Agnostics Are Really Atheists

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@zNathaniel 8 жыл бұрын
Open mindedness is the best possible kind of people in the world.
@zNathaniel 8 жыл бұрын
People who are open minded.
@James-ye7rp 7 жыл бұрын
I agree, but there is a limit. There is a saying that goes something like this. Open-mindedness is awesome, up to the point your brain falls out. In other words, It is great to "believe" that a great many things are possible, but there is a limit to the credibility of some claims, especially without evidence.
@piolio7086 7 жыл бұрын
James Kidd But agnosticism is about admitting your lack of knowledge. We are not pantheists
@davidcraig7771 7 жыл бұрын
It's been a long time since your last upload. Where are you?
@COZMICTOM 4 жыл бұрын
@eyestoenvy 5 жыл бұрын
AGNOSTIC: “I don’t know” (that’s me) 👌
@dayanitaperez972 9 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy I found your channel. You are a beautiful and smart person and I thank you for sharing your thoughts with all who will listen.
@OmniMale 10 жыл бұрын
Firstly, nice to see a black atheist. I don't know many personally. Imo, I tend to to stick with the root definition of terms. Especially those that still posses strong roots in their original languages. Theist = with God Atheist/ a = no/non theist = with god. You are so right on point. Gnosticism is about knowledge. So same letter a rule applies. Now this is where I may be missing what your point is. For some one to say, I know or don't know fall into the a/gnostic philosophical realm. Even if one hasn't really delved into the question of "does a deity indeed exist?" so for instance, although you never really thought about it, your claim was, "I don't know." couldn't this be a knowledge claim? As far as mixing of labels, Agnostic theist and so on. I think it describes best when thinking in discussion /debate terms. I am an Agnostic atheist. I don't make a positive claim. I cannot "know" there isn't a god. But I have reasonable probability to not believe in the god(s) that have been presented to me. Any way. Just rambling now. Be safe
@jilliansmith7123 6 жыл бұрын
Nelson: no, you're not rambling at all, I think you did a wonderful job of explaining the root bases of these words and the clearest, plainest meanings. You did a better job than I did! Thanks.
@buzzzurk 10 жыл бұрын
Eloquent and articulate! :)
@j0hncon5tantine 6 жыл бұрын
@buzzzurk But she is wrong, that is not an agnostic!!! God is REAL and can be proven in a court of LAW!!! (The biologically immortal organisms that lack senescence are already extremely great proof for God and his design but if you want more..... The 3 main forms of evidence that would be acceptable and legitimate in a court of law for the existence of God would be..... "Life after Death experience studies where people witness a creator God- " " " ", .......... Multiple Studies on the effectiveness of prayer from multiple religions involving a creator God like in the book "The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden" " +matrix+gregg+braden&sprefix=divine+matrix%2Cstripbooks%2C195&crid=3BXKVNJABO9OK " along with other such studies proving a positive co-relation, ...... Positive co-relation to prayer in a peer reviewed study.......... ............ and scientific facts mentioned in the Bible before their human discovery by a divine influence, ....... For example….. 1. The singing stars. Job 38:7 declares the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy. It sounds like a bit of Bible poetry but not much more. After all, stars shine, not sing, right? Well, it turns out scientists have been able to convert patterns from start light into audio wavelengths, according to Discovery News. The “amount of hiss” in the audio reportedly allows scientists to measure the surface gravity on a star and gauge where it is in its stellar evolution. 2. Weight of the winds. In Job 28:25, we are told that God weighed out the wind. This one may be no more self-evident to us than it was to an ancient Israelite reader of this text. But, we know from modern science that air, since it does have mass, weighs something. You might be surprised to know how much though: an estimated one ton of air is weighing down on shoulders, according to this science site (which explains that we don’t feel it because the air is exerting its force in all directions). This is pretty basic stuff for modern scientists, but it’s quite a credit to the inerrancy of Scripture that the author of Job got it right so long ago (approximately in the second millennium BC). 3. A massive fountain of water deep beneath the Earth!!! Genesis 7:11 "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened." "Scientists dig the world’s deepest hole - and find ‘water from NOAH’S FLOOD’ at the bottom The revelation also reportedly "disproves the myth" that the earth is made up of dry rocky layers" All these would stand the scrutiny of a judge and jury for the case of a creator Gods existence and the legitimacy of the Christian Faith!!! But I am feeling generous so I will give you two more great forms of evidence, how about this book where a forensic officer who is atheist studies and researches the Bible to see if it proves a historical Jesus and if he was murdered wrongfully? Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels, afterward he became Christian!!! Also, why don't you just pray to God yourself and ask him if he is real? What more can I say??? Then you would have personal evidence and proof of Gods interaction yourself..... I mean, there is actually way way way more evidence for God than this but it either would go over your head or you would not understand it properly and you would question it, but this is really solid evidence and proof I have given you up above that would hold up in a court of law........... if you decide to RUN from it, at least admit to yourself that is what you are doing........)
@nicks9359 9 жыл бұрын
I'm agnostic
@JakeTheApe5 10 жыл бұрын
"I don't know.... but I don't think so." = Agnostic-Atheist.
@cyber151 10 жыл бұрын
When somebody says "I'm an agnostic" ask them..."An agnostic what?" The term "agnostic" is one of entomological nature, regarding a position in KNOWLEDGE. Its counter part is "gnostic". Theism and a-theism are positions on BELIEF. They are not independent terms. Agnostic-I dont claim to KNOW with certainty, my claim is correct. Gnostic-I claim to KNOW with certainty, my claim is correct. Theism-belief in a god that creates, intervenes, violates the laws of nature (miracles) etc etc. Atheism- A- (without) + theism. Lack of belief in a theistic god. What does this mean? You can be: 1) Agnostic theist: Doesnt claim to KNOW there is a god, but believes in one. 2) Gnostic theist: Claims to KNOW there is a god, and believes in one. 3) Agnostic atheist (myself and the majority of those calling themselves atheists or 'agnostics'): Dont claim to KNOW there is no god, but lack belief in one. 4) Gnostic atheist: Claim to KNOW there is no god, and lack belief in one.
@stephaniaeverett6377 4 жыл бұрын
So helpful!!!
