Am I supposed to live as long as possible on cart? | OW2 Reddit Questions #49

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@Gabytron 13 күн бұрын
the tank being on payload thing happened to me recently. I had a team that I'm guessing were all new to the game, and I pushed up to take space and they all sat on the cart and watched me die, then started flaming that I wasn't just sitting on cart with them. It's such a whiplash to go from one game with players that know what they're doing, to going to a game with all new players who are making the same mistakes you saw people making back in OW1
@Bodgie7878 13 күн бұрын
That's been my experience recently, or the team is totally split - I had a game where I swapped Cass to protect our supports from a sombra, we were fully in sync, I took the sombra's aggro and got up in her face, the supports healed me rather than trying to DPS her down and we just had each other's backs. Meanwhile our tank and other DPS were running in, dying and complaining about heals. Us three had 7 deaths each, the tank and other DPS were sat at almost double that by the end of the game
@patrickmcdaniel5756 13 күн бұрын
I'll get whiplash going from comp to playing with my friends where I'll press the advantage, space, stagger kills etc.. only to realize they are 4 on... ON the cart lol. Even funnier when it's push. Like 4 on bot for no reason. Check. But whether it's playing with them or randoms in qp it is my misplay for not syncing with the team.
@Gabytron 13 күн бұрын
@@patrickmcdaniel5756 having to adjust your playstyle to a team can be so annoying, especially if you have to tone it down so much it just becomes boring.
@Gabytron 13 күн бұрын
@@Bodgie7878 Yeah! I find myself having to remind everyone to focus fire and to help your teammates kill whoever they are killing instead of engaging in 5 separate fights. People are oblivious then get mad their hand isn't being held while going 1v5
@Wulfereene 11 күн бұрын
​@@Bodgie7878 theoretically you 3 should have tried to stay with the other two instead of hanging back until sombra is dead. But if your tank has higher mobility, then it's on him to be aware of cohesion and sight lines. You need to adapt to your supports a little. Or keep your mobility to peel. But over all, i dislike sombra more every time. Permanent invisible is so not fun to play against. If just one teammate strays, he is likely dead.
@kevinkalani 13 күн бұрын
The Brig thing is so funny, even in Plat, Brigs will swing on a Rein even though they can't outheal his swings
@imxluke 13 күн бұрын
i usually try and get one swing on him but i don’t think it’s worth it since he just obliterates me
@kevinkalani 13 күн бұрын
@imxluke nah unless he is like last one left and your whole team is focusing him, it's better to just whipshot him away from you
@TheBrokenCircuit 13 күн бұрын
Yeah but usually low plat though
@kevinkalani 13 күн бұрын
@@TheBrokenCircuit it still happens in high plat/low diamond, I promise
@MyCommentsRMaturelol 13 күн бұрын
I lose swing duels to brig constantly. It feels. So. Bad. But I have a big hitbox and get focused and maybe healed.
@kingmoosh2004 13 күн бұрын
1:28 lol karq’s face when he reads that brig is supposed to be in the frontline
@noisetank13 13 күн бұрын
To be completely fair, any character with a primary of melee will be assumed to be on the frontlines as a new player. Overwatch can be very confusing and is a lot more complicated than people describe it.
@bobothebob4716 13 күн бұрын
My brother has 1 hand and plays McCassidy in ranked. He's peaked high diamond. Don't let others tell you what you can do with your situation. Figure out what works for you and play ranked if you want to. Ignore players as needed. These days I mute everyone in voice chat and have match / team chat disabled. My peak has surprisingly not decreased much or if at all. I can still make important callouts, but I don't have to listen to the 30/40 year old man babies blundering about.
@its_lucky252 13 күн бұрын
your brother is singlehandedly inspiring millions (sorry)
@DasGoodSoup 13 күн бұрын
@ChickenPhobia 13 күн бұрын
Get him on kovaaks, he'll 1 armed aimer his way to gm
@strangejune 13 күн бұрын
If it isn't too much to ask, how does he usually prefer to play? That's super interesting, and I love that people can find ways to make games more accessible to them.
