Anthos*『Lay it down』 Official MV(Thinking reed Ver.)

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@u1voice0402 3 жыл бұрын
@Starring_Daisuke_Ono 3 жыл бұрын
@袖時雨桜花-h5y 3 жыл бұрын
@s_t_y2512 2 жыл бұрын
@太郎-n8b2h 3 жыл бұрын
薫くんの記憶を踏む足が葦を指すのだとしたら私たちの応援によって彼の華である勿忘草が満開となるとき、彼自身が大切なものを忘れてしまう…?だから花言葉が「私を忘れないで」なのかな🥲 画面の中では外からの言葉に何も返せない、芸能人としての苦悩が描かれてる気がする ちょっと怖くて現実見れないのでひたすらに曲を楽しみます😌
@user-eu7zt3cm4m 3 жыл бұрын
パート分け頑張ったんですけど全然わかりません🙇 分かる方お願いします。 また、間違い等ありましたら訂正します😣 ❤誰かが決めた基準 ❤💚confused ❤突き動かされ続け ❤💚under the laws 💚尽きないfuel 今までabused (💜)息つく暇もない ❤💚Role 💚僕たちの果たす舞台 ❤💚Call 💚夢描くみなの世界 Woo woo woo woo ❤現実とseparate oh ()目にもの見せてやる 💚真実は常にmuted, come on! Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah (♡)完璧なら叶えるステージで (🧡)完全なら壊れることなく 💛儚いbig dream抱え 突き進む ()この手の罪とルールは Lay it down Lay it down (🧡)運命なんて Break down Break down woo woo woo woo (💙)計り知れない力にfollow (🧡)引き寄せるmy knight's 離れはせず (💛)What if シナリオに惑わされない 💚目先のmoney小手先のlyric Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah 💚苦しみのReality oh ♡間違い探しの日 ❤いつかたどり着くステージへReady! Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah ()限界まで息つく暇もなく ()頂上まで上り詰めてやる 💜When I grow up えがいてた幼い僕 💙あの日の苦労と弱気は Lay it down Lay it down 運命なんて Break down Break down woo woo woo woo ()消えてなくなる君のSupremacy 新しい基準 僕のMelody Let me know when they come 叩き落とす! ❤バラ色Life 求めてもいない Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah ❤💚Drop your beats! Woo woo woo woo 計り知れない力にfollow 引き寄せるmy knight's 離れはせず 💜💛What if シナリオに惑わされない 💚❤目先のmoney小手先のlyric Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
@めいぷる-z6i 3 жыл бұрын
@Starring_Daisuke_Ono 3 жыл бұрын
2:20 薫の後ろのたくさんの紙袋に"Memory"って書いてあって、中身が🧠だとしたら‥踏み潰されるって演出が、あのドラパでの場面を思い出す‥。 開花によって記憶が無くなって、天霧による記憶改竄が行われていたのなら‥。次回ドラパで薫が大丈夫なのか心配‥
@黒酢-w9q 3 жыл бұрын
@音楽依存性 3 жыл бұрын
@匿名拗らせ暴走機関車快 3 жыл бұрын
@nyaoOzzZ 3 жыл бұрын