@malcolmhodnett8874 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly how I use it. Athiest is the default position at any moment someone doesn’t believe a god exists
@joshrose16 10 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy listening to your videos, pleas keep making them!
@gaearose 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you !! I was born and raised into an Atheist family. Should I be any more proud of that than my fellow Atheist who was raised in a religious home and had to struggle his or her way into a more logical and sane way of looking at life, who had to break free of the dogma of religion? No! As you say, we Atheists need to stick together, appreciate each other and let each other be. There's room on this big beautiful reasonable planet for all of us. Don't let petty squabbles over labels divide and conquer. We are about higher and greater things than that.
@AIWboojum 10 жыл бұрын
Your videos are absolutely wonderful. I came upon one of them by accident through a suggestion from KZbin and I was so excited to watch more, and a little disappointed that there were so few. Thank you!
@MinorityAtheist 10 жыл бұрын
AIWboojum Thanks so much - glad you found my channel!
@ValisaVaughan 10 жыл бұрын
Great video. So many caught up on labels. I call myself an agnostic atheist as I try to be as accurate as possible when describing myself but never could care what other people want to call themselves. You articulate my sentiments beautifully. And now you have a new sub :). Look forward to more. 
@leonxyz4m 9 жыл бұрын
You have easily become one of my favorite athiests in this platform. Eloquent and soft spoken, your words come with great clarity. keep on the good work
@vincentespinoza7097 9 жыл бұрын
Atheist: do you believe in a talking snake? Agnostic: no. Atheist: great we're on the same team then! Bill Maher said this on his show once and I couldn't agree more.
@americanliberal09 7 жыл бұрын
"do you believe in a talking snake?" But what do talking snakes has anything to with agnostics? Do you even realize that agnostics don't believe in the same deity of the christian bible, right? Here's the thing. Deists, on the other hand, don't believe in talking snakes from the christian bible either, but still, believe in a creator deity that created the universe. That still doesn't make on the same league with atheists, sir.
@piolio7086 7 жыл бұрын
Vincent Espinoza I am agnostic and I will answer: not really, but I can see the possibility.
@piolio7086 6 жыл бұрын
Stirgid Lanathiel Then they are "agnostic deists" or "agnostic theists". Americanliberal09 just phrased it incorrectly...
@americanliberal09 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, they are, because the deity they were referring to is not the same deity compared to the christian religion.
@americanliberal09 6 жыл бұрын
Agnostic theism is oxymoronic at best, because theists just believe in the existence of god. So, therefore, they don't need to be uncertain about it.
@davonuk1 8 жыл бұрын
Atheist and proud :) My position: I do not believe in any gods and I do no believe any gods exist. I was also never religious. I was not brought up in a religious household and nobody I know has ever tried to force their religion on to me. I will not go the whole way and claim there are no gods, but I certainly haven't seen any strong evidence for any of them. As for what other people want to call themselves, that is up to them. I have pointed out the difference between gnosticism and theism to some people, but generally these are theists who try to tell me that I am not really an atheist; they either don't understand what those terms mean or they are intentionally trying to shift the goal posts in order to force me to adopt a burden of proof which I do not have. That is when I correct them.
@freddyt55555 10 жыл бұрын
Just ran into your channel through King Crocoduck. You're a great communicator. Keep up the good work!
@williamstark9568 10 жыл бұрын
Well I congratulate you, miss. You seem very intelligent and you present your points very well and get straight to the point. I wish I had that kind of skill, I'm a notorious ranter which is why I'll probably never make youtube videos.
@tbobay 10 жыл бұрын
Theist agnostic here, just dropping you a line to let you know we exist. We believe in God, but we get that religious dogma is crap and admit that we don't have all the answers.
@RamRaj-if3ds 5 жыл бұрын
That's what I believe too. That makes sense from all the angles. Thanks.
@mattc3510 5 жыл бұрын
Study evolution, once you realise you evolved from a fish and understand the process that happened. Well it ultimately usually ends in Atheism. Not everyone can push away indoctrinated nonsense. It becomes part of us and we defend those silly ideas from criticism.
@JanetStarChild 5 жыл бұрын
@tbobay Sounds like you're a deist; Not a theist.
@davidsnow2653 9 жыл бұрын
Sorry but u r incorrect. Agnostic is the state of knowledge not the state of believes you can be either agnostic or gnostic. (unsure or sure). There are 3 states of believes Theist -believes in god, allah, buddha Deist - believes in higher power And Atheist - doesn't believe So while An agnostic deist and agnostic atheist can be pretty close, an agnostic theist and gnostic atheist are miles away from each other in there believe systems.
@davidsnow2653 9 жыл бұрын
***** ... not believeing is still a state of believe. I am not gonna discuss if you know or if a catholic or buddist know. Strictly scientifically disbeleve (knowing or believeing it doesn't exist) is still called a state of bleieve. The same as "knowing that buddha exist" is a state of believe. Even though a buddhist would say he doesn't believe he knows. To be honest I dont understand your commentary, I did''t come up with the name for belvieve system... It's just what it's called.
@davidsnow2653 9 жыл бұрын
+creatardkiller32 :) Greetings , it's seems like you are trying to hurt my religious feelings or something :) its gonna be very hard since i am not a believer :) All i am telling you is that not believing is a state of believe. I didn't choose the name xd. And please..... Strawmanning- A type of trolling where the Troller attempts to pwn someone by claiming something they said means something totally different to what that actually meant. So why would i "attempts to pwn you by claiming something I said means something totally different to what that actually meant", if i am not a religious person? Oh... and it would a lot nicer to talk to you if you would actually use some valid arguments in the discussion instead of calling people names... :) And last but the least: although You and I are not believers, it does not hurt to have some respect to other people and their traditions and believes. It's because of such behavior atheists are getting worst and worst PR. Have a pleasant day.
@davidsnow2653 9 жыл бұрын
***** Dude like seriously when did i even mentioned agnostics? You completly chaneged the discusion subject from believe system to agnostics, (witch i actually know and always thought is far from atheist) Really...... changeing the subject to win the discusion?
@davidsnow2653 9 жыл бұрын
Really valid :P what are you trying to proof?
