Amino Acid Treatments for Mitochondria, GI and Brain Health, Depression, Fatigue, Anxiety

  Рет қаралды 69,779

The Kalish Institute

The Kalish Institute

5 ай бұрын

Join Dr. Dan Kalish to learn how to use time tested amino acid treatments to boost energy, improve mood and repair leaky gut. You'll review the mechanisms that trigger faulty mitochondrial energy production and how the brain and gut axis are damaged by chronic inflammation and lays out a method of healing these issues using free form amino acids.
- Understand how amino acids can be used to repair mitochondrial health.
- See how triggering mTOR leads to mitochondrial population density increases
- Learn neurotransmitter protocols for improving mood, sleep quality and energy levels.

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@jedbennett7397 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for posting this - I’m Vx injured (2 years) and have been in high dose B1 & B Complex for around 6 months now as I knew it was a mitochondrial issue + NAC and Glycine. My whole game changed 4 weeks ago when I added in EAA/BCAA’s, Tyrosine, Glutamine, Creatine and I’ve been back in the gym 3-4 times a week without PEM or crashes. This video explains why it all makes sense 🙏
@kimkempus7806 5 ай бұрын
Sorry about being vx I injured🥲 so glad to hear about your progression. I can pass on your info to acouple injured friends. Don't take any more jabs, not even the flu 💉
@alexzbiciak 5 ай бұрын
Any issues with tachcardia, bp, vertigo, or tinnitus? If so did the supps help?
@jedbennett7397 5 ай бұрын
@@kimkempus7806 definitely not taking any more 💉💉💉
@jedbennett7397 5 ай бұрын
@@alexzbiciak yes all of the above and the supps did help a lot!
@donnazukadley7300 4 ай бұрын
Jab injured nurse here too
@sugarpuddin 4 ай бұрын
One of the greatest things we learned with HIV care was the use of glutamine powder. The science and clinical success is noteworthy
@QueenslandSolar 2 ай бұрын
what did we learn with Glutamine and HIV?
@sugarpuddin 2 ай бұрын
@@QueenslandSolar Our experience in the treatment of HIV was incredible.... Now it's used in VET medicine too. Glutamine is more abundant in the body than any other free amino acid.    There are many good reasons for this fact: it functions as a neurotransmitter; antioxidant; primary scrubber of ammonia, urea, and nitrates; is a major building block in muscle & organ systems; and serves immune function, repair & detoxification of the intestinal systems (GI Tract).    Unfortunately, it runs out pretty quickly - Especially during times of exercise, stress or illness.    Glutamine is found primarily in red meat.    It is typical for adequate Glutamine reserves to become depleted during stress, illness & exercise.    Depletion leads to a great number of significant health problems, including the failure of antioxidant systems, immune hyperactivity (which exacerbates infectious and autoimmunity disease), digestion problems, weight loss (cachexia or loss of lean body mass), and anemia.    [Refer to works by Judy Shabert, M.D., M.P.H.    Dr. Shabert points to the research showing that during the stress of infection or injury, the demand for glutamine is very high.] Per Shabert, during times of stress, exercise and illness, muscles (including those of the GI tract) will release three to four times more glutamine than normal in an attempt to accommodate the requirements created by the disease.      In other words, during times of stress or illness glutamine is shifted preferentially from muscles to the liver, kidneys and immune cells.    Chronic stress and disease quickly lead to significant depletion & muscle wasting.      Under chronic conditions, eventually, muscle glutamine reserves run followed by failure of antioxidant, immune and various organ systems.i    The prevention of cachexia is a primary concern for all physicians treating autoimmunity and chronic illness - Lean body mass (muscle mass) correlates with survivability and health.    Supplementation with glutamine and the administration of Oxandrin (a testosterone safe for women, children, and men) prevents cachexia in instances of chronic illness and autoimmunity. In particular, glutamine is crucial for the maintenance of the intestinal tract since it is required for the constant rebuilding of intestinal cells, digestive enzymes, and local immunity.    The cells lining the intestine absorb nutrients and to block the uptake of pathogens.    These cells are regenerated every 3-4 days.    The energy which allows this process to occur comes from glutamine.    If glutamine concentrations are low, the result is intestinal tissue atrophy and decreased absorption and the lack of uptake of nutrients vital to the body's function.    Glutamine is also necessary to maintain the barrier function of the intestines - Including the body's ability to block the uptake of pathogens, improperly digested food particles, and so on.    As is readily apparent, glutamine's ability to help repair the intestines is among its most important benefits for people suffering chronic illness and stress.    For those on intravenous nutrition (total parenteral nutrition/TPN), it is critically important to add glutamine to the IV solution.    In an extensive review conducted on the role of glutamine in critically ill hospitalized patients, it is suggested that supplemental glutamine in either enteral or parenteral feedings may greatly improve nutrition management and increase the speed of recovery, thus shortening hospital stays.ii      Glutamine promotes the healing of intestines, prevents atrophy and damage due to oxidation.    