Appeal To Majority: How This Logical Fallacy Is Used And Abused!

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@markrothenbuhler6232 10 ай бұрын
I was going to come out in defense of the appeal to majority, but then most people told me I shouldn't, so I dropped it.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Lol! That’s wonderful. Well done!
@leob3447 10 ай бұрын
Yes, well played 🙂
@Azho64 10 ай бұрын
@raya.p.l5919 10 ай бұрын
all black or white sheep who read my words will receive Jesus healing an level 1 that is always at 11 07 eastren an 23 seconds because I like Michael Jordan. level 1 is a gift can't be taken away. all the other levels an gifts can 10 levels an 40 gifts in all.level 10 projecting thought an memory.
@jimwyatt9894 10 ай бұрын
@DJoseph-sp4ij 9 ай бұрын
If I ever raised an objection about Catholicism, my mother would angrily say something like "So you think you're smarter than hundreds of millions of believers?" but if I ever wanted to do something other kids were doing, it was always "So you would jump off a bridge just because everyone else is doing it?" How I wish I'd known about cognitive dissonance and logical fallacies when I was a teenager.
@TK.D36 4 ай бұрын
Lol I got the same when doing what the other kids wanted but was kicked out of sunday school at 5 when I said God was like the Devil for turning lots wife into salt. I was then educated into all the evil in the old and new testament by my grandfather who went to church every Sunday. I was lucky both mum and pop (Christians) still taught me all the issues with the Bible's and dad being an atheist also congratulated me like my mother and pop. Mum and Dad, a Christian and atheist are still together after 46 years of marriage. Ps mum still loves atheist vids and everyone who calls out the bible joke on us all.
@ChristopherMueller-qm9us Ай бұрын
I always got the “so you’re calling Jesus a liar”? And that whole “doubt comes from the Devil crap”. And also that whole response where I bring up right and wrong and she responds with” who gave you the ability to determine right and wrong”, “who gave you a conscience”?
@NomDeGuerre91 10 ай бұрын
My Southern Baptist aunt tried to use the “most people are Christians so it has to be true” argument, so I applied her logic and asked her why she wasn’t catholic considering most christians are catholic. Edit: lol as soon as I posted this you started talking about it. And it’s pronounced Connect-lee
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
So true!
@DavidRichardson153 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, apologists always seem like they either never consider or deliberately ignore a little thing called denominations.
@JoelCarli 10 ай бұрын
Most people aren't Christians though
@lizhoward9754 10 ай бұрын
Touche! Good job.
@NomDeGuerre91 10 ай бұрын
@@JoelCarli true but I guess her point was christianity is the largest ideology
@DannyS177 10 ай бұрын
I have seen some Christians trying to have it both ways. They say things like "look at how many Christians there are, so it must be true" then later on they say "all those people who say they are Christians are still going to hell because they don't believe in this thing that I believe." And I don't think they see the contradiction.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Right! Nailed it. Inconsistently playing on whatever side they need to for their current point or narrative.
@derreckwalls7508 10 ай бұрын
An integral part of Christian indoctrination seems to be making people unable to recognize contadictions, and it extends beyond just their Bible. In the recent political situation in the US it has become obvious that they apply one set of rules to themselves and another more stringent set of rules to others - in much the same way that they justify their God's "immoral" actions by saying morallity only applies to mankind and that God, who devised morality in the furst place, cannot be held to our feeble definitions of morality. They try to enforce their beliefs on others, and when others criticize them they call it persecution. But I guess when you think you speak for God the rules don't apply to you since God is exempt form being moral. They call it "knowing truth". I call it hypocrisy.
@Cuffsmaster 10 ай бұрын
I never really thought of it like that but you are correct.
@zombies4evadude24 6 ай бұрын
Not to mention all the other religions with millions of followers. Islam has nearly as much as Christianity, about 1.5 billion. That’s a lot of people who are so sure about their version of YHWH as much as you are. Many Hindus and Buddhists as well.
@stefansevcik1877 6 ай бұрын
@ift-Brandon I'm Christian and I do not know single person who would claim "look at how many Christians there are, so it must be true" hence I regard this argument for a strawman fallacy, unless someone concrete specified. Nobody was named so it is left just on the blind faith to believe such people do exist and author encountered them. Moreover, if you pick up one person from a group who could be easy target for you just because he's not arguing correctly, it does not mean the group as such is mistaken in its core beliefs. Thomas Aquinas, when he had a dispute, he always looked for strongest opposing opionins, not the weakest. We can call it Aquinas' maxim, if you are interested in serious dsipute and not only false feeling of victory over opposing stands, go foro the strongest ones.
@donaldnumbskull9745 10 ай бұрын
The way Christianity was spread throughout Europe was that missionaries would convert the local king/baron/warlord/whatever - usually with a heretical version of the faith especially tailored to their target's needs and wants - who would then, usually forcefully, convert their subjects. It was, in effect, a ruthless and very effective sales campaign. That's how it started to be the world's most popular religion.
@AbhijeetMishra 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, Christians say Christianity is the best way of life and relation to God, I counter that saying it also has been forced by crazy people who killed in God's name, and they counter that saying that isn't true Christianity, which leaves me to wonder why then do they use its popularity as a reason for why it's true.
@RebelWvlf 10 ай бұрын
But if you point this out to Christians, they would then tell you how "you don't know Christianity, you never been one to begin with". They go after education system, banning and burning books because knowledge is the worst enemy of Christ-cultists.
@memcrew1 10 ай бұрын
I figured the Roman Empire was the reason for Europe’s choice of Christianity, since the Romans controlled Europe and adopted Christianity.
@donaldnumbskull9745 10 ай бұрын
@@memcrew1 Based on reading one book (!) I can confidently say that it was a bit more complicated than that. That book is 'Christendom, the triumph of a religion' by Peter Heather, and it's fascinating and very readable.
@memcrew1 10 ай бұрын
@@donaldnumbskull9745 Ok, I’m going to check it out.
@tussk. 10 ай бұрын
My family came to Scotland from Eire when I was a baby. We moved to a semi- rural area with a relatively huge Irish catholic community, which was controlled from the top down by the church. If I wasn't baptised I couldn't go to the local school. There was a protestant alternative, but we wouldn't be welcome there as immigrants, and would be ostracized by our own. If we didn't go to Sunday service and put our money in the collection plate then we would be excluded from the community and community events, all of which were run by the clergy. I never believed a single word of the bible, but I had to pretend to or risk getting beaten or expelled from school, and my parents had to do the same or they wouldn't be able to find work, and thier friends would be encouraged to stop visiting. I don't know how many of the community were actually christians or catholics, but given the decidedly pagan superstitions and rituals that we performed in our daily lives, I'm going to go with a very low figure. We pretended to believe because our lives would be so much worse if we didn't, and that was good enough for the parish. It is never about faith, it's all about power.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thats an excellent example and a good addition. Many time, that “majority” doesnt really even believe.
