After James: The Jesus Dynasty Survives and Continues

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James Tabor

James Tabor

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James (aka Yaaqov), the brother of Jesus was brutally killed in 62 CE by the same corrupt priesthood family of Annas who had had Jesus crucified. Yet, remarkably the Jesus Dynasty continued--despite the horrors and loss of the Jewish Revolt and the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple. Here is the backstory as to what unfolded.

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@CPATuttle Жыл бұрын
How do you weigh with James succession, against all the evidence early writings of Peter's Primacy? I've found 9 Pre-Nicene writings explicitly of Peter's successor as primacy. You mention Eusebius who gives the list of James succession as Bishop of Jeruselum, but Eusebius also gives the list of the bishop's of Rome from Peter also. And other cities as well.
@JamesTaborVideos Жыл бұрын
Chris, great seeing you here, welcome. There is no doubt about James taking over, multiple references, not just Eusebius. See any of the standard books on James, Painter, Bütz, if you are not wanting to use mine--either The Jesus Dynasty or The Jesus Discovery. Acts 15 makes clear who is in charge, as does Paul naming of the Pillars in Galatians. Check your sources...Also see other videos on my channel dealing with James--beginning with:
@josephposenecker9741 Жыл бұрын
@@JamesTaborVideos ​ I’ve always found it interesting how in the Dead Sea scrolls, if I remember right it’s in the community rule, there is a part that describes the master as the rock that their precepts were bound and loose on. In your expert reading how does the Hebrew words used in the community rule in that passage relate to the Greek and possibly Aramaic, I’m not sure what the earliest copies of John are written in. Generally, do you think that the passages in the NT calling Simon/Peter the rock has a connection to the passage in the community rule? If so, how closely are they in translation and if any what do you make of the connection? If you happen to read this and would reply there is another question I’ve always wanted to ask. I’m not sure how to reference the dead scrolls correctly, but I’m pretty sure I got this book recommendation from you. This is in the Complete Dead Sea’s Scrolls by Geza Vermes. In my copy it is on page 108 with the Roman numeral VIII starring the section. It talks about a Council of the Community. It says 12 men “and” 3 priest. Does that translation mean or could only mean 12 men plus 3 priest for a total of 15? Or could it mean 12 men with 3 of them being priest for a total of just 12 men? Obviously maybe linking this council of community to the apostolic structure found in the NT? Also in the following paragraph it references that “precious corner-stone”. How does the Hebrew word used there compare the words for “rock” used in the NT to rename Simon? I looked up the reference of the rock the foundation is built on. Sorry, if I’m typing this wrong, is it 1QH XIV (formerly VI), 24-7. But I shall be as one who enters a fortified city, as one who seeks refuge behind a high wall. I will lean on the truth, O my God. For thou wilt set the foundation on “rock” and the framework by the measuring cord of justice, and the tried “stones” thou wilt lay, by the plumb line of truth, to build a mighty wall which shall not sway and no man entering there shall stagger.
@salanzaldi4551 Жыл бұрын
@James Tabor Well as the saying goes, you pick your friends you don't pick your relatives. Jesus picked Peter.
@WeCube1898 10 ай бұрын
The Early Xtians ➡️ Jamesian Sect - Peter and JC's siblings Jude and James taught "The Religion of JC" which is Repentance/Renewal -Judaism. Heavily influenced by Zealotic and Essenic Jewish Philosophies. "Grace by Deed" * James was the sibling of JC, and James was a Common Jew, by the assumption of accounts he and his siblings were observant of Judaism. ➡️ Paulian Sect - Paul taught "The Religion about JC" . Heavily focused on "Messiahnic Deitification and Mysticism" as well as "Greco-Roman Cultural Amalgamation of the Jewish Messiahnic Mysticism" "Grace by Creed" * Paul was Saul of Tarsus a Greco-Roman Citizen of Jewish Diasporan Decent. He was raised, grew up and educated in Alexandria.
@dorothysatterfield3699 Жыл бұрын
Sixteen minutes and 36 seconds absolutely jam-packed with fascinating information. I knew nothing about any of this - the siege of Jerusalem, the oracle that Josephus says inspired the war, the line of succession through Jesus's brothers, the escape to Pella, the Ebionites whose Jewish version of Christianity seems far superior to the Roman one. Thank you for enlightening me!
@TMKK-je4fs 5 ай бұрын
Jeshuar 👉Cousin ☝️Not broders!!! The Sisters from Mother Mary is Mother from Staint James and Kleopas.!!! Jesus have Not blood Broders.!!!
@bredareid6070 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely love this lecture. Well told James. Do I sense an affinity with your namesake?😊
@thomasglover5019 3 ай бұрын
These videos are so dense with information, history and analysis that I have to listen multiple times in order to process and consider their implications. Well done!
@edstud1 Жыл бұрын
This answers questions I have had for many years!
@Nogill0 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your efforts to discover and disseminate the TRUTH. Your accurate and painstaking scholarship is a much needed counterbalance to the efforts of apologists who seem to have no objective apart from defending a lucrative business model-- a business model based on propagation of old lies, misunderstandings, and myths, so that the collection plates will never cease to be filled.
