AI Deep Fake… INFLUENCERS *Is THIS The Future?*

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Caitlin Pawlowski

Caitlin Pawlowski

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@CaitlinPawlowski Жыл бұрын
What do you think of AI virtual influencers?
@sams3015 Жыл бұрын
It gives new meaning to “influencers are so fake”
@LotusesGalaxyOcean Жыл бұрын
If we make it socially unacceptable by labeling it cheap and shoddy then ai models/influencers will be only done by bottom of the barrel brands. Make sure anytime a brand does this your response is scorn or potential boycotts. Label it lazy and deceptive not innovative and it will happen. Meme this toxic unrealism to oblivion.
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
@@LotusesGalaxyOcean I'm not sure you are grasping the magnitude of AI as a whole much less from a brand perspective. Let's just look at it from a brand perspective, the influencer advertising space alone is $20 Billion a year and growing significantly. The only reason brands use people is because they have to, they are no different than any other business throughout history. Humans act on feelings and emotions and that is a liability for a business, therefore as soon as they can safely remove that liability from their business model they will. This isn't new, automatic doors replaced the door man how long ago? How much do you think a brand deal really costs, I mean the entire budget of the campaign not just the influencer fee? Let's use Kylie Jenner for example, one of the highest paid influencers in the world. Kylie gets almost $1Million a post, for one single post, but lets break it down. Besides that million for her what are the other fees, she surely has rider, then we need lawyers, security, publicists, managers, venues, assistants, makeup artists, photographers, videographers, stylists, lighting, sound equipment, transportation, accommodations, food & drink, scheduling, and that's just the tip of the iceberg but you get the idea. The true cost for the brand insane and the truth is one wrong tweet from Kylie at anytime and it could all be down the drain, because no-matter how popular or influential she is still human and acts on emotion and feelings, so she is a brand liability. Ask Budweiser and every other company that scrapped similar colabs this year. Now I'm not saying what is right or wrong I am just saying it's true. Now lets look at an AI influencer, the entire list mentioned above basically removed, the actual fees for the influencer are significantly lower, there are no crazy demands, How about scheduling, well your campaign can be scheduled anywhere in the world at any time and for no additional fee, because it is all virtual. So whether you want to go skiing in Antarctica or surfing in Hawaii its all the same price. AI influencers are the easiest to work with because they aren't even there. No scandals, late nights at the clubs or any other drama. The portray your product or service perfectly, just the way you wanted down to every last detail. The icing on the cake, no feelings or emotions so in the end no brand liability. Now for the emotional part of it with men simping for them, well that's a whole other story but she pretty much sums up the reason perfectly at without even realizing it. The "1000 camel guy" he is a real person with real feeling and emotions, yet he is judged as being beneath someone else based on one comment. The fact that she is so nonchalant when she dismisses him says it all. Ai to me will be known as "Feminism 2.0" this is the time in history that will equal the playing field for all. Because the truth is, on a personal life level, AI is only going to impact very select non traditional target audiences. Lonely men & incels = will get the attention and affection they crave, even if its not real it probably feels better than being alone and Women who seemingly live on another planet = will not be brought back down to earth rather quickly because this technology is rapidly growing faster than any before it and "the perfect girl" can be generated on a home pc in under an hour. So just like you wouldn't talk to the "1000 camel guy", he no longer wants to talk to you either, he has moved on along with every other non traditional man, so in the end either "those girls" who were above everyone because of their appearance and ego will end up feeling lonely and alienated and come back to reality or simply turn to AI and create their perfect partner. This is an interesting topic from a females part, depending on the response maybe I will create a commentary video with it expanding on some of the reasons and stuff.
@Slightlyneurotic Жыл бұрын
I had no idea these accounts even existed. This is crazy, and sad, and scary. No way is this healthy for these boys. No way would I want my son engaging in this behavior. Yes, please do a part two. Open this wide open.
@DaniefromCanada Жыл бұрын
I had no idea either!
@NatalieM123 Жыл бұрын
We need a part II.
@LotusesGalaxyOcean Жыл бұрын
Yes, and she did not even touch on robotic ai s*xdolls/girlfriends.
