Age of Sigmar 4 just got WILD

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The Honest Wargamer Streams

The Honest Wargamer Streams

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@CarbonMage 5 ай бұрын
5:49 maybe I'm just used to units with champions, but I feel like getting rid of command ranges is basically losing nothing while gaining a big boost in streamlining. I wholly support the decision for 4th edition
@cooljoe500 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, I think in all games I played, it happened only one time, that a unit couldn't receive an Command because nobody close by could issue it.
@SigmarsLorekeeper 5 ай бұрын
In the 2 years I’ve been playing I’ve never run into someone who could t use or issue a command because of range it’s super rare.
@gwell2118 5 ай бұрын
Yeah because with the advent of unit champions and elite units virtually all units were always in command range regardless in most games. Just making all commands universal and making them range less just makes things so much simpler. We lose nothing and it cuts down like a whole page of rules.
@TarulMan 5 ай бұрын
It's a nice buff for things that didn't have Champs, like stonehorn beastriders, rat ogors, and stormcast chariots
@SigmarsLorekeeper 5 ай бұрын
@@TarulMan that’s true I know kroxigors needed it. Having to babysit them is annoying
@Aliashavoc 5 ай бұрын
Biggest thing I'm stoked on is the fact the "underdog mechanic" isn't anything similar to the 40k "gambit" system. Not so strong that it's going to be an effective strategy to be the underdog each round but enough of a benefit that it helps give you more options while you're down.
@connorclifford 5 ай бұрын
Not calling magical intercention "unleash spell" feels like a miss (unleash hell for casting)
@40KWill 5 ай бұрын
I'll call it that in every game
@mistformsquirrel 5 ай бұрын
Definitely. IT WAS RIGHT THERE! *gestures emphatically*
@andreatassio 5 ай бұрын
fuck. thats good.
@NoctugasArts 5 ай бұрын
Nah, should have been "COUNTER SPELL!"
@Husker44g 5 ай бұрын
@@NoctugasArts agree
@RealJahzir 5 ай бұрын
As someone completely new to the game, i am glad to find people who can tell me what these articles mean. Thanks
@kewanzahedinour7304 5 ай бұрын
Played magic, judged magic, really good written rules. This is an HUGE improvement for Aos. Chariot has NOT THE SAME PROFILE: wounds and move went down
@TarulMan 5 ай бұрын
Also its impact mortals have been reduced to just D3 total. For all purposes, this is a major glow-down from the 3.0 scroll (power deflation?)
@sebastianpesak3157 5 ай бұрын
@@TarulMan well on 2+ d3 for charging and if you use power through youll get another 2d3. 3d3 MW for 1CP is a great deal and I wouldnt call it a glow-down
@Kylossus3E 5 ай бұрын
Also +4 to Hit on Birdies now instead of +3
@kewanzahedinour7304 5 ай бұрын
@@TarulMan depends on points, if it drops to 120p (in the 3.0 metric) it would be an increase.
@shorelessskies 5 ай бұрын
I agree that this is an improvement. With card games, the rules are very explicit because they're written on the cards. Not even board games are that explicit since the vast majority of the rules are in the rulebook, and a few are on the game pieces; it's almost inverted on a card game. For me, this is superior because the wording has to be clear in consistent. For Warhammer to adopt this is a good thing. Even Underworlds, which is really a card game, has gotten much better writing on their cards lately.
@barty1995 5 ай бұрын
The way it is structured, you essentially get a "mini-turn" between each of your opponents phases! Amazing! I've really enjoyed games where it is always "your turn". Of course if you have nothing to use or don't want to use anything you can just move to the next phase, but this is much easier to think about and structure than hyper specific conditions for everything.
@Manlio.Cipullo 5 ай бұрын
yeah insterad of making the game faster, they made it slower... It is incredible that The Old World was made faster than WHFB while they did the opposite in AoS, with some new layers and a stack that will increase frustration and longer pauses while playing...
@gwell2118 5 ай бұрын
@@Manlio.Cipullothis was never about making the game faster. The game will be fast enough with the rules changes . This is to give opposing players options so they don’t spend 20 minutes doing nothing. Plus it’s no where near the bloat of TOW. Tow just seems faster because whfb was just that laughably long lol
@Manlio.Cipullo 5 ай бұрын
@@gwell2118 you have no idea what a stack is... Also i played some games of TOW and It Is faster than the actual AoS... And i can see no bloat in TOW, not near as much as AoS has...
