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An honest chat about starting a new career

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Holly Gabrielle

Holly Gabrielle

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@helenscott8209 6 ай бұрын
Holly you have a degree and a masters, a normal job will always be an option. You have 400k plus on KZbin, content creation will always be an option too. So many people that gain a following is because their life is relatable, then they loose their audience when it no longer is and they go full time influencer. The influencers I love the most are the ones that are obv still making £££ on social media, but they use that money to live life, whether that means studying abroad, paying their way through college, travelling the world or being able to have a lower paid ‘normal’ job they actually like, or even love. Life ebbs and flows, don’t have to be so harsh on yourself. You said it too, people think the dream is ‘if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life’. Sometimes this couldn’t be further from the truth, work and passions do not have to necessarily intertwine and that is okay. Sounds like having a ‘normal’9-5 job will be very beneficial to you on your current life path, a steady income, routine, busyness etc. Passions can be in the evening, on weekends, on annual leave etc! You never know what the path might be 3 months or 6 months from now and that’s all good, be kinder to yourself and everything eventually works out💫
@seleniums101 6 ай бұрын
@cathycupcakes 6 ай бұрын
@maneskinnnnn7190 6 ай бұрын
why are you pushing the narrative we have to work a regualr 9 -5 we dont enjoy because society expects us to? what a narrow minded, capitalist programmed attitude. we should encourage others to have a job that is their ''passion'', why nto? life is too short to spend 70 per cent of it doing something we dont enjoy, just because the capitalist machine/matrix programmes us to think we have to. look back to the stone age , people work for themselves and their passions not the corporate machine that is not natural and crushes our souls
@Kari9527 6 ай бұрын
Hey Holly 👋 I've been a silent subscriber since your time at Cambridge and admire you for how far you've come and for being transparent about your struggles. I'm turning 26 this year and quite frankly haven't really figured out my career despite working full-time. It would be really inspiring to watch your job-hunting journey (not necessarily in real time) but in the form of reflection vlogs such as this one. There's something about candid talks that I believe many would be able to relate to 🤍 Wishing you the best of luck in your next chapter! I hope KZbin will become fun for you again and remember that you will always have a following that is rooting for you and are flexible with the type & frequency of content you upload. They say the only constant in life is change, priorities can change and so embracing that is a sensible thing to do.
@khigher 6 ай бұрын
Social media is a poisoned chalice of a career. It can be brutal. It's great that you're exploring different options and you don't need to apologise for changing.
@piafleig 6 ай бұрын
I'm also going through a quarter life crisis at 26, so you're not alone! I'm having so many realisations (and because of that, question marks) popping up. I know I have to go through this phase and that it's very important for me, but I can't wait for it to be over :D Anyways, good luck with your job search! I'll definitely follow along for the journey if you decide to share it (which I hope you do!).
@piafleig 6 ай бұрын
I also want to add that it is indeed a strange thing that Social Media doesn't really "accept" change - or that the algorithm doesn't support you if you change. But change is such an important and natural thing to occur at all times ("change is the only constant")! It makes it all the more evident that Social Media is, in a way, a very unnatural construct. Don't let your liveliness be suffocated by it, please!
@Tiny_Seal 6 ай бұрын
Holly, it sounds to me like you are just craving structure and I totally understand. You are not a failure, you are just realizing what you want - and that's empowering. I will follow you on this journey of self-discovery. Best of luck in your endeavors!
@lauraelisee 6 ай бұрын
The nature of life is change. Everything you’re saying makes sense. I felt the gut feeling last year that I needed a new job, that I was bored, wanted to try something else. I took that leap. You love learning and definitely love science and I really could seeing you working in that field and then maybe vlogging on the side if you wanted, but I think you’re feeling unfulfilled by a full time social media job and that makes complete sense. All of us evolve and change throughout our lives and especially in our 20s. ❤
@jenniferamon40 6 ай бұрын
As a silent subscriber. I understand your struggles finding your passion. I'm in my forties and I only just found mine. Take the time you need and keep being real.
@anish2817 6 ай бұрын
As a viewer i really enjoyed your uni vlogs and subscribed to your channel after seeing you be so relatable. You are an awesome person Holly and that's a reason why I still watch your videos even though they are not of the same kind. As you said life is all about change and it's important for us to stay true to yourself. So all the best for your new chapter. Hope you find something you really love and reignite your passion. Lots of love
@gwenmarletta3122 6 ай бұрын
Holly, I am one of those people that started following you 8 years ago. I am exactly your age and yes, I admit I have also drifted away from your content. But that's also because I myself have changed a lot! and it's honestly beautiful to come back and see how much you have changed too. Plus, don't you worry, I feel like the 26 years old crisis is more widespread than we think, and you just inspired me to be a little braver in the face of my own different yet very similar work situation! Thank you and wish you all the best :)
@Leoqal 6 ай бұрын
This was a brave video, it’s good you’ve recognised it and come to face it! Life changes, and you shouldn’t always resist :) - best of luck in your new career hunt.
@Camalonious 6 ай бұрын
I'm 32 now and I've only just started to feel and understand the urge to 'improve' myself, learn more about who I am and commit to things that bring me purpose. Looking back, none of what I feel now would have been possible if my 20's hadn't been a crazy mess. It's truly never too late and things happen when they're meant to.