@tussk. 10 ай бұрын
We 'believed' because we had too. After time, the pretence becomes mindless habit, and it can be hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. My mother is now a part of the local church, and she puts the same pressure on others as was put onto us. Whether she is a christian or not doesn't matter, she is part of the majority that everybody has to conform too.@@MindShift-Brandon
@emilyroseayres84 7 ай бұрын
This sounds like a dreadfully confusing experience for you, as a child and must’ve been frustrating, to the extreme, for your parents. I’m curious, the pagan rituals that were practiced by the people of the town…throwing a pinch of salt over the left shoulder for good luck type of deal or secretly meeting in the forest under the full moon? My mum is an atheist but sent my brother’s and I to Sunday school each weekend and practiced a few little ritualistic pagan-ish things when we were kids.
@stefansevcik1877 6 ай бұрын
I grown up during era of Communist rule and I experienced exactly opposite, teachers were asking who is attending the Sunday school and those who answered yes had lowered chances for higher education etc. In my classroom, there was only one guy-Catholic who dared not to join the communist youth organization and this label would go with him for ever if atheistic Communism would not collapse.
@stefansevcik1877 6 ай бұрын
Would it be possible to give the school name and location so that I could contact the director and confront him with your claim and democratically give him right to defence against your accusations?
@mintybadger6905 10 ай бұрын
You have to love the Logical Fallacies - the appeal to authority has been a savage weapon in the wrong hands for a very long time.
@russellmillar7132 10 ай бұрын
This argument is used in advertising. I remember in the late fifties a poster that read: "3 million Elvis fans can't be wrong!" I really liked Elvis back then and I found the implied logic very convincing. Since then whenever someone uses an appeal to majority, I always call it the Elvis fallacy.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Ha. Love that!
@ColinWrubleski-eq5sh 10 ай бұрын
An irrelevant aside, but i just saw an "Elvis1" vanity Tennessee licence plate on a car in a parking lot in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. How random...
@zacharylehocki 10 ай бұрын
I agree that appealing to a majority or big numbers of people is often in many cases fallacious, but I think that appealing to the growing number of subs on this channel is not. It shows you are doing something right!
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Ha! Thats awesome. Thank you!
@ViiOlet810 10 ай бұрын
I just wanted to drop a comment to show you some appreciation for all your hard work with your videos. I bake on Sunday mornings and wait for your Sunday videos to start ☺️ I'm not someone that's good with putting ideas into words so I have a lot of admiration for people who do, like yourself. Even when you go on a tangent, your words are still engaging and you don't loose sight of the main idea that you're conveying. I truly enjoy your content and I'm thrilled to see your channel getting some traction. You deserve it 👏
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
What a lovely comment. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your day! Appreciate your kind encouragement very much.
@rincasarff5200 10 ай бұрын
I agree hardcore with your comment. If I tried to do something like this I’d keep veering off into tangents way too much, so I’m happy Brandon creates these videos.
@jeffbenelli6999 10 ай бұрын
Believe it or not, I’m trying not to sound like a teenage groupie, but great job Brandon you keep picking relevant topics and presenting them so well and I appreciate it.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
I appreciate that!
@DrakeTimbershaft 10 ай бұрын
The appeal to majority had kept me under religion’s thumb for a long time. Then I thought about how many people in antiquity believed in a geocentric universe. It popped that logical fallacy in my mind like a balloon. Thanks for putting up this video. We had a term for this in grade school: peer pressure.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Great comment. Peer pressure is a huge part of it for sure.
@democrat7441 10 ай бұрын
Ancient Greek creation story fits geocentrism
@democrat7441 10 ай бұрын
@@MindShift-Brandon Go to AA or it's sister program Al-Anon. They will gaslight you saying it's not Christianity. Then tell you it's your ego not believing in a higher power you treat like the Christian god.
@glorificus929 10 ай бұрын
NDEs and sleep paralysis are largely influenced by a persons cultural experience. Love your channel. I am terrible at vocalizing clearly where I am and you help me put words to it. Thank you ❤
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Appreciate that. Thank you!
@gusgrizzel8397 10 ай бұрын
How are night terrors, aka "sleep paralysis" affected by " a person's cultural experience"? Have had them in the past, and yeah, felt a malicious presence, although I don't believe in the supernatural.
@gabitamiravideos 10 ай бұрын
@@gusgrizzel8397I presume the ideas the mind comes up to make sense of a terrorizing experience are colored by whatever the person has heard or seen before, and that includes their culture.
@glorificus929 10 ай бұрын
@@gusgrizzel8397 People who do believe in the supernatural have experienced sleep paralysis as a dark shadowy figure (usually the demons of their culture) sitting on their chest and preventing their movement. People in rural areas have experienced it as alien abduction. It varies.,during%20dreaming%20and%20provokes%20paralysis.
@gusgrizzel8397 10 ай бұрын
@@gabitamiravideos It doesn't work that way. Most of the people, from all walks of life, who have night terrors-- have a very similar experience. It's physiological. The paralysis is very real.
@JamesRichardWiley 10 ай бұрын
Good point Brandon. Without the assistance of the Internet I could have never shaken off the Catholic indoctrination that I received for twenty years. I knew something was wrong but I did not have the counter arguments offered by channels such as Mindshift and Kristi Burke available to me to make the transition. A big thanks.
@RubyNeumann 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. So glad you are doing this... I still don't want to have these in depth conversations with my family. I realize... especially since we have experienced so much tragedy in the in the last few years, that they need "God". I have a Bertrand Russell quote in my office that helps me understand this... "The first thing to realize, if you wish to become a philosopher, is that most people go through life with a whole world of beliefs that have no sort of rational justification, and that one man's world of beliefs is apt to be incompatible with another man's , so that they cannot both be right. People's opinions are mainly designed to make them feel comfortable; truth, for most people is a secondary consideration." BR. I can't say it any better.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
No one can say it better than Bertrand. Great quote from a great man. I get it. I am not convinced people SHOULD believe these things just because its easier for them though. I see it as a crutch, that until we put down, we can never fully heal and start to run again. That being said, i completely get in specific situations and dynamics it simply not being worth the carnage to the relationship.
@annemurphy8074 10 ай бұрын
@@MindShift-Brandon I see it as a further growing up. Giving up religious beliefs or any beliefs for that matter, it's like giving up the belief in Santa Clause. We are willing to grow up out of it. When we really go for truth and reality as it is, it requires the examination of all of our conditioning. It's a constant and ongoing process of shedding.
@rainbowkrampus 10 ай бұрын
If I had my way, formal logic would be a mandatory part of schooling starting very early. Algebra is dumb and most people will rarely if ever use it in their adult life. But logic is useful literally everywhere. Both logic and rhetoric are vital skills and it's crazy that many people will not encounter them formally until college, if ever.
