AIKIDO - The way that doesn't work! - Episode #4

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Aikido the way that doesn't work episode #4 is on munetsuki hijinage. Lenny Sly sensei of the #roguewarriors training compound completely destroys this featured technique. Sensei shows in detail why this particular waza JUST doesn't work. There's not more to say about this, sit back and get your box of tissue ready.

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@bradbradley8384 6 жыл бұрын
Man I wish I could take your videos back in time to 1985 when I first started Aikido training I would have saved myself a lot of wasted time and money I used learning some of this. I bought into that whole peace and harmony mindset and I even questioned my Senseis why what we did looked nothing like what Seagal did in his movies and never got a straight answer. If enough practitioners and new people learning Aikido and even hopefully some Senseis adapt your methods and ideas then Aikido will move forward to where it should be and regain some of the respect it's lost. Thank you for being the realest martial artist I've seen in a long time.
+Brad Bradley No thank you for commenting. I really appreciate it brad. Lenny~
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say it was wasted time and money. You received training and knowledge. You now have a solid foundation in Aikido and it should be very easy to adapt that Aikido to TenShin aikido. :)
+Lori Powell So what are you waiting for... Christmas!
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
I'm waiting for the April seminar where you are going to cram all your knowledge into my skull, over a 3 day period, like Neo from the matrix. :D
@alphonsofrett2757 6 жыл бұрын
Please make Aikido great again
@jamesadamik2710 6 жыл бұрын
Hey Lenny, So yet again I agree, but I would like to see you stress test it when done in the Aikibudo, or pre war Aikido fashion. First off, the the lead hand that is out for the catch is just laid on the arm punching. The trailing hand delivers what can best be described as a hook punch into the lower ribs area. The punch needs to be firm. Yes, you can alter it to the liver, floating rib, or whatever. Obviously thats easier said than done. As the opponent is stunned, you complete the throw, but instead of a large step, its a small circle Tenkan, with the side of your body producing a wedge impact on the elbow. If the opponent rolls his elbow to avoid the pain, the technique essentially becomes a type of Ikkyo. If he doesn't, it locks the elbow painfully. Ive actually seen a few fighters do this in MMA. Not sure what they are trying to do other then “wing it”, but it is applicable in that fashion. Again though, I find your biggest issue seems to be with techniques that have removed the Atemi that proceeds the throw. Watch the old Ueshiba videos, and you will see every time he steps out of the way, there is a strike to the liver/ribs area that proceeds the throw. As for Munestsuki, if you watch some videos of both Machida brothers (who come from traditional karate) and the Gracie hunter Kuzushi Sakuraba, you will see long stepping strikes. Admittedly, they are usually towards the face, but sometimes they are to the center body. Also, as we both know from bouncing, people make all sorts of long stepping punches to the body in the heat of a fight. Mostly because their aim is off, and they’re so busy trying to punch without being punched back, that they reach out in the most ineffective way possible. Lastly, the way we drill Munetsuki, it is that the person moves forward rapidly and with intent, but doesn't make that strike, until they are within proper boxing range. Its a more rapid version of what you see in boxing all the time. The boxer advances slowly, and with purpose in guard, and the other boxer has his hands up in defense. The first boxer punches towards the gut to bring the other guys hands down, so he can follow with a punch to the face. If you practice Munetsuki with this version in mind, then the Mune isn't even started until its close range. Anyway, great video again! As usual I just wanted to add some things I felt were left out of the video. Cant wait for the Irminage video :)
@davidharnden2939 6 жыл бұрын
Nice intro Lenny! Lol 😂😂 But once again thank you for these videos become I've been teaching and doing aikido for years and every time I see your video I learn something new. Thanks for speaking the truth.
@clantonaw 6 жыл бұрын
What's funny is that's exactly how a beginning uke responds to that technique or a similar technique when applied. The natural reaction is resistance until they are infected with the training scar of being a compliant uke! No one naturally responds that way. Our bodies tell us to resist until we are trained otherwise. In traditional Aikido, the beginners are more pure than the damn Senseis! Great video Sly Sensei!
Thank you I really appreciate it
@dannydortch5196 6 жыл бұрын
I'm loving "the way that doesn't work" you are showing that change is a good thing and that Training for "real-world" situations is the way to go. I'm watering at the mouth for when you show the series " the way that does and will work" keep dropping"Truth-Bombs" Sly Sensei, there are alot of us who like and agree with what you are doing Sir, OSSU!!!
@soslan3429 3 жыл бұрын
It doesnt work because the Nage does not perform his atemi first. Atemi is fundamental for Aikido techniques to work. Otherwise without atemi 99 % of Aikido it's just a dance without any contact with reality. O'sensei first rule was: There is no Aikido without ATEMI . Remember that!!
