American reacts to the BEST German TikToks [part 3]

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Ryan Wass

Ryan Wass

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@Belfigora1102 Жыл бұрын
The German registry office is really very strict when it comes to the assignment of names that are offensive or could be embarrassing.
@jasperzanovich2504 Жыл бұрын
Years ago there was one case, and I guess a lot more like it, of the child not beeing allowed to get a fairlyy ordinary name so for the first few month it was documented as "Noch ohne Namen Gogötzke".
@GeschichtenUndGedanken Жыл бұрын
Ich sage nur: “Pumuckl”! No offense und so.. 😂
@euledereulen Жыл бұрын
Except when you are a foreigner. A few years back people from poland, russia, etc. had to change their name for a germanized version, but nowadays you can seemingly name your child anything, as long as you say its a normal name from a different country. Even if it sounds funky in german...
@Belfigora1102 Жыл бұрын
@@euledereulen Yes, it is a kind of positive Rassism. And about germanizing the names - I was told just the Spätaussiedler did it.
@ravanpee1325 Жыл бұрын
@@euledereulen How does it make sense to have a name in Kyrillic or Japanese/Chinese signs in your German Passport/ID. You already have to translate the name
@Danisachan Жыл бұрын
Germany really takes the emotional wellbeing of a new life very seriously. And let's be honest, yeah: some parents give some dumbass names. We always say something like: "Just born, and already messed up for life". Because of course the child is never at fault but has to carry the burden. Nothing it could have done otherwise.
@meretofabydos3645 Жыл бұрын
Often asking myself, what mental problems this parents might have causing their children life long bullying by such a dump decision.
@AliothAncalagon Жыл бұрын
The rules are also not really as limiting as one might think at face value. There are a shit ton of rare names that are totally valid. The vast majority of names I heard of that were rejected were legitimately stupid name ideas.
@realglutenfree Жыл бұрын
I always say: If you want to give something a crappy name that only you think is cute, get a cat!
@Mangafan47 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact the German name law got so strict due to an American company. In 1959 the Pepsi company paid 10.000 German mark (5.000€) to a couple in Germany to name their child after the company. They did and named their daughter Pepsi-Carola and the story was used for marketing. After the massive backlash the name law got an update to also include "embarrassing/may hurt the child in the long run" names to prevent more marketing stunts like that.
@batjaa.2724 Жыл бұрын
The World Cup in Qatar is a big controversy (especially here in Germany I think). Most people I know don't watch it because of the human rights violations during the construction, Qatar's standpoint on homosexuality and women's rights etc. To me, it was already a weak statement not to wear the real rainbow armband but a "less offensive" one which just said "One Love". And now they're not even bold enough to wear this one... I mean, what could possibly happen? A red card just for standing up for human rights??
@Sophia-pg2sc Жыл бұрын
At least Nancy Faeser (German Federal Minister of the Interior) wore the armband while sitting next to FIFA-President Gianni Infantino in the stadium. But I agree, I view this gesture of covering their mouths as a weak statement, too. Especially considering how certain players tried to defend the decision of not wearing the armband before...
@kartoffeleistee Жыл бұрын
you have to remember that the players are people that worked hard for so long to be at the athletic level their at. and it's fifa who banned the arm bands (basically their employers) so the worst that can happen is that fifa bans the players that wear the arm bands from participating in any future major games jeopardizing the entire career of those players. but I agree, they could still have done something with more impact. And Fifa should have to answer to an EXTERNAL ethics-commitee and be punished accordingly
@SaeKato Жыл бұрын
@@kartoffeleistee Yeah they all could have worn a black colored armband for example
@katii1997 Жыл бұрын
they shouldn't even be playing. doesn't seem like it bother them that much if they still play.... hypocrisy
@human9460 Жыл бұрын
@@kartoffeleistee They're millionaires. They risk getting a yellow card.
@felixklusener5530 Жыл бұрын
The main reason for strict laws how to name a child in Germany is, that you can only change a name with a proper reason. Germany expects its citizens to keep their names for the whole life to protect the public interest that you can not change or hide your identity. Otherwise it would be easier to get around your obligations such as paying your debts and it would be harder for people to identify you. By avoiding certain names such as Dracula the state avoids that the child would have a reason to change the name later.
@godisverygay Жыл бұрын
thats definetly not true. anyone can change their name for any reason, but it obviously costs money. changing your name also doesn't make it possible to escape debt, or other things, because if you officially change your name, they'll have documents of it and therefore know that these two names are the same person.
@sammyauscux9529 Жыл бұрын
@@godisverygay not in Germany. You can't just change your name to whatever you like
@juliawacker Жыл бұрын
@@godisverygay in Germany you can only change your name for certain reasons like your family name when your parent remarry and you want the same name for all, when you get bullied or humiliated because of your name, change of sex.. You can also get your given name changed when it's difficult to write or if your name doesn't make it clear what sex you are (this does not happen often because your parents have to choose a name that clearly says if your a boy or girl, they will get vetoed if the spelling is too confusing or if the name would be ridiculous or humiliating). Some parents already mess up when they pick a out of date name that makes their newborn sound like their own greatgrandparents and the poor child will always stick out like a sore thumb.
