Aimsey Responds to Wilbur Soot's Allegations of Abusing His Ex-Girlfriend Shubble

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Aimsey Responds to Wilbur Soot Allegations of Abusing His Ex-Girlfriend Shubble.

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@Aimsey 3 ай бұрын
@beezilz 3 ай бұрын
We love you Hun and thank you so much for speaking up about domestic violence. I grew up watching my mom go through so many violent and emotionally abusive relationships. It's horrible and it destroys the person who goes through it. I'm so proud of everyone who is speaking up about what they've been through.
@simpleellie60 3 ай бұрын
Love you Ainsley, you’re amazing ❤
@regularhumanbeing- 3 ай бұрын
Hi aimsey I'm glad you responded and you made me realize lots of things and open my eyes I'm happy you decided to publicly talk about it and thank you for sharing resources for those struggling if I'm being completely honest I knew of you before and aid that oh your ok but my respect for you is through the roof now I will be joining your streams
@lalalalala198 3 ай бұрын
U are iconic
@Typlos1on 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for speaking out about this, you're awesome and support to all the victims. 💙
@geekygirlyme 3 ай бұрын
Anyone saying they feel conflicted , it’s pretty simple : you thought you knew someone from the curated content they chose to show you online, turns out they are a pos behind the scenes. Now you know, stop financially supporting a literal abuser, illegally download his music if you really must and don’t defend illegal and abhorrent behaviour and lift victim voices.
@oakenshadow6763 3 ай бұрын
The betrayal fucking hurts, and will always hurt. The least we can do is make it harder for him to do it again by not supporting him. Miss the memories of who you thought they were, but drop the person.
@qju_senpai 3 ай бұрын
Can you explain what a POS is I've only seen that as like positive y'know?/gen
@mintdrawsthings47 3 ай бұрын
​@@qju_senpaiPiece Of Shit. POS. that's what the acronym means in this context.
@oakenshadow6763 3 ай бұрын
@@qju_senpai POS usually means "Piece Of Shit". Especially in a negative.
@angelicRem 3 ай бұрын
THISSSSS. pirate it or stop listening to his music altogether! its rlly not that hard
@Fox_ThatTrots 3 ай бұрын
this is disgusting. this man got me through suicidal times and times of abuse and sexual assault… i cant believe i found comfort in a monster.
@sand_eater101 3 ай бұрын
It’s okay to feel this way, just try your best to move on. Of course, take your time, I know how difficult it can be as a survivor of abuse myself❤️
@ruxalion 3 ай бұрын
Shelbie couldn't handle that Wilbur was a kinky freak
@bubonicplague00 3 ай бұрын
@@ruxalion oh my god shut up. she suffered ABUSE. she EXPRESSED she wasn't comfortable with biting. he would BITE her till it left bruises and poke at them. kinks only work when the people involved both consensually agree to it. doing it without any consent or safe words is abuse.
@elliesart_ 3 ай бұрын
​@@bubonicplague00 Exactly! If he enjoys BDSM-type kinks, there are places for that. It's fine to explore in a consensual setting as long as safe words are in place and RESPECTED. if you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't match your kinks and sexual wishes then it's best to split up, not force them on someone D:
@cherrystitchesletsplay 3 ай бұрын
@@ruxalionplease leave
@zepherrah5593 3 ай бұрын
"There is no time frame with coming to terms with what you've gone through" god I'm fucking crying. I didn't realize how much I needed to hear that.
@TheMentallyIllGayIg 3 ай бұрын
Yeah same, hope you're doing okay ❤
@zepherrah5593 3 ай бұрын
@@TheMentallyIllGayIg It just hit hard. I grew up in an abusive household, but always invalidated my experiences because they could’ve been worse. I’m just starting to get out of that and let myself process everything I dealt with in my childhood. I hope you’re doing alright as well, and even if you aren’t, progress isn’t linear, you’ll get there
@Lucifersfursona 3 ай бұрын
@@zepherrah5593same thing happened to me. I didn’t start to process I’d never not been in an abusive household until a couple years ago. I’d never bothered to address so much with myself or anyone because I was told both that it was private, abuse was something serious and I was a horrible person for lying about it, and that it wasn’t serious enough to bring up at all because most families around us were like ours. Processing this sort of thing can take your whole life, and it’s something nobody deserves to experience. It takes so long to come to terms with how you didn’t have control and your abuser(s) did. It takes so long to even process what happened was abuse at all, when seeing it from the outside makes it undeniable. It’s easier to process it everywhere but for yourself, at least it was for me.
@Joshua_SLR 3 ай бұрын
@zepherrah5593 3 ай бұрын
@@Joshua_SLR your stupidity doesnt and wont bother me, go try and get on someone elses nerves.
@oakenshadow6763 3 ай бұрын
It was a response. Not an "apology". He didn't say sorry. He didn't say sorry for not listening when she said to not bite so hard, or to stop biting, or failing to listen to the safe word. He didn't even address holding her down. Nor throwing away her belongings and the financial loss that caused. Your problem doesn't need to be "big enough". It does not need to be comparable. If it is hurting you, it is hurting you. You have a right to say stop. You have a right to leave. You have a right to be free and happy. I will admit, I was waiting for his response. I wanted to be able to respond without a shadow of a doubt. Now I can. It was him, that has been confirmed, and what he did was abuse, without argument. We must talk about these things, this must be made known to help people. This harm will not be erased by time, Shelby was hurt and a abused. Time does NOT erase all wounds. Do to the fact he will still make money, we can't seperate the art from the artist. His music is now tainted, and his videos, because it gives him money. And money is power to cause more harm. So, unfortunately, until Lovejoy kicks him, it is not something that can be saefly supported.
@deathhog4409 3 ай бұрын
I would agree but i believe art should be separated from the artist. There are people who listen to Wilber's music because they enjoy his music although I am not one so i don't know why. But if they get hate just for listening to Wilber's songs then that is even more negative and not the Victum's intent.
@oakenshadow6763 3 ай бұрын
@@deathhog4409 I wont, and don't, hate them. But they need to understand they are supporting him, even if only monetarily. Art is tied to the creator. True death of the artist only actually happens after they die. That is why, despite Locecraft being racist and classist, I can read and watch his content without issue. The bad person no longer benefits. If it is necessary to take time to seperate, to move away over time, that makes sense. To find new music to move to to cope with life, that is more than fair. Music is gor coping with life and what it throws at us. So I will never shame someone for doing so to maintain their quility of life.
@elliesart_ 3 ай бұрын
👌👌 I hope they do a try-guys and remove him from the group
@elliesart_ 3 ай бұрын
​@@deathhog4409the problem is exactly what the OP commenter says. Streaming music gives him money. Money gives someone power. If you desperately want to listen to the songs, stream or download them on unofficial, illegal platforms.
