All 9 Rocky/Creed Final Fights Ranked!

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Sean Chandler Talks About

Sean Chandler Talks About

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@SeanChandlerTalksAbout Жыл бұрын
More Rocky/Creed Content Rocky/Creed Movies Ranked - Rocky/Creed Main Opponents Ranked - Rocky/Creed Final Fights Ranked - Rocky/Creed Training Montages Ranked -
@M.C.ThomasReviews Жыл бұрын
For me, that first knockdown in the original fight against Apollo is chill-inducing. I also love when it cuts to the people at his local bar in Philly going nuts.
@mr.franco7259 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely, agree. Rewatched Rocky last week and it surprised me when that knockdown came
@Zurround Жыл бұрын
One interesting thing to me is that in Creed 1 "Ricky Conlon" was from a literary standpoint to Adonis what his own father Apollo had been to Rocky in Rocky 1. However, each one of them had a DIFFERENT claim to fame that they took great pride in. For APOLLO it was that nobody had ever gone the distance with him, had ever lasted the whole fight. However, Conlon had a DIFFERENT claim to fame, for him it was that nobody had ever sent him down for a 10 count. Those are 2 VERY DIFFERENT things to base their ego on. For example, it is quite possible that some of Apollo's previous opponents HAVE sent him down for a 10 count but Apollo always managed to get up and be allowed to continue fighting by the referee then went on to win the fight. Yet for Conlon its quite possible that some other opponents went the distance with him but all of them lost to the decision of the judges. Each main hero (Rocky and Adonis) had a DIFFERENT way to earn the respect of their respective first major opponents.
@rpc717 Жыл бұрын
@@Zurround Apollo had never been knocked down before fighting Rocky. This is what makes Rocky's one punch knockdown so astounding.
@yopedraza Жыл бұрын
I actually loved the Creed III fights, when Donny did his ultra instinct thing against Ricky and Damian, it was awesome
@NinthShinigami Жыл бұрын
I loved it personally, may be the anime bias but f it anime fights are awesome to begin with 😂
@bigkmoviesandgames Жыл бұрын
What do you mean by Ultra instinct like he starts glowing like goku or some shit?
@panashe5268 Жыл бұрын
@@bigkmoviesandgames nah they do a slow motion thing and he has a “spidey sense” moment like in the original Spider-Man during his fight with Brock where Peter sees the punch before dodging it.
@bigkmoviesandgames Жыл бұрын
@@panashe5268 that sounds kind of neat. I'm definitely going to check it out soon.
@Scottdick6 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t like it but I respect your opinion.
@thembanitheone Жыл бұрын
What I liked about Creed 3's final fight and what made it stand out to me wasn't actually the stylized nature of it... it was that this movie is the only one that made the antagonist feel "vulnerable" as opposed to the overwhelming force that the hero needs to beat the odds to win. The movie from the beginning highlights that Damian's biggest weapon is his desperation, it points out that he's debateably past his prime and his body is fighting the clock. That's why he fights so dirty and gets really vicious inside the ring and connives outside the ring. There's a scene where Dame removes his mouthguard in an earlier fight and I remember wincing in the theatre for how gruesome what I was seeing was. He CAN be hurt... the fact that we know that makes him unpredictable and dangerous... we're never sure how far he'll take it to secure the win.
@andrewbullard623 Жыл бұрын
Great points
@Zurround Жыл бұрын
I agree with your points. I was shocked that he lost a tooth. It saddened me a little since he had lost so much in life already. Call it a continuity error but in later scenes you can tell that the actor did not lose a tooth. Whenever he smiled all the teeth were there. My biggest COMPLAINT about Creed 3 is that his ONLY 2 professional fights were winning the title then later in the movie losing it to Adonis. There should have been more BUILDUP to the final fight. What SHOULD have happened is Damien having a series of successful defenses of his title where each time he defeats his challenger he takes all of the hate he has for Adonis on his opponent and brutalizes them and every time he is being interviewed on the tv news he disses Adonis and makes insulting comments saying things like "I keep having to waste my time with these low rent schlubs they keep making me fight because that has been paper champion Adonis does not have the balls to step into the ring with me". Things like that where every time he beats an opponent into the ground he brutally insults adonis in the media and Adonis keeps seeing it on tv and on social media and in the newspaper etc. Maybe in one of the fights Adonis goes in person to watch and is in or near the front row and after brutally knocking out his opponent Damien glares in his direction and yells at him YOU ARE NEXT (similar to Chong Li near the end of Blood Sport). I did not feel that the final fight had enough of an antagonism buildup. Beating a bunch of OTHER challengers would have made him seem much more dangerous as it would have proven that he was the real deal and that his victory over the previous champion was NOT some one off fluke like Mike Tyson losing to Buster Douglas. Plus, him really badly hurting a series of opponents would make Adonis especially seem like he is in danger if he gets in the ring with him.