@nellitheretrogamer8666 Жыл бұрын
The name thing reminds me of something that an American woman once told me. She had moved to Finland and got married to a Finnish man, and when they had their first child, a boy, they decided to name him Taneli (which is a normal Finnish name). One day before the baptism, her husband decided that the boy must be called Jack, a boy has gotta be called Jack. So they named him Jack Taneli. Later, one of her American friends asked her about the baby's name and asked that Taneli, is that name also in English? She said that yeah, it's like Daniel in English. Her friend was like, "what, you named your child Jack Daniels?" They hadn't noticed.
@imajinallthepurple Жыл бұрын
That's hilarious. 😂👍
@monkeybusiness673 Жыл бұрын
Great x'D Would leave a like, but it's at 69, sooooo...Sorry ^^
@tosa2522 Жыл бұрын
About the naming for the child there is a little joke. "You can not name your daughter Claire Mrs. Grube." Because in German Claire Grube sounds exactly like Klärgrube/septic tank.
@b_bobsch6785 Жыл бұрын
Hmm. I once had a customer with the last name "Schweiss". Guess what his first name was.
@donnanobel514 Жыл бұрын
@@b_bobsch6785 Axel
@EyMannMachHin Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure they don't check any possible fistname surname combination for weird constructs.
@b_bobsch6785 Жыл бұрын
@@donnanobel514 👍😅
@blatterrascheln2267 Жыл бұрын
@@EyMannMachHin Since you have to give the family with it, there isn't a need to "check". They can read it. 🤣
@DaxRaider Жыл бұрын
About the German national team. Most people think it's still pathetic that they don't wear the armband
@derdox6720 Жыл бұрын
personally i don't care if they wear the armband or not. but it is pathetic that they are playing in qatar
@fionatasarek910 Жыл бұрын
This probably isn’t the best year to start watching the world cup😅 Do Americans not hear about all the Qatar drama?
@voyance4elle Жыл бұрын
I thought exactly the same thing. Over here we are boycotting this championship by not watching it and he's just like casually mentioning that he wants to watch it 😂 We are even supporting a the bars (Kneipen) that joined the boycott by going bar -hopping to still support their business.
@becker1264 Жыл бұрын
@@voyance4elle According to an INSA-questioneer around 24% of germans said they wanted to boycott the WC by not watching matches. So it is not the majority. I also believe in many other countries (generally countries without that much symbolic/political activism, not just the US) the number would probably be a lot lower. So saying "we are boycotting" is a bit overblown
@demonmurasame733 Жыл бұрын
@@becker1264 Out of curiosity: Did that questionnaire also include options like "I am not interested"? Because it is one thing to say you are actively boycotting something and another to simply ignore it. I, as a german, am not *that* interested in it anyway (I know: Shocking! A german who does not care about goodold Fußball 😆), so I would not say that I am really boycotting it, by ignoring it.
@becker1264 Жыл бұрын
@@demonmurasame733 Yes, 57 % said they want to watch a game/games 43 % said they do not want to watch a single game. of these 43%, 55% said they are not watching because they do not want to support qatar --> meaning 45 % of the original 43 % are just not interested at all.... So in total 57.0% will watch atleast one game 23.6% will not watch because of Qatar 19.4% will not watch because they would not watch anyway (probably lack of interest in the sport as you said) But i have just the result of the questionnaire, i do not know the methods, the exact questions or anything else. But what i have heard from people around me would support this result. I know a few who said they do not wanna watch it, but also a lot who did watch, including me. But my general interest has also been declining since 2014. The WC being during the winter without any mental preparation because the league has been on pause for only a few days/weeks also decreases my and surely many others motivation for this tournament.
@demonmurasame733 Жыл бұрын
@@becker1264 Thank you for sharing! Yeah, my gut feeling would also support these numbers. Sounds about right
@samu6874 Жыл бұрын
The football Statement is a joke in my point of view. They know and knew what they were singing up for. They knew how Katar worked, works and will work! A Statement would have been to just no go. To deny participation. None of them needs the money. That would be a statement for history books.
@tibor1234 Жыл бұрын
100% agree with you. What they do now is just big hypocrisy.
@kenkaneki3873 Жыл бұрын
They're all still going there despite KNOWING what goes on in that country. They're just virtue signaling. What they should have done is all these countries that are upset at their silly armband being banned, should have come together and not participate in the Cup. The biggest statement would have been to not show up and let the Cup in Quatar be a failure.
@flatterkatz Жыл бұрын
it's just a mask off that all that virtue signalling was just that, signalling. all those players don't really give a fuck, it was always just marketing
@Asrael-xy7uk Жыл бұрын
One could give them the benefit of the doubt like "someone had the bright idea to fight for LGBTQ+ rights in front of the whole world and if they just didn't play, they wouldn't have made so much headlines and got people to notice about the issues." But then they got scared of possible consequences, undermining and making a laughing stock of the message. There is also the inherit sketchiness of accepting someone's invitation to do stuff you know they won't like. So, yeah, I also agree they should have just refused to play at all.
@BlackWater_49 Жыл бұрын
6:26 I don't know but seems to me that it's more dangerous to go to school in the US than it is to fling yourself down a smooth tube...