@oakenshadow6763 3 ай бұрын
@@elliesart_ Same. Find a new singer and keep the band together without Will.
@aureliomiguel1777 3 ай бұрын
the lesson here isn't to just "watch these OTHER streamers who WE THINK are Good and Safe!" but to recognize that Any Of Them can be awful and rethink how attached we are to the creators we follow. wilbur was hailed as "one of the good ones" during the carson and dream situations and look where we are now. i'm hoping that the streamers and youtubers i watch are good people, but if they turn out not to be, i'll just do my best to move on regardless of how much it may hurt. there are other things to enjoy and other things that will make you happy. and i mean this in the nicest way possible, but please don't be so dependent on strangers on the internet for the majority of the joy in your life. i wish shelby nothing but happiness and health. it's a shame that this is my introduction to her, but i'm gonna watch her videos and streams to know her as more than just the experiences she overcame. and lastly, if this dredged up past experiences for any fans, i hope you eat a good meal today and that tomorrow is kinder to you.
@r3d._.p4nda 3 ай бұрын
This is the best way to word it, we truly never know who a person is.
@peu.yuuuuw 3 ай бұрын
yeah, it kind of goes the same way for shubble too right? like, we don't know if shes lying to make him look bad, and what he said wasn't admitting that he hurt her. Idk, there's no proof of anything, and we don't actually know anything about them. i js feel like ppl r jumping on ts too fast.
@jjju3 3 ай бұрын
@@peu.yuuuuw wilbur admitted to everything in his "apology" his statement was literally "well i saw the situation differently" when you hear exactly what shubble says its inexcusable, and if he legitimately did see no problem with his actions its more reason to scorn him.
@suger_gumdrop1392 3 ай бұрын
Honestly I am so happy that I found this out because I'm not on Twitter I didn't know this was happening I didn't know that Wilbur was in this much deep in the situation and I'm so happy that I found out about what he has done because if I haven't and it had to move it on to KZbin and people were talking about it I would have been blindsided the fact that Wilbur was this type of disgusting human who does not deserve the fame he has. I really hope that the victim is safe and is okay and I hope she gets all the support she needs as for Wilbur I hope he understands that his actions will not go unseen and I hope you understand that he ruined both his music career and his twitch career.
@jennamole8727 3 ай бұрын
Same i dont have twitter and I used to love wilburs content. Now i just feel sick when i think about it. I swear everything that is keeping me sane is dying... I assume this is why there was no sorry episode but it was one of the only things keeping me sane...
@-RainBreeze- 3 ай бұрын
Wait, what even happened?
@Crazy_Cat-Art 3 ай бұрын
Yea I don’t have a twitter, and I’m really sad that Wilbur turned out to be this disgusting person
@suger_gumdrop1392 3 ай бұрын
@@-RainBreeze- Wilbur is a abuser and a manipulator who abused a fellow twitch streamer and other victims...
@AzuleaFlair 3 ай бұрын
@@-RainBreeze- Wilbur physically hurt Shelby (as knows as Shubble online on both Twitch and KZbin) by biting her when she told him to stop. He didn't. It is a known fact that Wilbur bites people, but he has gone over the edge. I personally haven't watched Shelby's response and my stuff might be wrong. But, essentially Wilbur bit Shelby who was his ex-girlfriend and then made a crappy apology where he only really talks about himself..
@cat-cam-87 3 ай бұрын
Holy shit man, can't enjoy shit without controversial things happening. I wish everyone was good these days.
@BluCashier 3 ай бұрын
I opened twitter and suddenly learned Wilbur was apparently biting people. i cant have shit in 2024 man
@cat-cam-87 3 ай бұрын
@@BluCashier everyone in this world needs therapy, it seems.
@ruxalion 3 ай бұрын
Imagine thinking everyone is a perfect flawless human being. If anyone claims they are perfect they are most likely not perfect.
@scraper. 3 ай бұрын
I wonder who shall be canceled in March First forever and now Wilbur, yay
@cat-cam-87 3 ай бұрын
@@ruxalion That is not what I was trying to say, I just want peace. I know that it's not possible.
@DaydreamingRatMan 3 ай бұрын
Genuinely never been more disgusted with a creator in my life. This was a beautiful response and covered all my feelings
@moony5097 3 ай бұрын
I think the only big creator that tops this that I've actually watched in the past is mini ladd. Dude needs to be deplatformed for what he did.
@dontsaymyname8080 3 ай бұрын
5:26 Thank you Aimsey. I got abused when I was little and when what happened came out to my classmates in high school a few condemned me because “if it happens to someone else and you didn’t report it it’s your fault” but it’s not true. What an abuser does is on them.
@aytch000 3 ай бұрын
WTF...? You were literally abused, and they literally blamed you for not reporting in for abuse!? I'm so sorry... I hope that you'll heal physically and emotionally...
@dontsaymyname8080 3 ай бұрын
@@aytch000 ty ❤
@Ilivedbih 3 ай бұрын
Tbh that was what gave me the bravery to come out. I could not handle it if it happened to another woman and I could've prevented it. Blaming you isn't nice, but there is another weight to it, when something like that happens, we need to be brave. It's again another weight which sucks, but it is what it is.
@Bubble_popp 3 ай бұрын
I'm sorry you had to go through that
@ChloeSmith-se9mq 3 ай бұрын
I’m scared for Tommy, Phil, and Charlie’s responses since they were his best mates and I’m worried that they might stick up for him
@uhhh4049 3 ай бұрын
Charlie definitely won't. Just look at his response to the Carson situation. I doubt Phil will either. He may continue trying to get Wilbur help behind the scenes but he will not defend him. Tommy is the only one I could see still trying to hold on
@GameIzzOn 3 ай бұрын
I don't think Tommy will say anything. I'm pretty sure he knows better than to say anything about it. Charlie won't. Phil, I don't think will defend him on stream, but may help behind the camera like the person above me said.
@Mars-xs4sk 3 ай бұрын
They might not take his side or stick up for him but might still be friends with him since sticking up for a @buser is quite a horrible thing
@ChloeSmith-se9mq 3 ай бұрын
@@Mars-xs4sk I hope ur right
@icchasaki 3 ай бұрын
Tbh I’m worried for Tommy. I don’t think he’d ever take Wil’s side, but losing Techno hit him hard and it seems like he and Wil were big supports for each other. Tommy has literally called him his brother- not even “like a brother”, he’s said “my brother Wilbur”. Just… to lose a friend and hero, and now a brother? Freaking heck. I’m sure Tommy’s friends will be there for him but still.