@thembanitheone Жыл бұрын
@@Zurround oh it _was_ a tooth! I thought so but like you said there's a later shot were he has all his pearly whites so I figured I was misremembering it.
@Zurround Жыл бұрын
@@thembanitheone I used to be a competitive kickboxer (amateur) in my youth and I suffered injuries in my fights including broken nose but I never suffered tooth damage. The mouth guard worked VERY well. Damien must have been hit VERY HARD and maybe he was unlucky and the mouth guard was faulty or had slipped out of its proper alignment. Often in movies and tv a character loses a tooth but the special effects artists don't bother creating that illusion in later scenes because the actor did not lose a tooth its almost a continuity error.
@Wyatt_McCollum Жыл бұрын
I don’t know man. The Rocky II fight gives me chills every time I watch it.
@tortugadave8765 Жыл бұрын
That was my favorite one for the longest time. Apollo wanted to put on a show vs Rocky the first time, in the 2nd fight he just wanted to make Rocky an example of someone not in his class.
@thereviewartistrrp5493 Жыл бұрын
People don't get Rocky 2. I hear comments all the time.. Rocky didn't make a lot of money in the first fight. Rocky wasn't ready for fame. He was always in the back ground. That is why Rocky seemed depressed. Plus Rocky was forced to do commercials that he didn't want to do. In by doing this his inability to read was exposed. Adrianne taught Rocky to read starting out with children's books. It's in the movie. Plus Rocky is a love story first. Not a boxing movie. Without adrianne Rocky is nothing. No one seems to get that. That is why he got pumpedwhen. she said win. With out adrianne. Rocky doesn't care about fighting Apollo but everyone I hear review that movie doesn't get it.
@dominiqueodom3099 Жыл бұрын
Rocky 4's Final battle against Drago stands unequaled and will always be my favorite fight in the series because it's the most hype boxing match in the entire franchise. the music score "War" by vince Dicola being my all time favorite Rocky Track, the editing, and the over the top 80s of it all makes it a timeless battle that never fails to get me hype. Especially with Duke in the corner in his all time greatest performance as a corner Man. "He's not a MACHINE,HES A MAN!" "YOU WANT IT MORE THAN HE DOES!! NO PAIN!! NO PAIN!! "HIT HIM WITH EVERYTHING YOU GOT!! ALL YOUR STRENGTH!! ALL YOUR POWER!!! ALL YOUR LOVE!!!
@williamsummerson1204 Жыл бұрын
@DemonKingNemo Жыл бұрын
It was okay
@Zurround Жыл бұрын
Inside of the fictional universe of the Rocky franchise the final fight of Rocky 4 got written up in the Guinness Book of World Records because they said in a news report during the movie that it was the most watched event in boxing history. Rocky 4 was my personal favorite. All of these artsy fartsy snobs who want to drink red wine and eat brie cheese and talk about what a "special" movie the original was BLAH BLAH BLAH. I want to be ENTERTAINED and I LOVED that Rocky 4 was a kick ass action/adventure type movie. I was 12 when I saw Rocky 4 and at that age I did not want low budget independent film melodrama I wanted kick ass action. Rocky 4 was AWESOME. If you had some magical way of making all of the villains face each other in their respective primes Ivan would destroy ANY of them (His own son was NOT as powerful at all) Rocky 4 had the greatest DANGER LEVEL since it would take an ABSURD amount of COURAGE to fight someone who had just almost effortlessly beaten Apollo Creed to death (even a little middle aged and past his prime beating a former world heavyweight boxing champion to death almost effortlessly is impressive). I love movies where the hero has to have absurdly high levels of COURAGE.
@Comfuzzler Жыл бұрын
@@DemonKingNemodownvote 👎👎
@MMARussy Жыл бұрын
In my opinion the final fight in Rocky 3 was epic especially the “You ain’t so bad you ain’t nothing” in the middle of the fight always gets me hype. But the final fight in Rocky 4 is in a league on its own and will never be touched.
@DivinePearl 13 күн бұрын
"My mom hits harder" 😂
@haydenmalesky2518 Жыл бұрын
I think the final between Rocky and Clubber in Rocky III is really underrated. Probably one of my favorites of the series. Rocky grows as a fighter, adapts Apollo style and actually strategizes throughout the fight.