@annonhimous6268 2 жыл бұрын
totally agree
@towag 6 жыл бұрын
No critique Lenny, I've been saying this for years and years and years and years.... I've been told that I don't do aikido, bla bla bla bla.... BJJ will wipe my clock Bla bla bla .... Quite honestly I don't care anymore....Its funny, because I've had all sorts who came to "practice" with us from Boxing, Judo, BJJ, Karate, Gung fu, Wrestling and not one said our "aikido" was crap.... I evolved and so did my students!!.... Demo are demo's and nothing more....Dance aikido doesn't work period... Atemi is very important and should be the predecessor to any joint technique.... 90% of aikido is atemi....???
@artt3165 6 жыл бұрын
Lenny, Of course you're "doing it wrong." That's *EXACTLY THE POINT* of doing it the way you are. If the opponent isn't cooperative and complaint the technique is not going to work. The effective techniques will work whether the opponent cooperates or not! If the attacker dosn't cooperate something is going to break and in a real street fight that's all that matters cuz I don't frankly care if he ever uses that arm, hand or whatever again. If the technique requires both parties cooperate to make it work then it's a pointless waste of time as a defensive technique, you might as well study Tai Chi. Just can't believe people just don't seem to get the point of what you're doing here. Keep up the good work!
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
*He's doing it ''wrong'' because he is doing it right!!!*
+Art T Thank God someone gets it. Thank you!!!
@artt3165 6 жыл бұрын
Lenny, You are MOST WELCOME! I think the reason I "get it" is because I ran into someone who I believe was an Aikido practitioner back in the 80s. At that time he was training police officers in "defensive tactics and restraints." His movements and techniques looked an awful lot like Akido but done effectively, without the flowing bullsh*t and the lecture on "peace and harmony." It was more along the lines of apply this takedown (Name not mentioned) and the suspect will comply. If he doesn't comply, twist and apply pressure in this fashion and he will either comply or you will break his arm off. If you find it necessary to break his arm off, feel free to beat him to death with it, as long as that's within policy. LOL This was before Steven Seagal became a thing and through the years I've suspected the man I met was teaching Aikido technique but, didn't want to have to deal with the bullsh*t of the Shihan in his organization throwing a hissy fit because "hurting people" violated O Sensei's sacred principles. So... it was "defensive tactics" with a good amount of break-falls and rolls so he could "train me to help" train cops. I have a great deal respect for the discipline, as well as the belief system. associated with traditional martial arts but kensho isn't going to save your ass in a bar brawl. Kendo ( pool cues are handy things ) and effective Aikido might. If I were 10-15 years younger and 2000 miles closer I might look you up for training. But… too old and too far away for that now. Just figured you might benefit from the rest of the story. I'll keep hanging around. I've always enjoyed Aikido for it's style but using it defensively isn't going to make the little "Aiki bunnies" comfortable. Best of Luck and some old guys ( at least this one ) do see a value in what you're trying to do.
@robertbrittain5247 6 жыл бұрын
Please let us know if the Aikido Police show up. LOL!!!!! Thank you. Great videos.
@justicierapple 6 жыл бұрын
I couldn’t agree more. And if we open the debate, Aikidoka should learn how to strike. They talk a lot about the Atemi but they don’t even know how punch, how to kick,....
@IbrahimKhalil-bt9yh 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not aikidoka but from what I understood what made Osensei's aikido effective was that he mastered judo, jujutsu and other arts. Because when you know weaknesses of grappling techniques you'll be able to diffuse a lot by just posturing.
@darkthunderplotts 6 жыл бұрын
Your system is what ive been looking for in Aikido
@cristianbosio8657 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Lenny thank you so much of speaking out glad I have found you. I have been training Aikido for over 4 years and had to leave the Aikikai way of Aikido because I was questioning the realistic side about it. My older brother is a boxer western and when he and I trained I was found useless with traditional Aikido. I am 4th kyu now. I'm looking into being a member of your online courses and having you as my teacher, since I live down in Pensacola FL.
@regionalcinema2010 6 жыл бұрын
Dear Lenny What a stand up guy you are. I wish aikido to move forward and gain more respect and it seems that your way is becoming clear to me that it should be the new way. Wish you all the best and continue to do what you do. (adrian from Singapore)
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
Dammit, I had an iota of faith in mune tsuki hijinage. Translated from a knife thrust. Oh well, time to remove and cull the techniques that'll fail me in real life. My life is more important than holding on to applications that do not work. :D
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
What is the correct way to do it?
@philiptaylor1762 6 жыл бұрын
Lori Powell in the dojo...with a compliant partner
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
Oh I get it...So the guy who is stabbing you on the street is going to be compliant and allow you to hijinage? If doing it ''CORRECTLY'' means I get stabbed, then I don't want to be correct. I want to be effective. My five-finger, closed-fist, 40 foot death-punch works 100% of the time too with compliant partners. You should see it, people can't come within 40 feet of me or I strike the air and a shock wave knocks them off their's beautiful.
@Phandiw 6 жыл бұрын
Yo, jjtharp. I've seen you make a couple legit points in some of your posts on previous videos, so I'll come at you with respect and skip any patronising or insulting shit I might otherwise have honestly wanted to put in here. Point one: This video clearly demonstrates that against an honest attack, even a STEPPING honest attack, the technique is useless. Point two: If you have video evidence that the technique works vs an honest attack - even a stepping honest attack - then that'd be cool to see. Obviously the best thing, the ideal thing, would be for you to drop by the training compound and videotape the technique working against an honest attack by Sly and company, but any solid evidence is better than none.