@jilliansmith7123 6 жыл бұрын
Stirgid, yes. To a point. While I don't believe a god or gods exist, I have no idea what such beings might actually be like, so they could be simply "the universe" or "the big bang," or "happy feelings," or "that little feeling of dread you get sometimes..." I just don't KNOW. So while I don't BEIEVE, I would not say they don't exist. It's a little complex, but then the topic is pretty complex. I don't KNOW they do or do not exist, but I don't believe so, knowing I can be wrong. Therefore, I consider myself to be an agnostic (not knowing) atheist (not believing in a god or gods).
@LesignerGirl 9 жыл бұрын
I get annoyed with people who say, "I'm an agnostic, because I can't prove that there aren't any gods." Not only is that person really an atheist by definition, but they are perpetuating the myth that atheism is all about claiming there are no gods. In effect, they are making claims about atheists that aren't even true of most atheists. I don't mind someone calling themself agnostic, as long as they don't make implications about atheists that aren't true.
@americanliberal09 7 жыл бұрын
"I get annoyed with people who say, "I'm an agnostic, because I can't prove that there aren't any gods." Oh! you're joking, right? you wanna get upset over somebody who isn't sure about the existence of god(s)? Boo hoo! cry me a fucking river! "Not only is that person really an atheist by definition, but they are perpetuating the myth that atheism is all about claiming there are no gods." That's not a myth, pal! it is true that all atheists will say that god(s) are not real because there's no evidence to back them up. Don't believe me? trust me, pal! I've had meet a plenty of atheists that'll say that god(s) are man-made, or god(s) are nothing bunch of fairy tales from the bronze age. Hmmm......sound like a true atheist to me, though. :-P
@LesignerGirl 7 жыл бұрын
I really expect better than this from a liberal, americanliberal09, because conservatives seem to hold the monopoly on backwards "thinking". However, even the best computer program will output complete nonsense, if the data that's entered is incorrect. First, there's a difference between 'annoyed' and 'upset'. Being 'annoyed' can be expressed with a simple eye roll and/or shaking of the head, while being 'upset' is more of a fist clencher, teeth grinder, and/or feeling the need to punch something. While you're being all dramatic with your "Boo hoo! cry me a fucking river!" response, I am simply rolling my eyes and shaking my head, but this time with a chuckle, because you are displaying the exact same ignorance I was talking about. Thank you for showing all the readers a perfect example of what I was talking about. Second, there's a difference between "I don't believe there are" and "I believe there are not". The first one is a belief. The second one is NOT a belief. Non-belief is the default position on any topic, and atheism is the non-belief in theistic claims. Third, I wonder if you know the difference between "belief" and "knowledge". A lot of people claim to KNOW something when it is only a BELIEF. Theists are people who BELIEVE in the existence of one or more deities. Atheists are everyone else. Gnostics are people who claim to KNOW something. Agnostics are people who do NOT claim to know that thing. Most atheists are agnostic atheists. That is, we don't BELIEVE any gods exist, but we do not claim to KNOW that no gods exist. Any claim that can not be independently verified, tested, nor measured is an extraordinary claim, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Since theists have not met the burden of proof nor supplied sufficient evidence to back up their supernatural claims (which are extraordinary because they cannot be independently verified, tested, nor measured), there is no logical reason to believe those claims, and most atheists will withhold belief one way or the other until those claims can be either proven or disproven. You wrote, "it is true that all atheists will say that god(s) are not real". Well, that statement is absolute bullshit. SOME atheists make that claim, but they make up a small percentage of all atheists. MOST atheists will NOT make that claim, and will ONLY say they don't believe in any gods. Important note: See above where I said there's a difference between "I don't believe there are" and "I believe there are not". The former is a LACK of belief that the claim is true, while the latter is a positive belief that the claim is false. If you still don't know the difference between "lack of belief in something" and "belief in the lack of something", just think about a criminal trial. Since you're American, you should be familiar with the concept of being presumed innocent unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Juries have to choose a "guilty" verdict or a "not guilty" verdict, and there is no such thing as an "innocent" verdict. Theists have no bet the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt that one or more gods exist, and atheists have not found any deity guilty of existing. Therefore, we hold no belief in any deity.
@americanliberal09 7 жыл бұрын
@108240596126924598450 "I really expect better than this from a liberal" I'm not a political don't get fooled by the 'liberal' part of my username, pal! liberal just means freedom. I actually have no political identification. "Being 'annoyed' can be expressed with a simple eye roll and/or shaking of the head, while being 'upset' is more of a fist clencher, teeth grinder, and/or feeling the need to punch something." But when you just said that you are are making it as if agnostics have chosen to irritate you on purpose. So that's what it looks like it to me. "While you're being all dramatic with your "Boo hoo! cry me a fucking river!" response" dramatic in what way? Dude! i wasn't even remotely serious when i just said that. "Gnostics are people who claim to KNOW something." Sorry, but you cannot use the term 'gnostic', because it has already been categorized as another religious sect. So agnosticism doesn't have an opposite like atheism/theism does. Thus, It was created as a middle ground position between atheism, and theism, not the other way around, pal! "Most atheists are agnostic atheists. That is, we don't BELIEVE any gods exist, but we do not claim to KNOW that no gods exist." So you've just admitted that there are no god(s) at all, but you're still gonna be uncertain about it? really? Okay, but still doesn't make any sense. "Well, that statement is absolute bullshit. SOME atheists make that claim, but they make up a small percentage of all atheists." But it is true that all atheists will disregard deities as mere superstitions, and fairy tales created by humans. Trust me! i've talked to a lot of atheists that'll say that god is a man-made invention. "MOST atheists will NOT make that claim, and will ONLY say they don't believe in any gods." "sigh" here we go again with this 'no true scotsman fallacy. :-P
@ellie7646 7 жыл бұрын
americanliberal09 You're the one being dramatic.
