The Hermes Effect
4 ай бұрын
@elisa-beary Сағат бұрын
I’m to the very end now & you touch on exactly one of my theories. If not what I think will happen whether intentional or not when this ends.
@elisa-beary 2 сағат бұрын
I’m sure WHEN they break up, we will learn a LOT!! If would be worth all this humiliation & attention to make a killing on the backend off books, social, interviews, etc. I can see that being a longterm plan.
@elisa-beary 2 сағат бұрын
Very interesting & I think you’re totally on the correct path with what it looks like.
@neftana8 2 сағат бұрын
Ive been tempted, my ex got back in contact with me and wanted me to live abroad with them. There are days im tempted but i know from observing family and my friend's family (and being taught by my mother) the consequences on relying soley on your spouse. Even with my ex his life became upside down with his father passed and his mother lost everything cause she was a SAHW. It caused him to wind up dropping out of college and everything. So even know how it negatively impacted his life makes me uncomfortable to put myself in that type of situation
@janethughes9541 3 сағат бұрын
There is so much to say about this, I would get in trouble if I really stated what I really think but as an interest do these people pay tax. Just another thought is there men doing only fans. Just a thought.
@DannMacDougall-wp2or 4 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately increases the risk of becoming trafficking victim.
@sadiemakesmesmile 4 сағат бұрын
Not every woman who lives in Dubai is an esss worker
@jbridges9574 4 сағат бұрын
I agree with everything you said. I also wonder if there’s a PR problem. Are these agencies negatively affecting the brands they represent by sending so much to so many creators that there’s no way they could use so many products in a reasonable amount of time. Would the brands be better served by a better and more meaningful strategy?
@lololuv2012 5 сағат бұрын
This is as old as time, it’s huge with top models and actresses, honestly I think that is sick because they usually are pimped out.
@vam9785 5 сағат бұрын
The 2 hour long lives consist of 5 min information about the topic then lots of bragging about her success and sales tactics and then just having conversation with the chat
@vam9785 5 сағат бұрын
She is scamming peasants of their savings
@kyladanae 6 сағат бұрын
Someone should do a deep dive on Alicia Keys
@Itsmekrodriguez 7 сағат бұрын
So do you gain fame by demolishing the reputation of others?
@Malrie 7 сағат бұрын
I believe Lindsay Lohan moved to Dubai to do an extensive amount of cosmetic procedures
@JussaBehbi 7 сағат бұрын
who falls for this bs though? seriously?
@nottheone582 7 сағат бұрын
the thing with coming from true wealth (the kind they try to portray they have) they usually aren't quite so loud about it. I know some very wealthy children of bankers, investor class, shipping families, and none of the kids have public instagrams. they don't want to be known because that makes them a target for scams and kidnapping.
@teresamaguire1353 8 сағат бұрын
I would imagine this lifestyle could be a combination of lonely & boring
@allison502 8 сағат бұрын
I am a stay at home fiancé. My partner isn't rich but he makes good money and we rent a room in a nice house for a reasonable price. Due to the nature of his job he sometimes works at odd hours and there were times we were like ships in the night and neither of us had time to cook so we oftan doordashed food to us. But we had discussions about me staying home and him supporting us. While it comes with some financial disadvantage, we are happy. I have time to cook and clean and I have time for him emotionally. I get to pursue my love of art and break it up with video games and other interests. But we always check in with eachother to make sure there isn't any unaddressed frustrations about how we live. So far we just get to take care of each other the way we know how. For him its financially and for me its having a hot meal ready for him or being there when he needs someone to talk too or forget about the frustrating days at work with. That should be the goal. Helping eachother over the hurdles we know how to overcome.
@teresamaguire1353 8 сағат бұрын
The content is like a spinoff of bravos desperate housewives
@Gaius_Sinstone 8 сағат бұрын
35:19 Adultery by men has been, not just accepted, but expected for literally hundreds of years. Is this directed at women specifically because, yikes.
@AA.PF1 11 сағат бұрын
That meditation was wild.
@hazelinephotography 11 сағат бұрын
Its just a porn pyramid scheme. The high earners bringing in the fresh faced innocents thinking they're going to make some easy money when in reality most of them will end up worse off and unemployable in some areas. Are the mid to high earners ever going to be honest about what they really feel about only fans? Theyd have to admit to themselves they lured a load of innocent young girls into the porn business with their lies.
@pisceanbeauty2503 11 сағат бұрын
We need a Nelly Bly type to go full on undercover in this world and give us a full expose’!
@marielou3556 11 сағат бұрын
Didn't you dive into the world of Dubai Porta Potty Parties?🙈🤮
@angelwings1979 12 сағат бұрын
I watch a lot of content aimed towards men or whose main audience is men and this is openly talked about, in detail. So no you’re not crazy. It’s very sad to see young people thinking that money will buy you happiness and it doesn’t matter what you have to do to get it. That at the end of the day the money will make everything better. Unfortunately, that is simply not true and it’s a vicious cycle. It’s the same story regarding selling sexual favors it’s just been given the social media treatment of making it seem more glamorous but effects are still the same.
@user-rc8zv9em4s 12 сағат бұрын
Why does a man need to provide for a modern woman? Honestly curious.
@tinadavis0 12 сағат бұрын
I’m a former “professional” so my views may be a bit skewed. But being an influencer or ig model is about making yourself a commodity. In an industry where your image, your body, your allure is what gets you follows and brand deals ect… of course there are going to be people who will pay for access to that because everything about their social media accounts says “I’m for sale”. Personally I don’t see anything wrong with people accepting these offers as long as they know what they are signing up for. Maybe there are some people that genuinely just want company but most men aren’t spending thousands of dollars just to have dinner, they are going to expect more (which should be of no surprise when men expect “payment” for a 50 dollar dinner). There is a danger to it though and that’s the scariest part to me when I see young women and girls whose aspirations are to have these lavish experiences and think they can have it without there being some kind of expectations from them in return.