@rachelk2256 6 ай бұрын
I just wanted to saw how inspirational all of your videos have been to me, I have watched (believe it or not) every single video of yours and adore them. I think the reason that people including myself continue to tune in, is your way of being so comfortable, vulnerable and friendly on camera and how you articulate everything you say in a way that not only is relatable but also so wise and interesting to listen to and gain new perspectives. It’s not the studying videos you did, but your drive passion and motivation, it’s not the travelling , but your storytelling and concise guides , it’s not the marathon videos watching you run, but you motivating us and sharing your intimate and honest side of things . Basically, what I’m trying to say is that we watch your videos for you, those who truly love your style of filming and recording and editing will continue to watch you, others will leave and we will appreciate that perhaps you do need to find another part time or venture. And I am excited to see what that may be for you, I’ll continue to watch, whether iyou filmed yourself becoming a plumber, mowing lawns as a business or becoming a teacher, no matter what I’d be interested 😅 sending you love Holly 💞💞 Edit: DONT BE SORRY TO CHMAGE!!! Thank god you did! It wasn’t healthy the life you lived back then!! Studying all day wasn’t healthy for you, it’s beautiful to see you grow and have a boyfriend. I used to be the same way,studied for 15 hours a day, asexual etc and I feel like you slowly discovering yourself, showed me that doing so too didn’t make me a bad person for changing who I said I was and who I would always be. To stop being so rigid. Thank you for not only growing but for allowing me to too at a time I didn’t feel it was possible :) lots of love , Rachel
@jenc1276 6 ай бұрын
Beautifully put, Holly!! This was so real and honest. I’m excited for your future, no matter what/if you decide to share with us. There’s nothing you can’t do 🙌⭐️🥰
@hannah_xx 6 ай бұрын
Holly, I have been watching you on and off for years and I have really loved your content! Whatever you choose to do - and it's okay to change careers, that's a perfectly normal thing to do - we will all be wanting the best for you! You know what is best for you, so trust yourself with it! Lots of love and support
@leniolesch896 6 ай бұрын
And I don’t think that the problem is that you’ve lost your student identity but you haven’t find a new one, no niche to share something. Perhaps your new job helps you finding a new perspective and new content to share. I guess you become relatable again then. Please don’t feel offended, but atm perhaps you cannot provide the value people are looking for, like being a student, having special skills, being an athlete, having an expertise.
@annikojonen5803 6 ай бұрын
Oh Holly, one of the most unique things about your channel has been to be able to see your journey and change aver time. It has been one aspect that has kept me on board. Sure I started to watch your videos because I found studying content inspiring and when you moved on, I loved your solo travel and running content. Maybe I don't watch every video anymore but avery now and then I want to check out how Holly is doing. So let's not say goody yet!
@travelwithchristina3960 6 ай бұрын
I didn’t start watching you until your trip to Thailand, so after your study tube days. You were suggested because I’m really into travel content and I loved your videos. But what made me stay was watching you grow, push your boundaries, and discover new parts about yourself. I’m sure there are others that are similar to me, so don’t box yourself in thinking your whole audience only cares about your uni life. I know Unjaded Jade has expressed going through a similar identity crisis. Maybe you could reach out to her as someone who could relate to what your going through since being a KZbinr (especially a study tuber) is such a unique experience. I wish you the best on whatever you decide to do. You deserve to be happy and love what you do!
@DoctoralCollegeDebs 6 ай бұрын
Holly you deserve to be happy. I'm excited to hear more when you're ready to tell us about your new plans. Good luck in the meantime.
@kendrajohnson6535 6 ай бұрын
Hello Holly :) As someone who has tried a very wide variety of different jobs in the past and has really valued the opportunity to experience so many different working worlds and meet so many different types of people as a result, I am so, SO excited for you looking for a job! In my experience even a 'holding' job can be so enriching in so many ways. Also, I wanted to let you know that the way you respond to challenging situations, and how clearly you articulate what you are experiencing, inspires me to face my own challenges with more courage. I am so very glad you are not the same person you were when you started Cambridge (and I think I watched your first video very soon after you uploaded it!), as your life is so much richer and freer now and it is wonderful to see, and inspiring again to someone who is still wrestling with an ED. I really look forward to hearing more about your new chapter whenever you are ready to share it :) Take good care of yourself x
@TheNaprika 6 ай бұрын
Hi Holly, I'm a lot older than you and longer in the tooth too! I really don't think you should blame yourself or even think of yourself as a failure - at all. Please throw that idea away, it isn't true. The algorithm is hard to figure out and I'm hearing people say similar things to you all over the social media world. I often see many influencers throwing up their hands in frustration at how social media is turning out for them now. I can't imagine how hard this must be when this is your income, your career. KZbin has lost its original 'social' edge for the time being. Now it seems like the goal is to relentlessly seek revenue rather than enabling true engagement and connection to those you subscribe to. I barely get notifications anymore and while this has allowed me to discover new KZbinrs, it also means I miss updates from people I've been subbed to. I joined KZbin in the beginning and I loved the way one was able to connect with others, it felt like a community. I loved video replies and responding to challenges and competitions etc. There was true engagement and relatability - that all seems to have disappeared now. I'm also currently taken up with the direction of the world now - the genocides happening and the seeming rise in fascism. This means that I don't watch/consume much content unrelated to global/political events these days. Because what I have been seeing on SM has been traumatising and triggering, I'm on SM less and less. It makes me feel so powerless to watch the atrocities and protest in my town and campaign but the genocide continues, the destruction continues... This also means that many videos on day-to-day subjects have fallen away quite a bit for me too. I really worry about how the world is turning and therefore consume content related to this to help me figure things out, and contemplate the world and life. Besides all that, I've watched you since your Cambridge Uni days and have seen you mature into the woman you are now - honest with tons of wit, intelligence and integrity. I really value your honesty and true reflection on your life direction/s. We are worlds apart, we live and come from different backgrounds but you are relatable in many ways, which is why I enjoy what you share. I admire your spirit and continue to check in and watch your life journey. Thank you so much for sharing so much with us, you should really be proud of yourself and the person you have become. I think it's amazing you are going after a new career, I'm sure you will do really well in this new direction and I hope you do check in and let us know how you are getting on. Social media isn't sustainable anymore and I know you are itching for substance and fulfilment. I'm sure you will find that and use what you have built over the years and channel it into your pivot. I also hope that once you find what you need, you can find the flame for your KZbin hobby once again. Wishing you all the best in your new path/s, Holly. Please do check in when you can and let us know how you're getting on.
