in the states and Dio elsewhere. Seems this is very similar except minor differences in the intake manifold and carb, probably timing curve in the cdi, and final drive gear ratios most likely. Also, the internet claims GY6 refers back to an older Honda scooter engine, would you happen to know if true and which model if true?? Regards Robert 👍🏻
При установке цилиндра, вы забыли установить прокладку между блоком и самим цилиндром, еще зря герметиком намазали прокладку алюминиевой головки цилиндра, герметик прогорит из-за высокой температуры...