An Elite Dangerous Player's Thoughts on Star Citizen 3.23

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Star Citizen Patch 3.23 is here, and with it come some massive changes to the game. As an Elite Dangerous player, I've been keeping an eye on Star Citizen for quite some time, and now seemed like a good time to jump back in. These are just my thoughts on how the game has changed since I played it last, what my experience with this patch was like, and what I hope for going forward with the game.
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@subbss 4 ай бұрын
I don't think most SC players will get mad at you, as a SC fan myself I think most people agree that performance and stability are very valid complaints.
@schlagzahne6741 4 ай бұрын
Not everyone is dedicated enough to suffer through all the "features SC has while it is still developing things. =p Also the constant crashing is likely due to vulkan, I have had good servers that stayed online, the crashes are likely between cig programming and your machine. I have seen some people returning to dx11 would stop the crashes
@zawadlttv 4 ай бұрын
@@schlagzahne6741 my game crashes, with a nvlddmkm error in windows event viewer. my current most likely guess is my psu
@Billy-bc8pk 4 ай бұрын
Totally understand your frustrations. Just to explain a bit of why server performance is the wya it is, it's because the game is bigger than what the servers can handle, which is why CIG is banking on server meshing being their silver bullet to solving a lot of the optimisation and performance issues, as they can assign servers to object containers and hopefully reduce a lot of the desync and server hitching when it comes to performance. The major hiccup was that there is approximately zero available middleware for the tools they needed to build out the game to Chris' vision, so sadly CIG had to waste a LOOOOOT of time and money R&D'ing half a dozen new networking solutions that don't exist anywhere in the industry at the moment, and they had to manually engineer 18 bespoke networking sub-systems to support that new middleware. So they finally got all of those pieces of the puzzle sorted and we're finally starting to see the really big pieces get implemented (somewhat starting with 3.18) and the final big piece before optimisation is server meshing, which is coming in the next major patch in Q3, 4.0.
@Shiznaft1 4 ай бұрын
That is nice of you to explain but as a consumer I don't care why they don't have their crap together, I just want it to work.
@Billy-bc8pk 4 ай бұрын
@@Shiznaft1 I understand that, but that's just not how technology works. It's precisely why every othr major corporation typically have very heavy NDAs on all R&D department projects precisely because of your response. As a consumer you don't have to care and all you want is a working product, but most people don't really understand the complexity that goes into building out certain systems and technologies and the amount of time and money and resources it can take to do so. The only reason CIG have let people in privy to what they're doing is because it's crowdfunded, but otherwise we would have never known about this project and its technologies until they had SSOCS, PES, server meshing, and dynamic server meshing working to scale. Then they would have made a big announcement and rolled out a trailer. But being that they're crowdfunded they were not able to keep things dark from the public for that long.
@Shiznaft1 4 ай бұрын
@@Billy-bc8pk I am an engineer. I definitely know how successful projects have come to market. With all due respect, and I mean that, they have squandered millions chasing the wrong things. They have focused on nonsense at the behest of the man at the helm. This game is never going to materialize. Roberts has done this several times before and only the producers were able to save and finally force a product to market. I applaud his desire to create an everything game but in the effort he is just wasting money and time. I hope it comes to fruition but I don't think it will.
@Billy-bc8pk 4 ай бұрын
@@Shiznaft1 This has not happened several times before -- it happened once with Microsoft, who rushed out a product that everyone agrees needed more time in the oven (i.e., Freelancer). But if you're fine with rushed, buggy, unfinished products as a standard for which you believe the software industry should be chasing, I'm sure you're very satisfied with EA, Ubisoft, and Activision's recent outings.
@Shiznaft1 4 ай бұрын
@@Billy-bc8pk Wing commander, freelancer , just to name two. Microsoft didn't rush the product. Roberts delayed and fumbled by trying to add everything. There are more than two choices. It isn't either we make the eternal game development incompetence or we rush to publish. Funny how other developers produce good finished games without taking a decade. There will always be people who apologize and try to explain away how a company can fritter away hundreds of millions of dollars and reboot the development of a game several times as they creep creep creep along. But by all means lets perfect the drops of condensation on the windscreen...
