Should I be shooting shield if nothing else? | OW2 Reddit Questions #51

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@Subzerd 4 сағат бұрын
im sorry, but for that higher-lower elo one.... not noticing the hanzo in the middle of your whole team for "4 seconds" is just as much a you problem as it is a team problem
@Shotgunspixie 2 сағат бұрын
I think silver/gold is just a dumpster fire of panic and blindness.
@jonathansutherland5242 2 сағат бұрын
It's more about trusting that the people next to you will intercept a target or call it out and so you don't think to "waste" focus on areas you shouldn't have to.
@Subzerd 28 минут бұрын
@@jonathansutherland5242 as someone that was in gold for a long time, you need to play like youre the only one on your team as damage, dont expect anyone to do anything and always be aware of every angle
@aggrogahu 2 сағат бұрын
I'd argue that Ram shield might not be worth shooting every single time, especially if there's no one else around and the shield has no immediate impact. Its duration is pretty short anyways. Sigma shield is worth shooting since its on a resource (as opposed to a cooldown like Ram's).
@AkaiOniKing 15 минут бұрын
For Rein, you need everyone to burst it down. It’s 1600 Hp right now, so one person doesn’t do anything to it, three people still take a little bit, but once it’s down, he has to back off and be afk or push w key and feed.
@AkaiOniKing 13 минут бұрын
For Winston, I CANNOT EMPHASIZE ANY HARDER, shoot the crap out of it. Winston’s engagement tool is his leap, and his shield keeps him in for longer. The sooner it is gone, the sooner he has to leave or possibly die before he can leap again. Also, stay together when there’s a Winston - unless you can take an off-angle and escape from him if he decides to leap on you
@nguyenhoangpham5903 6 минут бұрын
@@AkaiOniKing or charge and somehow get a random kill
@HoodieProduction 4 сағат бұрын
PLAYERS WHO ARE GOOD ARE WILLING TO ACCEPT UNFAIR CHALLENGES. The amount of people who claim to be competitive yet lose their minds the second they can blame someone else for their performance is astounding. You see good players climb out of lower ranks all the time for the sake of fun content all the time yet their half the time their viewers don't make the connection that if they really wanted, they could work towards the same result. There is no plug and play way to be good at anything for a prolonged period of time, it's no different than other parts of life.
@KimJongUnnum1 2 сағат бұрын
rank resets messes up the entire ladder, we see this every single rank reset. you only see those good players climb when there isn't a rank reset, when there is they don't climb even if you put them in Gold. in diamond ive gone 44-6 this season and only went from diamond 4 to diamond 2, tell me how that makes sense? if the matches im being added to are easy and therefore worth less to a rank change when i win- then why isn't the matchmaker seeing how many easy games im having and how many games overall im winning and give me more fair matches and harder matches that are worth more rank change? the system is completely fcked right now you can go an unlimited number of matches with a brand new player in placements in every game still - the matchmaker still doesn't account for this and alter your next game based on it. rank resets are just bs that make bad players feel good
@skrrrtsusman3450 2 сағат бұрын
I often complain about matchmaking, but people dont realize that when i do its me complaining about my skill, they always assume im blaming teammates, also, i dont like unfair challenges when its literally walk out spawn doors and die in like ten seconds. Impossible to improve in that scenario, at least for me.
@akimomalrov3241 4 сағат бұрын
in regards to the person at 12 minutes commenting about lower rank vs higher rank play. I am same way, where my DPS is lower then my support, mostly because of my lack of aim. Generally, I will usually try to "play the way you should" but if that isnt working because of my team's position, what i usually do is just play alongside them and usually cover the backline. This is so, I can see my whole team in front of me, and react to cover them. Our supports have tunnel vision and dont watch their flank? im there to provide pressure and support. Doesnt mean I kill shit, and should a cassidy be in your own backline? probably not, but its what keeps me healed, and my support's alive. at higher ranks, i can be more aggressive because my teammates are able to take care of themselves.
