That's definitely an improvement over the old kit, it's nice to see old kits get retooled like that. And like you mentioned in the video, it's easy to identify an old kit by seeing the motorised parts in the box.
@weekendhobbyist4 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching and commenting as always @Graham_Patch. One reason why I like Aoshima is that they are always either reboxing, adding new parts, or retooling their kits.
@DS-gk8vr4 ай бұрын
Looks good! Hopefully you can do a full build and paint videos so I can follow along, since I’m a newbie to modeling!😊
@weekendhobbyist4 ай бұрын
Welcome to modeling! And thanks for watching and taking time to comment ☺️. Check out my older videos for some of my builds. Hopefully they can be helpful.
@csdestonia69843 ай бұрын
Good thing is that Aoshima finally did a DMC-12 without BTTF too (#06435).
@weekendhobbyist3 ай бұрын
@@csdestonia6984 totally makes sense too since most of the tooling is already there.
@laurenciozabala42964 ай бұрын
The grease is not for motorization. It's to lubricate the mechanism that makes the tires go from normal driving to lifting body type.