Am I crazy to think Junkrat is OP? | OW2 Reddit Questions #50

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@stormRed 8 күн бұрын
Good Winstons have the ability to manifest an enemy Reaper in under 2 minutes. Same for Widow and Sombra.
@murilotheodoro5025 7 күн бұрын
Bad winstons and bad widows have the same ability LOL people are lazy and rather get the easy value even if the people they are countering are getting carried
@ryanames4168 7 күн бұрын
tbh i get so much dopamine from bullying a widow with sombra im sorry for my sins
@moniker2804 7 күн бұрын
​@@murilotheodoro5025people just often don't realize who's carrying the game. Tank staying alive makes some people think they're carrying.
@jermu8706 7 күн бұрын
dva has the same effect, except it makes the enemy write a manifesto and cause a national tragedy because there is nothing you can do about dva right now
@metaslave5566 5 күн бұрын
Yup this is correct. And a good ball summons a roadhog, brig, ana, sombra, and cass/junk/pharah in under 2 mins. Edit: autocorrect is sped
@taltalim6174 7 күн бұрын
5:17 i think he meant that the tree heals ON winston is low and neglectable, but AGAINST winston is super strong
@alvin_row 7 күн бұрын
Yeah, there's no contradiction there. Although I still disagree, tree is pretty handy if I make a bad jump. I'd still take an anti nade any day, but tree is not bad at all.
@taltalim6174 7 күн бұрын
@@alvin_row yeah it also helps keeping your team alive so they can focus more on shooting the enemy team and helping you
@tailgrowth 7 күн бұрын
Yeah, this makes sense to me. Winston takes too much damage for a friendly tree to help him as much, and he deals too little damage to overcome an enemy tree. There's no contradiction there, since the poster was basing on the perspective as playing Winston spefically.
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
@@tailgrowth I feel like the Winston is using his shield incorrectly if tree isn't healing him.
@garrymurphy7181 7 күн бұрын
@@MrBrock314 tree also applies overheal so ill use tree for push or to help deny enemy plays, i also go thorns moment i drop tree and brawl since LW Headshot dmg is insane and just dash/petal away when it breaks
@bobothebob4716 7 күн бұрын
Supports especially in the gold - masters range really just need a mindset shift from "heal the team" to "heal them just barely enough so they don't die and kill everyone else yourself", if you want to rank up anyway.
@kommandantkillcode 7 күн бұрын
No, it's ironically the supports in Bronze and Silver that need that mindset for climbing on the majority of the support characters the most. Gold is still not a bad idea to prioritize finishing or initiating kills rather than focusing heals, but Plat and Diamond Tanks and DPS usually play a lot more aggressive, or at least with the team, to where they will need that healing. In those ranks, most of the damage a support will do is either getting a very important solo kill (such as a widow, sombra, or occasionally another support) and helping the team finish kills when they don't need much healing. Masters and GM players are a LOT better at minimizing how much poke/spam damage they take, so it's a lot better for support players to prioritize important and some spam damage for ult charge and picks, but simultaneously need to remain aware of their teams' statuses on abilities and health so they can bail their team out or facilitate pushes and maximize everyone's potential mid fight value and ult charge on the team.
@bobothebob4716 7 күн бұрын
@@kommandantkillcode Maybe you have a different approach that works for you, but for me dumping heals into any of these players only encourages them to try and face-tank the enemy team. They only need 1 hp to stay alive and if you secure even 1 early kill you win the fight 9 times out of 10. You can heal them after that if you like or they can learn to play cover and get some regen.
@kommandantkillcode 7 күн бұрын
@@bobothebob4716 If I have someone on my team playing like that, then I know I can't keep them alive regardless, and I don't focus on healing them unless they're engaged in a 1v2 or 1v3 at most (which me assisting makes it a 2v2/3). I play a lot of Lucio anyway, so I mostly focus on just getting them into the action, and then out to safe cover and then pumping heals with my other support, before repeating the process. When I'm not doing that as Lucio, I'm diving the enemy team's supports or an off-angle DPS.
@dkon1434 6 күн бұрын
It's actually really helpful if a Moira or sombra thinks she can be cheeky to try dueling me when I'm half hp when playing DPS and myself with a support quickly bursts them down before they can escape. If they went for the heal, in that case, it would keep me alive maybe but it wouldn't secure a pick. For me, the issue is when support are going DPS as an ult battery or are just mindless about it. So many time's I'll be scrambling to escape from a tank and I look at my kiri or bap and they are just body shotting the winston or something. If I try to politely say something about healing and I almost always get the reply "I have almost as much dmg as the DPS!". They see stats of better players and think that means going all in on dps whereas good supports that can dps know when and how to poke and/or take a duel. It's not a pass to just not heal in favour of dmg. Here's the thing about dmg numbers on support. They aren't burst numbers and can be potentially charging up enemy supports if we aren't killing them just as much as charging up their ults . Moira is the worst offender about this. So often she'll have just massive dmg numbers and be flaming others, without realizing that most times right clicking someone (especially a tank that's not super low) is literally useless- even worse than useless sometimes- even though the numbers on the scoreboard go up. The point is to do *meaningful* dmg as support, and if there is room to heal without a *reason* to go dps, then just heal.