Judy Shabert in her studies has pointed out nutritional formulations used to treat chronic illness fail when they do not include adequate levels of the rate-limiting amino acid L-glutamine for muscle tissue building & detoxification. Glutamine also operates as a primary fuel source for lymphocytes and macrophages which consume glutamine at very high rates (even during times of no disease).i    During times of infection, glutamine-turnover rates increase dramatically.    Depletion leads to immune compromise.    Supplementation of glutamine leads to an increase T cell production, speed of maturity, and proliferation response.    Glutamine supplementation also increases natural killer cell activity and improves neutrophil function.    Glutamine also increases the immunity of the respiratory tract,ii the genitourinary tract, and intestinal tract.    The linings of those tracts produce secretory immunoglobulin A (sigA), a type of antibody which works in and on the linings to provide immune defense.    Glutamine is a major constituent in the production of sig-A-producing cells.      Immune compromise and stress significantly lower sigA in cervicovaginal secretions & proper immune defense in the genital tract.    Glutamine supplementation has been shown to restore adequate amounts of sigA in the linings of the body and thereby restore immune defenses. Within the GI tract, the function of glutamine is crucial on many levels.    Glutamine mediated antibody production is a primary defense mechanism of the GI tract.    Supplementation improves detoxification, digestion, and promotes a significant variety of immunological defense mechanisms.iii Though there are blood tests that can measure serum glutamine levels, these tests are typically misleading.    The body will sacrifice glutamine reserves in an attempt to maintain blood levels.    This process will mask instances of glutamine depletion within the GI tract, muscle and organ systems.    However, detecting blood serum glutamine levels below 600 nmol/ml would be extremely worrisome.    Following glutamine depletion, clinicians must realize adequate glutamine replenishment by supplementation requires a great deal of time - Often weeks even when initiating parenteral delivery.    Oral delivery (6 - 12 grams daily) typically requires a couple months before adequate replenishment can be achieved. Metametrixiv and Genova Diagnosticsv provide various amino acid assays.    The Genova web page provides significant online training materials; including a training module called, “GI University” and another called “Nutrition University”.    These are valuable illustrations for developing a full appreciation of these systems.
@traceybaldwin6509 2 ай бұрын
How did glutamine help? I guess it can be used for good unless one has cancer?
@sugarpuddin 2 ай бұрын
@@traceybaldwin6509 Good even in the case of caner. Building up organs, tissues, and immune cells with proteins (amino acids) is called: Anabolism. The breaking down of proteins is called: Catabolism. Anabolism & catabolism happens continually in your body 24 hours a day; but the side effect of anabolism & catabolism is the creation of toxic waste products: Ammonia, urea, uric acid (which all come from the nitrogen molecule). Glutamine is the primary molecule used to detoxify the body of these toxic metabolites. Glutamine picks these nitrogen-based toxins up for excretion from the body; and, plants love them! So the side-effects of the building up and tearing down of proteins are the production of ammonia/ammonium - Which is scrubbed & neutralized by a Glutamine cycle. Thanks to Glutamine, the neutralization of toxins happens largely in the liver,i muscles and brain. The formation of ammonium happens continually. The highest amount is formed in the colon, and a lower production takes place in the small intestine. The degradation of proteins and amino acids in the liver also creates a high amount of ammonium. A considerable amount is of ammonia is also formed as muscles work & reinvent themselves. The kidneys metabolize ammonia in order to help maintain tight pH balance in the blood. Maintaining the pH or acid-base balance of the blood is crucial. If the pH falls even slightly out of balance, basically your body falls apart and you die pretty quickly! As blood pH changes, the bonds that hold chemicals together change or collapse. Intracellular proteins, enzymes, channel membranes and even nerves are really sensitive to any changes in pH. Acidosis can cause brain and cardiac suppression, coma, and death; alkalosis can cause hypersensitivity of neurons, muscle twitches or tetanus, and paralyze respiration. A low pH means there are lots of protons [H+] or that it’s acidic; a high pH is basically the opposite. Important is that ammonia [NH3] acts as a base; (it attracts and swallows up protons [H+]). Too much ammonia increases the pH of the blood, (makes it more alkaline)! If your body fails to control it, you die! Normal pH of blood is 7.4 - A pH less than 7.0 or higher than 7.7 is incompatible with life! By the way: This is why the popular idea that eating some foods increases blood or body pH, whilst eating others decreases your blood or body pH, is total nonsense! Ironically, your body physiology is such that it typically must contend with the prevention of acidic blood (low pH). Foods offer few bases to diminish the acidic nature of our physiology. Fortunately, our body has adequate means to cope with variations in blood pH: blood buffers (chemicals that float around neutralizing pH), along with lung & kidney