@EvanOfTheDarkness 4 сағат бұрын
Eh, Gold 2-4 is where the game is actually fun. Bronze and lower silver is just absolute chaos, while above gold you need to think about stuff like "correct positoning", and where to take the fights, which is boring, and not fun. It also turns the game into a cover shooter.
@Doogie2K3 3 сағат бұрын
Another thing about ult splooging is poor coordination. No one comms at low levels, so three people all reach the same conclusion that their ult can turn the fight and press Q within a couple of seconds instead of picking just one that will suffice. The more you coordinate, the less that (should) happen.
@lebogangjr1286 3 сағат бұрын
Silver in 30hrs is borderline not believable. Good shit!
@xandaer13 3 сағат бұрын
I wore my first headset backward for 7 years because i didn't know it had a direction. I conditioned myself to react to a left noise by looking right so much that when it broke and i had a new pair with a more obvious direction i felt soooo weird and couldn't understand why. It took me weeks to learn everything again and play decently
@BryantWoo 2 сағат бұрын
just curious what rank you were playing in
@skrrrtsusman3450 2 сағат бұрын
everyone has something odd like that, but dam that is quite silly my guy lol
@LadySniperSwaggYT 2 сағат бұрын
I remember when my right headphone went out and I didn’t notice for a week. I was wondering why I wasn’t hearing certain things lol
@RLplusabunchofdumbnumbers 2 сағат бұрын
When I used to visit my folks at holidays, I had a 'back up' PC there with a USB headset. For some reason during a game session, something caused it to disconnect-reconnect, and when it did the directions had been reversed. It was soooooo disorienting. It literally triggered my anxiety because there was such a clear mismatch between my senses and my brain was like "SOMETHING IS WRONG! I DON'T KNOW WHAT BUT SOMETHING. IS. WRONG!@!!"
@youdontknowmegigna Сағат бұрын
There's one word that can perfectly describe you. . . but there's no need to be toxic.
@pkzammy666 Сағат бұрын
I recently just had a support game, where their Junk used tire. So I used beat about a second before it blew up, countered it. Then our weaver used tree, behind us. Their mercy used valk, hanzo on the enemy team used dragon. Then their Ana nano'd the junk. And finally our Orisa used surge. And we rolled them. No ults either way, full map advantage now. We won the round 100-0. Second point, I was holding beat for tire again. And our Weaver kept flaming me to use beat because to open. Eventually at 55-37% (for us) I decided to beat to take the point back after they used 3 ults. Our weaver, Torb, Sig then died to the tire. And weaver blames me for not countering the ult like I did last time. Some people just don't understand how ults work or when to ult.
@akimomalrov3241 4 сағат бұрын
the final post. Absolutely don't scoreboard sally, terrible idea really, just ends up tilting everyone involved. However, what the stats do show, tangible amount of actions/shots, etc, that landed. Everyone knows that widow's damage will be low, and elims "should" be high, but if she has say, 1k damage and everyone else is at 6k damage, then there is a problem of not hitting shots. regardless of how many kills you have. because at that point, damage can be viewed as pressure. bastion shredding a tank for a bunch of damage, but not killing them becuase they dumped all their cooldowns, does not provide you an elim, but it shows that you shredded them for a moment, and dumped a huge amount of pressure. Statistics are not the end all be all to understand how well you, or someone else is performing. But, there are some general averages that, if not being met, can indicate a larger issue. For example, if you are against a rein, and your bastion has less damage then your tracer, or even sombra, that could mean, your tracer/sombra is god teir, but more likely it means your bastion isnt hitting the right shots and using cooldowns properly (of course this is dependent on if they are alive similarly to the rest of your team, obviously getting early picked in a fight would not provide any damage output).
@johnpalcon7570 2 сағат бұрын
Reaper, Doom and Juno has such a high carry potential but you have to master them truly.
