Anusim Conversion Scandals Exposed

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Rabbi Yaron Reuven

Rabbi Yaron Reuven

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We’ve all heard the difficult truth regarding the outcome of the Spanish Inquisition. This historical nightmare has led many Jews to abandon their faith and adopt idolatry as a result of their fear for their lives (ie Anusim). Though nearly 500 years have passed, the impact is still profound as many people who believe they’re descendants of those Jewish Anusim are trying to return to their family’s original Jewish faith through proper orthodox Jewish conversion.
The world of Jewish conversion has become increasingly complex over the years. One of the primary challenges facing authentic conversion prospects is that there are many bad influences that are trying to convince them to ignore the Jewish traditions and halacha to follow the guidance of the Gdolei HaDor.
Here’s the warning they all need to hear.
#BneiAnousim #CryptoJudaism #conversion #jewishcommunity

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@MrBoxer42 9 ай бұрын
I am Anusim that did the proper conversion back to Judaism and I am grateful that I wasn’t exposed to those organizations that are lying about conversions. I hope more Anusim can return the proper way
@zarander Жыл бұрын
One of the few rabbis in the world that says what needs to be said. That panders to no politics or popularity. That cuts through the deception and fog of confusion. Who exposes the fraudsters and thieves. And gives you the simple truth - not what you want, but you need to do.
@Lonovavir Жыл бұрын
Falsely converting people is a serious disgrace, those who do it are inflicting serious problems on the Jewish community. Conversion, which I think is wonderful and needs more respect is serious business, do it right or don't do it.
@elijahdavid3621 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Rabbi Reuven 😀
@miriamrivkah Жыл бұрын
thank you so muchhhhh kvod harav and Baruch Hashem for this video!!!!!!!!!! this is so important!!!!!!
@BarHawa Жыл бұрын
Kvod HaRav. Thank you for speaking on this topic. As a Noahide it's been extremely concerning to see these kinds of people trying to infiltrate the Jewish community. This is a huge challenge in our day. Baruch H" that you always tell it how it is
@jeval3557 Жыл бұрын
That’s the opinion for The Haredi / Litvak Rabbis and communities (what are called) l'chumras ... "extra stringencies" that the mainstream Orthodox and Sephardi Traditional Jews do NOT observe. They are called "extremists" that’s their opinion, but they cannot force them onto other Jewish communities in the overall Orthodox / Traditional Sephardi worlds/communities. We have Halakha that goes back to the famous RAMBAM is a document called "Letter on Apostacy" ... and it is clearly the Rambam's halakha (which most Jews to this day still follow) that a person is NOT allowed to do anything which could risk his life ... and under duress (forced, compulsion at the risk of being killed) he can violate ANY of the Torah except the 3 commands that one must lose his life rather than commit ... adultery, murder and idolatry. So for the Bnei Anousim, what they did to stay alive in Catholic countries was not apostasy (heresy) they were following Torah in being secret Jews and their observant descendants are still Jews to this day. THAT is the Sephardi halakha of the great Rambam. A benei anousim who has evidence his Jewishness can do a return and still counts as a born Jew. If Rabbi Yaron Reuven wants to be more machmir, that’s his opinion. But not because he says that it’s the ultimate halacha. That’s the halacha for them.
@YaronReuvenRabbi Жыл бұрын
many words, but ultimately wrong according to all opinions and the proof is not me, but rather all of Gdolei Hador that paskened regarding this issue. If what you said was so obvious, then why did none of the gdolim of this and previous generation pasken that way? do you or the rabbi that taught you this learn more than them? obviously anyone who wants to follow the Torah and its sages must follow the psak of the gdolim his generation and not lone opinons that are not accepted in this world or the world above. For those who want to rely on the lone opinion and disregard the gdolim of the generation, they will have an easier time reconsidering after reading perek chelek of masechet sanhedrin as well as Rambam hilchot teshuva 3:9
@jeval3557 Жыл бұрын
@@YaronReuvenRabbi It is the ultimate halakha ONLY for the Haredi (Litvak) communities). Other Jewish Orthodox (or Traditional and Sephardi) Rabbis and communities disagree with that position.
@YaronReuvenRabbi Жыл бұрын
@@jeval3557 I'm not Litvak, I am sephardic and have a beit din and kollel and surrounded by talmidie chachaim, some of which are gdolei hador in the sephardic world and you're wrong.