ベッドのシーン。刹那だけ白ではなくグレー →矢張り刹那の本のカラーは白ではないのでは?無理矢理白で頑張ってるから、汚れてきた…とか。 チセ、刹那、薫、理人、陽汰はpass リンゴに矢と聞くと、息子の頭にリンゴを置いてその矢を撃ち抜いて息子を助けた。という話があります。 刹那くんは浮上している通り千紘、もしくはその関係者。そして眞紘を凌駕さんが助けてあげるのでは。 ショーケースに入れられた脳と薫。 これも他のMVで書いた通り、薫くんは天霧もしくはその他誰かに操られている可能性大。 チセの周りに広げられた多くの器具。 単純に事故にあったからとは考えにくい。普段からメンテナンスされているのでしょうか。二重人格だから? その後のシュレッターはチセの隠すべき人格の書類を刻んでいるのでは。メンテナンスもその人格を隠し通すためとか。 壁をぶっ壊すシーン。赤と白なので刹那と眞紘。二人には通ずるものがあるって言う暗示かな。 積まれた金と陽汰。そしてその金が桜になって消える。桜となると鬨くんですね…。本当は陽汰の為に積まれたお金を鬨くんの足に使っちゃった。とかならとても面白い。もしくは陽汰が稼いだ金を鬨くんの足にあてたとか。 理人のかげにチセ。そしてes(本能的欲求、生理的衝動) チセのおかげでセーブできていたものが溢れ出てきた?とかでしょうか。 大量のmemoryと薫。やはり薫は何者かに支配されている可能性が高い。記憶を無くしているのでしょうね…。 口に×は、多分そのままの意味で。社会からなんと言われても天霧がAnthos*から発信することを許してくれないとかではないでしょうか。 ゴミ箱に捨てられた靴と電話は千紘のものなのでは…? 眞紘と凌駕がERROR。 飛行場でERRORになるのは危険物ですが、天霧だと種の可能性もありますね。種を盗んだ…とか。
@Starring_Daisuke_Ono 3 жыл бұрын
2:41 の"消えて無くなる君のsupremacy"のsupremacyの発音が好き
@CsMsLady80 9 ай бұрын
@大神チガヤ 2 жыл бұрын
新参者です!失礼します! 2:15(理人パート)の「描いていた幼い僕」のところ、シュレッダーにかけた紙で作られたハートの後にチセのシルエットが出た瞬間心臓止まったよね……
@巳月-l4i 3 жыл бұрын
とても最高なのですが、これ、薫くんやばいのでは…? まだドラパ視聴してないんですけど、買い物したって脳?だったらそれが踏みつけられるのってヤバくないですか?? ちょっと、情報量やばくて何も考えられないですね… 本当マジでいつも綺麗でお洒落なMVとかっこいい曲をありがとうございます (随時)追加: 手術ってやっぱり花の種埋めた時の?? 器具とか映って結構リアルで怖いな… 投票だったり👍👎が皿に乗ってたりCDのジャケットの「SNS」って書かれた銃が向けられてたり、結構身近なことだよね。華Dollって身近なリアルっていうか、自分でも経験したことのある怖さっていうか。私に語彙力がなくて上手に伝えられないな〜!!!!! 【CDジャケット】⚠︎解析中⚠︎ 右の銃 Discrimination 差別 Prejudice 偏見 Company(多分違う) 会社、仲間? →conspiracy 陰謀 F? Censure 非難 →Fiction Censure 虚構、非難 左の銃 Blind 盲目 Desire 欲望 Raise ? →Praise Truth 賞賛、真実 Filter フィルター 過去ツイ遡ってたら Remember. ーesーを見つけました。 銃に書かれてるのはS.T.O.Pかな?が公開された時のレンズに写っている言葉から来ていると思います。MV嬉しすぎてツイートのこと頭からぶっ飛んでました。 その中にもう一つあったのが『es』で今回のアルバム名になっていますね…。
@akaneee4056 3 жыл бұрын
companyには「共にパンを食べる人」という語源があります。そこから共に何かをする人という感じで派生して「会社」という意味が生まれてます。この場合のcompanyは「運命を共にする人」的な感じ(主さんが考察されていた仲間に近いですが)で訳してあげるとAnthos*に合うんじゃないかな〜と私は思います! CD買えてないのでジャケットがどんな感じか分からないんですが参考になれば嬉しいです!
@巳月-l4i 3 жыл бұрын
@@akaneee4056 なるほど!そうだったんですね! ありがとうございます!!
@-naka-9280 3 жыл бұрын
華ドルって華$ってことなの?! 一人一人に価値つけられる表現 みんな華が咲くこと望んでるけどもう咲いたし後は完全な華になるんろうけど 華になったらもうそれ人間ではなくなるってことじゃない?ってドラパ聞きながら思った とりあえず推しが今日もしんどいからとりあえず生きて幸せになることを祈ってる あの新聞、、みんなバラバラで活動するとかないよね????