@stephenthestoryteller3139 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this information. Fascinating 🧐 Love to listen 👂
@Sahajayana-Nirvanasara Жыл бұрын
Excellent and Vital History---Thank you
@annalisette5897 2 жыл бұрын
The message of the Jesus dynasty had universality and that is why it still lives and has morphed into religions. In writing, we seek universality, themes that will touch all humans. For deeply personal reasons I have delved deeply into history, to learn more about the miracles of Jesus. Even so, I remember that Jesus said he would rather people learn his teachings rather than to seek and venerate miracles. The root of Jesus' message is that the one G-d will bring justice for all people in a new Kingdom on earth. The message is not limited to Israel/Palestine and the followers of Judaism. It is not complicated with multiple gods and goddesses nor confused by old beliefs in various gods that were personal to villages or groups of people. The message avoids the conflict of, our village god is tougher than your village's god. I have followed the discussions about the earliest historic writings, the ages of the gospels, etc. I am completely turned off by the mythicists who claim Jesus never existed and the Flavians wrote everything in a giant plot to rule the world. I believe Jesus existed but we are only just beginning to know him again. When the Romans crushed the Jewish revolt, everything hit the fan, to use an American crudity. I would assume a number of followers and supporters of the Jesus dynasty chose to resist and fight, thus they would be eliminated. If the Jesus family retreated and hid in Jordan, almost certainly they were largely stagnant while Rome rampaged. Surely a number of supporters did escape far away to places in the Near East, Greece, Southern Europe. Perhaps most of these refugees were illiterate but they told wonderful tales about Jesus and the movement. At some point, those who were literate, started recording the memories. It is not difficult to see how a universal earthly scenario easily became religion. Like we say now, "Keep it simple, Stupid!" Jesus' message easily turned into simple creeds. Understand the one G-d as you will, at least he isn't fighting, mating and interacting with a pantheon of other gods. Paul capitalized upon the universal features of the teaching. Whether or no Paul's teachings are exactly what Jesus meant, Pauline Christianity is religion. It is all beginning to come into focus. My very personal question was, why would G-d allow me to be one of the most fortunate people in the world, yet also allow me to be incapacitated with migraine most days of my life? Why do I have so much, which I want to use to fight suffering through medical research, yet G-d keeps me helpless? I do not have the answers I sought but I have new answers. I don't have to be bogged down with my religious faith, that suffering aids the whole Body of Christ, we are all sinners.....Original Sin...etc. I accepted that I am a sinner but when I wallowed in Original Sin and the need for continual suffering,thus total hopelessness, I could feel depression taking hold. I am finding the historical, human Jesus. The miracle is in the universality of the plan for the Kingdom of G-d. Compare Jesus' life and message to other heroes that have universal appeal. King Arthur is a sort of saviour in Britain who it is said, may come again. He is a mythic hero and though his story has the universality of a larger than life hero overcoming obstacles, his story is limited to Britain. His story was not wide enough to become a religion. I think the Jesus dynasty appeared at just the right, explosive time in history, that the message spread rapidly and was adopted by gentiles. At some point, those who could write, started writing. Then politicians reworked the message, pressed it upon the populations, and a religion was formed which removed Jesus' message from the earthly realm and put it just out of reach in the heavenly sphere. The power and mysteries of the other world, of course could not be accurately accessed by regular people. A leadership structure who could manage the unseen was needed, so that the uneducated masses would believe the correct message. And so the historic Jesus, his dynasty and his message was lost for a long time.
@willempasterkamp862 Жыл бұрын
you're one little step away from realizing it was the neroan dynasty aka ' the Germanicus branch of the julio-claudian family-tree '. Ceasarism never died, it murphed into christianity.
@Dizzinator2114 11 ай бұрын
@@willempasterkamp862huh? Give me more so I can learn more about this
@t3br00k35 6 ай бұрын
Nicely summarised. 🎉
@richardglady3009 6 ай бұрын
Wonderful and informative video. Thank you.
@uncleambient 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr Tabor
@JamesBeanSantMatMystic 2 жыл бұрын
"The discovery of lost documents" relating to the Ebionites... what might those be? Is there a complete list of the texts you place in the Ebionite category?
@GodsRealPoo 2 жыл бұрын
The Didache is the primary example.
@tugatgalut Жыл бұрын
James has reincarnated. He writes parables in exile. 'The poor farmer and the precious wine: A Parable' 🙏🙏
@Darisiabgal7573 2 жыл бұрын
I just wonder how reliable a source Eusebius can be, his statements of facts raise more questions than answers. I suppose there was a succession of James, but the stated lifetime of Simeon son of Clophor was -15 to +100, >115 years. At 63 AD its very unlikely a son of the brother of Josep, a man who married mary as his second wife, would be quite old, and then to travel to Pella the stated birth date sounds more likely than the death date. This in 65AD Simeon would be 80 years, several sigma outside the norms of human longevity in the middle first century. The second problem is that Eusebius source is Heggesipas who he proclaims is an expert on the family life of the Jesus followers, and yet Eusebius seems to be mistaken on some key details. The third problem is that Eusebius, on occasion, just flat out lies. I like to give these historical accounts the benefit of the doubt, but its already clear that a wedge has formed between the ebionites and eusebius and his opinion on them may be for reasons of proping up his authority rather than actually detailing history.
