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*no uncomfortable silences in this movie* Pulp Fiction MOVIE REACTION (first time watching)

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Aria C

Aria C

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@nickcangemi 8 ай бұрын
The reason Mia overdosed is because she was expecting to snort cocaine, but it was heroin in the baggie that she pulled out of Vincent’s coat pocket. You’re not supposed to snort that.
@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 8 ай бұрын
Well, you can snort it (often that’s how people start out doing it), but without a significant tolerance to opiates, a big line of high quality heroin is going to pretty much do what it did to Uma.
@Holfax 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, you have to remember that earlier line where the dealer says he doesn't have balloons (which heroin usually comes in) and if baggies (which cocaine comes in) is ok instead. Which is why she thought it was cocaine.
@imcrazedandconfused 8 ай бұрын
Oh, well, you can snort heroin, of course, but the thing is - her thing is coke. And she probably had a high tolerance. So that, because she thought the heroin was coke, she snorted quite a big line and therefore ODed immediately, of course... In principle, you can not tell white powder from white powder, optically, and the heroin was, as we know, very high quality... Yeah, the balloon vs. baggy detail was hilarious. Gotta love Tarantino for his freaking love for details.
@matthewcostello3530 8 ай бұрын
madman heroin
@Cheepchipsable 8 ай бұрын
@@Holfax That's only meaningful if you are into drug culture and know the difference. Most viewers would have no clue, except knowing it was heroin.
@squ34ky 7 ай бұрын
Your relaxed voice, minimal commentary, and muted expressions make your reactions unique. Top tier!
@brownstarslots 8 ай бұрын
Sam's delivery of the line "You're the weak and I am the tyranny of evil men". Damn. Always sends a shiver thru me
@jeffking887 8 ай бұрын
That’s one hell of an epiphany
@boristurovskiy351 8 ай бұрын
Mace Windu sends his regards:)
@Cheepchipsable 8 ай бұрын
Helps when you have a gun in your hand. Apart from that it doesn't make sense because the two statements are unrelated.
@bossfan49 8 ай бұрын
Aria - "I've heard the words 'foot massage' more in these few minutes than I have my whole life " HAHAHAHA I am already loving this reaction ❤❤❤
@stonecoldku4161 8 ай бұрын
I've read online that Vincent and Mia didn't actually win the dance contest at the restaurant. They just stole it before they left. Apparently if you listen really closely when Butch is going to back to his apartment to get the watch you can hear on a radio someone talking about the theft at Jack Rabbit Slim's.
@kipwhitler6804 7 ай бұрын
the fact that you kept the movie bits uncensored gets you an automatic sub from me, ma'am. thank you for having integrity!
@randallbollinger9625 8 ай бұрын
Aria, thank you VERY much for not censoring the awesome dialogue.
@bossfan49 8 ай бұрын
"I thought you didn't watch tv shows!" Nice call Aria!! 😀
@rantingsage 8 ай бұрын
Vincent might have died because he didn't take the hint and quit the business, like Jules did. It's a nice closure for the narrative, FWIW, and why it had to be Vincent. Regarding what was in the case, Tarrantino has said it was nothing specific, just a McGuffin for the story. But a popular fan theory is that it was Marcellus' soul.
@Hereticked 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, that's almost definitely what happened, because it's in the bar scene that Vincent taunts Butch for being a "palooka", a mediocre or inferior prizefighter. And it's probably in that moment that Butch decides he's not going down this time, setting up the entire course of events that leads to Vincent's death.
@RobwLPOC 8 ай бұрын
People think it's a collection of random stories that are intertwined but really it is the story about two hitmen who have a life-altering experience and one decides to go the other way and choose A New Path the other one learns nothing and ends up dying because of his arrogance.
@laudanum669 7 ай бұрын
Another theory of what's in the case is an Oscar Award. Which Tarantino went on to win for Best Original Screenplay, but the Oscar for Best Picture went to "Forrest Gump". In my opinion I think "The Shawshank Redemption" should have won Best PIcture.
@willcool713 7 ай бұрын
It was Vincent's drug use catching up. Opiates like heroin constipate you, which is why he was always in the bathroom. And he didn't have Jules to watch his back anymore, while he was wacked out or on the pot. The denial of a miracle was just icing on top.
@delg1211 7 ай бұрын
"..Marcellus' soul". lol, maybe idiot fans. I've read some fools think that but that theory makes zero sense because the random crook Pumpkin *looks at it* and says, " that what I think it is?" Yes, I'm sure that's what anyone says when they look at a soul. LOL, think Mcfly, think 🤦🏾‍♂
@TheNeonRabbit 8 ай бұрын
The case is a literary device known as a MacGuffin. It's a thing that doesn't mean much on its own but exists to move the plot along. All we need to know is it's something very valuable that everybody wants. The actual PROP briefcase contained a yellow lightbulb, a battery pack and a momentary contact switch that turned on the light when the case was opened.
@Aren.K 6 ай бұрын
I feel like it's the recipe to the $5 dollar milkshake inside the case 🤣
@Hereticked 8 ай бұрын
"I thought you (Vincent) didn't watch TV?" Holy shit! I've seen this movie like 50 times and I never caught that one. Good job, Aria. It's true that this movie is full of little "mistakes" and continuity errors, but I'm pretty sure they're almost entirely on purpose. That's part of it being "pulp fiction."