@さいちゅん-l1o 3 жыл бұрын
毎度願うことなんだけどどういった形であれAnthos*のみんなには幸せでいてほしい…… 天霧の秘密が暴かれていくけど同時にAnthos*には余計なことを言わせないように口を塞ぐ……? 投票は……誰を 残 す か、とか……? 一周しただけじゃごちゃごちゃですね💫
@ナガタ-p6w 3 жыл бұрын
はちゃめちゃにかっこいい… 歌詞の文字は一部ポップなのも好き… 全体的に今回は「私達側」が選択だったり人気投票?だったりを 迫られている描写が多くて、esというテーマなのにあまりAnthos*の内面みたいなものが少ない気がした…今までのMVとは明らかに何かが違う気がするんだけど上手く言語化できない…
@リリハ-g3l 3 жыл бұрын
ドラパ聞きました 次から次へと何でそんなところでまた終わるの・・・続きが気になりすぎる!という感じでした そして物語が進むにつれて思っていたことなんですけど・・・(以下少し内容に触れているので注意) ルルディも含めた今までのドラパ、アンチ撲滅キャンペーンで小出しにされた情報やソロ曲のSS等に触れてきた人は同じ事を思っている人も多いかもしれませんが コンセプトトレーラーや初期のドラパではオーディションを勝ち抜いて選ばれたとされていた彼ら、でも実際は意図的に集められた可能性大ですよね 先輩になる亜蝶、ルイそしてまだ謎の多い刹那はいったん保留として・・・ それ以外のAnthos*メンバーとルルディの鬨は全員華の種を植える以前から天霧社長もしくは華dollプロジェクト関係者に直接または間接的に何かしらの関わりや繋がりがあるといえるから 意図が存在する人選やこのプロジェクトのために用意された・・・そんな青年達の集まりなのでは?と思いました
@掃-r9b 3 жыл бұрын
@user_name_nothing 3 жыл бұрын
画面に映し出されるポップな字体に対応するかのような不穏な雰囲気の曲… 最高です(語彙力はブラジルへ)
@まどか-n3k 2 жыл бұрын
1:59 ここの刹那くんの歌い方天才すぎる
@love_SEVENTEEN105 3 жыл бұрын
@na7330 3 жыл бұрын
@リリハ-g3l 3 жыл бұрын
3:23に出てくる『I'm not a monster』 このMVの一番強いesはこれかも知れない 種を埋め込んで改造されたとしても人間だと主張したいというes(本能的欲求)
@ハラセン-p2l 3 жыл бұрын
諸事情で今回サブスク待ちで歌詞カード見てないから『この手の罪とルールは』を『この手の摘み取るは』だとずっと思ってた。 この手の摘み取るは○○でも意味は通じるし、前作の『Flash Point』のMVに『picker(摘み手)』という単語が出てくるので…。 まさか二重の意味になってる…とか…?
@さらだ油-k5r 3 жыл бұрын
左向きの人物には ・未来に向かっている ・なにかしようとしている ・ポジティブ 右向きの人物には ・過去を向いている ・なにかを受けとめる ・ネガティブ などの意味をもたされているらしいんですが…関係あるのかな……(馬鹿の限界)(考える葦にはなれませんでしたごめんなさい)
@Mtd_09 3 жыл бұрын
ポップなのに不穏…… さすが天霧プロダクション
@さくたん-w6w 3 жыл бұрын
待ってた... 最高だ......ありがとう... 考察は任せた...