@michelb8976 6 жыл бұрын
M-K(tm), now I am officially addicted, dat shit is some high quality trolling, please keep going.
@MrNicedone 6 жыл бұрын
Aikido??? No no no aiki jujutsu is what you need....look at fudoshin ryu aikijujutsu.....
@IbrahimKhalil-bt9yh 4 жыл бұрын
I think it can work against drunk people rushing forward with punch no doubt, but with adaptive fighter you have to counter response everytime they stiff up and moving against weakest balance point of opponent structure. I think if aikido mastered the judo aspects of aikido there would be more effective
@MrMattias87 3 жыл бұрын
I agree and that's what aikido was made for...dealing with untrained people
@IbrahimKhalil-bt9yh 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrMattias87 nah to be fair, there's way more to aikido than some wrist locks. And adding weapon to the mix changes a lot
@MrMattias87 3 жыл бұрын
@@IbrahimKhalil-bt9yh weapons training is good for learning body movements but nobody uses a sword or a jo on the streets.
@keizerchris4167 6 жыл бұрын
I won't disagree but I was able to pull this technique off outside the dojo. I remember doing this technique to an office mate who suddenly threw a tsuki after getting off the elevator. He doesn't know Aikido.
@glennridgewell546 6 жыл бұрын
Sensei I cant say thank you enough for revealing the truth of what doesnt work within aikido real eye opener , im an orange belt in Ki aikido here in the UK my own thoughts while training i would say if you can hit me while im am applying technique then do it , on many of the moves i was hit , also when someone doesnt give and withholds it is impossible to make it work .... big thank you for proving my own thoughts on certain moves ... also there should be free battle not knowing what is coming and having to deal with it and battle pressure multiple punches , while training we dealt with one punch i understand that while being a learner learning the basics is one thing but when taught a technique that wont work time could be better spent on techniques that do work..... BIG THANKS
@jhalverson55405 6 жыл бұрын
My aikido eyes opened again. Thank you.
@georgebilunka7897 6 жыл бұрын
Enjoy your videos. I know out of 100 moves, more than 50% are useless, 25% may work under proper conditions, 20% are decent moves and about 5% are good moves. You can't replace every "bad" move with a good move- (ain't enough), but you should give something to work with while showing what doesn't work. All I have to work with after your video is learning the move that doesn't work. I don't know if you ever studied under a video rather than in a class, but it's a lot harder. Try to learn "happy feet/ heel- toe dance" off the video. It's hard. Keep it up, you are a good teacher. I know what's it like to buck the flow. G
@travisjohnson7047 6 жыл бұрын
I think I just about exploded in laughter! 😂🤣🤪 your humor was the best part of this video, but of course, you are right, nobody will hit with a Mune Tsuki like that, from that distance, I was working under an association to Preserve those teachings, and it feels sooo good to break free, and cut the strings, so I can make them real and effective for those I will lead in the future, love your comments hahahahaha
@deanwinter4849 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome. Stepping punch? Bullshit. My teacher only let us punch from the leading foot. Otherwise you were cheating.
@empiro1969 6 жыл бұрын
When I started play this video and heard "When you punch make sure it's a solid punch..." - this is lovely. Thank you for this video series :)
@frenzi333 6 жыл бұрын
its great to keep the traditional aikido but must to do updates
@tharillest 6 жыл бұрын
Real fukn spit right here! Thanks again Sly Sensei for bringing the light!
@v-doc5230 2 жыл бұрын
I am taught that you are not supposed to use force against force, otherwise exactly what you are showing happens. So the point is, to empty yourself (which does not mean to be soft), so that 1) your are not focussed in that contact and 2) not applying force, by being in your hara. Can do this "emptying" on ideal conditions, very slow, etc. I know one person you can do that in a real sparring (with me). But if you cannot make this work, I doubt that this is doable in a fighting setting, because your technique is flawless. So what would you suggest to do in a real fight were such a strike comes at a close distance? Is there anything you can do? With Aikido? Also, how does your Aikido compare to Aiki-jutsu? Great videos, you publish! So many things I struggle with, like this, where I think - hey it does not work... Thanks!
@annonhimous6268 2 жыл бұрын
"So what would you suggest to do in a real fight were such a strike comes at a close distance? Is there anything you can do? With Aikido?" .... Atemi, always do atemi waza
@v-doc5230 2 жыл бұрын
@@annonhimous6268 Again, we also rarely do that, which I find a bit annoying - but I'll focus more on this. Thank you!
@kenossowicz1280 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not even an Aikido stylist but I really enjoy your videos, this series especially, and your no BS approach. It's always great to see someone challenging the status quo for the greater good. I hope you become a millionaire KZbinr. You certainly deserve it! And BTW, your dojo looks freakin awesome! 👍
+Ken Ossowicz Thank you Ken I appreciate your comment. I designed the dojo myself and that includes building the Rogue Warriors Training Compound sign. I wanted to do something different.
