An essential guide to gender mainstreaming

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European Institute for Gender Equality

European Institute for Gender Equality

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Gender gaps and inequalities between women and men exist across all areas of society and impact on our daily lives. To help policy makers identify what these inequalities are, and more importantly how they can be addressed, EIGE has developed the Gender Mainstreaming Platform:
It offers an extensive range of resources including both background information and practical guidance on how to successfully incorporate a gender perspective into all stages of the policy cycle, with the ultimate aim of bringing Europe a step closer to gender equality.

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@tomasmalin 6 жыл бұрын
Guess what, men and women are different.
@davidbak6984 3 жыл бұрын
Ok, but their access to basic human rights should be equal. Gender discrimination and sexist structures in politics, society and economics need to be addressed on a broader platform. Women are disproportionately affected by sexual violence and harassment. Every human being, regardless of gender, needs to have the same opportunities. The reproductive health and self-determination rights of women are of particular importance because, as we can see in Poland and Hungary, we can lose them at any time. And those stereotypes and cliches are outdated and sexist. We need to do better.
@ehaitem 2 жыл бұрын
@@davidbak6984 can you give an example of how men and women have an unequal access to basic human rights in Europe?
@davidlahozgil 3 ай бұрын
@@ehaitem There are literally a lot of documents addressing that. The most famous are related to the Gender Gap in wage and politics.
@elchefe7701 7 жыл бұрын
They talk about gender differences the whole day, just to tell me there are none. Money well spend.
@davidlahozgil 3 ай бұрын
Bad take. They talk about gender "differences" in the sense of different needs or issues related to gender as the example of men being encouraged to study or occupy some careers and jobs while women others. That need to be addressed to avoid a disbalance that thwarts the other. Look for the book _Invisible Women_ of Caroline Criado Pérez to understand the argument better.
@friggingbomb88 8 жыл бұрын
Why is all this even necessary? There is no way you can achieve 50%/50% absolute equality and there is always some imbalances in areas. If we import the quota, how can you ensure that the most qualified person will be chosen for a position? Furthermore, we believe that for most occupations (farmer/nurse/police officers/accountant/manager/factory workers), there is very limited differences in terms of the outputs and performances of either men or women, therefore it is still effective to hire anyone disregarding the gender. (and of course, some exceptional cases, like the fashion industries, where gender might be a consideration) There are many studies showing that the difference between male or female performances are minimal, then why do we persist to push for this agenda? Why do we need more male nurses? Why do we need more female engineers? We all know that current situation is that there are more male engineers, but how is that a problem? The worst problem is we deprive women of the necessary education or discourage them to become an engineer. Are we actually discouraging women to enrol in engineer classes though? No, female enrolment rates in STEM are increasing and we have scholarship to sponsor women in STEM. The real reason for gender gap in engineer is that older generation of engineers are still in the labour market, and these older generation engineers are virtually all male. Its just that newer generation female engineer number hasnt caught up yet, therefore creating a gender imbalance in the labour market. Then why do we spend resources to hasten in closing this gap? Why can''t we let society slowly catch up, if we actually want to close the gap? Same goes for male nurses. Hiring managers get a bad reputation if the hiring process is discriminating against a gender, and the managers have so little to choose from (either female or male). It really doesn't prove anything at all if ABC hospital has 5% more male nurses than DEF hospital. Why would that even matter, since studies show that job performances ARE THE SAME between gender. WHY do we need to constantly stress on closing the gender gap, while qualification is HELL LOT MORE IMPORTANT? Please answer these questions.
