Ahsoka (Is it getting better?)

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Why It Doesn't Work! For Me!

Why It Doesn't Work! For Me!

9 ай бұрын

So we are now bang in the middle of the Ahsoka series. Is it getting better? Is it exploring new ideas?

Пікірлер: 43
@maxmagnus3793 9 ай бұрын
I really think that Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Temple in season 5 of the clone wars series was the last time her character felt meaningful and motivated. It was a heartfelt and moving farewell scene and that resonates with me. But like you said: Since then Disney never bothered to give her character ANY new drive or motivation. Like how about starting her own following of force wielding warrior mystics? Or renouncing war and violence and becoming a pacifist? Or searching for renewed spirituality and oneness with the Force? Or going on a personal journey to try and heal the trauma she suffered as a child soldier for the Republic in the clone wars? In the meantime they have given her a baseline holding pattern of a personality. Serene, jedi-like and lacking any personal goals or struggles. That doesn't work for a protagonist.
@matthewskullblood9778 9 ай бұрын
what they are doing with ahsoka is just a symptom of all female leads in hollywood
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
I think this one in particular is just a symptom of Dave Filoni.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
Honestly they have all the makings of an interesting character journey. Like you said, I child whose adulthood was forged in war. I'e got things to say about episode 5 but one thing that I think was great was the young actress who played young Ahsoka. From what little we had of her it seems like a lot of that has the potential to be inside this character but they are not doing anything with it. She just another Jedi master now.
@anonymous36247 9 ай бұрын
I 100% agree with you on ahsoka's weird jedi npc personality. Every good Jedi main character is rebellious to one degree or another. She's acting like the background jedi council characters and she's moved on from those losers
@Ironwalrus8989 9 ай бұрын
I have been enjoying Ahsoka for the most part but my biggest gripe with not just the Ahsoka series but all of Disney Star Wars post-Return of the Jedi is that they are desperately trying to make the audience accept the sequel trilogy as canon. It’s hard to get excited about future Star Wars stories when I know that mess of a trilogy is the endpoint. The writing in the films is so bad that you could tell Dave Filoni made a whole new galaxy just so his characters wouldn’t be involved in that era. Looking back before the sequel trilogy was released in theaters in 2015 I was staunchly against Star Wars having a multiverse the same way the Batman franchise has multiple timelines. But now I believe the only way to revitalize Star Wars is to have a multiverse.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
I often wonder how history will look on the sequel triology. I don't think it will be as kind to it as the prequels since those actualy had new ideas, brilliant film making (if with some janky elements) and felt as though someone actually care ... plus they are just a plain good story. The sequels feel like a triology made by focus groups and the money holder's friends.
@chuckmann7127 9 ай бұрын
The death of Marrok does not even make sense if he was a re-animated corpse. In the Clone Wars and Fallen Order, both show that when the Nightsister zombies "die" they don't turn into green smoke. Even if he was just Magick "infused" his death would not have looked like that since Savage's death looked different. Based on the death of the Inquisitor in Tales of the Jedi, I think Dave just likes making Inquisitors out of dust.
@1c3sly13 9 ай бұрын
Savage died that same way.
@chuckmann7127 9 ай бұрын
Savage did not explode into magick, (just slowly leaked out until he was back to his original unaltered form), nor did he deflate like Marrok. It is hard to see in the episode, but if you slow down the clip of Marrok dying you see his arms shrivel up into just cloth. @@1c3sly13
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
Have we got a definitive answer on what that guy was? I'm still confused?
@chuckmann7127 9 ай бұрын
@@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Not that I know of. Tons of speculation and articles claiming to know the answer but I don't think any official Star Wars statement came out.
@chuckmann7127 9 ай бұрын
I got really mad when Sabine joined with Skoll. I understand that she wants to find Ezra and that Skoll won't kill her, but she knows Thrawn, and she should know that Thrawn will not hesitate to kill her and Ezra. She is basically willing to let everyone she cares about die, (Hera, Zeb, Ezra, Jacen), just so she can see Ezra one more time.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, I'm hlding off judgement until the end but it doesn't put her in a good light.
@markn866 9 ай бұрын
My entire problem with Rebels S5 erm Ahsoka is that the characters are off. Ahsoka's last appearance in Rebels had her promise to seek out Ezra. Since then, she is dead set on Thrawn. Why did she change? Instead they gave Sabine the Ezra focus along with some untold history between her and Ahsoka that came out of left field. The show leaves me confused as to why it isn't more coherent with where Rebels left the characters.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
Yeah there is so much in between that we didn't see. I'm still holding out a tiny bit of hope that this will be explained in the upcoming episodes. I'll bitch about it then :)
@SalazarKnight 9 ай бұрын
I watched in another video that Ahsoka's real world purpose was actually to replace the character of Luke, which is becoming obvious by the writers/producers shoving this character to the forefront without solid storytelling.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, they do look like they are making her the new wise grandmaster but Like aside (tragic I know), Ahsoka is just not that kind of person nor that kind of character.