@voyance4elle Жыл бұрын
😂😂😂 Damn that's sad but so true.
@michaausleipzig Жыл бұрын
There are many "pick your own (whatever) fields" in Germany. You just go there, pick your flowers, strawberries or whatever and either pay like she did here or at a staffed little cach register where they'd also usually weigh what you got. Doesn't get fresher than that. 😊
@Emulleator 10 ай бұрын
yeah, there are of course people who steal here too. germany isn't some utopic society without crime but in general its still worth it for the farmer since it gets rid of the overhead costs and most people will pay a fair price.
@Ellisepha Жыл бұрын
Damn, the Japanese goalkeeper was on a roll in that video!
@MichaelBurggraf-gm8vl Жыл бұрын
Agree, absolutely amazing!
@jbird4478 Жыл бұрын
We have unmanned farmer shops in the Netherlands as well. Some of them don't even have a coin machine like this one, but just a little box to put the money in. The farmer just drops by every now and then to empty the box. In busier areas they often have a security camera nowadays though.
@firebolt4119 Жыл бұрын
For anybody wondering: The slide at 6:25 is in Palm Beach in Stein, but it's one of the more relaxing slides there, many others are way faster!
@Lmonhaze Жыл бұрын
should‘ve taken the left one xD
@ized88 Жыл бұрын
I was like Wait that is a next level slide? That is a boring as slide imo and i don't do slides that often anymore. He should do a german slide compilation at some point 😅
@Lmonhaze Жыл бұрын
@@ized88 yes it’s definitely the lamest slide in palm beach
@robinneubig5697 Жыл бұрын
The one in the left tower is way more fun
@sookiestackhouse4801 Жыл бұрын
Hey... I'm living in Duisburg my whole life and I'm not depressed!!! 😅 Duisburg has wonderful areas with a lots of nature or art. For example: "Sechs-Seen-Platte", "Landschaftspark Nord", "Tiger and Turtle", "The Lifesifer", "Die goldene Leiter", also we have the largest inland port of the world. 😉
@bivanbivanus6448 Жыл бұрын
Hello! Don't worry , it's clearly not depressing for us poor EU sods , just for USA people for which already the act of walking is a cruel and unusual punisment. 😁
@DinDjarinTV Жыл бұрын
​@@bivanbivanus6448 Yeah, the public transport in our city is so bad, mostly you're faster if you just walk or take the bike. Oh i love my Duisburg
@kaileyg3947 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, me too!!! We have so many beautyful places and nature. And Schimanski 😉 I'm not depressed, tho it's Monday and I'm at work...
@simplymad82 Жыл бұрын
But Duisburg also have Marxloh.
@gandalf_thegrey Жыл бұрын
"Du musst schon hier geboren sein um das zu ertragen allen Zugezogenen schlägt Duisburg aufn Magen" Absoluter bop
@alexandrorocca7142 Жыл бұрын
Those farmer's boots are quite common in Austria and Switzerland as well. I'm quite certain that theft is quite negligible compared to supermarkets.
@Crunchy163 Жыл бұрын
We had one here but we closed it because alot of "non German people" didnt pay
@lonelystrategos Жыл бұрын
@@Crunchy163 some people would call you racist for pointing that out
@Crunchy163 Жыл бұрын
@@lonelystrategos i know but its a fact
@camelopardalis84 Жыл бұрын
@@Crunchy163 How did they find out that those people were non-Germans?
@Crunchy163 Жыл бұрын
@@camelopardalis84 Cameras
@eqinoo3746 Жыл бұрын
6:00 He is in Duisburg City, it's not that nice over there, but like everywhere, there are some nice spots and some spots we'll not talk about it 😅🤣
@deboa544 Жыл бұрын
Here in Austria we have this Farmers Markets too. You take the fruits ands vegetables. Than you pay, take your exchange out of a box and go. There are farmers markets where the money lays on the tabel, the trust level ist very high here.
@RadekSuski Жыл бұрын
It’s pretty common. Many beekeepers are selling their honey that way
@GeschichtenUndGedanken Жыл бұрын
A few decades go a couple wanted to name their Baby “Pumuckl” and it was rejected. After fighting back and forth and they had to find another name. Maybe it’s because it’s a name of one of Germany’s favorite tv- series, vinyls, books, cassettes and a mythological figure. A Ship’s Kobold or something like a Leprechaun. Ein Klabautermann that “only” got stuck in München because… oh, google it, please. Everybody seems to love him and I must have driven my parents halfway crazy since I practically „became“ Pumuckl and am still surprised that the vinyls didn’t catch fire. I even imitated his voice on a daily basis and knew everything by heart. By the he way… how is your son doing?
@voyance4elle Жыл бұрын
"Meister Eder" I can hear his voice too 😂
@GeschichtenUndGedanken Жыл бұрын
@@sagafox-wilde371 Logisch! Ehrensache…
@GeschichtenUndGedanken Жыл бұрын
@@sagafox-wilde371 Klar, das ist Kobolds-Gesetz!
@aschnundhoeldn Жыл бұрын
8:40 You interpreted that correctly. There are self-service shops, preferably in the countryside. You take what you need and pay what it costs. Of course there are black sheep, but for the most part the customers pay the right price.