functions. Glutamine participates in this process at the kidneys. The lungs handle all but about 25% of the required blood pH compensation; the kidneys handle the rest. In the kidney glutamine releases ammonia which picks up protons [H+] in the blood as they form into ammonium - A process that increases blood pH (making it less acidic). As well as, detoxifying your body of ammonia & balancing pH, the liver & kidneys must dispose of an enormous array of pharmaceutical and environmental chemicals. Of the numerous remedies, medicinal agents, chemicals, and herbal remedies in existence, more than 600 are recognized as being capable of bringing grave harm to the liver and kidneys. Of great concern were our HIV patients. Many of them presented with a co-infection of hepatotoxic Hepatitis C. Patient hepatitis together with the required pharmacological regimen, (often requiring the ingestion of 20 to 60 pills a day), presented us with a significant challenge in liver/kidney detoxification. As previously stated, the solution, Glutamine, alpha-lipoic acid, and silymarin, was so effective, local hospitals learned to utilize this strategy with great success in their newly opened “liver clinics”. Glutamine also serves as the main source of energy for the mucosal cells of the small intestine! Therefore, glutamine also helps greatly in the digestion of food. Without it, your small intestines would be in real trouble! The cells of the GI tract use glutamine to create the energy they need to function, to protect the body from foreign invaders, and to modulate the size of the pores or “leakiness” of the intestines thereby allowing food into the bloodstream. In addition to supplying energy to intestinal epithelial cells,i glutamine stimulates the proliferation of intestinal epithelial cells. Studies demonstrated that glutamine decreased bacterial translocation and stimulated IgA mucosal secretion;ii and, initiates anti-inflammatory effects.iii It is extremely important to note the connection between immunity and GI tract. Surrounding the GI tract are wandering immune cells always on the patrol and looking for foreign invaders in a potentially hostile environment. In fact, 70% of our immunity surrounds the GI tract - Thus, any GI tract troubles eventually become systemic immune problems! And immune system problems can destroy the body! Glutamine protects the body from assaults in the GI tract. Assaults to the immune system through the GI tract include: GMO foods, (GMO foods are manufactured by adding the foreign DNA of bacteria, viruses and fungus), and pathogens from the environment (e.g., viruses, bacteria, fungus, protozoa like cryptosporidium, and parasites)! If the Glutamine storage in your GI tract gets low, you won’t be very well protected from pathogens, GMO foods, you will have difficulty digesting nutrients, and can develop ‘leaky gut syndrome’ (where things that don’t belong leak out of the GI tract and into the blood stream). All of which gives rise to increased immune system trauma. Collectively these events conspire to ramp up autoimmune disorders! In other words, without enough Glutamine, your body can’t prevent food allergies or properly fight illness! ne of the most serious side-effects of HIV infection is diarrhea. We found that Glutamine supplementation is the most effective treatment for diarrhea on the planet - AND WITHOUT ANY SIDE EFFECTS such as those frequently associated with medications like Imodium! Immune cells also participate in the production of hormones and even participate in neurotransmitter communication with the brain. A challenged immune system causes diabetes, (types 1 and 2), chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. Poor immunity leads to hormonal imbalance and mental disease. Glutamine not only makes up a significant part of immunity, it is a major excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain! Glutamine & the Brain Glutamine forms one of the major neurotransmitters in the brain. Glutamine pathways form major excitatory output (“efferents” in neurology speak) from the cortex and cerebellum to various other brain areas, [e.g. corticostriatal, bulbar, pontine, and thalamic pathways; cerebellar mossy fiber afferents; and olfactory bulb pathways]. Glutamine neurotransmitters excite virtually all central neurons. To this author’s knowledge, there is no pharmaceutical equivalent. The neurotransmitter GABA is made from Glutamine as well. GABA is used all over the brain, and the eye, mostly for modulation (slowing down - relaxing or inhibition) or modification of signal strength along various major nerve pathways. GABA acts in a way to create transistor-like circuitry in the brain: Slowing down nerve signal strength as needed. You might find it interesting that many pharmaceuticals operate on the GABA trajectory to turn-down sympathetic (excitatory) pathways in the brain. Examples of these drugs include: hypnotics, anxiolytics (e.g., benzodiazepines, barbiturates, Depakote), and anticonvulsants (valproate). Glutamine is a major excitatory transmitter in the brain and the spinal cord; (this is notable in the following illustration). The rewarding effect of recreational drug abuse results not only from the release of dopamine; as the addiction develops, behavior is also influenced by glutamatergic pathways - Particularly in the area of the nucleus accumbens, (which is literally referred to as the “reward pathways of the brain”). Psychiatrists have discovered that stimulation of the nucleus accumbens can be successful in the treatment of drug abuse, alcoholism, food addiction, etc.