@kommandantkillcode 6 күн бұрын
@@dkon1434 I said "focus on healing". In that scenario, it's more than likely that I would still do damage to the people engaging my teammates when using any of the flex supports, and guaranteed that I would do damage when using any of the main supports except Mercy. The heals are to keep them alive enough to where they don't die, as getting the pick without losing them is much better than going for a player trade. I always heal my team to full when out of fights so we don't have to sacrifice any momentum in a team fight just because everyone gets low health too fast. The reason why I even said that Plat and Diamond players usually require more heals is because they are much better and consistent at executing their mechanics and cooldowns to get value than lower ranked players, but still take a lot of damage when doing so. Remaining aware of how things are going in a fight to make that switch between doing damage and healing is quite prevalent, but basically all of the flex supports will need to do most of their damage at the start or end of teamfights unless they want their team to fold so fast that their team only trades for 2 enemies at best.
@uSil031 7 күн бұрын
Actually Junkrat got substantually stronger with the recent changes, not OP, but definitely not weak
@Garry-y7b 7 күн бұрын
Yeah everyone forgot his one shot combo was his only threat
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
@@Garry-y7b He still has "1-shot" combo, it's just with trap now :) so it's less oppressive. But stand in two grenades and you're still dead as a squishy so, if you don't dodge, you're still going to die. The meme might be that junkrats don't aim, but they do so it's important to dodge or you will die.
@maxchess6734 7 күн бұрын
​​@@MrBrock314 trap is really not reliable. You can do primary+mine+punch+right click for a 1shot.
@shartoholic 8 күн бұрын
HOT TAKE: I like your new glasses KarQ
@daiei276 7 күн бұрын
The problem with most DPS healers at lower ranks is they focus WAY too much on damage while they let teammates die. Teammates that can do way more dps and draw more resources/attn from the enemy team. It shouldn't be DMG, DMG, DMG, then heal whoever survives the fight. It should be HEAL, DMG, DMG, HEAL, DMG, DMG. Heal when you need to, but damage constantly when not healing. It's more about value, not pure damage.
@aidantuck9113 7 күн бұрын
This is the best way to describe it. It shouldn't be deal damage until you are needed, it should be heal, and deal damage while you're waiting to heal more. All too often I see kiri mains just dumping all of their tickets at once, as opposed to keeping a steady stream of knives and tickets. As long as you can stay a little bit further back than everyone else, and just sort of mash your mouse buttons into the clusterfuck of A fight, it will be better than focusing on damage.
@Jamie_Ashe 7 күн бұрын
@@aidantuck9113I hate it when my other supports freak out and heal teammates that have only lost light 7hp. Kiris always use suzu on ppl that still have 210 Hp, and moira’s emptying their entire spray on two people that aren’t even close to dying Dps are to blame for that. Anyone who still calls supports “healers” are also ruining the fucking game, because they don’t understand what the word support means.
@dash4800 7 күн бұрын
No, I think the real problem is that if other players see their support doing ANY damage they start whining about dps supports and start throwing. Even if you have healing that is on par or better than every other support if they see you have any damage they assume all their deaths were because you weren't solely focused on healing them. I've literally been flamed as mkira for doing dps when I had 3x the healing of our other support. The problem is that everyone thinks ks they are entitled to a personal pocket at all times. I play a lot . . .a lot and I very rarely see dps supports doing a disproportionate amount of dps compared their healing. The problem is almost always with the other players, not the actual supports.
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
@@Jamie_Ashe To be fair, Moira's spray is a hot. Moira should start healing earlier, not later. The important thing is to be able to recharge spray with right-click in between sprays. Spray is not designed to save 50 hp heroes - that's what healing orb is for. I'm not saying don't spray at 50hp but if you wait until 50hp, you're risking losing them and that is far worse than inefficient spraying. You shouldn't spray until they're full either, though. Since it's a hot, you should stop spraying when either a) they're not taking damage anymore. b) They're 80-90% hp as the hot will top them off. This now gives you time to right-click and regenerate your spray for round 2 of the fight. This is not too dissimilar from how Juno's pulsars work which are also hots. You don't want to pulsar someone at 90% unless you're also getting a lot of damage hits. It's a team heal + hot so in the middle of the fight is more effective. A near ideal time would be when the tank is 50% hp, one of your dps is taking some fire and 4 enemies are closing in. The pulsar pressures all four enemies (reducing dps/tank dmg), saves your dps (so they don't turn to run) and buffs your tank up to nearly full. As a support, I generally find that a well-timed pulsar will keep your team engaged and swing the tide of battle at the same time. You often have to "calm down" the dps to make sure they keep pumping out damage because if they retreat, you'll lose the battle because all of a sudden it's a support and tank alone in front and that's death for the support.
@wauchi1895 7 күн бұрын
​@aidantuck9113 Kiriko should never be in the backline, unless she wants to save someone there. Kiriko should always be taking off angles or even flanking for elims. That's what her character is built around. Standing in the backline chugging kunais doesn't contribute at all, because you're chugging that damage into the enemy tank instead of squishes.