@Pashankie 13 күн бұрын
​@@strangejunei think there are specially made mice that have lots of buttons on them that you can press by putting pressure on specific areas of your fingers, correct me if im wrong tho. theres also a possibility of some sort of foot pedal controls, ive seen that done before
@NerdySatyr 13 күн бұрын
So many cool and supportive comments in the Nerve damage post, really nice to see from the community
@Blu_Bear 13 күн бұрын
Is this how I learn Brig's inspire can't be retroactivly applied when teammates come into range after the activation
@hacep160 13 күн бұрын
same, I have 170h on her and I just now learnt it, I thought it was an aura
@Blu_Bear 12 күн бұрын
@@hacep160 That's exactly what I thought as well! I was under the impression it was basically a Lucio aura that was activated for a few seconds after a hit lands. But in reality it's more like Bap's regen burst, just a lot slower lol
@FightinCheesy 12 күн бұрын
The game is terrible at letting you know what brig inspire actually does its so insane
@hacep160 12 күн бұрын
@@FightinCheesy just funny to realize I have been running around in masters without knowing this. Now I can actually slightly modify my play style a bit and Brig more value to the table
@demifolk8940 9 күн бұрын
Yep! Its not an active aura like Lucio. Its a healing over time that procs on every teammate in a radius around you when you hit something. There is no walking into it, and extra hits only refresh the duration of, what, like 6 seconds? 5 seconds? I don’t remember that part. Kinda interesting how it works, it would make sense if it activated a healing aura around Brig. But I think this is unique and sets her apart from Lucios heal aura
@burgehan 13 күн бұрын
Junk is a very good hero for the people who can't aim for any reason. (Never feel excluded please, just enjoy the game)
@JC-dc7eb 13 күн бұрын
No he’s not.. cuz then when you need to swap you won’t be able to do anything else. Don’t take a dps slot if you can only play junk
@burgehan 13 күн бұрын
@@JC-dc7eb Actually there is no real rule against it. You can one trick any hero you want even if it is considered "not effective" by other players. It's important that you try your best and have fun. (Don't also forget that he has got nerve damage and has much fewer options)
@MrBrock314 13 күн бұрын
Junk is an even better hero if you can aim though. I remember people thinking 5% accuracy was ok on junkrat, it's not. My Hanzo and Junkrat accuracy are about the same.
@Shiftarus 12 күн бұрын
@@JC-dc7eb just because it irritates you doesnt mean 1 tricks cant play dps. Maybe its you who needs to not que at all if you can't deal with players playing the way they prefer.
@Skatche 13 күн бұрын
Re: "stay on payload!" In lower ranks especially, but probably all the way up the ladder, there'll be teammates who try to tell you how to do your job, never having done that job themselves (or having only done it badly). One of my placement games the other day, I was on Kiri, and I was getting yelled at by one guy for not healbotting. At one point I was in a 2v1 with my Ball against an Orisa, Ball was at 75% health while Orisa was half, and this guy (he was dead and spectating) was saying "stop DPSing! Heal our tank!" Obviously I ignored him and we killed the Orisa. We lost that game, but I went 7 and 3 in my placement matches so I think I know what I'm doing, at least better than that guy did.
@semosesam 13 күн бұрын
Depending on comp, "Dva no matrix" can actually be a good call out. Some times I'll go Bastion and burn my turret mode to completely waist her entire matrix. If she's caught out in the open without matrix and the team focuses her, she can be demeched pretty quick.
@Im_Half_Asleep 13 күн бұрын
Yes but realistically it's only a good call-out in really low elo where dvas will burn their ENTIRE matrix in one go. Most dvas will only tap it to stop a burst of damage so calling out no matrix is useless because by the time you finish your sentence the cool down for her to use it again is already over. Tldr: by the time you give the call-out and people respond her matrix is already usable again.