@ぱぴぷぺぽ-u2z 3 жыл бұрын
我が推しの凌駕さん、低音ラップ映えとる 好き……みんなカッコいい……好き…
@Plant-um4ut 2 жыл бұрын
考察でもなんでもないただの感覚的な話なんだけど、運ばれる荷物やエスカレーターに乗った人みたいに、自分の意思で引き返せない逃げられない、進むしかない、みたいな雰囲気の曲だよね…。 曲は不穏な感じなのに映像はポップで、アイドルという偶像、仮面を見ているような…。 1つ確実に言えるのはめちゃくちゃ格好いいということ。好きです(脳死)
@佐々木-s7n 3 жыл бұрын
@si-zo8oe 3 жыл бұрын
薫くんのソロでベッドが2つ並んでるシーンあったよね。 今回のは薫くんの色のベッドがないけど紫が1つ多い。どっちかが薫くんなのかな。何で紫なんだろうって思ったけど青に赤足したら紫になることに気づいた。❤️+💙=💜 赤と青のリボンがいっぱい混じってるシーンもあったよね。(薫くんがリボンもってたやつ)
@をうぎ 3 жыл бұрын
アルバム買いました! 本編やばいです…😭 4:09社会とは逆行してる華達の世界
@sa9623 3 жыл бұрын
4:08あたりから映る花は「ブーゲンビリア」だと思います!花言葉は「情熱・熱心 ・あなたは魅力に満ちている」といったプラスのものぐらいしかないので、どちらかというと育て方に注目するのかなぁと🤔 MV不穏要素ありすぎて……助けて……
@user-mg4ld1tw4q 3 жыл бұрын
@kbu_yoihi 3 жыл бұрын
@lmaook9853 3 жыл бұрын
Our hard work has paid off…
@demawah 3 жыл бұрын
It has
@天宮廉狐 3 жыл бұрын
@SW-2114 Жыл бұрын
@乃-q9w 3 жыл бұрын
私は考えられない葦なのでこの曲の意味を素直に受け止めます。ちゅき^ ^
@kanna1567 3 жыл бұрын
なんで出す曲全て頭から離れないんだっ!!しかも全て色気の宝庫や!! まぁーた気付けば再生する日々の始まりよ...(幸せです、ありがとうございます)
@akaneee4056 3 жыл бұрын
Shipmentを和訳すると「出荷」って意味になるんだって… 前の手術室のカットと一緒に考えるとAnthos*がDoll(=商品)として出荷されていったってことなのかな? 出荷っていうとなんだか人間として扱われていない気がして天霧プロの闇が伺えるな…みんな幸せになって(n回目)
@PurpleFullMoon 3 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on meeting the challenge! 🌟 Here we go, this one is interesting too~ EDIT: I've added some new thoughts after listening to the latest tracks! Note there's likely to be spoilers as a result~ The song itself is so cool, I adore the raps but the singing is also high quality! Anthos* really grows with each new release but as they do, it seems they face even more issues-- Once again, these are my initial thoughts which may change after I hear the drama tracks (I'm actually scared 😅): They are definitely feeling the pressure. The lyrics include phrases such as "If we were perfect[...] If we were complete, we wouldn't break;" They're starting to see the truth behind being in this industry (maybe even AmagiriPro itself?) and it's leaving them confused, exhausted, in pain but they're still trying to head to the top. They're very dependent on what the fans think of them. They're going to be successful. It's starting to feel like what Loulou*di is going for, trying to reach the top but at what cost? It's not quite what they were expecting would happen. They're just following what they're being told, without much of a choice. So it seems they're losing themselves the more they throw themselves into being the best idols. They don't even have time to be themselves. Chise and Lihito sing about the dreams they once had but reality is nothing like what they thought. Their dreams were innocent and naive, they realise at this point. But they're still going ahead with it. Chise also seems to be losing himself and I don't know how much of that is related to the ending of the last CD... But the visuals show Chise's self being shredded to pieces and Lihito being left with it all in the form of a heart. He's going to gather those pieces and get Chise back. I really hope it's not as bad as I'm thinking it is. Kaoru is also having a hard time. He seems to be making memories with everyone but also losing them too, maybe under all the pressure, it's affecting his health and/or sense of true self. His flower is also the forget-me-not, so maybe the type of flower they end up with have different impacts on each host. Haruta also had a scene where he's sitting surrounded in gold; he gained something like a family and also reached the place he wanted to be at, which feels great but then it all disappears all of a sudden with no notice. I'm worried... They're also picking on Mahiro again and calling him a monster. But Mahiro will stand up for himself this time and deny it, he's going to say or do something that will allow him to grasp the key that will lead to his freedom. Ryoga is also supporting him I feel, that's why the two weren't around during the initial airport security checks where everyone else passed. What they're passing is AmagiriPro's criteria of success I think. The imagery suggests that maybe Ryoga will hit some kind of bullseye in regards to Mahiro while Mahiro is falling and this will either hurt him or become the source