@astropippin4012 8 күн бұрын
Junkrat is not OP but that won't stop me from wishing he didn't exist
@blinkachu5275 7 күн бұрын
He is
@marceli5085 7 күн бұрын
@@blinkachu5275 nah
@Kintaku 7 күн бұрын
Yeah I don’t care if he’s OP or not, he’s still annoying. Maybe not in an unhealthy way but I vastly prefer games where I don’t have to think about him.
@Jamie_Ashe 7 күн бұрын
@@marceli5085solid argument mate, you shut everyone down with your insight
@marceli5085 7 күн бұрын
@@Jamie_Ashe i literally answered the comment saying "he is" which is basically the same argument xD
@tailgrowth 7 күн бұрын
0:07 The first thing I think of about things that aren't true anymore is the idea that Mei or Sombra counter Wrecking Ball. Mei is no good against him if he keeps his distance, and the nerfs to her freeze mean she can't stop him anymore (she can't freeze him, and he can still get fireball speed even with her slowing effect, even if it takes a little longer). In Sombra's case, her Hack doesn't last long enough anymore to stop him, he shrugs off her Virus and damage, and Wrecking Ball is one of the BEST characters to hunt down a Sombra who Translocated away and finish her off. As a Ball main I love it when people swap to these characters to "counter" me and I end up destroying them.
@timbombadil4046 7 күн бұрын
@@tailgrowth Sombra can stop Balls escape meaning he can be punished more often, but she doesn't counter him, she can only create windows to let your team punish. But if Sombra is playing with her team Ball is already getting value.
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
Mei can still wall ball off when used correctly which can secure ball kills for the team.
@keelanruffner5440 7 күн бұрын
When ball was meta (I think season 6) someone in the enemy team would swap Sombra against me almost every time. After the Sombra rework, ball became a Sombra counter, but enemies would swap still Sombra just as often. It’s like they heard before that Sombra counters ball, but they misunderstood the reasoning as being “Sombra hacks ball out of ball form”. Since Sombra can still hack him out of ball form, they didn’t know that the matchup changed. To this day I see people make this old mistake.
@Thudd224 7 күн бұрын
7:47 that's just it. Life Weaver doesn't pair especially well with Winston. What he does is make it to where the other healer can hard focus the tank. As life Weaver you are usually the one herding the dps. If you're really interested in teamwork then you'll help cover & protect your anna like a brig. You give her reusable high ground.
@MetroAndroid 7 күн бұрын
13:48 This is so frustrating because a good support is doing damage the moment they have nothing to heal, but then all the dps would see is themselves dead and the support shooting the enemy.
@jermu8706 7 күн бұрын
ok and? why do you care what some plat bot has to say about your support gameplay
@GoodRNG 8 күн бұрын
Bro has had a cold for a month, get better king
@kernoleary1394 7 күн бұрын
I know you touched on it briefly but if you're brawling with your team as JQ I think my most common use is absorbing big damage abilities/cooldowns. like a mini Lucio beat. Seems to be extremely useful since alot of times enemies will play off their teams big abilities and put themselves out of position only for all the damage to be absorbed
@matthewg6360 7 күн бұрын
Junk may not be OP, but he can burst you down way too quickly. Especially those aggressive jump junks that mine jump out of nowhere into the backline, throw every cooldown at you and insta you.
@charlie8598 7 күн бұрын
@ryanelliott6706 7 күн бұрын
“Jump into back line” = -1 cooldown “Throw every cooldown” -2 cooldowns (one being trap) And you are left with a junk who has to wait 5-6 seconds to disengage.
@Catbeans99 7 күн бұрын
@AhmedAli-bh4xb 7 күн бұрын
@@charlie8598Junkrat is an annoying crutch for bad players. The one shot combo was too easy to pull off and I’m glad they took that away.
@shaderunner7.0 7 күн бұрын
Rat just stops low elo, and trying to take one on on anyone but perma-fliers is just awful. Try to assassinate him with Sombra? You have better chance by just avoid him at all cost, he just turns around and pop two direct hit bombs and you die :)
@kennethbontempo1031 7 күн бұрын
I remember when my tracer got diff'd by the enemy tracer then blamed me for playing dva into zarya. They kept losing 1v1's a mile from the team fight.
@Subzerd 7 күн бұрын
that lw post was from a bronze player or a non comp player for sure, lw is very good especially with the changes
@Kintaku 7 күн бұрын
There are quite a few guides on KZbin that say not to use the shout at the start of engagements. Their reasoning is that people will just back off so you won’t get max value from it. I’m still learning JQ so I don’t claim to be any sort of authority on the character but it feels very situational. As a support main, I usually hold it to protect the team unless I NEED it for myself. Not sure if this is really right either
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
The thing that generally shouldn't be used at the beginning is Lucio speed boost. It has a long cd such that most Lucios will not have a decent heal up for the first team fight (especially on smaller maps like King's Row 1st point but even maps like Ilios-Well. Lucio regular speed aura will get you there faster than the enemy team (assuming they don't have a Lucio active speed boosting). Even if they get there first (due to active Lucio), you now have the advantage as their Lucio doesn't have heals. Pour in the damage and you'll tip the scales before his heal is up.
