Arthars comments on FFLOGS and the recent static drama

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#FFXIV #Arthars #highlights

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@Klefth Жыл бұрын
Rin just comes off as the living incarnation of those PFs you see around that say stuff like "let's have fun! Leave the salt at the door!" but turn out to be the most toxic traps you can join. Passive aggressive and gaslighting while trying to portray himself as this happy, hyper positive, all inclusive uwu blob.
@patrikbatemanx Жыл бұрын
100 % rin
@SPERanger Жыл бұрын
Ok so that’s not just me. When I first started doing PF I would look for groups with those descriptions but not anymore probably because ironically was worst than going with a regular PF
@gcDaydays Жыл бұрын
Dude even went into the uploaders comments and continued trying to gaslight him into believing he wasn't picking favorites, ended up deleting his comment after people called him out in the comments. Such an ass.
@gainsgoblin9953 Жыл бұрын
They really just gang up on a person and give them a legit reason to be upset then immediately start tone policing for supposed "yelling" Xeno was right, just call him out and tell him to f*ck off, if your static is going through people faster than an amazon warehouse you're definitely not "high end" and you have no right to criticize someone for causing one wipe due to bad healing
@Jacqli-Rivoli Жыл бұрын
That's fucked. Dice was essentially forcing his co healer to SOLO HEAL while also simultaneously trying to make them look bad in the logs so that if his MP mismanagement is brought up, he can just say that he was having to make up for his co healer not healing enough.
@Caesar512 Жыл бұрын
Dice does this in PF too
@VivieneValkyrie Жыл бұрын
Either that, or he's just bad. Either way though.
@MrBoston1630 Жыл бұрын
Rin is the embodiment of narcissism. Anyone that has dealt with narcissists can see this. Ticks off all the boxes
@ihateanimebutonlywhenitiso7227 Жыл бұрын
Oh yeah big time narcissist i study psych in school and he’s using all the tactics the gaslighting the “calm-talk” to try and make the other person sound hysterical its all there
Rin is the worst kind of person to be around, faux positive but venomous deep down! I don't think Arthars understands GASLIGHTING!
@redcatte5253 Жыл бұрын
He said on yesterday's stream that he learned the definition of gaslighting yestesday lmao
@plasmahandoku1073 Жыл бұрын
Are we talking rin karagi?
@Muimina Жыл бұрын
@@plasmahandoku1073 yup
@corey123897 Жыл бұрын
I’m ngl I really needed this video. I always worry about my logs being bad and if i have proper raiding mentality, and this video took my anxiety about those things away :) thanks again Arthars
@SPERanger Жыл бұрын
I cleared p8s 8 weeks ago and every reclear I did phase 1 boss melted and enrage was never and issue if I had a clean run. For funsies I looked myself up on fflogs and was thrown off at how low my parse was and was doubting if was doing everything correctly evens though the result of my reclears would tell me otherwise. Doesn’t seem worthwhile to even look unless you actively in “barse” parties
@Bankai90 Жыл бұрын
99parser here, if I open a reclear group and you have grey parses. I literally couldn't care less. If you have 5x parses with a 8parse that's good enough for me. Hidden logs tho, not a fan and I might kick at first or 2nd mistake
@corey123897 Жыл бұрын
@@Bankai90 I never hide my logs. I understand ppl would feel subconscious about their numbers but even still. Like we have a SAM in on if my statics that grey parsed DSR and he’s still a great player! Numbers be damned
@theboogyman3127 Жыл бұрын
@@SPERanger I mean, you can get high purples to orange (assuming you have either bis or 630ilvl, in any normal reclear pfs). those logs parties aim for 99s almost exclusively. If u have good gear and are getting blues, then u might wasn’t to re check your rotation a bit
@Its_an_Eze Жыл бұрын
@@Bankai90 You're a real one .
@strawberrysundaes Жыл бұрын
Rin always seemed off to me and the more shit that happens around him the more I'm realizing it's just true. Dude's actually a legitimate "Fake" stream persona. You can't make this shit up lol
@KlausVolfield Жыл бұрын
I mean, after the "cocksucker" incident, does anyone really expect anything else from him
@geryon8814 Жыл бұрын
All it takes is one look into his eyes and you can see what a motherfucker he really is. It's truly surprising to me how the hell can people get baited by such an obvious and horrible actor.
@villaniousmustache4898 Жыл бұрын
He's worse than anyone on onlyfans
@alhanzseijilidasan376 Жыл бұрын
Start telling your friends to unfollow him. Spread the word
@ItsSVO Жыл бұрын
Rin is the textbook example of “If everywhere you go stinks of shit, check your own shoe” and of course he’s a balance mentor haha.
@Karpata1 Жыл бұрын
FFlogs is something you should pull up when there is a problem and not something to create problems where there are none. Consistent attempts with no vuln. stacks but enrage with 20% HP left, Healers are oom at the start of big damage phases, tanks are left with no cds for a tankbuster, etc.
@DimensionSlip Жыл бұрын
What you said around 20:51 really struck a chord with me. Since I started raiding more seriously in EW, I lamented how I didn't have any friends to do endgame content with and had to use static group/member finder Discords to look for people to raid with, but I think in the end it worked out for the best. Since most of the people I raided with are inside that "raider" circle, some of whom later became friends. It came to mind because I've heard many stories of "friend" statics not working out (including those of my friends) because their duty as friends conflicts with the raiding goal and most of the time the people choose their friends. Which isn't necessarily wrong, but if someone is on a different page, that can lead to drama and it isn't pretty.
@HeroSosh Жыл бұрын
Thank u Arthars! Ure mini ‘rant’ around 9 mins about the use of fflogs in 14 was spot on! Ppl literally care sooooo much about logs and they don’t even clear fights .. or not even bis.. don’t u think u’ll do more dmg when u’re fully geared? Compared to ilvl 618 or something? Ppl care waaaaay too much about logs and then leads to what u mentioned, ppl judging other based off their logs alone.. I’m glad u and xeno can recognize that they don’t matter (as much) and their purpose is to be used as a tool for progression and self improvement ..
@DarkDyllon Жыл бұрын
in a sense, your FFlogs is your resumé for FF14 statics, sounds stupid but it's true, yes, a single 90 log says nothing to the mountain of grey logs underneath it, but people generally look at it that way. when we were recruiting for a new DPS/healer for DSR, we checked logs of everyone applying, we checked for decent parsing players, out of bad experiences we don't want 90+ parsers (if they have 90s all the time for example) since they tend to get fed up when prog slows down because someone or multiple people are having an off day or just don't understand a certain mechanic, meanwhile we took an healer in to train from scratch this savage tier, he had 1 crucial downside, he would overheal everything, that's normally not an issue, but he wasn't doing DPS (we're talking about concistent 0 parses, it was a miracle if he got a 1 parse) so we just check their FFlogs to see what they're like, we still do a trial to see if that person clicks with the group, since that's the #1 priority, yes we want to clear content as fast as we can, but if we gotta take a bad apple to do so, we'll look a little bit longer.