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
@@LotusesGalaxyOceanalot of people were very excited when you could simply hook them to your amazon or google account and they could learn your likes and dislikes and what you bought and watched online. The new AI ones is an entirely new level but I would imagine the overall target market for these would be very lonely, very rich old men looking for companionship rather than sex. If you dive into the pricing and proposed pricing structure of these things I cannot imagine anyone taking a chance of breaking it nor wanting the chore of cleaning it. So as creepy as it sounds, I'm sure there are old men everywhere who wanted companionship from a younger woman and instead go cheated on, raked out of a fortune or both that would dee this a little less creepy and a little more of a good investment. The interesting part is going to be they name them in their wills haha, instead of leaving everything to the ASPCA they are leaving it to their AI girlfriend.
@Nicole_Riviere Жыл бұрын
We do!!!
@mheuman Жыл бұрын
We really need a part 2. This kind of fakery is not good for anyone's mental health. It sets up young men and women for failure because they re being fed fake behavior by con artists. I'm repulsed by this wreck, I'd love find out who is behind this trash trend.
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
@CaitlinPawlowski you've actually touched on a very small "niche" of the AI influencer market, although a very controversial one. For young boys think of them as the Playboy magazine of 2023, for the older men think of them as the Girl Scouts visiting them in the nursing homes, as for the "creepy weenies" well they are just that so maybe its better they focus on a fake AI bot rather than a real women. If you continue down this particular rabbit hole steer yourself toward "affective computing" for a really mind blowing adventure, as traditional AI has been around for decades affective computing which is better known as "Emotion AI' or "EAI" is relatively new and although it will be used across most AI models and industries, it has a particular use in your rabbit hole as it is basically AI that learns and reproduces human emotions. The model can both detect and display human emotions and since it is actual AI it learns, which is where it gets crazy. If you scream at it, it may very well cry or maybe scream back depending on the model and how it was trained. Does it really feel the emotion, well no, but it does know how billions of interactions played out and what the response to it was, and when you just yelled at it, it learned one more and will remember it and add it to its learning data. Now this technology is going to bring it to a whole new level combined with image, voice and video enhancements. Soon it wont be like your talking to a AI bot at all. The reason why so many of your viewers "had no idea" as alot of it is still kind of new and advancing rapidly and mostly geeks are involved and using it and it isn't very easy to explain in non technical terms. You however, have a knack for explaining it and I truly enjoyed your video. If you pursue more content like this and need any suggestions or advice around the rabbit hole feel free to ask and I will help anyway I can. The more significant part of the AI influencers is how corporate brands are gearing up to use them and the effects it is going to have on advertising, Hollywood and many other industries. There is significant cost savings and zero brand risk if your influencers aren't real and since they are "perfect" your products or services will be to in every campaign.
@madeleinbronner3943 Жыл бұрын
It is so creepy. God help us!
@Steph_Bx13 Жыл бұрын
The sad part of AI influencers is the fact it's building this narrative that this level of "perfection" is normal.... 😢
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
you dont think real influencers set a almost unattainable bar for the average person?
@MarekzAnglii 7 ай бұрын
What about 'human' female influencers who constantly use filters? Isn't that even worse???
@imbilliee Ай бұрын
Literally 🤦🏻‍♀️
@colinscolins886 Жыл бұрын
I really did not know this existed ... It is so scary, thank you for sharing. As a woman I feel so weird about someone having the power to sexualise the female energy in such abusive ways. Please do a part 2 though I'm sure it'll be a lil traumatising :((
@IS-gk4jf Жыл бұрын
AI should never have been allowed. But I guess it's all part of the plan.
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
you wont stop it, its been around forever. Sure you could regulate it to death but you didnt stop it, you just hindered America from being at the forefront of it and empowered other countries around the world. AI is much more than generating some fake images to make men drul and sell makeup.
@opaljohnson4762 Жыл бұрын
Yup, you got it right. I am pretty sure that there is a man collecting all the money behind those virtual babes. Part 2 please
@tippytoe1250 Жыл бұрын
Omg! I didn’t even know these fake influencers exist?