@DavidRichardson153 10 ай бұрын
Algebra has its uses. I agree that it is not actually used much outside of the STEM fields (and I work in STEM), but I think it does help teach logic and critical thinking. Spotting connections, recognizing patterns, extrapolating towards a certain conclusion - all of this, algebra does teach. Granted, it is a pretty roundabout (and understandably frustrating) way of doing it, but at least there actually is logic underneath it, unlike with apologetics. So don't knock algebra too much. For apologetics, though, break out the tactical nukes.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Yes! Logic, critical thinking, comparative religion, philosophy, psychology etc. so much useful knowledge!
@riseofdarkleela 10 ай бұрын
I actually use simple algebra almost every day. Solving for “x” happens every time i change a recipe, figure out bulk pricing, etc. But I absolutely agree that critical thinking needs to be taught young and be emphasized. I was talking to a friend one day when I kinda realized why parents might have a tough time with this, however. Can you imagine all the kids who would pull apart their parents’ logical fallacies, forcing the parents to make logical sense instead of a constant undercurrent of “because I said so.”?
@TonyLambregts 10 ай бұрын
@@DavidRichardson153 I prefer logic to rhetoric. I suppose it is logical to understand when rhetoric is used in place of logic.
@jenniferhunter4074 10 ай бұрын
@@riseofdarkleela yep, something as simple as 'I have 20 dollars. how many of x, y, and z can I buy as efficiently as possible?" (I know that gets into higher math but algebra is integral to understanding math as a language. The addition and division... all of that is "Jack and Jill went up the Hill".. and it's when you hit geometry and algebra that you start reading middle school novels. Math is a pure conceptual language. It's why a lot of people have difficulty with it. The discipline involved in learning this created pure conceptual language can help with all sorts of other disciplines. it's pure conceptual thought. y = 2x is an entirely different thing from y = 2^x which is entirely different from y = x^2. They're all describing something. Training in this subject leads to a more disciplined mind. (This isn't a knock on other disciplines. It's just .. do people understand how impressive math is? If we ever meet aliens, that's probably the language we will use to jump start any communication. It's the precision and the pure conceptual nature of this language that helps make it the universal language.) Critical thinking skills would be enhanced if you are good at math. math requires precision and logical flow of thought. You do not magically jump from x to z. You must learn to transform it and process it to that end goal. So a good mathematician may draw from geometry, algebra, trig to resolve and isolate the unknown or relate the variables as simply as possible.
@daysoftheboo 10 ай бұрын
It's the whole worshiping thing that creeps me out the most why do you need something to worship? Narcissus want to be worshipped, if someone has a strong desire to worship something well then go find a narcissist and worship them because at least a narcissistic person is a real living existing thing
@justanotheropinion5832 10 ай бұрын
“Pretend to believe or die!” “See, everyone believes so it must be true”
@bigskypioneer1898 10 ай бұрын
Once upon a time the majority of people believed that the earth was flat. Once upon a time people believed the body was regulated by humors, and bleeding was an actual medical treatment for every illness.
@aussie405 10 ай бұрын
Weirdly, bleeding is still an actual medical treatment for iron overload disorder! But not most other things. 😊
@ambarlostinthewoods3080 10 ай бұрын
Thanks, this is the argument my family always brings up, after pascal wager obviously. Pretty important to tackle.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
My pleasure. I think its got to be one of the most common.
@Azho64 10 ай бұрын
But also counter apologetics 101 imo and easily refuted but still important and nice to hear someone like Brandon expose the nonsense most of us atheists used as xtians.
@DavidRichardson153 10 ай бұрын
Pretty much the same with mine, though I think they did NOT appreciate my response to their Pascal's Wager appeal being quoting Homer Simpson.
@bigskypioneer1898 10 ай бұрын
I agree with you about the internet and atheism. The internet didnt _make_ me an atheist but it helped me come to terms with my faith crisis in a healthy way. It gave me answers to questions my ministers just wished away when i asked. It gave me a community and most importantly helped me overcome the stigma associated with being an atheist. By choice, I am not an "in your face" atheist, for the most part I am a "live and let live" atheist. But I'm also not afraid to tell someone I'm an atheist or why I'm an atheist. I'm not afraid to ask questions thtat challenege a belief system or the attempt to make the USA a theocracy.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Well said!
@stefansevcik1877 6 ай бұрын
Ad. " It gave me answers to questions my ministers just wished away when i asked." If you understand yourself what are you writing about, may you please quote TOP 2 of those questions (I assume, since you use plural, they have been at least two). Thanks!
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Happy Sunday, i cover many different examples of this ridiculous fallacy and why it simply doesnt work. Enjoy!
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
We know scientifically adam and eve cannot have existed. We know scientifically life did not start 6000 years ago. We know from archaeological evidence that yahweh was first part of the Canaanite pantheon of gods and usurped his father El to become high god. We know when and where this story originated and we know that man existed before that.
@jenna2431 10 ай бұрын
Don't apologize for running after a rabbit or going long. What you have to say has value. It's not running up watch-time. I've never ever been annoyed when watching.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
@jenna2431 thats so nice to hear. Thank you!
@stimlord 10 ай бұрын
Another fantastic video, Brandon! Love seeing your channel grow, its been an integral part of deconstruction in our house. Yours is the first channel I recommend to friends of mine that left the faith as well those that are untangling the negative impact Christianity has had on their critical thinking skills. Well done!
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thats amazing to hear. Thanks for the trust and love!
@not_a_theist 10 ай бұрын
I admire the way your mind works and your ability to communicate your thoughts so eloquently. Watching your subscriber count grow has been exciting to see.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thats so very kind. Thank you!
@redraven_the 10 ай бұрын
Thank you very much. I have just now learned about a phenomenon, that I never heard before (much less in my own language ... still trying to find the correct expression). Now I know, what I am (for whatever reason) not susceptible to and therefore clashing with the world around me my whole life.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing that! It is fascinating how well this works for so many people.
@merarifreethought 10 ай бұрын
You know what's really popular? Refined sugar...yet still not a health food. I'm glad you covered this topic. Honestly we need to apply this kind of critical thinking to so much of our belief systems. I will say, the social pressure of christian dominance, for a variety of reasons that you covered at the end, was what led me to briefly try to get into christianity, attending church maybe 6-8 times. I never believed, but I got into it a few times, saw the metaphor in the messages that were being preached. Luckily they told the story of Abraham readying his son for sacrifice. That was the last time I attended.
@CharlesPayet 10 ай бұрын
Very well-explained, Brandon. Congrats on your channel continuing to grow, too. I look forward to new content from you each week and hope you can keep it going long-term.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thanks so much, Charles!
