Anthem | Interceptor Sniper build! INSANE DPS!

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Channel5 Gaming

Channel5 Gaming

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@kevintrinh16 5 жыл бұрын
I main interceptor. 215hrs here :x. But Here are my suggestions Drop: Talisman of Power and Way of Swift. If this is a true sniper build, you will notice a lot of the epic inscriptions are where they're at until they make the epic versions. You're never going to be in melee range really so shield/hp pool isn't a big deal, just line of sight(LoS) everything. ~Crit damage %->Physical damage(PD)-> Weapon Damage(WD) Differences~: Crit damage scales the best but you do need some (PD) or (WD) to help with scaling on lower mobs. Physical damage effects both Impact damage and Blast damage Weapon Damage only effects Impact damage ~Understanding Impact Damage vs Blast Damage~: Impact damage is single target damage that is going to be the big numbers. Blast damage is the Area of Effect(AoE) surrounding the initial shot, usually good for trash clearing ~Weapons~: Glorious Result= +150% Weapon Damage on (2) weak point hits for 5 Seconds Truth of Taris=+75% Crit Damage (Aim for Physical damage and Crit Damage) ~Abilities~: Ruthless Stalker= +60% damage on any hit( Has +13% Sniper damage affix) Sanadeen's Despite=Used Activate Gear Strike Proc on Way of Intergration and does good damage(Has +18% damage affix) Target Beacon= +33% damage ~My Components~: Elusive Talisman= 3 Dodges gives Ammo and +25% Weapon Damage(Masterwork) Way of Integration= +30% All damage(Masterwork) Vengeance Matrix= +50% All damage(Masterwork) Special Arms ammo= +25 Crit Damage Affix (Epic) Battle Inscription= +25% Weapon Damage (Epic) Sniper Rifle Ammo= +5% damage with +20% Crit Damage Affix ~Quick Maths~: Weapon Damage: 150+25+25= 200% Sniper Damage:18+13+5=36% All Damage:60+33+30+50=173% Crit damage:75+25+20=120% Total= 403% Damage increase with a 120% increase on Crit Damage Highest Hit: 518k on Tyrant but other hits once Pistol proc goes away i hit about 380k~ but I've seen over 1M from others. It differs a lot ~Rotation~: Q->Z->Pistol Proc -> E-> Switch ->Sniper kill. ~Rotation Break Down~: Ruthless Stalker( +60% damage on any hit) (Q) -> Target Beacon(+33% damage) (Z) -> Pistol Proc(150% weapon damage when hitting weak spot) -> Sanadeen's Despite(Activate Gear Strike Proc on Way of Intergration) (E) -> Switch To Sniper -> Blast weak spot.(Hopefully primed :) ) Additional: You can add Double Edge Inscription, but 35% Damage taken and another 25% Damage taken from Vengeance Matrix is 60%. True Glass Cannon. Also Make sure when looking at affixes on components/abilites/guns, there are two signs next to the affix. One is a Gear which only effects that item and a Full body which is universal to everything. So that Weapon blast damage on that absolute zero only effects that ability.
@barbaogames1177 5 жыл бұрын
....."Highest Hit: 518k on ....but I've seen over 1M from others....." Maybe 30% from consumable (Sniper Rifle Sigil) and boss with acid debuff you hit 1M
@kevintrinh16 5 жыл бұрын
@@barbaogames1177 yeah I forgot about the consumables and yeah maybe i should replace my e with an acid debuff.
@danielkurz6159 5 жыл бұрын
@Barbao Games and you saw those crits only on the weak points of bosses not on normal crits
@Alasthors 5 жыл бұрын
@@barbaogames1177 Those numbers (1-2M) are achieved on the Temple of Scar's boss. He take extra dmg sometimes. Most of dmg turned 200k-250k. And I say turned, because of stealth nerf of Truth of Tarsis.
@BleedTillDry 5 жыл бұрын
That gear icon next to the stats indicate that specific stats is only effective on that piece of gear. it will boost everything only If it is a javelin icon.
@XViper123 5 жыл бұрын
This. @4:25 explains why you're not getting that boost. Essentially that stat is totally useless on that piece of equipment, which is a big reason why everyone is hating the inscriptions at the moment. They've announced this being fixed within the next 24hours. (but only on NEW gear)
@-reydensetsu-6067 5 жыл бұрын
lol was about to say the same thing but someone already said it
@rejxdmouse 5 жыл бұрын
drops are going to be fixed today or tomorrow
@nicolastanguay7795 5 жыл бұрын
Update on right now nice!