@SignedEmma Жыл бұрын
😂 I found myself cracking up so many times watching this! Really enjoyed it. And I agree that this AI thing IS getting out hand. Idk who's behind all of this but right now it seems all innocent until people's lives will start to get affected by it. I think it's so new that it's almost like a free for all while there aren't much restrictions set in place. Honestly this all feels like a social experiment, conditioning people to get used to "living" with AI... I don't like it not one bit!
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
Your both right and wrong, wrong - definitely not new, actually been around for decades. Right - it is definitely a social experiment to condition humans to play nice with AI. ChatGPT3 which is the model the average person uses is actually one of most basic LLM's out there nowadays. Notice the 3 though, that was the third generation of the model when it got released to the public, so definitely not new. There will be regulations but I suspect only regarding real people.
@mtul86 Жыл бұрын
creepy weenies 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@bryanwheeler437 Жыл бұрын
Ahhh the sweet sound of the pendulum swinging, keep up the good work fellas we’re almost there 👏
@Alexandria_S1222 Жыл бұрын
Girl I'm so here for this kind of content from you ❤ hope you are well! I sent you and insta dm too 😊. Also this ish is NUTS!
@shellbell8062 Жыл бұрын
I have recently heard a theory (on the Diary of a CEO) that the internet may become obsolete because of this. People are not going to know what to believe and many will stop consulting the internet at all. I also have REALLY weird vibes about what is going on with Kanye West at the moment. He is doing and saying things that are very out of character. He disappeared (after warning that he may disappear, and said that if he returns it won't be the real Kanye) and now he's back - a few months later with a new wife and has been on "holiday" for months with his new wife supposedly taking all of his calls and handling all communication - so basically no one has spoken to or heard Kanye. And the pictures don't look right. I feel very uneasy about it.
@all4ege Жыл бұрын
The same with Britney
@missmia196 Жыл бұрын
I'm sure they're hanging out with elvis & mj
@sams3015 Жыл бұрын
I had to research & write an article on this back in 2019, it was eye opening. The deep fake stuff especially scary. I remember a few years ago they used Audrey Hepburn image for a chocolate bar & it was glitchy looking but very eerie. We seen what happened to Marlyn Monroe image being exploited. Like influencers & celebrities will need make sure they’re will protect their images in their will. I wonder how the law will adjust to all this? Also, we could have situations like the Miley Cyrus Black Mirror episode? 🗳️ Yes would love a part 2
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
I think there will or should be laws regarding real people but I don't think their will be laws for created people. This is where the problem lies, I can take out a paint brush and paint a picture of the Mona Lisa and sell it, because it is my version or my rendition. I cannot however take a picture of the real Mona Lisa copy it then print it then sell it because that is a reproduction and protected by copyright. Both those statements are clear as day and defined by current law, the problem with the AI now is that is isn't just pasting a picture of someone's face on someone else body like previous deepfakes. In fact todays AI doesn't do fakes at all, it actually generates the entire image based on information fed into it, that makes it a unique image or rendering. Now I think most people agree that creating images of a real person without their knowledge should be illegal but it is very complicated, what if i tell it to create a blonde girl sitting on a dock and it generated one that looks like you? is it you? how much does it look like you? same hair, same eyes, same nose or lips? How similar and wheres the line? for ages people have been saying "you have so and so's eyes" or "you look exactly like" and some people will see it plain as day and others may think they look nothing alike. So wheres the line? many artists are evolving into digital arts and creating many thing either using the help of AI or complete AI, so they to also have their rights to creativity, These were the same concerns and debates when programs like photoshop came out and eventually we struck a balance, this is much the same I think but overall a very complex issue.
@monimarz Жыл бұрын
Some of these profiles are obviously AI it is almost a crime. I just do not think people observe enough of what they are actually seeing. Some of these women's appearance throughout their profiles have their body parts inconsistently generated and most women who comment are other AI generated females. This is going to create some extreme psychological disturbances. I am seeing many male students I teach falling into fictosexuality, fictoromance, and fictophilia as they continue to isolate themselves from social experiences and relying heavily on video game interactions or anime. Add AI to the mix, with no regulations is a very serious problem. Thanks for bringing this up Caitlin as I have not come across these on my own social media platforms. I thought pornography was the worst of my issues when educating students, but this is a whole other concern. These boys and girls...honestly I am happy I do not have children of my own because we have gone to such unbelievable lengths to screw kids up. First it was seeing kids photoshopped to look attractive, enhancing eye colour and making them look like models, utterly gross, but weirdly acceptable (yet people were upset with Balenciaga, do you know how many parents dress their kids in luxury fashion and make them look like adults and post images of their children to make money on their platforms? No one every got up in arms about that) now we have this...when does it end?