@emilyroseayres84 7 ай бұрын
Brandon, your channel’s comment section is just brimming with the most fascinating people sharing their experiences. Some sad. Some encouraging. All interesting. Reading these comments has become an enjoyable part of my day. The best comment section of any KZbin channel I’ve subscribed to so far.
@cygnustsp 10 ай бұрын
Another great video. A post-biblical world would be fascinating but way too scary for most people, even if they happen to like Star Trek. I sure wish i could be around to see what happens in the next 500 years, but so did people who lived 500 years ago lol.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
So true!
@mr.waddleslol 8 ай бұрын
Your channel is weirdly comforting for me because now I know Im not alone in questioning Christianity, i get that it has helped and boosted people's mental health but they cant speak for everyone, Christianity to me was a nightmare. Made me feel like i had to fix myself and i had to do it fast. Why do they pretend as if they speak for everyone, telling me that their lives were changed positively by Christianity while Christianity haunted me and made me constantly anxious and scared of being myself.
@ambarlostinthewoods3080 10 ай бұрын
I just love realizing that this things what things that convince me to believe for some more years than I needed to but they are so silly and easy to refute, it's kind of sad I feel like I wasted so much time and I didn't even have good reasons. I hated myself and thought i was going to hell for being LGTQ+ , i wish i would've realized sooner not gonna lie, would've saved me some good years of trauma and hate😢
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
I get it! Those feelings are what prompted the channel in the first place. If i can help others get years of their life back sooner!
@martin2289 10 ай бұрын
There are lots of different ways to counter this all too familiar appeal, but I really like the historial one you described here.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thank you much. History is just so darn valuable to not believing in religion.
@roc5291 10 ай бұрын
Christians can appeal to majority, right up until the details start to matter. When they then get to prove which of the 45,000 different denominations is real, that argument falls apart fast. Just because a religion or denomination smuggles in Jesus into their faith, doesn’t mean they are apart of the larger whole. A Catholic could probably agree or understand where a Lutheran is coming from about most things. But the second either one of them talk to a Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness, it would be very unlikely for them to agree on absolutely anything.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Yes. Great point!
@kyle9777 10 ай бұрын
What's weird at the catholic church in our town is that they "talk" or pray to a relic or eucharist and think "Jesus " is inside of it plus they have their festivals where the priests are drinking beer, they have gambling and pull tabs and games where you can win wine or booze it's like "what kind of a business are they running here?" Lol
@ColinWrubleski-eq5sh 10 ай бұрын
Why do skeptics keep inflating the number of Christian denominations? That 45000 number is utterly absurd (in my teenage years, no one ever said anything higher than 20000); almost certainly the figure counts every individual in a particular denomination but in different countries as members of different denominations. That is highly disingenuous...
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
@ColinWrubleski-eq5sh i agree we should seek to have accurate numbers, i have a whole episode on it. But the very fact you think 20000 sounds better isnt helpful. If its more than 1 we have an issue with the witness of the holy spirit.
@TonyLambregts 10 ай бұрын
​@MindShiftSkeptic there's a lot of variation even in the Catholic church. There's this perception that it is monolithic with the Pope at the top but it's probably got more variation than McDonald's.
@joemonroe46 9 ай бұрын
I discovered your “shows” very recently, and I was initially put off by the sheer rapidity of your speaking. Fortunately, and by sheer accident, I stumbled across another piece of yours in which I was quite able to understand everything you said. And I have to say I was quite impressed, both with the content and with the presentation itself. I’m 81, was raised in a devoutly Catholic household. I’ll spare you the granular details, but after many years of searching, I finally made the jump to atheism, while dabbling in related topics such as stoicism, et al, along the way. And I must say, you are one of the best out of all the speakers and authors I’ve been exposed to, for which I feel very fortunate. Keep up the good work which I’ll continue to eagerly await.
@OldNewsIsGoodNews 10 ай бұрын
Maybe it's just cause my brain works in a similar "well, if I bring up that, then we gotta talk about this ... and this ... and this!" kinda way, but I think you did a great job of being on-point! It's just that there are a lot of things that are related to and/or can fall under the appeal to majority! I love listening to you talk about this kind of stuff.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thank you! Yes the tangents seemed endlessly possible with this topic.
@josephcollins6033 10 ай бұрын
PREACH IT, BROTHER!!!!! No, you are not babbling "off-book" here. You are always centered. I say this too often, I guess, but this one is VERY important. It hits, quickly, the CORE of this insanity. Praise His holy name! We serve an awesome God!!! Dash the babies on the rocks!!!
@chrishollandsworth6700 10 ай бұрын
It was helpful - I'm still facing these arguments. Sometimes, we listen to MindShift because you are explaining outloud what we've been screaming quietly in our minds while having to be tactful with a believer we care about.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thank you. Glad to be useful here!
@drlegendre 10 ай бұрын
I find it extremely telling that Christians - a highly diverse group, divided thousands of ways amongst themselves - are so quick to turn around and trumpet the claim that they are the largest "single" religion on Earth: All one in the Body of Christ when it serves them, but come Sunday morning, and the reality is a different matter entirely.
@VioletWonders 10 ай бұрын
You hit the nail on the head. It's not what MAKES us believe but it definitely is a big factor in KEEPING us in belief. I still fight that thought fairly often in this phase of my journey, "But how could soooo many people be wrong for sooo many years!?" So yeah, thanks for the reminder.
@michaelhenry1763 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. I think it is always important to always examine why we believe or know something versus appealing to majority. Because it is easier to appeal to majority then examine our reasoning. Thank you for appealing to reason and encouraging us to do the heavy lifting and examine ourselves.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Well put! Thank you for watching!
@theboombody 10 ай бұрын
Well, when it comes to believing in time dilation, probably best to believe the majority in the scientific community because doing that yourself requires way too much specialized effort and equipment. Even though it's EXTREMELY unintuitive.
@michaelhenry1763 10 ай бұрын
@@theboombody I agree, with hard sciences we have to rely on the majority and flow along with it when it changes based on new evidence.
@steveg1961 10 ай бұрын
After watching your discussion here, I just have to say that I genuinely appreciate how you discuss abstract concepts like this from such refreshing angles. I've pondered these kinds of concepts for over 40 years - but then I hear you discuss them in ways that easily bring fresh insights. Thank you.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thats a wonderful and highly encouraging compliment. Thank you so much!
@user-lc9tk1yd9y 10 ай бұрын
I love the way you end your videos. "Keep...THINKING!" I need a mug or better yet a bumper sticker with that on it!
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Someday we will do some MindShift Merch ha. And thanks for making it to the end!