@0okamino 8 ай бұрын
I think it’s just figurative. I have noticed that some people will say something like “I don’t watch television,” but what they really mean is “anymore” or “often enough to matter”.
@Cheepchipsable 8 ай бұрын
@@0okamino Yes, most statements are not absolute. I don't watch television either, but I do see it at my mothers house. Also Vincent didn't say he never ever watched TV, so it could have been something he saw years ago, or at a friends house. I know some people thinks it's some kind of catch to point these things out, but it's more they lack imagination to think beyond the literal statement.
@Hereticked 8 ай бұрын
@@0okamino Sure, it's likely he wasn't being literal when he said he doesn't watch television, but it doesn't really matter, because the contradiction of him saying "I don't watch TV" and later specifically saying "hey, I watched this show" fits in with the theme of goofs / mistakes / continuity errors throughout the movie, most of which are intentional. From the bullet holes appearing in the wall before the bathroom shooter even emerges, to Fabian brushing her teeth both before and after Butch's nap, to the disappearing marker spot on Mia's chest, to Honey Bunny saying a different line in the first scene then she does in the same moment during the last scene, these "errors" are all over the movie and Tarentino wanted them. The whole idea of "pulp fiction" is that its cheap thrills written and published quickly for mass consumption. The mistakes and contradictions are part of the charm.
@michaelb1761 6 ай бұрын
The biggest continuity error that I noticed from the first watching was Jules empties his gun in the first scene, but has at least two rounds when the guy bursts out of the bathroom (he fires one round and the slide doesn't stay open so at least one more round).
@m_chupon5131 2 ай бұрын
@@Cheepchipsable Only a Sith deals in absolutes!
@mikecaetano 8 ай бұрын
"The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd."
@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 8 ай бұрын
The Wolf wrote ‘No head,’ since it had been blown off by Vincent, lol..
@MarcoMM1 8 ай бұрын
Great reaction Aria like always, i love this movie it´s a masterpiece of cinema, the dialogue is sharp, the performances immaculate, and the twists continually surprising. There’s much about the film that stands the test of time. There are some fun-facts about it, You can watch the film chronologically ... kind of. The narrative structure of the film plays out of sequence, but it’s easy enough to break it down into seven distinct sections (a prologue, an epilogue, two preludes, and three large segments) that can then be re-ordered into a chronological narrative. This movie contains 265 f-bombs, Even that hefty number isn’t Tarantino’s highest (1992’s Reservoir Dogs used it 269 times). Still, the film was the big “f word” winner of 1994, as no other film released that year even came close to that amount of profanity. John Travolta’s character in the film had a sweet ride which, in real life, belonged to Tarantino and it was such a hot rod that it was stolen soon after the film’s release. Uma Thurman wasn’t actually Tarantino’s his first pick for Mia Wallace. Other possible Mias? Isabella Rossellini, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Meg Ryan, Halle Berry, Daryl Hannah, Rosanna Arquette, and Michelle Pfeiffer. Tarantino’s original favorite was supposedly Pfeiffer. The original theatrical poster is worth a lot of money. The first poster had Thurman smoking not from a box of Red Apple cigarettes (Tarantino’s fake brand, seen in many films), but from a box of Lucky Strike cigarettes. However, Miramax hadn’t licensed usage rights from Lucky Strikes, which then threatened to sue. Rather than fight it, Miramax had the posters returned. Those that survived can now command big money. The infamous scene in which Mia Wallace is stabbed with a very necessary adrenaline shot was stressful enough, so Tarantino took off some of the pressure: The needle was inserted, and then Travolta pulled it out. The scene was reversed in post-production so it looks as if Vincent Vega really is plunging that syringe into her. Movie magic! About your question whats in the case, Tarantino leaves that answer to us its anything we want, many speculate that is Marsellus soul, This is a theory that, at face value, seems wholly unbelievable, but holds merit among many of the fans who have theorized over the last 25-plus years as to what could be inside the briefcase. There are theories that Marsellus had previously sold his soul to the devil, with key indicators pointing to the fact that the combination to the briefcase is '666' and that Marsellus has an unexplained band-aid covering a scar on the back of his neck. This would explain the shock and awe that people feel upon seeing inside the briefcase. There are religious anecdotes spread throughout the film, specifically concerning the character Jules Winnfield. Samuel L. Jackson is often remembered for this role, where Jules would recite biblical scripture and cite the fact that he has survived near-impossible odds as divine intervention, telling him to leave this unethical work. Keep up amazing work.
@chefskiss6179 8 ай бұрын
Your asmr-voice overlaid onto this flick made for quite the surreal watchalong. THANKS for that!
@lorivera94 8 ай бұрын
Quentin Tarantino being angry in this movie is just funny to me. Just hilarious, because he really doesn't want his wife to divorce him over a dead body being discovered. Marvin getting shot made me laugh harder because of what Vincent just says calmly after he accidentally shoots him. This was a nice reaction 👍
@Cheepchipsable 8 ай бұрын
Apparently it was a role meant for Buschemi. Tarantino is a terrible actor. The thing that got me most is the guy is so worried about his wife, then spends 10 minutes on a long whiny monologue instead of trying to get the problem sorted ASAP.
@lorivera94 8 ай бұрын
@@Cheepchipsable First off, that's your opinion, not really the truth. Second, it's just movie. Plus, imagine yourself saying all that in real life knowing you can be in tons of trouble with your own marriage suddenly being on the line.