@willempasterkamp862 2 жыл бұрын
julio claudians
@joecurran2811 7 ай бұрын
​@@willempasterkamp862I couldn't believe how closely related he was to the Emperor
@ready1fire1aim1 2 жыл бұрын
[Deuteronomy 32 8-9] Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS): “When Elyon gave the nations as an inheritance, when he separated the sons of man, he set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God (bene elohim). For Yahweh’s portion was his people; Jacob was the lot of his inheritance”. Masoretic Text (MT): “When Elyon gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all the sons of man, he set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel (bene yisrael). For Yahweh’s portion was his people, Jacob was the lot of his inheritance”. Septuagint (LXX): “When the Most High divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the boundaries of the nations according to the number of the angels of God (aggelón theou). And his people Jacob became the portion of the Lord, Israel was the line of his inheritance”. Samaritan Pentateuch (SP): "When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For the LORD's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance, Israel" .
@criticaloptimist7961 2 жыл бұрын
Here is a hypothesis that I would like some scholarly input on: The possibility that the the Jesus of the new testament is really an ecumenical conflating of John the Baptist and Pauline sects, where Jesus is merely the pre-existent Angel Messiah depicted with flesh and bones in the NT gospel narrative, and his teachings are an ecumenical, editorial fusion of the adversarial ministries of Apollonius of Tyana (Apostle Paul) and John the Baptist (the real Judaic messiah). This way we can make sense of Jesus' Aramaic/Judaic teachings to originate from John and his hellenistic teachings from Apolloninius. Both camps represented their own conceptions of the Angel messiah according to their traditions, but differed in details which caused the conflict. Apollonius would have been the true Egyptian Nazarean of Galilee, representing a group of Essenes more like the Therapeutae, and John the head of the Judaic essenes. This would explain why groups like the Mandaeans do not accept Jesus. Many of the followers of John resisted Apollonius and considered him a deceiver, and this is pribably where the controversy between "jesus'" disciples and Paul comes from after "Jesus'" (John's) martyrdom. This would also explain why the controversy between Paul and the original disciples is so obvious in the NT, while the original disciples never accepted him, and yet the Catholic/Orthodox churches had to "accept" him into their tradition despite the glaring issue it presents, precisely because he is also "Jesus". The strongest point in the thesis is that the Apostle Paul(the real Gnostic Paul, not the later Pseudo-Paul who is really just a second century forger and editor) is really Apollonius of Tyana. The question is he also "Jesus"? My view is that if there is a historical Jesus he was the Galilean Mystic who opposed the second temple cult and was controversial among the radical Judaic essenes who were also partly deluded in their worldview. Is the real Jesus actually Apollonius? Or is Paul Apollonius, or is it both? I know this may sound like an absurd idea to those unfamiliar to the Mythicist camp and their arguments. There is a ton of more relevant information that can substantiate this analysis but it's simply not possible to get into a comment. For the record I'm not a Mythicist, I believe in a historical Jesus and want to believe on a historical Jesus. It's just that as I search out the historicity of Jesus I am confronted by very uncomfortable facts that seem to indicate maybe Jesus really was just an invention, and we convince ourselves that he is historical based on historical evidences that we really only get from John the Baptist and Paul. It does not help that there are a number legends about Jesus in the NT that obviously and irrefutably not historical and come from pre-existent sources, particularly that of Buddhism. This does not change the truth value of the spiritual message of the Gospels Jesus, since in truth it is an echo of perennial myth and spiritual liberation doctrine that we find in eastern religions as well aEgypt, and we have an enduring proof of its efficacy in the lives of the Saints, and so we can be sure the faith is not a speculation even though Jesus may not have existed as we understand him in the NT.
@willempasterkamp862 2 жыл бұрын
Paul = Germanicus, Jesus = Neres, John = Nero J.C.
@criticaloptimist7961 2 жыл бұрын
@@willempasterkamp862 please elaborate
@tugatgalut Жыл бұрын
How many parables Jesus gave us? 50-60? He was bigger than Jesus. Shlomi the Messiah from Israel gave us more than 200 parables. My favorite is called 'The poor farmer and the precious wine' 👍
@dbog5214 Жыл бұрын
Why do you use the term palestine?
@teena4rl211 2 жыл бұрын
@TomCarberry413 Жыл бұрын
Consensus among scholars, more than anything else, hinders the ability to see Biblical history clearly. When every "smart" person agrees with the history given to us by the Roman Catholic Church, it does no good to try to argue against it. Doctorates and careers depend on adhering to the correct interpretations.
@Nkosi766 Жыл бұрын
Wasn’t the davidic lineage cut off by the Babylonians ? How do they now know who’s from the line of David?