@stephenm4155 Жыл бұрын
@@DarkDyllon Agree with your statement. I love seeing consistencies in logs. If you cleared P8S 10 times and it was all grey, you still cleared 10 times and that is probably someone I would want on my team.
@ExplosivePeeps Жыл бұрын
Rin's always been a drama magnet when it comes to high end raiding. He's bad mouthed people when he was raiding with LlamaTodd. The bad part is, Todd defends his behavior because they're friends. It's why I stopped watching Todd, simply because he enables Rin's shit behavior when it comes to raiding. Rin has a history of gaslighting.
@villaniousmustache4898 Жыл бұрын
That's the problem right there. Friends Letting friends do whatever they want without telling a sucka to shut up and sit down. But that can be said about the sort of animals this game has been attracting the last 3 years
@melissas4874 Жыл бұрын
Todd isn't always the most "positive" either. I watched him about a month ago doing a savage PF run and he didn't win a roll on an item. He then went on to complain about the other play who won. He said the other player died once in the fight and had to be rezzed and based on that alone they should have passed on the item and didn't deserve it. And yes, he was complaining for a few minutes so I don't think he was joking even though he tried to make it sound like he was.
@oszaszi Жыл бұрын
Didnt he have like something with mr Happy? The chillest dude in this community of high end raiders? I never looked at this dudes content until now, so I think they may do drama cause they are pretty insignificant without drama it seems.
@recode4967 Жыл бұрын
This is why i love genshin community, player, developer and the streamer are on sigma mindset, we respect each other unlike *cough* some gcbtw game with their childish behavior
@mirabaeonly Жыл бұрын
@@recode4967 "genshin" LMAO
@Cloverism Жыл бұрын
No normal person who touches grass raids with people who only care about FFLogs in prog.
@clonosfreid6658 Жыл бұрын
You're absolutely right, the people who log in prog settings are absolutely selfish and are counterintuitive to themselves.
@mosley3485 Жыл бұрын
I don't think you understand what logs are used for in prog. Logs are used to check how tank/healer resources could be used better to clear the content. They aren't looking at damage parses. Prog logs are pretty much essential if you want to play content without waiting until you're overgeared, or for progging ultimate quickly.
@alexvandu1 Жыл бұрын
Was i the only one going back to my game to to check what the noises were coming from but then realized it was just the editor bleeping Arthar lol? It can't just be me
@treesuschrist1782 Жыл бұрын
Rin Gaslightgani is the top example of why I avoid hardcore statics like the plague.
@F.A-TUBE Жыл бұрын
i legit thought that was his name then i read your comment again and i was right that is his true name
@manbeard8678 Жыл бұрын
Gaslightgani lmao
@Lyu-Phy Жыл бұрын
It depends, the static has to put instantly on the table what they are for.. friends first or raiding first. If it's the first, then it's basically over - if you are not their type. Its about ones expectation and then finding a balanced static for that as well. A nightmare in itself.
@bunbox 7 ай бұрын
​​​​​@@Lyu-Phy I mean semi causal literally exists for this reason. When you're inside the raid environment you're doing your best and you're taking the raid, and everyone else's time seriously with an aim to progress and clear efficiently but you're not making calls based on a relative performance level from the top, but rather if the desired pace and goals of the static are being met with an understanding everyone there comits to *at least* that but will try perform to their best and not simply just that. I swear modern raiders get so scared by the spooky "casual" word that they convince themselves it has to be all or the other. The semi just means you have expectations of people and as long as people are meeting those in the raid environment you don't micromanage them outside of it and trust them to be making continual improvement, as long as meeting those expectations at a minimum. I think you crazy kids these days call it midcore or something because causal was scary to be associated with lol. But if it ain't hard-core it's causal *sips tea* but that doesn't have to be a bad thing and you can be in an engaging and competitive environment that participates in competitive raiding culture without having to sell your soul to True HC, people just need to remember semicasual exists instead of going to all or nothing lol
@voisinsean Жыл бұрын
"FFLogs makes people **** selfish" is the best quote of this entire video.
@HarumiYu Жыл бұрын
This stream was top notch from the beginning to the end, when you and Xeno just started talking after TOP, was such a good talk, felt like a podcast to be honest, about the community problems, Rin, and so on. Also, the missing part was basically that this Dice guy stopped doing it after the guy was replaced, he is indeed blacklisted in most DCs for those parsers actions, but in this case I really thinks it was to kick this AST.
@xano7220 Жыл бұрын
I'd watch a xeno and arthars podcast
@wildinstinct1585 Жыл бұрын
Are you for real. What kind of person would do such a thing. I am really hurt and pained that the dice fellow can be that wicked
@WindAxel0 Жыл бұрын
Which stream was it that xeno and Arthars were talking in?
@HarumiYu Жыл бұрын
@@WindAxel0 Yesterday's Arthars Stream, probably have a VOD up in Arthar's Twitch channel, after his TOP progression.
@vinhdang1335 Жыл бұрын
@@wildinstinct1585 some people in the hardcore raiding scene are just insane, not all, but they're there
@NeoSpira Жыл бұрын
Rin doesn't seem to know how to spot certain qualities in a person much less what makes a good raider. Cuz he seems to want to be around the most garbage of people.
@Sabata Жыл бұрын
birds of a feather, etc etc
@ineedcoffee2575 Жыл бұрын
Sabata said it, garbage clings together
@objectionablechione Жыл бұрын
garbage attracts garbage
@LM-hr5yk Жыл бұрын
Dice has been a person to avoid in Crystal PF for literally years lmfao it is so funny to see him come up in this shit Wave dodged a bullet and deserves a group that values how much he’s willing to learn and improve while also being unafraid to state his case. That’s the kind of person I want to play with.
@TechneMakre Жыл бұрын
i was legit shocked to see it was dice i can't believe they're still shitting for this many years lmao
@slimfastsubaru2043 Жыл бұрын
ah a crystal raider... it all makes sense now.
@QueenKissune Жыл бұрын
@@slimfastsubaru2043 Rin's from Aether my guy. Shitters from all DCs.
@Puddingskin01 Жыл бұрын
@@slimfastsubaru2043 I was confused at first, because Crystal doesn't raid.
@dc8836 Жыл бұрын
Wave reminds me of one of our healers in the static I was in when I played on Crystal. Chill guy, usually pretty quiet, occasionally stepped forward to point out an error someone was making, but always respectful while doing so. One of my favorite people I've played with in any game, in decades of online gaming. Sad day when our static dissolved due to social and job stuff (COVID was great for raiding if nothing else...), but considering what a goose egg the EW savages have been... I guess it's good it ended when it did.
@VaSoapman Жыл бұрын
The saddest part of this story is that it sounds like Wave HAD a great Co-Healer in that group. And then they kicked that guy for Dice. I'm gonna guess behind the scenes that Dice asked to get in, and then RaidLeader (Not Rin) just kicked out the lower parsing healer.