@TjarkoTarnen 4 ай бұрын
I subbed for more SC content. A genuine rundown of how it went for you, nice to see. All the best with it in the future.
@Digmbot 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the sub!
@GARL0CK 4 ай бұрын
THe main thing to say about the crashes and such is that Star Citizen isn't a game yet. In development, the last thing that you do is optimize the performance. So we're not going to see that for 2 years at the soonest. And it's not a question of "it's been in dev for 10 years" It's a question of - literally the final thing you do is the final thing you do, so until we have all of the systems and content actually IN the game, it's pointless to optimize because you're going to have to do it again when you add new systems. This is also the problem with our "early access" culture. People want to see the game in progress, but most devs aren't going to spend time educating the public about the dev cycle and so we get comparisons with games that are already released and have already gone through all of the steps.
@ksl-988 4 ай бұрын
This is why it's rare to have a playable alpha. It's a rough ride and not a lot of people can stomach it. It won't be until beta that real kinks begin to get ironed out.
@phoenixsui 4 ай бұрын
And dont forget to delete the shader folder in appdata folder and the user folder in installation folder. And lets give the patch some hotfixing time. Personally i didnt have any stuttering or anything on Gen13 intel and 4080. But do not use vulcan yet. Remember also now the server fps can be good but the ping to the replication layer might be bad so then there is that new possible bottleneck.
@GARL0CK 4 ай бұрын
@@phoenixsui Cool that they dropped the patch a week before free fly this time, so at least they have a LITTLE bit of time to work it out, as opposed to their normal MO of being like "HERE'S THE NEW PATCH AND TRIPLE THE SERVER LOAD!!!111" lol
@elkneto4334 4 ай бұрын
crappy apologism for having the same shitty bugs for 12 years and just not caring
@GARL0CK 4 ай бұрын
@@elkneto4334 lol
@Maxxy9090 4 ай бұрын
On performance, and stability, I think all backers understand it's all valid criticism from a new player's perspective. What new players don't understand from the backer's perspective was how bad it really was before 🤣🤣 I kinda wish CIG would spinup a legacy server patch just to really show how far the project has come. Cause I kneel when I get 30 FPS in Area 18 after playing 3.5.
@angerskarin9222 4 ай бұрын
i remember the sub 10 fps in area 18 at time, now i get a nice 30 to 40 depending on how the servers are.
@socomunist4191 4 ай бұрын
Reason it's taking so long is because they literally had to build everything from scratch. Studios and technology. There is no other game like this and probably won't be for a long time.
@RazSkull673 4 ай бұрын
When fhe game works - incredible! When the game screws with you - put it away until they get things better down the line.
@TheJudgeo7 4 ай бұрын
hi, big time SC fan here. I wouldn't expect any significant backlash to what you are saying, those are mostly valid points and people know about them. I say "mostly" because you look at SC as a game, where it really is an alpha - some iterations (patches) are better, some are worse, both content and stability-wise. I play some a bit, avoid others altogether, keeping my hopes up that "the day will come" when the overall stability will be good enough for me to invest more time in it. They've been making good progress recently and 4.0 should improves tones once they bugfix the initial server meshing implementation enough (so likely in a 4.x patch). o7 citizen!
@connorbennett1517 4 ай бұрын
I totally understand your frustrations. My assumption would be, come back at around 4.1. I don't say 4.0 because with everything added and the forst edition of server meshing, I can still see alot of problems. I assume the next patch would be much more stable.
@DionSamuel 4 ай бұрын
SC backers are all here not for the current game, but for the journey to the end game.
@klaric1 4 ай бұрын
Correct me if I'm wrong but Is DLSS not only meant to help out with resolutions above 1080p?
@papadross 4 ай бұрын
SC fans won't hate on you for calling the servers shit after 12 years of development. We know the servers are dog shit.
@ksl-988 4 ай бұрын
You are talking about server crashes like it's 3.18 but they have actually done away with server crashes for the most part in this patch. Are you talking about your overall experience playing or just 3.23?