@yufeihuang8661 4 ай бұрын
Hello Holly, You have been one of my inspirations when I was doing my PhD. Now I graduated, I still like to check on you, watching you and your BF etc. Feels like a friend, and love your videos.
@casarahbabyxo5995 6 ай бұрын
Holly i think you need to just relax . So much pressure you find yourself into. You deserve to live a normal wholesome offline life. Filming videos is a great passion for you we all can see that but outside of that ..there is SO much more.
@victoriageorgopoulou4292 6 ай бұрын
Hello Holly, best wishes for the new chapter in your life. Whatever is best for you !! no worries at all.....
@Celine-sn2kt 6 ай бұрын
This search for what you want in life and working on yourself is the relatable part. I followed you as a student, and now 27 in search of what I want, changed, with new life questions. Don’t apologize for you changing:( Value and your happiness over algorithm! I’m curious to see your journey of change and search!🙂
@adelahrubcova4761 6 ай бұрын
I’ve been watching you since the Cambridge times and I will surely support you further❤
@bethanyoverfield1794 6 ай бұрын
Holly, I have been a subscriber now for honestly years I was watching your videos before I went to uni. I am currently 26 in my third year of a biomed degree, I too can relate to how your feeling having the worst quarter life crisis, I had to take a resit year and I am very hard on myself being 26 and having no money and still no real idea what I will so when I finish. Honestly I have seen you flourish over the years really doing some impressive stuff with your life, so try not to be too hard on yourself. Honestly life happens and priorities change, thats okay, this can move down a bit on the list. But don't give up on youtube. Maybe the people who used to watch you as a student might be at the same point as you and really love to watch your transition. I know I will be. Keep positive
@princyyu7443 6 ай бұрын
Happy for your decision. I think your viewers will definitely come back
@songsignwithsarahxoxox 6 ай бұрын
I’m 2 years older than you and I can relate to it! Your 20’s are where you explore and try and get things right and you can lose your identity in the process. You have to try new things and new ways of doing things to succeed. I think a lot of the Studytube world will have this issue. I am not involved in Study tube myself, but started watching your channel, Ruby Granger, Unjaded Jade around the same time (2015/16 time). People who LOVE studying 📖 are hard workers and often overwork too, and for you, I think you need that extra something to then keep the content creation as like your hobby. It becomes less of a hobby when it’s more work. I think you’re doing the right thing. You are amazing 🤩 and have a bright future in all of what you do, and you will get something where you will find purpose. You’re smart, talented and such a humble person, you are loved by so many. Be confident in yourself, and don’t put yourself down xxx
@BnnsStudio 6 ай бұрын
I have loved following your journey, Holly - also after your Cambridge days. 😃 I hope you find something to light your spark and fall back in love with content creation again 🥰
@yuyangao6592 6 ай бұрын
Hi Holly, just want to say you accompanied with my student life and I'm really grateful for that. Maybe several months before, I was suffering the same kind of social pressure and perfectionism like you, I was questioning about my ability and gradually lost confidence. But now I successfully found a new job and have a clear career goal: to become a lawyer. Although it's very costly and tough in China, I still want to try because I realize life is so short. We have to treat ourselves better and do something we like. If making KZbin videos becoming a burden for you, maybe you can slow down a little bit. We are not always full of sparks in our mind, that's totally understandable. Just like you said, filming is a way of recording your life. Someday when you look back on this period of time, everything is meaningful and make you the best person in the future. I love your videos and your logic, your reasoning, watching your videos is just like speaking with an old friend. Maybe you can relax a little bit, since there are so many people love you and enjoy your videos. Trust yourself, life is getting better, not only for you and me, but for everyone in the world❤
@blueflamingo5771 6 ай бұрын
For anyone who's career hunting! Please don't forget to consider careers in non-profit organizations. Dive into it to broaden your options and maybe find a job that aligns with your life mission or gives you one 😊
@leaswolkenstadt8619 6 ай бұрын
I wish you all the best. I really enjoyed when you got into reading some time ago, because it was a new hobby for you, your perspectives on the books where really interesting. Would really LOVE you bring this back maybe in your videos.☺️
@elghazouaninada585 5 ай бұрын