@F.A-TUBE Жыл бұрын
Ive always had a huge unlucky time finding a real fair static thats why i do it in PF . yes PF is toxic too but atleast theres a chance i get 1 - 2 people who are willing to help you once in a while which is a much better scenario then raiding with biased people favoring their friends and telling that you do everything "wrong" then kick you after you put so much effort into helping the group. Toxicity and favoritism in FFXIV hardcore raiding exists and people wont admit it or show it usually. Non-Biased fair and even groups dont actually exist i can promise you theres always a political war / hidden behind the scenes toxicity of people.
@QueenKissune Жыл бұрын
Isweyr. Just as trash as the rest of em.
@raviolijesus6181 Жыл бұрын
Rin is gay as shit probably sleeping with dice. Rin clearly has dice’s cock in his mouth cause that’s the only explanation for why he would vouch for such a DOGSHIT PLAYER
@KallenFans1 Жыл бұрын
Dice was already in the group as Ranged DPS and he was shitting the bed hard. Chances are he wanted the healer kicked to swap and they did.
@QueenKissune Жыл бұрын
@@raviolijesus6181 honey, we can talk shit about this guy without jumping to homophobia lmao.
@vielara Жыл бұрын
You are dead on right about people using FFLogs incorrectly--mainly, to stroke their epeens over purple/pink/orange/gold numbers. People do the same shit with Warcraftlogs and it's a damn shame. When used properly, FF/WarcraftLogs is a very useful tool to help with group AND individual improvement. That being said, it's pretty obvious Wave was being gaslit by the group and the sage was deliberately playing like garbage to make him look bad on logs. I really hope Wave doesn't let this ruin raiding in general for him, maybe he should take a break for a bit to reset his mental health and find a group that isn't full of a**holes to finish TOP prog.
@slimfastsubaru2043 Жыл бұрын
hey i love stroking my own epeen with high parses....and raging when I parse low because double down didn't crit even once lool. it does get to a point where you have optimized a fight with perfect rotation and uptime to a point you cant learn anything from fflogs and it literally comes down to did I crit on tanks(cause adps is what matters for tanks lol) or did people line up buffs correctly on dps /astro/sch lol
@QueenKissune Жыл бұрын
I spoke to him the other day, he said he's not gonna stop raiding, he's just gonna learn from it and move on
@jasonbrothwell5477 Жыл бұрын
it's So heart-warming to hear a big FF14 content Creator say what I have always said since my WoW days .. Logs are used Incorrectly and hearing to how you play the game you have the exact same mentality as me .. I'm fairly new to FF14 and have improved a lot not using logs for DPS (i main a tank) but looking at survivability and healing taken if i take less damage the healers can do more dps and kill the boss faster yeah =p
@RicardoSantos-oz3uj Жыл бұрын
Since the game a dancing game (as the bosses do the same thing over and over). A better indicator for a group would be survivability at minimum ilvl plus speed of completition at minimum ilvl. Why minimum ilvl? Because you get all mechanics and cannot steamroll your way tough a fight.
@xblowsmokex Жыл бұрын
ive been playing for a year and started looking at fflogs since patch 6.3 - I dont even look at what my teammates are parsing. i plug the log into ffxivanalysis to see what I can improve my rotation, which I need to do badly. im 5th percent black mage lmao.
@tetrahedron_in_space Жыл бұрын
In P4S last tier, we trialed a new healer, as we were having some difficulties with clearing the first phase. They had been stuck for over a month on phase 1, whereas we had only been stuck for about a week or so before our pure healer dipped for health reasons. Surprisingly for us, we actually cleared phase 1 in about 30 minutes that night with the new healer, and they got along well with us in voice leading up to and during raid, so we extended her an invitation to join us over the following week or two to complete the tier. The next day, I wake up to a message that says that she's not going to join us because she gray-parsed DPS and thinks she can do better than that when her main static eventually clears, stating that she felt like she had to GCD heal more than she should; I looked at the logs, and not only did she die once (which is pretty much a gray parse unless you're REALLY good / in really good gear), but our SGE outhealed her and casted more GCD heals than she did. I kept up with her on FF logs, and she did not clear phase 1 with her static for another month after our clear with her. She gray parsed in that run as well, and the following 2 runs after that before apparently giving up on phase 2. Meanwhile, we cleared phase 2 a week and a half after that first clear.
@imRowdyy Жыл бұрын
Yooooo I remember this. Weird coming across your comment here.
@neendevi2477 Жыл бұрын
Holy cows that's funny and sad at same time.
@Sniperbear13 Жыл бұрын
i grey parsed P6S with a 0 As a Tank, but we cleared. Parses are not a accurate measure of player skill. Edit; Hell i grey Parsed all the fights so far, but we still have cleared.
@flint7777 Жыл бұрын
gigacringe fflogs mindset
@didac3859 Жыл бұрын
@@Sniperbear13 I'm not sure what your point here is. Of course you cleared, as the tier porgresses, you get more gear and the skill requirements become lower and lower.
@rydonahue1 Жыл бұрын
Rin’s leader being the guy who was caught zoom hacking and still sticking with that group says everything we need to know about Rin
@feelyourlines Жыл бұрын
i think ultimately the kind of raid group you go for depends entirely on what your goals are. if you're looking to progress quickly, on your own time with no strings attached, go pf, if you want to go hard for week 1 you go with arthars left and central group, if your goal is to just have fun and clear in a month or two, going with friends is really great, too. the bis group for you as an individual is the one that caters to your goals the most, nothing else
@Corvus7159 Жыл бұрын
Take a shot every time Rin is involved with drama/gaslights people
@danmarshall4812 Жыл бұрын
Tried it, passed out xffing
@hippowafflesify Жыл бұрын
HAHAHAHA Rin really stacking up on the FF community drama, huh? xD top tier gaslighting is what happened here LMAOOO!!!
@yabiyabi Жыл бұрын
I disagree with Rin here, because not he is a bad person, but as other job tank/dps you do not see the fight or pay attention as much to pt list/environment than healers. I think I relate to the healers' issue and feeling more in this case and I think Dice sucks
@Paul-bs5wl Жыл бұрын
They are micro-analyzing logs and VoDs specifically to look at healer performance, the classes they play in-game are irrelevant. I don't think the issue is that he missed these things in good faith, I think the issue is that he didn't want to see them because their pre-ordained conclusion was that Dice is our boy and it must be the other guy who is wrong, and they needed to reach that point regardless of the actual situation.
@DarkDyllon Жыл бұрын
i love how in the clip that xenos showed, Rin basically keeps reitterating the same point "you don't stop healing during prog!" meanwhile Wave shows Dice just healing constantly with no damage coming in. and then at the end says "i'm just trying to calm you down, since you're yelling" if i was in that group i would've yelled a lot more, i wouldn't back down and would tell Rin to shut the fuck up and learn to read the logs if he knows the game so well.