@AstrotominChina 6 жыл бұрын
Great point about the attacks...nobody will throw a punch and leave the arm straight there for us to grab it...and great way to put traditional training as "good exercise"... cardio... :-)
@Tekionemission 6 жыл бұрын
😂 I was thinking use leg trip. Obviously it doesn’t work either!
@CraigAB69 6 жыл бұрын
Great approach, throw the punch and if you hit me, then you hit me. Should always be like that! It's a Martial Art not a knitting class. That's my approach, 50 - 70 - 90% of full pace. If I get hit "Bad luck" I should have moved faster. But from my outsiders view, that technique looks like a good way to get a punch in the head. What was interesting at index 18:00, was the alignment of your training partners spine when you resist and pull back the punch. The technique really does put him at a disadvantage. Just my 2 cents.
@RandAlthor939 6 жыл бұрын
Totally right we work all our attacks from boxing style punches . In fact we have been training keysi fighting method and fillipino dirty boxing for the past 5 years .. we encourage all of our new students to grab punch kick .however seems natural to them. And then we start drilling the boxing .. and triangle frame attacks and entries. . And yes it's still aikido we just hit and kick properly. . We also encourage the many people from different styles to attack there way .
@ebor8402 6 жыл бұрын
Any videos, or a website?
@timevans4976 6 жыл бұрын
Underarm bar throw or like my teacher calls it the chicken fried rice technique that’s present in everyone’s randori test in usaf. Keep on doing what your doing I take what you show and try to see openings for other techniques but you are correct in that my dojocho would throw me out for outing the federations. teaching that’s why I train for more health and exercise now and if it ever comes to a head ill quit before I’ll live in a Aikido daydream keep on bro!!!!!
@darrenshaver9454 Жыл бұрын
I love your candidness and honesty of it all. You ACTUALLY tell it as it is. I love it. Years ago, I took Tae Kwon Do because every one else was. But because of the fact that it didn't work, (as far as all the stupid blocks and all that goes, not to mention the mindless idiotic pointless kata's to it, I dropped it all early on. Now, I'm taking Kali, which for me is far more of a REALISTIC and rounded Martial Art. So all in all, I just want to say "Keep up the good work, and keep telling it as it is brother". - Darren
@gr888dad 6 жыл бұрын
Watching all of these very closely. Thank you. I can’t wait till you post the techniques that actually work. Keep up the awesome job.
@justinwallace269 Жыл бұрын
This technique looks like a weapon disarm for a spear. It's probably a battlefield disarm that got lost in translation. Just guessing of course, but I'm basing that on the thrusting configuration of the attacker's body, and the concept behind the defense. It'd probably work in that context.
@michelebecciu9698 5 ай бұрын
Aikido doesn't work when you want to distort it in a ring or a cage. But ultimately it is not surprising that the average generic American's concept of martial art reflects his concept of cooking : first course, second course and side dish all on the same plate; and if this mixture is rubbish, then it is the food that disgusts ...
@LucasVigor Жыл бұрын
I guess my question would be, why did he invent aikido in the first place if it never really worked? Daito-ryu was a legit battlefield art…and o-sensei was a pretty tough guy as a youth…. I’m watching your videos and you are a great teacher and everything you are saying is right. But hopefully you can address my question in a future video.. I have the same question about taekwondo too, by the way. It was actually used during the Korean War by soldiers…. Are we just to assume these arts were taught very differently in the old days ?
@koden24 Жыл бұрын
I like your teachings Sly. I’m 5’7”, I want techniques that’s gonna work for me! And your right, changes have to occur.
@chriswilcox8977 6 жыл бұрын
Nintendo Switch is selling as well as, or better, than PS4 and XBOX...just saying ;)
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
He's talking about the original Nintendo console.
@chriswilcox8977 6 жыл бұрын
So why refer to PS4 etc.? :)
@Valkner11 6 жыл бұрын
You are such a shitty person, that was not the point and you really don't deserve to understand that
@chriswilcox8977 6 жыл бұрын
Lol, thank you for the comment, it made me laugh :)
@annonhimous6268 2 жыл бұрын
yeah! is a fact that nobdy attacks like that and this tecnique it doesn't work under this scenario, but is part of teaching and the base of this budo. This kind of techniques allows you to understand how to move your body, allows you get a better timing, etc.What about the katas in karate or poomsae in tkd?, nobody uses a kata in a fight the way that use to trainined it, but is very a good tool to develop another skills. I don't think it must be eliminated or left behind, this techniques are the base of the movement, and don't forget that irimi, kaiten or tenkan are the most essential thing in aikido, don't matter what style you do.
@ericcromb3011 6 жыл бұрын
Hey i train traditional Aikido in Australia, even my teacher acknowledges that some techniques will not work in the real world. i agree with your statement that its good for the fitness side and the cardio and that some techniques are beneficial. having the joy of attending a couple of different styles of martial arts makes me aware of what can and does work and what doesnt. thankyou for your honest break down of the art.