@ethanfrench9111 3 сағат бұрын
As a plat player who occasionally plays widow (I occasionally play every hero), I do tend to stick in one spot for a while but it’s usually map and situation dependent. I mostly stick to the high ground on Dorado but where exactly I change it up a bit. Unless they have no dive, range, or competition- which I have seen- in which case I may stick to a single spot until I see some sort of counter come out. I was playing Ashe in qp on that map yesterday and found that it was even easier than playing widow since knock back got buffed against Winston. Almost held first point but eventually things fell apart before we picked it back up and won at third point.
@BryantWoo 2 сағат бұрын
I've put my headset on backward when really tired too... it was horrible, turning the wrong way to shoot every time... pretty easy to figure out something is wrong after less than a round though !
@samjohnson7325 2 сағат бұрын
On the last point. It’s okay to not have the same numbers as the other supports in the game. Especially if you’re pressuring the other team or securing kills, But if you get to a situation where you have 2/3 or less of the heals of the rest of the supports in the lobby and your team is losing, then you need to heal more, Nothing is more infuriating on tank or dps than trying to play cover, still dying on cooldown and then seeing your Lucio with 2k healing and no appreciable damage or elims, while all the other supports had 8k
@95yazid Сағат бұрын
ig trying to maths with a guy who says "I can 1v3 if I have someone with me" was a lost cause
@craigboure7607 2 сағат бұрын
He said some people have been bronze their whole life lmfao 😂😂😂
@kroser24 3 сағат бұрын
what is that noise you made at 0:56? im cracking up it caught me so off guard
@steady62 3 сағат бұрын
same i had to go back like what? 😂
@LetLiveEverything Сағат бұрын
It was like a G-man inhale.
@nrshocks6931 27 минут бұрын
Statics and statistics are two completely different things. Statics is a physics thing that has to do with industrial engineering. Statics is the calculations of stress in bridges.
@quantrellh.4939 2 сағат бұрын
Bruh i be ARGUING with my team when im sombra. They get mad when im not getting pics and love to talk about the dmg. I tell them that im fighting TWO-THREE people, most of the time both healers and/or dps). I tell them im distracting healers or taking pressure off them by disrupting their comp. They believe Sombra supposed to be this insane dmg dealing assasin. Sombra punishes out of position heroes, but in no way, shape, or form can she 1v2 anything! I also changed my play style when being hard countered and play a mid-game behind the tank and a dps.
@name-tx5qu 4 сағат бұрын
Ngl i like the sweater karq has on i need that one
@Subzerd 5 сағат бұрын
for the first one, honestly if you arent swaying the match on ANY character thats a you issue not a hero issue
@captainphoton1693 3 сағат бұрын
Nah I get what they mean. There is a point where yeah. You are the issue as in you could just kill everyone else. But what the level you think you are compared to the levels your teammates are? Because a master would have no issues winning every game in a lobby of bronze. But if you think you are gold in a lobby of low silver. The skill difference is not enouth. You either just hit more shots. But you win 1v1 all the times. Doesn't mean you can chain them, nor that the rest of your team take advantage of it. Like the rank still need to push forward with one less enemimy. And the support need to heal you so you can quickly go kill someone else. Or you get what going on better than others. And you supposedly make better decisions. So yes some heroes are good overwhole. But some can exacerbate good positioning and good skill. If they take advantage from both. Like tracer, widow, reaper. Then you can win more easly. All of tjoses carry, because they all have self heal or way to get out or away from damage. High one shot or one clip potential, all can ignore the tank. All destroy healers. 1v1 is their speciality, and once you found alone targets, they have the tools to engage. At equal levek they loose that advantage. Because they only get an advantage in a 1v1 scenario where you get the engage. There are less moments and ways to single out people. And other character have utility that was useless to carry teammates that didn't knew how to use it at your level. But at equal level they get used. Idk what else I can say.
@Shotgunspixie 2 сағат бұрын
For me it's just really fun to nano someone who just ulted
@skrrrtsusman3450 2 сағат бұрын
i sometimes nano an ult like orisa to secure kills since its iffy it kills at all
@lyle7836 24 минут бұрын
I’m a soldier main and as far as the ult thing goes if I see a Juno ult or mabey even a window I like having it to combo with my visor so I usually do pop unless there is literally only like two people left what the rest of the team does really doesn’t matter to me I’m looking for a good combo with my visor
@constantine6202 Сағат бұрын
I think it depends on the shield. Melting Rein shield can be good in some situations but shooting a Ram shield is a waste of time.