@jukebox1096 Жыл бұрын
This healer is 100% correct
@SonictheNinja Жыл бұрын
I keep my logs off for this reason. I have cleared every piece of content in game.Some logs are orange, some are grey, but a clears a clear and it's what I use to improve for ME. If a team insists I have to show them logs to play with them like a job interview, I look for a new group
@sucubai Жыл бұрын
this is exactly why it's important to learn to read logs properly, once you are able to recognize how numbers should look you can better see where some fuck shit is happening. This is my first tier doing savage and would never have learned to mit properly if my healers didnt break it down for me in logs and how to correct my mistakes. I hope the astro finds a good static that doesnt gaslight them. edit: spelling mistakes
@lmpoknya Жыл бұрын
I think its actually a very prevalent problem when people misinterpret statistical values. People look at 1 thing on a log, and ignore the rest of the context to draw their conclusions. Statistical literacy is an under appreciated skill. You can stretch and squeeze the scaling on an axis for a dataset, and the vast majority of people will believe that it is representing two different sets of data.
@DraconicCatgirl Жыл бұрын
Considering some other comments Rin has made, lol this doesn’t surprise me. But yeah I wish there was some way to literally beat into certain people’s heads that, this is a cooperative MMO. You need to at the very minimum not be hostile towards other players. And this is throughout ALL of the game, you will not get ahead if you do something for yourself rather than the group.
@emilyspector2728 Жыл бұрын
IKR?!?! Apparently the memo is not being read
@CaerEsthar Жыл бұрын
The Raider vs. Overlap vs. Friend circles is the smartest clip I've seen in a long time. Been thinking that way for a long time now too.
@sanmar6292 Жыл бұрын
I never even look at my hps numbers / healer parces on ff logs. I only check the timeline to reduce gcd heals, and to coordinate all the ogcd heals and the raid / personal DRs. When the group lives, the heals were enough.
@tatersalad76 Жыл бұрын
And unfortunately, Dice is the type of healer that constantly lets people die because he isn't healing at all. I have a few friends that were in a very short-lived prog party with him for TEA
@sanmar6292 Жыл бұрын
@Tater Salad Sounds awful. Even when people die in this game you have to optimise the heals for this particular sequence and not point at the hps meter. And if you run out of mana, because you actually had to gcd heal, you should communicate those specific mechanics where this is the case.
@bxnaxmxxnaxx1914 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for cheering up, in the xeno vid I was filled with righteous disappointment.., and this one I was filled with righteous laughter
@flint7777 Жыл бұрын
Dice and Toxic positive Rin is the types of players that everyone should avoid.
@samwilkinson9309 Жыл бұрын
As a PLD player, if my log is worse for the DPS to do more damage, I take it, I can still attack from a range if I have to as long as I don't have the boss at the time. Sam in TEA when I played DRK OT, I single target on living liquid hand in order to keep them closer to balanced as opposed to aoeing for logs and forcing others to have to swap targets so that puts less strain on the DPS and they can do what they do
@somerandomdudeable Жыл бұрын
The "Days without FFXIV drama" counter is back at 0
@hyperionnova2854 Жыл бұрын
It’s always been 0 though
@DaizyPear Жыл бұрын
Man oh man oh man I've wanted to talk about this for SOOOOOOOOO..long. As a healer whos been playing since 2.0, there's a lack of accountability. I hate when people use logs to reason whether someone is good or not. They are not looking at the factor as a whole. People would just kick you because they don't like you. When tanks don't use cooldowns, they blame the healer. When the dps gets clipped by extra stuff they weren't supposed to, they blame the healer. Honestly, I stopped raiding in ff because I was tired of getting yelled out by people who weren't capable of taking accountability and quick to blame others for their mistakes instead of realizing what they could've done differently.
@ChaldeaWarmaster Жыл бұрын
Oh man. As a tank main. I am so sorry. I have learned during my time raiding to always treat my healers right even if I may not like em. You can do all the damage in the world but what good is damage if you won't live long enough to do even more damage?
@celfhelp Жыл бұрын
frankly speaking, there's a lack of accountability all over FFXIV because of the "everyone be nice" nature of it i don't think "situational flaming" should be encouraged or anything, but the reality is that quite a few people need to be told that they're just wrong and dismissed as such far too many people act like raging narcissists and then turn into puppy dogs the second they're confronted just so they can exploit the "be nice" nature of the game/moderation
@prismasilveris3460 Жыл бұрын
I use logs just to see where my uptime could be improved, or if I am missing parts of rotation while learning as I get distracted, and I did enjoy seeing an orange for emerald ex when it was current once, but survivability trumps needless waste of resources or risking shit.
@peinox5704 Жыл бұрын
Much respect to ya Arthars. To me you are always like the wise old man. I agreed with 90% of what you said except the part about Rin. I agree that he is direct/blunt but he has definitely been fake nice on and off stream based on personal interactions with him and my friends who have shown me the screenshots of their interactions. He is condescending and his fake positivity bs needs to gtfo. Not to mention he is a huge liar. You gotta react to the fact that he was exposed to the lies he said he stood up for Wave but instead he really didn't just to make himself look better lol
@DarkDyllon Жыл бұрын
honestly, when i'm hearing that story it just reminds me of a static i joined back in Stormblood for the 2nd tier, my old static disbanded since we couldn't recruit members and were basically perma stuck on 4/8. I joined that static and it was a chill static, got shit done, but i noticed the Bard (who i didn't know yet at the time was the raid leads boyfriend) was underperforming severely, to the point where others had to do more to cover his ass. i've went out of my way to show a good friend who was a good bard the logs and analyze it for me, gave me some notes and i shared it with him, he went balistic on me and saying how i'm trying to ruin his experience. (i'm the wrong person to say this to, i'm not like Wave who starts to doubt myself and i bite back quite quickly) so I did just that, told him to get in line and perform better since he's severely lacking, his girlfriend started to get into the conversation aswell, she bascially said "stop being so mean against my boyfriend dude, he's trying his best" (it was a semi hardcore static) so i was confused or atleast dumbfounded since i didn't knew, told her "so, you're OK with your boyfriend underperforming, basically dragging the entire raid down because HE can't do mechanic properly let alone his rotation? yet you want me to stop being mean?" I left it at that, apparently the Bard complained more torwards his GF (who lived together) and she then requested to talk to me 1 on 1 and i agreed. she started to tell me how it's "toxic" to look into other peoples playstyle, how I should just play my job and don't try to talk for DPSers as a tank (was a WAR main back then) told her that if we hit enrage on phase 1 for Kefka quite concistently without deaths, his DPS becomes a problem and it needs to be fixed, i've gone out of my way to get him the information HE needs to improve, yet he wants to throw a hissy fit over it? we left the talk at that since it was clear I wouldn't easily quit, her boyfriend stopped talking altogether in VC, started performing even worse. (i started to look for a new static, so for the 3rd tier we made a new static with my best friend and we poached the tank, who also joined a week before me) shortly after the summoner left because prog was too slow and joined an hardcore static instead (he always parsed orange, he was way too good for that static) the monk basically quit the game since that was around the time when light and chaos DCs were being created and people had to choose, they remained on light, while the monk remained on Chaos. Meanwhile we had a full static (which later on ended up dying aswell) never and i repeat NEVER raid with a static that either has best friends who will defend each other to hell and back, or raid with couples. because the 1st tier in Endwalker i raided with a static that had 2 couples (2 healers and then 2 DPSers) on the same day they GF decided they weren't having fun and their boyfriend quickly followed suit, so that static died.