@piolio7086 7 жыл бұрын
LesignerGirl What about the agnostics that think that human are too ignorant to judge whether there is a god or not. Without any knowledge, why even chose a side. If I ask "Does aliens exist?" Many will answer "I don't know". That is agnosticism. And I am sure that some will say that there is no aliens. They are the gnostic atheists and their population is relatively significant to the irreligious population. And theists think all atheists are gnostic....That is why I call myself an agnostic.(something I will also consider the possibility of deism or theism)
@MGsubbie 9 жыл бұрын
I enjoy most of your videos, but this one is just factually incorrect. 1:22 You say "You don't believe there is a God", yet the text says "There is no God." That is a big no-no! Not believing there is a god is *not* the same thing is believing there is no god. But where you are most wrong is the belief that someone is either agnostic or atheist/theist. Agnosticism isn't mutually exclusive with atheism or theism. You said yourself, agnosticism is a stance on knowledge. You cant *know* for certain. Atheism is a stance on *belief.* Those are two very different things. The fact is that when somebody says they're agnostic, they haven't said anything about their belief. Okay, so you can't know for certain. But what do you *believe?* Despite your inability to be certain, when somebody claims there is a god, do you believe them? No? Then you are an atheist. Every atheist is still agnostic or gnostic. What you refer to as a de-facto atheist, in reality is actually an agnostic atheist. What you refer to as a strong atheist is a gnostic atheist. This idea that they are mutually exclusive is a fallacy that I see mostly theists or "passive" atheists. Never people who make videos as well as yours, so I'm really surprised to see you make it. I understand your point about not labeling people. But I still feel that these distinctions are in fact very important. Seeing as you're an atheist I assume I don't have to explain the entire point about who has the burden of proof. Treating agnosticism and atheism as if they are this completely separate things, only fuels the false belief that atheists believe there is no god. That belief in turn enforces the belief that atheists are making a positive claim. And this then makes theists say that we have a burden of proof as much as them. This makes them believe their belief system is just as valid as our "belief system", since neither of us can prove anything. And as long people hold that belief, discussion remains extremely difficult.
@foreropa 9 жыл бұрын
+MGsubbie Totally correct, you can be both. Atheist is a believe, and agnosticism is based in what you know, in knowledge so yes, you can be both ;)
@distmuchin4564 8 жыл бұрын
+Juan Pablo Forero Atheism isn't a belief. It is the lack of belief.
@foreropa 8 жыл бұрын
GLENN MONTEIRO It´s a belief because you cannot be sure, you believe there are no gods, for me it´s a belief. Read the book of Michael Shermer called, the believing brain to know more about this idea.
@zNathaniel 8 жыл бұрын
Stfu u don't know what ur talking about.
@foreropa 8 жыл бұрын
Nathaniel Zavala Says someone who doesn´t presents any arguments. Yeah, right!
@echo2themoon 10 жыл бұрын
Have to say, I was really worried about where this video was going to go, based on the title of it. But after I watched it, I'm glad it's not what I thought it was going to be. I just found your channel, and I think your content is really great. It's very nice to see other females, here on youtube, that are Atheist. Look forward to seeing more content from you!
@elu5ive 10 жыл бұрын
fuckin great AND not redundant. that's very refreshing. gz on 20 thousand video views
@mr.m7002 10 жыл бұрын
Awesome! thanks for dedicating your time and effort enlightening people ^_^
@tutteli88 9 жыл бұрын
You explained my journey in words so well, thank you for making this video.
@Ataraxia-yk8ep 10 жыл бұрын
Great video and on point. I love a clear mind; you have a new fan!
@iratami 8 жыл бұрын
this reminds me of a chart I found on "how religious you are or something like that" from strong theist, to strong Atheist. placing most agnostics in either weak theist or weak atheist. Basically saying you don't know or care but are more inclined to lean one way or the other
@sailormoonlove7016 9 жыл бұрын
Hey love your videos! I was just going to say since you do not support sea world I would recommend not supporting Ringling and circuses too. Watch Ringling beats animals on youtube. Plus the trailer for Tyke elephant outlaw. In addition a lot of Ringling's elephants have been found to have TB you can find information about that on youtube I think too.
@MinorityAtheist 9 жыл бұрын
SailorMoon Love I agree with you, and I have stopped supporting Ringling and the circuses a few years ago. Thank you for helping to spread awareness.
@SUGAR_XYLER 8 жыл бұрын
~ I also don't support these monsters who torture animals for profit. Glad I'm a Atheist !
@fredbmurphy 8 жыл бұрын
I find it disturbing how some Muslims prepare their halal.
@nok22m 10 жыл бұрын
Another great video AM. On the Richard Dawkins seven point scale, I am with him in saying that I'm a 6.9. I can't know there isn't a god, but I'm as sure as I can be. Keep up the great work.
@happytobereligionfree9648 10 жыл бұрын
Very insightful video!
@magneto44 6 жыл бұрын
nope, there is power in saying “I don’t know”
@bollea1234 10 жыл бұрын
Makes perfect sense to me. We are all on the same page, so no need to bicker back and forth over titles. I've enjoyed all of your videos so far, looking forward to the next one! Also, I like your promotion of boycotting SeaWorld! :)
@MinorityAtheist 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your support.
@jasonking1163 10 жыл бұрын
I am AGNOSTIC! however, that lil thumbnail at 9:35 that said 'IMAGINE NO RELIGION'.. brought me to tears!!! Athiest or Agnost we sure have to stick together :)
@jamesebrunson 10 жыл бұрын
Another great video and analogy! I'm starting to see a trend in the way you choose to title your videos. Hopefully people take the time to actually WATCH them BEFORE commenting (I see some people have already failed to do so) & assuming that your title is an accurate description of the way in which you actually address the topics at hand. Keep it up, AM!
@icegod1 8 жыл бұрын
I'm atheist but my mom forces me to go to catholic church, so no I can tell her i'm agnostic. Thanks!
@stardust-mf1oq 10 жыл бұрын
I called myself an agnostic before i became an atheist too, but it didnt take me that long to switch to atheism because once you step out of that religious bubble and start looking at things with an open mind, there is no way you could look at religion the same. Everything will start making sense, so agnosticism in my opinion, is a path to atheism. Its just the first step
@stardust-mf1oq 10 жыл бұрын
***** no thanks
@videogamebomer 10 жыл бұрын
I call myself an agnostic and have remained an agnostic here's
@dignerds 9 жыл бұрын
***** If there's a god, we wouldn't need a human's seminar to know it...god would just physically be with his creation confusion, no debating, no competing religions,.. just god with his people.