@jeval3557 Жыл бұрын
@@YaronReuvenRabbi Rabbi Yosef Caro agreed in the Shulchan Aruch with the decision of R. Isaac b. Sheshet that the Anusím, who practice the Jewish faith in secret and who were unable to flee the country, are to be regarded as Jews. Other rabbis that have addressed the issue of Jewish return in an alternative way to traditional conversion, including Chief Rabbis Ovadia Yosef and Shlomo Amar who ruled that the Falash Mura (the descendants of Ethiopian Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity) were Jewish and eligible for Aliyah immigration to the State of Israel. Some rabbis, like renowned Torah scholar Rabbi Aaron Soloveichik, ruled that the Anousim should be treated as full Jews in “every way”. Others, like HaRav Mordechai Eliahu (of blessed memory), had created a CERTIFICATE OF RETURN specifically for Bnei Anousim who wish to formally return to Judaism. Although any candidate for such a status must be able to have strong evidence(s) validating the claim of confirmed Jewish identity, some in fact do have significant evidences (not just DNA testing, although it is helpful) to prove athentic Jewishness and are awarded a CERTIFICATE OF RETURN. I’m not referring to the new certificate in these past months people are talking about their Jewish heritage, I’m referring to a return certificate. Obadiah 1:20-21 ... the exiles from Jerusalem at Sepharad will inherit the cities of the Negev.
@adinashaina9977 Жыл бұрын
oh - had to listen again as it is a lot to take in
@GTPimenta 10 ай бұрын
One should be careful with all these words. I ask myself: 1-What if in the future the rabbis come to a conclusion that the current Halacha that defines who is and who is not Jew is no longer appropriate, maybe in order to regather one of the tribes of Israel...I don't know...Suppose all the Bnei Menashe had a patrilineal-based historical background, should the rabbis impose the obligation to convert all of them? You may ask yourself, why would the rabbis come to that conclusion above? Well, just to take an example: The Torah shows that 99.99% of the cases are patrilineal-based descent. I think we should also take into account what the Karaite Jews think about this matter too. Not all of what is in the Halacha is in accordance with written Torah. Both the written Torah, the Oral Law and Halacha must be in accordance with each other, otherwise there will be place for many confusions, injustices and misinterpretation. 2-I see no sensibility coming from rabbi Yaron concerning the history of the Anusim. Rabbi Yaron and fellows seems to have a formula for the problem (conversion, conversion, conversion). He doesn't seem to care about someone else's history, the lack of it or what's left from it, because supposedly the Bnei Anusim shouldn't have lost his roots, have their names changed, etc. What about the sages said about accepting the Bnei Anusim through the process of returning and not conversion? Hey folks, open your eyes, there has never been just one shade of Judaism. Rabbi Yaron, let's face it, you're not prepared to deal with God's delicate matters. The Almighty is not square and He is not bound to his own words. There will come a day, remember my words, in which Hashem himself will take many of those of the Jewish people who were disconnected from them, who were very distant from their fold and will once again regather them. And it will not be done by the hands of men, instead He will bring them collecting them from the nations and will make them live among the fold without the necessity of conversion because it no longer will be necessary in Israel.
@donventi3567 7 ай бұрын
I've been working towards this, can you help me?
@carlospacheco5686 Ай бұрын
I’m a Portuguese Sephardic Jew by ethnicity proven by DNA and can prove it ! But if I was to reconnect I would go through my forefathers way of reconnecting
@adlevhashamayim4694 Жыл бұрын
Rabbi, is the term giur sofek the same as giur lechumra?
@adlevhashamayim4694 Жыл бұрын
Also Rabbi sorry to ask another question but how do we know our Beit Din will be kosher? Is it a recognized Beit Din if it’s backed by the RCA?
@ShaareiZoharDaas Жыл бұрын
The rca is not the only Beis din its more important that there are no hyphenations to the orthodox Jewish ideology and practice.
@adlevhashamayim4694 Жыл бұрын
@@ShaareiZoharDaas in the USA, it’s my understanding that the RCA is the only one recognized by Israel for aliyah purposes spiritual and political (immigration). That’s why I want to make sure. Not so much for me but for my future children BZ”H
@amyjohoppins1087 Жыл бұрын
@happyd1479 8 ай бұрын
I am also from the anusim , we had documents going back to the 1500's that were carelessly lost regardless i want to do the formal conversion i was told by another women who is from the anuism that successfully converted she said we converted out we need to convert back in besides we need the conversion process for education
@donventi3567 7 ай бұрын
Can I ask you questions. I'm part of an organization that is trying to re connect with Anusim
@happyd1479 7 ай бұрын
@@donventi3567 sure
@anpu418 Жыл бұрын
Baruch HaSHem Rebbe Shalom
@marek8034 Жыл бұрын
Rabbi is the uk Beth din are kosher ? I’m want to get converted but not sure if they are kosher
@v.3924 Жыл бұрын
Kosher Beth Din arecthe one recognised in Israel otherwise there not. Just check online. London Beth Din is kosher. Good luck
@Simchah18169 Жыл бұрын
@@v.3924 excuse me? I want to get conversion how I check ? If Kabbalah4All our kosher?