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
first and foremost "fictophilia" is a crime as it falls under the child protection act which covers real or generated children, so if you know about it you should report it immediately. Secondly, I think the Balenciaga scandal was mainly focused on the fact that the children were both wearing and surrounded by sexual attire, and the child p*rn court case clearly visible on the table. Not about the clothing line, but something tells me if you are a teacher you already know both of these facts, right?
@ItsOnlyWarPaint Жыл бұрын
It’s very scary, as you said people can have their images stolen and used in illegal situations. Also they only need so many pics/vids of someone moving around and talking to re create those images, think of how many hours on footage are on platforms, and this can all be taken. Business wise:- I can imagine a lot of companies would use computer generated models, it will be cheaper in the long run. The computer models always turn up for work, never late/never calling in sick/no maternity leave, they will save money as no makeup artist/hairdresser required, and you don’t even have to provide a lunch for your computer generated model, so in time it will work out cheaper.
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
@ItsOnlyWarPaint it is much scarier than that, one picture and less than 60 seconds of a voice clip can completely clone someone in an hour or less. I do think this is where legislation is going to be introduced though, because computer generating a person and actually stealing someone's identity are two very different things.
@woaname6416 Жыл бұрын
Our society is trying to cancel women.
@DaniefromCanada Жыл бұрын
Do you ever want to scream! LOL, this world is getting crazy! We're on a wild roller coaster ride.
@TeriM234 Жыл бұрын
I must be living under a rock, I had no idea! Thank you for bringing awareness, a very a good and informative video indeed. Very scary to think where all this might go in a few years. Also having a daughter who will soon be a teenager.. It's not a very good or comforting feeling having her grow up and being influenced by things like these. Thank you again for bringing awareness to so many important topics.
@ladanhariri Жыл бұрын
As usual, Caitlin blows me away with how amazing her commentary is on this topic!!!!! As a psychiatrist…I’m very worried. This is a very dangerous slippery slope to a depression epidemic (as we already have). The biggest winners: pharmaceutical companies. Yuck.
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
some see it as a way out
@LVCoffeeLVer Жыл бұрын
I don’t think they know they are fake. I showed my husband one and he couldn’t tell then I said they were fake and he was like whhhat?
@igorvujicic6566 11 ай бұрын
Society should ask itself why are these people seeking comfort in the virtual world rather than finding someone for themeselves in the real world. Are these images so better than a real persone, are these people so messed up or have the people in general become so unpleasant to be around that individuals are starting to quit reality.
@janethughes9541 Жыл бұрын
It is a very dangerous thing that is here and worse coming, well done Caitlin to talk about the unspeakable. Have you seen the recent maybeline for a mascara advertising I didn’t notice till my friend pointed it out and soon as I saw it it was this is crazy come on maybeline.
@mimmikyu4452 Жыл бұрын
Sadly, it's just going to get worse... :"D
@k.s.9821 Күн бұрын
There is no better moment to steer away from social media. I haven't regretted my decision of deleting everything but youtube not even once. And influencers should begin to learn real life skills. The internet bubble is defleating.
@kelleycj9762 Жыл бұрын
Lol😂 I’m a little concerned “creepy wienies” is going to become part of my vocabulary
@lucasley20 Жыл бұрын
I see it a little differently about these men "perving" on AI created models... Would it be preferable for them to perve after real young girls? The pron addiction is a real thing, and maybe this is a way to keep these lonely men engaged in some way as they are overlooked by real women. Just a thought. Good presentation.
@missmia196 Жыл бұрын
Instead of normalizing providing fake women, maybe we fix the root problem of the pr0n addiction instead?
@SaharaKnows Жыл бұрын
And people just close their eyes and accept AI and all these other technologies with no push back or thought for themselves. Did the same with social media and it’s now out of control
@KWSHOPS Жыл бұрын
I worry about men.