@gwell2118 5 ай бұрын
@@Manlio.Cipullo Ah yeah I do. Also in no universe is TOW a faster game than AoS. Right no bloat, just infinite special rules and combat mechanics bigger than whole sections of AOS lol. I've played both games, the combat system alone takes forever. Like I am not even going to pretend like your not lying right now. Come on if your going to make up BS at least say something believable 😂😂😂😂
@ethanolmuffins 5 ай бұрын
New player here (waiting for 4th before I play any games), but this seems like some fun and understandable changes and it will have cool interaction with the double turn changes
@gwell2118 5 ай бұрын
It seems to be a natural evolution of 3rd editions command mechanics. But more thought on how they can work on your opponents turn. Something that was lacking last edition.
@kentonius2 5 ай бұрын
fun little combo, you could Power Through at the end of your opponent's turn to get out of combat range, rally real quick in your hero phase, and make a 3" charge right back into combat.
@SigmarsLorekeeper 5 ай бұрын
Your unit would have had to charge that turn to use power through so the only way to use power through in your opponents phase is if you also used counter charge. It doesn’t seem like the best use of CP imo.
@kentonius2 5 ай бұрын
@@SigmarsLorekeeper ooooh right good catch. well, maybe you could do it round 5 when all you have left is Archaon or whatever. might be actually useful when both sides are on dregs if you get the double turn though
@SigmarsLorekeeper 5 ай бұрын
@@kentonius2 or if you have a unit that does amazing damage in the charge like annihalators that roll dice qual to charge roll and do mortals on 4+. Just potentially could do a bazillion mortals
@greyboi9550 5 ай бұрын
This is very similar to reactions in Horus heresy and I couldn't be more excited since that's one of my favorite things about Horus heresy
@mrpoketokyo 5 ай бұрын
Note to self…buy 4 Mawcrushas 😂😂😂😂
@Malisteen 5 ай бұрын
with the gotcha effect of these commands i hope factions don't have a ton of unique commands. otherwise too much to remember & games will keep getting decided by players getting caught out by unexpected surprise mechanics like in 40k these days. i hope instead we see more modifications to core commands, as with the previewed stormcast chariot. we'll see though.
@SamuraiMujuru 5 ай бұрын
Ugh, this is making me really want to get started on my Werewolf Queen army.
@nickmayne1901 5 ай бұрын
Great video & must admit slightly concerned about balancing but on the whole very happy
@addisonjenness5667 5 ай бұрын
Cant wait to see if Nighthaunt gets to keep their Wave of terror. That'll be real fun to counter-charge and say nah you fight last.
@ElOvnen 5 ай бұрын
It's interesting that Counter-Charge allows the unit to use '*a* Charge ability' rather than '*the* Charge ability'. It's possible that Wave of Terror will be a Nighthaunt-only Charge ability. Which can then be used in Counter-Charge :)
@СтилианСтоянов 5 ай бұрын
Redeploy had the MOVE and RUN keywords, likely indicating that it will prevent both Covering Fire and Countercharge, unless the unit using it has abilities allowing it to run and charge/shoot.
@Malisteen 5 ай бұрын
like all of this except for the reroll charge command, which now seems to be used before the charge roll, which makes it terrible. if used before roll it should have a guaranteed effect like the marching command. otherwise way too likely to spend a limited command point for nothing at all. the rest though looks cool.
@jacklarue5129 5 ай бұрын
I just love I’ll be able to shout, “I do declare!” Countercharge built in is super spicy and I love it.
@pauloldham8039 5 ай бұрын
New player here too....have played one game of 3rd. Really excited to get involved at the start of 4. These videos are great for helping me understand the mechanics of whats coming - thanks, keep up the great content.
@batpockets2449 5 ай бұрын
The chariot has 2 less health and moves 2" slower, not the same
@danielweberdlc 5 ай бұрын
Less move, 2 less health, spear does 1 damage versus 2, now you do D3 mortals on the charge versus a 4+ on a number of dice equal to the charge roll, talons hit on 4's versus 3's. How good it is depends on points but that's a pretty big nerf to the unit.
@Mabufu381 5 ай бұрын
@@danielweberdlc with the changes to charging and being able to counter charge it could still be good. I know that the chariot felt amazing charging in and dealing tons of mortal wounds when it spiked, but statistically you would average 3MWs (Av of 2d6 is 7, then 4+s are wounds so youd average out in theory at 3/4mws, with huge spread). Now youre averaging 2 with less steps and its less swingy, though far more likely you can get your charge off and perhaps multiple charges depending on how these commands work on release. If its not costing more points because gw wants you to buy new toys, it could be good.