@mikonai 5 жыл бұрын
@@nicolastanguay7795 not until tonight or tomorrow
@3nvis1on 5 жыл бұрын
You have a cog symbol on Absolute zero so it only apply to the skill. If the symbol was a suit/javelin then that 100% blast dmg would apply to everything including Devastator. You want Physical damage with the suit icon because physical apply to weapon dmg and blast dmg as a whole
@kingsludg 5 жыл бұрын
Also to add onto this the devistator in particular does physical impact and physical blast damage so physical dmg bonus applies to both parts of the shot.
@telmoaarts8744 5 жыл бұрын
physical damage also counts for bullets, so for your Truth of Tarsis it means bonus damage for the bullet and not the aoe-explosion.
@ShiningDarknes 5 жыл бұрын
the blast from devastator is a physical blast. All elements can be blast, including physical.
@shintechg 5 жыл бұрын
I've had a legendary Truth of Tarsis sitting in my inventory taking dust with 300% physical damage. Thanks for showing us this build!
@Thilain562 5 жыл бұрын
When you get any bonuses that says weapon damage, physical damage (both impact or blast), all damage its all accumulate to BASE damage. So in this case 150% physical damage on your Truth of Tarsis is 2183 x 2.5 = 5457 for regular shot, 6549 x 2.5 = 16372 for the blast damage if we just use the bonus from that weapon only. The only modifiers that multiply damage atm is 2 debuffs from poison (25% all resistance down), and the targeting beacon (33%) from interceptors, and critical (weak points). I can be missing somethings as I only play interceptor, but the math does play out correctly for me.
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
Great info thanks!
@-daigher-2549 5 жыл бұрын
Also there is the ranger defensive ability that creates a 20%damage buff
@dumoltj 5 жыл бұрын
This is what I was thinking too for the damage so the 150% bonuses are the full 150% but it's not really see at the end numbers you have to break them down a little.
@ShampooGaming 5 жыл бұрын
The cool thing about this build is the aoe combo on primed targets when hitting a target on their weakpoints and it's the safest build since youre far away from your targets. Soon as i got the elusive talisman last week, i immediately equipped my tot and hit the tyrant boss for about 206k highest on it's weakpoint.
@garyscott3935 5 жыл бұрын
The gear icon next to the 100% blast damage indicates that that inscription is only for that piece of gear. Gear icon: inscription applies only to that skill or weapon Javelin icon : that inscription applies to everything you use whether it be skills or weapons
@lieu_ 5 жыл бұрын
The physical damage is only for the first damage part, the truth of Tarsis and devestator have 2 damage types, the physical (first number) and blast (second number) so it is in fact increasing it by 150% but you aren’t seeing as much feedback as if you got a blast damage increase
@odineye7546 5 жыл бұрын
Nice I'm going for this build with the siegebreaker instead of the second ToT. On demand cc plus that insane burst seems awesome
@emath9335 5 жыл бұрын
I use the siege breaker and ToT it's amazing, lots of fun
@ElectricDreamsChannel 5 жыл бұрын
Just to clarify other people's points regarding the inscriptions, if it has a gear/cogwheel icon, that means the inscription only affects the weapon/skill itself. If it has a humanoid/javelin icon, it affects everything you have equipped.. Also regarding that 150% physical damage increase on the Truth of Tarsis in this video, you have two damage stats on a devastator/truth of tarsis. The first one is impact damage which is physical. The other is blast damage. According to the devs, physical damage increases only affect melee, impact damage from skills and weapons aside from the ones that do blast damage like grenade launchers and the blast damage of the devastator, which is like, 75% of its damage.
@Sider3al 5 жыл бұрын
On that Cryo glaive with +100% blast damage, it has a cog next to it. that means it affects the glaive only, the little man icon effects all javelin abilities / weapons.
@GaborAdrianLeitner 5 жыл бұрын
@Channel5 Gaming i actually tested this one out with one Truth of Tarsis against a Glorious Result, both rolled without dmg mods for them or any other component. It's amazing to see the big dmg numbers from the sniper, but in the same time shooting the heavy pistol at weak spots gives u more DPS and a lot more maneuverability It would be nice to see if you could compare DPS numbers against 2 snipers, like you are using, as I have a felling the Glorious Result will be better overall with some decent rolls on it, just because of magazine size upgrades and maneuverability Thanks and great video
@daniellarsson4308 5 жыл бұрын
Tip, you have missed something in regards to how you view items. On any item: The icon that looks like a Blast, the Star. Means it only works for that specific item. For example 100% blast dmg on your Absolute Zero, is ONLY for Absolute Zero. However if there is a symbol of a Human, then it works for any item, any ability. Your Ruthless Stalker got 15% sniper dmg with a human symbol. This means it works for any sniper rifle you use. If the symbol had been an explosive symbol, it had only worked on that specific item. For your truth of Tarsis, the 150% physical damage is a blast icon so its ONLY for Truth of Tarsis. had it been a Human figure it had been 150% physical damage to any item or ability. Also remember that Truth of tarsis have both Physical and blast damage so the 150% physical only affects the 2k dmg, where as if you had 150% blast damage, it would be insane. You can actually roll 150% physical AND 150% blast damage with immense luck, THAT will be the best rolls for truth of tarsis. That said, gear specific rolls are always higher then generic rolls. I think you cant roll higher then around 75% increased physical on any item or ability but item specific can go up to 150% on master work and 250% on legendary. I play both colossus and interceptor, both around 500 power level. Interceptor is by far, by far the strongest gun user in the game, without even a discussion. The Ranger and Storm does not come close but they have more ranged abilities for damage to play with. But if you want to be a gun slinger in Anthem, its Interceptor all the way due to how powerful their inscriptions is in buffing weapon damage.