@Illfury 4 ай бұрын
I'm thinking the same thing. Haven't gotten 1 crash in over 26hrs of play since 3.23 launched. I mean servers ARE turd right now... They're not crashing nearly anywhere as often
@Digmbot 4 ай бұрын
I'm talking about 3.23. Maybe I'm unlucky but we had 4 server crashes in one afternoon. I have been playing a bit more since this video came out, and I haven't had a total crash again, just server FPS going to hell for a few minutes then slowly recovering.
@r4microds 4 ай бұрын
​Haven't had any luckily since the patch launched but I believe you entirely since it's happened in the past. If you give it another go, try joining opposite region servers, i.e if you are in NA, play on an EU server. So much of this games framerate and stability are tied to the health of a server, and your experience is greatly improved when the server is running well. Playing on EU helps, esp later in the evening if you're east coast NA because most of EU is asleep by then. No joke, your client actually runs faster on lighter servers. ​@@Digmbot
@GraphiteSC 4 ай бұрын
@@Digmbot The replication later should have kicked in and you should have picked right back up where you left off. If that is not happening, chances are you may be running out of RAM. There is a known memory leak right now. I start at 28GB and five hours later I’m up at 48GB. If your system only has 32GB (Only… haha), then that would cause a hard crash. Also make sure your video card has 16GB of VRAM, SC @ 4K will use between 9-12GB, so an 8GB card will also cause hard crashes. You can monitor everything I mentioned by hitting the tilde key and typing “r_DisplayInfo 3” - using a value of 1 and 2 will show less info, 0 will turn the debug data off. Please make more SC content, would love to subscribe :)
@Digmbot 4 ай бұрын
@@GraphiteSC Good info, much appreciated. I just added another 32GB of RAM to my system this morning actually, bringing me to 64. Hopefully that helps. Monitoring my GPU, which I just do as a matter of course has shown that the VRAM shouldn't be the issue. I guess the stupidly high price tag on 4090's was worth it? LOL. More content incoming asa soon as I get this game to a more stable state though!
@JoseJimenez-fc6pu 4 ай бұрын
As a huge SC fan and player, I 100% agree with your grievances with the game. My biggest problem is the server and stability issues. There are spots on Microtech where the frames lag so badly, it's just simply unplayable, and I just alt F4 right outta there. And the trash AI, though better this latest patch, still leaves a lot to be desired. That said, despite my deep frustration with the game, there is no game quite like SC, and the vision and ambition behind the project is something I still absolutely love and support. Here's hoping server meshing can finally fix mostly, if not all, the problems that keep me from truly immersing myself in the 'verse.
@juanverajr4614 4 ай бұрын
Server meshing is the one I'm most excited about ☺
@lynxara 4 ай бұрын
As a Star Citizen-only player I totally agree with the cons you mentioned. I would even say that you were not harsh enough about the current state on the game-breaking bugs and overall stability. All people have different tolerance to the bugs and it is ok. The fanboys raging on any criticism are wild. These are the guys that would defend any patch (even if the situation is like in 3.18 💀). Don't listen to them and stay objective on a topic :D
@ralaxgaming 4 ай бұрын
Performance is mostly bad because the entire star system is on a single game server. Server meshing will eventually help this considerably by breaking up star systems into multiple game servers. It’s foundational tech they have been working on for nearly a decade and version 1 will be coming in the next patch. Initially it may just be for adding another star system, allowing us to travel between the two, so it may not improve performance immediately but eventually server count will be increased and performance should improve. If you look at PTU footage with high server FPS you would be surprised how well the game performs, especially AI.
@jasonrd316 4 ай бұрын
You're right. When you're on a good server and everything is working right, this is one of the best games you can play. When it's not any of the above, it can be the most infuriating game you can ever play, second only to QWOP 😂
@buckluny4030 4 ай бұрын
I feel bad for you that you've experienced so many crashes. 3.23 isn't out for all that long but already more solid than eny other Patch launch in my opinion. Usually it's best to get into a patch after the ,1 or ,2 drops. It's more stable at that point. SC isn't optimised yet. So performance is gradually going to improve. I myself have everything on high and get 40fps on hurston while in the past this was only 30, and this is with the added benefit of there being even prettier clouds 🙂 Hope to see you in the verse someday o7
@solothkaroftrinsic3852 4 ай бұрын
It runs like -beep- because it is in alpha and not polished and not optimized at all. You can't compare a finished game with a game in the development. They are still working on the game engine. You are obviously not a person that is compatible with early access games. So that has nothing to do with Star Citizen. You just have to wait until the game releases. Easy. Bug fixing and polish are part of beta, not alpha. So your analysis was on point and correct. Nothing to hate on.