@danielweberdlc 5 ай бұрын
@@Mabufu381 New rule is a 67% chance for 2 MW, or 1.3 MW on average, not 2-3. Old rule was 7 * 0.5 or 3.5 MW, that's almost a 63% reduction. Neither did any damage on a failed charge, so no change there. On top of that the old rule could do 12 MW, while the new one caps at 3. With a good charge roll and a little luck you might spike hard enough to take out a hero. Now? Seriously, for 1.3 MW just remove the rule. Why are they cluttering up the rule book with a bunch of long rules that deal negligible damage. On top of the other damage reductions and movement loss I would expect a drop in price. Certainly you're not going to use the spear anymore.
@Mabufu381 5 ай бұрын
@@danielweberdlc Yeah thats fair, im just on cope because i have 3 in my army lmao
@sebastianpesak3157 5 ай бұрын
@@Mabufu381 well but with power through youll get 2d3 MW so that has to account to something. Youll be dealing 3d3 MW for 1cp
@tahorn938 5 ай бұрын
My bet is we are going to see higher skill ceiling command abilities that are faction specific. These ten seem like great general across the board abilities but I’m guessing our factions will have higher cost commands that have ranges.
@rhellion 5 ай бұрын
you can likely reroll the charge AFTER the roll. if you look at Nagash's scroll, the dice roll is part of the Declare step of casting his spell. It's very possible the roll will be part of the declare charge to match format.
@apokalyph7325 5 ай бұрын
Verminlord deceiver shenanigans sound insane. Teleport and/or (counter)charge in EVERY turn.
@massqueraider 5 ай бұрын
If it keeps it's same spell that is
@northstartaxadvice8251 5 ай бұрын
Skill expression is going to move from obsessively measuring pile-ins to figuring out how to counter my opponent, and how to counter their counter. I think this is better than before. Losing a battle because of a stupid pile-in mistake was definitely not fun, and felt sometimes like a bit of a "gotcha" moment.
@UnkaStunka 5 ай бұрын
That is true but if you are like my friend extremely skilled in placement, pile ins, consolidates etc it's a loss.
@earnestwanderer2471 5 ай бұрын
I can remember them saying the same thing about CP’s being a really limited resource in 40k 10th and then it turned out there were plenty of ways to either generate additional CP with certain combos or ways of using stratagems for zero CP. Time will tell.
@cmleibenguth 5 ай бұрын
I expect abilities that were "this hero can use this command ability for free" just went up in value dramatically Or at least that that was the intent
@UnkaStunka 5 ай бұрын
40k player here CP are pretty tight these days even with those abilities
@jozefbucany2310 5 ай бұрын
1:45 FEWER auxilliary units
@KP-ek7qu 5 ай бұрын
Great vid ❤ I like these changes, really excited about 4ed. One thing I'd add to the counter charge is that Ironsunz had this since 2019 and it still had zero impact on the meta, because IJ was a very CP hungry army. Now it will cost 2 CP, and you mostly got only 4 per battleround. So unless there will be ways to issue commands for free, I dont think it will be so defining ability, as the free shooting, for instance.
@capefury8731 5 ай бұрын
When it comes to Complexity of a game system and Skills ceiling I think its not necessarily linked. I am of the opinion that all games should be easy to learn but hard to master. I have played many board games that fit in this category and I feel that most Miniatures games add a bunch of complexity just because they want to. Making it more difficult to learn and master the game. I understand a lot of what makes AoS and 40k "fun" are the weird stuff you can do with your unique faction and that introduces complexity which cannot really be avoided without taking the flavour out (and that will lose the charm of the games). Having said all of this. I Do think having the Core rules be as simple as possible is better for the game and the hobby as a whole and you can bring the complexity in with the factions to appease the Hardcore Gamers
@jtowensbyiii6018 5 ай бұрын
40k tried this in 9th, it ended up being one of the most hated editions ever ironically
@Rhuiner 5 ай бұрын
Counter Charge and Power Through gave my Stonehorns a big old wolly chub.