@theparadigm8149 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I love this fight because, like you said, Rocky strategized! I think the choreography, while not completely realistic, was very well-done and one of the most realistic-looking fights in the franchise. Rocky III is my favorite movie because of this fight, because of the entertaining exhibition match with Thunderlips, the death of Mickey that adds an emotional element and the bond that forms between Apollo and Rocky. Rocky III is underrated for these reasons, and it’s often forgotten that Apollo and Rocky wouldn’t become friends without it!
@bigkmoviesandgames Жыл бұрын
For me without a doubt rocky 3 had the best final fight. I just love how it's a sweet 3 rounds of pure carnage and he just beats clubber into oblivion.
@HalloweenYearRound Жыл бұрын
The most hilarious thing about the Rocky vs. Tommy street fight is that the cops arrest Tommy at the end, but not Rocky; as if the crowd cheering his name, made him immune to assault charges.
@ninjanibba4259 Жыл бұрын
Tommy started the fight, Rocky defended himself Simple as that
@HalloweenYearRound Жыл бұрын
@@ninjanibba4259 but at a certain point Rocky was down and got back up and challenged Tommy to one more round. Just saying that technically they both could have been charged with assault but it's humorous that because it's a movie and Tommy is the villain, he's the only one who gets arrested.
@ninjanibba4259 Жыл бұрын
@@HalloweenYearRound he deserved it and this isn't a realistic franchise
@HalloweenYearRound Жыл бұрын
@@ninjanibba4259 never said it was realistic. That's why it's humorous, precisely because it highlights how unrealistic the franchise is.
@omizj6951 Жыл бұрын
Were they trying to arrest him or just seeing was he alright, and needed an ambulance?
@Germaniac77 Жыл бұрын
"There was no tactic in the final fight of Rocky II"?! Wait, what? Have you watched the movie(s)? He was trained to change his forehand (using only one arm in his training) in order to confuse Apollo and later switches his forehand in the fight again. He used a rope-a-dope-tactic in III. There were no special tactics in the other ones .
@tortugadave8765 Жыл бұрын
Rocky's main tactic is just attack the body until he breaks his opponent down in order to leave them fatigued and KO them later.
@STRxtreme Жыл бұрын
I think the Rocky 3 fight scene shows him evolved into a more technical boxer an hence has an easier time with clubber. He realises clubber does not have a lot of stamina and hence tries to tire him out by making him throw power punches. And since he is conditioned better this time he can take shots better.
@haydenmalesky2518 Жыл бұрын
Not to mention, actually dodging a lot of hits as well.
@oasispodcast Жыл бұрын
Find someone that loves you as much as Sean loves Rocky!
@NinthShinigami Жыл бұрын
9. Rocky v Gunn (Rocky V) 8. Rocky v Dixon (Rocky Balboa) 7. Rocky v Lang (Rocky III) 6. Rocky v Apollo (Rocky II) 5. Adonis v Conlan (Creed) 4. Adonis v Anderson (Creed III) 3. Adonis v Drago (Creed II) 2. Rocky v Drago (Rocky IV) 1. Rocky v Apollo (Rocky) I like and enjoy the street fight to an extent weird as it is, and I love the rest of the fights it was honestly hard to rank them lol they each got their thing that makes them good from Mr T’s trash talking, to the crazy stakes of Rocky IV, Rocky going the distance twice, Creed proving his worth and that name is not the only thing he has, etc.
@LucaDiRienzo Жыл бұрын
this list is perfect.
@respect_the_curv Жыл бұрын
Love your list
@Joe-nh8eq Жыл бұрын
Creed 3 I'm seeing is highly underrated. I feel that there's some missing context. You have to see the interview where MBJ called out a reporter for calling him "corny". And that's the whole kind of crux of the film: The complexity of being a successful black man in 2023 America. You do all this amazing work, and instead of praise half your community calls you "corny". Meanwhile, you feel guilty for your success because you know or have friends even who may have had the talent but couldn't escape the hood mentality. And in order for you to succeed you may have even had to leave them behind. It's a really complicated kind of interesting subject, that really makes Creed 3 stand out. I think Rocky movies in general are at their best when they're metaphors for what the actor is going through, and Creed 3 nails that. I can only imagine how MBJ feels growing up in Newark and now being this incredibly successful actor. There's a lot of complicated baggage to unpack. But my point is, the anime influences were more than just influences. They were characterizations of the internal conflict. They were statements: "See you can like anime, and become a great boxer", IE: "See you can like anime, and become a successful actor/director. And I'm going to throw it in your face to prove that"
@mawproduced Жыл бұрын
I gotta go with Rocky 2
@siriush100 Жыл бұрын
Rocky 3's final fight is actually one of my favorites. Partly because It's the only final fight in the series that is played out in real time without any montages.