@WeCube1898 10 ай бұрын
They had records
@Nkosi766 10 ай бұрын
@@WeCube1898 yeah right, there’s no record of David Solomon or any of those mythological people
@paulokas69 Жыл бұрын
I don't believe that you rely on Eusebius to make historicity claims
@pharaohcaesar 4 ай бұрын
And? What's your point?
@xifangyangren9997 2 жыл бұрын
Tabor is at the right hand of James!
@HHasan-of2vi 2 жыл бұрын
Trinity is like someone lost in Sahara desert.
@MrAustrokiwi Жыл бұрын
How sure can we be that there was a mass suicide at Masada? Before Masada, Machaerus was besieged by the Romans. It is my understanding that those in Machaerus capitulated and were allowed to go free. If my understanding is correct then I find it difficult to reconcile this with what is believed to have happened at Masada.
@Isaac5123 Жыл бұрын
I would never give the keys to Simon Peter especially after denying Jesus three times and I'm very surprised the roman Catholic Church hijacked Peter as the first pope
@terencewinters2154 5 ай бұрын
Second chances and the peter the rock statement in scripture or a way for the Roman's to attempt co-optation. The death records in either case however do indicate martyrdom though pointing to different locales. The roman genocide attempt didn't go completely as planned . You can't kill them all . Ditto Hitler. .
@MarilynsRoomVideo 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. So exciting.
@scott6828 6 ай бұрын
I thought that Peters grave (w/ bones) was found under the alter at St. Peter's...exactly where the ancient writers had said he was buried following his execution on the spina in the Circus of Nero.
@BobHarvey. 6 ай бұрын
You refer to Israel/Judah as Palestine, why?
@peterhook2258 Жыл бұрын
Believe it or not this scholarly information will be instrumental in changing the history of the world imo, uniting truth and spirituality worldwide...just sayin. and James Tabor will be a/the primary impetus amongst those of truth. (ok yeah..I'm a fan)
@lhl9010 Жыл бұрын
Why is it the Jesus dynasty to the Catholic church, what about the orthodox church, the information I have is that the Orthodox church preceded the Catholic church
@josephdeisrael Жыл бұрын
What explicit evidence do you have that any of Yeshua's brothers were leaders of the Ebionites? I am trying to follow your connections if they can be proven.
@rashidrahman9673 10 ай бұрын
Paul invented Christianity and he was a Roman citizen, James, his fellow desiples wanted to kill Paul, but the Roman soldiers saved him,
@giovanni545 Жыл бұрын
watch this verse pleae Revelation 14:12 12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
@WeCube1898 10 ай бұрын
"Faith of JC" not "Faith on JC" 🤔🤔🤔 Interesting
@tavuzzipust7887 2 жыл бұрын
Gosh, Da Vinci Code eat your heart out.
@ohzone6464 6 ай бұрын
Yes, & it's a shame.
@bobmoore5242 8 ай бұрын
John 11:25-26 New King James Version 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
@patriciaoudart1508 Жыл бұрын
Very strange, I never known that story but I know Jesus, his teaching, I'm not surprised about what had to do James after Jesus died. Perhaps because in my very christian family, Jesus message is part of Us?..... We are french Sarmatians and Sakas, entered roman empire from first centuries after Jesus to middles ages. This makes me think that fist christian have been by roads, as Rome was the world order, becoming the new christian narrative as ostrogoths decided to take the city and time where emperors decided they were in power by God hand. The Rome's council decided then they were the representatives of God on Earth.... The story belong to now. For some jude then catholic church represent the destruction of the jerusalem temple, and perhaps the same killed Jesus and James. This is real that in a way in France, Catholic church have been for long divided in those who have Jesus in them, and are the temple, and those who are in a moral jail, or building moral jails for others, some for power, others because of their proper perversion.
@MJ-lx8pc 2 жыл бұрын
@44hawk28 Жыл бұрын
You're going to have to explain where in the Bible it explains that Jesus going to give Peter the preeminent position. It flatly doesn't exist. The only place where it's asserted is in a discussion that Jesus and Peter were having over what will be the mechanism of Christianity as it goes forward. And Jesus told him that it would be the mechanism of Revelation. At no time is Peter called The Rock, Peter is a word that means Rock. But the rock they were discussing was the rock of Revelation. You can't take a single verse and extrapolate its meeting when you take it out of the context of the conversation which it was in in the first place. Christ said peter, he's addressing peter, he's not claiming this is for peter, upon this rock, the rock of Revelation they had just been speaking of a couple of blinds earlier, I will build my church. He didn't say that Peter was going to be in charge of the church. Because of the church isn't predicated on Jesus then it's not the Church of Jesus or the Church of god, it's a church of Peter. As the Catholic Church claims it is constantly. That is not a Christian Church.
@Daniel-Tiger Жыл бұрын
Dude on the left kind of looks like a young James Tabor
@anonymous-rj6ok Жыл бұрын
16:19 "Jesus was the most influential figure in human history". No, he isn't. Paul is. It's Paul who defined and shaped Christianity as we know it today. The historical Jesus hardly had any influence on the religion named after him. So how can you make such a claim?