@kathleenbell5210 Жыл бұрын
At one time I looked into a "genealogy co." They wanted to do the DNA. I would not. To me it seems like another money maker . So many people do this .
@JoseChavez-cr2cg Жыл бұрын
It is because of Rabbis like this one that I do not convert. You can feel his bigotry oozing out against the Lost Ones of Israel. He forgot he was lost not too long ago from Hashm's ways.
@donventi3567 7 ай бұрын
Are you Anusim?
@JoseChavez-kq1ic Жыл бұрын
Sometimes the rent is quite expensive in the neighborhood where a shul is to be found. This creates a problem for Benei Anusim like me. Here in Miami the Beit din is in Bal Harbor which is an ultra expensive neighborhood and one must live there.
@miriamrivkah Жыл бұрын
you cant be a jew without living near a kosher shul. i have to migrate to an entire different country to return to my people. my direct maternal lineage came from the khorasan iran...jewish. but without official documentation you have to convert. learn the chumash...this will teach you why you have to move near a shul! you simply cant be a jew without. as long as you havent converted back.....when you must....then you are a noahide
@adlevhashamayim4694 Жыл бұрын
This is something I always bring up to other rabanim too. I injured my hand at work and have been unemployed for 7 months now, no compensation except workers comp is paying for therapy. That’s it. The rest of my expenses I’ve had to burden my parents with it, even though I am a grown adult. The hard part is that they don’t care to return in a kosher way so I’m here living in my childhood home, Shabat alone in my room. While I try to figure out a way to open up an online business so I can sustain myself and pay for rent so I can have a kosher home. I pray daily to HaShem to help people in our situation. The thing that gives me strength is remembering how Yosef spent so much time away from his family and inside Egypt yet prospered. No rabbis have a good answer for this dilemma. I understand why we can’t live outside the community, for various reasons, but it’s also like a torturing limbo when you’re trying to learn with a kosher rabi and have a synagogue to visit. 😥I wonder if this is some sort of expiation for our transgressions? It really does feel impossible sometimes. We must continue to beg HaShem for his help with this. To send us the parnassah so we can find the right community to move to and with a kosher Beit Din so we can return halachically and with no issues. BZ”H.
@chanoellemusic2037 Жыл бұрын
Rabbi where should I look to convert?
@JoseChavez-cr2cg Жыл бұрын
You don't like the benei
@JoseChavez-kq1ic Жыл бұрын
How does the Sephardic world feel about the return of the Benei Anusim? Is their disappearance to be 600 years on behalf of the 600,000 exiled and those that converted by 1492 ? Did you know that 2/3 of Spanish Jews converted to catholicism by 1492? There are 2/3 of Spanish Jewry lost to memory right in Latin America and abroad. That means they exiled thousands. Now 600+ years later we have millions of their descendants and some are doing teshuva Torah and tikkun Olam to the glory of HASHM and the splendor of the Sephardic pillar. Many millions remain hidden by tradition. This is a strong tradition of six centuries abroad. Your halacha towards the Benei Anusim is as strong as their tradition to remain well hidden. If the Beit din denies us a true certificate of conversion, why should we as Benei Anusim be embarrassed? We just go back into hiding and we practice in hiding an Orthodox Judaism as well as you and Gd does bless the work of our hands. There should be Anusim communities. There should be the home traditions. This is the only link left. Shouldn't there be massive public Jewish recognitions of these descendants? As the Catholics did mass baptizing, we do massive recognition, the conversion is up to the halachic time. A HALACHIC RECOGNITION should be in place, this may cause a massive exodus to Israel-bringing an economic boom and army replenishment beyond our wildest dreams along with problems to be solved, to be solved in the Negev of course. Why do you think the Negev still wild and half dried? Moshiach will not be seen till the Sephardic community realizes this, and that because the prophecy of return is a duty of Moshiach but not the awakening that sparks his appearance. That responsibility regarding these Benei Anusim belongs to the Sephardic powers of Judaism. So hopefully on behalf of millions of new Israelites, these be recognized pronto, no punt intended; for the glory of HASHM and the splendor of the Sephardic pillar. A change will be caused to the cultural form and environment of the Negev and that because of the industrious Hispanic people. All of this is a prophecy and a duty. There is no 3rd temple till their return, their owed teshuva is proven true, and they will practice it at home hiding it or abroad without a certificate, because they are Jews and Hashm is One to them. This will cause Moshiach to appear in Zion after Elijah brings us back home with halacha or not due to our deeply felt intentions. Their return can't be denied. Their teshuva won't be disregarded. Here are a few famous Benei Anusim: El Cid. Christopher Columbus. Cervantes de Saavedra. Diego Sanchez, treasurer of queen Isabella in 1492.Torquemada was of Jewish stock. The grandmother of queen Isabella was of Jewish stock. Hag Sameach to all. Januca alegre.