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
Men? There may be cause for worry but for more than just men. on a scale of simps these AI influencers have the same percentage as you, maybe a little more because they are basically perfect , but not much more and still a very small overall percentage. I worry more about smaller influencers like you who will inevitably get caught in the crossfire. Most of these AI influencers aren't being made to do undesirable things, they are being made to promote brands. Sure some will do bad things but that is part of the equation just like with their human counterparts, some real influencers do bad things or have onlyfans etc. I looked at your page and to be honest if I was you I would look into AI but don't jump down the dark rabbit hole approach it from a business aspect, how can it help you in what you do? what is available right now that you could afford? etc. Regardless of how anyone feels about it AI is here and has been for a very long time and will be until the end of time. There is no big rebellion coming, regulation will be put in place about "recreating" or cloning real people but not about generating fake ones. I can tell you first hand {we are actually doing this for clients} that companies are paying studies to have their product lines developed as embeds to be used with AI models. Non technical terms, lets say levies hired an agency to build an embed for every style of jeans they offer. Then when someone generates the images they just include "wearing Levi's 501" etc. you get the point. So if your an influencer you should take this time now while huge influencers and brands will be targeting and seriously thinks how this will effect you and your business in the near future and what you can do to pivot and stay in business. If you don't think it will ever effect you, I think in the not so far future you will be sitting somewhere scratching your head saying "what happened" Honestly, I think the very first thing I would do is have a model of myself trained so I had it, even if you just use it to play around with and learn because trust me it will become useful some day.
@Cbeauty01 Жыл бұрын
Oh my… this is absolutely terrifying yes part two please Smh🤦🏽‍♀️
@catherinele1580 Жыл бұрын
Caitlin this AI fakes is so disturbing on so many levels 😅
@CorinnaOnTheRun 11 ай бұрын
I had zero idea any of this existed
@Minty0091 Жыл бұрын
Only fans is cringe
@allanarocque839 Жыл бұрын
Certainly need a PART 2. The deep fake thing is scary to say the least. And yea I went down the rabbit hole like halfway through the video and I had to pull myself out to come back here and finish the video. This is mind blowing 🤯, the weirdest thing is, I think more than 90% of the commenters know that the influencers are Ai ... its fantasy
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
Of course they know they aren't real, most of the AI models don't even hide it and purposely say they are AI generated. It is a calculated decision so when they target their brand deals for manscaped or whoever there will never be a controversy, just an insane campaign clickthrough rate. Actual "agency's" are being formed for only AI influencers. Alot of men view them as real as 75% of the women they see everyday, the difference is the AI girl will interact with them. There is a huge difference between reality and perception and for almost every living person perception wins every time.
@francoisdata 6 күн бұрын
Think about ur own chanel, what is it that makes u stand out? What hapens if being a beutiful woman alone is not enough?
@TysTysMotivation Жыл бұрын
I think it’s gonna be great to finally stabilize the equal pay in the world of influencers and s*x workers! #EqualRightsAndOputunities! Maybe it will also contribute towards more women getting a job that supports the necessary infrastructure? For the lonely men out there: Don’t buy buy or seek online attention! Go out and become the best version of yourself, and then attention starts seeking you! 🤫
@mnadezhdaglushko6255 Жыл бұрын
It would be really interesting to see the part two, it's insane that these accounts earn money that way. And looking at these deepfakes, it seems that very soon the smartest way to live would be to get off the internet and not let any video or image of your face to ever get uploaded on it.
@consonyastovall5858 7 күн бұрын
We really need a part two. This is absolutely terrifying.
@elipotter369 Ай бұрын
I read an article on this topic recently- from memory, the purple haired one was created by 2 (Australian?) women who shut it down after they got too many texts from pushy men saying they wanted to meet her and have a relationship with her - despite it being openly said she was AI (from the start i believe). It reminds me of people who have gotten Catfished- they drop in to an alternate reality they don't want to come out of.
@Meeee22410 15 күн бұрын
The fact is real life women are more pretty than Ai women. Like natural beauty on top.
@moonstruck4854 Жыл бұрын
Capitalism at its finest
@annaiuga Жыл бұрын
I knew this kind of influencers exist but I don t trust what they sell: how can a perfect AI generated model represent me: a faaaar from perfect 40 yrars women. Does that AI make me want to buy things they sell? Not now, no. Is scary anyway....