@geoattoronto 5 ай бұрын
Because the authentic Jesus had the more powerful influence on history than the so called ‘Christian church’ - an institution built to unite Romans and Greeks as the religion of the Roman Empire.
@elizabeth_777 Жыл бұрын
Could Judas Iscariot actually be Judas brother of Jesus? It may have been devastating to the movement to have Jesus’ sibling betray him, so could Judas Iscariot have been scapegoat, or some such thing?
@twilacarson2308 Жыл бұрын
Judas last name was Iscariot which is from another family then Jesus and two separate people. And, why would he betray his own brother? To the Romans? Jesus' brother was very young and didn't believe that he was the messiah until after his death.
@richarddemuth7077 Жыл бұрын
He WAS his BROTHER and he DIDN'T betray him. That persona was just an alter ego for the sake of the cult conspiracy mythos they were propagandizing. The designation "Ishkaryot" comes from the name of the ancient SAMARITAN village of Shechem, known in Roman times as "Shikar" and now the modern village of "Askar". There is a REASON WHY Jesus was portrayed in the ORIGINAL "eyewitness" gospel of John talking to the SAMARITAN woman at the well of Jacob/JAMES and WHY the Judes in Jerusalem called him a "SAMARITAN".... like his OTHER brother SIMON "Magus"/Peter!! And notice that Jesus mentions that the woman had had "SEVEN husbands".... like the SEVEN demons he cast out of Mary Magdalene; and his SEVEN siblings: James, Joseph, Judas, Simon, Matthew, Joanna and Susanna! All the children of ALPHEUS; which name has SEVEN letters!! 😁
@samersalka8852 Жыл бұрын
Fascinating Muhammad 600 years later through Islam revived those teachings and Islam insisted on returning the Jews to Jerusalem to worship and live after 300 years of pagan Rome and 300 years of Christian Rome The Crusaders kicked the Jews out for 100 years that again Saladdin returned them back Jerusalem in Arabic means the holy city, and it should not be the sole proprietary of any sect or group Very few people know that the Muslim leader Omar who was invited to pray in the church of the holy sepulcher by the bishop of Jerusalem, refused to do so, so future Muslim generations can never claim it as a Mosque For the past thousand years it has been traditional that one Muslim family opens the doors of the church to all Christian denominations from one generation to the other God bless Jerusalem the holy city from all bigotry and maintain peace for all involved Amen.
@zyxmyk Жыл бұрын
so this family believed that God would intervene in history and probably put them in charge, because they were royal. and they waited and waited and never happened. finally, I suppose, generations were born who thought, let's not waste our lives on this fantasy.
@jerryhogeweide5288 Жыл бұрын
It’s odd you assert James ir his followers would assert he was the one cut off in Daniel 9. The most obvious date for the start of that count was 457BCE. Which puts that last 7 years starting around 27CE. You’ve studied Mark enough to know Jesus was keeping his messiah thing a secret but suddenly took a left turn. So if anyone thought he was that cut off person, it would be Jesus and later Mark. They were reading suffering servant passages as you’ve also taught. So James then comes along and now he’s the one cut off? Did he believe he was the messiah himself? An egomaniac better than Jesus or was Jesus an even more blatant egomaniac himself intentionally getting himself killed just to prove it? It’s truly amazing to see your religiously informed biases blind you to what is really going on. Jesus was not a Torah observant Jew according to Mark where he constantly challenges the rabbis and ultimately declares new wine will not go back into those old wineskins. Maybe they thought they had a dynasty but like you trying to force new wine into old wineskins. Admit it. In Mark, Jesus was both breaking the covenant and establishing a new one that failed utterly. He effectively ended the sacrifices and on the wing of abomination Paul desecrated the Torah causing the dissolution and destructions.
@brianhodgson9547 Жыл бұрын
Prince Linus {Britannia} was the 2nd 'Pope' - {Jesus being the 1st}
@patrickjohnson7592 Жыл бұрын
All, of the Nazarene Sect, went to Heaven, in the first century.
@evropej 2 жыл бұрын
Peter was called Satan and a stumbling block! He was worthy to be called a saint but not the holy family! I am disgusted by the Ignorance of why people ignore the fact that they are being killed and wiped off the history books by the priests!