@Kintaku 7 күн бұрын
@@MrBrock314 for sure. Timing is EVERYTHING with amp. Beat too.
@Kintaku 7 күн бұрын
@@MrBrock314 lol I just realized you’re the guy giving tips in a bunch of comments. Thanks
@darthhydreigon820 7 күн бұрын
5:10 winston getting healed by tree isnt much.... but when ur zapping 2-3 targets tree is a lot more valuable
@thee-jayandthewolf4816 7 күн бұрын
Lol I did not expect my post to make it to the title of a KarQ vid I know it's quite the skill issue on my end, just gotta get better I suppose
@chase0373 7 күн бұрын
Jq shout can also be used defensively. Sometimes you end up holding a choke so you can save it for defense or getting out. You can also save it for anti or when you ult so you don’t blow up
@bennettstokes195 7 күн бұрын
Junkrat is actually pretty strong on console right now. He is the most represented projectile dps the leader boards right now
@Stryker_VR 7 күн бұрын
Yes KarQ I do like your glasses! I think they fit your face shape quite well and the frames compliment your complexion :D
@echo.romeo. 4 күн бұрын
This channel should be called KarQives.
@vettethewarlock5448 7 күн бұрын
For the last point, I feel like I sort of see the same thing happen, but on the opposite side, where my entire team peels to fight one single flanker and then suddenly Im the only person in the team fight lol
@hobosorcerer 7 күн бұрын
I'm gonna be real, hating Junkrat is honestly a skill issue. Spammy Junkrats are annoying, but if you're careful around corners then you should never run into bomb spam. What else is there to complain about, the two-tap that doesn't work on half the cast? His terrible ultimate with 100 HP?
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
Yeah, people complain about wheel sometimes but it's fairly easy to counter (1-shottable by at least half the dps). I think it must be people who don't play ANY long-range characters or flying characters. Pharah is super deadly to most low-level Junkrats and at higher-levels, Hanzo and Widow rip through Junkrat like a hot knife through butter.
@InkyGhoul 7 күн бұрын
I main Junkrat on dps. I LOVE going against Pharah and Echo, and Juno, I just adore hitting those airshots. Oh and jumping into their face to even the odds
@VoltsIsHere 2 күн бұрын
It's a way different hero than Tracer/Ashe but I'd highly recommend more players learn Echo instead of Widow if they had to learn 3 heroes per role. She's super underrated and most people are so far from her skill ceiling, learning her well is so important. Widow is fairly simple and if you play Ashe a ton it's already kinda sharing the same skillset for the most part.
@kingofkings7871 7 күн бұрын
as someone whos played junk since 2016 the number one weakness of every ow player is that no one looks up so its easy to mine jump into the backline
@nidoqu33n 8 күн бұрын
answer to title: yes
@epicgalaxy2451 7 күн бұрын
yall complain about high burst damage but “hanzo is too weak but widow is to strong” do yall want high burst damage or not?
@dezmundogaming8780 7 күн бұрын
@@epicgalaxy2451i think its the burst damage combined with the randomness factor. The lack of intention or skill needed to be effective with spam junkrat especially at lower ranks is really frustrating. Where at least with hanzo theres a greater need for commitment to taking an angle and direct targeting of your opponents and thats even more true for a widow who can hit you unless you both share LOS.
@nidoqu33n 7 күн бұрын
@@epicgalaxy2451 the title asks if the person is crazy to think junkrat is op. yes they are crazy.
@kims4149 7 күн бұрын
​@@dezmundogaming8780The higher you are, the more accurate the Junk needs to be in order to be good. While Widow is just a coin toss on whether she can hit her headshots. Which makes them both irritating with some kind of RNG in it.
@Jidom_101 7 күн бұрын
I think it depends on the map and how good the junk is. The average junkrat I feel like is only going to be situationally dominant
@tuckmasterg 7 күн бұрын
As someone who plays a lot of Queen If you get anti Shout lasts as long as the anti does + the speed to get into a better spot I also use it to speed allies in like a turret Bastion or even a Reaper ult or even that temporary health so my supports can get some health of their own like a low Mercy or Brig so their passive can kick in It's a very versatile ability, and every situation can be a case by case, but KarQ isn't wrong ESPECIALLY getting from spawn to the fight I try to keep it as a defensive ability if they have anti or something that can hit me hard like a spear or rock
@123456789asification 7 күн бұрын
Just wanna throw this one out there, I do usually play a healing focused support; i was playing reaper, had a 3v1 in OT in KOTH. It was me and our 2 supports vs 1 Dps. Started the fight with like 200hp and ended up dying (I did miss a couple shots, wasn’t great on my part). My supports couldn’t get the kill, they had a team member come back and ended up winning the fight/game. I mention this because neither of the 2 supports tried to heal me once during the fight, they both tried to secure the kill and both failed (as did I, but at least I tried doing my role). If I would’ve been healed just once, we win that fight and the match. Too much tunnel visioning for damage :(
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
Yeah, this is a bit of a skill issue on all sides at low ranks. If you can't 1 v 1, then reaper may not have been the best choice. However, the supports should be watching your hp and healing when you're low even if they think "I can finish the enemy dps". Losing a teammate is a bad tradeoff for killing one enemy. Better to keep the 3 v 1 (maybe 3 v 2 if the enemy gets backup) than risking 2 v 1 and then 1 v 1.