@dignerds 9 жыл бұрын
***** God being here among us wouldn't have any effect on free will, except it would win more souls because there would be less confusion. People would still have a choice...just like when you were little,you were around your mom and dad...they were your authority,but you still had free will while you had them physically there. There's no evidence that Jesus was god...that was decided by men....when Jesus was in the garden having some doubt...he preyed to the father...oh wait..he prayed up to his self? lol...Jesus was asked about the end time and he replied "only the father in heaven knows"...there are clear distinctions made no god was ever on earth.. An all powerful being using a mere book that's rewritten by the very flawed humans that he condemns and passed down is a sloppy dysfunctional way to make your self makes more sense that he is physically with us.
@dignerds 9 жыл бұрын
***** Your teacher example is a fail.... we are told by the bible and by religious leaders,that GOD CAN SEE US ANYWAY...SO, HE MINE AS WELL BE WITH point?
@TheMuskokaman 10 жыл бұрын
You articulate your thoughts very well. :-) subbed
@Geekella 10 жыл бұрын
Hello, AM. If you have a minute to respond to my comment, I would greatly appreciate your opinion :) First of all, i like your videos and your very respectful way of conveying your standpoint on things. With this video, I was curious to see if anything you said proved whether agnostics are really atheists or not. Then through watching and listening I realize this video is more about telling atheists not to disrespect agnostics by telling them that they are not agnostic. And I'm thankful for that. being told what you are by someone else is demeaning. But something that confuses me about the whole "atheist or agnostic" thing is the literal definitions of the words. When people ask me my beliefs, I don't actually say i'm agnostic or atheist. I usually say "I don't know" and then the person asks me to explain my view on things. When I do, they always suggest that I am agnostic. These are the definitions that my Merriam-Webster dictionary gives me. "Atheism: a disbelief in the existence of a deity". "Agnosticism: the view that any ultimate reality is unknown and probably unknowable". To me, the two definitions are so vastly different that I don't really see how a person can -mistakenly- call their self one or the other. I don't really get how a person, in a literal sense, could call their self agnostic while unknowingly -actually- being an atheist. Would you mind telling me your opinion of how that is? Do you believe too that agnostics are actually atheists? This puzzles me, only because it gets exhausting telling people "I don't know" and then them telling me I'm agnostic. And then others tell agnostics that they are actually atheists????!! Talk about confusing. I'm a literal thinker when it comes to language. And I feel like if the definitions of these words -very clearly- differentiate their meanings from one another, then they shouldn't be mistakable among people. Also, the words do not only refer to not believing in the Christian god, or not having knowledge of proof of the Christian god. It is any deity or ultimate reality. And me personally, I feel like many things are plausible. I think it's possible there is no deity, but I think it's possible that there could be. I believe it's possible that ghosts exist, but I believe it's possible that they don't as well. And I have these views about things mentioned in other religions that are not claimed to be an occurrence in Christianity. How can I truly call myself an atheist, if I'm not saying that i -do not- believe in deities or ultimate realities? Isn't atheism supposed to be a more definitive view? Thanks for your time! If you can, I look forward to your response :)
@MinorityAtheist 10 жыл бұрын
Geekella Thank you for your comment. I think you are on the right track by starting with the definitions of these words. I also believe there are lots of great articles and blogs by atheists who explain this concept very well. One of the best articles I have read on this topic is at Atheist Republic ( ). I really like The Dawkins' Scale that I mention in this video and is also explained in the article I linked. Where do you see yourself on that scale? Bottom line is, what you call yourself doesn't matter nearly as much as what you stand for.As for my personal opinion on the matter, let me just say that I think being truly in the middle of "the great god debate" is a valid position; and if you choose to call yourself agnostic to convey that, I would never be the one to tell you otherwise.
@pdoylemi 10 жыл бұрын
The reason for this confusion is that Mirriam-Webster is not the only English dictionary on Earth. You will find that most dictionaries define atheists as people who lack a belief in god(s), or people who deny the existence of god(s). I find this definition far more appropriate, though the second part is a bit redundant, because people who deny that gods exist, obviously fit under the heading of people who lack a belief in god. The reason I find it more appropriate, is the construction of the word itself. Theists are people who believe in god(s). The "A" prefix is a negation of the root word - in other words - not people who believe in god(s), or people who do not have a belief in god(s). It is also more correct, because I have rarely ever met an atheist who states categorically that there is no god. So if many, if not most, dictionaries use this definition, this definition fits the word itself, and the vast majority of people who call themselves atheists do NOT believe there is no god, then I would have to say that Webster's definition is at best, incomplete, and at worst, just wrong.
@Geekella 10 жыл бұрын
Pat Doyle "a disbelief in the existence of a deity" is just another wording for lack of a belief in god(s). to be honest, i don't really get the point you are trying to make here. the confusion is definitely not from the dictionary i used as reference (as well as understanding the prefixes and root words) but my confusion comes from society's idea that i am not agnostic, regardless of the confirmed definitions (agreed upon by most people and dictionaries) of agnostic.
@Geekella 10 жыл бұрын
Pat Doyle lol of course the world is not black and white and there are layers upon layers that make things what they are. but dictionaries are just a quick way to get a very basic understanding of something. that's all. i can do further research everywhere. but to say that "a disbelief in the existence of a deity" does not mean atheism just means that you're being pretentious. It's not about grasping the concept you are pushing on me. there are different kinds of atheists and agnostics. there are also many different kinds of ice cream. but if you look up ice cream in the dictionary, it's going to say "a sweet flavored frozen food containing cream or butterfat and usually eggs". But that's not the case for all ice cream, is it? if you want to argue about the definition of atheism, i will easily check out of this debate or conversation or whatever this is. but the fact of the matter is that dictionaries just give the most basic definition of a word that represents it most closely without going into origins, evolution of the word, recent societal changes, ect. it's just gonna tell ya what it is. and guess what: atheism is a disbelief in the existence of a deity. that's fact. if you want to over analyze it, then have fun with that and i wish you all the enjoyment you can get from it. lol anyway, respond if you want but i'm not returning to this page.
@YY4Me133 9 жыл бұрын
Here's my take on it. If we agree that theists believe that at least one god exists, and atheists don't believe that any gods exist, then anyone who answers the question, "Do you believe any gods exist" with yes is a theist, and anyone who answers with no is an atheist. It doesn't matter why you don't believe that a god or gods exist, or how strongly you feel about it, or whether you'd be willing to change your mind...if you don't believe in any gods, you're an atheist.