@monkeybusiness673 Жыл бұрын
That match vs Japan, though...The pure AGONY in the pub I was watching it. The Japanese keeper (and defense, mostly) were spot on and everybody was totally losing it x'D Good times!
@Faeyeful Жыл бұрын
living in the most rural areas, you often find houses and farms with their goods just in tiny stands or on benches near the roadside. Eggs, honey, homemade jam and jelly, vegetables, fruits... and a small metal box to put the money in. prices are mostly amazing and with tags on the glasses/paper bags. :) often in fall you find many people giving away leftover fresh fruits from their gardens free for the taking. :)
@felixklusener5530 Жыл бұрын
Some weird names that parents fought through the courts and won: „Fanta“ (Landgericht Köln, StAZ 1999, 147-148), „Emelie-Extra“ (OLG Schleswig-Holstein, Beschluss vom 13.08.2003, 2 W 110/03), „Sunshine“ (OLG Düsseldorf, 3 Wx 437/88), „Jazz“ (StAZ 1999, 149-150) „Pumuckl“ (NJW 1984, 1360-1362)
@vega23565 Жыл бұрын
Und Wolke.
@eastfrisianguy Жыл бұрын
Schokominza, Matt-Eagle, Rapunzel, Schneewittchen, Pepsi-Carola .... The weirdest name I saw this week at work was Justice-Brianna Anabelle 😶
@maximilianmaier3950 Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile in America: "Let's name our son X Æ A-XII"
@lordbarzn Жыл бұрын
In germany this kind of bank is called bank of trust. Its also common when you walk through an allotment area. Most of the people want to get rid of their harvest. In this case there is often just a litte box and you can decide how much you want to give.
@sirskyrage Жыл бұрын
8:39 yep. I live basically next to a strawberry farmer and he told us almost all of the strawberries get paid for so it seems to work out really well
@t.l.5147 Жыл бұрын
It´s america when waterslides are ,,too dangerous‘‘ but every 18 year old can have an ar-15😂
@theexchipmunk Жыл бұрын
The Kevin thing if you are wondering. In Germany the name Kevin has negative conotation, being connected to being dumb, antisocial, having behavioral problems and being and overall ass. Its so ingrained subconciously that the name will make Kids actually be rated worse during school and later be less likely to get a job over people not named Kevin. Don´t name your kids Kevin. , it`s going to make their life harder.
@sleepingdoll754 Жыл бұрын
Oh and the last video is a „Hofladen“ could translate in „farm shop“ the farms do this sometimes cause they wanne sell there stuff but they have to much to do to stand there the whole day for like 5 costimers a day. Farm shops are (where i live) not so Well visited and mostly in more rural areas so there arent so many people 😅 and not every farm sell there stuff to a normal supermarket
@dorisschneider-coutandin9965 Жыл бұрын
We do have a lot of farmer stalls selling their fresh from the field produce without staff on the roadside. You simply stop by, choose what you'd like (potatoes, flowers, milk, pumpkins, cabbage, eggs), you will find a pricelist pinned on somewhere, you insert your cash into the cash box, and leave. The local farmer will probably pick up his earnings twice a day from the box, so not too much money can accumulate. Very easy, very common.
@Linus_Prosper Жыл бұрын
Duisburg was bombed a number of times by the Allies during World War II. In the period 1939 to 1945 the Royal Air Force dropped a total of 30,025 long tons of bombs on Duisburg. During the "Battle of the Ruhr" in 1943, 577 British bombers destroyed the old city on 12/13 May, with 1,599 tonnes of bombs: 96,000 people were made homeless. Before the war Duisburg was a nice city.
@imajinallthepurple Жыл бұрын
That last video is a pretty normal concept in Denmark as well. A lot of farms make a produce stand with just a jar for the money or a sign with the number to pay via your phone. 😊
@thewizard4254 Жыл бұрын
I have actually been to this water park and to these exact water slides that were shown just a few days ago. Its Palm Beach Resort near Nurnberg, Bavaria
@Ubaram Жыл бұрын
Ich war früher öfter da, aber das ist auch schon einige Jahre her, hat es da noch dieses Alien, dass mit einer Wasserpistole schießt?
@breezer777 Жыл бұрын
So funny, Duisburg, the city where I live. Just 500 meter from where the guy is filming. 😂 It´s not so bad, just sometimes! 😂
@BlackWater_49 Жыл бұрын
2:45 Because FIFA has made a habit out of crawling up the asses of dictators until all you can see it their tips of their shoes...