@kingdinamo2076 4 күн бұрын
If you can’t hit your shots? No. It’s a lot more harder than it looks
@zackftw2748 4 күн бұрын
Junkrat is so weak It’s actually quite surprising that anybody is playing him right now
@metaslave5566 5 күн бұрын
Reaper calling Winston fucking brain dead is rich
@rudyranger249 7 күн бұрын
22:50 On shambali monestary I accidentally fed into the whole enemy backline on first point at the first highground spot as lucio to the point I distracted their dps AND supports to look at me and their tank got melted LOL
@craigwolfe249 7 күн бұрын
I always play LW with winton all the time! It's great, it's so much fun and works really well I find.
@Melzo200 3 күн бұрын
As a tracer main I die to junkrats in 0.5 seconds or their nades aren’t even meant for me…
@Voodoo318 4 күн бұрын
Is Junkrat OP? Annoying? Definitely OP? No way.
@kingmoosh2004 8 күн бұрын
i definitely disagree about lifeweaver not being good with winston, i think the guy who posted that probably just plays with really bad lifeweavers. the point about the healing doesnt really make much sense, yes an ana would be ideal, but lifeweaver definitely has one of the best healing outputs at long ranges. if the lifeweaver just grips you every time you try to make space, then yeah that sucks, but if used correctly grip can let you commit to a kill you normally wouldnt be able to get without trading.
@pipbeg12 7 күн бұрын
Normally when I see a junk in metal ranks theyre a smurf so I can see why they seem OP, and Cass, Hanzo & Tracer. But a Junk, Tracer or Cass true to their ranks whilst good, deffo arent op.
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
There are a lot less smurfs than people think. Everyone thinks everyone who beats them is a smurf or cheater. That's rarely the case.
@ginpachi1 7 күн бұрын
Gonna have to get used to the new glasses color, I do like though 😊
@qoobied Күн бұрын
Hi junkrat player here i personally dont think junk is insanely op hes just a noob stomper. You have to commit a lot of resources and hit tricky shots if you wanna even match the level of say widowmaker for example. Smarter junkrat’s know how to balance their resources and get really creative sometimes, but all in all there are simply better heroes that can do what junkrat does
@e3vL1 7 күн бұрын
Is venture dig faster than walk speed? Want to know to use out of spawn to get back in the match quicker If so is it better to drill toward first or dig first
@AngrySecs 7 күн бұрын
Dig first then drill. And by the time the dig is over your drill will be off cooldown and you can drill again
@e3vL1 7 күн бұрын
@@AngrySecs you mean drill then dig? Your explanation is opposite of what you said ...unless I'm reading it wrong
@mylifeasmarcos 7 күн бұрын
@@e3vL1you read it wrong
@AngrySecs 7 күн бұрын
@@e3vL1 you can drill dash when you're underground. So when you dig, hit your drill dash button for more speed, then by the time the dig is over you can use drill again
@PersonaRandomNumbers 7 күн бұрын
Dig speed is the same as walk speed as far as I know. The main benefit is the cd reduction to drill.
@Mythicalpancakez 4 күн бұрын
Is mauga good at higher ranks, I’m just playing placements rn and have been doing really well with him, but wanted to know if his effectiveness drops at higher ranks?
@ewgrosslmao 4 күн бұрын
I absolutely hate the "shoot zar bubbles" literally everytime I do no one shoots her and she lives and tears through everyone. Please stop telling people to shoot bubbles
@ccsam1516 7 күн бұрын
5:10 how much is Winston's m1 damage? 100dps? 80? Tree either way is close to nulling the m1 damage. On the other hand, receiving damage from more consistent DPS characters, tree can often not be a significant change in the outcome of a fight.
@ccsam1516 7 күн бұрын
Tree is a good Winston dive nullifier. Tree is not a good tank needs a heal burst tool.
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
It's free healing. It's better than the healing passive and better than a Zen orb on you half the time (since you're los as monkey a lot). Don't look gift healing in the mouth.
@themaestro5896 7 күн бұрын
1:39 The argument for Zarya not countering Dva is that Dva can choose to not face Zarya?? 😂
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
It's that Dva doesn't have to stand in beam unlike other tanks. She's mobile enough to dodge beam while still being in the team fight.
@themaestro5896 7 күн бұрын
@@MrBrock314 yeah, that used to be true, but now with only one tank dodging that beam almost always means undermining your team. Zarya's beam has a surprisingly great range. Plus she has great medium-long range damage still and her bubble is practically the perfect counter to Dva's only long range damage ability. It's enough to ruin almost every composition/situation for the Dva team.
@projectgg6730 3 күн бұрын
6:10 its makes his cannon WHAT?
@BubbleBunnyy 7 күн бұрын
The LW/Winston guy contradicts himself AGAIN when he said "he hardly gives any healing" and then says "he easily delivers 80 hp" like which one is it? lol.