@slchance8839 8 ай бұрын
100% It's masterful and intriguing storytelling because it raises SO MANY irrelevent questions about Quentin's character. Quentin, as nerdy as he looks and acts, is clearly a man of high respect because of how Jules treats him. Jules is more afraid of messing up Quentin's bathroom than his is of disrespecting fellow hitman, Vincent. Jules respects Quentin's friendship, his house, and eve his help. Makes me so curious. Is Quentin an enforcer, money launderer, driver, bag-man, what? He's clearly high up enough in the organization for Chief Marseilles to send The Wolf. Also, you can tell Quentin has been around dead bodies before because he's more worried about losing his wife than he is about gangsters dropping by his house one morning with a car drenched in blood. All these questions are irrelevant to the story, but they flesh out a bit character with minimal effort and add volume to the world building.
@theramplocal 4 ай бұрын
Dude I lose it everytime Marvin gets smoked
@AndyMmusic 6 ай бұрын
The scene where they give Mia the shot is so well done. The way the characters are screaming at each other is how it would be in that situation.
@victorfuentes8749 8 ай бұрын
Check out John Travolta walking by at 2:30! Love your reactions!
@arthurd6495 8 ай бұрын
that's wild. I never noticed that.
@sebswede9005 8 ай бұрын
"Ah man, i shot Marvin in the face". Yeah, don't you just when that happens, Aria?
@0okamino 8 ай бұрын
I’d say Marvin’s not too fond of it either.
@bossfan49 8 ай бұрын
Here's some dumb stuff: The drug dealer's box of cereal is Fruit Brute..with a werewolf mascot. It was one of the "Monster cereals" (Frankenberry, Boo Berry, Count Chocula). It had been discontinued for several years already before the movie was made. It was replaced with Yummy Mummy. Julius' t-shirt is old newspaper comic strip character Krazy Kat. It ran from 1914-1944. Vincent's t-shirt is University of California, Santa Cruz. The mascot is the Banana Slug. Tarantino's girlfriend attended school there at the time.
@AFKeveryday 8 ай бұрын
man, i really like your attention to details.. thanks Aria, this was a great choice and reaction.. love it
@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 8 ай бұрын
I can still remember seeing this in the theater. I went in with zero knowledge about what kind of movie it was. I’d just been told by a couple friends that it was good & I should check it out. I was doing my utmost best to comprehend what I was watching & then the pawn shop scene happened. When he pulled ‘the gimp’ out of the box, something in my brain shifted & I’m not sure it’s ever gone back🤣 I do recall, at that time, thinking ‘this is the greatest moviegoing experience I’ve ever had.’ 90% of the time, if you think about it, you’ll know how a movie is going to end (or at least have a general idea). This was the first time that I had watched a film that went in directions that differed so significantly from my expectations.
@dogawful 8 ай бұрын
I knew I had to see it after hearing the line about walking the earth like Caine in Kung Fu in the trailer.
@dancolon47 8 ай бұрын
I've seen lots of reactions to Pulp Fiction, but you are the ONLY one to understand the importance of The Gold Watch. If I had lost an heirloom that my Dad suffered so long to get to me, I would Lose My Mind!
@0okamino 8 ай бұрын
Even more so, not just his dad either. His great-grandfather made it back from WW1 wearing it. His grandfather did not make it back from WW2, but the watch did. Same for his father in Vietnam. That’s no idle heirloom sitting decoratively on a shelf (not to say that those are without value). That watch is practically an active service, three time veteran itself. That’s way past a big deal for family history.
@Cheepchipsable 8 ай бұрын
Some people don't get the stress Butch would have been under, which is why he was so mad at his GF. She had like one job, and still managed to mess that up.
@slchance8839 8 ай бұрын
100% THREE generations of the men in his family have made sure he got that watch in his hands. It's definitely one of the few material objects worth risking your life over. Interestingly, I dont think a SINGLE one of his ancestors (father, grandfather, or great grandfather) would have WANTED their beloved Butch to risk his young life over a watch, but ALL of them would have been proud of the DECISION he made to successfully recover it, like a real man. The watch is a test of Butch's courage under-fire and values. The movie is HIS war and the added story he'll tell to his own son when he passes down the watch.
@blondejohn25 2 ай бұрын
i love that you left in jimmy's dialogue and weren't afraid to laugh at it
@charlieinwhite 8 ай бұрын
mayo on chips/fries is god tier. true romance gets overlooked, tarantino wrote it but its made very well and has possibly the greatest scene with hopper and walken.
@ZeroOskul 8 ай бұрын
7:38 "Palooka" is an industry term for a boxer who throws a fight for money. Butch is very angry that a lowlife like Vincent Vega can look down in him. In this moment he changes his mind about throwing the fight. He goes outside, keys Vincent Vega's car, goes to a payphone, calls Fabien and tells her to move-in to a motel, and to bring his watch. He then calls the bookie and puts a huge bet on himself.
@0okamino 8 ай бұрын
I think I learned that word from _Popeye_ and _The Three Stooges,_ but I never looked up the actual definition because the context seemed clear enough.
@ZeroOskul Ай бұрын
@@texastyrannyresponseteam794 So you think that Butch scratched Vincent Vega's car and killed him, and reneged on his deal with Marcellus Wallace because he felt that Vincent Vega, who called him a palooka and doubled-down on it, compared him to a comic strip character neither of them could possibly know ever existed, rather than the actual events that do take place in the movie relative to the actual meaning of the word "Palooka"?