@piscagherila9981 Жыл бұрын
@JoseChavez-kq1ic Жыл бұрын
@@zjg4gcvn First and foremost, am not crazy, that's dismissive. Even since then with the moors and xristians having wars everywhere, ruling over any race. You know Sephardic history. That's how far back this survival system has existed for Jews not to mention Esther as the first crypto Jew. I could say more regarding how far back crypto Judaism has existed in Judaism but my post is not that but my post is regarding the present halachic condition on the Benei Anusim. I guess the only thing many are informed in is El Cid and not these millions of Jewish souls. To be honest with you this rabbi knows more about hell than anything else you may find on the existing diaspora of the Conversos descendants who long for Judah. He spoke of one example regarding a married couple in a vague manner like trying to give an answer just to have an answer there and it it way more than what this video represents and it does not represent the original interests of many descendants of the Anusim, the Benei Anusim. Didn't this rabbi forget Gd for a while in his life too? So there is probable cause for him to find out regarding these dried bones on another part of the valley of dried bones. If he does not, he does not, someone else will because it is part of the weaving for the prophecy of Ovadiah. Me as a Benei Anusim decided to cast my lots with the Jewish people since 2009 after two years of research and reeducation. So there is halacha that has built a glass wall for us opposite Israel but for me there is life. I have chosen life.
@shirleesantiago8529 Жыл бұрын
The Bnei ANUSIM were deported to the Americas and forcefully converted. But the so called natives and Hispanics are actually of the ten tribes whom were carried away by Salmanesser. The prophecies state both houses would be in Captivity together in the land of the North and that is where we are to be delivered from.
@Simchah18169 Жыл бұрын
@@piscagherila9981 what are you a Jewish or troal😅
@piscagherila9981 Жыл бұрын
@@Simchah18169 Anusim arent jewish
@ShaareiZoharDaas Жыл бұрын
DNA has nothing to do with Jewish status.
@Simchah18169 Жыл бұрын
It is what it says, but if they did a DNA test, I bet you it won't give them the result that they have Jewish blood! However, a lot of Latin Americans, if they have given us that result and even if it hurts, maybe for you we are not, but for HaShem yes, they are from his family, also when the Messiah comes he will say the last word, I have said
@soulmateprivate889 Жыл бұрын
I want to convert to Judaism.
@shirleesantiago8529 Жыл бұрын
You're telling who this is not the way??? You don't tell anyone anything you are NOT THE AUTHORITY ON WHO IS DESCENDED of ISRAEL. Your fake conversions do NOT determine who is ISRAEL.
@Simchah18169 Жыл бұрын
Mija more respect for the Rabbi. Pero aunque les duela un gran % de latinoamericanos somos decedentes de Avraham, isaac , Jacob. Porque el DNA 🧬 lo dice Porque no lo contaron los viejos de la familia, que ese era el gran secreto 🤫 por años Shalom mi amada
@shirleesantiago8529 Жыл бұрын
@@Simchah18169 I don’t speak Spanish.
@phillipapodaca7407 Жыл бұрын
I am anisuim I know Someday hashem will give me the opportunity to go through a proper Orthodox conversion
@Simchah18169 Жыл бұрын
Apodaca Mira punto Breaslev every single day we studying Torah ,Rabbi we help get your conversation on Orhodox conversion.
@donventi3567 7 ай бұрын
Hello I have questions for you
@phillipapodaca7407 7 ай бұрын
@@donventi3567 yes?
@PMal-hb4pt 3 ай бұрын
Si no te aceptan para una conversion Orthodoxa, buscala por los reformados. Es la mas facil. Si la haces por los Reformados, el Rabinato de Israel no tiene nada que decir sobre tu conversion o aliyah. El rabinato de Israel solo opina en los casos de aliyah de conversiones ORTHODOXAS! Si tienes una conversion legitima de los Reformados, el Estado de Israel la reconoce. Cuando estes en Israel, haces un "upgrade". Los Orthodoxos estaran mas que disponibles para sacarte del movimiento reformado y hacerte un "verdadero" yiddin Orthodoxo. Hashkacha pratis para ti!