@ctnimmo 5 ай бұрын
Been binge watching all the vids on new AoS - loving the insights (so decided to hit “subscribe”). I have a radical take though on the Battletomes - what if they are getting rid of them … period! As in no more “Stormcasts” battletome, no more “Skaven” battletomes. INSTEAD they sell/print “module books” e.g. here’s a new “MAGIC” module, here’s a new “COMMANDS” module. (Thinking back to Arcane and Battle Magic boxes in WHFB). The new edition is described as “thematic” (based on other articles - plus Rob mentions it in another video) to somehow differentiate it from the previous edition. Could that be it? Also, consider the business model: when you print army books, only collectors of those armies buy them BUT if you produce a modules book (with updates + new units for each faction in that module) then you’re more likely to hit a broader sale + can produce small number of miniatures across the range - guaranteeing a steadier sale. Further, the rules for auxiliary units means you may buy cross faction. My two cents. It’s probably way (way, way) off mark, as Battletomes and Codexes are kinda engrained, but thought I’d put it out there.
@Dotification 5 ай бұрын
I could see getting a fifth/extra CP every round being huge, as then you could do all the new ones; Magical Intervention, Covering Fire, Counter-charge (2), Power Thru ..sprinkling in an All-Out Defense for any of the above the aren't relevant for your army/that round. Also in this new CP meta... I don't think you'll see many Auxiliary Regiments, as giving you opponent an extra CP every turn is BIG. And the old movement ones don't seem like they're worth a CP in comparison--Redeploy prolly needs to be 2d3 to keep up, & At the Double & Forward to Victory need to be reactive to your [insufficient] roll to be comparatively worth it.
@Silvertaurus_ 5 ай бұрын
I'm not sure I like the Covering Fire. I feel it will be one of two scenarios If you don't have shooting unit (preferably reinforced), you basically gimp your army (because you skip double shooting possiblity which every army now has). OR Shooting Units will skyrocket points wise (like shooting snakes in DoK army atm) that you will never take more than one unit because how overcosted it is.
@mistformsquirrel 5 ай бұрын
This feels a lot like turning command abilities into 40k's Stratagems. For me that's not a bad thing, as well... I am coming from 40k, so it's certainly easier for me to grasp. I guess we'll see how it shakes out!
@alphabetbeer 5 ай бұрын
Big Frog bout to pop off every turn. Just raining comets
@Heidelmann 5 ай бұрын
Kharadron Overlords gonna have so much fun this edition. Really looking forward to counter charge with an assault boat frigate, ram a unit, engage the skywardens, power through, moving into the back line to drop some bombs.
@danbrugman4838 5 ай бұрын
We'll see. KO are currently a command point thirsty army. With the changes to the core commands and every Battletome being rewritten, I wouldn't be surprised if KO end up with some major changes to their playstyle.
@Tulkash01 5 ай бұрын
Here’s a comment for our host Rob! Cheers mate! :P
@thehonestwargamerstreams 5 ай бұрын
@FlipityGibett 5 ай бұрын
The command ranges were more often NPEs when you mucked it up then feel goods when you got it right. Super glad they removed it!
@AlarienEvenstar 5 ай бұрын
Removing the hero/champion need for commands is a good change. Understanding your ability bubbles has always been important in AOS (I started Nighthaunt 2.0, so it was all bubbles), but for command abilities it has always felt a bit like it was trying to add complexity for complexity's sake and not because it was actually important to the flow and decision making in the game. Also, fact that, in 3.0, most units had a champion that could issue commands to his/her own unit just made the whole thing feel vestigial and pointless anyway. So it was just a smaller number of units that were punished for being outside the bubble.
@alexwatts1356 5 ай бұрын
The biggest and best change to that chariot is its cool interaction with that command because it's 2-3 possible mw on charge. Then with the command you push 11-16 inches through setting up another charge, but also doing another 2-6 mw. Combine that with how you can charge possibly every turn now and push through every turn now you can have a mobile line breaker pumping out up to 9 mw but averaging around 6 mw a turn. The only down side is a little less base move, little weaker and no more -1 to hit on charge. But with SCE getting deepstrike this looks promising to me. Imho.
@Metalissst 5 ай бұрын
It will be interesting to see if All Out Attack exists with a blue header as well. Because right now the Command we are seeing has a red header which ties it to the combat phase if I understand correctly.
@Bitzpainter 5 ай бұрын
Forward to victory I think will still be used rolling dice since the dice roll could be included in the declare stage . If you look at the spell on Nagashs warscroll the declare step has the roll included so that would mean you react to the roll before the effect stage.