@ScruffyMisguidedAndBlue 4 ай бұрын
Without saying what your specs are and what framerate you were getting, saying the framerate is terrible and unplayable is meaningless. It plays great on my good gaming PC, and even on my secondary with a Ryzen 2600 and GTX1060 I can change the graphics settings to get it very playable, even in cities.
@ligmasphere901 4 ай бұрын
Without posting a vid on youtube showing ganeplay your statement is meaningless. With my 4k series graphics card and 32 gb ram it still performs like horse turds 8/10 times
@ScruffyMisguidedAndBlue 4 ай бұрын
@@ligmasphere901 With my 5800X3D/3080Ti system at 1440P I get 30-60fps in cities, upwards of 60 in space stations and upwards of 100 in space. Unless you are one of those people who consider less than 60fps to be unplayable, the game is extremely playable for me. Saying 4K series card in isolation is just wasting everyones time.
@Digmbot 4 ай бұрын
So sorry for wasting your precious time. For clarification, the game routinely runs sub 30 for me in cities or in space with a i9-13900KF, RTX 4090 with 64GB of DDR5 RAM installed on a 1TB 860 EVO. This is in 4k or 1440P; framerates are both low and unstable at almost all times. Hope that helps! :) :) :)
@ScruffyMisguidedAndBlue 4 ай бұрын
@@Digmbot Thanks, with that information I can tell you that you most likely need to disable your e-cores, either in the BIOS (as temporary measure to test if it helps) or via Process Lasso. The e-cores are the cause of probably the #1 FAQ about performance in the SC subreddit.
@dalemckenzie2828 4 ай бұрын
The reason the PU servers are garbage is because the devs don't want to spend the money on decent servers/optomisations whilst the game is so incomplete and the revenue stream is so limited by player numbers and routes to market IMO and it makes sense from a financial perspective but has done real brand damage.
@NorainuVR 4 ай бұрын
It sucks that some people draw the short end of the stick, i havent had performance issues or server crashes since 3.18. I will admit i do get desync on occasion and bounty targets not spawning on rare occasions, hopefully you will try it again when 3.23.1 comes out.
@konellin189 4 ай бұрын
32 Gigs are a minimum...
@retrowrath9374 4 ай бұрын
Odd, this is not the experience people are saying, generally people are saying performance is alot better, server stability is the best it's been and game crashes are minimal, I think it's down to people's PC or even network connection. I've been playing 3.23 since launch a few hours a day and not had a server crash or games crash, tested Vulkan and it did crash but that's a known issue with upscaling changing settings, I don't use it now, D3D is more stable which makes sens as Vulkan is "beta". Also, your video doesn't show what you claimed, Orison ran fine in your video, maybe your specs are just not good enough as cities are very CPU heavy.
@klaric1 4 ай бұрын
SC fan here. I don't know how client FPS is so horrible. It's rendering mostly empty space... literally. Even planetside It's mostly just terrain with a building or two in the distance. You could load up a new project in Unreal or Unity in 10 minutes with more detail that manages to render at 100fps+
@IEagleoneI 4 ай бұрын
SC player here, servers ARE trash 98% of the time, and this is most major issue for SC, we have other issues 80% from this servers issue.
@gabrielabbott2854 4 ай бұрын
The server performace is what keeps me from playing this game. If they could get that worked out at some point I think everything else wouldnt be as bad.
@Guardianapophis 4 ай бұрын
i agree, the servers are trash right now, the whole perfomannce thing is bound to the server. this issues will be present until server meshing runs
@medo4945 4 ай бұрын
question for star citizen players: I want to buy the game but what's the point playing the game if I'm gonna lose everything, all my progress in a patch wipe.