@concretechrissantoro8424 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a 47 yr old concrete ball busting finisher I've never had interest in self defense I've been able to handle my own to a point my daughter is 19 yrs old and is my world PLEASE LEAD ME IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION FOR HER I can't be with her all the time she is brave and strong I just want her to learn you are the real deal I ask you if you have time just to tell us where and how to start we live in Baltimore Md any help and direction is much appreciated THANK YOU FOR YOUR HONEST VIDEOS
We'll I'm a 47 yr old union sheet metal journeyman and I too have a daughter. Although she's not 19, she's almost 4 and fortunately she'll be eventually trained by me. As for your situation.... I can't vouch for anyone in your area to teach her. Look for a boxing gym Or a gym that teaches Muay Thai and start her off there.
@concretechrissantoro8424 6 жыл бұрын
I want to THANKYOU for your direction and advice I will keep learning from your videos
@johnbland1585 5 жыл бұрын
Move out of Baltimore is a great start,LOL.
@Tekionemission 6 жыл бұрын
So true dojo doesn’t go into reality training. Why don’t dojo change, why waist people time if it doesn’t work?
@Jenjak 6 жыл бұрын
I disagree with you SO MUCH ! I still play Super Street Fighter 2 or Donkey Kong ! Super nintendo games are dope ! They're not as pretty as today games but they still do the job. i don't know if it can relate to traditional Aikido though...
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
I use to play all those games. Man I wish I would have known they would be worth big
@Jenjak 6 жыл бұрын
they made a mini nintendo with all the classics in it. You can ask it for christmas ^^
@warriormanhasdied6479 6 жыл бұрын
Alex F I think he was referring to how more powerful consoles are than the previous generation. This competitive progression is then analogous to lenny sly’s progression of superior aikido.
+warriorman has died Bingo
@Jenjak 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah but oldies still do the job...just sayin :D
@noelvillafane458 6 жыл бұрын
Nice technique Aikido
@bradvarsava5075 6 жыл бұрын
Hi do you have any videos of sparring with aikido? Or are the moves to dangerous?
@timsmith3377 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent video as always! But it raises a question: after leaving traditional Aikido when you found Tenshin Aikido, did you discover and "bullshit" techniques in *that* system that didn't work? Thanks...
@fritzraddatz5980 6 жыл бұрын
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
Aikido is a very effective martial art. But, you have to know what is effective and what is not. In my opinion, Daito ryu jujutsu is outdated too and needs to remove what does not work for today also.
@vkutscher4781 8 ай бұрын
С уважением из России. Думаю что в следующих видео на эту тему будет разговор об обязательном применении АТЭМИ. Хорошее АТЕМИ не плохо расслабляет мышцу атакующего. Sincerely yours Vladimir
@takuforts3492 6 жыл бұрын
Hello, im a big fan of these vids and i agree that alot of fat could be trimmed from trad Aikikai style. I have a question though, the Tenshin style of iriminage is very similar to tenchinage, i was wondering if you practice tenchinage in your style and if so, what are the differences to traditional aikido? That may sound a dumb question, but keep up the good work lenny!
@robertpien8708 6 жыл бұрын
Repetition is the mother of skill if we get into a habit of practicing things that don't work it's not only threatens or life but it also puts us in a disadvantage to be hurt both mentally and physically. Why are we taught water down techniques and tricked into thinking that something works just to capitalize and make money on us. Thank you for opening her eyes so we can see the truth and then we can judge for ourselves if something works or something doesn't. Keep up the great work
@ValeryKurochkin 6 жыл бұрын
One more great tip to make us wake up from classic forms of aikido which are useless. Thank you, Lenny, and, as allways, big respect from Russia. Please continue. Your videos are way better than years of learning freaking aikido dances.
@acquiesce100 6 жыл бұрын
Fabulous, video, Lenny. You have said a lot of things 99.9% of Aikidoka need to know. I'm only interested in the facts. And the facts are, even Seagal never had a real fight in all his time in Japan. And he never went through a hard dan test in his life like he put you through because he married the daughter of a 5th dan sensei who owned the Tenshin dojo. FACT!! He said he was in Japan for 15 years?? That does not add up because it was in fact 8 years, according to Fujitani and Nakamichi sensei (after my stay in Japan) . He choreographed the Tenshin style by playing with Matsuoka and rehearsing it on the mat. His main influence in Aikido was Hiroshi Isoyama Shihan 8th dan. Now, according to Isoyama in an article published in Aikido Journal he said that what Osensei taught him did not work when he was sent to teach the air self defence team and he really struggled. You can see the article for yourself. O'sensei was incredibly overrated in my opinion. If O'sensei was as good as he was why did he teach such unpractical rubbish???? Aikido is just a mess . The one thing I got though from your previous video and I saw it in your eyes was how much you idolise Seagal. I get it. I used to. We were all taken back by him in his early films and I guess we all hoped and wished we could fight like that in real life. As I got older I realized the reality is very different though and especially after my Gracie Jiu Jitsu instructor gave me license to do any Aikido on him when he attacked me. I was on my back in seconds. I had no ego and in 2007 I signed up to study it and have never looked back. The thing about Seagal's style was it was so very unique and different to the traditional, but even Seagal, in his films used a lot of the traditional techniques. It's hard to forget sometimes, it's just a movie for entertainment.