@eige_eu 8 жыл бұрын
Hello and thanks for taking an interest in our video and for your comment. It seems that we are in agreement on several points. To continue with your example, gender equality is not about pushing women to become engineers or men to become nurses (and not about having exactly 50-50 balance everywhere) but it’s about making it possible for all young people, regardless of their sex, to choose the career paths they want, without feeling influenced or restricted by what society thinks are suitable choices. Gender stereotypes play a big role in influencing the subject choices of girls and boys and tackling such stereotypes needs to happen early in the classroom. Another challenge that needs addressing is inequality in earnings. Even when women and men do the work of equal value, work in the same profession or share the same qualifications, their salaries are not always the same. The European Commission’s report on equality between women and men (2013) showed that at the current rate of progress in closing gender gaps, it will take over 70 years to make equal pay a reality. The gender pay gap means that women earn less over the course of their lifetime (not to mention reduced earnings due to career breaks to take on caring responsibilities for children or elderly dependents). Our Gender Equality Index shows that women take on the bulk of domestic chores at home. On average in the EU, 77 % of women, compared to only 24 % of men, do cooking and housework every day for at least one hour or more. Women continue to take a far greater responsibility in taking care of a family. Personal time spent on caring responsibilities has a major impact on women’s employment opportunities and economic independence. Less earnings over a lifetime lead to the gender pension gap, leaving women more vulnerable to poverty later in life. Even with more women graduating from tertiary education in the EU, there are fewer opportunities for women to move into decision-making roles. We see this in the media sector, where women on average make up almost two thirds (67 %) of graduates in journalism and information courses but occupy less than a third (32%) of top decision-making positions in media organisations (EIGE’s report on gender equality in power and decision-making, 2015). We need to keep working to tackle gender gaps more decisively because as our Gender Equality Index shows, inequalities between women and men are a reality, and in some cases, regardless of current policies and actions, they are even increasing. For example, in terms of segregation of work and quality of work, the score has taken a backwards step since 2010. Gender equality is a fundamental value of the EU and our mission at EIGE is to make this a reality for all Europeans and beyond. We understand there is still much work to be done and we want to reassure you that we are committed to providing reliable statistics, thorough research and useful tools that can support Member States and civil society organisations in their work to change the lives of both women and men for the better. EIGE Team
@Dungalitis08 8 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, but the gender pay gap is a myth. You are confusing wages with overall lifetime earnings. You are arguing that women are 'structurally denied by society', the chance to enter into decision making-roles. I would argue that there are no institutional barriers present today in the EU that discriminates against women in the workplace. Can you name any legislation, at State or EU level, that discriminates against women in the workplace? I will forgive you if you can't. The gap here accounts for the disparity in the individual choices of women vs. men. No amount of pencil-pushing bureaucracy can override such an ingrain part of our society. Your job is to remove structural barriers (which you have over the past 100< years) for women gaining access to high-powered and high-paid positions. You are infringing on your role as a government if you seek to engineer a scenario where women are coerced into seeking positions that they automatically would not have applied for, due to their own personal choice. Please stick to what a government is supposed to do, which is largely to have a role of guardianship over basic human rights and laws. You are not permitted by the natural will of a People to create your own idea of equality and push an agenda that is either innocently but recklessly misinformed or supplied on the basis of a sinister malice (hopefully I'm wrong with regards the latter). I am a European citizen and I expect more from my supranational, tax-funded representatives. Please do some objective, scientific research and leave out the achingly obvious liberal agenda that you have been pushing, particularly in EIGE agency.
@Vanheelable 7 жыл бұрын
yeah, amazing to see all the comments from the much better informed viewers, compared to this ill informed, blinded gender "authorities". This ideology needs to stand up to public and scientific scrutiny.
@Asthfghl 5 жыл бұрын
friggingbomb88, you could swap male/female out for black/white and consider how your argument sounds. Your argument shows a lack of awareness of the present state of things as well as a smug lack of awareness of history. tl;dr "Because absolute equality is not possible, let us not even try." The reason we strive for equality is that "having varied perspectives helps generate better ideas to solve the complex problems of a changing-and increasingly diverse-world." You are seeing workers as individuals instead of pieces of larger systems. Male patients may be more comfortable with male nurses. That old dude that keeps sexually harassing the female nurses needs a male nurse. Some people may be less likely to escalate violently with a female police officer. "Employees of female managers on average are at least 6 percentage points more engaged than those who work for a male manager." It seems like you just pulled a smattering of random fields out of nowhere for your spouting-of-the-smug-nonsense which is too weak to be called a hypothesis. When we have a homogenous engineering workforce, we get stuff like Tay and that HP facial recognition algorithm that could not see black people. The older generation of engineers was only slightly more male when it entered the workforce. They are probably a lot more male now? Why is that? The leaky pipeline starts with girls being redirected away from STEM fields before college, but we have overcome some of that. However, we still have the issue of shedding mid-career women and not having a path back into the workforce for them. For example, there are a lot of fields that are okay with parenting gaps and/or people working part-time when their kids are small. Engineering is not one of those fields. Part of this is due to people who do not look at how they work and say "Hey, maybe it is not great that the company outsourced half the jobs and has the rest of us working 50-60 hour weeks." Part of this is due to the fact that technology moves quickly so, despite all the whining that there are an insufficient number of qualified people, we have a bunch of engineering firms that are no longer investing in their engineers and expect to poach senior people from other companies instead of developing their own junior people into senior people.