@gwell2118 5 ай бұрын
Yeah about what I thought. They are a hybrid of current commands and the reaction system from Horus Heresy. Also doing math you can get a max 6 in a battle round. 4 cp base, one for underdog and another for having less aux.
@TheGraham27 5 ай бұрын
Counter charge will be great for units that cause mortal wounds on the charge.
@Entropytouch 5 ай бұрын
re: @5:40 - I agree the skill ceiling is lowered for making command abilities able to be cast by any unit, but only for that specific part. If anything it lowers the skill floor with a mild skill ceiling lowering. In all I think it, at least this change, makes the game more entry-level friendly AND de-emphasizes the need to buy expensive extra models that don't always some in army kits so that you can issue a wider variety of commands. Good changes here, imo.
@jameszawislak436 5 ай бұрын
I will be honest, I'm a former competitive MtG player and judge. This is an incredible upgrade to AoS and I now can make a very compelling argument for people to try AoS
@ElOvnen 5 ай бұрын
I'm super excited about this! One of the biggest issues with GW games, imo, has always been the lack of a well-defined, central rules framework. (Although, this was less of an issue with AoS 3.0 than 40k). I honestly feel like those 3 bullet points describing 'Using Abilities' will resolve a majority of rules confusion and arguments.
@OfPeas 5 ай бұрын
The abilities seem fun. Really wish the player going second in the round got a command point though. Friend and I don't play with battle tactics, they add too much time to the game and are generally not fun. So now there's no punishment for double turning, no benefit to going second. Can only hope now that battle plans are interesting enough to encourage going second.
@cooljoe500 5 ай бұрын
If your friend is cool with it, you can always house rule.
@OfPeas 5 ай бұрын
@@cooljoe500 Yes we can, and we will. I think I would have liked them to design the newer edition with a more "casual" leaning and ramp it up through the handbooks and such. Use the modular system to it's full advantage. At this time, just feels like the modular system is there to "dumb" the game down for people such as ourselves.
@alexisl5189 5 ай бұрын
I like the vast majority of this I think. Big shooting threats you can counter by feeding them bad targets to shoot, and you can still screen a counter charge in theory. Power through lets you move through, but it doesn't let you reengage so it's only going to be useful for a double charge on a double turn. Seems like you can play around all of this, though how practical that will be on its own I don't know.
@koenvandiepen7651 5 ай бұрын
Giving them bad targets to shoot is not countering them. It's just makeing them a little worse. Big shooting units are going to be nuts whit these units. In thier turn they shoot the most valuebale unit in your army. In your turn they shoot the one you want them to shoot as a "counter" that is insanely strong if the point costs do not change. Some shooting untis in aos 3.0 can just flat out delete cheap chaff and kill big untis in two turns. That means in just 2 battle rounds you lose a value unit and two chaff units to the oppenents main shooting unit. And the shooting unit does not really have to change position if the range is long enough. Combat units are no where near that effective. Either ranges need to go down or cost need to go up for shooting or this single tactic will start dominating the gameplay.
@alexisl5189 5 ай бұрын
@@koenvandiepen7651 Sure, it's strong. No arguments there, all of these are strong. Are they really going to spend a command point to kill an 80pt chaff unit though? Maybe, but there are alternatives. And with the amount of movement provided here, are they going to be able to stop you barrelling through their expensive shooting unit while being in a position to shoot twice? It might be broken ofc, no way to say without points etc.
@cml4914 5 ай бұрын
Aw I didn't realise I'd missed the stream. Will go and watch it back if I have time, but for now the nice compact KZbin version ❤
@thehonestwargamerstreams 5 ай бұрын
@nicholasdorich7939 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the rundown, Rob (and chat)!
@yourgoodliness 5 ай бұрын
I'm tentatively excited. It's clear they've put in the work to standardize language and boilerplate things that should be boilerplated. The lowering of the skill floor and/or ceiling is a little sad, but if it results in a better game for my gaming group, I'll withhold my judgment. Thanks for the great coverage as always!
@mikeholstein9613 5 ай бұрын
The way Rally reads to me because the use this in any combination above addendum, is that if I had 2 dead kurnoth hunters and I have 4 rally points I can bring back two hunters with two wounds each…
@BloodKraven 5 ай бұрын
Keep up the excellent work!