@Bitchinthecorner_ 3 ай бұрын
Why is it that almost every single male creator I like turns out to be a horrible person
@miserabiliiaa 3 ай бұрын
@deathhog4409 3 ай бұрын
dream was a relief lmfao if his allegations were proved to be true i would truly hav gone crazy. Seems Tommy is the most normal one after all.
@publicqrt 3 ай бұрын
@e92312 thats a strange thing to say
@CaptainMarvelous1232 3 ай бұрын
​@@publicqrtreally strange
@VibeeTea 3 ай бұрын
phil seems to be a decent human
@bubblesawesome3284 3 ай бұрын
Not allegations! They are FACTS he did in fact abuse her.
@R3NG0KUS1MP 3 ай бұрын
High school student studying law and order here: I get what you mean but just adding on to what your saying, for legal reasons, in court cases at least, the have to call them allegations until they are proven and approved or denied by the judge as fact (no matter how obvious the evidence) a prime example of this was the Casey Anthony case, if you haven’t seen it yet, boze vs the world has a great video on it
@Mirage_Phantom5404 3 ай бұрын
That’s a nice bit of info
@enkays_den 3 ай бұрын
The term allegations is used in case the affected party (i.e. Wilbur) tries to sue anyone sharing the news for slander
@R3NG0KUS1MP 3 ай бұрын
@@enkays_denthat is a much shorter and better way of saying that, thank you lol
@wolfyy664 3 ай бұрын
No. They are allegations. No proof or legal action taken makes it an allegation. You can’t claim a fact without proof.
@BellaSierra-jw7zv 3 ай бұрын
First he does these awful things then he does that sh*t apology? His apology about the antisemitism sounded real and genuine, but this was on a whole different level. Clearly he’s capable of a good apology, but not this time, because he’s not sorry.
@bubblesawesome3284 3 ай бұрын
I don’t even know if we can call that an apology.
@sand_eater101 3 ай бұрын
@@bubblesawesome3284We can’t, because it isn’t one.
@bubblesawesome3284 3 ай бұрын
@@sand_eater101 true
@oakenshadow6763 3 ай бұрын
He was antisemitic? God, the things you miss when you join a comunity late.
@BellaSierra-jw7zv 3 ай бұрын
@oakenshadow6763 people found some stuff he said when he was a teen sorry I don’t remember exactly what it was about but you can probably find the apology here on KZbin pretty easily
@Maybe-ke1qd 3 ай бұрын
By the way these aren’t accusations these were confirmed by Wilbur and many people who were friends with him that he was weird
@ruxalion 3 ай бұрын
I agree he is weird. But he's not an abuser
@ghostlyexe 3 ай бұрын
@@ruxalionwhat he did was abuse. Hurting your partner physically is abuse, downplaying their feelings of said physical harm is abuse, coming up with a safe word only to ignore said safe word to continue hurting them is abuse, leaving someone stuck in a house that isn’t theirs for days and refusing to give them keys to be able to leave is abuse.
@ruxalion 3 ай бұрын
@@ghostlyexe It's not black and white though any of these situations have missing context and tone behind them. Calling what he did abuse is an insult to actual abuse that leaves people traumatized. This shit is just highschool drama.
@Lvc1f3r01 3 ай бұрын
@@ruxalionif real abuse victims have come out and said that this is abuse, then this is abuse. You do not get a say in what it is and what it isn’t
@chxihiro483 3 ай бұрын
@@ruxalionSorry, as an abuse victim myself this is absolutely disgusting to say! Ive been beat up by my uncle multiple times in my childhood and I have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This is absolutely disgusting! No matter what level of abuse it is, its still abuse! You shouldn’t call it “high school drama” just because it’s not him beating her to death… She was bitten without consent, choked, left with multiple bruises and locked up for days! This is not an okay thing for you to say! Abuse is abuse. No matter how bad it is! This guy literally poked her bruises for fun. She literally mentioned the he even smiled during some of this stuff… Absolutely disgusting that you would even say this.
@BrankoVT 3 ай бұрын
"Seperate the art from the artist" is about Wagner and Lovecraft and Walt Disney, not about living people who still profit of the art.
@jamesslater9098 3 ай бұрын
Genuinely great take.
@mh56487 3 ай бұрын
Louder for the people in the back! It's fine to enjoy something, just make sure the creator does not profit from that enjoyment. If you really must consume content from a still living POS then just pirate it and don't promote it in any way. That way you can still enjoy it whilst the creator won't see a dime of that profit.
@ST4RFALL3 3 ай бұрын
People have no right to just to dismiss stuff like that ITS ABUSE! a crime it’s serious not some silly drama I show my respect to all of the victims.
@ST4RFALL3 3 ай бұрын
Aimsey if you see this thank you for talking about it. It needs to be talked about
@kaybeeny9559 3 ай бұрын
Didn’t think Wilbur would do this. I couldn’t rap my head around it, especially with the apology, I hope Tommy is okay.
@marstv110 3 ай бұрын
(Before reading this comment, warning: mention of abuse and assault) Watching this after unfollowing every Wilbur soot and Lovejoy thing I ever liked. I am so proud of the people speaking out on their experiences and doing the right choice standing for and defending the people that were actually were abused. To the people that stand up for the abuser or are an abuser, fuck you, because I know what it feels to be sexually assaulted, and manipulated. I feel so horrible for the people that are still struggling in those types of situations my heart goes out to you and to keep fighting because you will survive! ❤️
@Mrsfaceless187 3 ай бұрын
Oh f*ck I didn't expect it, and to think that Wilbur was a good person, this shocked me, now I am literally stunned, the patterns repeat themselves. .
@marstv110 3 ай бұрын
@@Mrsfaceless187 that’s totally understandable take all the time you need. I learnt a long time ago just not to look up to people online, because of the risk and dangers it might bring to yourself or a community.
@ilincanaftanaila6591 3 ай бұрын
i'm so sorry for the things you've went through, thank you for sharing.
@marstv110 3 ай бұрын
@@ilincanaftanaila6591 Thank you but no need to say sorry it was no one’s fault but the abuser. Plus it was years ago. I like to tell people my story a bit so maybe I can help people that were/are in a similar situation as me. :]
@madiexqt 3 ай бұрын
when aimsey said "there is no time frame for coming to terms with what you've gone through" hit really close to home. i have recently been suffering with the trauma of sexual assault and it happened at a party. initially i lied about what happened because it all happened so fast but then i realised i needed to tell people not just for my peace of mind , but also to prevent it happening to anyone else. and the first thing they said to me was "why did you not tell us as soon as it happened" like are you KIDDING me ???? i hope youre all doing okay. i have a lot of love for aimsey, i have been a fan since she was a small streamer and shes always stuck to her word and her morals. she is someone i really look up to.