@Infantyzip 5 жыл бұрын
Like others have stated before; it's very important that you learn GEAR Icon = Only the item and JAVELIN Icon = Entire Arsenal
@smallblockfuelie 5 жыл бұрын
The gear icon indicates that the attribute, such as “blast damage” applies only to that specific piece of gear and won’t effect your weapon. If it has a javelin I on then it would apply to your weapon.
@Anthonyh723 5 жыл бұрын
the buffs are applied to base damage, your searching glaive increases truth of tarsis base damage by 60% not 60% of what your damage is currently doing. if you are hitting for 100k but you already have say a 100% buff from other components then base power is 50k and 60% of that is 30k so total you would be doing 130k by adding that to your total.
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
ah that makes sense thanks. So it still gives a nice little boost.
@Anthonyh723 5 жыл бұрын
@@Channel5Gaming also acid is considered physical damage as well for some reason so any physical damage boost helps venom bomb/bite
@ShiningDarknes 5 жыл бұрын
yeah everything is calculated from base values, though base values like armor and shield are not what the javelin has with no gear it is all the base increases your gear provide. I lucked out and got a papa pump with a crazy +80% armor and an additional +23% armor...paired with another weapon that has +70% shield and +38% armor it is insane the punishment I can take...I can actually tank now and feel like how the colossus should always feel and best defense makes me almost unkillable (have not made it to GM3 where I know I will still get shredded)
@smallblockfuelie 5 жыл бұрын
The physical damage on that rifle, as I understand it, is only the ballistic damage. It won’t also buff the detonation damage. Physical damage can be melee or a bullet.
@Alasthors 5 жыл бұрын
So about all the +%dmg buff generated on item: from what I understand, all those buff are applied on the base dmg not on the final total. Ex: when you do 100k dmg with a sniper, it come from the base dmg which receive multiple buff. Some are multiplicative, but most (like the Ruthless stalker) are additive. Meaning, instead of applying it's% to the final dmg, it take a look at the base value of the gun (the dmg it does if you were stuff-naked), calculate the dmg, then add it to your final dmg. So instead of having: 100k x 1.6 = 160k, it's more (let's say base value is 25k): 100k + (25k x 1.6) = 140k. I'm pretty sure the base value used for the calculation IG is even lower, but you have the basic idea. EDIT2: I made some testing with Ruthless Stalker with 2 Truth of Tarsis. Resuslt are a 25% to 29% increase dmg. (depending on the sniper I used) Test on venom bomb give me a 24-25% increase dmg. If you add the dmg from combo, i'm pretty confident that it's the way to go... For now: I must point that my MW venom bomb got à +20% sniper dmg. Meaning that a ruthless Stalker with the same affix may be better. Need to know the dmg from combo proc and the blast effect.
@Jinisinsane 5 жыл бұрын
Hey I just copied your build and I find that Siege Breaker as a 2nd gun is really good, Siege breaker freezes the enemy and you line up a perfect crit with Truth of Tarsis.
@kahnjugaming 5 жыл бұрын
If it's a cog on the inscription, it only affects the gear or item, not the whole Javelin suit. If there's a diamond to the left of your damage on the item, it means it deals physical damage.
@alchemer666 5 жыл бұрын
on the Absolute Zero, the 100% blast damage boost does not actually apply, this is one of those bad buffs that they are supposed to be patching for items and abilities. the icon next to the 100% blast damage increase, (looks like of like a cube) that icon represents that it is only for THAT item. If the icon is that of a Javaline silhouette, that icon represents an all over buff (example: the 15% sniper damage on the ruthless strike)
@notlucki3 5 жыл бұрын
The truth of tarsis has two damage values weapon and blast so +50% weapon should only increase base damage Also the other gear that says plus +100 % blast damage had a gear icon which only buff the piece it’s on you would need the javelin icon to buff every gun/gear
@lunakai_360 5 жыл бұрын
Definitely a dope build! I just hate interceptor lolol. Thicc boi is my jam.