Holly we also grow up with you, I used to watch when I was a student but I'm also not student anymore and also having a quater crisis, so we are still relating to you and other people are still going to relate to you even you have changed your status and you're not a student. We follow you because we like your content in general and not just because you were a student :D good luck in life and we will still be there
@dzasttam 6 ай бұрын
Maybe the algorithm doesn't understand, but we, the audience, grow with you. I believe that this way you will be closer to 'our' lives, there is less and less of that in the media world. You show us real life problems, personality development, new and adult thoughts. Be proud of yourself, I'm sending a lot of support!❤️😊
@lucyadams8354 6 ай бұрын
Loving the reflections and as a final year student soon to enter into the world of work (aghghg) I’m really excited to follow what you get up to, if you choose to share. P.s. remember life often comes in chapters, ending doesn’t necessarily mean failure. Pps, I really hear what you’re saying about loss- we really can feel grief for so many more losses beyond death, I hope you’re able to take time to process that grief, it is so valid. Ppps (jeez) what you’re saying brought to mind the idea that we put boundaries in place to keep things/people in our life, not push them away xx
@user-js8dp9iy9s 6 ай бұрын
Holly, you’ll figure it out! Most people go through something similar. There’s so much pressure in your 20s to have everything figured out but the reality is none of us know what we’re doing. It takes time 😊
@laurenmillyx 6 ай бұрын
Honestly Holly you are not alone. I’m 24 years old. Currently about to graduate from my masters then pursue a year long dietetic internship. The plans I thought I had for my career have changed so much. It’s ok to change - there is no rule that says you have to stay in one job all your life. I can really recommend the book “die with zero” - it is helping me to learn to make the most of my 20s instead of saving up for the future!
@luminaraunduli9455 6 ай бұрын
Congratulations 🎉. With all the you have experienced and accomplished, you are well equipped for your next adventure 💫. I’m rooting for you. 💕
@jazamahajan4577 6 ай бұрын
Hey Holly, congrats on your new journey! Just know that whatever you are, is a part of you developing. And yes social media is destructive, a trap, sometimes and I am glad you realised it and moving on! Love how you were a student and started vloging as a hobby and now you are here, beginning a new chapter in your life and again you will take it as a hobby.. which is great. Sometimes it's important to keep distance from things you know might be harmful for your mental health. And let's be honest, who doesn't need a stable income?! When you are financially stable, automatically the quality of your videos will also be finer. Also, please don't be sorry for not being the same, everyone is different and you know, interests change with time. And everyone changes with time and thats what makes you unique. I am really happy for you and would love to see you grow in future 🤍
@annachaika4203 6 ай бұрын
Finding a proper job is the only right thing to do in your current situation. I was watching your videos since your Cambridge time and as you said, last couple of years you just lost a subject to film. You need content to be a content creator ;)
@stuffs2024 6 ай бұрын
this felt more relatable than any video i ever saw, because i always wanted youtubers to show the truth , not just some fake productivity life..i rally appreciate this..keep going holly....i personally would like to watch more of those relatable...emotion based real life content.....just vlog your real....give intresting catchy captions...about anything...your to manage the etc.. most importantly dont compare with ppl who are above grateful for what all u achieved there r soo many youtubers out there with no subs or very less views no matter how hard they did a great inspired me a lott as a student, person, and even personality...thanks a lottt...
@RandanHe 6 ай бұрын
The algorithm maybe doesn’t love the growing Holly,but your videos’ audiences are real people who are growing up with you and we are using our ways to understand you as much as we can and feel happy for you when you try something new or even just sitting in your room talking about your crisis. Whatever you choose,you can always come back here and there are always people welcoming you.I have learned from you really really a lot and that’s why I search ways to follow you though there’s registration to use youtube in my country.Thanks 3000!!!Wish you luck ❤❤❤
@gelly5950 6 ай бұрын
26/27-30 ish was an odd and tough period for me - we lose the structure of education we’ve always had, travelling is fantastic, but then what? It’s hard if you don’t know what you want to do. I found it eventually and I’m sure you will too. I actually felt it was more difficult being academic and with other talent - there were just too many options! Don’t forget how beautiful the journey is, especially with a lovely companion. You’re a high achiever so naturally you’ll want to get back to that place - just need to find where to direct it. P.s. I remember you packing for university vlog - time flies!