@user-lc9tk1yd9y 10 ай бұрын
@TonyLambregts 10 ай бұрын
@@MindShift-Brandon I could see myself buying a mug, poster, or t-shirt with your logo, and the word's "Keep Thinking" on it. Maybe raphicart and his ilk will buy one just so they can scrall. "It's the quickest way to hell and damnation" below it.
@jimwyatt9894 10 ай бұрын
Hello wonderful people from San Antonio! I am wondering are there any people like me? I have truly enjoyed this channel. Including deconstruction reports. As for me, maybe as a young boy, I might have not been constructed in the first place. But I went along with it and paid lip service. Finally, as a middle aged adult, I could no longer live a lie. The fall out with my family 😢 continues to this day.
@briannazq7596 8 ай бұрын
I've deconverted/deconstructed after 62 years a Christian. I'm 71. I too, wouldn't have come to know what is not true without the Internet. It took me 4-5 years to get to this place. I was not in any way looking for this to happen. Now, how to live my life in a world where just about everyone I know is a Christian. I've been discriminated against by three friends/family for changing to Unitarian. That was a year ago. Then I was a Noahide for a few months. Now, I don't believe in a god at all. I can't imagine what will happen to my relationships if I come out to people. Fortunately, my husband and one of my kids know, and are okay with it. They are on a similar path - not because of me.. But in the meantime, I feel like I'm living a lie. Still going to church... still saying I'll pray for people when they request it. At this stage in my life, maybe that's what I need to do. I'm afraid I'll be isolated if I come out.
@MindShift-Brandon 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@rizdekd3912 4 ай бұрын
I wonder of people like you ever consider that there are actually a lot of people like those who go through the motions, follow the rituals and engage in the 'speak' while not really thinking it's true. Is there any particular thing you find distasteful about the rituals they do at your church? I became an atheist in my 30s and continued to go to church for decades...going through the motions until just recently. I didn't see any problems. The last straw was my growing repulsion of communion. At first I could just 'do it' and act as if it's a free snack. But over time and as I thought of it more and more, I realized I had become sickened by the barbaric notion that it is essentially eating the flesh and drinking the blood of a fallen hero. So in the last few months, I've stopped going. My spouse is ok with it so my Sunday mornings are free.
@danielbond9755 10 ай бұрын
I always like to force Christians making arguments based on the popularity of “Christianity” to break the numbers down to their particular version. Do they include Mormons and JWs? How about Catholics? What about churches that allow same sex unions? If you are an evangelical, your religion gets looking like a pretty small minority, not a majority.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Very true.
@leroyh8977 10 ай бұрын
Always appreciate your content. You present the clarity on many questions I have. Thanks.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
So glad to be of use. Thanks for watching!
@nicolealzamora2360 10 ай бұрын
I also was recently thinking about if are souls go onto heaven or hell. How can a soul feel pain in hell? It don't make sense it's so blown out weirdness from other people, and it all don't make sense.
@smidlee7747 10 ай бұрын
Not all pain is physical. So far the most painful part of my life wasn't physical pain.
@youtubestudiosucks978 10 ай бұрын
​@@smidlee7747 that's called being an emo. We have theraphy to help you with that.
@smidlee7747 10 ай бұрын
@@youtubestudiosucks978 " All you need is drugs. All you need is drugs. All you need is drugs, drugs. Drugs is all you need."
@sunnyday6465 9 ай бұрын
Reaching younger people might be easier. Someone who has spent their entire life believing something will be tough. Although with all the newer information on the internet and people like you helping perhaps some people will just slowly drift away from it.
@elilane8627 10 ай бұрын
First off, thank you so much for doing what you do man! People like you and and genetically modify skeptic have helped me so much in finally articulating what I’ve always felt about the church I grew up in and eventually religion itself. Taking the time alone to honestly study and interpret for myself was the scariest thing I’ve ever chosen to do, but I’m so glad I did! It’s so tough to notice how these kind of fallacies can even affect your own thinking when you spend so much time in an echo chamber, especially a family setting where people are constantly reaffirming what they’ve already decided to believe, and equating that belief with being a good person, and really treating it almost as an implied requirement for being accepted in the group. Hopefully this ramble helps someone realize they’re not alone. Remember that the truth remains the truth regardless of what everyone believes, and wrong remains wrong even if everyone is saying it’s okay.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thats very kind and thank you so much for sharing.
@theboombody 10 ай бұрын
Wrong remains wrong, except a lot of atheists don't believe in absolute morality. A few tend towards the logically consistent but awful moral nihilism. Others (I dare say most) try some worst of weird balance of both absolute and arbitrary and call it relative. But relative morality is so full of logical holes it's best to avoid it. Still, you want logical holes or awful nihilism? That's not an easy decision.
@elilane8627 10 ай бұрын
@@theboombody Objective morality may not necessarily exist, but I think human reasoning and law have already equaled if not surpassed the so called objective morality of the Bible. Nihilism is a beast I had to wrestle with personally but I believe that’s mainly because I was so dependent on my fairy tale coping mechanism that I couldn’t see much purpose in a life without it. I now feel that we’re free to decide our own purpose in our lives, and I find more meaning in my everyday life now that I ever did as a Christian. Our time is limited and we are all we’ve got as far as I can tell. Nobody’s coming to save us, so we might as well spend our time trying to help each other as best we can and enjoying that time rather than making bold claims and preaching from poorly understood ancient stories to try and instill the “right” sense of morality into people, especially our kids.
@NYKim_NY 10 ай бұрын
I appreciate Brandon's work, he's a gifted speaker and has a raw stealthy way of communicating. I do not agree with everything he says, but I appreciate where he is coming from, and the diligence and dedication he has in helping others navigate and process this life change. I do still believe in God, and an afterlife. I have heard hundreds of NDE stories, many too unique and wonderous to not be real. Peeling back the layers and continuously examing is what has brought me this far. It's definitely a lonely journey, but liberating just the same.
@jenna2431 10 ай бұрын
I think for a lot of people it was never a question of IF they'd become Christian, just WHEN. Zero inquiry into anything how much of a "decision" is that in all reality??
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Very true
@holliehilton3224 10 ай бұрын
Great job…I’m proud of your work and your channel’s success!!
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thanks, Hollie. Thats a very kind and encouraging thing to say.
@holliehilton3224 10 ай бұрын
I seriously am grateful for the time and effort you are putting into this. I wish I could undo all of the religious trauma I have-not from being brought as to be a hard-core Christian-I was one of my own choosing-it’s just that I wondered why my prayers were never answered, and if anything, my life got worse if I depended on prayer. I’d like to see a video on why Christians tell you that you are in the “enemy’s” hands if you don’t join the cult…if anything, I was in the “enemy’s” hands when I was in it.