@n.q1158 Жыл бұрын
The thing about naming your children really is strict, my first name is Nayeli which isn't even something wild like the examples in the video, but it's a very uncommon name in Germany (like VERY uncommon, I've never met someone else with that name and as far as I know there are just a few thousand people with that name in all of Germany), we've been told that its origin is Mexican and the registration office my parents went to had never heard of it, so my parents had to prove that it's an actual name and not just something they made up AND at first they were told they had to give me a middle name that's more commonly German to go with the first one. Later on the middle name wasn't necessary anymore but by then it was already too late and they had already registered it with the middle name so now I'm stuck with it even though I'd rather just have Nayeli but well xD we even pronounce it a little differently than it's originally supposed to be just to make it sound a little more German bc so many ppl in my region always had problems saying my name correctly, the most common one being that they just ignore the y entirely, but yeah, I've heard a lot in my time, I always have to spell my name everywhere and repeat it fifteen times until ppl get how its pronounced, but I love it anyway
@DeathLPer Жыл бұрын
Those stands are from local farmers who got some little fields beside and its just on a thrustful base were you pay at your own. There are often flower fields like this where you can cut your own flowers
@S1lentSt0rm Жыл бұрын
That last one is just a regular farmer outdoor shop directly from the field. They're small huts, where they have some of the product they gathered from the fields and just a price tag. You can simply pick what you need / want and then you just put the money that it says they want into a box and leave. These are usually only in rural areas and there hardly is anyone around ever. The farmer just comes by once every couple days to collect the money and restock. Until a few years ago they didn't even have sophisticated machines and the money would just be put into an open box, accessible to everyone.
@belindaweber7999 Жыл бұрын
Some farmers in Australia also use an honour box for people to pay for produce unsupervised - cash only no machinery/card facilities that I know of tho.
@emmasly123 Жыл бұрын
Where I live, some farmers maintain fields, where you can cut flowers yourself. Payment is trust based as shown in the video and flowers are cheaper than in a regular shop. I am happy something like this exists, so I will definitely not kill it by not paying (stealing).
@poppers7317 Жыл бұрын
In Germany you can't embarrass your child by the name you're giving him but you totally are allowed to embarrass your child for the rest of your life at any occasion. Thanks mom.
@boelwerkr Жыл бұрын
Duisburg is a little bit like Detroit. It got big with industrialization with steel and heavy machine manufacturing. It didn't survive the collapse of coal and steel industry in the 80th like many other cities in the "Ruhrpott" (heavy industry region in NRW). The industry left a lot of contaminated ruins behind and the city was streamlined for such industry with little regard of optics and beauty. Ash and coal dust, acid rain together with gray concrete and "flat" buildings created a gray, decaying, dirty and depressing environment. Many left the city and only the lower classes where left without any job opportunities. A lot has been done in the last 40 years build the city up again, but you can see the old heavy industry architecture everywhere.
@DieTutNixDieLurktNur Жыл бұрын
8:40 I love to go to the many „Hofladen“ in our village. It‘s local and you give your Money directly to the Farmers. And They are Open at sundays ;) The Farmers cooperate and so ist somtimes a little supermarket. I love, for example, the selfmade icecreem.
@jannesdreier2181 Жыл бұрын
the last one is realy usually on the land, as my mother is selling jelly and her neighbor is selling potatos, eggs and (the most common) honey
@NavySeal2k Жыл бұрын
The last thing you see is in rural areas where single farmers put up a bit of their stuff for direct to consumer marketing and it makes financially no sense to put a salesperson there. And they put up those drop in self service cash registers. You also see them at strawberry fields for example. You can walk through the field, pick the berrys you want and pay at the exit. Things I have seen like this are asparagus, pumkins, and flowers directly from the field too. Lately we get more and more refrigerated points of sale vendor boxes where you can get your BBQ Steaks and sausage and ketchup and bread when you want to spontainously grill some BBQ meat on a Sunday ( Sundays shops have closes because sales people want a day to BBQ too ;) )
@JHenry-wv1xv Жыл бұрын
The last example shows the "Kasse des Vertrauens" (till of trust), which unfortunately isn't found that often anymore. I only know the example shown in a much simpler version: a small sign at the roadside that says "strawberries 1Kg - 1DM", somewhere close an upside down box with a scale and a money box on it. This is called a "Selbstpflücke" (self-picking). At least strawberries and flowers. At least strawberries and flowers are still sold in this way in some places.
@MyvIsLove2 Жыл бұрын
him: this is oddly calming my claustrophobic ass: 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬
@LuziBeerbaum Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: The german name law counts only for first names, not for family names. Seriously, during my time in the Army i had a guy in my unit named Fick ( Fuck ) !
@GGysar Жыл бұрын
5:55 The Good thing is, that our most depressing city is less depressing than American suburbia and everything around stroads.
@denise7685 Жыл бұрын
The figure in Duisburg is from Niki de saint Phalle, great artist! We call this City little Istanbul btw xd
@TheJanstyler Жыл бұрын
7:10 "Now we're going pretty fast." Thats tame tbh. Try going down a slide like this with only your shoulder blades and the heel of one foot actually touching the slide. Thats where the fun starts.
@mweskamppp Жыл бұрын
The depressing city is part of the german rust belt. Decline since the late 60s. coal and steel down. took long efforts to transform it to different industry and keep everything alive. The Ruhr Area - between 5 and 8 million people depending what you count in or leave out. They built universities, refurbished the dystopian landscape. Still the emscher is the only (small) river in the world that passes completely through a water sewage plant before it is allowed to enter the river Rhein.
@jsn4him368 Жыл бұрын
The same with many tulip fields. You cut the amount of flowers you want and pay when you leave. No one there to supervise.