@albert0F 8 ай бұрын
This movie blew my mind when it came out. The dialogs were just nothing anyone had ever heard before.
@OpusWon 8 ай бұрын
NOTICE: Bathrooms are catalysts for key events: • Vincent gets killed after leaving his gun out to go to the barhroom. • The kid bursts out the bathroom misses Lewis and Vincet • Marcellus wife does drugs in the bathroom setting up her overdose • Marcellus wife od's when Vincent is in the bathroom • Vincent is in the bathroom during the robbery.
@laudanum669 7 ай бұрын
The guy who emerges from the bathroom shooting at Jules and Vincent is played by Robert/Alexis Arquette. The Brother/Sister of Rosanna Arquette who plays Jody, Lances wife. Robert had a sex change and after went by the name Alexis. She was the Boy George look alike in "The Wedding Singer" she died at 47 from AIDS complications.
@royalwithcheese1768 8 ай бұрын
When Marcellus was run over by butch. He was buying coffee for himself and Vincent Vega , who were both at Butch’s house, waiting.
@thewanderingwizard9848 7 ай бұрын
The prevailing theory is that the briefcase contains Marcellus Wallace's soul, and the bandaid on the back of his neck is supposed to indicate the extraction site. It is just what's called a "MacGuffin" in storytelling parlance... the object that serves as the motivating factor in a story, like the One Ring in LOTR, the Death Star plans in Star Wars, and the Holy Grail in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Tolkien had a huge backstory for the Ring, and it had different intrinsic powers, and yet none of that is actually important... only the quest to destroy it has any real bearing on the story, and it just as well could have been about the quest to destroy Sauron's favorite Smurfs lunchbox. The briefcase in this film serves as sort of a meta commentary on the MacGuffin, showing that what the MacGuffin actually is isn't as important as the story surrounding it.
@lethaldose2000 8 ай бұрын
Ahhhhh, Aria, To continue your dive down the Tarantino rabbit hole ------- Your next movie needs to be "Reservoir Dogs", Then "Kill Bill", even "Jackie Brown" ------ The dialogue that you loved so much in "Pulp Fiction" is the signature aspect of all of Tarantino films.
@olaspaz3079 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for this, enjoyed your reaction. I think the true test of a movie is how rewatchable it is, and PF passes the test for me. I'm glad you approved of Butch's return to save Marcellus. Some reactors don't. ❤️
@Cheepchipsable 8 ай бұрын
Not sure about approve, more a cost benefit analysis. It was more of a risk to save Marcellus, since there was now the added incentive for M to kill Butch since he had seen him having his doughnut punched. A lot of men wouldn't want anyone who has seen that to live, just on principle. Had he left M would have died and probably wound up in a dumpster somewhere and Butch would have been forgotten about and gotten away. Obviously people do risky things because it's a movie, and the decisions drive the plot points.
@Will-nn6ux 8 ай бұрын
Winston Wolf doesn't drive like somebody trying to avoid the attention of the police!
@bicboyjoy 7 ай бұрын
One of my favorite theories about what's in the briefcase is the theory that it's Marcellus Wallace's soul that he sold and that's the reason for the bandage on the back of his neck
@hackenbush23 2 ай бұрын
The only thing Antoine Roccamora (Tony Rocky Horror) touched of Mia's was her hand when he shook it. Tarantino shows a close up of Mia and Vincent shaking hands when they part, and although Vincent doesn't get thrown out of a window he does die.
@sphangman 8 ай бұрын
So Pleased you liked this movie , it can be a polarising film and is disliked a lot in other reaction channels. But you’re right , it’s very rewatchable , there are so many little things you pick up 2nd 3rd 4th time etc etc of which many people have described below. Some suggest it’s the perfect movie in the way each story crosses over between the other characters while also being self contained . It has well written dialog , a divine intervention saving jules. All the characters are well defined. One small insight I got from another comment previously was that Vincent’s herion addiction caused chronic constipation which is why he is on the toilet so much , at the diner and ultimately leads to his death at the flat. It’s these little details that just makes this film so well thought out to the tiniest detail.
@fermentedfrank8 8 ай бұрын
“Don’t know if the high is worth the pain.” Oh, it definitely is.
@SC_17 8 ай бұрын
I love your genuine laugh. And your editing was pretty good. Better than most reactors. Keep up the good work. :)
@alonzocoyethea6148 8 ай бұрын
4:3 0, Look Aria,,If your pretty self is my woman, and I catch a mo-fo giving you a foot message?! He goin' out the window, too! 15:38- The look of anticipation on her face..LOL..Best "Snapping out of a drug coma" acting by Uma! 28:40..That's how ya turn an enemy into a freind for sure! 30:21 Divine intervention my azz--Bad stance, trying to rapid fire large caliber revolvers makes 'em "buck" and aiming for thier heads instead of body! 31:19, That's my funniest line of the movie, too! 38:54..It was probably gold bars in the case..melted down from stolen watches, jewelry, etc by Brad and his pals.Fun reactions, ya picked a great one!
@diarrheagondola 8 ай бұрын
It's a common trope that underworld bosses pay for a fixed fight, then someone starts telling everyone there's a fix, so the odds swing the other way (usually to such a degree where betting on the new underdog will net a person a LOT of money). Miller's Crossing, one of the Coens' best, also deals with this.
@happyhedgehog6450 8 ай бұрын
It always bothered me that she drew a rectangle to mean a square so I appreciated that you caught that too.