@massimorolli4414 5 ай бұрын
Only thing I really don't like is that they lost the chance to change All Out Defence. IMO save stacking is the cause of so many problems.
@gump1119 5 ай бұрын
So every monster can now stonehorn monster truck. And stonehorns can do it twice maybe?? And in the opponents turn…. SIGN ME UP
@Bowlzee 5 ай бұрын
Last turn.... you need that unit on the objective to survive to win the game.... Enemy unit is within charge range.... counter charge with chaff/hero prevent that charge, win the game
@thingmate7361 5 ай бұрын
I have a couple thoughts on stuff in the new command points post they made: 1. I really like them trying to clean up design for 4e so that its easier to read, really feels like theyre trying to make things easier for everyone 2. I really like MTG style wording on some of the new rules; im sure we'd all love a little less words to chew on, but then you usually have to play by Rai and that sucks 3. Unless they've broken the knees of every shooting based unit in the game, whoever made counter-shoot and counter-charge either owns 30 bow snakes or KO because shooting should be 2, maybe 3cp imo for how much tempo it gives you. 4. Did they really have to go with "crit x"? It looks so gross to me, like someone forgot they had to come up with keywords until thry started posting articles
@ReaperTimeComing 5 ай бұрын
I don't think it will lower the ceiling, it will move it from some micro position skills to more macro choices (which command to use, to take the double turn...)
@DGtil01 5 ай бұрын
Realtively new player here but heres my 2 cents. I think the new command abilities add an awesome level intricacy to the game, allowing for much for strategic and tactical gameplay on a micro level. Personally i found 3rd ed a bit predictable. Where i know if i charge unit x, then during my opponents turn i get charged by unit y. You can play the same lists against each other and you end up with an almost identical game each time. However these added reactive command abilities add a really interesting dynamic. My biggest worry tho is one of the issues you pointed out with casting spells during your opponents turn where your opponent simply spams high damage spells constantly from a castle and blows half your list off the board before the first engagement. Hopefully they will limit some spells to be only castable on your turn.
@tylercollier6665 5 ай бұрын
I feel like these makes beastclaw raiders so much better lol
@Motovampyro 5 ай бұрын
Are these new command abilities cool? Yes. Am I mad that, as a CoS player, I lose my two favorite orders? Also yes.
@charles7928 5 ай бұрын
Counter charge sounds powerful but if I charge you first you can't counter and you can't power through. It seems to be encouraging you to charge more in your own turn. The shooting and especially the magic are potentially more worrying. Id like to see a rule where you can only shoot once per battle round and where wizrds only have a certain number of casts per battle round. With that rule in in place, the more extreme effects you are worrying about would be limited.
@robertpv6639 5 ай бұрын
The threat of magical intervention may realy effect how you cast in your phase. Tho hard to tell until we have the full picture.
@shorelessskies 5 ай бұрын
This is cool. I'm primarily a Warcry player and I love the reaction mechanic, so it's cool to see something similar in big AOS. Speaking of faction focuses, do we think Ironjawz and Kruleboyz are still one faction under the Orruk banner? Or with the bone boyz out are they their own factions now? I even heard one fan theory that Gorkamorka are permanently split in two so we'll have the Morkish orruks and the Gorkish orruks.
@elias1579 5 ай бұрын
I wonder if Sigvald will have strikes first in the next edition. He would be great for charging in the opponent charge phase
@WorldOfWeebcraft 5 ай бұрын
Exciting but kinda worried some of these feel like getting the blue shell or bullet bill in mariokart lol. Its not always advantageous to be ahead in the game.
@soberirish83 5 ай бұрын
I like that they removed the distance restrictions on the counter plays. It gives the option to redeploy or counter charge board wide, instead of only being able to work near your opponent.
@redsven7624 5 ай бұрын
Appreciate the video, you communicate the changes really well ... maybe they should employ someone like you (oh wait). I think this is the first thing that has intrigued me about the rules, as it open multiple possibilities and interactions that could be actual decision points. That said I also think that there are risks of the short list of units becoming the go to, due to the interactions with certain unit types, and less diversity. I also think there is a risk it pushes games further towards being resolved in turn 2 or 3, which if it remains a 5 turn game is not something I find a positive experience. The resolution steps are not a bad thing if well written, as they provide a clear and obvious set of rules and no one ever had a bad game because of clear rules. But if they are poorly written it opens the door to gotchas and exploitation. One of those 2 is something GW has a history of the other is not.