@jamalcharles9533 7 жыл бұрын
Before I totally accepted atheism, I was kinda on the agnostic spectrum. One day, I asked for help on an atheist page about accepting atheism and what should I do before that and one guy told me "An agnostic is just an atheist who just doesn't know it yet!" I'm sure he meant no harm but he was doing the same thing you're saying: other people defining what your label is. Again great video!!!!
@Eric0778 4 жыл бұрын
If an Aligator wants to join the Crocodiles than, Hurray! they're on the same team.
@DeaconShadow 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent video with a great point. This may be why that ridiculous “what kind of atheist are you” graph is so annoying to me. Stop trying to put people in boxes. We need allies in the struggle to remove religious myths from government. We shouldn’t be wasting our time trying to determine exactly where our allies are supposed to be categorized.
@rolandopulido 9 жыл бұрын
Fantastic work. Brilliant.
@LordSetDagon 10 жыл бұрын
I called myself agnostic for a long time and recently concluded I'm an atheist. Feel much better
@TrickyJebus 6 жыл бұрын
Atheism or theism just refers to the binary answer of "If you believe in a God or Gods" If yes, you're an theist. If no, you're an atheist. Agnostics or gnostics refers to the knowledge and or certainty of something. IT doesn't have to be religion really. If you're unsure, then you're an agnostic. If you're very sure then you're a gnostic. So one can be both an Atheist Agnostic or a Gnostic Atheist or a Theist Agnostic or a Theist Gnostic.
@RiffRideBoy 6 жыл бұрын
Please come back!!!
@TinaMarieJ 6 жыл бұрын
Good video and I respect your opinion on this however I disagree and notice that atheist for some reason tend to insist that agnostics are not agnostic but are rather atheist instead. I don't like labels personally and I don't allow them to limit me but if I were to use one I would also say I am agnostic-not atheist. I used to be a Christian. I am open to the possibility of there being a god and I DO believe that there is a creator of the universe however I do not believe that creator intervenes in our daily lives, I do not believe in the religious god of the bible and I do not believe that we just happened to be here by some mistake. That's why I am agnostic and not atheist. Atheists say "there is no god". Agnostics say "I don't know but I don't think there is a god BUT it could be possible". I however do agree with you about the issue with religion. Thanks for sharing your video!
@Elnegro.. 6 ай бұрын
You're correct in your understanding of agnostic atheism. As an agnostic atheist, you don't believe in a god or gods, but you also acknowledge the possibility that one or more could exist. On the other hand, an agnostic theist believes in a god or gods but is uncertain about which specific one, if any, is the true deity. Atheism itself isn't a belief system; it's simply the absence of belief in a god or gods. However, labels like "agnostic atheist" can be useful in conveying nuanced beliefs, such as acknowledging the potential existence of gods while not personally believing in them. It's important to recognize that atheism and agnosticism address different aspects of belief, and individuals may identify with various labels based on their own perspectives and experiences. Great video
@philipfortune2571 5 жыл бұрын
I love all your posts. You are clear in your deliveries and very logical in your explanations. Thanks and keep up the good work.
@madelinedarkhart1691 7 жыл бұрын
@americanliberal09 6 жыл бұрын
@Backdoormage 10 жыл бұрын
Hello, I just watched your 'How to remain christian' video. I loved the way you posed it as a reverse argument. Oh the Irony!
@madcamdisease 8 жыл бұрын
I'm in love with this WOMAN!!
@markbishopiii1577 10 жыл бұрын
AtheistMinority Good video. New sub. Self-proclaimed agnostics are non-theists, so yes, they are atheists - though I agree with your point about letting people claim whatever label they want.
I could listen to you all day=).
@peaceharmony4115 10 жыл бұрын
Interesting points; I tend to agree that a lot of people, who don't know whether or not God exists, will call themselves agnostic, for lack of a better term. Thanks for the upload.
@realitychannelwithtomparos8238 4 жыл бұрын
I'm an anti theist atheist and very proud to admit it.
@thewrongshoes 4 жыл бұрын
Girl where did you disappear to? Can we get a follow up video
@CaesarPadilla1 5 жыл бұрын
NO - We are not atheist. Please inquire further.
@645sup 10 жыл бұрын
gave me some thinking for the day. Thanks for the video!
@melissacrest33 9 жыл бұрын
OMG YOU PLAYED WHAT'S GOING ON AT THE END. This is seriously one of my favorite songs ever.
@Lepewhi 9 жыл бұрын
As an ex-Catholic, now agnostic/atheist, I really enjoyed this. Keep it up!
@munstrumridcully 10 жыл бұрын
Usually,imo, agnostics are atheists, but I beleive it is possible to be an agnostic theist as well. Since atheism/theism deals with *beleif* in god or gods, and agnosticisn deals with *knowledge*, I think it is appropriate to use the term "agnostic theist" to mean a theist who professes *beleif* in god(s) (whether because of faith or because it's the cultural norm in a given geographical area, or what have you) while claiming no *knowledge* of god(s), in the same way an agnostic atheist might not beleive in any gods but doesn't claim knowledge that none exist. The way I see it is one can claim to *know* their is a god(s), beleive in a god(s) while claiming no knowledge, claim to *know* no god(s) exist, or beleive in no god(s) while not claiming knowledge. Just my take.
@cloudstrifeification 9 жыл бұрын
I used to be apart of the Christian religion such as yourself and I decided it wasn't for me a few year ago. Now I call myself agnostic due to the suppressive dogmatic beliefs of that religion. I have discovered that other parts of the world are different such as Europe. It turns out that atheism/agnosticism is the majority in most countries in Europe. There are also higher numbers in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada as well a Japan. It seems that the United States, especially southern states, as well as developing nations in Sub-Saharan Africa is where the bulk of Christians are located . I have spent a great deal of time the last few years talking to people in different parts of the world and I have found a number of different views which has been a welcome respite instead of what I call "gimme that old time religion". We now have the internet to communicate and share ideas which has been great!