@ingoskate422 5 күн бұрын
the awkward take is always the same for people they dont understand that akward not just saying stop heal just do damage he rather say just heal enough and focus more on damage instead of being a heal bot, in lower elo you have most of the time 2 type of supports the oh i just heal and oh i just do damage but u need to find a balance inbetween. having no damage as a healer but insane amount of heal doesn´t carry your games most of the time cause you have no real impact on the fights yes sure your team is more likely to survive longer but if you dont kill something you wouldnt win the game after all. and you as the heal bot heal can´t carry or decide to win the game or having a good pick to carry a fight u basically 50/50 the game if your tank/dps can find the necessary kills. but if they cant kill stuff you cant help them as well so u basically lose even with great healing. thats the awkward take a little bit more detailed as far as i understand his take atleast i might be completly wrong
@nescaufe1991 7 күн бұрын
Willing to bet Frogger posted that
@rudyranger249 7 күн бұрын
We lucio onetricks have nightmares thinking of junkrats.
@TheVetoxican 7 күн бұрын
@@rudyranger249 bro I feel like every junkrat watches Vulture. Whenever I hear tire I shit my pants, but those also tend to be the most fun matches imo! I love going against Junkrats haha If the enemy goes junk / widow, I'm feasting!
@dmc009 7 күн бұрын
Wait. Winston can jump every 5 seconds?
@Matt_is_a_Boring_Name 7 күн бұрын
Love the new glasses!
@storm___ 7 күн бұрын
Its annoying when he does what hanzo used to and just spam a corner where if youre standing around the corner you will just die instantly and if your team wont swap to counter this or work around him then they just feed.
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
You won't die to Junkrat unless you get hit by two back-to-back grenades. The time to fire them is 1.5 seconds. That means you stood still for 1.5 seconds. That's the problem. If you got hit by one grenade, you should've dived behind cover (or out of the way of incoming damage) before 1.5 seconds elapsed. This is assuming you're out of concussion mine distance. If you're in concussion mine distance, grenade + perfect concussion mine will also kill you. So, don't be that close to him, especially when going around corners. If you see grenades, you're going to die walking around a corner if they're not already rolling. Junkrat is a close combat specialist so you will die if you get close to him or let him get close to you. 50+ metres is a good distance when fighting Junkrat. Hanzo, Widow, Soldier, Ashe, Kiriko (tp out instantly, but can headshot junk at distance), Bap, etc would be decent against him. Juno less so because she has more serious falloff at far distances. But Junkrat doesn't have any heals so even someone like Juno can scare him away if he's flanking.
@storm___ 7 күн бұрын
@@MrBrock314 depends on the map. Some maps spam is better than others.
@DoeboyFreshNESS 7 күн бұрын
Winston mains yapping their ass off on this one 😂
@S85B50Engine 7 күн бұрын
10:47 OP's mistake is taking Awkward seriously
@wauchi1895 7 күн бұрын
And what's the issue with that? He is an extremely good overwatch player, reached Rank 1 multitude of times, and gives great advice. If there is anyone to learn from, it's him
@S85B50Engine 7 күн бұрын
@@wauchi1895 there's better educational creators that are not awful people
@wauchi1895 7 күн бұрын
@@S85B50Engine Is this satire? lol
@tyrenace6597 4 күн бұрын
@@S85B50Engine who cares if you think he is "awful" if his tips can actually help others improve
@samjohnson7325 7 күн бұрын
rat exists in a weird flux where he dominates 75% of players games, but underperforms at the top level, they cant buff him for high elo cause then he will be a server admin in metal ranks, they cant nerf him for low elo cause then he is pointless, the only solution is to remove him from the game the fact that the character requires no skill to get value, (inb4 "HE TAKES SKILL YOU NEED TO LEAD SHOTS", but you dont, do you, rat mains just spam chokes and do their stupid left click mine combo that deletes half the characters in the game after appearing out of thin air and then mine away scot free) and then can out damage any of the characters that require skill to hit shots at range is kind of insane jokes aside, he should either be able to instantly delete you point blank, or quickly delete you from a distance out of LOS, not both, tbh his primary fire should have a similar range to venture, same with his mine, he should be doing nothing outside of 15 meters
@hobosorcerer 7 күн бұрын
If you think spamming chokes is Junkrat's main way of getting value or showing skill expression, then you're not being honest. If a Junkrat is close enough to land his combo, then you should've heard him blast-mine over (using one of his cooldowns) & have had plenty of time to react. If he landed it from far away, then you had time to dodge. Try landing a nade after knocking someone up with blast mine, then tell me he takes no skill.
@samjohnson7325 7 күн бұрын
getting two shot from a range where it takes 4 headshots to kill him is pretty aids
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
This is false. Junkrat does take aim. You can spam chokes but only a fool would walk around a corner when they see grenades bouncing by. A wise person would change routes. There are no single routes to take on any map. Or switch to a character that can wall climb or fly and you'll easily flank and then kill Junkrat. Especially, if you flank from high ground.
@jermu8706 7 күн бұрын
@@MrBrock314 keep coping.
@sarahhatesit 7 күн бұрын
brain rot take on Zarya bubbles, truly.