@0okamino 8 ай бұрын
That’s because Vicent is still cool. A rectangle isn’t quite to the point of being uncool, but it’s pretty close to being a square.
@happyhedgehog6450 8 ай бұрын
@@0okamino as a mathematician it's my job to be uncool and precise hehe.
@ZeroOskul 8 ай бұрын
0:37 The special edition DVD includes a Jack Rabbit Slim's Menu, and the item on the menu is called "Five Dollar Milk Shake".
@samsimone6002 8 ай бұрын
At 13:40 "Ooohh to much" I almost 💩 on myself 😂😂😂😂
@RyeSix45 8 ай бұрын
I enjoy the reaction:) I hooe you are having a good day so far^^
@wwk68tig 7 ай бұрын Pulp Fiction (I own it) and it's always enjoyable watching your reaction(s)..........outstanding job, as usual. Thanks for posting.
@blakewalker84120 8 ай бұрын
10:55 "What does 'powder my nose' mean?" A long, long time ago, say, in the 1800s and early 1900s, women were expected, demanded even, to act like a "proper lady" in mixed company (around a man). Proper ladies don't say "I need to pee." That was considered vulgar, disgusting, and definitely un-lady-like. Also, it was very common in those days for women to actually put powder on their face because oily/shiny skin was "improper" for some reason. So when a "proper lady" was in the company of a man and she needed to pee, she would say "I need to powder my nose" and then go to the ladies room. Heck, sometimes she really did apply more powder to her face. Or maybe she just peed. At the time this movie was made, women didn't really do that anymore, but the phrase was still in use as a less vulgar way to say "I need to pee". In this case, however, Mrs. Wallace might have been only interested in coke, or maybe also peeing too.
@InvidiousProductions 8 ай бұрын
Back in 1994. Pulp Fiction was about to premier. The night before I rent Reservoir Dogs. Yep, I better see Pulp Fiction right away. I knew nothing of the plot just that Travolta & Willis were in it. Didn’t know who Samuel L. was. What a fantastic week that was.
@kswinger 8 ай бұрын
Every main character gets a second chance to change their lives. This film is about redemption.
@beanybun6110 7 ай бұрын
Briefcase is what Hitchcock called a McGuffin - something that serves as a plot device because everyone wants it - think of the orb in GOTG which reference this film - “shiny blue suitcase, Ark of the Covenant, Maltese Falcon vibe"
@ZeroOskul 8 ай бұрын
5:12 Imagine an executioner just stealing your last meal.
@0okamino 8 ай бұрын
“Don’t worry. You won’t be hungry much longer.”
@dunhill1 8 ай бұрын
I read a Rolling Stone interview years ago with John Travolta and he said that inside the briefcase was a light bulb, some wire, and a battery pack. That's it, nothing else. Now you know what was in the briefcase. Mystery solved.
@0okamino 8 ай бұрын
It was Mr. Wallace’s favorite lightbulb. He’s not letting anyone get away with that.
@GWNorth-db8vn 8 ай бұрын
In Tarantino's world, the star of Kill Bill wasn't Uma Thurman. It was Mia Wallace in a movie inspired by Fox Force Five. If one of the people in Tarantino's "real world", like this movie or Reservoir Dogs, went to see a movie, it would be Kill Bill.
@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 8 ай бұрын
The briefcase is just a McGuffin. The contents are inconsequential (I’ve always thought it was the WBC Heavyweight Belt, lol).
@ogrestamp 8 ай бұрын
There is a theory out there that Tarantino had plans on adding a story element to the movie with Marcellus Wallace having some weird dream sequence where the devil steals his soul (hence the bandaid on the back of his neck). Vincent and Jules are sent to retrieve it back and it's Marcellus' soul that is glowing in the briefcase. It's a nice theory but it could be apocrypha. However, there are a few thimgs in the movie that support it. The bandaid, of course. It is featured quite prominently through the movie with no explanation. And also when Jules calls Marcellus during the Bonnie Situation, he is quite angry while Marcellus is practically wooden and just repeats what Jules says like he has no will of his own (and he wouldn't if Jules held hos soul at that time). Like i said, it is interesting but had Tarantino included it, the whole movie would have taken a turn from what he wanted to do with it. Plus, I love that about 30 years later we are all still fascinated by what's in that briefcase.
@dogawful 8 ай бұрын
Of course there is a milkshake in this, but I think the more famous reference is from There Will Be Blood. I always thought Vincent died because he didn't acknowledge the miracle and leave the life of crime.
@Cheepchipsable 8 ай бұрын
More likely because Vega was a smack head and not particularly smart. The longer he stayed in a dangerous occupation the greater the chance of him dying. I know a lot of people like to think this film is about redemption, but who was redeemed? Jackson's character spent a long time killing and brutalising people for money and basically walked away scott free. He knew his luck would run out eventually and the near miss was a wake up call.
@dogawful 8 ай бұрын
@@Cheepchipsable I don't think that the movie had any sort of real message. Almost all the characters are bad people. The idea that Vincent would eventually die in a dangerous occupation is kind my point. If he had quit like Jules, he would have at least avoided this particular fate. I guess I see it as a story about these particular random events somehow being connected.