@Felipemour4 Жыл бұрын
So many hate in this video, I was had strangers traditions in my family and about two years ago I discovered the Judaism in my ancestors, i don’t pretend to be Jewish, even I keeping sabbath, kosher low and some stuff. I was impacted by my family history, how they tried e succeed to keep many Jewish stuff in the secret way. I never understood why the Jewish community never care about this, the inquisition was finish in 1821 and from there or maybe before that nothing was done, well for this reason I respect the Judaism but probably I’ll not be Jewish, watch this video make me sad because have no respect about sensibilities, I see hate 😢 even I’m agree with some points, I’m not agree with method. For last think I confess I was thought Judaism was about family and loving people, I’m seeing more hate and exclusivity and this is sad.
@dann110 Жыл бұрын
I think he’s calling R’ Yonatan Halevy in San Diego a “hobo”. Wow.
@Simchah18169 Жыл бұрын
I chismoso😂
@steelknight2012 Жыл бұрын
Listening to this video demonstrates the nonsense that modern Jews, put sincere and honest hearted people through, people that want to get close to G-d. The Shulchan Aruch explains how simple conversion is and yet all these modern rabbis have politicized the process and it doesn’t help either. But the bottom line why they make it so hard for people to convert to Judaism is all based on racism and yes, it will be denied by our very people themselves, but some not all of the so called Orthodox Jews that have sex with Goya on the side and are doing things in the dark will also shame and try to put down sincere converts even though they are not righteous themselves. Unfortunately Jewish people are very racist and that’s not antisemitic. That’s a fact, and let’s face it just they don’t want a bunch of brown people in their synagogues , I get it so you have to make it difficult for converts to be able to convert to Judaism, and if you go through the humiliation, the rejection the insults after you go through all of that, then you might be ready to take a dip in the Mikva. How is that even Jewish law? Not to mention the rabbis that charge thousands of dollars for conversions because some will deny that it happens, but it does happen . Also, why does it have to be a bet din that’s recognized by the chief Israeli rabbinate? It never used to be like this before the year 2000 or so. Orthodox rabbis were doing their own conversions and it has been this way for hundreds of years. Also, conversion did not take years. They used to take at a very minimum six months to eight months Orthodox conversions I’m speaking off. When a non-Jew tells me he wants to convert to Judaism. I tell him it’s not worth it because you’re going to face racism you’re going to face discrimination because of your skin color or your ethnicity if you’re not white or you don’t look Middle Eastern, Sephardic or you will face all types of questions a barrage of questions some people who humiliate you will talk about you in Hebrew or Yiddish to other people while they’re smiling to your face. How do I know all of this not only because I’m Jewish I used to live in a synagogue in North Miami and I saw how bad convert’s were treated and all the garbage they spoke of them they looked at them like they were cockroaches, and that is so disheartening , as a Jew, it breaks my heart to have to see that to have to witness that when that is not Torah and Mitzvahs. This is the reality of the Jewish people and it’s sad and I discourage people from converting to Judaism. I think I’m doing a good thing, but it’s sad because it should not have to be this way. It should not have to be this difficult so all these rabbis making it hard for people to convert and putting obstacles in their way have a big price to pay to Hashem. Hashem Yerachem
@Simchah18169 Жыл бұрын
Really! It’s very 😔 I closed my facebook account, because I accepted as friends, oh, several Jewish men! They were sending me many messages and talking to me. one even sent me an indecent photo and I thought where is the holiness
@davidg6108 8 ай бұрын
I think you are exaggerating quite a bit, I traveled a lot and see all the sides. Sure there are problems I seen many white people not being let in easily. Norway for example have had people in conversion for 5 years. What the modern poskim and to relation what SA says quite irrelevant. I doubt any one in the comment section of YT is on the madrega to determine what.a proper time fore a conversion should be or what is valid
@JoseChavez-cr2cg Жыл бұрын
I am a descendant of the converses. I throw my lot with the jews
@Simchah18169 Жыл бұрын
Chávez venga ah estudiar Torah ah punto breslev ,KZbin mijo Arriba los Be Anusim!!!
@JoseChavez-cr2cg Жыл бұрын
@@Simchah18169 Gracias. El enlace?
@NimNim2024 Жыл бұрын
They are Anusim Jews in Iran and mainly in Mashad city. Current Ayatollahs in Iran are Anusim Jew and mostly from Anusim.
@donventi3567 6 ай бұрын
Can you tell me more
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