@EnneagramEcho Жыл бұрын
You have my total admiration for Thinking💡this through, and out loud with us! You're spot-on over the target Correct 🌟about AI manipulations. The best route for us to to trust our intuition and heart 🧡 while knowing that we can't believe all we see on monitors & the media. In fact, even holographic projection is very advanced. 🐳 Stay in the Light. Good Wins and Good Souls are Priceless.
@Charbond Ай бұрын
I teach 11 year olds and one of our units is e-safety. thinking i need to have a BIG section on the dangers of AI and deep fakes.
@yo-31 Жыл бұрын
I will not follow AI "influencers", it is madness!!!! The way the world is I will be even more taking distance with social media..... I did not know of their existence which show I already have some distance with social media!
@EmL-kg5gn 11 ай бұрын
This is so disturbing but thank you for discussing it. To me the thing that makes it all make sense is objectification. The way many men objectify women is very literal, the part of the brain that usually activates when interacting with an object is the part of the brain that activates when these people interact with women. The interacting with a person parts of the brain don’t light up for them. So if that’s already how your brain is firing when you interact with real women there’s probably no cognitive change, no dissonance, when you interact with a fake one. Except that if you treat a real person like an object they won’t like it and will probably respond negatively (if at all). So because of that a lot of men find real women disagreeable and pretend interactions (whether faked by or forced upon real women or generated by fake “women”) become not only the most feasible way for them to get what they want, but preferable. Because what they were looking for from women was never a genuine human relationship. They were looking for servants at best. And you can make a fake ”person” do whatever you want with no resistance, so if that’s all you were really looking for it’s actually a “better” option. Even though these men do feel the loneliness that comes with their choices, they’re still not willing to change their behaviour so they can’t create positive relationships with real women. Instead of listening when we ask to be treated as people they become angry and blame us for not being good objects. But meeting the twisted wants of certain men with images or fake women doesn’t mean we get to escape from it, it means they can reinforce their harmful attitudes with no resistance and then they carry that over into how they interact with real women. Unfortunately the brain doesn’t really differentiate between fake input and real input like we often prefer to imagine it does
@user-bg9ws7ys4k Жыл бұрын
Sorry to disagree with you on the 1000 camels😂 but that's an enormous compliment in some parts of this world we are living in. I feel sorry for the man/boy, if he is real, for having fallen for this AI mirage 😮
@coreykelly2523 Жыл бұрын
Love ❤️ this but you’re going to get lots of hate from people only because they have been trained to believe all the lies and hate to hear the very truth!!! This video should have mean watched by millions but people are addicted to the lies.
@ShopSRJ Жыл бұрын
I’m dying over the AI comments like are they unwell ….howww do they think it’s real and that they are communicating with them 😬😬 it’s funny but scary at the same time
@CaitlinPawlowski Жыл бұрын
Right??! 😂
@igorvujicic6566 11 ай бұрын
Its just men being better e-whores than women.
@Jiffypop Жыл бұрын
“Do they know they are artificial”? What makes you think they care?
@seabreeze4559 Жыл бұрын
There are sites of X-rated vids of popular influencers, I was horrified.
@Crystal.Calvin 11 ай бұрын
You could make a whole series just on this subject, and updates on more ai influencers as they pop up
@carolinerambles3885 11 ай бұрын
I need a friend like you who'll show me this kind of stuff and also just generally be aware.
@saabguy9774 Жыл бұрын
It’s so scary. What a great video.
@imbilliee Ай бұрын
The urge of deleting social media has been real 😂
@igorvujicic6566 11 ай бұрын
Women freaking out about bots stealing all of the simp attention is delightful to observe.
@laurenw.764 Жыл бұрын
You are so right, very disturbing content. Would be interested in seeing a part two for sure.
@shoeboots Жыл бұрын
I learned about these accounts recently and honestly, I’m pretty cool with it. Real influencers are already the most fake people in our society already. This isn’t a big leap.
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
it is for brands, the cost savings and no brand risk is very exciting to them.