@sixsideddeath5529 5 сағат бұрын
1st guy just needs to take a break. If you cant make an impact with your mains it means the level of play is too high for you. Either he lucked out on a higher rank than he should be, or his mental is off from playing too much. 2 weeks off is what the doctor would prescribe
@skrrrtsusman3450 2 сағат бұрын
u should swap to ana or bap, bap has more healing potential while also having immo and a more reliable dps at safer distances, and ana secures kills with nade way better. At least, thats my picks if you are solo playing
@mrpacman757 Сағат бұрын
My general rule of thumb is that if you are doing more damage than healing then you are not healing enough as a support. So the example of 8k healing with 13k damage seems like a very clear case of bad support. The only exception that I see to this often is when your team is steam rolling the other team - only then is it acceptable to hang up your heals and just have fun with damage.
@Mccpotinc 4 сағат бұрын
I carried a game with reaper ending with 44-3 while my other dps had 5-8. So I’d say reaper has a ton of carry potential
@thepokebw10 56 минут бұрын
Why is it that almost all the people asking these questions use english in a way that makes them appear 8 years old?
@CharlieLiuPhotography 5 сағат бұрын
Wait.... diamond is top 10%? Didn't realize I was that high up. Would masters be top 5%? I have no idea how the distribution is nowadays since it keeps shifting.
@Zurrke 5 сағат бұрын
Solid humble brag bro
@Doogie2K3 3 сағат бұрын
Yeah the distribution changes a little over the years, but that's generally a good rubric. If you use the old SR system and peg the centre of the bell curve to around 2250 (Gold 3 now) and 0/4500 to the very edges of the tails, you have a good sense of where everyone else falls.
@kingmoosh2004 3 сағат бұрын
i think its harder to tell because high elo players are more likely to talk about their rank publicly, but like >80% of the playerbase is in the metal ranks
@skrrrtsusman3450 2 сағат бұрын
i find that to be cap, im high plat/mid diamond and im literally middle of the pack mediocre i swear
@itsali654 5 сағат бұрын
I need help I am a masters dps but stuck in diamond for support it’s not thst I’m not good enough to climb my problem is I’m on console and I play at night often and for some reason every game they enemy team has a Smurf tank Smurf dps duo or stack of 3 Smurfs just rolling my dps who are real diamonds I play a lot of kiriko I am pretty solid with her kunai to both heal dps it’s just not enough to beat the Smurf stack how do I win vs Smurf stacks as a diamond support with my diamond team? Should I just quit comp cause honestly qp is way more fair since I don’t get sh+t stomped by Smurf stacks
@ryanv9502 4 сағат бұрын
Who cares. It’s just a game. In ten years you’ll wish you had all that time back anyway. Just play if you’re good enough to climb you will.
@cairax23 4 сағат бұрын
So is it more likely that most of the enemies you are facing are smurfs or you're not as good as you seem to think? Because the only common denominator in your teams always losing is that they have you. It kinda sounds like you're not open to improving cause you're making these absurd excuses.
@itsali654 4 сағат бұрын
@@cairax23listen I know it sounds like I make excuses on why I’m not winning but every game literally every game I play when hey don’t have Smurfs I win On console it’s pretty easy to see who is smurfing and the skill desperate between my real diamonds and the gm Smurfs is way too high it’s imo cheating that’s like telling a nba player to compete in a collage tournament they will dominate and no one can compete
@Chicken_Pro_76 4 сағат бұрын
@@cairax23w troll
@skrrrtsusman3450 2 сағат бұрын
​@@cairax23"common denominator" is such an annoying catch all, of course if he were better he would climb anyways, but on NA servers every 5th daimond and up has like 4 alt accounts taking up more spots, especially these content creators, like the ones that do unranked to gm on over half the roster, all those smurf accounts man.
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