@scripturaltruth7636 Жыл бұрын
Mat 16:17 Mechanical Translation: And responding the Jesus said to him; he is untouchable Simon bar Jona since flesh and blood do not reveal race but my FATHER the one in heaven. Mat 16:18 Mechanical Translation: I did NOT tell you that you that you are Peter and above/upon the same stone build my assembly and gate (of) hades will not exert control over her. Mat 16:19 και [and] δωσω [give] σοι [you] τας [the] κλεις [keys] της [the] βασιλειας [Kingdom] των [the] ουρανων [the vaulted sky] και [and] ο [who] εαν [if] δησης [seen] επι [above] της [the] γης [earth] εσται [YOU are] δεδεμενον [bound] εν [in] τοις [the] ουρανοις [the vaulted expanse of the skies] και [and] ο [who] εαν [if] λυσης [destroyed/dissolved] επι [above] της [the] γης [earth] εσται [YOU are] λελυμενον [destroyed/broken/dissolved] εν [in] τοις [the] ουρανοις [the vaulted expanse of the skies] Mat 16:19 Mechanical Translation And give you the Kingdom keys of vaulted sky; and who if YOU are seen above the earth you are bound in the vaulted expanse of the skies and that/who if destroyed/dissolved above the earth YOU are destroyed/DISSOLVED in the vaulted expanse of the skies. The verb λυω (luo) means to loosen, unbind or disintegrate. It expresses the unbinding of what was previously tied up, or the disintegrating of what was previously integrated. Peter was being bound here in the actual Greek text this is why the Catholic Church killed people for trying to read the text themselves. Matthew 19: 20 pretty much says it all Mat 16:20 Then he strictly charged the disciples TO TELL NO ONE that he was THE CHRIST. The apostles set up James the Just as Jesus Christ and that was not the real Jesus The deception was calling the real Jesus to be the Christ one. He warns about this in Matthew 24:5. We were taught that there will be many Christ he is actually warning that people will call him the Christ which he was not. They killed him and stole his words and made a new religion they called Christianity. Mat 24:5 For many will come in [epi in Greek means upon or superimposing] my name, SAYING, ‘I AM THE CHRIST,’ and they will lead many astray. Mat 16:20 Then charged he his disciples that THEY SHOULD TELL NO MAN THAT HE WAS JESUS THE CHRIST. Mar 8:29 And he said to them, and you whom do you say me to be? And Peter answered saying to him YOU ARE THE CHRIST. Mar 8:30 And HE REBUKED THEM that to no one they should tell concerning him. Luk 9:20 Then he said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” And Peter answered, “THE CHRIST OF GOD.” Luk 9:21 And HE STRICTLY CHARGED AND COMMANDED THEM TO TELL THIS TO NO ONE It was Judean (Judas) James Jesus Christ that took over after he killed the real Jesus. Judas and Judah are the exact same words in both Hebrew and Greek.
@ryandavis394 Жыл бұрын
Fun Fact: Josephus Bar Matthias stoned James too death.
@jonathanbarnes3061 Жыл бұрын
What historical link have you found to draw that conclusion?
@ryandavis394 Жыл бұрын
@WeCube1898 10 ай бұрын
Evidence ?
@hajiabdulrahman3105 21 күн бұрын
Jesus called themselves Mukmin and the other group that altered her teaching they called Christian , they also called the Christians the uncircumcised ones headed by Paul. The two group don't like each other. The Emperor has to follow one of the other , the Emperor choice happened to be the uncircumised one because easy to follow and less threathening belief with the belief automatic wiping out of sin with Jesus died on the cross , so free from strick following of commandment. The modern scholars see this doctrine as fictional and illogical, someone suffers death the one gets the reward of going to paradise.Even some say Paul is a liar.
@pursuingtruth13 2 ай бұрын
Algorithm support
@Marabarra134 Жыл бұрын
oh come on. James who was from the house of David. what a gullible christian assumption. let's just take the gospels and Jesus his family line literally shall we..... apologistic nonsense. no proof what so ever that Simon a brother of Jesus was in charge of the church. we should believe the apologist Eusebius who lived 3 centuries later? christian assumptions....
@jadam7429 3 ай бұрын
No my friends. Because of jAMes and jAMes US, the adAM (God) dynasty continues.
@Benjamin-jo4rf Жыл бұрын
13:50 it gets good
@richarddemuth7077 Жыл бұрын
Eusebius was WRONG! CLOPHAS was the BROTHER of ALPHAEUS, the HUSBAND of MARY mother of JESUS, JAMES, JOSEPH, JUDAS, and SIMON. He was also the HUSBAND of her SISTER, MARY SALOME. Unless JOHN (Mark) was their son, they apparently did NOT have children.
@richarddemuth7077 Жыл бұрын
We CANNOT "presume" that SIMON (Peter) "was still alive when JAMES died" because Josephus' account of his death mentions that he was executed WITH "SOME OTHERS" against whom the chief priest had also formed the SAME accusation. This MIGHT have INCLUDED SIMON (Peter).
@richarddemuth7077 Жыл бұрын
The scriptural indications are that there was a SCHIZION of factionalism about who was to succeed Jesus in the Church: JAMES who was the ELDEST brother of the Family (at least AFTER Jesus himself), or SIMON who was the STRONGEST. It's intriguing that the "New Testament" account of the early Church seems to make a THREE-way division of authority in Palestine between Simon at ANTIOCH, the PROVINCIAL CAPITAL, JUDAS at DAMASCUS, the CAPITAL of the Arabian Kingdom of Aretas, and JAMES at JERUSALEM, the "Holy City" CAPITAL of the Judes.
@richarddemuth7077 Жыл бұрын
Flavius Vespasianus WASN'T Hispanic! He was a Sabine Italianus!! Sometimes I wonder WHERE Pro. Tabor gets his "facts" from?!