of saving him? Not too sure about this part! The thing that bothers me is the scene with Setsuna and Mahiro together, Setsuna is likely to do something that will negatively affect Mahiro (and from the drama tracks, I can tell it's not Setsuna himself who wants to harm Mahiro but he's being used by certain others...). His smile shows he's doing really well at this idol role and AmagiriPro have no issues with him. I'm still going to trust him though! Can we please stop hurting my boys already, they deserve happiness 😭 Ultimately though, it's going to be okay, they just need to believe in themselves and in their style! ________ EDIT: The first verse with Mahiro and Ryoga definitely refers to their conversation they had in the last track. About Ryoga, him getting involved in this whole project is risky to himself but also, his suspicions towards AmagiriPro is also risky to the agency itself. Honestly it could go either way, the arrow hitting the apple could mean Ryoga will find out something damaging about AmagiriPro or it could be AmagiriPro getting the better of him. The tracks also made me feel like Mahiro is the one saving Ryoga but Ryoga is still doing the same for Mahiro so they're on the same page. Which means they could get in trouble together-- I'll look on the positive side and believe they can still rescue each other/themselves though! Setsuna and Mahiro are getting along but I worry about Ageha's influence on them. Could the MV be foreshadowing? I hope not- Haruta is open with the others about his meeting with Toki but I hope things with Toki doesn't sour so he loses that relationship but also potentially lose his place in Anthos* if it has a negative impact on his work. So far he's safe though! I hope it stays that way, the MV and tracks suggest he's getting better at work and passing AmagiriPro's criteria so we're okay for now. Chise and Lihito's reveal was nice. Litto did end up getting Chise back (in multiple meanings, you'll know what I mean if you listen to the tracks!) But in the same way, Chise also got back what was important to him and I'm very happy about it :) Almost like they got what they dreamed of? Setsuna, I still love him ;w; While he's not completely in the clear yet, the group is getting along better with him which is very nice to see. I'm still concerned about his current living situation though. Him living away from the others in the Medical Tower and what little he mentioned about being there makes me worry about the effects of the flower on their bodies but especially on their mental states. Him acting spacey and not seeming like he knows very much about the world has me anxious now because... ...Of what's happening to Kaoru. The trampling of the bag of memories in the MV is a side effect of the flower, as seen at the end of the final track. This is especially as he gets closer to perfection, the lyrics that appear when Kaoru is on screen. I'm worried he might turn into something like Setsuna... I feel like that's why there was so much imagery of other people judging them, their increase in popularity means more people will like them and this will make their flowers bloom further and quicker. Which will make the side-effects appear sooner too. Those people also representing us 🥲 I'll still support them regardless though! There was a mention of a medicine called M473. Looking into the real life medicine, I got: "This medication is used to treat seizure disorders, certain psychiatric conditions (manic phase of bipolar disorder), and to prevent migraine headaches. It works by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain." Now this has me worried about potential future effects of the flower but it immediately made me think of Ageha and Loulou*di. I am now uneasy again, thanks AmagiriPro :D Now to wait for the next CD, I really can't wait 🤣
@RAzi_18 3 жыл бұрын
I do wish the best for the bois. They deserve to be happy🤧. Stay safe everyone
@thefallenblue 3 жыл бұрын
ahh I've been following the songs for a while, but I'm so curious to learn more about them :o do you know if there is any english translations of the songs or drama cds maybe?