@MrProbeNWatch 5 жыл бұрын
So if the inscription has a cog sign. Thay means it only effect the gears it's on. So that 100% blast damage only applies to the cryo glave. If it has a javelin sign. It applies to EVERYTHING. Just thought I would let you know 😁. This build looks really fun though.
@rayj6216 5 жыл бұрын
hey man great video, could you let me know if the epic and masterwork components stack ive search everywhere and some people say yes and some say no,i dont have the masterwork one yet but i would like to know, great build by the way keep up the great work :)
@masteryoda7207 5 жыл бұрын
You can't do a ranger build like you said because elusive talisman is an interceptor component.
@ChristianGrams 5 жыл бұрын
add bonuses on javelins with the gear icon only work for that item it is on - not for the whole javelin (or another weapon / skill) so it is working as intended
@reubenvassar4933 5 жыл бұрын
This game needs a character stats breakdown tab or something. So we can see the % on anything actually make a difference.
@ldeue4837 5 жыл бұрын
this would be a great QoL change
@youngZX6r 5 жыл бұрын
Vengeance Matrix @2:27 Increases damage by 50% and damage taken by (-25%) seeing that minus symbol there next to 25 makes me wonder if the game designers meant to say "and (reduces) damage taken by -25%." reading the component correctly with the minus symbol makes this component seem to have no negative status effects which there for is a win / win. unlike the Diverted Energy Circuit component which is a win / lose.
@Sider3al 5 жыл бұрын
Got myself a legendary Truth of Tarsis today, +175% magazine size ( so 2 shots), but no Elusive Talisman yet. I'm 490 but that talisman is being Elusive (see what i did there)
@GiggityxGamer 5 жыл бұрын
i have 3 elusive talismans and 0 truth of tarsis. lets trade
@Sider3al 5 жыл бұрын
@@GiggityxGamer If only trading was a thing i could've crafted you one.
@ShiningDarknes 5 жыл бұрын
@@Sider3al if only crafting was a thing you could do BEFORE you get the fucking item. Seriously bad mechanic.
@opusopus3827 5 жыл бұрын
I was using this build a few days ago. All the %wep scaling does nothing. You want combo eff and blast dmg. The reason u get those crits is the unique passive. It's a chain combo using both blast and the status affect on that enemy. If some correctly ill turn those 150k into 300k
@1snipoukos007 5 жыл бұрын
The avenging hereld gun bonus 200% dmg when you hover only applies to the pistol. You used to be able to apply it to other weapons but it was fixed
@filipealmeida980 5 жыл бұрын
I don’t think battle inscription stacks with elusive talisman on the 25% weapon damage part. I tested it with some epic and masterwork version of the same component on colossus and it didn’t seem to stack it s effect. Makes sense since it s the same unique perk. If u try to equip 2 battle inscriptions or 2 elusive talisman it s states u can’t stack em cause they are unique. U get notified of it, some how doesn’t notify u if u use epic and masterwork counterpart of same component but from my testing it doesn’t stack.
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
good to know thanks! i'll revert back to my masterwork then! :D
@outlawzero2546 5 жыл бұрын
Add the seige breaker to this build with the truth of tarsis and u can detonate combos from sniper distance
@daniellarsson4308 5 жыл бұрын
You want to use Siege breaker as well. I havent seen anyone but me using siege breaker and people are wondering whaaaat teh hell is going on. Why? The automatic siege breaker that freezes, and dashing insta fill the magazine and you dont run out of ammunition. Thing is, it hits not bad but fire so extremly fast that the damage is pretty damn good, but primary its there to freeze enemies and you can freeze them in place permantently, entire groups, all the way up to gm 3. So Siege breaker+Truth of Tarsis is the best combo if you ask me. Siege breaker freeze work on the Spider boss in Tyrants hold, obviusly you dont freeze but you set her up to be combod upon. So if you ask me I would run one interceptor with a Siege breaker and 3 interceptors with truth of tarsis. Its also a life savier to have siege breaker but above all, you can perma freeze turrets, you perma freeze most things and it also melts through shields like no tomorrow. Not sure why but it appears Cold/ice damage shreds shields, Try it out for your Gm3 runs. 1 siege breaker+3 tarsis and trust me you will thank me cause siege breaker on Interceptor is MORE broken then truth of tarsis. Also use siege breaker on a target to freeze then use Truth of Tarsis for the combo. GG.
@SAKRAYx 5 жыл бұрын
The orange text in the weapon only applies to said weapon when u have it out all the other stats are either also for gear only or for whole javalin
@windwalker3081 5 жыл бұрын
Double upload?!?! Thanks
@JustFerSpite 5 жыл бұрын
i haven't dug into the math yet but i don't think that the damage increases are compounded. I believe that it is all calculated off of the base weapon damage and then added on. the back end rather than multiplied in.
