Alex Takes An Autism Test

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@Sanchita_Sarkar 2 ай бұрын
Alex literally premoving all her answers 💀
@skater555556 2 ай бұрын
Alex looked like she was going for the high score
@_Phoenix3 2 ай бұрын
Alex speed runs autism test😂
@KeCasgrimola 2 ай бұрын
By the time I decided on my answer to question 1 she was on question 4 💀
@kunibald128 2 ай бұрын
Question 31: I can answer questions faster than most other people can read them.
@silver-spoon-fed 2 ай бұрын
Just as a reminder to anyone in the comments: Please don't take this test seriously or self-diagnose. 👍
@webspec 2 ай бұрын
That's true, I feel a more complete advice would be to take any autism assessment as serious as a life condition, because it is. So if you are serious about it, don't use this simple test seriously (as you said) and instead really dig from professional help and much more other diagnosis videos. Unfortunately the patterns for us who learned to mask it don't become aparent until past our early adult life, once things look off for no reason.
@bit1856 2 ай бұрын
with the way healthcare systems function in a lot of countries it’s completely reasonable to self-diagnose if a description of symptoms and behavioral patterns helps you build a working model of how to understand how you might be feeling, and why; when you better understand what autism “is” you realize it’s a lot less cut and dry than you might think when you hear “diagnosis”. getting an actual autism diagnosis is unbelievably cost-prohibitive, but there are real people out there struggling with the set of things we’re currently bucketing under “autism”, and those people can greatly benefit from online community resources this obsession with not self-diagnosing is misguided. it’s not practical. it’s not something that it’s helpful for you to care about.
@paper_gem 2 ай бұрын
I took it. I got a score of 19...
@kbak1919 14 күн бұрын
@@paper_gem i got 28
@goofballbiscuits3647 2 ай бұрын
*Alex began eating all the crayons*
@SomeoneSomewhere42069 2 ай бұрын
Alex, I'm autistic. There is alot of negative press about autism, that makes it sound like a negative thing. Some examples being, the media, people calling other people r*tarded and autistic interchangably as an insult (which is probably why you're so adverse to the notion you might be. That was the case for me), people saying that life is harder for autistic people, etc. The truth is, the last part, is true, but it's true regardless of whether or not you admit you're autistic, or whether or not you have a diagnosis. "Why should I get a diagnosis?", you might be thinking. That's a wonderful question. For me, it helped me understand myself, and contextualize alot of my life. I now go about the world, with more compassion for myself, not beating myself for being "weird" or "awkward", but instead, understanding that I'm autistic, and am just functioning as I should. Think about Andrea. When she got her ADHD diagnosis, it helped her understand alot of her behaviours and hopefully, it's helping her work *with* them better. The same goes for autism (which, fun fact, if you have autism, there's a 60-70% likelihood you also have ADHD, but that doesn't apply the other way around. Also, since autism is genetic, if you have autism, it's 80-90% likely that one or both of your parents have it as well 😊), the same as any other condition, once you know what it is, you can tackle it better. That aside, in my research I've found that autism isn't just, not bad, it's actually a beautiful neurotype! We have things that we are deeply passionate about, that we're dying to share with people. We aren't as self interested as alistic (non autistics), in that, if we love something, we don't care if we get paid pennies, we tend to be (unless it was trained out of us by our parents, mentors, etc) happy to do it for free. If the world was more like us, the world would be a fairer and much less expensive place to inhabit. We care about people, despite what the press will have you believe, we are deeply empathic, and I would go on, but I just realized I've been typing for quite a bit and most people probably won't read all this 😅 In closing, please don't be afraid to embrace autism (btw, a better autism test, and one for masking, which I think you should definitely take, is on embrace-autism dot com). It can be one of the best things that's ever happened to you, as it was for me 😌
@webspec 2 ай бұрын
Your last sentence is really 100% true. For me, knowing I'm in the spectrum felt like finding that missing piece of the puzzle I been looking for my life. Not only it explains my past, a lot of me, but is also the best tool I have moving forward to get the most out of my existence.