@Lipsie 6 ай бұрын
Hi Holly, Thanks for sharing this. I am so glad to hear that you are listening to yourself and your own needs. People do change and it is absolutely amazing that you can proud of the person you became. You really grew into an independent and strong woman. You absolutely don't need to apologize for changing, because that would mean you would apologize for being human🙈 I wish you all the best, that you may find a job you love, refind your love for KZbin (or not) and keep growing into to person you want to be. ❤
@bribriannita7935 6 ай бұрын
I think you're going from one extreme to the other, holly. You're wanting to go from full time self employed to wanting to work a full time 9-5 and do YT as a hobby again. I know you feel lost atm which is fine but I think that confusion is leading you down the road of having a "the grass is greener on the other side" type of mentality. You've built all this and going back to a 9-5 (that millions want to escape from) is like throwing it all away. As I said, from one extreme to the other. I think you need to re evaluate this further. After spending a few months in a 9-5 the novelty 100% wears off. I have watched you for years. This type of seeking for purpose and finding oneself is a common thing everyone goes through. I will say I believe it is a searching on a spiritual level. Something is missing, you don't know what, so you try to fill that space with what you can to see if it is the thing that will finally bring peace. Studying didn't do it. Running didn't do it. Veganism didn't do it. Traveling didn't do it. A bf didn't do it. Having s3x didn't do it. YT hasn't done it. So we're onto the next thing, seeking for fulfillment and purpose once more. But a full time job won't fullfil you either. This is much deeper than yt views taking a knock.
@nim_19 6 ай бұрын
Well she needs to earn money and youtube isn’t the best for her so she does need a job - whether full or part time
@jessicapigg 6 ай бұрын
Dear Holly, I've been around for a while and I think you've made a brilliant decision. I wish you all the very best in your exciting new chapter and I look forward to any new videos you choose to share on here. Go forth and prosper! You deserve it.
@ellaroberts2336 6 ай бұрын
I am so excited for you and this next chapter Holly! We all change and it is nothing to be sorry about! If we did the same thing our whole life and didn't change it would become boring and what would the point be if we didn't grow.
@aylaluv 6 ай бұрын
I learned a lot from your channel. (Attitiude, productivity tips) Super enjoy your vlog videos. Don't be afraid to change (I know it's hard and scary), but you will be okay. And giving yourself credits, you have gone through so much. Thank you for letting us to be part of your journey.
@lucysmart6472 6 ай бұрын
I’m 26 and feel like I’ve been having a quarter life crisis for years😭 I still live at home because moving out down south is IMPOSSIBLE unless you have a partner to split the costs with etc, I have worked full time since I was 18 but jobs in restaurants/supermarkets because I have no passions or interests, no career interests me at all and I’ve felt completely lost for as long as I can remember. I try so hard to not beat myself up about it especially when people I went to school with have kids and have bought houses and great careers etc. It’ll all work out one day :( ❤
@maneskinnnnn7190 6 ай бұрын
People are brainwashed to think they have to buy a house (be chained to a mortgage . have kids and get married') you dont have to conform, conforming is nothing to be proud of it just means you are a sheep. those who follow the crowd never go further than the crowd.
@alice-elizabeth 6 ай бұрын
I get how you feel! I hope you make the right decision for you Holly. 🥰 I've been working regular jobs full-time and part-time but a lot of them have been fixed-term/seasonal so I've never had job/financial security. I see loads of people on KZbin making this their job and I'd love to do that! I think doing it part-time would be a good idea, so I could do it alongside a regular job like what you'd like to do. At the moment I'm not earning any money from KZbin because I don't have quite enough subscribers (I'm so close... yet so far 🥺😂). But I'd really love to do this as my job so I can have an income to fall back on when I can't find a job, since at the moment I'm unemployed ✨️again✨️ and I'm struggling to find a job - unfortunately a lot of employers have rejected me because of my fixed-term jobs and gaps in employment due to said fixed-term jobs. 😔
@jessicadhaliwal5647 6 ай бұрын
I love your channel and I would miss you incredibly if it would disappear 🥺 but that said, it is important to do what makes you happy 😊 I hope we still get to see you mayyyybe once in a while 😇
@cathymclennan1702 6 ай бұрын
I love your vlogs and am glad that you are going to continue. This is a new phase of your life, and I look forward to going on the journey with you. ❤
@laurensfitlife2007 6 ай бұрын
Oh my goodness, don’t ever apologise for growing, changing and becoming an adult. In the time you’ve been on KZbin, you have grown up. It’s been amazing to watch you grow and develop over the years, as many of us have grown and developed alongside you. So many of us follow you because we like you for who you are, not just the specific content you share, and we will support you no matter what you choose to do ❤x
@PlanetImo 6 ай бұрын
Oh I don’t think your channel’s dying a death - the content is quality. I’m certain it’s the student algorythm thing. You had a really good boost with some viral videos and so now you’re comparing these views with those views. It’s hard not to be affected by the numbers. I do sympathise but you still have a great channel and I always look forward to your new uploads!