@goodmuzik7192 5 жыл бұрын
@bbtechbbtech 6 жыл бұрын
Damn, I wrote a big long comment and the video auto played to the next and I lost it. I like your videos AM, keep it up! My comments dealt mostly with something I disagree with you which you pretty much eluded to about the differences of the term agnostic vs atheist. Logically, atheism refers to a question of belief and agnostic refers to what you assert you know or can know. They are two very different things. You were offended by Oprah defining someone in a way they would not but you also seemed to do the same thing by putting atheists and agnostics under the same umbrella. My sister is a church going agnostic who believes there must be god but readily concedes there is no reason to state she knows there is a god. Solidarity is fine but all these subtle differences lead to more of an appreciation for others peoples views. Please don't take this as harping because I really like your videos and really find you make a lot of great points and do so with such a fresh and optimistic way.
@GeahkBurchill 10 жыл бұрын
These videos are really great! Thanks for jumpin on youtube!
@PinkBroBlueRope 10 жыл бұрын
this channel seems to have potential. perhaps you could one day be the next Amazing Atheist, eh?
@hugomartinez8846 6 жыл бұрын
Great video! I'm so glad I found your channel!
@klashes 8 жыл бұрын
You're the real MVP! Thanks sharing!
@TKO67 2 жыл бұрын
Full definition "a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. "
@youtoo2233 5 жыл бұрын
I've watched many videos on this and I can definitely say I'm not a theist or an atheist, I simply have no idea if a god of the universe exist, but I'm open-minded enough to the possibility that he might exist. The universe is so huge with billions or trillions of galaxies, how can we possibly know what is out there. We simply don't have the knowledge to ever know if a god of the universe exist. So if we are really honest with ourselves we are all agnostics, because no one who has ever lived really knows for certain that a God does or does not exist
@XDRONIN 10 жыл бұрын
AHH!!... 02:12 Use that graphic as your intro, that would be so cute. ;D
@lr1698 6 жыл бұрын
I heard someone say that all of us are born atheists. we are taught what to believe. You learn love by being around love and lovely things. You get empathy from your environment.. you learn to be prejudice and so on just the same.
@ScottJohnson-ib6pf 8 жыл бұрын
I hope you actually read these, because I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your presentations. I was, what I described as Agnostic. I think it was Hitchens or Dawkins that brought me to concede that I was atheist. That is such a swear word to most of my family, that I still seem to be lurking in the closet. You're helping me to come out. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for your spot-on commentary.
@susansharp2713 6 жыл бұрын
100% agree with everything said in this video and thank you SOOOOO much for the love of the beautiful Orca :)
@ThePowerfulPanda 10 жыл бұрын
Thumbs up for having a great song at the end.
@tammuzmenkheperre7342 8 жыл бұрын
Bart Ehrman refers to himself as an agnostic and he also said that an agnostic was the same as an atheist.
@Perfict1 8 жыл бұрын
If that is the case, then Mr. Ehrman is wrong about that. Or perhaps you misunderstood what he was saying. One might say that Agnosticism and Atheism were the same in that neither of the two embrace the positive assertion that there is a God. But that would not be well described as saying that they were the same.
@tammuzmenkheperre7342 8 жыл бұрын
+Perfict1 ok
@SEB1991SEB 6 жыл бұрын
I couldn't believe the nerve of Oprah saying that. "You don't fit my stereotype of an atheist as being completely dispassionate and jaded, therefore you believe in God. Because there's no way my preconceptions could be wrong".
@TheIAMINU 10 жыл бұрын
A true gnostic knows , when he prays he's really only talking to himself....
@1974Key 4 жыл бұрын
OMG! Thank you!!! Yes
@gangwarilydrummond 4 жыл бұрын
I’m agnostic. I wouldn’t consider myself atheist because I don’t deny God’s existence. I just question it.
@SamIAm-kz4hg 4 жыл бұрын
gangwarilydrummond "I wouldn’t consider myself atheist because I don’t deny God’s existence." An atheist is someone who does not believe in god. There happen to be some atheists who also say "there is no god", but that is not necessarily the case with atheists. This is why people often call themselves agnostic atheists. But if you don't believe in god, you're an atheist. BTW, agnosticism isn't a belief statement. It is a knowledge statement.
@JohnCashin 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video AM, I'm an Atheist too and I know exactly what you mean because people who call themselves 'Agnostic' are well meaning in their intentions, they're just being honest in some ways, just as honest in someways as those of us who call ourselves Atheists, we're in the same position really but 'Agnostics' generally speaking are just trying to be polite to believers by not calling themselves Atheists and I understand that, what they're really trying to say is they don't know and are worried that by calling themselves Atheist they're offending believers as well as making a decision about something which they're not sure about but what hasn't been made clear to many is that being an Atheist doesn't mean you have to be sure there is no God. As you said in the video AM, some Atheists are 100% sure there's no God but most of us are not that sure, all you need is to have reasonable doubt about Gods existence and that makes you an Atheist, it's like you're a juror, as a juror your job is not to say for sure whether the defendant is really guilty or not, your job is to decide whether there is reasonable doubt and if there is then you have to find the defendant 'not guilty' irrespective of what you feel or want to believe about them, that's the way it works, I have reasonable doubt about Gods existence so I have to find the defendant God.....not guilty of existing, it doesn't mean I'm sure, I'm not sure there is no God, the point is that I'm just not convinced that there is a God, that's why I'm an Atheist, many thanks.
@S9RiDeRs 9 жыл бұрын
im agnostic, to say im atheist like like calling me the pope. the whole point in believing there is nothing to be known about the existence or non-existence of a god is not to fall under any spectrum of believing or not believing. the whole point in me being agnostic is because i cant stand the arguing of religion (especially how is has escalated to wars). but i do think someone that is agnostic is in fact, not atheist. whatever people believe in is fine, im not here to say one is wrong and one is right for i don't know. we should all be able to live in harmony and acceptance with our differences because that's what makes us human. i find the difference between agnostic and atheism, is atheism thinks religion is incorrect and there is in fact no god no matter where on the spectrum you land. i do/do not claim there is a god just as equally claim there is a god. i claim this whatever is beyond the physical realm we live is in far far beyond anybody's comprehension. even if the truth was layed out right in from of you it wouldn't make any sense because of its complexity and level of understanding is far beyond this dimension, but then again i don't know that. agnosticism is just as much/not as much atheism as it is theism, that's the point of it. to be just as much nether as it is both.