@bodacious12 13 күн бұрын
@Matt-sx6do 13 күн бұрын
I find dva uses her matrix on everything and anything in metal ranks. Hanzo arrow? Matrix. Hanzo ult? Matrix. Maybe I'm a Lil salty bout my ults being eaten :(
@SuperLifestream 13 күн бұрын
That's the same against Winston. Go bastion just to remove shield
@Matt-sx6do 13 күн бұрын
@@SuperLifestream or' ooor, ignore Winston go for his heals.
@drakedbz 13 күн бұрын
On the "damage vs kills" question--being a stat farmer is a waste of time. The scoreboard only really tells you if your uptime is good. There is so much more to overwatch than just kills or damage. Some characters specialize heavily in just being threatening. Positioning and taking space is a massive part of the game that isn't shown on the scoreboard. Stats are a symptom not a cause.
@SuperLifestream 13 күн бұрын
I'm a sombra main. And I'll put on blast those that say I'm doing nothing since I have low kills. I could be on 8 kills and 2k dmg. While they are on 14kills and 10k dmg... "yeah sure buddy, that extra 8k dmg really not just feeding the enemy healers".
@MrBrock314 13 күн бұрын
As to most things, there's a balance. It is straight up difficult to win with very low damage or very low kills. So, there are some stats to think about. It's just not the end all, be all.
@i.r.weasel7042 12 күн бұрын
its all contextual, but damage is an indicator of applied pressure and ult charge gained. If your DPS is not putting out the pressure and the heal-debuff, then enemy supports can easily out-heal everything, the tank can take free space, and your team's ult economy will be busted. However there are things the scoreboard doesn't track and that's where things get messy socially, because people tend to look for scapegoats when things don't go well.... I think the most important scoreboard stats is deaths, and you generally dont want to outpace your team or lobby, but sometimes you can trade your life for value (kill-trades, drawing ults, drawing cd's); it's contextual.
@Yasha_U 12 күн бұрын
i like to switch to widow just to threaten enemies for a bit tbh.
@PeteD 13 күн бұрын
Spelled Winston - says Winton Spelled Winton - says Winston
@fettbub92 13 күн бұрын
To the point about having nerve damage, keep playing. There are controllers and mouse keyboards out there to help. My favorite DVa duo partner is a controller only player on PC, and they did just fine. Keep working out what works for you
@JefferyGrant-j6e 12 күн бұрын
Is there any aim assist on controller? Might seem pretty hard without it
@fettbub92 12 күн бұрын
@@JefferyGrant-j6e not on PC
@EliasAxelViking 13 күн бұрын
You should include some of the top comments. They might say something you forgot to include, or thought about something that you did not.
@lilithFGC 12 күн бұрын
5:51 one time me and my friend were playing and someone on our team called “hog is in the wind” I think they meant he was gone or like hiding or something but we’ve been saying “in the wind” since then shit was funny
@gummostump4217 13 күн бұрын
10:30 try shifting the load from your wrist to your arm with lower sensitivity, bigger mouse pads, and a lightweight mouse. With this in tandem with heroes like Cass, pharah, widow, or bap, who reward more "flicky" aim, I can still be plenty effective when my wrist rsi flares up.
@e3vL1 13 күн бұрын
17:24 You shouldn't focus on kills especially when the other team tries to make you chase them. Sometimes it's better to do critical damage and let your teammates finish them off so you have time to reload or save your cool down
@MrBrock314 13 күн бұрын
You must be at a higher rank - finishing people off is not a strong suit in metal ranks. :)
@Lee-fw5bd 13 күн бұрын
i can sort of see why many people get confused with where brig should be but it does usually come down to either protecting against divers, going in with a teammate, and always looking for a whipshot. just be where you can do those things and you're usually good. some comps are just not friendly to her. But i'm only okay at this game at best so at higher ranks things may change. also, yes. dive is the thing right now. i'm not loving it but at least I enjoy playing dva lol
@X_MANGO__ 13 күн бұрын
Its so freaking sad that the moment a player doesn't have an advantage over you based on hero pick they have no idea how to play the game. 5v5 counter swap culture has ruined this game.