@PurpleFullMoon 3 жыл бұрын
@@thefallenblue I think Google would be your best bet, there may be people who translated the songs~ I think some of the very early drama tracks got translated too
@thefallenblue 3 жыл бұрын
@@PurpleFullMoon Oh I see, thanks for the reply! ^^ I've been taking a look around, I really want to understand more of what's happening haha
@PurpleFullMoon 3 жыл бұрын
@@thefallenblue No worries! The story is really interesting though so definitely worth the time trying to understand it ^-^
@ぶた薔薇 3 жыл бұрын
ドラパ視聴しました………………………… 色々情報過多過ぎて脳の処理が追いついてません、、 最初が病院から始まるのも通院してる薫くんとの関係強そうだし+αチセさんの事件についてもまだ追求されてないしチセさんと共に手術道具でてきてるので関係あるのかなと思ったり思わなかったり… ドラパの終わり方もめちゃくちゃ不穏で足=葦って言ってる方もいるしで私達のせいで記憶喪失とかだったら次回ほんとに生きられない…(語彙力)
@user-mememe02116 3 жыл бұрын
@Aotalksmusic 3 жыл бұрын
I'm happy the challenge was met! That being said, there was so much red in this MV... Mahiro, please be careful! Chise and Lihito, too, please watch out for each other! Haru, not all is gold that shine and you know it best! Don't worry, the worth you've gained in Anthos won't disappear no matter what relationship with * some others * will end up being! Ryoga just be careful with digging around alright? The past will uncover itself eventually, I'm sure! Finally KAORU PL STAY SAFE I'M PRETTY SURE THE MENTION OF YOUR FLOWER DOING FINE FROM LAST CD WAS A FORESHADOWING OF SOMETHING TERRIBLE, SO PLS BE STRONG Setsuna... I just hope you will be allowed to grow mind able to think of anything else that is not being a perfect idol and realize you're already part of the group... also DON'T LISTEN TO THE *REDACTED* HE NEEDS HELP
@Unwelcomez 10 ай бұрын
After listening to the cd drama, this hit hard
@ゆっ-v3v 3 жыл бұрын
1:59 考察能力と語彙力がないので、刹那くんの歌い方が最高すぎるとこ置いときます(笑)
@annamohica7929 3 жыл бұрын
Im super glad the challenge was completed!! I was so excited for the MV!
@竹之内田村麻呂-h8c 3 жыл бұрын
@summm__5417 3 жыл бұрын
@aomsinaomsin2993 3 жыл бұрын
ในที่สุด!!! คุ้มค่าแก่การรอคอยมากค่ะ//เรียวกะซังเมนแร็ปที่หนึ่งในใจปัยเรยค้าาาา💚🐺🍀
@明子-j3u 2 жыл бұрын
正直に言う、全員かっこいい! 華doolが生まれてくれた事に感謝✨ 私は刹那くん推しー! 自己紹介聞いてすぐに心が奪われたー😍 みんな、大好きかっこいいよー!
@あお-d9l4f 3 жыл бұрын
最高です…色々過去のMVなど連想できるところもあって何回でもみちゃいます…😭 ハルくんカッコいい✨
@HoshieMatsushina 3 жыл бұрын
@lmaook9853 3 жыл бұрын
it’s truly a banger, it makes you feel pain…
@tetsuyakagami5512 3 жыл бұрын
なんか投票してる人いるけど… もしかしてAnthos*箱推しの方??
@inogamiyano3223 3 жыл бұрын
フルMVありがとうございました!めっちゃかっこいいですよ! でも、私だけかな? なんか、このMVを見ると、悪いことが起こすような感じがするんだ...