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
As he said, decent Zaryas are always med-high energy. Avoiding shooting the bubble isn't helpful when she's already high energy. You're better off bursting her down than counting on your heals to save you from an impossible situation. High-energy Zarya will shred your entire backline in seconds, healbot or not. You only have two options - kill her or escape. If you leave as a DPS, your supports probably died and so did the tank which is not better than you dying. Better to try to burn her down so the tank or supports live. Also, there are several characters that are capable of breaking Zarya bubble and killing her pretty quickly. A full 5 storm arrows will break bubble nearly instantly (with headshots, it's broken in 3) for example. At any rank, a single Hanzo can take a full hp bubble Zarya to 1/3 hp in about 2 seconds if they hit their headshots. Combine this with any other "regular" damage (like half a clip from Soldier) and Zarya died.
@russ2928 4 күн бұрын
Not even in ranked people consistently shit talk either I win or loose. Like y can’t you just take an L and if I lose they just start saying shit like “gg ___ diff” and “ez” like YOU WON why be a piece of shit
@dash4800 7 күн бұрын
I hate all characters that have low skill insta kill ability. And im not talking ults, but regular attacks. Right now junk is at the top of my list with Venture. Their combo attacks just do too much damage. You turn a corner and a surprised junkrat just spams all his buttons and you insta die. And of course there is always the random grenade that takes a weird bounce and unexpectedly hits you l, doing 120 dmg and bouncing you into the path of the other grenades that bounced normally and you had initially avoided.
@hobosorcerer 7 күн бұрын
It's not "spamming all of his buttons." You have to shift, left click and right click to pop the mine in like, a faction of a second in order to hit someone in melee range with the combo. Landing the combo at range is even harder, especially if the mine hits first.
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
It's the fact that you think they're low skill that is the problem. If you're being bodied by a junkrat at 100 yards while moving, it's high skill. If you didn't move, that's on you. Same with venture - she makes a ton of noise when she moves so it should be fairly easy to track her location and move away from where she will be. Or, if movement is difficult (like say Zen), 5 orb headshot her when she pops out.
@dash4800 7 күн бұрын
@MrBrock314 lol, I like how saying a random grenade causing a fluke kill somehow translates to getting bodied. I'm not talking about a junkrat or venture dominating me and I do t know what to do or one of them pulling off really high level plays. Im talking about exactly what I said. You start on circuit royal and you move to a side room. To see if there is a flank and there's a junk or venture you just hit 3 buttons instantly that do attacks requiring no ain and get a dumb pick. It's not high level, it's not "getting bodied" it's just an annoying cheap kill that is basically unavoidable and is probably the only time you ever worry about them. And as far as random junk grenades work, I'm sure you will just pretend you've never been completely clear of his grenades when a random one gets bounced weird because the cart moved in front of it and it hits you. I love how people like you act like any annoying thing that we all know happens in the game is only a "skill issue" and nevwr happens to them. Why is it so hard just to agree that annoying things are annoying and everyone in the world who doesn't main these characters gets irritated by them?
@ElijahMarshall912 7 күн бұрын
Immaculate outfit today KarQ👍👍👍
@blkc744 7 күн бұрын
I think junk venture are broken junk as too much in his kit as venture plus Ashe nade after season 9 is like broken too
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
"Junk has too much in his kit" - you mean the same things he had on day 1? He's got grenades (1.5 second cd), mine (7 second cd (2 charges)) and a trap (10 second cd). That's not a lot of things. Dodge the grenades, stay back and don't walk into traps and a Junkrat will barely ever hurt you.
@eldenmeow5123 7 күн бұрын
Lots of people think supports are broken still but they’re not. Just dps players that cry for nerfs every time they lose a 1v1 and half of them got carried to their ranks
@jermu8706 7 күн бұрын
if that is true then why is open que just healers and tanks?
@eldenmeow5123 7 күн бұрын
@@jermu8706 open que is completely different game that’s not even considered by the balance team. The reason you see those comps though is because not dying is how you win games. You see plenty of dps in open queue anyway I think you are just seeing that because people are delusional and don’t see how easy dps is right now.
@jermu8706 7 күн бұрын
@@eldenmeow5123 the fact that you think dps is easy right now tells me you dont play it, consume high level content or even care to have a proper discussion about this because you will just go straight to calling people delusional. i was ready to explain why support is strong but clearly you are not going to even consider the points i would make because your bias is so strong you dont even care to elaborate on it, just say delusion and move on
@eldenmeow5123 7 күн бұрын
@@jermu8706 I do play daily. I’ve mained support for years and dps is just easier to win games. I don’t even like playing dps but you literally don’t have to think even half as much about your resources as supports or tanks. All you have to do is hit your shots and have some character/map knowledge and you’ll have an easy time.
@jermu8706 7 күн бұрын
@@eldenmeow5123 yeah, problem is that hitting your shots is often harder than basic gamesense, which is why you are stuck to low mechanical intensity supports.
@bentocod 7 күн бұрын
Junkrat doesnt feel good to play against. It does feel good to get one shot combo by a projectile that does the same amount of damage to anywhere in the body.
@Catbeans99 7 күн бұрын
Have you tried not being bad?
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
Grenades are a pretty slow projectile with predictable arcs and rolling abilities. Don't stand still and you'll win WAY more fights against junkrat. Also, practice hitting air targets so if Junkrat launches himself at you, he dies before he hits the ground.