@unclewiley1986 3 ай бұрын
And even when you tell them immediately someone will STILL discredit you. I immediately told when I was approached innapropiately by my mom's friend and she still tried to discredit me to the family (luckily my dad was having none of that so i stayed with my grandparents until he had an apartment in state) and it STILL took me 4 years to realize he had been abusing me for months leading up to him explicitly doing something.
@madiexqt 3 ай бұрын
@@unclewiley1986 i’m so sorry you had to go through that, i hope you’re doing okay now lovely
@Ilivedbih 3 ай бұрын
SAME. "To prevent it happening to anyone else" this. This was the only reason I got brave and pulled through and got over "feeling ashamed". I was extremely ashamed that happened to me, but I couldn't live with myself if that happened to anyone else and I could've done something to help prevent that. In the end, that made me help myself in that situation and he didn't do it to anyone else, he's still in prison.
@madiexqt 3 ай бұрын
@@Ilivedbih i’m so proud of you for doing that to help others and also get the justice for yourself. i’m still in the process of getting him behind bars. do you have any advice or anything for me? i’m sorry if this is touchy you don’t have to reply but how long did it roughly take from the time you went to the police and to the end of trial?
@nunyabeezwax1921 3 ай бұрын
Abuse is not always getting hit! I was in a texting relationship with a "friend" that quickly turned s*xual. I was a person who was incredibly lonely after a traumatic experience that cost me my friends. He was the only person who kept up with me and even confessed he "loved" me. I initially turned him down, but loneliness got the better of me. At first I set boundaries but I began to feel that they were too tight after he told me that being s*xual was his "love language". I would end up ending out "relationship" 2 times but ended up crawling back out of fear if I left he would SA of K*ll himself. It wasn't until last year I finally said enough was enough and said that our relationship wasn't healthy and I blocked him on everything. I still feel guilt though I know I shouldn't but Im trying to get better. SUPPORT VICTIMS!!
@Livvvin 3 ай бұрын
You should never feel the need to shame yourself for something someone else put you through. I’m so glad you’re out of that situation and hopefully doing better. It’s easy to fall victim to abuse if it’s manipulative and causing you to make decisions out of fear. And the fact that that happened to you does not mean you made any wrong decisions that should be put blame on. There’s always gonna be people our there who love you or will love you and support you. And most importantly love yourself💗
@sallypatel3007 3 ай бұрын
We've been through something similar, it's painful
@zelpazz 3 ай бұрын
I can't trust anyone anymore
@GameIzzOn 3 ай бұрын
@lukeherzog6083 3 ай бұрын
Fr.. I Never thought Wilbur would be the one to do something like this..
@Yatty_Sunclawer 3 ай бұрын
Same. I'm fucking leaving mcyt fandom
@Kiss_My_Aspergers 3 ай бұрын
Just don't trust celebrities or authority figures. That's usually a solid start.
@Shadowdemoninsideyourwalls 3 ай бұрын
@@Yatty_Sunclawer hermits have no controversy. Go there
@mediummunchkin8891 3 ай бұрын
i feel so bad for shelby she didn’t deserve such a dogshit “apology”(if you can even call it that). i hope that wilbur looses his platform and shelby gets all the love she deserves
@clethoclouds 3 ай бұрын
thank you for mentioning shelby. this comment section is dominated by wilburs name, and shelby deserves support and love during this
@RomaKING2006 3 ай бұрын
Dude. Do you want to him commit suicide or something? (At this point it could be possible for him to do that if he loses everything)
@VivianLane. 3 ай бұрын
I was a Wilbur fan. Was. Now to this situation- I’ll just stop supporting him and the band at this point. Aimsey is in the right and I am now focused on supporting Shelby. You go, girl, you’re strong. #supportshubble
@ForTheLoveOfTheGods 3 ай бұрын
I used to be a Wilbur Soot fan for a while. I still love all of Lovejoy's music so it made my skin crawl reading his Twitter apology. I think that it is written by a lawyer and while he could be trying to become a better person, that doesn't change what he did to Shelby. He doesn't even provide the supposed text messages that were his evidence. It makes me absolutely sick and I agree with Aimsey 100%
@MarcusSkibidi717 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, he's a shit guy but the music still fire... are we boycotting Lovejoy? Know we can still listen to their songs that just aren't uploaded and paid for by them
@ForTheLoveOfTheGods 3 ай бұрын
@@MarcusSkibidi717 I thinnk that we should boycott it but I defintaly agree that if we want to listen to it, then we should just listen to the versions that haven't been uploaded or are sponsored by Loveyjoy.
@MarcusSkibidi717 3 ай бұрын
@@ForTheLoveOfTheGods yqrrrrr
@MollyHuffle 3 ай бұрын
Followed Shubble for years and this news is heartbreaking. Thank you so much for speaking up in this issue. You’re awesome.
@twigbranch4556 3 ай бұрын
I’ve only recently discovered what’s going on and haven’t had time to full understand the situation. But if someone is using I’ve xhanged as an apology then thats nlt an apology. Admitting to your actions, apologising directly to all those hurt by your actions and recognising what you’ve done is. Only after that are you actually able to change. The first step in correcting your mistakes is owning up to them and understanding what you did wrong. Like I said already I haven’t yet seen shubble stream/video so I can’t talk on a deeper level but abuse is abuse and it’s a serious issue. Aimseys response and maturity is truely heartwarming and really refreshing. ❤
@aytch000 3 ай бұрын
Couldn't agree more, man. You're speaking facts.
@bea2323 3 ай бұрын
I only got to know this situation a few hours ago :,)
@Khhaos 3 ай бұрын
@@bea2323honestly knowing about a situation abruptly leads you down a rabbit hole and now you probably know a lot more than a lot of us
@bea2323 3 ай бұрын
@@Khhaos hm? what do you mean
@SionnachOfSpades 3 ай бұрын
As someone who doesn't have twitter I'm very glad to have found this. Defending someone who has abused others is not okay. Brushing this kind of thing off as just drama is not okay. Saying things like "You should've spoken up sooner." to someone who has gone through it and has worked up the courage to come out about it is also not okay. I'm very glad Aimsey is talking about this because this is real and it can happen to anyone. If anyone reading this has gone through abuse of any kind I hope you'll get the courage to talk about it and seek help. Stay strong and stay safe.