@fammnak852 24 күн бұрын
Guys is there part 2 yet?!? 😂😂😂
@sylvial99 Жыл бұрын
Wow I did not know about it.Sick
@MC-pu6ff Жыл бұрын
Omg!!!😱 Part 2 please!!!
@Vanessabeachdreamer2025 Ай бұрын
Yes, part 2 pls
@irsprst 8 ай бұрын
Part two please
@nitajoesplaytherapy4639 10 ай бұрын
Our world.... humanity 😢
@louises3762 Жыл бұрын
This is so worrying 😢
@patriciateague8677 Жыл бұрын
I watched a couple of tech product videos the other day and I'm convinced the reviewer was AI generated. The expressions and hand movements were repetitive in an obvious way. I don't think the review was skewed in a negative way but I don't see myself trusting these kinds of reviews as a whole.
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
@patriciateague8677 your probably right and they are called faceless youtube channels. AI generated avatars
@Restless318 Жыл бұрын
SO CRAZY it so sad
@SuperMags01 Жыл бұрын
I just took myself down the rabbit hole and damn….it is more than scary. Before watching this Caitlin I knew nothing and now I know more than I can believe. How have we reached a point of fiction being reality for the youngsters of today. The world has gone mad!
@SuperMags01 Жыл бұрын
And yes we definitely need a part 2 😮
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
raise a couple generations of people telling kids they can identify as anything they want and then adding litterboxes to the classrooms for those who identify as cats and dogs and it sort of makes it easy to skew reality
@MsPieO Жыл бұрын
Part 2 for sure!
@kaylheecarroll3186 Жыл бұрын
@nitajoesplaytherapy4639 10 ай бұрын
The AI is real 😢
@cherieroberts3502 Жыл бұрын
Way off topic 😬 but, I notice you have a good wine selection behind you. I’m traveling to Sydney and New Zealand next Spring US/Fall Down Under. Do you have any suggestions for wineries somewhat near Sydney and Queenstown/Christ Church NZ? TY
@kanaltilhrenderioeha5478 Жыл бұрын
So many concerns rising from this. First of all, deep fakes can misinform and destructively manipulate the individual or possibly entire populations. Secondly, I think that these “fake women” are doing the same thing for men (and some women) as porn is, because it skews their idea about reality and their expectations. On the other hand, trying to be optimistic, if it can alleviate loneliness, maybe it can be ok to some extent.
@detlef3000 Жыл бұрын
Part 2 please!
@all4ege Жыл бұрын
I watched the lilmiquela's profile and it seems to e, that her body is real but she photoshops herself an AI head
@THEATREGAL007 Жыл бұрын
This is so crazy! How do they do the pics with real people and the fake AI? I guess the person in charge of the fake AI account are very computer savvy. Crazy!!!
@MsPieO Жыл бұрын
96 hour wait????😢😢😢😢 so sad and pathetic…
@CaitlinPawlowski Жыл бұрын
@MelissaFreeman Жыл бұрын
This is terrifying
@jenniwlee Жыл бұрын
Take one for the team, Caitlin! 😂 Maybe prepare yourself before diving into part 2, it could be disturbing (even more so)😮
@mansoor3159 Жыл бұрын
Caitlin you are one of my most beautiful influencer in the world and I your videos are too too helpful to me in my life and I wish you reach 50K Subscribers very very soon!💕🤗💫
@kelleycj9762 Жыл бұрын
I want to see a part 2. I’m only 1/2 way through but is there a men version too?
@kimberlykidman20 Жыл бұрын
Excellent video!!! Your points are 💯 spot on!
@bstrong5016 Жыл бұрын
Well, at least there are no STD's involved!
@jenniferwhitaker2156 Жыл бұрын
@ItsOnlyWarPaint Жыл бұрын
We are off to hell in a handcart.
@jacquelinemoss1911 Жыл бұрын
Yes part two 👏🏻😂😂
@Selma-io3bs Жыл бұрын
Would love a part 2 of this! I have always wondered if Ines Helene is AI or real
@BrandSolutions Жыл бұрын
I vote AI more than a million followers and very few reels with her in them. AI video is harder to create than images. Also no brand deals
@Minty0091 Жыл бұрын
Also false accusation and the meetoo movement destroyed relationships.
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