@andrewbullard623 Жыл бұрын
Can’t have the Rocky 3 fight this low. Rocky actually boxes in this one
@bigkmoviesandgames Жыл бұрын
Yeah I agree Rocky 3 has my favorites final fight of the series.
@huey6248 Жыл бұрын
loving this flurry of rocky content
@mr.franco7259 Жыл бұрын
For Rocky II, the strategy for the final fight was for Rocky to fight in the Orthodox stance instead of southpaw to confuse Apollo as Rocky usually fights as a southpaw. Its not until the 15th rd, that Rocky goes southpaw. Either way, I wouldnt have it at the top of my list either
@ckobo84 Жыл бұрын
Did he switch? I just remember him telling Micky in the corner that he wasn't going to do it. Rocky considered it unethical to use tricks. A smart fighter should always be trying to trick his opponent, but Rocky's philosophy was it should only be about heart and a war of attrition.
@randallrutherford1384 Жыл бұрын
Rocky V is actually an amazing film in its own right. “GET UP YOU SON OF A BITCH!! ‘Cause Mickey Loves ya”
@HeavyMetal-jy4vj Жыл бұрын
I love how positive your channel is, you aren't always looking for the latest controversy to have a take about, or talking about da femininjas and their destroyin da moviez but you actually speak on movies with a lot of love and try to find things you like about stuff.
@rudyclarkejohnson4625 Жыл бұрын
The final fight in creed 3 was great and the visual effects were great!
@martinandersson3827 Жыл бұрын
Rocky 3 is like Rumble in the jungle, a technical Muhamad Ali jabs, and blocks and leans against the ropes, to tire out a hard hitting george foreman, to win back the title.
@emanuelbonillag1595 Жыл бұрын
1. Rocky IV 2. Rocky II 3. Rocky 4. Creed II 5. Creed 6. Rocky III 7. Rocky Balboa 8. Creed III 9. Rocky V
@nathanparke9049 Жыл бұрын
i thought creed 3s final battle was the best thing ever, i love how different it was
@u.u.u9969 Жыл бұрын
The concept of having "The Eye of the Tiger" made the fight so amazing. Seeing Rocky get some "momba mentality" and training from Creed was the best training montage of all the Rocky's.
@analogblues Жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree on all points! The lead into the Rocky III fight and the fight itself were all amazing.
@Batman88878 Жыл бұрын
HARD DISAGREE about Rocky III's final bout! That Rocky vs Clubber II fight should be higher! He uses strategy & actually boxes much better than he had before & even perhaps since. It's also the first time he wins the championship by KO. Great finish!
@md.saunders6625 Жыл бұрын
Rocky vs Drago is by far the best of the entire series if not one of the best boxing fights ever in cinema. Yes it's not very realistic but dam it's so entertaining and fantastic.
@zackarydecicco3919 Жыл бұрын
Solid list Sean! I watched all of the movies for the first time leading up to Creed 3. I don’t feel like I have a good ranking of the fights. Kind of funny how this ranking matches almost perfectly to your ranking of the movies!
@coleoconnor7031 Жыл бұрын
You should do opponents and training montages!
@SeanChandlerTalksAbout Жыл бұрын
I ranked the training montages just a couple years ago. But opponents is coming later today.
@coleoconnor7031 Жыл бұрын
@@SeanChandlerTalksAbout your the man! Looking forward to it !
@DNOstalgia Жыл бұрын
Oi! Ranker! 😁😍👍🏻😎😘😊 Keep coming with the Rocky vids, it ain't over til it's over! I didn't here no bell, just one more round. Go for it!
@terminallumbago6465 Жыл бұрын
To give Rocky the benefit of the doubt in 3, the rope-a-dope is a real strategy that did pay off for Muhammad Ali against a fearsome opponent of his own, but the difference is Ali actually still used defense and tried to avoid getting hit.
@bananaking664 Жыл бұрын
tbh creed 3 was my fav last fight
@bradybear1223 Жыл бұрын
Rocky lll’s final fight felt very earned cause rocky was at a very high point and then he loses to somebody with the eye of the tiger and gets his a** handed to him. He is now at rock bottom then Apollo comes in and their relationship is felt so much throughout this movie. Rocky had to re wire his brain, how he fought and the build up to the final fight is fantastic. Besides, lang is only built for 2 or 3 rounds anyway. The payoff is excellent in this fight and it is underrated
@analogblues Жыл бұрын
Totally agree! The fight with Clubber makes my Top 3 Rocky fights. It's also great to see Rocky fight as a more technically skilled boxer, which a world champ should be. And I LOVE the stakes for this fight - having to regain your "eye of the tiger" against someone who is vicious and relentless.