@1angiefeliz 3 ай бұрын
Wilbur was my favorite person growing up. He gave me comfort during my hard times. I left the fandom in early 2022 because of how bad the fandom got at the time and also because I had lost interest in the dsmp and their members. Every now and then I like to check up on the people I used to watch. I’m just now learning all about this at this moment and I can’t believe my eyes and what I am hearing. This is heart shattering. I can’t believe that the person that brought me most comfort turns out to be this way. But I stand with Shelby and everyone who has been affected by these news. I’m so incredibly sorry to the people who have been affected and to the people who had also found comfort into him. Much love to everyone 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
@jamueI 3 ай бұрын
0:27 it's so fricking satisfying and refreshing to see a creator be truly honest for once, i've never seen her in my life but she already has all my respect
@MarcusSkibidi717 3 ай бұрын
Aimsey is a great girl, watch her
@mikusheadphones 3 ай бұрын
just a heads up, Aimsey prefers they/them but uses all pronouns! just wanting to make sure you know! :)
@shadow_xx_me4615 3 ай бұрын
I’m so angry and annoyed and upset I thought Wilbur was a good person I loved his streams and music I met him in person and i was so happy over it as I idolised him and now that’s all gone he’s such a horrible person and I’m so proud of Shelby for speaking up I’m officially getting rid of anything to do with Wilbur including merch and my playlists with his music on I don’t want to support him ever again after this he’s a disgusting human being and I’m sure many people agree with me when I say that I wish I never supported him after learning about this
@ryanbobao 3 ай бұрын
this made me reconsider all the multiples abuses i’ve suffered from many “family” members and strangers. i couldn’t help but feel like it wasn’t enough to be abuse, but it is. i’m so sorry for anyone who’s been through it, you’re not alone and it’s not your fault. but now i’m gonna spend the rest of the night crying remembering the past
@Sirlayachu 3 ай бұрын
Sending you much love and good energy your way! You absolutely deserve to take your time to grieve and heal ❤
@thewisemansfool 3 ай бұрын
As always, stop idolising people, especially people who's products you like.
@Raynnieran 3 ай бұрын
#SUPPORTVICTIMS My heart goes out to all wilburs exs, his friends, and best friends. Wilbur is terrible. Shelby deserves better. niki too bc she was also bitten. I went through something similar with the biting thing. At the time i didnt realize biting wasnt ok. Plus me being uncomfortable with it. Lucky that relationship didnt last long and now im with the best person IN THE WORLD. Love yall, stay safe, spread awareness.
@Khhaos 3 ай бұрын
I can’t help but think…what would Techno say? How would he feel that Wilbur did this? My heart goes out to Shelby She didn’t deserve this treatment nor that “apology “
@ThatAutumnKid 3 ай бұрын
I was so shocked when I first heard about this to the point I didn’t believe it at first. I got over that so quickly when I read it for the second time, looked at other perspectives and remembered the values I stand by. This situation makes me so angry at the world we live in and truly shows we cannot trust anyone, no matter who they portray themselves to be. No matter how much you liked this person in the past, it does not change the fact that they are an abuser. I think it’s so unbelievably brave of the people who have been on the receiving end of abuse to be able to talk about this and I’m sending love to Shelby and anyone else who has had to go through something like this ❤
@ssariwhere628 3 ай бұрын
This truly hurt a lot, especially since wilbur was my first twitch streamer I've ever watched.
@HadesRanAway 3 ай бұрын
"There is no time frame for coming to terms with what you've been through." This line hit me. Sending love to any victims of any horrible violence. 🧡
@Asher-_-4 3 ай бұрын
Saying you got therapy doesn't change the fact it isn't an apolagy
@getaloadofthisguy2927 3 ай бұрын
Tbf through all the other shit he says there is an apology in there
@mh56487 3 ай бұрын
​@@getaloadofthisguy2927babe if you need to dig through piles of excuses, bullshit, lies, and misdirection to find it then the "apology" is void. This is like lesson #1 in shitty KZbinr apology videos.
@getaloadofthisguy2927 3 ай бұрын
@@mh56487 look it’s an apology by default, I never said it’s a good one, I never said it was valid and I never said it excused anything
@Laser_lugi 3 ай бұрын
Im down right shocked wilbur was one of my fav creators back then in 2020 i was in tears when i found out about shubble she is so nice and did NOT deserve that i hope she will be better❤😥 WILBUR WE ARE DISGUSTED!
@LegoCrafterStudiosAnimation 3 ай бұрын
Abuse is an evil thing. And it happens more often than we like to believe. Shelby made a brave move to speak up. It's an incredibly hard thing to do.
@thisisnotacreativename1741 3 ай бұрын
His apology wasnt an apology at all. It was at best an acknowledgement.
@GoodMorningSunshinez 3 ай бұрын
She is absolutely right. "You shouldve spoken up earlier," is NOT a defense response. Just because it was a long time ago, doesn't mean its okay. It shouldn't have EVER happened at all.
@Th4tcospl_yer 3 ай бұрын
@MidnightBarber 3 ай бұрын
I think this was the most impactful thing I’ve heard about this so far. I have trouble reacting on things and having my own opinions without hearing others, especially when it comes to really big things, which is why people tend to say I don’t react to bad things (I don’t know how to..?) so thank you, aimsey, for helping me understand the complexity of the situation. I am unfollowing him, removing likes from every post of him, and blocking him. It is not ok for him to do this.
@panema0 3 ай бұрын
i used to wanna be like this guy - glad i’m not so much coming out about creators i used to love, like wilbur and mamamax, and tons more shelby is so strong for enduring through this
@Typlos1on 3 ай бұрын
Support goes to all the victims 💙
@wynnmorningstar9660 3 ай бұрын
11:55 - STOP SAYING CANCEL WIL, he should be arrested. Thanks, Aimsey! 🙏
@Fizzab_ 3 ай бұрын
@bellasaid7732 3 ай бұрын
I don’t think I could even listen to my favorite artist’s voice if I found out that he did something like that, at that point their voice would be associated with all the bad things they did. I’ve never really cared for/cared about Wilbur soot but I was only just thinking to myself, when I got into the QSMP, “ya know this guy isn’t so bad!” And now I find out THIS. I honestly don’t understand those who stand by people like Wilbur.
@DbRaidenX 3 ай бұрын
Ive tried so hard to defend and pretend that this is all a dream... i give disappointed in Will..i was litterally shaking watching this which is something that is very rare for me to do...i felt like i experienced a new feeling
@PassionateMyst 3 ай бұрын
If that’s what you’re experiencing then please take a break from this. I know it’s hard to do, but take a day off of it and wrap your head around it. That’s at least my plan.