@SomeoneSomewhere42069 2 ай бұрын
@webspec Well said 😌
@keithnicholas 2 ай бұрын
I have a son who is autistic, and one thing I hate is people have replaced the r*tard with calling people autistic. Which is actually really horrible for autistic people to be used as a slur as they already feel they are on the outside of social interactions. Also the amount of people self diagnosing with autism is silly, it only takes going along to support groups for autistic kids to see what it is like at all the different levels of functioning, often people with any kind of social anxiety self diagnose....but while that is a big part of it, it isn't the only trait, the traits vary a lot. My son has high levels of social anxiety such that he can't talk to other children at all... in his entire life he has said one word to another child. He has never had friends (he'd like them). His whole body locks up with anxiety, he is super risk adverse, feels he must always follow the rules, he rocks, he uses repetitive behaviors, makes sounds.... other diagnosed autistic kids have similar kinds of traits to differing levels. High functioning autistic adults tend to do better at hiding traits, but still need their own space for some of these traits (stims) such that they need to rock, or repeat things, or some combo of things to unwind and destress. My sons main thing is drawing, intense drawing.... but not of anything specific... its more about a mesh of colors and shapes with a kind of scribbly quality to all of it... it's a pure expression of thoughts and feeling without it being anything (ie, he can't say what the drawing is about because its more an expression of feeling.... some of them are quite interesting to look at). I wouldn't think Alex is autistic at all.... she might share some traits but significantly different from my experience of autistic people.
@SomeoneSomewhere42069 2 ай бұрын
@@keithnicholas As the saying goes, "if you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person", and the same applies to, if you've met 50, or 100, etc. I'm diagnosed, but never went to get evaluated because I didn't behave like, for example, your son does. I look people in the eyes, I don't rock, I can speak to people, but that's because alot of my autistic traits, were beat out of me at a young age, and so I've masked my whole life, to the point that I even firgot I used to do any sort of stimming when I was younger. It sounds like your son is non-verbal, struggles heavily with anxiety, and might be a savant type, kind of like Rain Man, but with art instead of numbers. Not all of us are like that though. Some of us are quite mediocre at life, *and* our interests 😅 The autistic community doesn't tend to prefer functioning labels, as it's based off of a capitalist system that places your value on your ability to provide a tangible benefit to society, and is used mostly, to deny people who find themselves on the "high functioning" end, the support they need. We've switched the labels to high support to low support needs, in case you were interested. Similarly to how we don't say Aspergers anymore (which is how I would've been classified), as that label was made my a literal Nazi, to say No, don't kill this one, he's "high functioning" enough, to be a useful slave". I was undiagnosed for most of my life, and at no point was I not autistic. I was self diagnosed for about 2 years, prior to receiving my official diagnosis and I had alot of people say the same thing about me and would say "If you really are, go get a diagnosis". The issue with that, is that, that requires executive function, a good doctor who's up to date on the research, and the big one, money, which given that my executive function makes it difficult to even get out of bed most days, made getting a job, a tall order 😂 I'm of the mindset that, if you've taken the test, and you scored that it's a possibility you're autistic, you're one of us, if you indentify with that. That aside, it sounds like your son is having a really hard time, and I'm sorry to hear that :( I used to call people that too as an insult, until I found out what it entails, what it really means. I think it's a matter of education. If we understood these things on a deeper level, less people would use it in a mean way. People certainly still would, but less so than before 😅
@MMAengineer 2 ай бұрын
autists are the only people capable of become grappling world champions.