@matthewskullblood9778 9 ай бұрын
6:50 meanwhile revan
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
Didn't he leave the order?
@kalcifer1234 9 ай бұрын
To be quite honest, i was a life long fan of star wars. I remember when my dad introduced me to the film. Unfortunetly since the rise of the skywalker the film that distroyed my hart, i stoped consuming anything star wars, it just got to painfull to watch i consider that the franchise is dead to me😢😢😢😢
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
Being a new comer to the franchise I deflated quite quickly but i still have loads of legends material to satiate me :)
@MoojinBoi 9 ай бұрын
my brother is keeping up with the series and as a fan of the clone wars 2008 absolutely loved the latest episode, i myself cant speak for the overall quality but it certainly looked cool seeing various concepts and areas brought to live action
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
The clone wars is a show of highs and lows. If you are watching it unconcerned about continuity they can be pretty fun. The fact that it's an anthology series makes it an easy watch. I recommend The Umbara Arc and the individual episode Rookies and The Hidden Enemy.
@saintrose3076 9 ай бұрын
Nice voice.
@Lucky91731 9 ай бұрын
I haven’t watched this channel for a while because… military… stuff, anyways I can’t wait to get back into it! Also didn’t know an Ashoka show came out while I was training… interesting.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
If you haven't watched it yet ... this is one of the hardest shows to say whether or not i'd recommend. I guess I'll have to wait til the end to know. You started watching it yet? Also good to have you back on my channel :)
@Lucky91731 9 ай бұрын
@@whyitdoesntworkforme9206I haven’t started watching it yet, the trailers and stuff haven’t gotten me invested enough. Also I’m glad to see that a comment I made a while ago made it on to one of your videos lol
@abhinavch849 9 ай бұрын
After the first episode, I just gave up😅. Ahsoka, Sabine, Hera just don't feel like the same characters from Rebels, specially Sabine
@RB_king_G 9 ай бұрын
Technically ideology can actually be broken down into several ways a Jedi can be a mandalorin or vi verse because every religion connects with each other in some way look at Greek Mythology they have words heydies which could also mean hell or devil from the actual bible. People can be both if they wish like a grey Jedi that believes in channeling both the dark and light side. I personally believe that Ashoka can train Sabin with her Mando teaching because George got his inspiration from all religions and combined them together to make star war Dark side evil devil hell, or light side God, heaven, good. You might actually want to do actual research. Maybe you should look up the old republic and what each lightsaber color means.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
Yes, religions and ideologies can evolve and merge and yes George did draw on real world on real world influences but none of that contradicts my point that you can't be someone who believes in a society built on warfare and strength AND someone who believes in ideas of selflessness, non-attachment and peace. That is what each ideology is. Yes, they can evolve but as it stands that is what they are. You can't just say, we use Greek words that meant something else and George had lots of inspiration therefore there is no ideological clash between the ideologies. There are. And unless they change to a point where they are fundamentally unrecognisable anymore, they always will. I'm honestly not trying to be mean when I say this but you actually just said a whole load of nothing. You brought up a bunch of unrelated ideologies and somehow came to the conclusion that ... this means there is no ideological clash. And I'm the one who didn't do research? I research and compile arguments for a living. Granted I deal with the application of public policy rather than the more existential subjects of religion and philosophy but believe you me I research. I spent 4 months researching the Jedi, their creation, their ideology and their history to make my Jedi video and while there is always more to learn and discuss I have more than a solid grasp of who they are and what they believe. That goes the same for the Mandos. I say this as a researcher but please come to conclusions via the point instead of vice versa and when laying out your arguments, tie the points you bring up the the conclusion. Just saying that ideologies in general evolve and these ideologies come from real world inspiration does not back up the conclusion that Mandalorian ideology and Jedi ideology don't clash to the point of being irreconcilable. Which they very much do.
@jakkdlaw 9 ай бұрын
There are parts of the show that was interesting to me but most of it felt boring.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
Again, I'm going to wait until the show is finished but I have a feeling that these 8 episodes could probably have been 6 or even less.
@MrMystifried 9 ай бұрын