@1983simi Жыл бұрын
last girl is speaking Hindi, and yep, she just basically is telling that all the veggies and fruits you see there, you just check the prices in the list, pay and take your stuff and that this wouldn't be possible in her country tbf though even in Germany you'll only find this in rural areas where most people know each other or you already have to make a point to travel there by car so you might as well pay honestly :)
@reinhard8053 Жыл бұрын
In Austria it's not only in "real" rural areas. E.g. some flower fields in the outer areas of the city between shopping centers.
@nonegativity01 Жыл бұрын
I ive in a town with 100k population and we have the self pay for flowers and veggies too. Its more common in the rural areas but in small and medium cities too
@yadiracamacho499 Жыл бұрын
A friend of mine sent me some photos of self pay kiosks like this one near his home in Dachau
@1983simi Жыл бұрын
@@reinhard8053 I’m German but have been living in India for 10 years. Most German cities now feel like villages to me at this point 😅 or vice versa, in most Indian small towns it feels like there are more people than in your average German city (even if it’s just subjective 😅) 🤷‍♀️
@1983simi Жыл бұрын
@@nonegativity01 I’ve moved from Munich to Mumbai 10 years ago. Munich feels much like a village to me at this point 😅 that being said, when I still lived in Munich we didn’t have anything like this, well, only in the surrounding towns and villages, but not in the city proper.
@Nuteller Жыл бұрын
It’s was so funny when I realised that I live like 5 minutes away from the place where this guy was in the waterslide like it was exactly the same place
@overlordnews4075 Жыл бұрын
We have farms in Australia that put out bags of produce and a money box too. Trust box.
@DaxRaider Жыл бұрын
And still they allow Kevin. XD
@Ellisepha Жыл бұрын
For clarification: the name Kevin became popular in Germany after the movie Home alone released. However, since there were now a lot of Kevins, and a lot of kids just do stupid shit when they're young, it seemed like every boy who caused problems was called Kevin. This lead to Kevin being associated with "Assi" names (comes from asocial, basically the German version of "White Trash" in the USA - low income people who have a tendency to be violent and overdose on alcohol), and the saying "Kevin ist kein Name, sondern eine Diagnose" (Kevin is not a name, but a diagnosis) was born. This phenomenon however also goes in the opposite direction: Children with Assi-names (Kevin, Chantalle, Justin, Mandy, etc) often get seen as lesser by their teachers than children with common German names (like Alexander, Julia, Markus, Anna, etc), even if their performance is the same.
@pkorobase Жыл бұрын
in rural areas bakeries are hanging left over bags of bread on a fence, together with an old tin to collect the money for it. and it works :)
@herbertamler Жыл бұрын
7:18 I find it so funny that he rides that waterslide and I know that waterpark I was there last week and rode that waterslide. The Park is called „Palm Beach“ btw
@danilopapais1464 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, the last one reminds me of the great Rick Astley "You know the rules, and so do I ....".
@tanjamoira3457 Жыл бұрын
In defence of Duisburg - I recently went there for an event and I really didn't expect much. My first time visiting the city a few years ago I thought it was pretty ugly and depressing, too. But this time around I was actually positively surprised. It's definitely not a pretty city but it's also not the worst 😂. I guess Duisburg is just ~fine.
@jonasbrattka2454 Жыл бұрын
At least Duisburg exists. Unlike Bielefeld.
@Chewie1802 Жыл бұрын
As a Duisburg resident, I can only say that the statement in this TikTok video is complete nonsense, if not outrageous! Duisburg has both beautiful and ugly spots - just like any city!
@gandalf_thegrey Жыл бұрын
@@Chewie1802 "Es gibt Leute die sagen Duisburg sei nur hässlich, grau und langweilig. Und diesen Leuten will ich eins mit auf den Weg geben: IHR habt vollkommen recht." Im not quite sure where the dude in the video got the sentiment from that Duisburg is the most depressing place in germany - there is a general consens that Ludwigshafen takes the top spot - but damn bro Duisburg is quite ugly. But we are really trying to change that, you can see at many places how we slowly move away from the good ol Steel colours ;)
@chibi10496 Жыл бұрын
Don't know if it was written here somewhere but if you think that waterslide was next level, look up the "galaxy water slide park" in the "theme Erdingen" they have some sick slides there! I always wanted to visit it but it's a bit far for one day... some water slide world records were made there, too, I think...
@chnoxis Жыл бұрын
The figure at 5:10 is an artwork from Niki de Saint Phalle. There are more of this. Another figure is for example at the train station in Zurich, Switzerland.
@LeDudeNigginz Жыл бұрын
The point of this "Trust-paying" (don't know how to word it in english) is... it works. Well i can only talk for myself and friends. But we always pay this. In the Region i live in, (Rheinhessen) there are also Barrels or Chests with bottles of Wine in it at the riverbeach and a little box where you put the money in to pay those bottles. It's made by some of our "Winzer". Sry for my bad english, i guess. xD
@Meisterschnorrer 7 ай бұрын
5:14 My Hometown....lul. Most of our citizens hate the colorful statue of the bird, which is called "Livesaver"....We call it "Pleitegeier".... My hometown has a lot of ugly places, but there are some nice spots too.... And yes, "Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord" was a location in the last Hunger Games movie...