@justinbouchard 2 ай бұрын
jules in the background nodding her head lmao
@webspec 2 ай бұрын
Autism goes unnoticed for some of us well over our 30s. The 20s are full of parties and everyone getting their s**t together so its hard to tell. Once you go a few years going through similar issues/mistakes you see a pattern. Its sad that most places I've seen portray the extrem autistic, the obvious one. I would have never ever found out about myself hadn't it been because of a masking autistic who looked perferctly normal to me. Once he listed the signs and symptoms, one being annoyance to noises (while I was wearing earplugs!!!), I finally came to the conclusion I'm in the spectrum. During my 20s, I suspected Asperger's, but there was a lot of stigma back then and it was even advised not to seek professional help depending on your country since it wasn't taken that seriously. I went to the doctor and they went the path of depression. Life put me on a warp machine with other challenges in life so it was until last year I finally realized it. Something was still off and now I'm almost certain I'm Au-DHD (autism/adhd), and as of today I quit my job to focus on myself. Substance abuse has dropped to zero in just a month (no longer have to decompress from all social interactions at work, a lot of them stressful), and I'm working on getting the best sleep I can, which is currently my no.1 enemy (bad sleep = wasted day, great sleep = incredible performance thru the day, as when I was in my 20s). If you do have it, take it seriously and do all the accomodations you find you need. For me, the biggest accomodation was moving to a quiet house, living in an apartment dropped my sleep hygiene to zero, the daily noise was driving me crazy, almost as if I couldn't recognize myself, an angry 30s years old feeling rejected by society. Now I know its my disfunctional body language that puts people off when I enter an elevator or even a 7-11 (now I laugh about it inside).
@Scoobay 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, I thought I was normal until I realised how different I was in my late 20’s, and looking back at my childhood, idk how nobody mentioned anything to me beforehand.
@webspec 2 ай бұрын
@@Scoobay For me the worst was that in the same year I realized I have it (last year), they did an autistm-month campaign at my company (I think it comes from the Congress). But they portrayed and shared videos of people with extreme autism, so I never related to them. While those people are having their fight, there is a group of us who somewhat learned to hide it, called masking, yet the challenges of the condition are there for us. I can't filter noise, be it sounds or light. A simple blinking led can drive me crazy, the most innocent hissing sound can distract me until I find where its coming from. I always found weird that people dismissed all that when I shared it, and now I know they were thinking "what in god's heaven is he talking about" XD. It goes far beyond that but those are the most visible ones for me.
@DamianReloaded 2 ай бұрын
Some people prefer to call it being neurodivergent which in my opinion gives it less negative connotations. It's a spectrum and not all of it is necessarily bad or worse than the norn.
@kamath234 2 ай бұрын
got a 22. I am not on the spectrum, I think I am the spectrum
@Truffle_Pup 2 ай бұрын
I just couldn't take my eyes off the Budgie on the manbun. I've never seen anything like it in my life.
@digiscream 2 ай бұрын
Worth noting that, in that test, being able to answer almost all the questions instantly is often a counter-indication of autism (since the answer to most of the questions for most autistic people would be "it depends", on the basis that it's a terribly-worded test). Being able to do so with that amount of noise going on and somebody talking to you on the's not guaranteed (in the same way that the test is not a diagnosis), but most autistic folk wouldn't be able to do that.
@knux5796 2 ай бұрын
yeah but for whatever reason everyone that watches her desperately want her to be autistic for some weird reason. maybe cause its cute and trendy, maybe cause they want to relate parasocially, who knows
@NoOneYT1 2 ай бұрын
Watching Alex answer the quiz:❌ Watching Alex vibing to the music: ✅
@Aron-e9y 2 ай бұрын
being autistic is not something negative
@kukazyamra7191 2 ай бұрын
Is it me reading slowly, or her reading extremely fast?
@Endrit719 2 ай бұрын
lol, I scored 16 then I got mad and I went back and clicked strongy disagree on every answer like a real autist then I realized I am autist
@march8482 2 ай бұрын
I am an autist too, but I scored way lower than her lol
@karateangriff 2 ай бұрын
this test says nothing about you being autistic go to a psychologist for a real test
@TheRICKY85 2 ай бұрын
Doing tests like those are too difficult, they never have the answer.
@crow_buddy 2 ай бұрын
Birb doesn't care about any of this, he's just happy to have a hipster perch
@JoeMenjivar 2 ай бұрын
Bro, the bird is locked in.
@CarnageO31 2 ай бұрын
That might be the fastest I've clicked on a video in a while.