@tomdevinney7280 Жыл бұрын
1. Balboa vs Creed I 2. Balboa vs Creed II 3. Balboa vs Drago 4. Creed vs Drago 5. Balboa vs Lang 6. Creed vs Conlan 7. Balboa vs Dixon 8. Creed vs Anderson 9. Balboa vs Gunn
@marzipanmonkey 6 ай бұрын
I still have a soft spot for Rocky 3 and 4's fights as a kid watching those on repeat.. but it does simply have to be Rocky 1 at the very top of the pile. Is still the most raw, emotional and visceral fight of anything that's come since. The music also is just incredible!
@rxtsec1 Жыл бұрын
I just rewatched Creed 3 & I think it went up my list. It was better on 2nd watch for me & now I'm trying to decide which Creed is the best between 1 & 3
@strategic1710 7 ай бұрын
I love the contrast between Adrian and ludmilla drago. One only cares about what her husband and son can do for her and abandons them as soon as she sees them look bad and make her look bad, whereas Adrian cares about Rocky’s health and happiness and is only worried about him losing to the extent that it damages him as a person. The difference in what became of their lives is the difference between their wives.
@mattmallecoccio8378 Жыл бұрын
Rocky is your favorite, but you don't like the unrealistic boxing as much. I don't quite understand. Do you like seeing Rocky get hit a lot and show his heart and chin? Or do you like to see realistic boxing?
@thesarth0nator Жыл бұрын
At 1:34 it's so obvious that Tommy's punch missed his face.
@Smile-hk7vd Жыл бұрын
Now rank the best thing about the franchise: the training montages
@bigkmoviesandgames Жыл бұрын
Rocky 4 would have to be number one.
@furiousd36 Жыл бұрын
If you look at the Creed movies, I think the first Creed has the best fight but Creed 2 has the better training montage.
@Scrummy64 Жыл бұрын
Ngl I think it's a weird take to give "Rocky takes too many punches to the face" as a negative for Rocky II and III, since it's kind of a running thing for the series that he can take an inhuman beating and remain standing as long as he's got his drive; to that end, I think it's really cool how Rocky's strategy against Apollo completely reverses between the first two movies. In the first movie Apollo is overconfident, so Rocky gets a knockdown in early to assert himself and then just has to (quite literally) roll with the punches until the final bell. That was enough to make a name for himself. In the sequel, Apollo has something to prove so he goes absolutely nuts from the offset; Rocky lets himself get clobbered in the first two rounds, matches Apollo for most of the remainder of the fight once he's started to tire himself out, then goes in for the kill at the very end
@gjjijji Жыл бұрын
In Rocky 2 rocky didn’t allow Apollo to ANYTHING in that fight nor did he match him. Rocky was completely unmatched
@Scrummy64 Жыл бұрын
@@gjjijji No way dude; Apollo would've won if he wasn't so determined to get a knockout
@gjjijji Жыл бұрын
@@Scrummy64 that’s exactly what I’m saying but in your comment your kinda making it seem like rocky was giving Apollo a close match when Apollo was blowing him out
@louisberry4403 Жыл бұрын
Cool ranking and agree with Number 1 but Rocky II fight deserves to be aleast Top 4 because of the writing and payoff from the first 2 films.
@WhiteDragonXXX Жыл бұрын
Creed 3’s final fight was fun to watch but also a strange take.
@Cam_DePasquali Жыл бұрын
Rocky vs. Apollo 2 is my favorite. The double knockdown is just too iconic. But if I'm being honest, the best fight in the whole franchise isn't even a final fight. It's Dame V. Felix, it's just so demonic, and the shots are so clean and powerful.
@terminallumbago6465 Жыл бұрын
That one-take fight in Creed is awesome too.
@pasoking2483 Жыл бұрын
Creed III fights were up there for me
@ltrain7715 Жыл бұрын
If we go off of just the fights no buildup nothing I’d say either Rocky III or Creed III
@ApolloBalboa-el9fc Жыл бұрын
Sean you are aware that Sly doesn’t consider Rocky a sports film. He said he hates when people misread it. It’s a drama. A love story.