@Blacksyrio1988 Жыл бұрын
if you want to know where the water slide is the water slide is in nuremberg in the kristallterme palm beach and there are also 2 slides where you get very fast the world record on one is around 52,8 mph
@TheTrueKarin Жыл бұрын
There is even an open register for names can not be used. Fun Fact: in Germany you can not name your kids after Disney Princesses😂 Snow White is out😂😂😂
@Gapb_TheRealOneTho Жыл бұрын
Even tho some people won't pay anything, others might give you more and it's just overall cheaper than having someone be there all the time
@AnnieUnicorn1994 Жыл бұрын
Actually your allowed to name your kid Kevin. In germany the name appeared for the first time in the 70s. Kevin Keegan played soccer in the German soccer club Hamburger SV and Kevin wasn't on a lower place than 130 anymore, it rose to 65. In 1982 in fell to 136 but climbed up to 48 in 1985. From 1990 to 1995 the name was constantly on the top 12 of names for boys, 1991 it was even on number 1, because of Kevin home alone and also because of the actor Kevin Costner. In the following years until 2004, the name remained mostly among the 30 most popular names. Since 2010, its popularity fell down rapidly. Now everyone knows someone called Kevin, but the most people don't like that name. They identify the name with bad habbits and the name Kevin has become a stereotype for a "misbehaving" person. Even in a studie from Oldenburg the name was commented this way: "Kevin is not a name, it's a diagnoses." Now many people make fun of this name, we've even websites full of this dumb Kevin jokes.
@prodigy_xd Жыл бұрын
9:00 You can just pick the goods yourself, then go to this machine, weigh your stuff and pay the amount displayed on the "Kasse". Basically, the owner of the field entrusts anyone to not mess with the weight to their favor and pay what they actually picked. I guess it is cheaper to take any potential loss from a single apple thief a day than to employ and pay a person to stand there for 8 hours every day. Guess he comes out on top with this automated Kasse system.
@ACEsParkJunheeWreckedMeHard Жыл бұрын
After the thing with the soccer champion ship, some sponsors of the German team quit their sponsoring. As far I know the supermarket chain REWE was one of them who quit
@derdox6720 Жыл бұрын
@rayssunflower_ Жыл бұрын
For name registration, I had to give my daughter a second name to indicate it's a girl's name. Her name is Arwen, which wasn't feminine enough apparently for the German government 😅
@madbruv Жыл бұрын
Yeah arwen sounds masculine. Arwene would be a bit more female. Or Arwena.
@rayssunflower_ Жыл бұрын
@@madbruv Arwen literally is the most feminine name ever. It means "The Beautiful Lady" and one of the most beautiful Woman in Movie History had the Name, (Arwen Lord of the Rings) It's a Celtic name and a name only the most beautiful and gracious little girls/baby girls would've been named.
@rayssunflower_ Жыл бұрын
@@adendronH It's a normal German name, if your last name would be Hiller, Heiler etc. then this would become a problem otherwise not
@rayssunflower_ Жыл бұрын
@@adendronH depens on how similar it is. But he will definitely be able to change his name with ease later on in life, just like someone named Kevin or Chantal
@kbittorf335 Жыл бұрын
So inspiring to see your enthusiasm! Keep up the good work.
@schalumpey1542 Жыл бұрын
6:30 on many slides in Germany atleast were I live ,there are screens that showing how long it took you so you can race with your friends.
@nobodysgirl7972 Жыл бұрын
Anyone else here from this depressing city named Duisburg? I actually like that place where they filmed part of the new Hunger games movie
@Athaios Жыл бұрын
In Germany we of course have stereotypes with Names too. Kevin for example would be destined to become an idiot (we even have insults for that in a way, aka "Alpha Kevin") and something like a Chantal or Jaqueline would become somewhat of a.. how to describe it.. a lot of man liking women? plus its the female Kevin.
@Athaios Жыл бұрын
p.s. i should watch the whole video before commenting XD but if you wanna see more of the self pay Markets you should check out the Deana and Phil channel. one of their recent videos is about that
@Marcolixe Жыл бұрын
You can't take every name but the school kids will find a new name for you. So school stays hard :D
@robfriedrich2822 Жыл бұрын
I remember a funny scene, where a father made the attempt, to call his son "very good", but Google doesn't know it.
@maxzockt5368 8 ай бұрын
I like your videos, it's cool that you react to German videos, greetings from Germany🇩🇪
@dansattah Жыл бұрын
Most Germans know of Duisburg because of the Loveparade 2010, when a mass panic in an overcrowded area cost 21 people their lives and 652 got injured.
@Remove_Before_Flight Жыл бұрын
Legends say that the Duisburg central station is held together by adhesive tape
@AMK8864 Жыл бұрын
To pay without having someone checking is (even in large communities) quite popular. You go to fields with flowers, pick (cut) some, by the way, knives are even on the barrel where you put the payment in. And you know what? Cheating is, I wouldn’t say non, but really poorly. The moral standards are quite high. Like driving on the emergency lane at the Autobahn, when there is traffic. Sure some people do it , but it’s not only the ticket and punishment wich is high, it’s also being ashamed by the society that stops people doing that. And because we are from the beginning teaches how to act social to others.