@lollycopter 2 ай бұрын
New Twitch meta.
@BakkerJoopNL 2 ай бұрын
I scored 25/30; there's a strong probability that you are autistic. However I'm not. I'm definitely Introverted, but that's because I don't care for other people's opinions. I like stability, structure and predictability because I like to build things, make music, program and cook. I'm a data scientist, not autistic. Take this test with a big grain of salt. The world is tailored to extroverted people with a dominant personality. Everyone that's doesn't fit that category doesn't automatically have a mental disease.
@JonBestSpiritualCoachonEarth 2 ай бұрын
Be gentle with yourself, please, let life unfold.
@Redexn 2 ай бұрын
Wtf how do you read so fast Alex
@acetrainerben 2 ай бұрын
how in the hell does she read so fast bro wtf
@WorldPeace21 2 ай бұрын
This test is bullsh*t. Go to a psychologist/psychiatrist if you want to know if you are autistic. Alex just seems like a very serious, mature, and responsible person.
@codetaku 2 ай бұрын
lmao the test isn't bullshit, it's just incomplete. The real test they'll give you if you want a formal diagnosis is very similar, but it'll also ask a lot more questions about "how you behaved/were perceived during childhood" since a lot of masking (especially in women due to harsher socialization) takes stronger effect later on in life, and there are a lot of things that intelligent autistic people learn empirically instead of intuitively, like how to observe people's body language (Alex went to Stanford, so she's not just a chess savant, she's actually intelligent; I went to MIT and am autistic and I also would answer similarly as her *now* but if the questions were about my childhood I would have to answer very differently). Do you think a psychologist will magically psychoanalyze you themselves to determine if you're autistic? Questionnaires that you're supposed to answer honestly are the best tools they have. They can throw in *some* degree of manual observation, but those are much less definitive in adults due to masking.
@SomeoneSomewhere42069 2 ай бұрын
The test isn't bullshit. It's the thing that actually got me interested in seeing a *psychologist* as, psychiatrists, therapists, neurologists (in adults), can't diagnose autism. Another thing to note, if the psychologist is an advocate of ABA therapy, go to a different one. It's essentially gay conversion therapy for autistic people, and unfortunately alot of "professionals" are think that it's good, because they're outdated on their research. This is one way to weed out of good from the bad
@7rollface 2 ай бұрын
Honestly the strongest indication I've seen is the lie detector video. Everybody getting annoyed with Alex for not giving yes/no answers and accusing her of trying to avoid the question, and Alex getting annoyed at everybody else becasue they won't accept that what she's actually trying to do is give full and complete answers. That definitely resonates as an autistic experience. That said, of course, nobody here is qualified to make a judgement. And an online test isn't going to give you the answer either. A formal diagnosis can only be made by someone qualified in a clinical setting. And self-diagnosis can only be done by the individual in question and takes a lot more than just doing one online test.
@mikeoxlong3676 2 ай бұрын
I have autism and I'm fairly certain she does too. Even before she took this test.
@cloudtheavegner1000 2 ай бұрын
"I think can read body language." Says the girl who high five her date when he was asking for the check.
@Alton7771 2 ай бұрын
Alex just rush thought the answers. I really don’t think Alex is autistic
@nielsbishere 2 ай бұрын
Lies, as an autist, she's definitely
@AudieHolland 2 ай бұрын
@@nielsbishere Lies lies lies. As an autist, she's definitely not.
@nielsbishere 2 ай бұрын
@@AudieHolland it's a wide spectrum and she's definitely on it
@AudieHolland 2 ай бұрын
@@nielsbishere Definitely not.
@cloudtheavegner1000 2 ай бұрын
@@AudieHolland Autism manifests different in girls.
@Gleamoz 2 ай бұрын
Hahaha 😂. The ending of the mix go with the results 😅. 😴
@ann0d0m1n1 2 ай бұрын
Why is Borat the first reference at the bottom of the web page? xDD
@guest1754 2 ай бұрын
ayo release the playlist
@user.Icarus 2 ай бұрын
These tests are bs. Notice how it then tells her that she should get an assesment for 2250 euros just to make sure.