@eliduncan4630 8 ай бұрын
Mayonnaise on fries is great. Just make sure to use high quality mayonnaise
@krisfrederick5001 8 ай бұрын
You really need to see Reservoir Dogs. It was Tarantino's first film, and he came out of the gate guns ablaze. "MMmm mmm...That IS a tasty burger!" 🍔
@ZeroOskul 8 ай бұрын
Tarantino's first films were _Natural Born Killers_ and _True Romance,_ for which he wrote the screenplays, and it was off the backs of those movies that he was able to make his directorial debut: _Reservoir Dogs._
@moonlitegram 8 ай бұрын
44:26-44:38 Vincent's death does seem out of the blue when it comes up. But in terms of the movies over-arching themes, it actually makes a lot of sense, and it does indeed have to be Vincent that dies there. Since Tarantino manipulates the order of the plot, its not always obvious right away, but keep in mind that Vincent's death obviously happens after him and Jules get shot at without being hit at that apartment. An event that Jules decides to take as a sign from above and ultimately decide to stop working as a hit man. In contrast, Vincent just sees it as happenstance and doesn't assign any meaning to it. So Vincent continues to work for Marcellus and is thus the one that goes with Marcellus to Butch's apartment to kill him, and thus leads to his death.
@mypl510 8 ай бұрын
Speculation of what is in the case has been Gold, Heroin and even Marcellus Wallace's Soul! In the end, it is just a prop. The Chevelle that Vincent is driving really did belong to Quentin Tarantino, and it got stolen right after filming! But, it was recovered recently and in pretty good shape still.
@0okamino 8 ай бұрын
Nice! Pulp Fiction Crime Fact. 😄
@rickwelch8464 8 ай бұрын
Just found your channel. You kept the best parts of this movie in this edit. Great minds think alike! Also, Winston wrote "No Head" in his note. It's fantastic writing.
@andyspark5192 8 ай бұрын
John Travolta's badass movies From Paris with Love (2010 film) Swordfish (2001 film) The Punisher (2004 film) Face/Off (1997 film)
@willcool713 7 ай бұрын
Ultimately, this is a crime workplace comedy. It was a riot to my friends and I when it came out. We laughed and quoted this movie forever. We stayed more on the amateur side of crime, but dipped our toes when the moment was right, drugs mostly, a little counterfeiting, a few scams. This movie was so realistic in so many ways -- we knew these people -- and yet so outlandishly over-the-top in just the right ways. Most group crimes go bad in insanely crazy ways, we had all seen it before. So this movie was a hilarious comedy to us.
@1938superman 8 ай бұрын
00:44 The reference to the milkshake doesn't really play the same today. He made a big deal about Uma Thurman's character ordering a $5 milkshake, because that was a lot of money to pay for something like that in 1994. Not so much today.
@vellaropedart9190 8 ай бұрын
It is said in the Tarantino Universe,after leaving "the life" in Pulp Fiction Jules becomes Rufus the piano player at the chapel where The Bride (Beatrix) gets massacred in Kill Bill.
@ariachanson01 8 ай бұрын
I haven’t seen Kill Bill. I don’t understand the reference 😅
@vellaropedart9190 8 ай бұрын
@@ariachanson01 Kill Bill is a two part film. Kill Bill and Kill Bill vol.2. Both directed by Tarantino. Also considered to be some of his best work. It's definitely worth the watch if you enjoy his work.
@adampare8088 8 ай бұрын
The prevailing theory is Marcellus's soul was in the case, that's why they kept showing the bandaid on back of head where Brett and those guys somehow stole it. Kinda weird, but I go with that theory.
@94megamarci 8 ай бұрын
the death of vincent was important, not random or unnecessary. he is a character that is totally oblivious of everything happening around him (he is always on the toilet when something important happens f.i). the scene where the guy missed all his shots was a vital turning point for jules' character. he is attentive and learnt from it, realising that his job will only lead him to where vincent's life ended.
@dudermcdudeface3674 8 ай бұрын
What the movie's really "about" is behind the camera: It's Tarantino's love letter to '70s crime flicks. Hence the soundtrack, and Jackson and Travolta's hairstyles, and the '50s nostalgia, and the font of the title card. And the casual emotional tone, which was unusual in the '90s for a major non-action crime movie until Tarantino's influence.
@bigdream_dreambig 7 ай бұрын
To be fair, I had heard that Jackson's hair was actually an error -- that the person sent to get his wig didn't know the difference between an afro and a jheri curl so picked up the wrong one.
@leftundersun 7 ай бұрын
I'm from Brazil and here, when I get some fries with friends, it's common to put ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard all over the pile of fries
@rg3388 8 ай бұрын
The glowing briefcase may be a KISS ME DEADLY reference. Relevant images and clips are available online.
@imcrazedandconfused 8 ай бұрын
Why did Vincent Vega have to die? Simple answer: So that we know, that Jules' decision to quit the gangster job probably saved his life. Because we know, most probably they would have been both in the apartment, and we know, that the boxer and his cutie have to survive, so that there is a love story happy end. I mean, this is pulp fiction, literally. You are actually the first person that I ever heard saying "That was a rectangle?!". Yes, totally right, that was not a square at all. Maybe Tarantino is not good at geometry? Also - yes, the discussion about foot massages in Pulp Fiction makes up about 80% of all foot massage discussion I ever heard. (I have seen the movie quite a few times more...) Also, being jealous of fictional characters is not that uncommon. But yeah, it is kind of stupid, isn't it? Guess what, I was jealous of a fictional character in a novel that I wrote myself. Now, that's really stupid... 😀 That's about why I always like to watch your videos. You are getting the points that others don't. You know what? I BET you would LOVE "Jackie Brown". The two best movies of Tarantino for sure are "Django Unchained" and "Inglourious Basterds", but my personal winners of the heart are "Pulp Fiction" and "Jackie Brown". Btw, Samuel L. Jackson has a great role in "Jackie Brown", too. And you will see Robert DeNiro in one of his craziest roles ever, hilarious! Hope you had a great start into the year, keep up with the good stuff and Best regards, Aria!