@stellario82 5 жыл бұрын
@@eige_eu Thank you for your kind reply, which, however, is disingenuous. The mission of Gender Mainstreaming, according to United Nation is "the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated". When I read hyperbolic statements such as ANY PLANNED ACTION, AT ALL LEVELS, and IN ALL AREAS, I wonder what it makes such a policy so important to basically overcome any other decision ever made in the history of humanity. And the answer lies in the totalitarian idea of implementing "equality of outcome" or to approach it very closely. Any govern committed to implementing equality of opportunity, in fact, will put in place corrective, case to case measures, and would never come up with a totalitarian ideology. This video is really suggestive of MAO's China, and, in its essence, it is pure propaganda.
@naureenbutt4370 4 жыл бұрын
Ufff the music is louder than her voice and so annoying
@stellario82 6 жыл бұрын
The underlying assumption of this documentary is that the correct representation of man and women in each sector would be 50-50, which is false and measleading
@stephenjackson4305 Жыл бұрын
The issue of Gender mainstreaming in my own understanding is to prioritize women who dignified themselves by being a person of integrity. Giving them equal opportunity and treating them fairly. It also runs down to encouraging other women to be a person of integrity too. making them to understand their worth and not be a person with low self-esteem.
@stellario82 5 жыл бұрын
Gender Mainstreaming is clearly a TOTALITARIAN policy. They basically make two points: first, as concerns about gender must be represented at all levels of society, gender mainstreaming policies will become the ultimate criteria to consider in taking any political decision; second, any difference in representation of men and women in the same workplace necessarily highlight discrimination, and so must be readdressed. The result will be that, in writing a proposal for a job, an academic position, an architectural project, etc. you should comply with gender mainstreaming policies: a pervasive kind of mind-control
@sourabh2710 Жыл бұрын
you should have removed the background music
@johnharoldmarcial1164 3 жыл бұрын
thanks 😊🙋‍♂️
@vitoschaniel2865 7 жыл бұрын
europe gone mental
@mariaaaisdead 3 жыл бұрын
@Vanheelable 7 жыл бұрын
gender mainstreaming needs to be removed from the planet or fundamentally changed and tailored to the real needs of the people
@vitoschaniel2865 7 жыл бұрын
this is fucking insane
@alexkmile 6 жыл бұрын
Essential guide? I don't think this is essential at all..
@cigarocean 8 жыл бұрын
lol gender nonsense
@yanzhang2096 5 жыл бұрын
@NazilGO 6 жыл бұрын
@LieutenantSilver 5 жыл бұрын
I wonder who this gender equality is supposed to benefit. Yes, on the packaging it says "everyone" in rainbow-colored glossy print but the rhetoric seems too one-sided. Women face "systematic discrimination" in male professions whereas the men simply need more "encouragement" to enter female-"dominated" disciplines. Why aren't men facing "systematic discrimination" in these subjects? If for instance male educators face a massive career vulnerability to false allegations of sexual abuse, it that not "systemic?" Has EIGE had any effects on gender relations besides posters and commercials? What is EIGE doing against, say, MGTOW?
@smartindc 2 жыл бұрын
Gender Equality helps address discrimination which overwhelmingly impacts women. The number of false allegations of sexual abuse are so small as to be negligible so I wonder why you choose that as your issue? . Trying to push an anti gender equality agenda is disingenuous here - what are you doing to promote women's equality?
@LieutenantSilver 2 жыл бұрын
​@@smartindc -- What issue? It's just one example. Men enjoy no trust with children so going into childcare professions is high risk. But nobody cares. Critiquing double standards is gender equality in practice. Pointing out a double standard in the activists themselves doesn't make the critique anti-equality. It shows the tribal nature of certain activists.
@bichers 6 жыл бұрын
gender nonsense
@thembanitheone 4 жыл бұрын
Oooo chance to kill 3 birds with one stone ... thanks IoT
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