@mikeblack4153 5 жыл бұрын
Running the shotgun tht damage increases with every dash plus the truth of taris with this build would work wonders
@-daigher-2549 5 жыл бұрын
A boom boom sniper build? For gods sake now i have a reason to grind the hell out of masterworks
@crabbypatty10fefrefe 5 жыл бұрын
I believe the 100% blast damage on that component would work on your weapon IF you had the Javelin symbol next to it. You had the gear symbol. the gear means it only works on that item so essentially it's a dead perk. That's a major flaw with this game's loot. It's loaded with dead perks.
@monotonemarcus1555 5 жыл бұрын
Doing this with the siege breaker is also amazing
@redqueen5591 5 жыл бұрын
The build looks fun to use, sub for you :)
@User-ci6tk 5 жыл бұрын
You do not make videos with Storm :( and it's a shame because you are the only quality KZbinr I can trust
@frederickpomerleau185 5 жыл бұрын
People says that if the inscription is a gear icon, it will boost only that specific item. BUT there are some inscriptions who will boost everything regardless if its a gear icon. Take Ammo bonus as example. It has a gear icon on the weapons, but it will boost both of your weapons Ammo. Weap DMG could be the same, when i tested it, with 2 tot and only one with +100% weap dmg, I noticed that the numbers shown when firing are significantly higher with the one with +100% weap dmg, however when taking a look at the health lost on enemies, There is no difference between both, So is the 100% weap dmg only visual on number and have no effect on actually dmg done to enemy ? or is weap dmg boosting Both weapon dmg ? i dont know, but My guess is that they have put a CAP on the maximum dmg you can do to enemies I can only disagree to say that 2x tot is the best dsp build you can have everyone has their opinion on the question, however i'm surprise nobody thought about doing like i do, Im running one ToT with 2 bullet in clip, which is even better than 2x ToT for dps and i use the Ralner's Blaze for shielded enemies, since ToT sucks against shields Concerning the video, Striker Fury : Striker Fury is working, and it also apply to blast dmg, You can clearly see it when you are fighting in GM2 solo, Striker Fury really boost your weapon dmg and blast dmg
@baelek94 5 жыл бұрын
You're not seeing the multiplication of 60% from Ruthless STalker because ALL damage mods are additive. Example: If you already have 140% weapon damage (from ALL the other mods, +sniper damage, + Physical, +impact..etc), then you're at 200% damage. So 200% weapon damage is only a 40% damage increase over that original 140%..
@xdeadcorex6391 5 жыл бұрын
4:25 the weapon blast dmg cant work because there is the little gear symbol what means this stat is locked for that item, you need the little javelin symbol then it should work
@rustyking23able 5 жыл бұрын
I run the same build except I run the acid spray, it does kinda hurt the build because I have to get up close to use it. But if you use it on a group of adds it will fill.your ulti bar instantly lol and it applies acid status most of the time. And I run uvenia thunder bolt the lightning seams to get increased and does crazy dmg
@Procaz 5 жыл бұрын
I found everything I do the same except I use. Marksman rifle thunderbolt of yvenia in first slot to take care of the pesky shields
@johnwheels89 5 жыл бұрын
Just got that wep today..fckn love it lol
@dustinbiester4401 5 жыл бұрын
I love the Yvenia... except those times when you shoot dozens of times without a lightning proc. But then other times youll get 5-10 procs in a row. It's inconsistent but effective.
@johnwheels89 5 жыл бұрын
@@dustinbiester4401 really its been super consistent with me...idk maybe its something with my build idk but its straight nasty esp with 150% wep damage and 48% crits
@SF_Savitar 5 жыл бұрын
the gear icon just means its for that specific equiment piece the javelin icon (IS GLOBAL)
@bananacream9873 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah excatly. How does he not know this as a youtube gaming channel... when I first played the game it took me 5minutes of google researching to get to reddit post that explained item inscriptions and their icons.
@SF_Savitar 5 жыл бұрын
@@bananacream9873 yeah its kinda WeirdChamp right here.
@Space-Cowboy88 5 жыл бұрын
Can I use the close encounter pistol to buff the sniper shot? Close encounter pistol does 60% more weapon damage after a Dash . Ps. New sub here , nice content!
@XViper123 5 жыл бұрын
Bonuses are ADDITIVE. Your base damage is not 100k. It's 100k after already being buffed by numerous other things. If you're already sitting at 100k due to +200% (you're probably sitting on more) damage bonuses from other gear, that 60% is only going to increase it to 260%, so only like 30% overall bonus.