@ShadaDX Жыл бұрын
Can concur about not raiding with couples, i'm in a static rn trying to clear p8s(irl issues prevented me from clearing sooner), but literally one day when I was just talking in chat, I was apparently laughing over the dps' gf (who mind you I've only been in like for less than a couple of weeks at this point), and the dude had the audacity of saying "just let them finish laughing then talk" out loud. All the while this couple basically talks all the damn time leaving me to essentially not talk at all when either of them are doing so :').
@mukulvdhiman Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile me and my friend gaslighting each other intentionally as humor 🤣
@Link-kr2bc Жыл бұрын
@@mukulvdhiman“nah man you literally didn’t heal me there I got recordings man“
@Sniperbear13 Жыл бұрын
im glad i have a very casual Static. i am someone who is tanking, and my damage could really be better, but my static doesn't really care. i sometimes burst at a bad time, sometimes i fuck up my rotations, sometimes i fuck up my openers, sometimes i mess up tank swaps. i am also a beginner when it comes to savage and ultimate's. but thanks to my static, i have gotten a lot better.
@VForceWave Жыл бұрын
I've always thought that clear time was much more important than parse number. Any schmuck can get a 95+ parse by just pressing their buttons. Overall amazing video here, pretty much agree with everything in it
@clonosfreid6658 Жыл бұрын
Parses usually come with clear times. I wasn't able to get 99's without a specific clear time. Still, the attitude that these "big name" people present is NOT what you see with majority of the 99/100 groups unless they just don't have any social skills. I say this as a DRK who finished rank 23 after I stopped for all of p1-p4. I'm not even proud of it, it was just supposed to be fun and some people take it way too seriously. Additionally, parties will specifically state what they're about most of the time in PF and recruitment.
@LuizHenrique-cj2qn Жыл бұрын
As a player who started raiding on Asphodelos as well, I get Wave frustration 100%. TOP rly made me rethink if I want to keep raiding bcz of a similar situation, getting called out for stuff that dont even was your fault so the friend get a pass and then getting kicked bcz of it, is next level bullshit, but its rly hard for new raiders to find a good group with the business partners mentality, so we always end up raiding with friends only or a group with a ''its me or the new guy''' mentality. I love raiding, its honestly the only content that keeps me playing the game but the raiding community is too closed to new raiders for hardcore prog.
@mosley3485 Жыл бұрын
idk what business you think a new raider has in hardcore prog.
@LuizHenrique-cj2qn Жыл бұрын
@@mosley3485 I'd say a new raider who manages to get a week 2 clear on his second tier and dsr clear as his first ultimate in 2 months got alot of business on a hardcore prog. If u can learn mechanics fast, can dps and have the right mentality, how many years u spent raiding dont make any difference.
@Lyu-Phy Жыл бұрын
@@LuizHenrique-cj2qn Hate that shit, just because someone is new they are getting excluded. Fucking disgusting, it doesn't mean shit more often than not.
@SilverNightbane Жыл бұрын
Well, that was insightful.
@rimasenrii Жыл бұрын
Very sad, it makes me recall the time a person said they were kicked out of group during A2S because of low dps. However, the reason for low dps is because they were control the Gobwalker to execute mechanics yet they had all agree to remove this person. I feel remorse for this person.
@DeadEye935 Жыл бұрын
xivanalysis even chastises healers for not maximizing the usage of their healing ogcds, like they're damage abilities. Feels like it was made by someone that has never touched healer in this game, you sit on them until you need them, you don't just throw them out on cooldown. The only abilities you do that for are assize and earthly star and its because they do damage. I've started practicing black mage, and it screams at me for not maximizing my usages of manaward, like I dunno maybe I want save it for if a healer dies? Or maybe I wanna make sure I have it during a specific mechanic? It's very strange that it doesn't do this at all for tank cds. Also lmao this video comes out like a week after a friend brought up how Rin treated her static like shit. When so much drama happens around one dude, usually that one dude is the cause of it.
@untrustingstatue Жыл бұрын
xivanalysis helps you maintain the foundations of your classes. It will never take into account of healing properly or proper cooldown usage. It only times how long the fight goes and tells you how many possible uses of a skill you should have in that fight. Its the training wheels. how you make use of that info for the rest of the fight is entirely on your own accord.
@zephyros256 Жыл бұрын
xivanalysis also tends to say you have too much overhealing on WHM for just making sure you are not wasting your lily charges. It just gives some information and it is still up to the user to interpret it, as Engie4Evar mentions it just provides some info and it is still up to the the user to know what to do with the provided info.
@strawberrysundaes Жыл бұрын
xivanalysis is a vacuum that doesn't take into account for what is actually happening. There is no way for it to know what the actual situation is, it will only look at your button presses and what is up and what isn't. That's why it screams at you for not pressing one OGCD, or one Mitigation button, etc.
@ramenjd6239 Жыл бұрын
You’re not supposed to follow it strictly, because there’re a lot of situations that those suggestions don’t apply, especially healers. Use it as a general direction of how you manage CDs. For example, it helps you to realize “oh I only use Temperance once while I could have use it 5 times!” Also, you don’t always use assize/stars on cooldowns, as long as you don’t lose an extra charge during uptime. This kind of situation happens more in ultimates
@CerberusComplex Жыл бұрын
Others touched on the first part of your question so I wanted to talk about specifically skills like manaward, which is a mit. You should not sit on mits and treat them like an emergency button. In the raiding scene that would be similar to when a tank is pulling in a dungeon and only uses a mit at like 20% hp before they die. This same mentality goes for dps: personal mits should be actively used to make the healers' lives easier so they don't have to heal you as hard. If you save it for only after the healers are already dead, then it's unlikely a manaward will do anything for you regardless (you'll either survive the mechanic but then die to the raidwide after when the healers are getting back up, or you'll just straight up die to the mechanic from too much dmg). Like the other comments said, that's where XIVAnalysis comes in and tells you how many manawards you're able to fit in the entire fight, so you can choose which mechanics to use it on to get the most efficient uses out of manaward and help make the healers' lives easier. This goes for other dps mits as well like shade shift, third eye, etc. Mitigation, and therefore healing to an extent, is a party effort.
@TransientWitch Жыл бұрын
You heard it here, everyone! Arthars said don't give a *error sound* about fflogs! =3
@ViviCaligo Жыл бұрын
This reminds me of a time I was in a Hades mount farm unsynced and someone tried to use logs to defend their healer buddy for not healing the doom during prime by saying how they were healing more overall and all it did was show that they were massively overhealing the rest of the fight and having all their ogcds on cooldown.
@Tezasaurus Жыл бұрын
Imagine being a part of the raiding scene for years and unironically taking Dice's side. Rin is a joke.
@mosh.4245 Жыл бұрын
When you roll the dice it comes up snake eyes.
@danmarshall4812 Жыл бұрын
Great comment
@Seraph141 Жыл бұрын
I think there's a big issue with FF raiders in accepting criticism and admitting mistakes
@Lyu-Phy Жыл бұрын
@Phoenix Fucking hate the raiding scene, either they are oversensitive fucks or think they know it all, which is basically the same shit.