@richarddemuth7077 Жыл бұрын
It is KNOWN that at least TWO Roman legions took part in the siege: the VI Ferrata and the X Fretensis. That would have been 12,000 troops. Even if there were 24,000, with additional legions, the number of auxiliaries used typically came to LESS than the number of legionaries. Therefore, the total troop strength of the Roman army besieging Jerusalem in the "first Christian Century" would have probably been only around 30,000.
@richarddemuth7077 Жыл бұрын
Josephus did not attribute the Judish rebellion to "Messianism". He CLEARLY described HOW it began with ordinary but VIOLENT PREJUDICIAL oppression against the Jews of Caesarea Maritima, the sub-provincial capital, by the Greco-Roman inhabitants of that city. They not only beat up Jewish people but ENTERED their houses to STEAL their possessions and ATTACKED synagogues as well! THIS of course inflamed into outright RIOT, which SPREAD to Jerusalem; where they decided the sacrifices for the well-being of Rome and the emperor should be STOPPED. THIS action was what made Nero realize he had an outright WAR of REBELLION on his hands. The Judes were simply NATURALLY acting out against overbearing oppression.... they were NOT trying to bring about the "Coming of the Messiah".
@tongakhan230 Жыл бұрын
How would anyone succeed Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and ONE MEDIATOR between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, There is only ONE POSITION as Mediator. Jesus was it. There were no priests or leaders or successors of anyone or anything among Jesus' DISCIPLES. Matthew 23:9 Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly One. 10 Neither be called leaders, for your Leader is one, the Christ.
@Theslavedrivers Жыл бұрын
You need to expand your reading.
@tongakhan230 Жыл бұрын
@@Theslavedrivers : Unless there is some scripture addressed, how can I help. Just making assertions is neither here nor there.
@allenhonaker4107 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't take Paul's word for anything.
@Master_LaSon Жыл бұрын
Be that as it may, I was not a burden to you; but crafty as I am, I caught you by trickery.
@dadsonworldwide3238 10 ай бұрын
Don't take tabors courses its a very hard line textual critique perspective thats compassionately aware of sensitive beliefs. Take his courses on first temple kadokite, dead sea scrolls essences , what summarian religious and socially,sychololgical cults are Abraham fleeing. These ideas and physical prescriptions drive the bronze age collapse. Assyrian king of kings synacrab embodiment of it all. Even Jesus title mocks that , calling Jesus king of kings is a direct rebuttal to those foriegn beliefs that try to monopolize God and use him in their Devine right to rule. We know Pharoahs conceptually belive they are god incarcerate on par with what Jesus is but its taken further in he is the word, the truth the light, alphabetical exodus.
@dadsonworldwide3238 9 ай бұрын
@@nothinghere1996 obviously Paul's not alone hes just still connected to the first temple kadokite Judaism. The influences coming from the Assyrians in our archeological record allows us to identify exactly what Abraham flees. Even before the Babylonian exile the division took place . Same structuralism and radicalized environment is god, math & time is his actual fingertips magically woven into the fabric of the universe physical prescriptions ,root to Devine right to rule bloodline nonsense all the monopolization is on full display for anyone who really wants to follow the evidence .
@dadsonworldwide3238 9 ай бұрын
What splits Judaism ,islam and even Christianity to this very day is the same physical prescriptions and structuralism.
@dadsonworldwide3238 9 ай бұрын
@@nothinghere1996 you can see that even zorastrianism tamed the magi in a similar 1st temple mosaic/ Solomon / Paul way. 750bc magi would really believe god is universe where as by 300bc the human dashboard triality of self with true God separated from his creation is present in them . This sounds similar but is very different. Both magi & 1st and 2nd temple Judaism would say the answers are written in the stars above. But pagans physically prescribe this excluding the human dashboard
@orlybendavid2211 Жыл бұрын
@robertruggiero9999 Жыл бұрын
Vespasian … not Spanish
@TheRagnarokExperiencePodcast 7 ай бұрын
Why am I getting the idea that the narrator and the writings he utters is trying place "James The Just" as the 'Messiah' that would be a serious false teaching and heresy. YHWH forbids such deception.
@stanwoody4988 5 ай бұрын
Interesting but it sounds like the script is being a narrated by a AI trained on Tabor's voice. Choppy.
@phillipmorris4555 Жыл бұрын
B.S. eusebius was a lier a wolf a devil. This is all lied
@meeksde Жыл бұрын
@abhabh6896 8 ай бұрын
There is no "Christ dynasty". James was son of Joseph and his wife who died. He was a half brother to Jesus in legal terms and Jesus accepted him when James joined the Church. Every apostle was picked by Christ in one way or another and they always treated themselves as equals. Don't fall for heresy. We have interpretations from early church fathers and ecumenical councils. there is no need for any half baked interpretations. Please stop putting weird ideas into peoples heads which would lead them astray ☦
@alanprendergast7747 3 ай бұрын
Another mythical failed prophecy..yawn...