@brandillysmom 2 ай бұрын
This video is the holy Grail. I’m just a lay person that was trying to help my bedridden mother. Somehow, I figured out that giving her some of the things that are discussed video would help her. She was doing OK until she got a flu shot and reacted almost immediately. Everything went to hell after that. She still alive, After being hospitalized, and is now in a skilled nursing facility and I’m trying to get her back home. How do I get in touch with doctors that do what is in this video?
@cmauro7912 2 ай бұрын
Hi there, go to the main page (The Kalish Institue) next to this video there is a circle with the picture of the guy. There you will see an arrow pointing right click on it, it looks like a V on it's side by the way, then over there you will see The Kalish Institute was founded by Dr. Daniel Kalish, who developed The Kalish Method, and the arrow. When you click on the arrow you will see Channel Details and Email. Click on Email and click that you are not a Robot, and then get that email hiding under they. They do this to protect the channel from spam.
@cmauro7912 2 ай бұрын
if he doesn't reply, then go find an Functional Medicine Doctor
@johndormer9297 4 ай бұрын
Being as cancer uses the bodies own amino acid, glutamine how do these compounds impact the cancers electron transport chain in regards to ATP synthesis?
@deliakritikos5407 2 ай бұрын
Exactly. How do you deal with needing glutathione,while simultaneously feeding cancer??
@pipkoal2718 5 ай бұрын
I enjoy learning about this stuff
@StoneShards 4 ай бұрын
Very good video! The presenter's style is extremely effective and engaging--informationally dense while remaining personable. The illustrations are nicely done and integral to the presentation. All-in-all, captivating!
@farberam 5 ай бұрын
Hi hello new to the channel just wondering how at minute 49:00 you can point out the eye popping insulin resistance and then look at the mitochondrial dysfunction and not acknowledge that there is probably a relationship here?
@Angelica-pu3dq 2 ай бұрын
I'd find an FMD ("functional" medicine doctor)
@SH-jg5zq 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! 🙏
@mystrength5640 5 ай бұрын
Excellent information, thank you. Is it true after aged 60, we don’t make glutathione as we used to! ?
@lisawilson105 Ай бұрын
Nice! Thanks for posting
@kimkempus7806 5 ай бұрын
Excellent video. Never seen this podcast before...very educational and lines up with what I already understand. Im trying to quit drinking. Curious which docs are in that group out of London? It appears You've been around for awhile. Much respect from San Diego❤
@iw9338 3 ай бұрын
I think Julia Ross has programs in CA.
@williammourningcrow6000 5 ай бұрын
I was under the assumption that you needed taurine as well as NAC,glycine and L glutamine to make glutathione
@wellnesspathforme6236 5 ай бұрын
You need copper as well. In order to get copper, you need ceruloplasmin-bound complex copper (Cp-Cu). In order to get Cp-Cu production, you need copper, magnesium, and retinoic acid, and food-based always being the top-notch source. Retinoic acid is a metabolite of retinol and actual sun exposure. ATP7B is the enzyme that needs copper, magnesium and retinoic acid in order to load copper into ceruloplasmin. Copper (and Cp-Cu) is required to convert non-heme iron into heme iron as well. Low copper leads to anemia, even if your iron stores are overflowing.
@moniryousefian8782 5 ай бұрын
​@@wellnesspathforme6236 Could you please share which brand of copper and what form of it you're recommending?! Greatly appreciated 🙏
@debesele 4 ай бұрын
​@@wellnesspathforme6236 Thank you very much for information! Could you direct where to learn more about this?
@wellnesspathforme6236 4 ай бұрын
More than trace amounts of Omega 6s block bio-active copper, and a lot more. Dr. Chris Knobbe gives the breakdown on the seed oil toxicity. Balancing excessive Omega 6’s and Omega 3’s is less toxic than not, but even balance PUFAs are toxic.
@OpenlyBritish 2 ай бұрын
Just eat REAL foods like liver.
@helenwalker2986 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this extensive information.... we are all in a gingantic lane change around our health... thank you for contributing to our empowerment.