@alexanderarkum4793 8 ай бұрын
As a 46 year old movie lover i know that with zero context or clues a person with a 160 IQ could never predict where this movie is going thats why i love it
@40EastTrill 7 ай бұрын
The $5 milkshake was when Vincent and Mia were in the restaurant
@williamwright4678 8 ай бұрын
One of the best movies of all time. This movie changed the game.
@squ34ky 7 ай бұрын
31:49 He's allowed... he has a lifetime honorary pass earned for all his contributions to culture.
@eliduncan4630 8 ай бұрын
The thing about making a big deal about a five dollar milkshake being expensive is it was about five dollars for a milkshake at Denny's at the time
@Christobanistan 8 ай бұрын
American names actually do mean things. Mine is Christopher, and my twin sister's is Christina, both which mean "follower of Christ." Our last names were mostly assigned long ago according to vocation. For example, "Smith."
@Gort-Marvin0Martian 8 ай бұрын
What's in the brief case is whatever the viewer thinks it is. Tarantino said it was done on purpose. It is possible to snort Heroin but not a good idea. That's why her nose started bleeding and just turned her lights turned off. She thought it was cocaine. Nope!! Great review. Be safe.
@lethaldose2000 8 ай бұрын
Aria, One of the the main themes of the movie is redemption. All of the characters get a second chance after a somewhat selfless act. --------- Vincent chooses not to sleep with Mia and saves her life after she OD's. -------- Butch is allowed to leave LA alive after saving Marcellus. --------- And Jules helps Honey Bunny and Yolanda after the "act of God." He reads the tea leaves and leaves the gangster life. ------------ Vincent doesn't, and he pays with his life after running into Butch whom he previously, and needlessly insulted.
@Cheepchipsable 8 ай бұрын
LOL, wow - all these scumbags back stab each other and murder people then get to be redeemed after one act, (which is debatable)? Vincent is killed because the insulted someone? Your moral compass is out of whack.
@stpetie7686 8 ай бұрын
Such an interesting movie. Separate but interwoven stories that are all interesting and keep your attention. Glad she got to see it.
@Theomite 8 ай бұрын
Tarantino's first 2 films are heavily influenced by the French New Wave: hard light & shadows, non-linear narratives, jump cuts, unbalanced frame composition, modernist aesthetics, and pop culture references. His company A Band Apart was named after a Jean-Luc Godard crime film BANDE a PART. Also, the '90s was awash in pop culture revivals of the '50s and '70s which is why there's a lot of unusual music and talk of TV shows. He abandoned this style when he made KILL BILL and he didn't change back until 2019. The suitcase originally had diamonds in it, but they decided to change that because diamonds were in RESERVOIR DOGS. Without an idea of what to change it to, they decided to leave it unresolved and let the audience decide. Some theories hold that it contains Marcellus' soul and the band-aid on his neck is where it was removed (in reality, Ving Rhames cut himself shaving his head). It can't be gold bars though because the suitcase would be too heavy to carry with one hand. The hype is real. In 1994 there was nothing cooler and more popular than this movie. I literally can't describe how huge this movie was at the time. And it stayed that way until SCREAM came out 2 years later.
@OklasoonaHomer 8 ай бұрын
As to the briefcase: "MacGuffin" (a.k.a. McGuffin or maguffin) is a term for an object or element in a story that drives the plot, but serves no further purpose.
@invaderace777 8 ай бұрын
The case is rumored to have Marcellous SP? Soul that's why it glows and also why he has a bandage on his neck as he removed it.
@timmycollins7665 7 ай бұрын
I've always found it weird that people fixate so much on knowing what's is in the briefcase. If you knew it wouldnt change anything about this movie at all. Tarantino used the light intentionally to make us wonder. I like that Tarantino added the light because if you rewatch the movie you can catch bigger details and much deeper meanings just trying to answer the question "What's in that briefcase?"...Also if you rewatch this movie you may answer the question.."Why did Vincent die?"
@KennyYoutubeMakesMeFeelGood 8 ай бұрын
Hi Aria I like your reaction pulp fiction , I like Samuel's speech when I lay my vengeance upon thee And John's Twist dancing !!!
@williameleno 8 ай бұрын
Wonderful reaction. I feel this was one of Tarantinos better movies. However the real height of his abilities will always be Kill Bill and Reservoir Dogs. Both are more considered art rather than films and movies. Especially because Reservoir Dogs was his first project and inspired by A Dogs Day Afternoon. Pulp Fiction does shock humor for plot very well but you can tell Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill was made in a different vein of Tarantino passion. Very beautiful and artsy.
@TimothySmiths 8 ай бұрын
You said why did it have to be Vincent that died and not just some other hitman? Think about the chronological order of the story , that takes place after all the stuff with him and Jules, Jules took the sign of not getting shot to leave the business and do better with his life, Vincent didn't heed the warning and in turn died for it.
@0okamino 8 ай бұрын
He’s in restrooms so much, and he dies in one. The sign to get out of the business even came out of one.