@adrianbuck8772 2 ай бұрын
Its pounds. It was from an UK side. Dont know how or if thats something which is part of their health care system or not.
@The_Greg_5000 2 ай бұрын
I got 22, should I be worried?
@psychohist 2 ай бұрын
No. It's when you score low that you should be worried.
@SomeoneSomewhere42069 2 ай бұрын
You shouldn't be worried, you should be elated! You should celebrate today every year as your Aut Mitzvah 🥰
@robz537 2 ай бұрын
its funny how u can see the real answer in jules -face
@christianolson8543 2 ай бұрын
Busy having tizzy
@JrgenMonkerud-go5lg 2 ай бұрын
yeah, online tests are useless anyway. having sometism isnt bad, but it is fun to joke around with even if inconclusive.
@Z3r0_d4yz Ай бұрын
Get a legit test.
@bamhamer 2 ай бұрын
The girl in the middle looks so crazy 😅
@Артем-к1г5х 2 ай бұрын
Tell me, what kind of track is playing?
@ann0d0m1n1 2 ай бұрын
@dextersecretdexter 2 ай бұрын
@breno3635 2 ай бұрын
We all knew
@Matt-vg7tr 2 ай бұрын
I did this same test a couple of times and got "strong likelihood" every time...... I really should get a formal diagnosis from a doctor at some point
@TheDefBurns 2 ай бұрын
Why we have to know if we are… ;)
@THEEtylerhan91 2 ай бұрын
I got 17 too lol
@illhaveanother8173 2 ай бұрын
WTF are they listening to?
@TerminatedAccount. 2 ай бұрын
OMG Alex is literally me!
@MrSir-n9b 2 ай бұрын
nah lil bro
@bagman147 2 ай бұрын
of course she has a male brain. thats why shes good at chess
@slummymind6169 2 ай бұрын
Alex is just a rather typical ENTP. A pretty social one. I see no real signs for autism at all here.
@zlatanibrahimovicisbettert7980 2 ай бұрын
No she's entj
@dreaducategaming 2 ай бұрын
I think the spectrum thing of autism is way overplayed and is a symptom of societies desire to label everything. Nowadays people want a clear explanation of "why they're different" and to categorize themselves. You don't need to fit in a box.
@zlatanibrahimovicisbettert7980 2 ай бұрын
No she's entj
@zlatanibrahimovicisbettert7980 2 ай бұрын
@@slummymind6169 She is Entj
@Ssjcloud3 2 ай бұрын
Before I saw this, the company spectrum commercial played. We're all autistic in our own way but I can tell you aren't that kind. You make autism lovely and smart fire shadow fox assassin agent maiden Italy model mama lady. Got you
@LightningGunne 2 ай бұрын
"we're all autistic in our own way"? bullshit. a person either is or isn't autistic, and autistic people are still very much a minority globally.
@dynaa4168 2 ай бұрын
No we're not all autistic that makes no sense. Autism means a literal social communication disorder under DSM. It is definitely not something everyone have . It's not a trait it's a literal disorder. And I'm autistic myself. If everyone is autistic I'd never gone through such huge discrimination from people
@Ssjcloud3 2 ай бұрын
@dynaa4168 everyone has different ways of communicating, doesn't mean it's a disorder or a bad one. Just your kind of order. Normality isn't perfect either and that's our view of it. No one communicates perfectly all the time. They just misunderstand you. Many good traits with the kinds of autism too.
@Suyana06 2 ай бұрын
No we are not all a little autistic. There are guidelines and you either are or aren’t. How that autism looks to others can differ greatly and that’s where the word spectrum comes in but it doesn’t mean “a little or more autistic”
@knux5796 2 ай бұрын
@@dynaa4168 given how stupidly wide the spectrum is, yes, everyone is autistic at this point
@laurasanchez7105 2 ай бұрын
She reads so fast lol I had to pause for every question
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