@Aangel452 3 ай бұрын
How does Methylene Blue help in all these conditions, as I know it fixes any mitocondria imbalances and aid in anxiety, depression, energy, and brain cognavity!
@bonnieromick9397 27 күн бұрын
You are wonderful. Marvelous❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
@floridanaturalfarming3367 4 ай бұрын
Excellent presentation🐸all disease starts with the mitochondria🐸Your explanations have helped me understand why Tropical fruit leaf teas, like Garcinia mangostana, are bountiful with a variety of Amino Acids have been helping me on my journey of healthy aging❤️thank you🐸
@moniryousefian8782 4 ай бұрын
Could you please share which brand of Garcinia are you taking for healthy aging? And what else ? Thanks !!!
@floridanaturalfarming3367 4 ай бұрын
@@moniryousefian8782I have a rare tropical fruit farm where we naturally grow more than 200 species of rare fruit trees naturally🐸we have 16 different Garcinia species Garcinia mangostana being one of them🐸I pick the fresh leaf for my teas @floridanaturalfarming
@pearlverdun 2 ай бұрын
Excellent video. I have spent years trying to work out treating psychosis. I will try n find you once an OATs test is done
@bonnieromick9397 27 күн бұрын
Awesome amino acid analysis. I have HSV and difficulty with the virus. You gave awesome info. Gonna listen twice I'm learning
@browneyedgirlFL67 3 ай бұрын
@The Kalish Institute does Dr Kalish take patients for amino study testing and consultation?
@felicisimomalinao1981 5 ай бұрын
@renee-claudetanguay9738 4 ай бұрын
How do you avoid stimulating mTOR and still use amino acids therapy?
@browneyedgirlFL67 Ай бұрын
@TheKalishInstitute with the depletion of Tryptophan during a “viral” infection/cytokine storm- wouldn’t it be beneficial to supplement with Tryptophan?
@prof.joaopaulocecato Ай бұрын
Great class, however, I did not find anything that talks about the diversion of L-DOPA into kynurenine inflammatory pathways.
@aveccoeur3874 3 ай бұрын
I do not recall having any amino acid test. Should this test and info be part of care and history, without a specific illness suspected? Is this a specialty lab, or shouks all labs be able to run?
@nancysmith-baker1813 3 ай бұрын
Fascinating , i am taking them all , i can say if your low on aminoe acids your needing high b vitimins . They run together and enxymes .
@atelier27 3 ай бұрын
What are the sulfur compounds?
@browneyedgirlFL67 Ай бұрын
@TheKalishInstitute what is the best way to replenish/ increase Glycine?
@TheMrcokamo Ай бұрын
when is the best time and what aminos are best combined
@Aangel452 3 ай бұрын
There are side effect in NAC, like tiredness, Dopamine overload and others.
@maryrine-marybel7118 3 ай бұрын
Where do i these kind of tests
@ParanoidBishop 4 ай бұрын
Where in the UK can you get the labwork done to test for these amino acid deficiencies?
@renee-claudetanguay9738 4 ай бұрын
Try Dr Sam White
@nieczerwony 2 ай бұрын
I am from Poland, but I live in Ireland and what strikes me here always is the fact that I need referral fromy GP to get any blood test done. In Poland I can go to one of many labs, just from the street. Pay an get test for whatever I want. For most test I'll get results online in like 2-3 hours. For amino profile it takes 2-3 days and price is from €50-80 depending how many amino acids you are checking.
@diann3880 2 ай бұрын
No reliable tests exist
@gif24gt60 3 ай бұрын
What about injectable carnitine and glutathione?
@leslienathan2096 3 ай бұрын
How can you take so much glycine especially during the day? It is supposed to help with sleep! It makes me very sleepy, only with a little
@wendywhite2642 3 ай бұрын
How do you scan that code without a second phone?
@gif24gt60 3 ай бұрын
Does injectable glutathione and injectable carnitine sting subq?😮
@gregeldefonso6624 2 ай бұрын
Remarkable. Questions, with food, if so high saturated fat? Any dietary supplements to avoid or take an hour or two apart? Is Baobab and Moringa a good mix? I drank Collagen hours after drinking Baobab I felt a depressive effect in my head. Why? I haven't used both on the same day since. Baobab has a acid that affects proteins. Can Mast Cell Activation change the was Collagen is processed and increase blood clotting? Does Covid cause Mast Cell Activation if so in what percentage of cases? How does Moringa block the Spike from binding to the ACE2 Receptors? How else does Moringa help any why? How does Baobab reduce D Dimmer levels? How does Baobab reduce inflammation? What are other benefits of Baobab? What about PQQ, Creatin, ALA Methylene Blue, Lion's Main, Choline?