@Arcodragon 4 ай бұрын
Play it for general fun and the overall experience. But, if you are not ready to play in an Alpha build which changes constantly and includes the occasional wipe, which is really dependent on what is involved in the latest patch, then perhaps you wait a year or two for things to settle down development wise. The Alpha experience is not for everyone and it is wholly understandable if you don't want to play in, what can be, a buggy mess at times. However, with all that being said, it is still well worth $45 to grab a basic starter package, find some friends to play with, and approach it with a healthy attitude. You can have some amazing adventures and experiences unlike any other game out there.
@Drakashin 4 ай бұрын
To add to Arcodragon patch wipes are becoming a lot less frequent as well. I expect there might be one more this year with patch 4.0 as they should be adding a lot of key features. After that I think wipes will be further apart. And I take the server wipes to try something new, they generally add a new gameplay loop when it happens, so on one patch I try pirating on the next I'll do mining or legit trading etc. At the moment you can get a lot of milage out of SC but you also have to create your own gameplay loops. Like what Digmbot was doing in the video of salvaging a ship, processing materials, then loading it onto a friend's ship to split the profits. Will also say that so far the community has been great in game with the exception of a few toxic people here and there.
@machoalright 4 ай бұрын
Mad no? i didnt have the experience. but than i have a good pc to be honest. not everyone is so fortunate to have one. i had one "crash" but the server selfhealed and i could get back on. and had no more problems lateron.
@Troy-fi2dz 4 ай бұрын
I only had 1 30k since 3.23. I've had an extremely smooth experience. I think it is so weird how some people have such a horrible experience
@finalfanthero 4 ай бұрын
Same here
@Micric82 4 ай бұрын
As devoted SC player, it's taken a while to.get here, but your points are very valid. I have a very high-end PC and don't see many of the issues, but when you need to have the game on a solid state storage, you need at least 8GB of RAM just for the game and a reasonable GPU, it is a pain. This should change once they reach optimisation, but we all know that's still years off. Until then the universes expand, and the new game play looks so good.
@HarenunHoppus 4 ай бұрын
Lol i hear the opposite from people with high end pcs seeing the game run like ass
@muf6861 4 ай бұрын
The stability os SC is totally dependent of the current patch and that will be the case until it is done and v1.0 is published (or a good way into beta). That's how every single game in an alfa state will be like - we just get to experience it and help the devs with testing and feedback. You can make a game 100% bug free and then you add one feature and the 50 new and old bug pops up. Hearing from your really good explained thoughts after playing SC again, it seams like you are looking for a more finished and bug free game... just like Elite is. I would suggest trying out SC one or two months into it's live server patch cycle to get the best experience. Oh and also regarding multiplayer servers are trash and just fix it. Well the servers CIG spin up is some of the most powerfull servers out there used for a MMO (I believe each VM they spin up has 64 CPU threads and 200+ software threads) - it's just that the whole damn univers currently run on one server with 100 players connected and hundreds of NPC's. Until they can split the load to different servers dynamically, the servers will most of the time feel like trash (and probably will not either until the game reaches beta state).
@1aatlas 4 ай бұрын
I feel ya, i backed both ED and SC at pretty much the same time in 2013 and watching ED grow up and now be in its old age all before SC is even born has been something. It's going in the right direction in terms of stability, It'll get there.
@CptFugu 4 ай бұрын
Do you have at least 24 GB of memory? That's about what it takes to get stable performance. It cuts a lot on the crashes too. With 32 it is pretty smooth, even with an older processor and GPU. On the other hand, there is no real character persistence, so it is not worth investing any effort on it.
@Digmbot 4 ай бұрын
64GB of system memory and 24GB of VRAM. We've been trying to figure out my issues with the help of a community member who has very stable performance and a PC build thats almost identical to mine. Hopefully we figure it out soon!