@hobosorcerer 7 күн бұрын
The blast mine's damage is determined by your distance from the center of the explosion, so that's already a factor which makes the combo inconsistent & not a guaranteed "one shot." Are you suggesting he should have to headshot with his grenades?
@murilotheodoro5025 8 күн бұрын
The problem with supports doing dmg is that they don't know when it's appropriate to one or the other.
@S85B50Engine 7 күн бұрын
Because the average support is boosted by the role being way too powercrept
@plumpduckk 7 күн бұрын
Eh I’d say the bigger issue is that if you take damage away, then you’re fully reliant on a team that mostly lets you down. Damage is the way to go
@kernoleary1394 7 күн бұрын
there's no problems with supports damage. you just want supports to heal bot you all game? sounds like a major skill issue
@_GREASY_ 7 күн бұрын
@@kernoleary1394 No one is asking for heal bot. They just want to get healed mid fight to not have to run away to get passive heals because somehow supports have 40 fov when the game only goes down to 80 fov and all they are doing is shooting tanks most of the time, missing 90% of their shoots. If you want to get to GM Pro tip heal AND dps coming from a GM support
@S85B50Engine 7 күн бұрын
@@kernoleary1394 the problem is that supports have more damage, heals, survivability, utility and better playmaking potential than the role whose whole job is to get elims. What's the point of having a DPS role if supports are better at doing DPS than the DPS themselves, and tanks have the same or higher DPS but with mitigation abilities and health pools that make them unkillable when they get healed? Have you learned NOTHING from Season 7 and 8 of OW2?
@cinnamo7 7 күн бұрын
“Why is dpsing as a support so frowned upon” so these are the people I keep getting on my teams 😭😭😭
@jermu8706 7 күн бұрын
ur team is not why you are in gold
@sinanuygur5273 7 күн бұрын
I liked the old glasses, you look like a librarian now... naaah jk, you older though!
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
He's 31 - he doesn't qualify to use the word old or older. 31 is young, not baby adult like 20 but young.
@Subzerd 7 күн бұрын
"metal" rank console... bronze most likely, if you lose every time theres a junkrat youre definitely bottom of the barrel
@thee-jayandthewolf4816 7 күн бұрын
I'm plat but thanks I guess
@Subzerd 7 күн бұрын
@@thee-jayandthewolf4816 plat console is silver pc at best, checks out
@thee-jayandthewolf4816 7 күн бұрын
@@Subzerd rank shaming is kinda cringe
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
@@thee-jayandthewolf4816 But what people complain about does depend on rank. Which means it's a skill issue if only the rank you're at complains about it. If Junkrat were truly op, he'd be op in all ranks. Dva, for example, is powerful in Bronze and Champion. Junkrat spam isn't a big issue for high-level players as they've learned to flank and play long-range characters when necessary.
@grombula721 7 күн бұрын
He keeps saying zarya doesnt counter dva. From my tank counter swapping experience, that is very not true
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
Were you Dva or Zarya? Because if you were Dva, that might be a skill issue. :) If it's Zarya, you must be rising through the ranks quickly considering how many Dvas there are.
@天使霜 7 күн бұрын
"Yes shoot zarya bubble" is TERRIBLE advice for low skill level matches. Sure it's great if everyone is shooting zarya but never will you ever get all 5 shooting zarya AND getting the kill. 95% of matches are just going to be willingly fighting full charge zarya nearly all game. Again unless you somehow have a VERY coherent 5 man voice enabled team DO NOT SHOOT ZARYA BUBBLE.
@Kintaku 7 күн бұрын
Yeah the real issue with this is that most of the time low level lobbies aren’t shooting the bubble on purpose. It’s not focused damage, so she ends up just gaining charge and living. Usually your teammates will shoot it and go “oops” and stop to disengage, not realizing the damage was already done. It feels like one of those things you only realize if you’ve played Zarya yourself.
@shaderunner7.0 7 күн бұрын
​@@KintakuYea, for some reason your team feeds Zarya charge, but when you are on Zarya, you just never get charge and get away with it xD
@Kintaku 7 күн бұрын
@@shaderunner7.0 lol some games it definitely feels like that. I will say though I feel like even low charge does pretty decent damage these days. I don’t usually have trouble killing things as Zarya. I wish I played her more tbh
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
At low-level, you're just going to die to Zarya if you don't shoot the bubble anyway. :) Leaving Zarya to last is fatal in low ranks.
@jermu8706 7 күн бұрын
5man lol, just have both your dps on hitscan and they can do it in like a 5 second window.
@bchavez149 7 күн бұрын
If you're on support and have less than 200 heals by round two or even by round 3, you should get a warning or banned for griefing your team. If you just want to do damage, que DPS
@JuliaWaters-h8j 8 күн бұрын
Your videos are an example of how to make quality and attractive content. Keep up the good work!🚛🌮‍♀️
@TheodoreColeman 7 күн бұрын
19:30 It's good to hear that people are just as clueless in silver as they are in bronze about how to handle disagreements with what other players are doing. 🥲
@MrBrock314 7 күн бұрын
Yep, people are bad at learning in most ranks.
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