@larryguy8606 Жыл бұрын
My take on the brothers (and sisters) of Jesus. Mariamne (1) had four kids before Jesus, two sons, Alexandros and Aristobulus, and two daughters, Salampsio and Cypros, but none after. She left Judea shortly after Jesus was born and didn't return until 30 years later. Josef was the father of Jesus, but never married Mariamne (1). James, Matt, Nico, maybe Jude or another son, and a sister or two were kids from Josef's first wife. (so all older than Jesus) Simon. Joses and some of the others were Josef's kids from a later wife, named Mariamne (2). (so all these were younger than Jesus) Tradition says Josef lived until age 112, so his sons living into their 90's would not be a stretch at all.
@hermanhale9258 9 ай бұрын
Stop hallucinating.
@GizmoFromPizmo Жыл бұрын
It's probably a coincidence but I have noticed a pattern. People who want to focus on the teaching of Jesus to the exclusion of the meaning of his death and resurrection are the least spiritual and the most antithetical saved. To cover for their lack of the Spirit of God they say, "Jesus' teachings were more important than His death and resurrection." I have found that to be a dodge. Jesus was a Jewish rabbi. If you look at what He taught, the same teaching can be found in the Law of Moses. Jesus was a teacher of the Law. If you dispense with the death and resurrection of Jesus then what you have leftover is Judaism 2.0. It becomes a defacto sect of Judaism. Is that what Jesus died for? So that people could just follow the Law of Moses again? Tabor and his ilk are all about resurrecting the Law but they themselves don't keep the Law of Moses. In other words it's just more of the old, "Rules for thee and not for me", religion.
@thelimatheou 2 жыл бұрын
James was eldest of Joseph's sons from his first marriage. Jesus is his 'step' brother from Joseph's guardianship of St. Mary and subsequent role as Jesus' father in his youth & adolescence. This is what the Church has always taught.
@leighmelnychuk8859 2 жыл бұрын
The church is super well known for its “infallible” teaching 😂😂
@atheistapostate7019 2 жыл бұрын
That is later Catholic tradition and no historical facts to it.
@thelimatheou 2 жыл бұрын
@@leighmelnychuk8859 Yes, it is. The Orthodox church continues the teachings and traditions established by Christ through His Apostles.
@AR-tb9hq 2 жыл бұрын
@@thelimatheou no it doesnt. Paul never met Jesus and he referenced James and the others as "their foundations are shaky"
@thelimatheou 2 жыл бұрын
@@atheistapostate7019 And what is your proof of this? The first written record we have of these facts is from the 2nd century - a written account of the tradition that was taught from the start of the Church. How can you possibly say there is no historical basis when I have demonstrated to you that is not the case? Feel free to dispute the accuracy of the historical facts, but please don't make up 'facts' selectively to suit your biases.
@AutobotProwler 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus is Joseph's step son and the rest of the siblings are half siblings. Please. Think
@atheistapostate7019 2 жыл бұрын
That is older Catholic tradition to solve Jesus being a “mamzer”, the Hebrew word for fatherless. There is absolutely no historical evidence for the step father and step siblings and a Catholic Church creation. Before telling a respected scholar to think, do your research outside what you’re priest/minister tells you
@thelimatheou 2 жыл бұрын
@@atheistapostate7019 Addressed in my comments above, but you're being dishonest as I've stated. There is plenty of historical evidence.
@onlimi616 2 жыл бұрын
Actually READ your Bible. You'll fin it never says that. Of course, anybody can make up any story that want after the fact. "They were his uncle's half brothers twice removed on his father's side!" If someone wrote your life story, and wrote Autobot's brother is .....blah blah. Should someone come along later and say No! They really meant that was his half brother!
@thelimatheou 2 жыл бұрын
@@onlimi616 The tradition of Joseph's guardianship of Mary is not in the Bible, but is what was taught by the Church from the very beginning. You know what also isn't in the Bible? Equivocal evidence that negates this tradition. All we have is revisionist Protestant propaganda from around 200 years ago making claims. Scripture does tell us that the term for brother/sister and its usage DOES NOT always mean people with the same parents - in both the old & new testaments. Lot & Abraham are described as brothers, despite them being uncle & nephew. Mary the mother of Jesus & Mary the wife of Clopas are described as sisters, despite them having no blood relation. Paul calls James the brother of the Lord and an Apostle, but there were only two Apostles named James - James & John the sons of Zebedee, and James the son of Alpheus. Many other examples. All of the Apostolic churches affirm this, all of the Reformers affirm this, and it is only 18th century Protestants primarily in the United Kingdom and Germany who begin to spread these lies.
@willempasterkamp862 2 жыл бұрын
@@thelimatheou Paul (Saul) = James the Just = Zebedee = Germanicus. His 'twin' sons are Silas (Andrew) and Barnabbas (John). James ( jacov/pretender) is a nickname for Andrew because he was a failed heir ( james the less ). alpheus was the first germanicus the father of Paul and Joseph ( Claudius). search ; julio claudian geneaology.
what if Simon "the brother" is Simon_Peter?
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