@seraphonica 10 ай бұрын
a lot of evolution debate has taught me to ask "in what environment?" when talking about survival of the fittest. it applies here too. yes, Christianity is the majority. a lot of this is due to its interactions with the environment- crusades, inquisitions, and such are certainly black eyes of the Church. but we don't always bring them up to shame Christians. we sometimes do it to say, "YES, your religion has prospered, but by acting against what you believe are its core tenets"
@Siygrah 10 ай бұрын
Brandon, since I discovered you, I've been able to work through so much more of my deconstruction than I could previously. I vastly appreciate your in-depth knowledge of the bible and you often talk about experiences in your life that resonate with me. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and putting it into concise thoughts for us. I always look forward to seeing your next video.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
I am thrilled to hear i have been helpful. That is my only goal! Thank you for sharing and for being here
@dawnalawrence6584 10 ай бұрын
"He" never helped ME either when I reached out in desperation.
@Hooplh 10 ай бұрын
These vids are my new sermons. You're very good at presenting logical arguments and showing the nonbelivers we're not crazy. Keep up the good work brotha.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Really appreciate that! Thanks so much
@Trigger-xw9gq 10 ай бұрын
Dear religious people: Don't worry, when atheists become the majority, we will treat you far better than you have historically treated us when you were the majority.
@kettei7743 10 ай бұрын
Aside from the incredible oversimplyfication of religious history, tis is a false dicotomy given that atheist religions exist
@smidlee7747 10 ай бұрын
You do realize atheist are already in power like Zoros who betrayed his own people right? In a 96's interview a reporter asked Zoros if he felt guilty of betraying his own people and he said nope, they are dead and I'm alive. He made it clear he was an atheist. ( Zoros real name is protected by AI. That should open your eyes ) Also atheist are among the worst group of producing offspring. Unless atheist continue to convert theist children they will slowly die out. Even evolution whcih many atheist believe is true favors theism over atheism.
@youtubestudiosucks978 10 ай бұрын
​@@smidlee7747if they never released his name then how do you know they arent lying about wether or not he's a believer or not? You already said that their witholding information, who's too say that they arent witholding more information? You didnt know him and information is being withold about him. For all you know he could be part of your group and the longer that information gets witholded the more your argument to prove the difference falls flat. 🤷‍♂️
@smidlee7747 10 ай бұрын
@@youtubestudiosucks978 You can't figured who I'm referring to as Zoros? George Zoros. The atheist has so much power YT AI will not allowed me to name him. Atheism will eventually lead to totalitarianism which why men in power want to brainwash the youth to become atheist.
@youtubestudiosucks978 10 ай бұрын
@@smidlee7747 you cant brainwash people to become atheist, everybody is born as an atheist then they get indoctrinated by predators calling themselves religious.
@sbnwnc 10 ай бұрын
In lieu of dropping a Hamilton in the collection plate, here you go! Also, I checked out your other channel. I thought I had a nice library but *daaang* you have me beat by a mile. Literally. You have a mile of books!
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Ha! Love this comment and love tour generosity. Thank you very very much.
@tperson8347 10 ай бұрын
I just discovered your videos a few days ago and I want to thank you very much. Some of this stuff I've been saying for years even as a Christian. Thanks for the video
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Appreciate that. Thanks
@leo35577 10 ай бұрын
I always look forward to your new videos. Another great one!
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thanks man!
@aprilbryant8641 10 ай бұрын
a tangent or a few are thoughtful gems to think on. i always feel a little smarter & more free after watching one of your videos. TY
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thank you, April! Thats great to hear
@CommonSense_Skeptic 10 ай бұрын
Bingo, this is especially true for people who don't really go to church that are Christians I was one of those people for 40 years. everybody I know is a Christian all my family and friends are Christians and they go to church all the time and read the Bible all the time, so they must know more than me, kind of thought. until I moved to Oklahoma started attending a free will Baptist Church for 3 years, (to make sure my daughter was saved a new about God ) there they teach all of the Bible that led to tons of questions questions and then two years of deep research. (about 2000 hours worth of studying archaeology and bowls and secular in biblical scholars and historians). so I went from fundamentalist Christian 42 years to on the fence for about nine months, before the entire floor fell out from underneath me. but you explained it really well, people don't see past the end of their nose (the words on the biblical pages) and they don't think past what they are told!! I know I didn't, for decades. We get complacent in what we believe so we don't try to think outside of that box
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing! It really amazing how well it works and for so long…until it doesnt. Just takes a little waking up but we were in such a deep sleep!
@CommonSense_Skeptic 10 ай бұрын
@@MindShift-Brandon exactly... and it has nothing to do with a person's intelligence level either. it all has to do with their level of indoctrination... it doesn't take long to deconvert if you can get them to look at other historical facts I'm getting ready to post maybe next week for the first time.. which is something that will just look like Clickbait to disprove the flood and it's extremely easy to do to where even the Christian should believe it because it's based on what they already believe if we can get rid of fundamentalism and Young earth creationism, I'm hoping that can spread to the Muslim world as well and then maybe in 20 (100) years we won't have people murdering people in the name of their God
@CommonSense_Skeptic 10 ай бұрын
here's something kind of ironic I found out though although Muslims or at least the extremists of them seem to be far less civilized and want to apply laws from ancient Judaism into their cult... most of them actually believe the Earth is 4.5 billion years old so they believe science on that and only some of them believe the flood was global I found that funny when I learned that considering Christians still believe in the flood and that the YEC still believe the world is only 6000 years old
@juanarocho973 10 ай бұрын
Appeal to majority is kind of the same as the persuasion principle of social proof!!!
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
I am not familiar with the term but will go look it up. Thanks!
@juanarocho973 10 ай бұрын
Psychologist Robert Cialdini is the researcher!! He has written books about the “psychology of persuasion” Very interesting reading!!!
@douglasgrant8315 10 ай бұрын
Remember what happened on 9:11.. The twin towers: people started walking up the stairs because the stairwell going down was blocked off by all the fire fighting equipment that First Responders discarded and left behind because the packs were to heavy to pack up a hundred flight stairs on their backs. So those that saw the stairwell blocked off started walking up the stairs because they assumed that was the way out.. As those few people started walking up the stairs, others started to the follow the crowd and told others that up was out as they went because they assumed that those in front of them were correct without question!!! They all died going up the tower all because of false information and appealing to the majority of those who were walking ahead of them and up instead of down. Those few that were contarian lived to tell this story. It only takes one to be an majority. The mistake wasn't walking up the stairs. The mistake was not questioning whether it was true and believing one person had it right and others did likewise as they went. Sad and horrific. I wish people would learn from this event that following the majority is not the way to go! No pun intended!!! Its a bit ironic that this somewhat similar to the parable Jesus told supposedly about the straight and crooked path.