@khantkskk Жыл бұрын
I need part 2
@StefawnVan Жыл бұрын
Rin is not being kind at ALL, Arthars. You're not seeing it. This is Gaslighting 101, manipulation, and it's naive to think he's as pure as you think he is.
@cynthiahembree3957 Жыл бұрын
The problem I think is Arthars thinks he's "trying" to be nice. The issue with this is everyone at one point or another pretends to be nice when they want something. Nice isn't a personality trait it's just when you say or don't say something because you for whatever reason want to. Kindness is a personality trait though you can be Kind without always being nice. A lot of "nice" people are not kind though. You are correct though Gaslighting and manipulation are abusive which is a hard cry from nice.
@googlemademedoit806 Жыл бұрын
Hmm I don't like Rin but I think in the clip he is reacting in the moment and based on what he thinks is going on vs what is actually going on. Hes doing what alot of bad parents do "whichever child came to them crying" is the victim. Now when Rin later on said he was defending Wave... yea that was just a straight up lie LOL. Xenos said it best "Youre a streamer dude we can literally go back and see you are lying."
@benmetzger6528 Жыл бұрын
thought I had a macro going off the entire video lol
@ceciiivie Жыл бұрын
it feels like the healer role is the most susceptible to either getting gaslit or being the actual toxic problem in the static, whether in this case it was both, 'healer girlfriends' (ive had and heard of a few here in JP servers), including people that heal too much or nuke spam only no weaves no gcd heals. healing seems to have the most range in player skill across the userbase
@lindaa9005 Жыл бұрын
I would agree that as with OTHER jobs- there is a range of skill levels with healers, However, what I do feel is that in SOME cases, people have healed a couple of times, then feel that it makes them an authority on healing (it likely doesn't) - and that can cause issues when there are conversations between co-healers, healer recruiting or interpretations of fflogs. NOTE- that doesn't mean that their feedback isn't valuable , but I would want to get the feedback from a neutral healer main as well
@stephenm4155 Жыл бұрын
My thoughts as a person who progs ULTs as a SCH. Healing has a low floor and high ceiling, like you said and it engenders a false sense of confidence because memorizing healer skills are simple. Good healers that Ive played with are some of the most knowledgeable about fights and about the abilities of every tank so they know the nature of their cooldowns so they can heal more effectively. Good healers think and plan and that is not a state of mind most people who play healer innately understand. It took a whole savage tier as a WHM in ShB before I understood what real healing actually meant. Its tough for healers. lol
@NYCZ31 Жыл бұрын
The game itself acknowledges this in a rather infamous storyline
@Lyu-Phy Жыл бұрын
Yeah it's just arguably by far the hardest job in the game with the most responsibility.. and the most potential for all this toxic degeneracy, all the blaming.
@BiscuitsV2 Жыл бұрын
One of the DPS in my last static tried to jump down my throat about my active time during P7S, claiming that it was my fault we didn't clear because I was sub 610 and had 90% active. As a sage. All they really did was expose how little they knew about reading fflogs, since ten seconds of looking got me the information that I stopped casting to rez two people during the run they claimed we were going to clear. One of those players being another dps. And the healer that was pugged was massively overhealing. And on all the other potential clears our tank either killed himself and the same dps, or the dps complaining to me about sub 610 was the one fucking up mechanics because they didn't want to lose a gcd or just went to the wrong spot entirely. As satisfying as it was to put them in their place after they tried to call me out in the discord server, it really soured the static scene for me forever. And this was just a casual-midcore group. Not even seriously raiding. I left WoW's raiding scene because of this exact kind of shit, but as a blessing, at least it's not a core requirement for XIV.
@slimfastsubaru2043 Жыл бұрын
why tf you in sub 610 raiding? its literally the bare minimum flame you too. its fking crafted gear.
@BiscuitsV2 Жыл бұрын
@@slimfastsubaru2043 #1 It was as alt class from a previous tier. I mained rdm for them 1-4 last tier, but half of us swapped roles last minute. We did not go for very many reclears. #2 I was short on personal time, something I told them about before we started, gave them the option to replace me before we started, but they all insisted it was fine that I was slightly under ilvl, and that I would not have time to clear outside of raid days. #3 We had decided that all gear drops would be 1st pick for dps. So I didn't start getting drops until like 3 weeks in. Which combined with a lack of time made it nearly impossible to get the gear I needed. Even then I was only 2 ivls under 610, and was still doing enough of my share for the clear. Hence why we cleared the next week with me still in the same gear and without a tank murdering our dps. I've done content in this game at min requirements for years and it's been fine, especially for healer. The fights are literally tuned for it. If you could not clear it at 600 they would not let you into the content at 600. Two extra ilvl is not going go make that big of a difference when you stack your damage amongst the damage of the rest of your party. If you're doing well, you can clear. That's just how it's always been. The 100 extra crit you get is not automatically going to make you one shot the boss.
@slimfastsubaru2043 Жыл бұрын
@@BiscuitsV2 well yeah if only you are minimum or under its not ok but il work till ya get to those p8s enrages and continually wipe at 50% or just get one shot by some of the mechanics which at 610 a lot of the dmg in p8 would just kill you without heavy mit so ur gonna force the static to mit around you.. if your static wont even craft you or buy you some crafted thats pretty fucked imo. our static has 2 crafters an we craft our people gear which is the norm shit our fc even has an omni crafter that if you give him the red tombstone items will craft it for you for free which is also the norm lol
@BiscuitsV2 Жыл бұрын
​@@slimfastsubaru2043 Never had a problem getting oneshot by mechanics even at sub 610. Took the same percentage of health in damage as everyone else. And that was only with either my shield or the scholar's shield on us and maybe a reprisal. We never overmitted for raidwides as it was unnecessary, and stack mechanics sometimes had even less mit (exceptions maybe being the carbuncle dash). As for people crafting me gear, yeah sure, we could've done that, but it had literally been fine up until that point. And no one said shit after several times of me offering to step out for another healer. And I'm a poor little bitch so I wasn't buying shit on the mb. What's funny is the complaint didn't come until after the dps had already gotten some gear drops, which meant clearing should've been easier. They just wanted to blame something other than the obvious mechanical failures. The two extra ilvls on the sage would not have helped fix the two rez sickness debuffs on the tank and the dps.
@slimfastsubaru2043 Жыл бұрын
@@BiscuitsV2 like i said tho mechanics in p8 can one shot you without mit not p5-7 for example all the tetraflares, centuar 1 jumps, snakes 2 puddle if only 3 people take it can all 100 to 0 you without extra mit at 610.
@TheBirotteKid Жыл бұрын
Thank you Arthars editor
@Shjinn Жыл бұрын
The top-notch editing makes the original video a lot more coherent, he got a bit lost in the sauce repeating himself because of how emotional he was. Side-note: They were raiding yesterday with 2 entirely new healers again, one a helper who has already cleared.