@jackiesicilian5720 2 ай бұрын
Can I get these tests covered by Medicare? Im 62 fibromyalgia, feeling horrible every morning. I can't take it anymore. Where do i start for help with this?
@cheryljacobson1429 4 ай бұрын
I cant take tyrosine due to graves disease?!
@angellight9500 3 ай бұрын
is it RUPA?
@livefreeallways 3 ай бұрын
This is really interesting. I eat a high fruit diet mostly living foods. An occasional egg and fish but no other meats in over 20 years. i have not had a cold in over 6 years. I do bodywork and was up close with people traveling during the last several years and not one cold. Vit D and C seem to be the most important in terms of protecting against "viruses." Most people don't get enough sun and they eat a lot of toxic chemicals from the food and water.
@frv6610 2 ай бұрын
Great. Whenever I start feeling tired, cold and get pimples I take 50mg B5 vit. I think it gives energy to the immune cells also.
@kaelou3408 2 ай бұрын
Strange. There are tons of people doing just carnivore that say the same thing… healthier than ever.
@quickboat22 5 ай бұрын
How can we find practitioners of these teachings?
@cathsrq 5 ай бұрын
@Aangel452 3 ай бұрын
How do we know what to change here safely if we are already on a medication for depression which adds Dopamine or epinephrin to the equation?
@nireeburr 2 ай бұрын
Good point 🤔 Anything back on that question Dr ?
@thomaskingschillerlein7843 12 күн бұрын
23:00 is where the fun begins!
@jozefk93 2 ай бұрын
What is the name of test ?
@Antiagingalchemy 2 ай бұрын
So, I started working in a health food store in my late 20s and learned a lot about the importance of all of the amino acids. Fast forward and I have two children with anxiety and depression and have been able to help them (varying degrees because they have multiple other genetic health issues)-using amino acid therapy when regular medication caused them to either worsen or had severe side effects. I was wondering if there are any ortho molecular or holistic psychiatrists within the Midwest that use amino acid therapy, and can run the tests that you mention. Thank you for this video and information!
@jackiesicilian5720 2 ай бұрын
Julie Ross has practitioners and online clinic.
@Antiagingalchemy 2 ай бұрын
@@jackiesicilian5720 Thank you!
@copisetic1104 5 ай бұрын
Have small library just on DMSO from various research MDs and PHDs. I use it for joint pain and muscle recovery. It is full of sulfur compounds, I use it as an ioniphore to drive various natural compounds including hypochlporous acid to get rid of infectious diseases. Just the hundreds of ailments that DMSO can mitigate is amazing.
@himanshurunthala6851 4 ай бұрын
for what things do you use DMSo and how do you use it. please explain.
@moniryousefian8782 4 ай бұрын
Where we can get it? Which brand are you taking? Appreciate it 🙏
@user-vk4vw4le1c 3 ай бұрын
Yes, DMSO mixed with castor oil. It really helps with pain and they’re both good for you.
@roxyrockster 2 ай бұрын
@@himanshurunthala6851 I use dmso for acne. I used to get terrible cystic acne. Changed my diet, way down on sugars and carbs, which helped tremendously. the one I use is in an aloe vera base comes in a tub shaped container, gel type substance. Dip a qtip in and dot it on any pimple, or area you feel a pimple coming on, just dob it on and leave it, do it a few times a day and it will go away without becoming a full pimple. If it is a lump it will flatten right down, and not become a cyst. Also I do the same with moles. Just on the mole or pimple. If you get it on "normal" skin it burns. But mixed with another oil then can rub into aching areas. I believe the same brand I use which I dont remember brand name, has a roll on that is good for arthritic pains and such. I am sure there are many other uses.
@SpeedRacerDoctor 4 ай бұрын
My family member has been suffering from anxiety, depression and now has stomach/gi issues. She has been diagnosed parkinson''s and is hypothyroid. she lives in US. hoping someone has taken his courses, and can work with her to get labs and help. please help me find someone. thank you in advance.
@binathere2574 3 ай бұрын
I would look into Thiamine B1 protocol and doing an Active B12 test.
@aveccoeur3874 3 ай бұрын
You're a kind family member. They are blessed youre looking out and info more for them.
@ActivateMission2ThisTimeline 3 ай бұрын
Is sheVeegan?
@margretgunnarsdottir8907 3 ай бұрын
Look up on KZbin for Carnivore/Parkinson. There are people who where bound to their wheelchair that got rid of it and are walking again. It's the only diet you can live on without taking any supplements. That should tell you something ❤
@jackiesicilian5720 2 ай бұрын
Julie Ross. Look her up. Craving cure, mood cure, diet cure all about amino acid use.