@andrewschaeffer8147 10 ай бұрын
Marvel Comics is very popular. I knew it! Stan Lee is God
@andrewschaeffer8147 10 ай бұрын
For the record: I learned more life lessons from Stan Lee’s narratives than from the Bible’s narratives
@javieradorno2503 10 ай бұрын
"There are 2.3 billion Christians in the world." Correct, dear believer. That means that the remaining 6 billion are not.
@cjgt77 10 ай бұрын
I always pointed out that even though Christianity is the biggest religion, most people in the world really don't follow Christianity. It's still outnumbered by all religions combined. So like all religions, it's just the most popular game of telephone in the area.
@kidslovesatan34 10 ай бұрын
It's about 30%. Pretty poor if it was true.
@merbst 10 ай бұрын
Happy Sunday Brandon! Here, have a sticker: 💫
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Lol thanks man
@jonmurcott6110 6 ай бұрын
Loving this! I kinda like the tangents and rabbit-holes, too (I do the same thing). 😁
@MindShift-Brandon 6 ай бұрын
Many thanks!
@RatedR4Ruby 10 ай бұрын
One example:in the old days most people believed the sun orbited the earth,but that was never true
@curiousnerdkitteh 10 ай бұрын
Love your videos Brandon! Such great logic and consistency! I'm hoping to share this with some of my friends if they're open to it.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thank you very much. So glad to hear you find it useful!
@jediotaku9592 10 ай бұрын
When I was a Christian, I had a reverse version of this logical fallacy. I would look at all the past martyrs of the faith and how Christianity seemed to have stood the test of time. After 9/11 occurred I came to the realization that martyrs and past adversity against a religion doesn't make it anymore true. Countless people are tragically willing to throw their lives away over their religious beliefs.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Its a great point. Its a huge apologetic also. How willing the apostles were to die. But like you mentioned. It doesnt mean anything
@christophergibson7155 10 ай бұрын
I would have to say comparing those who died for being a disciple of Jesus Christ to Islamic terrorists during 9/11 is not being truthful. Without using The apostate Roman Catholic church as an example, true Christians have died for their faith in Jesus while loving their enemies. Jesus is the example on the cross when He said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Or Stephen the first martyr of the early church..." Lord, do not charge them with this sin." (Acts 7:60b). Other world religions and cults do not die for someone who gave their life for them like The Lord Jesus did. Those who die standing firm in their faith in Jesus, do so because they know Him and love Him.
@CheknoEternity 10 ай бұрын
@@christophergibson7155 God isn’t real. Yet you’re obsessed with spreading your bullshit. You’re not gonna influence or brainwash anyone here.
@TonyLambregts 10 ай бұрын
There is more to deconstruct when it comes to 9/11. Have you ever heard about a group called Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth?
@itkirk 10 ай бұрын
Awesome video, Brandon! A lot of great food for thought, especially pointing out how shifts of popularity in religion can happen in another thousand years or so.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thanks so much! Yes history is a great teacher
@DG-cu1vt 10 ай бұрын
Another great video, Brandon! You validate many of the thoughts I've have and come up with things that never occurred, but completely resonate with me! You sir, are awesome! Keep up the great work. BTW, you must be getting increasingly popular because the KZbin algorithm seems to be adding more commercials to your videos. 🙂
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Oh man. Such a nice comment thank you! And as much as i wish that was why, youtube made a change last week and creators no longer have control over ads. I use to limit the amount, and never include nonskippable. I think its so stupid! Thanks for bearing with them!
@ernestschroeder9762 10 ай бұрын
Completely agree
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@G_Demolished 10 ай бұрын
I always tell them it’s a good thing for them that the argument ad populum is fallacious, given that about 6 of the 8 billion people on earth don’t believe in their religion.
@tangerinetangerine4400 10 ай бұрын
It sounds to me like some christians don't understand the difference between "x is the biggest religion" and "most people are followers of x religion". Because only one is true for christianity right now.
@Kattlarv 10 ай бұрын
To me, it has always been a "WHY?". Like, "This is THE biggest cult in the world!" - "Why?" - "Because if you don't join us... you're AGAINST us... and anyone against us... well... they're not allowed to breathe... That's members only privilege!" And well, you know... JUST a hunch: When that is their #1 recruitment tactic... I am questioning if their message is remotely real... or if they even have good intentions.
@josephcollins6033 10 ай бұрын
I like that my name is down there, way down there; that is how all of this works; all I can give right now. But, I sure don't like being called a "skeptic". I am right with you, Brandon, 100%, on all the ****!!!! :)) Big ole' hug to you, buddy!
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Ha thanks so much, Joseph! Your support is not small or taken for granted!
@pinky9440 10 ай бұрын
I learned a long time ago that if the majority follow it, it is probably wrong.
@ruirodtube 9 ай бұрын
When my Christian mom argues that all religious people can’t be wrong I tell her that by her logic I should join Islam because Muslims are the most numerous people in the world - that stops her false argument 😂
@jackstanton2936 10 ай бұрын
Recently discovered this channel. Loving the logic, but how's it working out? Doesn't always "translate"/compute. Exercise in thought or futility? My experience has been futility. But I never made this kind of an effort. Cool channel.
@hank_says_things 10 ай бұрын
Glad you brought up colonisation. Christians often appear to forget, or simply be unware, that imperial Europe spent 500 years exporting Christianity as they sought wealth and territory. The roots of European Christianity itself lay in imperial pursuits, as the Romans laid claim to much of the continent before adopting the faith. Without the Roman Empire's support, Christianity may well have remained an obscure Hebrew cult and we could be having this discussion about a whole different religion. I think Christians should take greater interest in the history of their religion. It's not only fascinating, it'd prevent them making some of the sillier arguments in its defence.
@studiosandi 10 ай бұрын
I would place a huge bet that most politicians don't actually believe in the bible.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Safe bet i think
@youtubestudiosucks978 10 ай бұрын
So now everybody you dont like doesnt read the bible? That's quite shallow of you to think so.
@gusgrizzel8397 10 ай бұрын
Another great topic and video! Thank you!
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks!
@paulhammer2279 10 ай бұрын
My flippant retort to the appeal to majority is that, no matter what you believe, that the majority of people who believe in hell think that you are going there.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Ha. Thats great
@ChixieMary 10 ай бұрын
I thoroughly enjoyed your diatribe. ❤ Ya Brandon!
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thanks so much! Always glad to see you here.
@ButtercupBerry1234 10 ай бұрын
another great video ....thanks 🙂
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thanks! Appreciate you watching
@duanethompson8770 10 ай бұрын
I thank the existence of the internet for my deconstruction from Christianity. The many atheists I found on You Tube helped me understand why the Bible is so problematic.
@mender722 10 ай бұрын
I haven't had a NDE, but I may have had a comparable experience during a meditation I have done. By spending a week in total darkness, I experienced things that felt very real. I know they were hallucinations, but I wonder how much they compare to what people who claim to have had NDE's.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Yes extreme meditation, psychedelics, NDE etc. i think its where a lot of these religious jdeas first cane from.