@awerges2205 Жыл бұрын
My thought process goes like this when we hit a speed bump: 1. Are people dying a lot? Too many people pulling stunts. Prioritize safest/easiest positions. 2. Is everyone up but we're not meeting a DPS check? Start training for uptime positions. 3. Are we still unable to beat DPS check even with uptime strat? Pull out the parser. FFXIV is such a simple game that to fail at doing DPS requires that the person stop trying. So I leave parsers for the end because its just not needed most of the time.
@dixiebellau Жыл бұрын
Most of the rank 1 players are cheating ... The rank 1 mch is triple weaving every hypercharge.. like... Hello!
@TheForhekset Жыл бұрын
Organizing a static is a nightmare. I organized one for a bit and just quit. Cuz nobody showed up on time and people left constantly.
@innies8825 Жыл бұрын
the timing cut at 20:53 needs to be commends, that's humor
@skeletonwheel5056 Жыл бұрын
rin slander 😍😍😍😍😍
@aceandrews7778 Жыл бұрын
Rin is always surrounded with drama is nuts lmao
@Tyabann Жыл бұрын
I wonder why that could be.................
@cizzymac Жыл бұрын
If everyone around you keeps changing but you're constantly surrounded with drama, that probably means the drama is because of you.
@TheBorzoi Жыл бұрын
While not log related, I got kicked from a static when farming Asphodelos because my co-tank kept dying to mechanics and blaming me. P1s for example. He would take the beam and get knocked back so I provoke, stand at max melee in the north-east corner so I don't hit anyone with the tank buster. He would then walk back to the boss and stand in front of the boss instead of going to the side of the boss opposite me to make sure he doesn't get hit. He would blame me for being too close. In regards to logs though, i don't agree with people that kick people from parties for not having a high parse. Most of the high parses use very risky strategies or have been padded in some way. If you look at all the top P8s part 1 parses, they always get Gorgon first because it allows for better party buff alignments and can be beaten before the dashes in Beast 2.
@alaineninmah7040 Жыл бұрын
When I heal p8s p2 i know its a different fight. But during HC 1 and HC 2 i cast 1 medica II and bell after first towers and i don't heal again till the next aionpyr. Also I would never heal next to Dice. That dude is on quite a few black list
@F.A-TUBE Жыл бұрын
Ive always had a huge unlucky time finding a real fair static thats why i do it in PF . yes PF is toxic too but atleast theres a chance i get 1 - 2 people who are willing to help you once in a while which is a much better scenario then raiding with biased people favoring their friends and telling that you do everything "wrong" then kick you after you put so much effort into helping the group. Toxicity and favoritism in FFXIV hardcore raiding exists and people wont admit it or show it usually. Non-Biased fair and even groups dont actually exist i can promise you theres always a political war / hidden behind the scenes toxicity of people.
@tyty8484 Жыл бұрын
OK the FF Error sound effect is really f'n me up here while i'm Macro crafting
@RiogaRivera Жыл бұрын
what are those headphones? can someone tell tell plz
@SkyDiveKoh Жыл бұрын
Looks like g733
@RiogaRivera Жыл бұрын
@@SkyDiveKoh look like they are, ty!
@AkillesOfSweden Жыл бұрын
I’ve seen people basically refuse to take a res in a weekly reclear party cause it would ruin their parse. Even though they fucked up the mech!
@clonosfreid6658 Жыл бұрын
This is the most irritating experience for sure. If you want to parse, go join a parse party. I want to get my reclear right now--like how the PF description says mind you--and then parse later.
@beanstockg Жыл бұрын
im trying to craft while i watch and everytime he swears it makes me think i pressed something wrong find a new sound effect xD
@fantasyfuyu Жыл бұрын
Damn he went from gaslighting us about his broken wrist some time ago, DR said that he may not be able to play again but he was back in time for DSR. Now gaslighting a healer that it’s perfectly normal to be spamming heals during instances of downtime. 😂😂😂😂😂
@zomgpeoplestolemname Жыл бұрын
Rin should be embarrassed for simping for Dice. Like rationalizing keeping someone who plays like trash and is a clear detriment to the group just because you want to stay on the RLs good side is pathetic. Imagine being a group that says they are pushing WF and they do this holy pepega lol literal clown group.
@Kanokey Жыл бұрын
I barely watched Rin, but the first time I saw this guy it really gave off this "nice guy" energy. The dude seems faker than a brazilian butt lift
@Icedmindblow Жыл бұрын
I started with patch 4.4ish and went through bard, machinist and now monk (for life). My goal's always been to play my job as good as possible, but I do understand the name of the game - one death and the whole run might have gone to s**t. I had my healer/stack partner reading some mechanics wrong and went off south a few times - melees adjust and so I jumped to her (monk gap closer ftw) and back again. I don't care if my parses won't be past 40ish (still missing chest and weapon, and I know the fight inside and out, just been eluded by PF), but I do care for the clear. I do check my parses for timings on feints/mantras and if I'm playing consistently. So far, I can "boast" a steady 10k, and I like being reliable :D Even my healer facepalmed at that mana burn, and the worst thing is: RinK, a self proclaimed pro raider, can't see that? "Preventive overhealing" when there is ZERO damage coming in, and the whole party is stuffed with shields and dmg reductions? Ouch.
@reterni799 Жыл бұрын
True and real!
@RyuSaarva Жыл бұрын
Why is there constant error sound effect every time he pauses the video?
@ArtharsFF14 Жыл бұрын
Bleep sfx used to censor profanities.
@RaizerSkybreaker Жыл бұрын
​​@@ArtharsFF14 that's genius lolol aka I just like how you used that sfx
@yep8058 Жыл бұрын
They have to bleep out the swears because KZbin is being a whiny bitch. Credit to the editor for doing this every time by hand.
@Ratched64 Жыл бұрын
21:58 .... meanwhile me in week 536 stuck at P8 Phase 1....
@excellusultimus4952 Жыл бұрын
Rin has never cleared an ultimate as a healer, and the video of that healing is pretty obvious to analyze for anyone with eyeballs. I'm going to give a hot take here: just because you're popular on this game doesn't mean you're necessarily good at the game or even that intelligent. Being popular doesn't give you some tremendous insight in how to play ffxiv. In fact, most of this game is common sense. Further, anyone who uses FFLOGs to truly judge anyone is not particularly intelligent. FFLOGs is not a rigorous scientific experiment. If you're doing a fight in a static with other good players your logs are automatically inflated. So you cannot compare two different players meaningfully. There's too many independent variables for it to be a controlled experiment. Yet FFLOGs is used for dick measuring constantly. It's only useful as a tool for self-improvement. Finally, the end game community on this game is also full of utterly delusional players. I've played with several of the leaders of The Balance discord. Using shit like Cactbot and other third party programs to enhance play is quite common for them. These are people who are playing ffxiv to measure their dicks against other people, but use third party tools as a crutch. It's truly cringe. The fact of the matter is this game is not particularly difficult as far as MMOs go. Any human being can practice and clear all the content in this game. You're not an olympic athlete because you get high logs or clear content in this game. You have time. This game rewards having a lot of free time to practice. You are not special. -Morgana Ultimus
@Lyu-Phy Жыл бұрын
It's a self improvement tool yeah.. but the amount of people that think you gotta have the logs mate..wake up to reality, while logs in itself are super variable and not absolute. Love your realtalk.