@caringcommissar4600 5 ай бұрын
Sons of giants players will definitely have a better time not getting screened out. Now giants and monsters can do what the feel like they should do. I wasn't so sure aos needed updating but this is good.
@BoldAndSpicy 5 ай бұрын
Until we see some Skaven warscrolls were not going to be able to tell, but it if we go by the weapon profiles of the chariot (which changed and mostly got nerfed) theres going to be less lethality.
@PhoenixExcess 5 ай бұрын
Power Through is going to be extremely problematic. A lot of people have already harped on its alpha strike potential, but not enough people have talked about its insane repositioning potential. Like Rob mentioned you could potentially get your fast hammer unit into the back lines instantly if your opponent has bad screening, but what about just using it as a strike and fade to get on an objective? Or a repositioning tool to get a slow anvil unit into a better position? Or to make sure your fragile hammer never gets bogged down in a fight you don’t want it in? The potential of “free” movement just because you charged something is endless and ripe for abuse. If this doesn’t get increased to 2CP or FAQ’d, I can’t wait to see the stupid movement shenanigans people pull with this command.
@MarshalJack 5 ай бұрын
No complaints looking at these! Loving reactions AOS is already more interactive than 40K and 4th edition is looking interesting.
@michaelpipe5488 5 ай бұрын
Hopefully we’ll see some missions soon.
@seabrain1212 5 ай бұрын
Nothing in Power Through specifies it has to be used by a monster. This can be used by Ogres or other high-wound models to reposition while in combat against hordes. Also, you can't fly, so you have to move through the Combat ranges but around the actual models. At least, by my reading, the "move through" is limited by the "combat ranges of Enemy units that were in combat with it." That is, it doesn't move through models, it moves through combat ranges.
@JM-oj5gt 5 ай бұрын
Redeploy doesn’t seem to be restricted to moving away form the enemy which could help a melee heavy army
@Hedonite 5 ай бұрын
I LOVE these!! Counter play is so. So fun. Eeek!!
@KcBull 5 ай бұрын
I feel like 3+ liberators mean this edition will be super lethal you are absolutely right. This seems like a bit of power creep? Will be interesting to see how they all stack up against one another when more units are released
@UnkaStunka 5 ай бұрын
If all factions get more deadly I dont't see it as power creep just a more lethal edition.
@KcBull 5 ай бұрын
@@UnkaStunka true, thats why it would be interesting to see more warscrolls and rules drop and figure out where that balance is
@ElOvnen 5 ай бұрын
The keywords on some of the Command Abilities seem to imply some interesting interactions. Redeploy has the "Run" keyword which makes it seem like you can use At the Double in reaction to declaring Redeploy. It's slightly unclear to me, what the result of this would be, however, as Redeploy doesn't involve a 'run roll'. Best guess would be auto-Redeploy 6". Which seems very strong - even for 2CP. Covering Fire has the 'Attack' keyword. Which implies that both All-Out Attack and All-Out Defense can be used in Reaction to it.
@michaelchippysmith94 5 ай бұрын
That wouldn't work because units can only use one command per phase
@ElOvnen 5 ай бұрын
@@michaelchippysmith94 Ah! You're totally correct! :) Which is probably for the best. Being able to move a unit a guaranteed 6" after seeing an opponent's entire movement phase did seem a bit much - even for 2 CP :) All-out Defense in reaction to Covering Fire does seem to be a thing, yeah?
@bobjones3579 5 ай бұрын
I play slaanesh and built 2 exalted chariots a while ago. So the counter charge, power through and redeploy look nice.
@Fotta1989 5 ай бұрын
If the Mortek Crawler keeps it's special rules, using Suppressing Fire to make the nearest unit fight last in their own turn seems great.
@Husker44g 5 ай бұрын
so If i"m reading this right,, counter charge says "counts as charging" so power through could trigger as it says "any turn" .. this is so Frrrrrrrrriiikin incredible.
@blasmeister 5 ай бұрын
Are you sure about Forward to victory? What constitutes the declare part of the charge phase seems kinda murky right now (you seem to roll for spells in the declare for example) and it's possible the roll might happen before the reaction. Of course the run roll seems to be a movement that is rolled for after the declare so who knows how it'll shake out.
@Malisteen 5 ай бұрын
im sad all put defense is still an armor buff instead of a hit malus. hit malus would have a pleasing symmetry with all out attack. more importantly, imo currently there's too much high save & save stacking in 3e, rendering no rend attacks pretty toothless & skewing all offence too much towards high rend & mortals, and i was hoping 4e might pull back from that.