@larsnystrom6698 4 ай бұрын
This is better than I expected! So far I have only listened to one third of it, and actually learned something! I knew about the importance of glycine (and cysteine). And of glutamine. But not about the importance of tryptophan at infections. I wonder if he is going to talk about taurine....
@lowelovibes8035 4 ай бұрын
What about atsma and inflammation?
@diann3880 2 ай бұрын
Quercitin NAC Vit D
@bonnieromick9397 27 күн бұрын
What is effect of HSV on the mitochondria. How do I help mitos fight chronic HSV. Already in high lysine diet
@sgtaneja 23 күн бұрын
Lysine, Copper, Vit C, vit A, Zinc, EAA's, methylation support- Glycine , P5P, 5MTHF, M-B12
@pearlverdun 3 ай бұрын
Problem with this increase of dopamine n adrenaline is increase in psychosis ...presumed high dopamine causes psychosis in old psychiatric beliefs. How to control high adrenaline
@oliverbird6914 2 ай бұрын
Does careful adding of potassium help
@diann3880 2 ай бұрын
Niacin Vit C 5htp
@ChrisKadaver 5 ай бұрын
I have a folate deficiency but get neuropathies if I take any kind of folate even though I'm on B12 injections. I don't know what to do. Got severe tinnitus now and it feels like I'm about to go blind soon almost. I have had ME/CFS since 2016. Got severely worse after a steorid injection near the lumbar spine and local anasthesia. My doctors treat me like it would be a mental illness. I have suffered amnesia and confusion. It all started in october. And i still have to wait for two more weeks for my next doctors appointment. Regular GPs are clueless about this stuff it seems. Also I started having this harsh smelly breath. First I thought it was covid. Then I realizez I had ketons in my urine. I had high glucose levels for a while but they have come down now and the smell is gone. And yeah. I eat regular foods I shouldn't be in ketosis. Even though I think I developed a late onset metabolic disorder I have to wait weeks for a doctors appointment. Can you help me? I live in sweden by at this point I'm willing to travel to have this sorted out because it feels like I'm dying from this. Where can I find a practitioner?
@paullausell5862 5 ай бұрын
, soy, and corn
@paullausell5862 5 ай бұрын
It’s working to treat my condgition as autoimmune. Your. B6 malabsorption is a clue. I also stopped eating dairy and eggs, completely.
@thomascantasano7816 5 ай бұрын
Bad absorption may be because cell receptors are being blocked. Do a cleanse like maybe Zeolite. Also, did you get vaxed? Vaccine has so many side effects. Try a Nicotine Gum for a week. This clears up cell receptors from the poisons in the Covid. Also, Serrapeptase & Nattokinase. Research it! Arthur Andrew Neprinol & Serretia. ❤
@monk331 4 ай бұрын
Try methylfolate
@llinosrollinson3850 4 ай бұрын
Have you tried methylated b vit and explore mthfr
@mfrmll3786 3 ай бұрын
WHO IN SAN DIEGO PROVIDES Tx for deficiencies?
@cmauro7912 2 ай бұрын
Kidneys and too much gluthionine don't do well. My late mother got drips with gluthionine. Her kidneys were her demise. What dose do you use.
@sgtaneja 23 күн бұрын
Taking supp GSH does Not increase intracellular GSH.
@grmalinda6251 5 ай бұрын
I have juggled amnio acids for my rls for years with vitamins and minerals too. I do not absorb vit b6 except under my tongue
@stevebuss69 5 ай бұрын
The number one cause of RLS is low ferritin. Have you had yours checked? If so ..What is your level number? If you want more information just asked me .
@dinomiles7999 5 ай бұрын
@@stevebuss69 what's RLS ?
@garyssimo 5 ай бұрын
restless leg syndrome is RLS
@grmalinda6251 5 ай бұрын
@@stevebuss69 yes it checks out fine, thank you.
@dinomiles7999 5 ай бұрын
@@garyssimo Tks.
@hookedonherbs3825 5 ай бұрын
Will Medicare cover these test?
@fractalbeans9513 4 ай бұрын
Wouldn't eating meat like beef and lamb be just as effective and more affordable? This is a species specific and species appropriate diet, after all.
@martinkulik9466 Ай бұрын
Yes for healthy ppl, but compromised have weak organs that synthesize many micronutrient...if you have weak metabolism amino acids make a difference
@titaniummaster1532 5 ай бұрын
DLPA for pain and mental elertnes
@donnazukadley7300 4 ай бұрын
@mrmattycake 4 ай бұрын
​@@donnazukadley7300 Supplement DL-phenylalanine.
@izabelaabel7049 3 ай бұрын
Add to it orthomolecular medicine knowledge, and we have even clearer picture...