@notimportant123 13 сағат бұрын
How are we missing the whole yacht girls thing with all those famous girls? Hailey Bieber, the Hadid model, a Kardashian I think
@hazelinephotography 13 сағат бұрын
It seems like some weird performance art or colossal joke. I hate the way people automatically assume a woman doing weird stupid shit must be a victim and doesn't have any autonomy in her decisions. Maybe someone should arrest her for public indecency and see how committed she is to her pantyhose in public antics.
@marinabudik3282 13 сағат бұрын
as a psyhologist I can only say that it will take years to fix mental health issues automatically arise once women engage into specific activities. And this is not a guarantee that the "fix" will bring as it was before. In real lfe "the fix" only allows to function in society. Also this is a positive scenario. The negtive one which I see frequently is actually slow deterioration of a personality including high adiction to alcohol or substances. Ladies, dont trade yourself. Your mental health will be with you all your life. It is not worth any kind of money. Traumatic things cannot be erased from memory or paid to disappear.
@beewest5704 14 сағат бұрын
Thus has been known for years. Even celebs do it. Especially these new singers or dancers. It has recently blown up because more & more young women do it. You even find r successful, educated even professional women, even women for relatively rich ppl following the easy money route by selling s3x on insta.
@Megan6772 14 сағат бұрын
The way she talks about being from 2 different cultures as if she's special and the 1st person to immigrate here to the US 😂
@Megan6772 14 сағат бұрын
She is sooo cringe.
@tinadavis0 14 сағат бұрын
I would rather work a job I hate than be completely reliant and dependent on a man that could decide to throw me out like trash on a whim
@kgabothamaga7155 14 сағат бұрын
@LILBLUEBOXox 14 сағат бұрын
Your bracelets are really pretty. Are those the Cartier Love bracelets?
@KawaiiPandaPen 15 сағат бұрын
For myself, I need a very structured routine to keep sane. Wake up, breakfast, work, gym, friends, etc. without that schedule I fall apart. If I get some extra days off at work like a 3 or 4 day weekend, I start to become to worst version of myself. I could never stay at home I would fall apart
@chloew5715 15 сағат бұрын
I dont think its a bad thing to stay at home, but it's better to have the legal protection of a prenup and a marriage so that you dont end up screwed with no money if the relationship ends, especially if youre doing all the labor in the home etc.
@ponylo9799 15 сағат бұрын
and there is Xenia Adonts and her boyfriend and also Tamara Kalinic and fiancé Filippo Testa
@missopinionated0000 16 сағат бұрын
.. THIS ALWAYS EXISTED AND WILL EXIST... only now its more visible and accesible bc social media.
@senselessplace 18 сағат бұрын
What if it had of been framed as 'we are already married but my husband proposed to me again' . Even I would have watched that. I would not be following it, because I think most of the 'daily life' videos are fake anyway. But it could have been just a cute moment but it turned out to be such a big lie. it could have skipped the engagement and went on with wedding planning to. 'surprise, we are having a full wedding' . But I also think people may not understand you can get married without a big wedding. Or that you can have a wedding WAY after the papers a signed.
@adreena456 18 сағат бұрын
I just picture them going into their house or hotel and laughing at how mad they just behaved outside
@lboggs2 18 сағат бұрын
I'm in a baking group on Facebook, and one day, a girl said she posted a photo of lemon candy she made on Instagram and used "#sugarbaby." She said she got lot of weird messages from older men asking if she was looking for a sugar daddy. Seems pretty telling
@ktr2345 19 сағат бұрын
im sure youre not too wrong about the IG influencers, but the research on Kim K in Vienna is absolutely false. Mr. Lugner's annual A list celebrity date is a quirky tradition at this point and there is no sex involved. theres a lot to it, but nothing dark.
@sha8photo 19 сағат бұрын
Pretty sure this has been common knowledge for years?
@thecreativestylist 20 сағат бұрын
I agree with this on many levels. the number one I have noticed that gives influencers away is how they throw the item once they have shown it on camera. When they open a package or present an item, they speak enthusiastically and the nanosecond they finish they just throw it back, on the floor, or wherever...This gives away how much that put an act for their they are actors!
@avarussurava9488 20 сағат бұрын
1. Don’t travel in the high season. 2. Don’t visit the spots you really want to yourself right in the middle of the day, day trippers will already be there. Go there early af. 3. Late Night walks in “touristic” cities are just as beautiful. 4. Please, try & add off-the-beaten-path/ less known spots or cities in each of your trips. Those will be sooo full of surprises since they aren’t over represented on social media.
@lh9761 21 сағат бұрын
Your top is so pretty! And i cant lie, id be mirroring your body language, im a b, and when i wear a daring top, i clasp my hands close to my heart a lot. 😅 I agree with a lot of your ideas in this one. Its a lot to think about. Ive heard things i already knew about, but NEW things, and its like the tootsie roll commercial with the owl. Guess we will or wont find out
@dontusethesamenicknameonthenet 21 сағат бұрын
i still dont get why do they post such videos?? its clearly not their peers saying "hi babe" and "wow beautiful" its the old nasty men that literally may be their neighbors 🤢🤢 i was also thinking abt making tiktoks as a young fella but i was afraid someone from my school would see it
@spokenwordpoetries 21 сағат бұрын
Wow! I remember times like that, or at least the tail end of them. I hope that parents can teach and model for their kids the value of being in the present moment and connecting with people in real life. That said, I'm not going to leave my phone at home because things like payphones and establishments letting you use their phone are also gone. But turning it off every now and then and letting it be JUST for emergencies sounds like a healthy start.