@jonah-b7k 13 күн бұрын
not everything is a culture jfc
@waterrr6332 13 күн бұрын
Gets so annoying when my duo and I play Venture/Reaper and the enemy dps proceed to go Echo/Pharah after getting shit on, on their chosen hero and somehow do worse than before. I flame people that actively try to counterswap and somehow lose. Like, how you have the advantage, do worse and still lose
@PerfectSwagHD 13 күн бұрын
@@waterrr6332 just play better thats the bad thing 1 tricking a hero. Learn your counter or better yet adapt when they counter you. Im top 500 tank player I get more annoyed when the whole team counters you i mean and not just tank counter you but dps also
@waterrr6332 13 күн бұрын
@@PerfectSwagHD Never said anything about one tricking and also we shit on Echo's and Pharah's that swap to these heroes because they are shit with them. And because it fucks up their support comp, they throw the game. It's so funny how they swap to those heroes when their backline is Lucio/Bap. It's not that it's really affecting our gameplay, it's just annoying and sad
@PerfectSwagHD 13 күн бұрын
@@waterrr6332 sorry bud I misunderstood you my grammar is at bronze level. Yeah that’s funny when they do those dps changes when they have those supports
@MrRat-69 12 күн бұрын
12:45 Lifeweaver could be a good one too. His healing blossom locks on and does most of the aiming for you.
@amiri3276 9 күн бұрын
I mained Mei in OW1 and would alternate between all 3 playstyles. Now its harder to Dive with her but the changes have definitely made her stronger in Poke and Brawl
@grr-OUCH 13 күн бұрын
I play and I am blind in one eye and my only eye is legally blind. Last I tried Competitive I was Silver 2.
@puppyvix 13 күн бұрын
@ 10:22 the tank on my team plays on pc and uses a controller for similar reasons, and she's the highest rank on our team and really really great, that might be a good solution if you have a controller you can use ! but just find something that feels good for you and dont worry about the other people, play for your enjoyment as long as youre not purposely throwing like walking around by spawn not doing anything LOL
@andysim3048 12 күн бұрын
1:04 would also argue that if your playing a character like tracer you should die on cart however if you think you can continue to survive until your team can come back. A few times I point dance until team gets reset. However this is still the risk of stagger.
@triantulas 12 күн бұрын
5:40 The most useless call out I hear is "X hero was one" As in widowmaker was one or s76 was one as in they were one shot or had one HP left It's what I call a unactionable call out
@Yasha_U 12 күн бұрын
depends i think? in metal ranks, you often see low hp enemies still in the fight and in the open. a quick "x is really low" can sometimes make your teammates try and hut a finishing blow
@Darkrai1431 12 күн бұрын
Please make an updated support duos tier list
@genemydraws4170 12 күн бұрын
I think the brig question is in almost every video ahah
@sawah765 13 күн бұрын
For bap it's probably not worth it to stall cart and miss the wave respawn, unless your team can recontest that point by a small margin and the stalling matters. But it depends on the hero too. Like if your team has bap+lucio, either one of them respawning late would be a huge problem. Lucio wants to speed his team back and bap is the only healer and very slow without the lucio taxi. But maybe tracer will get value trying to stall because she returns quickly on her own and isn't the main healer that the team depends on.
@michaualtington 13 күн бұрын
im ngl i posted the living on cart post right after watching one of these videos LOL
@Snowshill 12 күн бұрын
the respawn wave thing is so incredibly erratic, have died along side 1, 2, or all 5 team mates to as an example a diva bomb and I or one of them or multiple of us dont respawn together any number of us could be up and the rest of us have to wait the full 12 seconds or w/e it is, its so inconsistent or buggy heck have died and then been waiting for more than 30 second to respawn while I see team mates respawning before me who died way after me -.- I have very mild dyspraxia and when I am having a bad day hero's like phara, junk even symetra and reaper are nice go to heros to use, nice wide spread/splash dmaage or can focus on tanks who are nice big targets and dont need much tracking to hit and still be a help to the group, and on the small squishy targets you do enough damage to force them away even on a partial hit
@wiggle-ninja8653 12 күн бұрын
10:30 I have nerve damage too, and tend to hold a controller in my left hand with my right hand on the mouse. Microsoft just came out with a new adaptive controller that’s basically half of a regular gaming controller :0 && it’s only $27USD.