@James-ep2bx 8 жыл бұрын
first thanks for acknowledging the agnostic/Gnostic atheist/theist distinction. When I hear someone say their agnostic I always subconsciously add a apostrophe because as an agnostic who believes a god/devine being does exist in some form or another I personally find it doubly insulting for someone to imply that I'm just an atheist who lacks the conviction to say as much. I know this is an old video but I felt like commenting anyways.
@lorenakoran2 4 жыл бұрын
Wonderful video! Thanks for addressing this issue. I have seen some very ugly posts from a few atheists her and there about people who identify as agnostic. When I can, I try to address them. On my journey out of extreme religion, I was an agnostic for a while as well. I'm very honest with myself and I wasn't convinced that there were no gods, but I was starting to doubt that there were. But, because I just wasn't personally sure, I felt the most honest way to identify my beliefs or non beliefs was to be agnostic. I wasn't being "wishy washy ", "can't make up my mind", and so on, I just didn't know, I didn't yet have the information I needed to make a educated decision. After some time I realized one day that I no longer had any doubts, I simply didn't believe in any deities at all. So, I began and still identify as an atheist. However, sometimes I use the term "science based atheist." I understand that there isn't a way to prove something doesn't exist, like a god or a tea pot floating around in outer space. And, if science were to one day prove there are actually gods of some sort after all, I would change my stance, but, I wouldn't worship it. At this point, I don't believe that will ever happen. So, yeah, I've done my best to stand up for agnostics wither they ever move on to atheism or not. And I appreciate you pointing out that we have many of the same issues we need to unite on. Sometimes I "preach" this regarding other minorities like pagans, wiccans, and such. They may believe in gods, but they are often treated the same way we are. The pagan community I used to be a part of was aware of this and accepted people as they were. The same with a UU church I used to be a part of. So I know it's possible!
@jewelkid87 10 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@lengray44 10 жыл бұрын
Pleasant voice, kind way of saying things and talking sense... keep it up!
@Kidblinks 9 жыл бұрын
Love your videos. More please.
@tammyjackson993 9 жыл бұрын
sorry but agnostic and atheist are different agnostic means that their not sure if their is a deity atheist means that hey don't believe in a deity
@john-oh9cr 7 жыл бұрын
Tammy Jackson really you are not 💯 percent and you question so yes you are an atheist .
@James-ye7rp 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video. I would like to suggest that all people seeking an understanding of their place in the universe have gone through some sort of struggle with the language surrounding these concepts. Please do not attack people on their use of a term until you discuss with them what they mean by the term they use. We all start off our lives in ignorance, of all things. Please be gentle in discussing these things with people, as these issues are very personal and likely difficult to talk about.
@Tiiipico123 8 жыл бұрын
It was different in the case of the swimmer, by calling herself an atheist, she was also accurately describing her situation. She was right. The same cannot be said about those who call themselves agnostics while not being so. Even though, for me, most of the time that may not be a big deal, there is such difference. You establish an emotional comparison but rationally speaking it's a different situation.
@combatives 8 жыл бұрын
YES! You touched upon my very inner thoughts regarding what labels we place upon our selves...I am a strong atheist btw :)
@For-Goodness-Sake Жыл бұрын
Brilliantly said. As wrong as Oprah was in that interview, I still see where she’s coming from. I’ve felt that knee-jerk negativity just hearing the word atheist- I think it’s a natural result of my believing upbringing and culture. It’s this pervasive ignorance about who atheists really are, how we experience the world, and how we make so many meaningful contributions that we must continue to combat. You’re fighting the good fight, AM! Thanks!
@richardgomes5420 8 жыл бұрын
I was agnostic for two weeks, until I've realized that not a single definition of "God" is really meaningful, accurate or precise. On the other hand, the explanation that all deities are actually myths created by men is pretty clear, historically and antropologically well studied. So, there's nothing to be doubt about: there's no such thing like "God", because the concept is not even minimally well defined.
@OswaldBatesIIIEsq 3 жыл бұрын
In the black community, we're pretty much expected to be Christian and vote Democrat. I'm no longer a Christian and I'm definitely agnostic.
@JG-vo6kd 8 жыл бұрын
Hey I just found your videos today and they are just so funny/informative and thoughtful - thank you so much I am glad I subscribed! PEACE!!
@allafields7667 7 жыл бұрын
AtheistMinority, it irks me when atheists say agnosticism isn't real or just think it's about closet atheism. Agnosticism, in my case, is believing a god could only have created/designed the universe but we can't fathom or believe we can ever find out the true nature of god. We may believe we can learn things about God in parts and have spiritual experiences but we can't fathom the whole nature of God as a person.
@Perfict1 7 жыл бұрын
Katie S Yeah, Agnosticism is a real ideology and it produces a third position regarding theology. It is diametrically opposed to and antithetical to both Theism and Atheism, one cannot embrace one of them and at the same time embrace either of the other two. However, what you are talking about sounds very like deism and not very much at all like Agnosticism. Here is a link to a post of mine on this same video, it is long but it offers what I think is a pretty good explanation of Agnosticism.
@jeanpaul5156 7 жыл бұрын
I love this video!
@Roedygr 8 жыл бұрын
The problem is people butcher the English language, e.g. confusing infer and imply. When people bugger things up it drives some people nuts. Most people using the term "agnostic" mean "tepid atheist" which is not what it means. I agree we need a legitimate term, perhaps using the Dawkins scale. The term agnostic makes no sense. If a god decided to interact with people we would learn about it. It only applies to gods that always hide or do not exist.
@dracdrum 9 жыл бұрын
We can really think about agnostic and atheist/theist separately. For instance you can have an agnostic atheist, ranging from weak to medium strong, then a gnostic atheist is the strongest, as he *knows* god(s) don't exist. Same with theist. A gnostic theist knows for certain a god exists, where agnostic theists can range from the loosely cultural to the most faithful. Atheist and theist reference what is believed, and gnostic and agnostic about what is known, and has higher burden of proof, or evidence. Great stuff! Liking your channel so far!
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