@garyh6370 5 ай бұрын
Love the rally change. Its now perfectly balanced and doesnt scale on the unit its being used on
@wreckless82mk90 5 ай бұрын
So AOS is gonna have instant / sorcery spells kinda. I might actually be able to understand this game now
@koenvandiepen7651 5 ай бұрын
I can not get over the fact that despite ppl hateing shooting in AOS because it makes the game feel like 40k. Gw can not help themselves to make shooting more powerfull and charging more of a gamble. Why are you like that gw WHY???
@WindlordRyu 5 ай бұрын
Removing restrictions on who can give commands to who feels whatever IMO, I can't even remember any units that doesn't have either a Champion or Elite. Maybe I just played the right armies. I like the new rules structure, it's very clear, and having a rigid structure doesn't leave much room for unintended consequences due to slight miswordings.
@liefde8616 5 ай бұрын
The reactions added sounds similar as the reactions mechanic and language in warhammer underworld.
@thesoothsayer9223 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the breakdown, reading the article I felt a bit confused but this helped clear it up. I absolutely love the barreling through mechanic both for cinematic moments and breaking up what would've been a static game state
@Nekorook 5 ай бұрын
I like these changes. I think it will make for a more interactive game.
@daisuke133 5 ай бұрын
Ok, I've got a question regarding the chariot capacity. It says : "roll a D3. On a 2+, inflict an amount of mortal damage equal to the roll." I know, we're gonna inflict D3 mortal damage, BUT, can we inflict only 1 mortal damage ? Because a 2+ on D3 dice is... well, 2. Unless they meant a 2+ on a D6 roll that counts as D3. I don't know if I'm making sense.
@stevecatpatrick8056 5 ай бұрын
I'm not super sure about the internal balance of those commands. Forward to victory having to be called before you roll makes it quite a bit worse than redeploy or the shooting one.
@8bitbr0z32 5 ай бұрын
I know new rules are more or less a way to inject interest/get people to spend more money into the game BUT I would say these new rules/overall organization are very clear and IMO very good. Feels like the game is going in a solid direction.
@premiereboris 5 ай бұрын
There is ZERO chance Forward To Victory is used before rolling.
@MarkoFTW 5 ай бұрын
it is explicitly stated that you need to spend cp before even rolling.
@brainstorm90 5 ай бұрын
Time to buy stormstrike chariots before the scalpers raise the price like they did with rhinos and land raiders
@Heidelmann 5 ай бұрын
They're in the new spearhead box. Probably find them cheap on troll trader.
@StriderofDoom 5 ай бұрын
With regards to the lower skill ceiling- I like these changes, but perhaps in future they can add things like areas of effect for command abilities back into the game specifically for competitive play. I've felt for a while now that matched play should be split into two modes 'regular matched play' for pick up games and 'competitive matched play' for those wanting a much crunchier experience. Trying to force different kinds of players into one game mode feels a bit lazy to me, and adding a competitive game mode could add really fun dimensions for the hardcore gamers whilst preserving a more casual experience for others. Adjustments and changes could be much more sophisticated and more smartly targeted as well.
@drzephy 5 ай бұрын
I feel like counter charge, redeploy and power though add some really fun skill testing, and having to remember ranges for command was not that fun a skilltest so I'm fine with it going away
@marcinstangel9277 5 ай бұрын
Hmm so the countercharge looks very similar to Glottkin's "Blightkrieg" ability. The difference being the unit countercharging doesn't have t be within X inches of Glottkin. nice. Can't wait for faction specific reviews / updates. Want to see what will change in my beloved Maggotkin of Nurgle and Disciples of Tzeentch.
@thehonestwargamerstreams 5 ай бұрын
Yes. One of the most used things in the game
@Tobben121 5 ай бұрын
I'm most interested about how this might interact with CoS orders. Are they going to amplify these commands, or are they gonne be different? Or maybe function like additional commands, so you can counter-charge with more units. Or are we seeing an entirely new mechanic for them, which I hope they don't as I like orders
@keithjackson7261 5 ай бұрын
Covering fire should cost 2 cps.
@alexpoyser6598 5 ай бұрын
Doomwheels with the power through command could be hilarious if it still has 4d6 movement
@Kelgrim 5 ай бұрын
I’m just hyped for 4th
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