@ellieporter7391 6 ай бұрын
Hi Holly, I have been a long time “friend” since you started your channel, we are very similar in many ways and it’s been great to see your experiences growing up. Along with probably all of your other supporters it would be very sad to see you go from KZbin but of course this is a very personal and hard choice you have to make. I will say, you have become such a comfort channel for me, if there is ever a time you decide it’s not the right path, please keep all your old videos up! So many are comfort watches to me when I’m having a hard day and would really hate to see them go. As always, sending my best to you and your family. Thank you for being so brave, but I hope you know, no longer posting school related content is not a reason for us to stop supporting you. 💕 much love
@pimpetteno1 2 ай бұрын
I’m sooo late on this lol but none of this is a shock! You’re evolving and that’s natural progression for your life and why wouldn’t you want that? It makes sense that you done this more when you had more time - we aim to elevate and become our better selves and you shouldn’t feel ashamed to do that - you are most definitely not a quieter for starting this part time or for stopping for a bit - let yourself grow - you’re amazingly smart and your future is so bright and it can’t be capped by your love of content creating. Your content will soon be a “day in the life” kind of setting and that’s the natural progression at this stage in your life - Holly you’re doing amazing, you should be very proud of yourself, you’ve grown so much 🫶🏾🫶🏾
@laurenmillyx 6 ай бұрын
I think its so true also that social media as a career is glamorized a lot but it really isn’t all that it seems
@momentmemos 6 ай бұрын
Holly, you are one of my favourite KZbinrs because you are so real. I would honestly be extremely upset if you quit KZbin altogether. Of course you have to do what’s best for yourself but I just wanted you to know that there ARE people watching you who get value from your videos, just watching you live life and figure things out. I’m excited see your next chapter in life. It’s all gonna work out in the end!
@victoria7105 6 ай бұрын
I started following you when you were at Cambridge and last month my teenager got an offer to study there. Good luck for the future👍👍
@allthingstrix2417 6 ай бұрын
Holly, I've been following you for years now. You haven't changed, you have grown. As we all do as humans. Thank god we do! Wherever you go, it's YOUR path, not ours. We'll stick with you. I wish you all the best!
@francismcpherson3597 6 ай бұрын
I love your videos no matter what they are. I am from the US and love to hear your British accent. Your videos on lifestyle are my favorite.
@lisajb9356 6 ай бұрын
Holly, don’t ever apologise for changing and growing up! Life is all about change. Let go of the old you and lean into the future. It’s out there waiting for you 😊
@jennieward1 6 ай бұрын
You are changing & growing as a person which is 100% normal. If you need something else to pursue to put your passion into, then pursue it. But you are so young still you have a lifetime ahead of you, so don’t stress or get upset, you are on track for your timeline. So many things are ahead for you in life. 😊😊😊😊 if you are still interested in science have you looked at the STP program with the national school of healthcare science. You get training and a job for 3 years in an healthcare science area of your choice .
@cathycupcakes 6 ай бұрын
Holly, your problem is that you are no longer a student and people can see that. What is your identity outside of being a student? I think new career is great - I always thought it was odd that you didn't pursue something in your academic field and often wondered if it was because of the identity you've created on KZbin.
@jo_l_cr 6 ай бұрын
Dear Holly, I want to let you know that I'm one of your original followers and belong to the same age group. All of the things you said are completely relatable for me. You're not alone in this ❤. I thought I had planned out my career, did everything right but at this moment where I'm so near to my goal... Even after years worth of efforts, I'm second guessing my decisions. I don't know why this is happening to me, I don't know who or what to blame and I tend to put it all on me at times. I hope I get out of this rut soon to find the light at the end ( if it even exists) . I hope both of us and all of us get the clarity we deserve ✨☄️🦋
@earthlover04 6 ай бұрын
Holly I totally relate to your emotions..the hardest transition is to go from student to career. It is an identity crisis. As an academic we have a to do list and we know how it will go and as a free floating identity there's no frame of reference. I'm 33 and just started my career three years ago after 9.5yrs as a student and academic. Please reach out if I can be or support.
@xslyth7010 6 ай бұрын
Re-do what you did as a student, but do it as a working person. Working days from home, tasks prioritisation, client calls etc. people will relate again. good luck!
@laurelkerossow9924 4 ай бұрын
I am ten years your senior, I have been watching you since I began my vegan journey in 2018. You're the only vegan I still watch regularly. I don't care what you do, you'll be great, I just want to know you're okay.
@nyirvis 6 ай бұрын
I studied two university careers (one after the other) and when I stopped being a student I had a hard time because all my life I had been a student, I liked it, it was my comfort zone, and I didn't know what I wanted to do next. Then I found a job and the responsibilities of adult life shelved that identity crisis. I still don't know what I really want to do with my life, I just try to fulfill my responsibilities day by day, but I think this idea of "what I want to do with my life" is wrong. We are not going to wake up one day and decide what we are going to do for the rest of our lives without hesitation. We are going to grow and change and we have the right to change what we want to do. New life stages, new tastes, new goals. It is not wrong and we should not apologize for that. In fact, when you finished your studies, I was surprised that you didn't look for a lab or research profession, and that you made youtube and media as your main occupation. I'm not saying it was a bad decision (as I said: we have different goals and tastes at each life stage), it's just that I didn't see you as an influencer but rather as a student / future professional who made youtube videos as a hobby showing how to organize herself and work. So I think you shouldn't worry so much about what to do with your life. If youtube now doesn't fill you as much as it used to, you can slow down and explore other things like a job outside of media, and that will be fine. You really don't have to feel guilty or justify yourself. It's your life and you can change its course whenever you want.
@rosiexro 6 ай бұрын
Aw. Holly, keep following your inner voice. I admire you, and honeslty, thoses are not only words, I Do admire what you have done, waht you have became. I have he feeling you read the comments and you cry because people keep supporting you, and dofferent from other people, they do no have this remarkable suppor you are getting in every video from people that you "dont" know. I hope you keep being that courageuse girl.