@mustakrakish123 Жыл бұрын
If one thinks Duisburg is depressing, they have obviously never visited Bochum, Essen, Wiesbaden or Gelsenkirchen (Since Bielefeld is a myth it is not part of this list!) :P
@volkerheinrich6910 Жыл бұрын
Don´t tell me naming babies with weird, offending or embarassing names isn´t a problem in the U.S. Why would Johnny Cash than have sung the song "Boy named sue". Remember some lines of this song? I´ll help you out: "but the meanest thing that my daddy ever did was before he left, he went and named me Sue", "I tell you life ain´t easy for a boy named Sue", "well, if I ever have a boy, I´ll name him Frank or George or Bill or Tom, anything but Sue". And Sue isn´t even offensive or embarassing, it is just the name of a girl. So the german law only protect children from being teased or mobbed in school for their weired name. So it is not half as weird as it sounds to american people.
@aost305 Жыл бұрын
I'm from Germany and the German soccer team is *ugh* They do participate for the money only it seems. In the games before a player weared a rainbow sign. He didn't want to be punished, so he changed to a somewhat-rainbow sign tagged "one love". Qatar threatened to punish this, so he wears nothing (but to cover his mouth to show: "I am not allowed to say anything. I am the victom." - and well, you are not. Just leave. Do not pretend that you'd care.) In my opinion it is a cheap gesture... like: I show acceptance as long as it is comfortable. (Norway boycotts it totally, by the way.) Here a fun fact: About 27-34 million Germans used to watch the Football World Cup. This year there are about 9 million people.
@Connor_Conntroller Жыл бұрын
The waterslides were from „Palm Beach“ a very famous water park with a fun part and a crystal Therme
@saiyasha848 Жыл бұрын
The paying without anyone watching is mostly a village thing. Wherever she was, was already next level, with an Automat. In the village where my Grandma lives, its just a steelbox you put the money in, and since people mostly know each other, sometimes the put down a little note like "Sorry, forgot my Wallet, I'll owe you 5 Euros for the Potatos, I'll bring'em around next tuesday" and the farmer just keeps those slips out i the open and when you bring the money you scratch it out, so he knows you paid him. to be fair, there is a camera in the shop, but that is more because of dumb teenagers then anything else.
@Noggx4Games Жыл бұрын
on the rainbow thing it would have been awesome when our team (im german or better i life there) had said "ok we cant wear it? then we are going home" that would have been a statement.
@Denemy75 11 ай бұрын
I know a bunch very, „shady“ guys who once or twice took something that wasn’t theirs but NOONE steals from those farmershops here in germany
@schreimal3252 Жыл бұрын
AHHH thats the Crystal Spa in Nürnberg. Accually a very cool place to spend your time here in Unterfranken.
@bjornkasan44 Жыл бұрын
You should react to German Christmas traditions. I think there’s a new upload by Feli from Germany on this.
@prototypega8257 Жыл бұрын
Vegeta ,what doas the Scouter say about his power level? it OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!
@leoniesophie5493 Жыл бұрын
Me remembering swimming with this 30 yo pro German swimmer whos name was Drakos Vlad Perseus ... bc his parents were greek and romanian history professors with a facination for anything spitting fire
@elisasauerland Жыл бұрын
You're not allowed to name your baby whatever you want, fortunate. Otherwise some end up naming their babies "X Æ A-Ⅻ Musk". 😂
@Izeyice Жыл бұрын
6:33 in Germany its too dangerous without bar :D "Both kind of bars" :D Beer and the Metal at the slide
@gandalf_thegrey Жыл бұрын
"the most depressing city in germany" me: *immediately recognizes the lifesaver* LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
@alexandrorocca7142 Жыл бұрын
Even if you are from a different country, the registry office will make sure that your baby's name doesn't violate the spirit of the law. Don't try to sneak in a word that means Great Pumpkin or Son of Lucifer, they won't appreciate it.
@jensschroder8214 Жыл бұрын
Names have been regulated in Germany for 100 years. It was very strict from 1935 on. At that time, the Reich President could simply rename people. Which mainly affected Jews. But many others changed their names so that they sound German. After 1945, the Reich President no longer renamed people because the office was no longer so. But it wasn't until 2000 that the law on it was deleted. Today the rule is that officials must be able to enter the name into the computer. And the name must not have a negative connotation. The official must approve the name or a court can decide. Devil is not possible as name. But names like Mountain or Mountana are also rejected. But my brother managed to name his daughter Melody. Unfamiliar aboriginal names are difficult to get approved. Turkish and Arabic names are also possible, but the official does not want to approve all of them. Someone wanted to give their child 20 names but only 5 were approved. But there is a long list of names that are approved without question.
@voyance4elle Жыл бұрын
Hi Ryan, can you please react to some of the Reels by Uyen Ninh ? I just discovered her channel and she is hilarious 🤣 especially the Reel about Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt. Or the one were she goes back to Vietnam and shows a cashier how it's done..
@voyance4elle Жыл бұрын
And also some Reels by Zac XCVIII are pretty cool, like the one about renting an appartment and finding out that there is no kitchen 😂
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