@Brownhoof 6 жыл бұрын
acquiesce100 Seagal’s style is very practical and he taught police guys in America, Europe and Asia. That happened for a reason. In his first movies he demonstrated that ONLY the practical Aikido works and not the traditional bullshit show-dance we see nowadays. Seagal is a real fighter and that’s okay if you doubt that but he is 7th degree blackbelt for a reason and he also did other Martial Arts and sword culture apart from Aikido.
@qemueladinostudd6905 4 жыл бұрын
Your doing a great service for hooked, for years i felt aikido was in effective but u have intrigued me
@flebafide 6 жыл бұрын
Lenny, I can relate to what you explain and demonstrate in your videos. I attend a traditional aikido dojo that teaches traditional aikido. Unfortunatley the dojo (teachers) do not acknowledge the impractical aspects of traditional aikido techniques in any meaningful way.
@vagotil 6 жыл бұрын
I can’t understand why do you all think that aikido is a some kind of unique ultraeffective martial art and it should work in every situation? Every MA could failed it depends from many reasons. And this “its wrong!” ok why do you think that yours is right?))) did you try every damn technique in all situations? It’s very stupid to say that you know best it’s ridiculous
@AstrotominChina 6 жыл бұрын
Andrew Stn it's not just that, I say that it is dangerous because it creates a sense of efficacy of the techniques that is not there...have you practiced or watched mainstream Aikido? It's all on the uke, the partner who receives the techniques, and in general all attacks are weak, lack in aggressive intention and are predictible...what can be worse than that? If you look at the breakfalls uke take, they are very dangerous... actually there's a record of dead practitioners taking ukemi for shihonage and irimi nage...they died because they were very cooperative in taking the falls, so... Aikido can be really dangerous to practice in this way...If you ask me, these people should not have the right to say that they teach the way to harmony, but to become victims as they train in making people passive aggressive and take advantage of them...this is bullying...plain and simple...I think practitioners should wake up and demand more...
@vagotil 6 жыл бұрын
AstrotominChina I agree, I know what aikido training in common looks like and it’s more looks like you learn dancing or something and they say to you it’s all about traditions and so on. As for me aikido today is some kind of franchising with big amount of low skilled “sensei” that have got their skills from the same sensei and so on. But I know people who spent years in aikido and they do know what to do in real situations and I really wouldn’t mess with them. But that’s the sense of their life. Aikido is not that type of MA that you will get quick results after even year or two of trainings as actually any MA. So if you like to wear big wide black pants and think that you are an ancient warrior so be it, but don’t forget to put this pants down when you leave the dojo especially if you have spent in this dojo just a couple of trainings))
@Royk49 5 жыл бұрын
Lenny don’t worry for a second on the nay sayers Sensei. Aikido bunny’s don’t get it
@jclrch 6 жыл бұрын
Shitting in them corn flakes.
@rikai2559 6 жыл бұрын
This is so true.
@jjm7158 6 жыл бұрын
Hay bud do u have any training compounds in the Denver metro area..
@darosaweb 6 жыл бұрын
10:50 - The use of Atemi right in the Ribs can help? I usually train this letting the Punch hit and at same time doing an Atemi in the Ribs and then magic happens and all the flu flu works great. What do you think?
@AstrotominChina 6 жыл бұрын
Daniel Rosa atemi is always good, but the problem with the kind of attack is still there...would you honestly punch anyone like that? Or would you leave your arm straight in mid air even after an atemi without putting any effort in fighting back? It's a huge issue...I only trained mune tsuki for a knife attack...and even there...same problem...but a that...come on... it's perfect for a Buster Keaton's movie ...😁
@gladius2489 Жыл бұрын
I’ve watched quite a few of your videos and all I’ve seen is a lot of criticism and profanity, but you fail to show what YOU would do. I think your a little man with a big chip on his shoulder.
@justinwallace269 Жыл бұрын
He specifically said he'd be covering solutions in other videos. These ones are focused entirely on breaking down what doesn't work and why. I probably would prefer to see problems and solutions in the same vid, but clearly, he's not wrong. The technique doesn't work in the context of a punch. I'm guessing it was originally designed as a weapon disarm. Most likely a lengthy weapon, such as a spear. This would explain the trusting mechanics of the attacker's body, and how it's countered. PS: You complain about his profanity, yet you talk disrespectful crap like 15 year old kid? Say that to his face like a man. Clearly he's built like a tank, so no idea what you're talking about.