@glow862 3 ай бұрын
Its a very serious situation and im glad they are giving resources because the community has been taking this hard and its difficult to learn someone who gave you joy and comfort is an abuser.
@LIL.WHY200 3 ай бұрын
As a whole community--past or present--I think we need to realize this is a real thing. These are real-life people going through real-life things. DA is not a joke. This community needs to realize that when the camera is off, they are still human beings. Humans do heinous and horrible things. As an ex dsmp enjoyer, I believe that he could have been your "savior" or whatever, but he still can do horrible things behind the scenes. This is a sad situation, but these PEOPLE are people (so are you making sure to take care of yourselves). Please do more research being shutting down any opinion but your own. Trust in the victims.
@GEAnjoa 3 ай бұрын
I cried tears of sadness and anger... Wilbur Soot was my idol and now he just lost one of his biggest fans and who knows how many he will lose later
@tessace4884 3 ай бұрын
5:37 hit so fucking hard, it took me years to even realise what happened to me, let alone come out about it. Im so happy that so many people are supporting shelby and actually being decent people standing up to raise her voice.
@clawinx 3 ай бұрын
If you are still defending him and undermining the victims, you ARE a bad person. Aimsey, as always, spoke about this beautifully. I only disagree with one thing: I understand how important some of his music was and is for a lot of people, so it is okay to separate the art from the artist as long as you are not supporting him in any meaningful way. Let's pirate the shit out of it
@CaptainMarvelous1232 3 ай бұрын
I am ganna be the king of the pirates. I will pirate all his music.
@user-co8yw8ug7n 3 ай бұрын
wilbur said himself it was not an apologly it was his PROSTECTIVE and plus theres a rumor that wilbur may have been the one who was emotionally manipulated by shubble because when she was streaming at the time of the alleged abuse she has no bruises at all
@queenofdragons_1244 3 ай бұрын
I never thought I’d unsubscribe from Wilbur. He was one of my favorite KZbinrs. I’m so sorry you had to go through that Shelby. I don’t think it’s fair to say that everyone who said “why didn’t you say something earlier?” is a bad person. If they keep doing it yes, but I believe these people who aren’t doing it just to cause drama had Shelby’s best interests at heart. They shouldn’t say it anymore but I think these people could be asking a genuine question. A lot of the followers are young and need to learn basically. I think it’s good Aimsey is teaching how important it is for the person directly affected to be the one to say something first so they can have the time to figure things out. I just think straight up saying “You’re a bad person” for wondering this when it could be because they care isn’t fair. I don’t know, since it’s something this detrimental it might just be better to be firm. Aimsey is right, this isn’t just “internet drama”; it’s serious. On another note we don’t know these people personally. We don’t need to demand a full story. People could have been supporting Shelby the whole time she was trying to understand. Just because it wasn’t recorded or posted doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Either way, NO ONE deserves to go through any mental or physical abuse caused by someone who is supposed to love them. No matter how much you think you know someone from watching content about them you don’t actually know them. Don’t support someone who is abusive. You are loved Shelby.
@user-ks7ys3mh7p 3 ай бұрын
Thank u sm aimsey as someone who has watched wilbur for so many years, trusted him so much and loved watching his content, it is hard for me to move on from him and stop watching him tho i am trying my best to stop. Ur really considerate to add on how the fans feel, it really helps, thank u sm again :) my heart goes out for shelby and i hope she's better now
@JohnDoe-do5gc 2 ай бұрын
She’s always intertwined in all the mc drama. Kinda sus ain’t it?
@scourge1124 3 ай бұрын
As a person who has experienced abuse it absolutely disgusts me to see people who try to defend abusers. I've seen several people online try to defend Wilbur's actions and it makes me sick.
@lukeherzog6083 3 ай бұрын
I can’t believe Wilbur did that stuff.. literally feel sick.. I wouldn’t think he would ever do that. I feel so bad for Shelby and I hope she will be ok. And I hope Wilbur will be better and get some major help.. And I feel so bad for all his friends like Tommy. he looks up to will so much😭🫶🏻 I’m just so surprised. I was just talking about will and how he’s so nice and I love his music. Then he comes out as an Abuser?.! Just crazy.. #supportshubble. Literally cant trust anyone anymore…
@EveningCombs 3 ай бұрын
Aimsey scares me when she’s angry
@user-ut6pq6gc4c 2 ай бұрын
I don’t really support any of them but I still think it’s not ok that some of Shelby’s fans are sending death threats to Wilbur and his supporters that’s disgusting and some of Wilbur fans are killing themselves because of the hate towards them, and I will continue not to support them unless there is evidence
@scourge1124 3 ай бұрын
This whole situation is very upsetting. When I find out that a creator liked did something horrible it always makes me feel gross. Like, even though I didn't know about this when I watched Wilbur in the past bu it still feels bad to have supported him at all.
@idunno8789 3 ай бұрын
Aimseys response has me in tears. I appreciate how he responded. I hope they’re doing okay.
@gachakhloe6538 3 ай бұрын
I feel awful for Shelby I can’t believe someone Like Wilbur that I loved was an bad person
@madnessred 3 ай бұрын
great vid to watch while removing all his music from ur playlists
@Meggiemoo_ 3 ай бұрын
I'm so glad she feels sorry for people like me who lost their trust with someone. Because of the Wilbur situation, I have gained a phobia if love and I have been severely effected mentally.
@Saint_Halo 3 ай бұрын
Can i just like a youtuber and not later find out they did something wrong? Please? No? Okay...
@Iris-pq2jv 3 ай бұрын
Hello. I would just like to say that please try to focus on supporting the victims of the situation that has happened. I know we are all very angry at Wilber, and that is ok. You have the right to be angry. But please try to support the victims and be there for them, and please do not push the victims to talk more if they do not want to. Thank you, Jetermoh, for posting this and all the others who post these videos, too. Please be safe everyone. ❤
@OMGNAVI 3 ай бұрын
where did all the good people go :(
@fruitydishofpasta 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for saying that stuff at 7:15 i have suffered some domestic abuse when I was a kid and in the moment I knew it was bad but now I realize that it was BAD and I should have been in foster care and it sucks that I hadn’t told anyone. I hope Shelby gets so much support and love #supportshelby
@Carma_H 3 ай бұрын
@beans_on_toast474 3 ай бұрын
wilbur soot is an abuser and manipulator
@hodwilver3656 3 ай бұрын
I hope Tallulah ends up getting a new hat or something, lol
@Carma_H 3 ай бұрын
@@hodwilver3656 oh yeah, I hope. This is insane.