@vickyb785 6 ай бұрын
I saw that first Cambridge room tour!
@FN-rl2ku 6 ай бұрын
You sound burned out. I think you should take a holiday. A week somewhere completely out of normal routine. I think it would help. It did help me. And when you come back, you will have "fresh eyes" and then a lot of things could become clearer. Best of luck! (I used to watch your videos back when I was at uni, when you were at uni. And just randomly checked in to see how you're doing. You used to give me strength in studying. In the end uni wasn't really for me, I couldn't cope with handling studying and working at the same time, but you know, that's life.) :)
@JenJen-ve4di 6 ай бұрын
Holly, I think what makes u relatable is just the process of figuring out yourself, life, and adulting, and I’m totally here for whichever kinda content about that, as long as you're happy with it Even though I still am, nobody stays a student forever and lots of people get hit by the transition to work and not having the safety and structure of studying a degree anymore. I think ultimately life is not about studying but about learning and growing constantly, and maybe vlogging for the sake of vlogging is just not providing you with learning opportunities and new stuff to grow upon as a job, degree, travel, or whatever can. Sending u a big hug from Germany☀💫 I want you to know that you’ve helped me thhrough very tough times of lockdown and online uni and inspired me ever since p.s. I personally hate short form content and would not mind at all if you’d stick to the longform if you vibe more with it (I think the problem of shorts is that bc u can only cram so little information into it, the creators’ personality can’t rlly show and the risk of it becoming repetitive and boring is quite high) lots of lovee and support
@leirem.c.1164 6 ай бұрын
Beeing honest i am really incosistent, so on youtube i whatch videos late or not see them at all and some time later y make a list to watch 5 or 6 videos of the same person. That dosen`t help the algoritm. What i want to say is that is not you, you are great, but sometimes you is not what people need. And that is fine. I don`t want to under estimate your extres and staff. Lots of luck 😊
@narayanisanskrit 6 ай бұрын
Always with you
@neurodivergentdawn 6 ай бұрын
Never be sorry for developing. It happens to everyone, whether you mean it to or not. It happened to me. It’s not a bad thing, it’s life.
@maneskinnnnn7190 6 ай бұрын
holly i have loved all your videos, never stopped watching. but i cant wait for you to take us along on your new chapter!
@blommaontour 6 ай бұрын
I think it`s absolutely normal (turning 49 t.his year) that priorities and the personal purpose of /in life shifts. You grow as a person and everything has its time and place in life. KZbin and social media has its own challenges so its absolutely normal to move forward careerwise but also when it comes to social media. I think if you want still want to be on youtube and create videos it probably good to step back and take some time and rethink where xou want to go with youtube especially because you are not a student anymore and your life is going to be different so obviously your content is going to change and as a consequence of that it attracts a different kind of followers but... Do what ever sparks joy and what ever you makes you happy never mind whether its Social Nedia or something else.
@Kiwipump47 6 ай бұрын
Silent subscriber, just a bit older than you (turning 29 this year). You will change and grow but not necessarily according to KZbin 's algorithm you know? And obviously that's absolutely fine! I've had a boring 9-5 corporate career and understood a good deal about how businesses operate, in other words youtube is a business and won't care about your change or even the quality of your content sadly. What matters to it is views and numbers and that's the sad reality. You replace youtube with a corporation you'll get the same thing, at companies too they won't care if you are a good person and have grown as an employee, what would matter is cost and profit and numbers all relative to either competitors/other colleagues. I learnt this the hard way which is why I am never going to call myself a failure again for not fitting into the "system". You shouldn't either :) I got diagnosed with bipolar when I was 21, that's around the time you blew up, study-tubers like you inspired me to not give up and finish my masters despite being admitted in a psych ward twice. This, this is your achievement, you have changed many human lives like mine, numbers and views don't matter:) many like me have been inspired and improved their lives for the better. You cannot measure this but I am just bringing your attention to the real value you have provided, forget the algorithm. :) Congratulations on this change, I am going through it myself too with a career pivot, late quarter life crisis haha. You already are on a good track and have a healthy mindset so I am sure you'll do well! Good luck! PS: the only thing I didn't like about your videos was that you didn't drink coffee lol but I guess I'll watch your switching to coffee video next xD
@qiangqiao519 6 ай бұрын
Support Holly's decision. From the Buddhist point of view, the five aggregates are empty, the four are empty, and there is no permanent "I". All the elements that make up the so-called "I" are constantly changing, and even further, there is no constant change in the whole universe, everything is constantly changing, and all you can do is to grasp the "present". I hope you can find a career that you really love, be yourself, love yourself, and that's it.
@deepdivewithash9060 3 ай бұрын
What is her job by the way
@kawaiikitty4569 6 ай бұрын
It’s good to have a job as an employee at least once. Then you’ve tried it to compare with being self employed. I always thought you might enjoy research of some type, or even academic lecturing given your tutoring business. Don’t be hard on yourself, take it at your own pace. Milka 😂
@RobWalker1 6 ай бұрын
Good luck Holly!