@gladius2489 Жыл бұрын
@@justinwallace269 I didn’t use profanity, and as far as disrespect goes, he dishes out plenty. Build has nothing to do with anything
@DrSmile81 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe one part of the whole picture is that aikido was intruced shortly after ww2. And o'sensei thought he can only save japanese fighting culture from total american dictatorship by hiding all the good stuff between some bullshit. So the Americans didn't banned it after they saw its just a hillbilly peace and love fancy choreography and can't do any harm to american soldiers.
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
That's interesting. Sort of like capoeira. Never thought of it like that :)
@prpltchk 6 жыл бұрын
DrSmile81 it's a fact, all so-called martial art teachings were officially banned in that historical period. So the only way of teaching something was to make it look like pure spiritual or just competitive discipline similar to judo (if you're interested, try searching for Nishio Sensei talking about his post-war judo practice before aikido, where there were only judo dojos left with maximum of two or three practitioners for a dojo). As I see it if not for that prohibition O-Sensei would teach daito-ryu in his own dojo using his menkyo kaiden. I fully agree with the author of this video, we need to evolve. For example Tokimune Takeda had some balls and did similar thing for daito-ryu by removing a lot of warfare techniques based on swordplay and hand to hand combat of fully armored soldiers just because they do not represent modern state of warfare. In Aikikai and that's only my opinion, Koichi Tohei Sensei started that kind of methodical work, developing more effective ways of forming basic aikido skills and of course creating testing procedures to control progress. That's why he was banished. Nowadays in Aikikai nobody needs a practical system, without spiritual part to cover all methodical holes or traps, a clear system where you have criterias which help to check your technique effectiveness.
@AstrotominChina 6 жыл бұрын
Not such a weird theory China there was a similar issue... martial artists had to hide their skills for fear of reiteration from the government...or from other schools...
@db124760 6 жыл бұрын
Hello when i get my 1st shodan black belt 1st dan can i change aikido or do i have to be higher rank to change aikido. Just to get rid of the pointless stuff. and i am just a 1st brown belt 2nd kyu. And what i will have is just off balancing and joint locks offensive and defensive. And i will keep useful aikido stuff.
@muteqx 6 жыл бұрын
db124760 don't wait for anyone's permission to go your own way. Authority comes from below, not above. Though be aware that if you (as I have) remove yourself from mainstream aikido, then whatever rank or ranking aspirations you have can all go out of the window. An appeal to the authority of systems we are not under the authority of. But that's OK, rank doesn't need to count for much. My approach is super different to Sly Sensei's but I respect anyone who is genuinely looking at what they are doing, questioning it, and finding out if it is true to themselves or not. I hope we'll all get there together!
@db124760 6 жыл бұрын
@TheBudoAcademy 6 жыл бұрын
db124760 all arts must evolve ir they will die. shu- ha-ri. enjoy what you do
@jenovasmith815 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the insight... could also end off the video with finishing techniques that would work with the same kind of attacks for learning aikido students... well, I was waiting for that actually..
@gerardodomagas2387 6 жыл бұрын
I read in newspaer Segal is going to do movie over here in Philippines
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
If he films it tomorrow, we can all catch it on dvd a week later ahahahahahah
@mraffabilityGB 4 жыл бұрын
You smack him on the side of the head or the ribs, if it's for real, and then you throw him. It's not a great technique; much prefer kote gaeshi. The interesting point is that in general Aikido people haven't been smacked in the face. Looking forward to irimi nage.
@troyprince1569 6 жыл бұрын
TRUTH!!!!!.....LOVE IT.....EVOLVE!!!!!
@IbrahimKhalil-bt9yh 4 жыл бұрын
First thought viewing the first minutes, when opponent stiffens up break their balance or attack weakest point of their balance.
@monsterram6617 6 жыл бұрын
Watching this in slow motion is fucking embarrassing. Seriously, you should have stood there, not moving, to demonstrate that your Uke was throwing himself at you. That wasn't even a haymaker... smdh.
@Derrick1951 3 жыл бұрын
Lenny as nage you have to strike first with a debilitating strike while you are entering in to make the technique work. And you are right in the real world know one punches like that as demonstrated in your video. Good strong Aikido, you must be fast and first.
@Momsspaghetti777 6 жыл бұрын
I’ve been looking for aikido like this that’s reality based but may I offer a suggestion? Adapt it with boxing, wrestling, all these other styles. You’re able to say “this is bullshit” so take the things that work in other styles and mix it. You are functioning similar to a modern Bruce Lee, “keep the rest discard the rest” you are discarding the rest, however until you explore you can never know what’s the best
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
He is not trying to create a new art. He is taking an art and removing what does not work in todays day-and-age. He is updating the art by removing outdated techniques that were designed for it's time. This is a new time.
@rikai2559 6 жыл бұрын
Some Black Dude I agree with you.
@Momsspaghetti777 6 жыл бұрын
Lori Powell I never said he was creating a new art, however he is changing an art. Why not mix an art with other styles instead of simply taking away from the art
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
I don't agree that he is changing it. He is not adding anything to change it. He is just subtracting from it and condensing it. It's still the same art. :)
@Momsspaghetti777 6 жыл бұрын
Lori Powell subtracting is change... also, yes, he is changing it as he is making sure his students punch and stand in certain ways that aren’t traditionally taught because he wants aikido that will work.