Really excellent analysis. I am only a causal Star wars watcher, though really enjoyed Andor and the Mandalorian. You brought up a huge number of points that I hadn't actually thought of, though would have added substantial weight if the writers had considered them. I got through most of episode 3 , and then have decided my time is better spent elsewhere. Such a shame, just swapping genders just doesn't work. You make lots of really great points about the contrast with Mandalorian v Jedi ideologies. Actually it would have made a fantastic plot to have Sabin really wrestling with her warrior mando background verses the burgeoning Jedi influence... She should be shown to be a better fighter from the getgo. The Hera character is supposed to be a general, in my view a complete miscast and badly written character. A general commands a force of between 10 -15K solders , this person has no authority at all, really really weak. If you want a great example of how a female general should be portrayed and written , look at general Niobi in the Matrix Resurrections. I know its not popular but I thought an excellent portrayal of the struggles with command. As with the mess that is the Witcher, the current writers, in my view have forgotten how to concentrate of a good story line , and are just influenced by the current social fashions. They all need to see 'the old Man' with Jeff Bridges , if they really want an example of superb story telling coupled with great directing ,acting and characterisation.. phew ... sorry about length 🤣 Keep up the good work. Good Rioja btw..
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
Just had a huge discussion with my uncle about the witcher. Didn't get as in to it as I wanted considering he's ... not a bomber more lower end of Gen X and is ery much just a, "Does it entertain me? Well it's good. Good is in the eye of the beholder. Let me enjoy things, sweetheart," kind fo person :):) But yeah, read the books and ... they really didn't know what they were doing.
@anonymous36247 9 ай бұрын
There's a big difference between the slow pacing of Andor which paid off and this show which is just slow because it's stupid. When We complain about the pacing of this show it with knowledge of the context of the rest of the show. The pacing is bad because there are weird long dramatic beats between repetitive dialogue. There are episodes where almost nothing significant happens but one space battle that shouldn't be dragged out as long as it is. We know that thrawn won't be introduced until the very last few episodes and that all of this is just dragging out so introduced him so that he could be a villain in an upcoming movie. This show doesn't need to exist. It's literally doing the work of the movie that's going to be coming out but it also relies on Rebel to do a lot of the work for it. The show is slow but ultimately useless and that's the problem. Andor was slow artfully
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
After watching episode 5 (as fun as it was to see some of the stuff) it is all just fan stuff stitched together for their own sake. Artful I think is a good word. Andor had it, this doesn't really.
@anonymous36247 9 ай бұрын
The idea that some people are sensitive enough with the force to become Jedi or Sith and most people are not that sensitive is not from 1999. It is much older Star Wars lore. The reason people didn't like midi-chlorians is because they demystified the force and made it a biological function, not because they made it Elite. As much as I prefer Democratic principles, it is a little bit world breaking to democratize it and say that anyone can be a Jedi and develop very strong powers regardless of force ability and I'm not sure that's where this show is going and I don't think it should. That said, there are people who are not force sensitive who have been friends of the Jedi, specifically the Jedi historian at Luke's school and the Legends history. She loved the Jedi Order so much that she went around the Galaxy finding information about them and while she could not use the force she was an important part of his school and basically an honorary Jedi. She wasn't getting into dramatic sword fights or throwing rocks with her mind but she was slinging facts and I appreciate that the books said there was a role for that. That also doesn't appear to be the direction this show is going. Whatever they're trying to do with sabine's character it doesn't appear to be working. I'm hoping she just realizes that she is force sensitive.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for clearing that up. What i meant about Elitism though is the very regimented way the established order decided whether or not someone was good enough. I know someone who no force sensitivity can't be a Jedi but the whole separation of those with true talent from those who don't sits wrong with me. It would be like saying to someone who has very little talent in something that they don't have a right to an education in it. And this wouldn't be a problem if the Jedi (at least the old order post Russan reformation) didn't hoard their secrets because the secrets of the force are for the Jedi and the Jedi alone. Kind of ... up its own arse, for lack of a better phrase. So that's what I meant by elitist :)
@matthewskullblood9778 9 ай бұрын
ahsoka isn't a jedi
@anonymous36247 9 ай бұрын
According to the show she is apparently. Everyone keeps calling her one and she keep acting like one. This show does absolutely nothing good for the character and I don't know why fans of Ahsoka like this show
@matthewskullblood9778 9 ай бұрын
@anonymous36247 new starwars fans are just npcs
@thomasraven 8 ай бұрын
Dave Filoni is a terrible writer. His characters never act out of internal desires but out of the needs of the plot. They simply aren't grounded AT ALL. That's what differentiates Mandalorian season one and Andor from all of these other seasons and shows. Throughout Ahsoka, I kept groaning aloud as characters did things that any thinking being would never do. Example - Hera bringing her son with her on a highly dangerous mission, then allowing him to come out of the ship and eventually leaving him alone on the surface while she went hunting drowning Ahsoka. WTF? This is just the tip of the iceberg. It happens over and over for every character in the series. I'll never watch anything else Filoni writes. He may be good with the lore of SW but he shouldn't be writing it. He should remain an executive behind the scenes. I genuinely think he's been very helpful in that role.
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