@EtDemiGod 4 ай бұрын
We won’t get mad lol the games backed with more bugs than a beehive
@eddyrocksteady1157 4 ай бұрын
If NB or Orison is unplayable for you then your PC is sub par. You need a better CPU. And yeah, you’re not playing 3.23 if you commenting on server crashes lol. Replication layer has eliminated crashes. Update to 3.23 and try the video again
@binnus_boppus 4 ай бұрын
But ItS StaBle FoR mE. must be a personal problem. you should download more RAM! stop playing on a potato
@JoyGamer23 4 ай бұрын
Consider this, all of this is not a game yet, it's still a "proof of concept" a proof that they can do server meshing, recovery layer, various mechanics etc etc.. Copium aside yeah, Game performance is ass, lag spikes are constant, planets in 3.23 drop my performance from 65 fps to 12 or less, both on Vulcan and DirectX, no freaking idea why; and server performance is also terrible, mostly because invictus launch week is around the corner, they are working on a hell of a lot of things at the same time, and so a lot of servers are being allocated to the PTU, if you played the first 4 days of 3.23 release most gameplay was smooth as butter, it was like a dream i swear. That said this game still gifts me with unforgettable moments and absolutely amazing scenery, every time you go out to do something and you look outside you notice how beautiful everything is and you want to consider abandoning your mission just to activate free camera mode and take some selfies XD. Also happy to hear an opinion coming from "a star citizen worst enemy" ... an Elite Dangerous player (joking of course) especially since it was a personal opinion without having to spread hate because another game might be doing better or whatever
@Verinia 4 ай бұрын
We are all waiting for our Lord and Savior Christ Roberts to deliver us from on high his blessed server meshing, then the server shit should improve.
@ligmasphere901 4 ай бұрын
Facts and anyone who says otherwise is another unaware CIG fanboy
@thatrandomguycommenting1261 4 ай бұрын
Remember you're comparing a 3d fully interactive fp game to a menu simulator
@Digmbot 4 ай бұрын
Menu simulator? I don't remember mentioning EVE Online....
@thatrandomguycommenting1261 4 ай бұрын
@@Digmbot don't kid yourself. At what point in ED are you not in a menu
@Digmbot 4 ай бұрын
I just did an hour of bounty hunting on stream and I was in menus for no more than 5 minutes I'd say. Probably about the same amount of time I'd spend using the mobiglass in SC to be honest.
@thatrandomguycommenting1261 4 ай бұрын
@Digmbot that's cool. How much cargo did you rob? How many ships did you salvage? You take any of their weapons and swap them to your ship? Or did you just look left to see how many credits you have earned in the menu before you go into a menu to look at loading screens to fly into a space station to look at another menu to collect the credits to go sit in more menus upgrading your flying menu you can't interact with?
@Digmbot 4 ай бұрын
Did someone from FDev kick your puppy as a child? I understand that Elite isn't as in depth in some ways as SC. That's why they are different games. Not fully getting the hate though.
@PEN0311 4 ай бұрын
Everything about the gameplay on SC hinges on meshing.
@HarenunHoppus 4 ай бұрын
How did that go? Its like they stopped talking about it
@drksideofthewal 4 ай бұрын
@@HarenunHoppus Well, it’s literally on the roadmap for 4.0 as of yesterday. And there’s a server meshing demo from Citizencon 2023 if you’re curious.
@HarenunHoppus 4 ай бұрын
@@drksideofthewal thanks for the offer but i will have to pass. PC doesn’t like running the game, have a litany of issues i dont wanna address, I’ll just let my starter ship and referral prize to gather dust
@drksideofthewal 4 ай бұрын
@@HarenunHoppus I didn't say anything about running the game, you seemed curious about the progress on server meshing.
@HarenunHoppus 4 ай бұрын
@@DionSamuel no thanks. I’ve dealt enough crappy framerates and bugs there. I better play games that are released, fun and most of all works.
@RoninX33 4 ай бұрын
Agree with this video!
@konellin189 4 ай бұрын
you took the worst bike show :)
@ariasabe 4 ай бұрын
An honest KZbinr?👀👀👀
@nd6886 4 ай бұрын
More like we're surprised you are able to play SC.
@Digmbot 4 ай бұрын
After jumping through many hoops trying to figure out how to get it to stop crashing, I'm still a bit surprised. Turns out the current iteration of the game is REALLY unstable if I have XMP enabled in my BIOS
@mekorxmlg 4 ай бұрын
Why do these new player videos seem to experience way more bugs then I do
@mekorxmlg 4 ай бұрын
Don't get me wrong I see bugs but I'm so use to playing the game I get tons done and only occasionally am very slightly halted by a bug if anything at most on e in a while I have at max a ten minute disruption. This isn't that frequent for me tho.