@maniac4034 Жыл бұрын
For me, except Rocky 5, Creed fights in any of the movies just can't be in front of any Rocky movies. Yea, they are more realistic but they don't bring that feeling or excitment remotely close to Sly fights and that is most important at the end of the day. 9. Rocky 5 8. Creed 3 7. Creed 6. Creed 2 5. Rocky 6 4. Rocky 3 3. Rocky 2. Rocky 2 1. Rocky 4
@Brinkburn_Gymnasium Жыл бұрын
Ranking of final fights for me. 1-Rocky IV 2-Rocky II 3- Rocky Balboa 4- Rocky 5- Rocky III 6- Rocky V 7- Creed II 8- Creed 9- Creed III P.s Creed and Creed II are fantastic movies. They will never be as good as the original Rocky movies. Creed III to me was really bad.
@mvelo6331 Жыл бұрын
The reason I don't like the final fight of Rocky 4 is because Rocky just kept eating Drago's punches. He went the distance with a man that's on steroids and has punches of 2000 pounds. I know after the fight he suffered brain damage but he shouldn't have been able to last that long. It was too much.
@Duplotopf Жыл бұрын
His explanation made no sense. He complained that Rocky's tactic in part 2 is that he only blocked punches with his face meanwhile he does the same thing in part 4, but then it's good.
@drquem4279 Жыл бұрын
What are you talking about? He trains to be fast as Apollo and He is fighting with his right hand, not The left
@superheroenjoyer6763 Жыл бұрын
1. Creed III 2. Rocky II 3. Rocky 4. Creed 5. Creed II 6. Rocky III 7. Rocky Balboa 8. Rocky IV 9. Rocky V All of them are awesome
@neilvarma Жыл бұрын
I will always love the final fight in Rocky
@mihailvladimirovski4803 Жыл бұрын
I love rocky 4 and the fight was amezing but rocky 2 is very underrated and i think that rocky 2 had the best end to a rocky fight
@weirdguy1495 Жыл бұрын
Rocky IV may be one of my least favorite Rocky movies but it without a doubt has the best final fight of the entire franchise for me.
@HonestJohn_01.19 Жыл бұрын
Stallone released a director's cut of Rock IV that changed the tone of not only the final fight, but the movie as a whole substantially. No more were the over the top sound effects superimposed over every blow. Nor the inclusion of Paulies robot. Just a serious, revenge-driven story fueled by the chopping of wood, and "Hearts on Fire". I urge you to check it out. 🤙 Fun fact. The child portraying Rocky's son in Rocky IV was actually Sylvester Stallone's son. He has autism. The robot given to Paulie was actually his in real life. And was given to him by his doctor to help in the development of his social skills.
@Class_rock Жыл бұрын
I'm a Everton fan so seeing Goodison park and the club being represented creed 1 has to be my fav final end
@mr.retrohale6673 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you with the Creed 2 fight. Maybe they should've have Adonis beat him badly the round before so when he got to his dad's corner we would've known he was in trouble and that way it would've been more impactful when his dad threw in towel in the final round
@everettenjeze6276 Жыл бұрын
Just watch creed 3. Best final fight in the entire franchise. Michael b jordan was def inspired by goku and vegeta(dragon ball z) And naruto vs sauske(naruto)
@JohnSmith-zw8vp Ай бұрын
That announcer from Rocky 3 saying I think I see the strategy! Yeah, it's the same one Muhammad Ali used against George Foreman in the Rumble in the Jungle!
@adamgrunther1367 Жыл бұрын
Are you doing to rank the main characters in the Rocky movies?
@drewsaddler8414 Жыл бұрын
In the fight with clubber Lang they’re talking about clubert getting angry, not Rocky. He then doesn’t pull his punches and he gets sloppy
@jeffwallace7697 Жыл бұрын
I particularly enjoy and agree with the majority of your list. I’d actually switch Creed 2 with Creed 1. Creed 2 is a movie solely made for real fans of all the Rocky movies. As a fan, I’m surprised I don’t hate the name Drago anymore.
@andrewbullard623 Жыл бұрын
I’ll take that Rocky V street fight over the Rocky Balboa one any day
@BayaththamBroadcastServicesBBS Жыл бұрын
I agree. The Street Fight in V was better than Dixon vs Balboa.