@cherrystitchesletsplay 3 ай бұрын
@@hodwilver3656quackity will adopt her now
@pinkmushroom1763 3 ай бұрын
Tallulah will most likely just stick with Phill as he already basically adopted her, I’m not sure what’s going to happen with the band, and Will might just get kicked out from “Sorry”
@downtown5407 3 ай бұрын
I would love a JSchlatt response because I can already imagine his elaborate scheme for it (He probably won’t tho since he never enjoys responding to drama that doesn’t require his response. Which is fair 💀)
@sunrise_Mimi.starligjt 3 ай бұрын
I only just found about this today. I ended up sobbing because I thought he was a safe person, I felt safe in listening to his music. But to find out he is an Abuser? This is fucked up. I cannot believe him, I could go on why I ended up sobbing but I will not say so, as it's no one's business. I'm just livid now, I cannot believe him.
@C0SM3E-69 3 ай бұрын
i was offline of the minecraft community for like a week than my friend dropped on me "oh yeah wilbur is getting accused of abuse of shelby" and i watched her video and i 100% support shelby and i appreciate to have more voices like aimsey to speak out about this topic
@tableofteaspoons 3 ай бұрын
13:27 this will ALWAYS piss me off so much. it is OKAY to keep your lovejoy merch and reminisce. it is OKAY to take time to learn how to seperate, distance, and stop engaging with wilbur and his content. it is NOT okay to say "seperate the art from the artist" and actively by things that support HIM, actively give him further engagement, and pretend like you are being a good person. He deserves help, but he does not deserve a platform.
@elouisethomas354 3 ай бұрын
@pandagworl322 3 ай бұрын
Oh im kinda quick but this is serious jeez
@Z3ROISC00L 3 ай бұрын
I cared so much about wilbur and now I feel sick whenever I hear his music or whenever I see his face on the front of a video it makes me SICK. I hate what he did to her and I hope Shelby can heal well and sleep well knowing most of the community is with her and will support her. Heal well Shelby.
@seth2q37 3 ай бұрын
I honestly can’t believe that one of my biggest inspirations has done something as horrible as this and I’m genuinely disgusted and dumbfounded that they’d do something like it. I can’t believe you Wilbur, you sick, sick man but (and I don’t mean this to support him in any way shape or form) I truly hope you seek help. I’m sorry for any of Wilbur’s friends who are going through this, including you aimsey if you see this and I genuinely feel awful. I know it’s not for me to say but I’m truly sorry everyone.
@__mints__ Ай бұрын
I swear that evidence is needed for somethig to be confirmed, butI guess everyone's forgotten that. Shubble has accused her exs of abuse falsley in the past. He should have made a better apology, but in his tweet he clearly stated that he doesn't want to invalidate her feelings, and he wants to change. That's not selfish. Also, when Aimsey said "it's not drama, its a crime", it's not a crime, there's no evidence, however it became drama when Shelby decided to share her story with hundreds of thousands of random strangers, instead of police, close personal friends or a therapist. Even if you feel the need to do that, at least provide some evidence. Aimsey also said he is confirmed to be a bad person, which isn't true, as he hasn't admitted to abuse, only being sloppy etc due to his mental health which he as apologised for. Also a mistake does not make someone "a bad person", especially if they apologise for it and change to make it better. Crazy how little convincing people need to decide someone is evil and ruin their life with no evidence.
@mertalueen Ай бұрын
@QuackityReals 3 ай бұрын
I wanna say I know what he did was wrong, but we can’t all bash on him forever. Shubble deserves all the help and respect she can get, but bashing on Wilbur everyday isn’t going to do anything. Please let’s all be respectful, and not bash on other creators. If it’s not our business, leave it alone.
@emdoeslife1355 3 ай бұрын
We CAN bash on Wilbur for this. This is literally abuse and is way more serious than simply hating on him for something silly. What he did IS illegal and wrong.
@where_did_kirby_go 3 ай бұрын
@@emdoeslife1355I think what they meant is we shouldn’t only bash wilbur and do show support for shelby more than we bash him
@emdoeslife1355 3 ай бұрын
@@where_did_kirby_go of course, all my love and support goes out to Shelby and other victims. But what he did is illegal and he should be called out for it, we shouldn’t just not call out an abuser. #SupportShubbleSquad
@blueberry_mochi1952 3 ай бұрын
As someone who has been in a situation like that, YOU ARE ALLOWED TO BASH HIM!! He committed a crime!!! And a really bad one at that!! She deserves closure and he deserves Jail!! Don’t justify this shit with saying “be respectful to him!” He is a HORRIBLE person. He needs to 1, get help and 2, get off the fucking internet. He belittled her in his attempted apology. No one should go through what she did. He is racist, he is an abuser, he is antisemitic, he isn’t a victim, he isn’t cancelled, he is a bad person and doesn’t deserve kindness or respect right now. Shelby does. And so does everyone else who came out about this. Just because he’s pretty famous doesn’t mean he deserves kindness with this. Him and dream are horrible people. Give your support to Shelby. Not Wilbur.
@R0tt1ng-away 3 ай бұрын
if Wilbur figures out how to say sorry and defend himself maybe we can stop bashing him In the end, Shelby is the more important thing.
@sunny_honey_bunnyxd4907 3 ай бұрын
Listening to Shelby’s VOD made me so angry, I struggled to believe it was possible when I first heard about it but Shelby’s VOD broke me heart. Wilbur has clearly always been a manipulative person and that’s why it’s caught everyone by such surprise. “He would never do something like that, he doesn’t seem like the type of person.” THATS THE POINT! He’s manipulative and was very good at making people think he was an amazing person. I feel so bad for everyone who have been hurt by him it’s terrifying. He’s been put up on a pedestal by so many people for so long and for all this to come crashing down feels so wrong. Things like this really open people’s eyes to what people are capable of whether they’re famous or not. Wilbur Soot, with the upmost disrespect, fuck you.
@Safe-space13 2 ай бұрын
But Shelby wasn’t good either
@Evanlyn24 3 ай бұрын
Separate the art from the artist especially doesn't make sense in this situation because so much of Wilbur's music is about him being a toxic abusive person.
@jamesslater9098 3 ай бұрын
As well he still benefits from listening to his music.
@alec1267 3 ай бұрын
for anyone in the comments who are feeling disgusted for ever supporting Wilbur and feeling sick and betrayed, you are allowed to feel that way. You are allowed to have a hard time processing this. You're allowed to be angry. We were all fooled by someone we thought we could trust, it's normal to have a range of emotions. You're not wrong or 'defending him' for feeling conflicted about your view about him now. Take your time to process and heal. Take care of yourselves and try to move forward. One day at a time
@SG03298 3 ай бұрын
Man I’m scared of how tommy and quackity are gonna react :[
@K1y0ch1 3 ай бұрын
Me too man- I think Quackity and Tommy won’t stand for this. I hope.