@RoninX33 4 ай бұрын
@@mekorxmlg I see tons of bugs. Not really the crashes. But I get physics wonkiness that got me killed the other day. Got slung into the tram tracks on lorville and died being crushed by the tram. I have had tones of mission bugs. Suffocating for no reason, etc, etc. I can see why new players get fed up. I take long breaks because bugs and performance issues start to add up and my mental state is too important. I get the reaction.
@mekorxmlg 4 ай бұрын
@@RoninX33 yea that's fair I will see those things, I think I'm blessed with my common game loops not suffering from many issues. When I branch out I do experience them more often. The experience definitely helps mitigate the issues to some degree
@drksideofthewal 4 ай бұрын
If you play SC enough, navigating the bugs becomes second nature. Maybe you don’t even notice.
@4ortytoon 4 ай бұрын
@@drksideofthewal i would agree with this. just as there is a condition known as olfactory fatigue or nose blindness where you become so accustomed to a smell you no longer smell it while others can. i'd say there is now a bug blindness in gaming where player becomes accustomed to the glitches of that game.
@thelemionslice7226 4 ай бұрын
I will say that with performance its way better than last patch but its still so shit. I feel like you play starcitizen for its new tech, like seemless transiosions, and everything else! I only got back into star citizen for the new ui lmao
@WarlockSRB 4 ай бұрын
Potato PC? Don't care about DLSS... 😂
@fredlakota3595 4 ай бұрын
why play a game thats as old as elite .. still in alpha and buggy as hell
@fajarn7052 4 ай бұрын
Man, as an SC player, this patch made the game SMOOOOOOTH like baby's butt. At least compares to what we used to have. The server on the other hand, its not MP in general, its the server in general. I mostly play alone doing mining/cargo/box mission but I would spent half of my time waiting for the outposts to even spawn into the world, sometimes my ship even exploded because my ship was sitting on the are that would spawn in. It is frustrating, but for us its old news. I would rather they churn out all their intended features first while maintaining a 'bearable' state of the server. I even dread the upcoming 4.0. Although it promises Server Meshing, it also will add a whole new star system which is 3 times the size of Stanton. I worry even the planets had to be spawn in next.
@karmickatastrophe7864 4 ай бұрын
Welcome to the hood, Commander - don't forget to roll your windows up and lock your doors! Leave your shields on and turn your engines off when landed. And if you leave her open, check your bathroom before takeoff! o7
@morti628 4 ай бұрын
o7 Sir! As someone who played a good amount of ED (I think I grinded myself to a Imperial Cutter or was it Clipper? The one where you also need reputation for), I must agree to a lot of what you'r saying.. I've played SC a good amount at this point and I get that they "wan't to not focus on player experience much yet and much rather push content". But every now and than I'm like "wow, this is 10 years of development and we're still only here?" Other days I'm like "yeah okay I see this working, we're making some progress". Lets be real here: SC is not a game (yet) as much as people might want it to be like that. There are WAY too many bugs. Sure.. you'll get familiar to most and you can avoid a couple (don't use elevators in hyperspace, wait for elevators before stepping onto them, etc.) But this is not a GAME, there are hardly any gameplay loops viable, lots of stuff is bugged in whatever they don't care at that time.. usually only one-two things provide good money because they wanna test that part of gameplay. On the other hand there's lots of cool stuff if they can make it work. The overall "consistency" of the universe, traveling from A -> B, Ship detail and amount of possibilites is much greater than in ED. But yeah, we'll see how it all works out, its defo gonna be another 1-2 years (just for the servers to eventually handle the load due to server meshing).. and "kinda knowing CIG at this point" it might take a lot more time, which would eventually mean the project just gets overtaken by a (not yet existing) competitor.
@Digmbot 4 ай бұрын
o7 Commander! Your entire comment: YES. The game has SO many good ideas. And it has so many things holding it back. Which is why I ended the video on a hopeful note. I would LOVE this thing to succeed and be freaking awesome.
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