@redpanthergaming5744 Жыл бұрын
My rankings: 9.Rocky vs TommynGun,Rocky 5 8.Rocky vs Mason Dixon,Rocky Balboa 7.Creed vs Damian Anderson,Creed 3 6.Creed vs Ricky Conlan,Creed 5.Creed vs Victor Drago 2,Creed 2 4.Rocky vs Clubber Lang,Rocky 3 3.Rocky vs Ivan Drago,Rocky 4 2.Rocky vs Apollo ,Rocky 1.Rocky vs Apollo 2,Rocky 2
@awesomecoolguy7541 Жыл бұрын
Here is my ranking: 9. Rocky vs. Tommy 8. Rocky vs. Clubber Lang 7. Adonis vs. Ricky Collin 6. Rocky vs. Mason Dixon 5. Adonis vs. Damien 4. Rocky vs. Apollo part 2 3. Adonis vs. Drago 2. Rocky vs. Apollo 1. Rocky vs. Drago
@gabbasgad1982 Жыл бұрын
My ranking: 9. Rocky Balboa v Tommy Gunn 8. Rocky Balboa v Clubber Lang 7. Rocky Balboa v Apollo Creed (second) 6. Rocky Balboa v Mason Dixon 5. Adonis Creed v Damian Anderson 4. Adonis Creed v Viktor Drago 3. Rocky Balboa v Ivan Drago 2. Adonis Creed vs Ricky Conlan 1. Rocky Balboa v Apollo Creed (first)
@yougotbaited2943 Жыл бұрын
Rocky II at second to last is…Nah I’m off this list 😂
@ZachtheRobot Жыл бұрын
9. Rocky Balboa vs. Tommy Gunn (Rocky V) 8. Rocky Balboa vs. Apollo Creed (Rocky II) 7. Adonis Creed vs. Dame Anderson (Creed III) 6. Rocky Balboa vs. Clubber Lang (Rocky III) 5. Rocky Balboa vs. Ivan Drago (Rocky IV) 4. Adonis Creed vs. Viktar Drago (Creed II) 3. Rocky Balboa vs. Apollo Creed (Rocky) 2. Adonis Creed vs. Ricky Conlan (Creed) 1. Rocky Balboa vs. Mason Dixon (Rocky Balboa)
@TheNotoriousOne229 Жыл бұрын
9. Rocky vs Tommy Gunn 8. Adonis vs Ricky Conlin 7. Rocky vs Mason Dixon 6. Adonis vs Damian 5. Adonis vs Viktor Drago 4. Rocky vs Clubber Lang 3. Rocky vs Apollo 2 2. Rocky vs Apollo 1. Rocky vs Ivan Drago
@ChaosAC24 Жыл бұрын
Great video and ranking!
@_Guitarlos_ Жыл бұрын
From Best to Worst, I’d say: 1. Rocky II 2. Rocky IV 3. Rocky 4. Creed II 5. Creed III 6. Rocky Balboa 7. Rocky III 8. Creed 9. Rocky V
@noahkaulen3592 Жыл бұрын
1. Rocky Balboa vs. Apollo Creed (Part 2) 2. Rocky Balboa vs. Ivan Drago 3. Rocky Balboa vs. Apollo Creed (Part 1) 4. Adonis Creed vs. Viktor Drago 5. Adonis Creed vs. Damian Anderson 6. Adonis Creed vs. Ricky Declan 7. Rocky Balboa vs. Clubber Lang 8. Rocky Balboa vs. Tommy Gun 9. Rocky Balboa vs. Mason Dixon
@Stel01 Ай бұрын
September 22nd 3:45am I’ll see you there
@sharonpopolow6874 Жыл бұрын
Haven't seen Creed series enough times to evaluate them, so I'll stick with what I realy know- Rocky. 6. Rocky Balboa 5. Rocky 3 4. Rocky 5 (the street fight was actually good even though the movie wasn't) 3. Rocky 2 2. Rocky 4 1. Rocky I did this before watching video. Let's see how closely it lines up.
@andrewbullard623 Жыл бұрын
Some of the best fights are not the final ones! Especially the one take fight in Creed
@polar9984 Жыл бұрын
HANNNG ON there! Rocky 2, the new strategy was to go in the fight orthodox and then trick Apollo with a sudden switch to southpaw! Slight error there that my Rocky loving self couldn’t let slide by! Hahahha anyway gripes aside great video as usual!
@AJB4Entertainment 9 ай бұрын
@Iam123-i5j Жыл бұрын
Rocky went from knocking out a Russian superman to brawling in the street 😂
@danielalvizo9503 Жыл бұрын
Gotta disagree with creed 3 placement easily one of the best fights in the franchise off emotion, stakes, tension, style, and actual boxing technique
@rileylallier429 Жыл бұрын
1. Adonis Creed vs Viktor Drago 2. Adonis Creed vs Ricky Conlan 3. Rocky Balboa vs Ivan Drago 4. Rocky Balboa vs. Apollo Creed First Fight 5. Rocky Balboa vs Apollo Creed Second Fight 6. Rocky Balboa vs Clubber Lang 7. Rocky Balboa vs Mason Dixon 8. Adonis Creed vs Damien Anderson 9. Rocky Balboa vs Tommy Gunn I agree with you about the Creed 3 Fight in the sense that it's one that I need to watch a few more times to really get my opinion 100%.