@音華.S 3 жыл бұрын
@RR-ct6jh 3 жыл бұрын
@lmaook9853 3 жыл бұрын
@brxkenwings Жыл бұрын
eles são incrivelmente incríveis
@mtrx4814 3 жыл бұрын
@ズンドコ-i3f 3 жыл бұрын
右向いてるキャラになんかあるとかあるのかしら…(チセ→薫?ってなったら次は陽汰とか…早とちりかな…)上手く言えないけどとりあえずみんな幸せになってぇ!!! 追記 眞紘なんか締め付けられてたり赤色の靴とかが箱にしまわれてるから(これは分からんけど)眞紘もなんかあったりすんのかね…無いといいな…
@demawah 3 жыл бұрын
YAY! i love this sm!
@lmaook9853 3 жыл бұрын
@kurayami_rip 3 жыл бұрын
わあ、本当最高です(TT)(TT) Mvはとてもクールです. 私はすべてに魅了されています. ありがとうございます。 好きです〜
@えび-w4k 3 жыл бұрын
@声優が好きでたまらん 3 жыл бұрын
この曲を聴いてわかること ・神曲(定期) ・考察班天才(定期) ・考察すればするほどしんどい(定期)
@me-hiphop_killer.ae86 2 жыл бұрын
@ilo2726 3 жыл бұрын
@乱飴 3 жыл бұрын
ちょ…… 情報過多で脳死ぬ……
@白菜-d7j 3 жыл бұрын
@nnrhsnhh 3 жыл бұрын
Suaranya sksksksk bikin meleyot 😭👍
@vimmiiz007 3 жыл бұрын
กรี๊ดดด MV ยังงานดีปังเหมือนเดิมเลยค่า AmagiriProไม่เคยทำให้ผิดหวัง🥰 ปล. น้องฮารุตะเวอร์นี้เท่มาก 🧡✨
@rookweiss 3 жыл бұрын
Like the background noise 🥰
@kuonyuu4065 3 жыл бұрын
うおおおおおおおおおキタワァ━━━━━━(n'∀')η━━━━━━ !!!! 眞紘君と凌駕君の間に「エラー」があった… ドラパまだ聞いていないけど、まさかまた喧嘩しちゃうの???😭 色々ありすぎて頭がっ…😩
@calmingme01 3 жыл бұрын
Finally 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️💙💜🧡🤍💛💚
@a6suuukis 3 жыл бұрын
@ゆきの助-o5b 3 жыл бұрын
@a6suuukis 3 жыл бұрын
@@ゆきの助-o5b がんばります……
@chicletedebanana9692 3 жыл бұрын
amo esses personagens sabe
@lonely_521 3 жыл бұрын
@ぴよ-i4b 3 жыл бұрын
@itsmiii1217 3 жыл бұрын
@みぃまる-h8q 3 жыл бұрын
@真田-j2i 3 жыл бұрын
@りん-j9r5s 3 жыл бұрын
@kotze0903 3 жыл бұрын
@geraldineponcedeleonacuna3904 3 жыл бұрын
@si-zo8oe 3 жыл бұрын
ベッドのシーン、刹那のはうすい赤に見える。 眞紘とどういう関係があるんだろう💭
@Se__11 3 жыл бұрын
@papiko4286 3 жыл бұрын
@yhpoch 3 жыл бұрын
@yhpoch 3 жыл бұрын
投票が人気メンバー投票だとしてもふつうに怖い というかアイドルで投票ってタブーな気がするけど現実の男性アイドルであんのかな
@jopis1295 3 жыл бұрын
NICE ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
@kotze0903 3 жыл бұрын
@rrr71_ 3 жыл бұрын
سلامات وش هلمطار
@karintou9 2 жыл бұрын
華Doll *って色気がやっばい、_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):すごいエロい
@風雅亜月 3 жыл бұрын
サムネが推し二人て…… MVエモすぎてなんか泣ける… 考察班の方…考察お願いします(´・ω・`)
@mkts7059 3 жыл бұрын
CD届いたけどまだ忙しくて未視聴 推しのチセが…シュレッダーにかけられてんの何???? 情報が隠された?? 怖すぎーーーーー そして相変わらず曲超かっこいいー 泣く(´;ω;`)
@holliedawson4688 3 жыл бұрын corking
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