@crabbypatty10fefrefe 5 жыл бұрын
YES. You ARE getting a Physical damage boost with your Truth Of Tarsis. The ToT does Physical AND Blast damage. The number that you see pop up is the sum of your total damage. Phys + Blast = (the yellow numbers). The +150% only applies to the Physical damage. The Blast damage stays the same. Know what I mean? I bet if you also ran components that boost blast damage, it would go up even more? It would have to have the Javelin symbol next to it though.
@thekenjiness 5 жыл бұрын
Blast is a form of physical damage, though. There are two physical damage types: blast and impact. Some gear only affects impact, some gear only affects blast, but gear with "+X% Physical Damage" affects both. The issue with his item was that it has a Gear icon instead of a Body icon. Gear inscriptions only affect the item on which they appear, so it wasn't affecting his Truth of Tarsis.
@Jasongy827 5 жыл бұрын
You can equip two of the same items? WTF? I didnt even know that
@Hugo_clmt 5 жыл бұрын
The little gear sigil on a stat means it only apply the said stat (eg. 100% blast damage) to the gear or weap that has it. The little guy on the contrary apply the buff to all your javelin. So your absolute zero at 4:27 has a 100% blast damage modifier, which is completly retarded since its a primer and thus, the stat here is totally useless. Hope it help and I was clear, english isn't my native tongue. Edit: just realised some ppl already mentioned it. Don't know why no one is complaining about the retarded design of these roll that make some stats useless smh
@chrisparks4073 5 жыл бұрын
As people have pointed out, unless it's the little person icon, and instead is a gear icon, it literally means that item aka piece of gear get it?
@scottfoote574 5 жыл бұрын
Try using unending battle for 110% damage on that sniper.
@christopherspitsen3203 5 жыл бұрын
The reason your absolute zero did not buff your sniper damage is that it is a gear icon. That means it only effects itself. If it had the player icon it would buff everything.
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah i know about the cog / jav icon thing. But it says weapon damage lol. So it SHOULD effect the weapon. Although it basically does NOTHING. This game has GREAT stats ;)
@PR2k9 5 жыл бұрын
@@Channel5Gaming it's actually working as intended since the gear/cog icon overrides the fact that it is weapon damage. It becomes essentially useless but that just how the loot system is supposed to work in the current patch.
@eekwuh 5 жыл бұрын
my trash roll tarsis hits for 200k+ highest I hit was 311k not even fully buffed. its op
@ChinoGaming 5 жыл бұрын
Johnny, your calculations are confused because it’s all base damage calculations. I’ve actually been down this road. Base damage are stats we don’t have access to unfortunately 😕 so I think BioWare need to look into giving us a character stats page ASAP. I mean what kind of action RPG without stats to tinker with?
@ChinoGaming 5 жыл бұрын
Also, physical damage IS blast / impact damage, so that multiplier effects your gun (diamond icon for damage type) but again, only the base damage. Not on the damage numbers you already see.
@quitruong3413 5 жыл бұрын
I dont care who made the build but thank you for sharing
@joshuamcguire2423 5 жыл бұрын
Its BLAST dmg for THAT ITEM not your gear.... l2read
@yclink4599 5 жыл бұрын
What if you didn’t have the gun but you got the challenge blueprint to unlock it? Cause I have the blueprint of the Truth of Tarsis even if I didn’t got the gun yet.
5 жыл бұрын
Does it say you have all 10 legendary kills? If so then the game glitched in your favor and then you go into the forge and craft it. If not then its just like everyone else that can see the blueprint but not craft it.
@zwizzy89 5 жыл бұрын
Gear icon = item only / javelin icon = everything
@martyenz9442 5 жыл бұрын
Ummm, why don't you use wyvern blitz? I'm hitting that boss for 180k as it stands.
@jspadess 5 жыл бұрын
The explosion from the sniper is impact dmg not blast
@opusopus3827 5 жыл бұрын
Its definitely blast damage.
@TheOmnipotentBeing 5 жыл бұрын
You do know that the gear icon only applies to the item it's on right?
@nolanhav7278 5 жыл бұрын
Gear icon = for that item only Javelin icon = for anything equipped That being said, the devastator does ~ 25% physical damage and ~ 75% blast damage. Your physical damage increase inscription of 150% made it so your devastator did ~ 62.5% physical damage and remained at ~ 75% blast, meaning that it added to the lower damage type so that’s why you didn’t see as big of numbers
@PlayGamesRideBikes 5 жыл бұрын
Physical most certainly doesn’t only affect melee. Whoever said that has NO idea what they’re talking about
@gift160 5 жыл бұрын
Biggest problem is, getting these with the current loot drop rates.