@1punchbrownyt338 Жыл бұрын
The thing i dont like about the visual aspects in the final fight is that it just skips all the way to the end of round 11.
@jamespope7669 Жыл бұрын
Top 10 fights. 10: Rocky Vs Dixon virtual fight 9: Creed Vs Drago "If he dies, he dies" 8: Rocky Vs Thunderlips 😂 7: Rocky Vs Spider Rico 6: Creed Vs Conlan 5: Rocky Vs Creed (R2) 4: Rocky Vs Clubber Lang 3: Rocky Vs Creed 2: Rocky Vs Tommy Gun 1: Rocky Vs Drago
@srdargo1488 Жыл бұрын
Drago v Rocky beats them all. The buildup with the fight delivered. There's no easy way out, man. Says it all. Original was great as well for different reasons. Love the Rocky content.
@karenhardy1759 4 ай бұрын
1.rocky vs Ivan Drago 2.rocky vs clubber lane 3.adonis creed vs Viktor Drago creed ll 4.rocky vs Apollo Creed rocky ll 5.rocky vs tommy gunn 6.adonis vs damien Anderson creed lll 7.adonis vs viktor drago creed 8.rocky vs Apollo Creed rocky 9.rocky vs mason the line dixon rocky Balboa
@Bit2brain Жыл бұрын
Part IV is unmatched.
@julianortiz5712 Жыл бұрын
It's funny how you say Rocky IV is the most 80s movie ever, whilst Patrick H Willems recently did a video talking about the most 80s movie of all time... and guess which movie took the top spot
@charlesorlando794 Жыл бұрын
Final Fights: Rocky 1 Rocky Balboa Creed 2 Rocky 4 Rocky 2 Creed Rocky 5 Creed 3 Rocky 3
@darkcommando2488 Жыл бұрын
My Rocky Movie fight rank 1. Rocky 2 2. Rocky 4 3. Rocky 3 4. Rocky 1 5. Creed 3 6. Creed 2 7. Creed 1 8. Balboy 9. Rocky 5
@micjoseph6250 Жыл бұрын
Rocky 4 is the ultimate movie boxing fight. #1 Sly almost died making it.
@areasevenpro Жыл бұрын
As bad as the Rocky vs. Tommy Gunn street fight was, it could've been way worse. The original script had Rocky die (it's not known if Tommy killed him or Rocky collapsed from his injuries after the fight), but Sly backpedaled on that idea, as Rocky already lost enough dignity in the film.
@mrhollywood9318 Жыл бұрын
Final Fights Ranked 1.Rocky Balboa 2.Rocky 3.Creed 3 4.Creed 5.Rocky 4 6.Creed 2 7.Rocky 3 8.Rocky 5 9.Rocky 2
@_el_boynto Жыл бұрын
1. Rocky 4 2. Rocky 2 3. Creed 1 4. Creed 2 5. Rocky 1 6. Rocky Balboa 7. Creed 3 8. Rocky 3 9. Rocky 5
@j00na35 Жыл бұрын
My list! Creed 3 (didnt see) Creed 1 Rocky v Creed 2 Rocky Balboa Rocky 3 Rocky 2 Rocky 1 Best one is Rocky iv
@just_a_normal_movie_bro990 Жыл бұрын
You should do a rocky villain ranking
@cyberhoney4 Жыл бұрын
9. Creed 3- haven't seen it yet 8. Rocky Balboa- this film wasn't about the fight and it shows 7. Rocky- Announcing Apollo as the winner while Rocky is calling for Adrian it's too much. 6. Rocky 2- whoever gets up first wins. Very anti-vlimatic for me. 5. Rocky 5- For most of the film, I don't care for it but I will go back and watch this fight a lot. "You knocked him down. Why don't you try knocking me down." Gives me chills everytime. 4. Rocky 3- Rocky finds his mojo. I love his final fight. I think it's great. 3. Creed- I love how the movie waits till' the end before he embraces the name. 2. Rocky 4- David vs Goliath who doesn't love this fight 1. Creed 2- Ivan Drago let's go of his past
@cavanbice8336 Жыл бұрын
I might get some hate for this but whatever Apollo vs Rocky Rocky vs Drago Adonis vs Drago
@derekschwartz2779 Жыл бұрын
1. Rocky vs Drago (4) 2. Rocky vs Apollo (2) 3. Creed vs Conlin (C1) I really enjoy the original Rocky as a movie, but the fight always feels really short and not as well directed and epic as other fights.
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