@TheMoodyedge 6 жыл бұрын
@ghosttgirlghosttspook5478 6 жыл бұрын
you a cool dude! I'm learning alot from you, thank you so much, love..
@abcddcba8882 Жыл бұрын
@jacobleslie8056 6 жыл бұрын
Your 100% correct. Some Aikido practitioners would learn a lot about their training from a quick jab to the face. From my studies some of these techniques come from older jujutsu where you would have two people with short swords visible in their belt. One would draw and lunge forward trying to skewer the other guy in the stomach. So in that sense the "punch" is sometimes meant to be a symbolic draw and lunge. It doesn't make the technique useful in a modern context and that's obviously not how modern knife fighting goes down. Even so some of these "useless techniques" make more sense in that context. Same goes for Yokomen Uchi and Shomen Uchi. (Disclaimer: this is what I think right now and I reserve the right to be wrong and change my mind)
@superdruid999 5 жыл бұрын
Heey, you take that back! Some of those super nintendo games are better then a lot of AAA games of today! Its a classic dammit!😭
@roberth9704 6 жыл бұрын
That was really funny
@GregoryPage-tx6fq 4 жыл бұрын
I love the video
@feudingdrums9124 5 жыл бұрын
Awesome! He wanted to pull back tho. Why not let him? Hard.. :-)
@brianhager2392 6 жыл бұрын
Nobody wants to admit they are wrong. I always assumed that Aikido was more of a lifestyle than a fighting system. There is no attacks from Aikido right? It's all defense?
@alphonsofrett2757 6 жыл бұрын
Namco update Pacman and now it's more fun. Thank you for the inspiring video
@victorribeiro2431 5 жыл бұрын
I see no other use for this tecnique other than a regular armdrag, no throw, no nothing... Just a tecnique to make your opponet move around.
@jm1182 6 жыл бұрын
By the way I still like videos nice work but I'm gonna call an apple an apple even if you sometimes wonder if its an orange.
@muaathmadani9425 5 жыл бұрын
Sensi thé technique i tried it and its work by push him with my hip
@learntechwithabderrezak2507 5 жыл бұрын
There is techniques used to train thé uke and other to thé Tori.
@mauricesearcy7789 6 жыл бұрын
@StoicCuratola 5 жыл бұрын
Wise words! Some Martial Arts has to evolve.
@robertgibson6687 6 жыл бұрын
This technique, it probably does have a practical use. Likely not for countering any sort of punch. I'm curious, have you a theory regarding it's use beyond that the traditional method is wrong?
@justicierapple 6 жыл бұрын
This technique was designed for defense against weapons. Aikido is coming from fighting methods of Samurai era. The punch is actually the representation of a weapon (for exemple, a spear). That’s why the arm stays stretched when they do a Tsuki attack. This has to be compared to Shomen or Yokomen attacks. They are the hand representation of sword attacks.
@MartialArtsTutorialsFighttips 6 жыл бұрын
Ohh men I see this in kung Fu so much
@edkushnerick2090 6 жыл бұрын
'wushu' has killed traditional Chinese arts
@mr.ironbodybuilding 5 жыл бұрын
Great video like always Sir!
@samkab677 6 жыл бұрын
U can apply an atemi and throw..simply
@freddavis2026 6 жыл бұрын
Lenny I asked u just yesterday if u had a student out in la under u and u haven't even giving me an answer to my question maybe u forgot or something else don't know but if u could comply would gladly appreciate it blessings respect
+Fred Davis LA as in California, no I do not.
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
Larry Reynosa use to run Makoto dojo in Ventura which is close to LA...not sure if the dojo is still operating, but that may be your best chance at learning TenShin. Or you can join the online classes of Lenny Sly Sensei at
@victormoyano6018 6 жыл бұрын
Another great video!!! Awesome......
@mizunokokorojyujutsudo1189 6 жыл бұрын
What Dan grade are you in tenshin?
@edi9892 6 жыл бұрын
You do know that there's this arcane art called editing ;-)
@pandabearlp 6 жыл бұрын
Lenny takes a strong stance to never edit his videos and to give you raw footage. This way you see the mistakes and blunders and not just a polished version. :)
@carlreynolds1111 6 жыл бұрын
8:23 classic
@joem2554 6 жыл бұрын
Great video! Looking forward to the irmi nage video. Did you put out the information on the PA seminar in April yet?
+Joe M Are we friends on social media or do you like any of my dojo pages
+Joe M To answer you question yes I have
@joem2554 6 жыл бұрын
THE ROGUE WARRIORS - Where Warriors are FORGED To your answer your questions yes I'm pretty sure I liked your FB page and friend requested on the page.
@ebig1969 6 жыл бұрын
536 N. Trooper Road, Norristown, PA 19403 - $125 includes all 3 days of training at Valley Forge Training Center see Rogue Warriors Facebook page or Valley Forge Aikido's Facebook page
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