@Gozokiller 5 жыл бұрын
Hey man. Did they fix the loot ? i quit them game till they fix this. Thx in advance
@pspeasant6220 5 жыл бұрын
King Dingeling i believe they fix it or tomorrow or the day after
@benstewart643 5 жыл бұрын
was patched on pc today
@pieterwetters 5 жыл бұрын
Hi guys... how this sniper fast reload ammo? help me please..
@co2tel873 5 жыл бұрын
it has to do something with that 7% fire dmg .. that you do on explosions..
@Deathcardcodwaw 5 жыл бұрын
There is only one gun in the game that uses fire damage
@jackneedham1863 5 жыл бұрын
I can’t seem to get the damn sniper to drop
@haze6894 5 жыл бұрын
I knew about this build but i didn't tell anyone so it doesn't gets a nerf rip
@HerFather 5 жыл бұрын
Ive been grinding all day for 3 days and couldnt get the ET component to drop fml..ergggh
@jackneedham1863 5 жыл бұрын
Ceinne I just got it from a legendary contract
@HerFather 5 жыл бұрын
@jackneedham1863 5 жыл бұрын
Just can’t get the Sniper lol
@HerFather 5 жыл бұрын
That was my first MW
@monkfishy6348 5 жыл бұрын
TL;DW: Truth of Tarsis, stack weapon damage, elusive talisman. Either way, they are going to nerf the hell out of Elusive Talisman.
@chrisparks4073 5 жыл бұрын
Even if they actually make it pull from reserve(which I'm assuming is what u mean) there r components to make it not be all that nerfed really
@Jinisinsane 5 жыл бұрын
I have a legendary acid thrower that has +225 phys dmg gear. Hesitant if I sjould just salvage it.
@Chunkywhop 5 жыл бұрын
Acid is considered physical, so no that's really good.
@timtim818 5 жыл бұрын
Did anyone try the elusive talisman's dash reload with papa pump? Would the dash reload from this component trigger the shotgun's +200% damage from reloading?
@rokthor7032 5 жыл бұрын
Can confirm this does not work
@acidstorm001 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the stacking percentages do not work correctly in this game. It seems Bioware fails math as well with this game. The key component of the game and they didn't even have that solid before launch. I just don't get it. Anyhow, I like the game, just wish they'd of had things like this fixed before launch. Waiting around for stats to stack correctly and your gear scores to scale correctly as well without having to ditch your support item to get more damage. You know the basic stuff of the game... As a side note being a melee Interceptor using the Vengeance Matrix, my health is low all the time... Kill or be killed, dangerous way to fight, but so worth the action! Sniping is fun, but the always dashing bit to buff gets old. It would seem Bioware needs to invent another mechanic to gain buffs, something that isn't so repetitive and boring. Also, when you pointed out the Absolute Zero, the gear icon means that 100% dmg is only with that gear component. if you had the suit icon it would be system-wide buff. This is the kind of stuff Bioware goofed on big-time. It says 'weapon' but the gear icon means for the gear piece specifically, so Bioware needs to sort out which is it actually intended to buff, the gear piece or the weapon as the wording would indicate? 4 hours for a GM 3? No wonder why everyone just runs GM1s quickly. After 1 raid I'd be ready to log out. Hope the drops are worth it, because I just try to stack luck and get a decent amount of masterworks and a few legendaries on GM 1 or GM 2. Say you were doing 120K you should be doing 180k with 150% dmg... but we don't know where in the chain of adding and subtracting, or what mob defenses do with our damage numbers. See another problem with 150% is that 100% isn't double, 100% is the same, so it's really only 1.5x because if you take 120,000 and 150% you can just do 120 x 1.5 and you get 180. Buf if they intend 100% to be x2 dmg, they are definitely not calculating it that way, it seems closer to 1.5x than 2.5x dmg, and as percentages go 150% would be 1.5x dmg. In any event, we just don't know how Bioware is doing the math. I dig the build, I'll give it a go to mix it up for my interceptor as I have all of those items and a pretty decent sniper rifle. EDIT: Seems they removed the blast damage and impact damage components?! I had both of those and can't find them. I'm only hitting GM1 mobs for about 60 to 75K on weak point hits with my Tarsis. Granted it didn't roll +physical dmg, but still seams pretty weak compared to my melee build. Guess once I have better rolled stats it could be worth it.
@Seqqsy 5 жыл бұрын
Uses sniper build w/ Way of Integration and Way of Swift. Ok, you are clueless lol. Either use 40-50% blast components, 20-25% sniper components or use Double edge.