@i.r.weasel7042 12 күн бұрын
scoreboard is always contextual, but if someone is keeping up with the lobby's damage, but not elims, then they're likely not shooting the right targets. All you have to do is land 1 hp of dmg on someone who dies, and yet somehow we still get players who cant keep up with the lobby and will basically go 1:2 or worse.
@Shiftarus 12 күн бұрын
consider this, if the other DPS has lower damage but more elims... they are probably just capitalizing on the damage that the other is doing and just confirming the kills. This could be fine, it could be a problem, the scoreboard really doesn't tell you anything by itself
@metallikalm4336 13 күн бұрын
The issue is, when I die on car, my teams often advance, unaware that it's four against five.
@Shiftarus 12 күн бұрын
if none of your team is dead you should stay alive. The time to die on the cart is when the fight is being lost already
@metallikalm4336 12 күн бұрын
@@Shiftarus Ya, that situation was when I was the last one on my team to die.
@prestonmitchell9135 13 күн бұрын
For the nerve damaged fella in terms of DPS I'd recommend venture, torb, junk, and pharah
@R3ktumGam1ng 13 күн бұрын
if you can aim okay but struggle with tracking i'd recommend playing heroes like hanzo, junkrat, pharah, sigma etc with slower moving, low fire rate projectiles
@MrBrock314 13 күн бұрын
Hanzo requires a fair amount of tracking if you want to finish people off without a headshot. Especially before the 225hp nerf, you'll kill almost nothing without tracking.
@cephuwu 13 күн бұрын
I was just wondering about "dying on cart" vs "staggering". I just picked up Illari n it almost never feels worth trying to run from a hard engage fight that was lost
@electrollama2127 13 күн бұрын
That makes sense if you're running around cart and using your weapon for healing. But other times you'll be poking from cover farther away and relying on your turret to take care of the mid-line, so you just need to tuck behind a corner and you've escaped.
@MrBrock314 13 күн бұрын
@@electrollama2127 Yep, greatly depends on knowing when the fight is lost. If you know when the fight is lost and you're faster than the enemy or have a screen headstart, you can retreat. If have no movement abilities or they have a Tracer, you're not going to make it.
@Subzerd 13 күн бұрын
ideally you have high damage and high kills, but your kill stat, only you really know how valuable that is, are you getting 1 damage tags? or are all your elims entirely your damage and nobody elses? if its just tags then your stats dont mean much, if its all your damage then your 10 kills are more valuable than the other damage that might have 20 but is mostly getting tags and credit for someone elses work
@MrBrock314 13 күн бұрын
Agreed - you should watch your final blow counter if it's available to you. If it's below 50% of your elims, you're feeding support/tank ults most of the time probably. Pressure on the tank can be useful but keep in mind that if they live, they just got ult charge which will counter the space you generated by a factor of about 10. Rein smash will easily gain 50-100m (if executed well) while the pressure you provide might gain 5m if you're not killing. Tanks are a lot more powerful than most dps so giving them ult is far worse than pumping that damage into a dps or healer who's far more likely to die. Still, try to kill whatever you aim at - that's the most effective. A dead tank is worth a lot more than a dead dps, if you can pull it off.
@kennethbontempo1031 13 күн бұрын
"No more ults" as in don't use any more ults right now - when no one has an ult. Or it's obvious the team fight is over and won. Just a useless callout imo smh.
@ForbidenXShadow 12 күн бұрын
God I hate the die on cart mindset… last fight and my team feeds on point bc the c9 is just way to scary so they would rather lose 100% then to have a chance to c9 . So dumb
@oddy_gg 13 күн бұрын
brig players asking for pocket when frontlining... fucking queue tank then
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