@Cheepchipsable 8 ай бұрын
How was "Walking the earth" doing better with Jules's life? He made money being an enforcer and killing people to get away scott free. Vega was a smack head and not very smart, heroin makes you constipated which is why he was constantly in the toilet and took a book with him. Both were in a risky profession and Jules took the last close call to realise the longer he stayed, the greater the risk of getting killed - he infers he believes the bible, so I guess he skipped the part about not murdering people. Vega was just cruising in the job - again, a high risk profession and he was careless no doubt in part due to his habit - he was destined to die because of that, No miracles involved.
@ThEmB0nEz 8 ай бұрын
Shit always goes down when Vincent is on the toilet lol Also a cool/crazy theory I always heard is the bandaid on Wallace's neck is from where his soul was taken out & that's what's in the briefcase.
@chrischar9428 8 ай бұрын
That's what people think. They're wrong
@darinswift490 7 ай бұрын
First time checking you out. I enjoyed your reaction and beauty. Well Done ✌️😊
@williamberry9013 8 ай бұрын
Someone else is explaining cocaine vs. heroin. Supposedly Vincent and Mia did not win the dance off; Vincent mugged the winners to get the trophy.
@eddiejravannen 8 ай бұрын
You should check out Sin City, its kind of similar to this, more stylized, but several separate stories that all connect together somehow.
@JW666 8 ай бұрын
Happy New Year, Aria =) Aria: One in your what?! Me: Hehehe..;P XD I wouldn't mind doing a Pulp Fiction dance with you ;) =) Awesome you did this, it's one of my favorite movies =) Quentin Tarantino (he plays Jimmie in this one, yes) has a foot fetish, just look at his other movies and it shows =P Speaking of his other movies, I hope do Reservoir Dogs, which is Tarantino's first directed movie and there's one connection to this movie as well - Vincent's brother is one of the characters in that movie, Vic Vega/Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen). There's a rumor that the Buddy Holly waiter, played by Steve Buscemi, is actually Mr. Pink, Buscemi's character from Reservoir Dogs. There's been different speculations on what's in the suitcase - some say it's Elvis Presley's golden suit and others say that it's Marsellus Wallace's soul. And the reason of the band aid on the back of the neck is because that's where the devil took it out (but in reality, Ving Rhames accidently cut himself when shaving his head. I myself shave my head since I'm bald, I have too cut myself many times =P But I've never cut myself on that area) Someone has said that it was actually Butch who key ripped on Vincent's car, which makes sense because Vincent was being a jerk to him earlier.
@michaelb1761 6 ай бұрын
Small point, but I never see anyone comment on it. You don't inject adrenaline into the heart of someone who is ODing. You might inject adrenaline, but into a main artery.
@bigdream_dreambig 7 ай бұрын
12:41 "Did you win?" Nope! Although they do have the dance trophy with them in this next scene, there's a news report elsewhere in the movie that says it was stolen!
@metmanjeff 5 күн бұрын
You are rapidly becoming my favourite reactor. Cool. Intelligent. Excellent. Subscribing right now.
@captgeech 8 ай бұрын
I like to think the light in the briefcase is the same light from LOST, it's all connected! Even though it's not...whatsoever
@stevenvicijan4338 8 ай бұрын
For a moment, thought it was a " It's a Wonderful Life"
@philmullineaux5405 8 ай бұрын
So I'm writing this to give u some pre pro tips, leading up to pulp fiction, so it's more about Quentin and his earlier credits, particularly reservoir Dogs! Before this, Tarantino had writing creds for Dusk til Dawn and True Romance! Which is a movie about himself being a video store clerk, but turning Hollywood fantasy! He often has dialogue heavy movies, and long segments in them, where actors seem to be out of character, and having a discussion in various life circumstances, like the breakfast scene here, or the foot massage scene in Pulp Fiction! Pro tips, Vic Vega is Vince Vega's brother from pulp fiction! Eddie bunker as Mr Blue was a former Bank robber, who went to jail, and started writing crime stories, while in! Mr White put up 5 mil to get this movie made, so he could play Mr White! James Woods was up for either Mr White or Mr Pink roles, but his manager didn't give him the script. James fired him! Sam Jackson was supposed to play the role of the black dude undercover cop, but Tarantino said, wait im writing another part for you, which became Pulp Fiction! If u watch his movies, he uses the same actors over and over! Sam, harvey, Tim, and others, in several of his movies...Sam the most. This, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Hateful Eight, and a voice in Inglorious basterds. Nobody liked the Boss, most of the other actors wanted to beat his ass! He thought he was old school Hollywood royalty and above the other actors. Like several of his other movies, this is based on an old Japanese samurai story, about a group of samurai who get slaughtered in a revenge ploy. The few left realize, one of them is a traitor who tipped off a warlord. Also, search up, Reservoir Dogs posters....there are so many iconic shots from this movie, I have 4 posters as wall art! U may not like his language all the time, but in private moments, street level , homey folks, rednecks, the brothas on the corner, on the block, the crazy chicas....u know they be talkin to each other like this. I've always thought pulp fiction was Quentin's homage to a couple of early Stanley Kubrick films, Dr strangelove, and the killing!
@arraymac227 8 ай бұрын
'I thought you (Vincent) didn't watch shows.' You know, I never noticed that... ++
@alexgoenne1689 8 ай бұрын
A theory about the briefcase: It contains Marcellus Wallace’s soul. That could be why we see a band aid on the back Of his head where it was taken out.
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