@zerooskil7161 5 жыл бұрын
vengeance matrix reduces damage taken, also blast damage applies only to the item as it is for that specific gear only, junk item basically, also i recommend venom bomb cos acid increases damage taken by enemies, also there is a shield recharging shotgun, also i noticed the damage numbers your getting this footage is not gm3 or gm2 it might even be hard mode, 200% hover handgun will out dps tot sniper if you hover you will hi 25K to 40k per bullet hovering and shooting pistol, where tf is this difficulty selection screen you mention lol this is just as shady, i need live stream quality proof of this concept on gm2 gm3 etc, that shit you showed looked suspiciously like hard mode cos i do this on gm1 too
@ryantube180 5 жыл бұрын
Is this on gm 2 or 1?
@yclink4599 5 жыл бұрын
Does that gun drop in gm1+?
@angelkronos4797 5 жыл бұрын
Dude can u say me how i can craft this weapon because i can only craft 1 epic item
@ldeue4837 5 жыл бұрын
The more you use a certain ability or weapon. you will eventually get the blueprint to craft it.
@Vortechtral 5 жыл бұрын
You cannot craft a MW item until you have it picked up, then kill 10 legendary monsters with it. So get a drop first (pray to RNG?) Kill 10 legendary mobs, you will get a screen pop up telling you the challenge is complete, then you can craft more.
@lokken23 5 жыл бұрын
Anyone test this thing with papa pump's perk?
@117Haseo 5 жыл бұрын
How long do dungeons take to complete in the game?
@Deathcardcodwaw 5 жыл бұрын
15-25 mins depending on how smooth your run is and which strong hold you choose to run.
@portioncontrol5466 5 жыл бұрын
How do you zoom with snipers? Playing on xbox
@mattbarney1044 5 жыл бұрын
R3 button
@portioncontrol5466 5 жыл бұрын
@@mattbarney1044 When I press nothing happens. Do I need to buy a scope somewhere. Using the Light of Legion sniper
@mattbarney1044 5 жыл бұрын
Light of the legion is a marksman rifle you'll want a sniper like the devastater or the whirlwind
@ichschubsdichischschubsdic9501 5 жыл бұрын
I think my game is bugged if somebody has the same issue and knows what to do please tell me. I play on ps4 and I always get the same mastercrafts. I only got 5 different weapons yet but each of them at least 5 times. One of them like 10 times and nothing except these 5 different weapons over and over no Equip or anything
@KavalanSol 5 жыл бұрын
Hard mode has acces to a limited amount of different masterworks I believe 5 or 6. Playing on GM1,2,3 gives to acces to the entire pool of masterwork items. So probably start playing GM 👍
@MugiwaraEnma 5 жыл бұрын
Can you plz do a storm build?
@Channel5Gaming 5 жыл бұрын
Soon as i get one geared I can. might take some time.
@nacayzin5192 5 жыл бұрын
I hit about 350k a shot. If anyone wants my set up I’ll let you know in an edit.
@Deathcardcodwaw 5 жыл бұрын
You dont seem to know how your stats and gear works and just used this build because everyone else was also. Also the damage increase off your skills is base weapon damage not in increase of X% off all your added buffs also.
@FurioSS_ 5 жыл бұрын
Mate you don`t know basic game mechanics , like grinder icon means it works just for this skill while suit icon means it works for everything.
@caseyk8824 5 жыл бұрын
It will get nerfed to be more in line with everything else sadly
@crabbypatty10fefrefe 5 жыл бұрын
I REALLY wish there was more to do in this game cuz I would play it. I bought it but, I'm SOOO BORED.
@DM21Constellation 5 жыл бұрын
An Interceptor Sniper build? Wouldn't this be better on a Ranger? You know, increased blast/weapon damage with additional combo damage? This just doesn't make sense. You'd get more damage with Rolling Carnage (I get 15k a pellet, with 10 pellets a shot, two pumps a shot for a total of 300k damage at a much greater rate of fire). This build feels like you're forcing something to work that was never intended to work. Put that Sniper on a Ranger ... where it belongs.
@adamgodin7471 5 жыл бұрын
nop with the elusive talisman being an interceptor component exclusive, this build hits way harder than with a ranger, I try them both and im able to kill the swarm tyrant in one go while with the ranger it takes me 2 rounds on gm1
@chrisparks4073 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah like the other guy said, with elusive talisman it makes it an interceptor build solely because u can speed reload the sniper rifle. While on ranger u will do more damage per se but will have alot more downtime reloading.
@mplayez7025 5 жыл бұрын
The +100% blast weapon damage has a "gear" icon. Meaning it only applies to the item itself. Completely useless. Whereas if it was a suit icon it would apply to your weapon.
@cptgloriousbeard5559 5 жыл бұрын
Step one find two guns that never ever drop..... *Close video*
@KavalanSol 5 жыл бұрын
Step two shut up and play the game😁. Got two yesterday and one the day before so you have a weird understanding of never ever.
@linkdaworld2 5 жыл бұрын
Oh, good job flexing!
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