@kaelou3408 2 ай бұрын
Are you just in the business of training practitioners, or do you help people?? I see no patient invitation on your website!
@jamiemarzano7389 4 ай бұрын
@plantstho6599 3 ай бұрын
Vanilmandela Effect
@wendywhite2642 3 ай бұрын
You obviously don’t answer any of your replies
@helenwalker2986 3 ай бұрын
No... but he does give over an hour of his teachings and life value, hard work and rigour online for free for all to beneift from.. which is absolutely awesome... and then we can take personal responcibility there on in. It works great, if you work it. ; )
@susansaffioti2111 3 ай бұрын
What is the best amino acid for schizophrenia where there is too much dopamine and negative effects
@magdelinalee2101 3 ай бұрын
Eating red meat (beff), butter , beef lever
@shane8695 3 ай бұрын
read the mood cure by Dr. Julia Ross@@magdelinalee2101
@diann3880 2 ай бұрын
Niacin Vit C B1 b6 5HTP GABA
@scottmcdonald5237 2 ай бұрын
@btudrus 4 ай бұрын
why just not eat high quality red meat?
@asiyawhaa1169 3 ай бұрын
@ActivateMission2ThisTimeline 3 ай бұрын
@martinkulik9466 Ай бұрын
That's what I thought too, but body isn't able to synthesize all nutrients from food effectively, especially when body is metabolically weak....young healthy body clean food good enough, but not weak, especially hypothyroid
@stephensalvidio3255 5 ай бұрын
A natural. Ahhhh
@patrickwright4070 4 ай бұрын
TYROSINE: Has anyone else experienced unusual aggitation or something like anger, while taking Tyrosine? If so, does anyone know why that would occur in someone?
@alterculture 4 ай бұрын
conversion to adrenaline/noradrenaline
@sacredneutral7304 4 ай бұрын
@williamdias3456 3 ай бұрын
i did
@diann3880 2 ай бұрын
Yes very common
@mikecolwill Ай бұрын
Slow comt gene
@bingflosby 2 ай бұрын
I have multiple sclerosis and I’m fighting for my life
@michaelcre8 Ай бұрын
It's not from Lyme and co-infections, is it? Chronic Lyme and co-infections do progress to cause MS but there are other causes too.
@c1humley 17 күн бұрын
Go plant based. Follow Dr. Brooke Goldner. She has reversed MS in numerous patients. She is the only person who holds a chair in auto-immune diseases at Cornell University. She puts out this information for free. She doesn't sell anything. She is real and has years of results. She has a website under her name. When you do an online search for her and her videos you will realize you have found a treasure.
@maggiepennington5583 2 ай бұрын
Have you checked how any of these being low in a person body help someone that has dementia or Alzheimer’s disease? People need help not just the person that as either one of those but family members that has to watch a loved one slipping away!
@brendagagne3005 5 ай бұрын
Floxed? ...or NAFLD?
@tesss1819 5 ай бұрын
Non alcohol fatty liver disease (insulin resistance)
@kosukekoichi8666 3 ай бұрын
B complex is not pure, doc. A complex has more than one ingredient. Is just high dose.
@Man-u-flex 3 ай бұрын
I don’t understand how glutamine deficiency can cause depression and anxiety when glutamine is a excitatory amino acid.
@diann3880 2 ай бұрын
Do you mean glutamate
@helentyrrell8287 3 ай бұрын
Alot questions he hasnt answer one of them , go somewhere slse .
@c1humley 17 күн бұрын
It looks like he is in the business of selling something and signing up "disciples" for training classes. The free information is here for bait. No wonder he doesn't answer questions from the public.
@janineclemons746 3 ай бұрын
Not everyone can methylate B vitamins. I don't think they are very effective for the more than 50% of the population who are so effected.
@Dgrinde 2 ай бұрын
Important topic but almost useless for me to apply to my everyday life.
@SimonGarstin 2 ай бұрын
If people ate raw meat like their instinct tells them to, then this would supply all amino acids that are not destroyed by heat, and it would regenerate cells optimally.
@shawnshawn7477 2 ай бұрын
What a joke. Treatment of symptoms is what a chiropractor does best. Fix the root cause and all of this will self correct.
@carolmartines7206 3 ай бұрын
Wow! You talk way too fast.
@shane8695 3 ай бұрын
you can slow down playback speed in the video settings
@birgitlumiere9035 3 ай бұрын
@helenwalker2986 3 ай бұрын
@SelfSvojic5422 2 ай бұрын
Dr John Campbell UK 🗣️🧑‍🦼🧑‍🦽🏥⚰️💉💉
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