@pansepot1490 10 ай бұрын
NDEs are evidence of afterlife same way as dreams are evidence of an alternative reality.
@gamertag7676 10 ай бұрын
The thing i heard my pastor speaking about is how most churches are struggling here in the south and most churches are closing their doors, he encourages people spread the word about god to get the numbers up but most people in my school are atheist or pagans or just don't care about religion
@rebeccaippolito912 10 ай бұрын
Why do you think that is?
@gamertag7676 10 ай бұрын
​​@@rebeccaippolito912 don't have a clue there probably is a lot of reasons
@rebeccaippolito912 10 ай бұрын
I respect Brandon's atheism. But... I do not agree that God doesn't exist.. I knew from an early age in spite of fundamentalist endoctrination.. that there absolutely.. positively.. was a "creator God " that LOVES ALL people.. regardless of their man made religion. My problem with Christian fundamentalists is things like Trump worship... anti LGBTQ rhetoric.. and as recently as of Oct 8th.. anti Palestinian rights.. pro Isreal at the expense of Palestinian rights rhetoric.
@Dystopikachu 10 ай бұрын
I sometimes try and imagine what new and strange beliefs people will take incredibly seriously in another 2000 years. What we call 'pop culture' today will be either ancient mythology or history by then, and unless we find ways to permanently preserve digital media the gap in knowledge of what is history and what's not will be vast.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Me too. It’s fascinating and also depressing ha.
@DrakeTimbershaft 10 ай бұрын
I remember back in the eighties there was a satirical religion called The Church of the SubGenius. Their prophet was clip art of a man’s smiling face with a pipe clenched in his teeth. They called him JR “Bob” Dobbs. They combined everything from flying saucers to apocalyptic dates to false prophets to what they called “faith sickenings” instead of faith healings. Mark Mothersbaugh from Devo was / is a member. I remember thinking it would be hilarious if this postmodern crackpot “cult” became the next great world religion. No such luck. Oh, well.
@Seapatico 9 ай бұрын
Atheist: "Every one of your pieces of evidence is invalid." Christian:"But I have so many!"
@MindShift-Brandon 9 ай бұрын
@shadowwynd6641 10 ай бұрын
I have been using musing on “Gamaliel’s Council” from Acts 5. “If this (new) religion succeeds, it is of God, otherwise it will come to nothing.” In essence, let God sort it out, otherwise you might be accidentally fighting God. I see this as an appeal to the majority. Christianity teaches this as a form of validation; “if it didn’t have God’s blessing it wouldn’t have grown in the first place, so there.” And yet the same line of reasoning breaks down when we consider that there are more Mormons than practicing Jews, more 7th day adventists than Mormons, of the 2.4 billion Christians essentially half consider the other half to be heretics (Catholics say that Protestants have left the Church and are not saved, Protestants say Catholics are papists and not real Christians and aren’t saved, etc), there are 2 billion Muslim, etc. We see a lot of growth in places we should not if Gamaliel’s words are true.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Great points!
@sdlorah6450 10 ай бұрын
It cannot be said that nothing came of the preaching of Jesus Christ and the gospel of forgiveness in his name! On the contrary, even though Jesus ascended to God the Father (Acts 1:9), his followers were given the promised Holy Spirit and testified of the risen Christ as recorded in Acts 2. Far from 'disbanding,' believers in Christ would continue with one accord, even in the face of opposition (see Acts). As a result of one sermon preached by Peter on the day of Pentecost, about 3,000 believed (Acts 2:41). The apostles' eyewitness testimony of Christ and his resurrection has since gone to the uttermost parts of the earth (see Acts 1:8), and has resulted in believers in Gentile nations praising God's name, having obtained salvation through faith in Christ, as foretold in Malachi 1:11.
@shadowwynd6641 10 ай бұрын
@@sdlorah6450 My point is that we have had ~1400 years of growth in Islam and 200 years of growth from Mormonism, both with growth rates faster than traditional Christianity. Both of these have spread worldwide and have adherents praising God’s name. Would you say that either of these are blessed by God in the same manner as Christianity, or would you attribute the success of Islam and Mormonism to “natural causes”? If the success of these religions are due to natural causes, is there an argument for Christianity’s growth that rules out similar natural causes (e.g. special pleading, make the case).
@sdlorah6450 10 ай бұрын
Men's sinful nature is idolatrous (see Psalm 96:5). Men are called by the gospel of Christ to know and be reconciled to the true God through faith in Jesus Christ, the only Savior of men. The gospel calls all people of every nation to faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, including adherents to Islam, Mormonism, or any of the other false 'gods' (i.e. idols) of men.
@stephaniesmith9111 10 ай бұрын
Love your points about near death experiences.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
Thanks, Stephanie. That topic fires me up ha. So many claims based off essentially exaggerated dreams
@makescode 10 ай бұрын
I think this is one of those rare occasions where I'm going to part ways with you and Matt, et al. I agree with you certainly that a lot of people believe something is not proof that it's true. But it does seem rational to me to increase your credence in a particular belief, just on the basis that a lot of people believe it. In fact, I think that's why I believe a lot of things. It just happens to be the case that there are certain beliefs for which that isn't and shouldn't be enough.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
I hear you and not trying to convince you at all but it just shouldn’t factor at all either negatively or positively. Its just not evidence. History alone shows us how faulty that mechanism is. Everyone used to believe the earth was flat, the sun went around the earth, and sickness was caused by sin or spirit. We are bad at knowing things lol
@makescode 10 ай бұрын
@@MindShift-Brandon Thanks for engaging with my comment, and thanks for putting out great content like this on a regular basis! I agree that this reason for believing something is potentially very faulty, as you have pointed out. I don't agree that this means we should disregard this sort of evidence all together. In fact, as a practical matter, I don't think we can. I think the real problem arises when people weigh this sort of evidence over and above newer, better, contradictory evidence.
@sparXKuijper 10 ай бұрын
1:40 also mistranslations , such as : (to the & on the - στο) Πεντηκοστή and πεντακόσια . (500 - Pentecost)
@ertymexx 9 ай бұрын
As for the number of texts: "In the mouth of Madness" makes a good point about this - it is a horror movie about a writer becoming more popular than the bible, and becomes the new god. (Sorry for part spoilers).
@mr.c2485 10 ай бұрын
Did not all our mommies ask us if we would jump off a bridge if someone told us to?
@ronjohnson4566 10 ай бұрын
well spoken, clear, amazing off the cuff presentation. Ever considered politicss?
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
So kind. Thank you very much. And no i really have not. I do t think i have enough faith in that respect either, ha.
@1aundulxaldin 10 ай бұрын
This was a nice video to watch.
@MindShift-Brandon 10 ай бұрын
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