@katherinebrown4692 6 ай бұрын
I think you're doing the right thing at the right time for you.❤
@vintagehuman7039 6 ай бұрын
It's okay to grow up and grow in general. Don't punish yourself.
@silvialogan9226 6 ай бұрын
Being a KZbinr can be toxic because some people write mean comments that would hurt you. I know that it can be very difficult at your age what you want to do with your life because you might seem like you are a child and you realize that you are not one anymore.
@The_Strawberry_Fox 6 ай бұрын
Don’t worry, you are currently in a very normal transitional phase from a student to a working adult, and from a single girl to a family woman. Very normal. Take your time. Figure out your career path, and then start making content about pursuing your dreams and career. You know, growing up. Your viewers are growing up WITH you.
@oaktree1628 6 ай бұрын
Have you ever considered starting a movie reaction channel? You are interesting, already have a large subscriber base and are very articulate - I’m sure you could make that an easy pivot and be quite successful at it. This is assuming that you like to watch movies. (The movies themselves provide the content, which is the hard part - reacting and talking about it should be easy.)
@PaolaSanchez-hc5my 6 ай бұрын
Holly, you are such an overthinker change is normal and you will change some more as you grow older. You should embrace this change and be happy about it. I know it's hard but it is normal. Embrace it my dear. Maybe talk to a therapist or talk to someone who can help you embrace these new stages in life. I know it's hard but it's normal. ❤❤❤
@alisonlogan4065 6 ай бұрын
Just take a moment holly. I am a 62 year old mum and really enjoy your videos . I think you just need to reset and come back all guns blasing . I have noticed recently a lot of people I watch take a break and that’s ok. Just be authentic and find your new self . As a mum I hate to see you upset as you feel you’re not delivering but don’t worry it’ll all work out. Take some time and we’ll be here when you’re ready Take care ❤
@Krista1D 6 ай бұрын
remember that your "original" audience that started following when you were in uni are also growing up and are not (or will not be) students anymore, so it is completely normal to change your content
@cathymclennan1702 6 ай бұрын
Please consider vlogmas again this year. I only like KZbin, not TikTok or Instagram.
@jackspratsmom 6 ай бұрын
I have seen this a lot recently with so many of the former study tubers. Since finishing your formal education you have lost your identity in this online space. Feels like it is time to stop vlogging your everyday life just because you always have and find what is really important to you in the real world and just privately enjoy that for a while. You don’t owe anyone a blow by blow breakdown of your day and your feelings. That’s actually a pretty abnormal way to live. Not everyone will find that niche that makes their life that interesting to anyone else.
@Musiclrc 6 ай бұрын
Hope you are OK Holly. Just curious, are you getting a 'normal' job so that you have more content? I think you should just focus on you and what you truly want to do rather than worry about getting content back :)
@editorphil 6 ай бұрын
Relationships and romance are interesting. We enjoyed these videaos.
@marieroskrow2362 6 ай бұрын
Frankly, you should watch your own videos and rambling, so boring and then still no real update!! So, good luck to you and get a real job where you can use your brain and skills (which are significant!). Social media is such a brain waste and you can contribute to the scientific community in much more meaningful way.
@nishithaprakash7765 6 ай бұрын
So honest and rare ❤
@cathymclennan1702 6 ай бұрын
@jimmason1111 6 ай бұрын
Don't you think your passion for sport will be a good idea for content ? ... you vloged a lot about your marathon training, your dance journey and this was successful (I guess.. it was for me at least :-) If you keep you Channel (I hope to haha) you may want to go where what you like, what's your passion... and find people who follow the same interest.. idk but so something you like, not something who will bring you "followers or so". Do this for YOU ! Like Tarantino said : I do the films I want to see, I do that for me ... and everyone is invited... Wish you the best
@leniolesch896 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for your honesty. But sorry, the Milka issue was annoying.
@rachelk2256 6 ай бұрын
What did you want her to do? Throw her cat onto the floor? She’s just kindly caring for the cat! 😼😃
@explicitlyme7497 6 ай бұрын
@@rachelk2256 she lives in a house with 3 other people and she chose to film at that time. She could have simply given the cat to anybody else in the house or filmed at a different time
LIFE UPDATES before I go away . . .
Holly Gabrielle
Рет қаралды 38 М.
HOW I MET MY BOYFRIEND | The most unexpected story . . .
Holly Gabrielle
Рет қаралды 59 М.
managed to catch #tiktok
Анастасия Тарасова
Рет қаралды 54 МЛН
Cute kitty gadgets 💛
TheSoul Music Family
Рет қаралды 21 МЛН
مسبح السرير #قصير
سكتشات وحركات
Рет қаралды 11 МЛН
How To Be Extremely Frugal
Seve - Sunny Kind Journey
Рет қаралды 7 М.
This has been the worst year of my life
Holly Gabrielle
Рет қаралды 34 М.
My 8 hour work day routine | How I balance a new freelance job
Holly Gabrielle
Рет қаралды 20 М.
How I'm solving my identity crisis | A week in my life starting afresh
A Realistic Weekend In My Life
Holly Gabrielle
Рет қаралды 11 М.
Big life updates Q&A
Holly Gabrielle
Рет қаралды 21 М.
Let's End 2023 with a too honest Q&A with Filippo ! | Tamara Kalinic