@hazel_duckyfae 3 ай бұрын
And Phil :/
@Peachplays1 3 ай бұрын
I'm 50% sure that Quackity and Tommy will not agree with this shit and Phil will definitely not deal with this shit
@lil_person._. 3 ай бұрын
"it's normal people thing just to lie here in silence" its not normal people things to bite someone until they yell, thats abuser people things.
@lil_person._. 3 ай бұрын
The thing i quoted was a lyric from wilburs songs
@ilikegirls6891 3 ай бұрын
im scum im waste -wilbur
@Koyot-the-Therian 3 ай бұрын
You can tell how shocked she is, the way shes pausing goes to show that she hasn't even processed it because its just so bad to her
@Tvdvidro 3 ай бұрын
Alright everyone just coming here very quickly cause I've never been the biggest Wilbur Soot fan myself but boy oh boy... This right here will change EVERYTHING in this community I'm scared for what will happen next, you can't trust anyone anymore
@F1guRas 3 ай бұрын
I so agree, personally I did not understand why people loved him so much but mannnnn, no excuse, I obviously did not expect this. I hope he goes to court so that justice is served! Sorry im not very sympathetic but Im trying to take this seriously
@ohimaia8496 3 ай бұрын
@e92312what does Hazbin hotel have to do with this 😭
@nickisanerd 3 ай бұрын
He saved my life, and tore it apart again.
@russian_road_rage 3 ай бұрын
god it only been two months of 2024 bro i really thought this was gonna be a good year💀
@We.are.disappointments 3 ай бұрын
Ive taken a while to add a comment onto this video, but I feel like I should add my opinion and send my love to people who are involved. Firstly, im very proud of Aimsey for speaking up on this, as well as ranboo, tubbo, etc. As well as Shubble who spoke up in the first place. It's incredibly hard to do so, and the fact they've done so is amazing. (I'm also sending my love to people like Tommy, Phil, etc.) Im so disgusted that Wilbur would ever do something like this. and the fact he couldn't even pull out half-assed apology for the public is even worse. No matter who, why, when the abuse was done ITS STILL ABUSE. Stay safe, everyone.
@taratoks2874 3 ай бұрын
I am so glad Aimsey touched on this topic and spoke up! They litterally couldn't have said this any better and dealing with all the haters in chat and just the plain stupid was handled the exact right way! couldn't have put this topic into better words!
@risskay 3 ай бұрын
Wilbur being a fcking abuser was NOT on my 2024 bingo...NEVER expected AT ALL. Its such a fcking dissapointment. I was a big fan of him for YEARSSS and seeing all of this is making my blood boil. The thing im most worried about is Lovejoy and James Marriott's response....LIKE WHAT THE HELL!!!
@ILOVEQSMP2 3 ай бұрын
@Girlwiththequeenslanderheeler 3 ай бұрын
Vibe. Try Phil or bad bad has no allegations and had one that kids did as a joke or find some one else its hard
@raineteeth 3 ай бұрын
Get into Hermitcraft for a while. Helped me.
@ruxalion 3 ай бұрын
Just watch Wilbur. Playful affection biting is not abuse. She just sounded like she was annoyed by him and hated seeing him succeed so she said that he was abusive.
@beabzz_ 3 ай бұрын
⁠@@ruxalionshut up, you werent in their relationship youbhave no right
@Endless_void36 3 ай бұрын
@abbydabbi2356 3 ай бұрын
I don't know what to do anymore. I looked up to Wilbur for years just for this to happen. I don't know what to think or feel anymore. His music and videos was comfort for me just for this to happen. This really hurt and I feel so bad for Shelby
@artistandgamer473 3 ай бұрын
I wish and give support to anyone out there who's ever had to deal with anything similar to Shelby, or any form of mental/physical abuse. Take your time to heal and give yourself some love! I've never experienced any sort of abuse physically. But I know the mental shit is just as bad. For those out there who still think Wilbur isn't in the wrong. I won't hate on you, but think hard on what that man said as an apology. It wasn't one (just as Aimsey said). I've seen and heard similar "apologies" to my own mental abuse and it's unacceptable. I know it's hard to cope with an idol like him being someone you can never imagine as his image. But it happens more often than we think. Stay safe lovelies ❤
@entropymikaela607 3 ай бұрын
the feeling betrayal hurts so much, but it hurts more to continue supporting him despite all the evidence we've seen. if anyone else still feels conflicted about all of this because of how hurt they are: i know that it hurts so much to realize that someone you look up to is a scum, but you shouldn't choose to fear that pain and continue supporting him just because you don't want to come to terms with the fact that you've been fooled. turn that pain into anger if need be, but don't forget to support the people who truly need it. i'm so glad shelby spoke out about this and revealed the truth of who wlbr is. i'm so proud of her and i hope she receives all the love and support she deserves
@Ari-xg8jp 3 ай бұрын
I was SAed a few months back. It took me 3 days to say something. I was told I should've said something sooner. 3 days. People expect victims to get hurt and then IMMEDIATELY say something. Thats not how that shit works. If you're one of the people who has said or thought that, grow the fuck up.
@DJDeltaEDM 3 ай бұрын
in regards to the people who are too afraid to be honest with themselves (or honest in general) about being victims or having gone through something, I once read an Instagram post that stated "A person who drowns in a 7 foot deep lake is just as dead as one who drowns in a 70 foot deep lake", and I think that sums it up. your story is valid
@im_Harmony 3 ай бұрын
14:53 A message that all of us who are going through something need to hear.
Jackmanifold SPEAKS OUT on Wilbur Soot's Allegations
Рет қаралды 30 М.
Tubbo's FULL Response on Wilbur Soot's Allegation
Рет қаралды 66 М.
I Built a Shelter House For myself and Сat🐱📦🏠
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Nonomen ノノメン
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The day of the sea 🌊 🤣❤️ #demariki
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Shubble Response to Wilbur's Apology & His Fans Attacking Her
Ranboo's Response on Wilbur Soot's Allegation
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Wilbur Soot: Old Interview  (2018)
Thomas Pearson
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Tubbo Responds to Wilbur Soot's Allegations 💔
DreamSMP Everything
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Billzo Tells The Wilbur Handcuff Story!
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If YouTubers Were Honest...
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recovering from an emotionally abusive relationship.
Lexie Marie
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We Robbed Every YouTuber...
Tom Simons
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Flirting with Ranboo on a dating show.
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Я прожил 100 Дней ЗА ГЛАДИАТОРА в Майнкрафт…
TumkaGames / Тумка :3
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