@rodrigoaces4368 Жыл бұрын
wow player here and I dont know why this was recommended to me but I have a question. FFLOGS dont show overheal ? what I understood from the video is that the guy wasted all his mana healing nothing if this was warcraft logs he would parse blue at best
@a_sweetroll1627 Жыл бұрын
And this why Squeenix does not want to put in an ingame parse meter. People going toxic and become full on sweats.
@SRFAA Жыл бұрын
To be fair, whenever anything competitive is added people will always find a way to be toxic/cause drama.
@Disuke1 Жыл бұрын
When we wipe and they ask for their numbers, and Im like what? Not even enrage or a wall.
@deviantsama Жыл бұрын
damn, i didn't know rin was like that. that's sad
@yokogoph Жыл бұрын
Considering the pain I have with P8S and checking the logs of people who keep failing mechanics, I see so many high parsers but damn why are you dead on simple mechanics.
@calebevans9562 Жыл бұрын
They prioritize pressing the right button over anything else ...
@Holoflux Жыл бұрын
My experience goes WAY back to stormblood, that's already when i quit raiding altogether because people were so obsessed with their logs
@plasmahandoku1073 Жыл бұрын
I've honestly grown tired of joining HC statics lol. The first tier of P1-4 was just absolute hell. Had a static leader being manipulative and kicking out 3 of 8 members in a week 1. I was removed because I couldn't do more damage in a opener as a bard compared to a warrior with 3 pieces of gear while I had nothing. I was removed 2 days before reset when we are about to clear. I managed to clear in PF the day after. He told the group I quit the static which I didn't. But pretty much 3 weeks later the raid leader was in one of those .1% raiders discord and caused so much drama where he was showing his NSFW that the discord itself got deleted and then he changed his name and left his FC and the static. It was so bad.
@shiroikami2690 Жыл бұрын
As a healer main who *obsesses* over always making sure I have enough MP, and not overhealing, I don't understand Dice's mentality. 1.) Why spam gcd heals? In my experience, if you have to spam gcd heals, that means something has gone terribly terribly wrong. I use Medica 2/Cure 3/Cure 2 only situationally, and even then the M2/C3s are carefully planned and I'm definitely not spamming them for no reason. If I don't have any ogcd/non-MP heals available, either I've done something very wrong, or my party is taking WAY too much damage. 2.) Why burn your MP when you don't have to? I run a mid-Piety build because I am absolutely paranoid about running out of MP and not being able to either dps or heal. I have a sound effect macroed to my Lucid Dreaming so that I never forget when it's available and I can hit that button, even if I'm at nearly full MP. If I'm lower than 5k MP, I'm watching my Lucid cd timer tick so that I can hit it as soon as it's available. If there's nothing for me to attack or heal, of course I'm not going to be wasting my precious precious MP on overhealing for the sake of numbers. It's absolutely madbrained to me that someone would obsess over healing parses to such a degree that they'd shoot themselves in the foot to make themselves look good and their co-healer look bad.
@Chronoic Жыл бұрын
This is why we can't have nice thing everyone.
@briceg986 Жыл бұрын
From experience, the only issues I had in groups was with healers, and most of them were sages for some reason. Like I had one guy saying he didn't have any CD when asked for shield or heal. Happens once, twice etc. And when you dig into the logs, you see that he basically uses half his buttons and wont put any GCD, just to keep damaging. So I wouldn't be surprised this guy has been setting him up to get kicked, or he does that to say he has nothng left and no do anything. He might just be an idiot as well, or the clip is a bad example. Anyway the way to handle it is wrong. Leave the discord because you are mad and you won't come back in my group. Just ask for 10 min or more, accept it, and come back fresh with solutions.
@dividedbyzero4 Жыл бұрын
FFlogs obsession is also the reason we get gigantic hitboxes because melee parsers kept crying about having to disengage sometimes.
@slimfastsubaru2043 Жыл бұрын
guessing you don't play a melee in high end content lol most melee jobs feel like shit with even one gcd of downtime. most of them have very strict rotations that require 100% uptime to not totally fuck for the entirety of a fight. only one that has some leeway is NiN and sometimes SAM depending on their gcd speed as that determines how many gcds they need to use as filler. like if a sam misses 2 gcds at 2.14 they are good they can just burst as normal without using the filler but if they miss 1 they gotta hit 1 twice or if they miss 3 lol gl rotations fucked. rpr loses their double enshroud window, drg drifts everything into orbit, and so on. gnb is the same way, miss to many gcds that you don't have enough cartridges to do your 1 min burst windows well ur drifting your burst by however many gcds you missed. don't play the rest of the tanks so i can't speak for them.
@QueenKissune Жыл бұрын
@@slimfastsubaru2043 skill issue.
@dividedbyzero4 Жыл бұрын
@@slimfastsubaru2043 I played SAM/GNB the entire Shb and PLD/GNB on EW and parses orange most of the time with some pink or high purple depending on crit. "Feels like shit" on melee downtime? Idk just get fucking good and adjust your rotation or try to greed before disengaging or try some melee uptime strats if there's any like that one in E6S and E12S shiva junction or E10S that had the ranged and healers travel around the world on last towers. I'll take messed up rotation or drifting the entire party burst window when necessary over galaxy sized hitboxes, it's so fucking boring because there's no optimization to do. DPS check for melees now just turn into crit harder because the game lets you hit the boss from narnia. Fuck your obsession with parses and your demand to be able to do the perfect rotation uninterrupted, it ruined half the fun of 8 man raiding as melee.
@slimfastsubaru2043 Жыл бұрын
@@dividedbyzero4 the argument wasn't about melee uptime strats or greeding. the argument was about"missing gcds" lol in SHB is wasn't as big of an issue, nin had leeway, mnk could just double dragon kick if they needed to which they did it a lot of fights, gnb being at 2 cartridges instead of 3 made downtime not as big an issue. samurai was the same lvl of awkward as end but it worked out because most the time the downtime was only 1 or 2 gcds on every fight that had downtime so it just took their filler gcds. personally had no issues with downtime in SHB raids. the way the classes are designed in END are what forced melees to need near perfect uptime in fights to not throw it off. also I really don't believe in your parses lol you shoulda said purples maybe 95s at best its a lot more believable. EDIT: forgot to mention dragoon. they were the worst to miss gcds on in SHB but it wasn't really an issue as you could literally greed and save a jump to weave a lil later in your burst that would most the time line up fine and remain in raidbuffs to have damn near no downtime.
@slimfastsubaru2043 Жыл бұрын
@@QueenKissune I don't do any of the things I listed lol im just saying in response to what they said about missing gdcs like its just a small issue that doesn't matter and why its awkward. i have 0 downtime in the fights this expac and very little in the eden raids outside what was literally mandatory downtime, but yes skill issue
@RyouMidori Жыл бұрын
reminds me of this time people didnt want a mch but the dude had so many clears but he was mad about him playing mch because its not an optimal dps but the other guys like hard stuck in his run
@maniac7770 Жыл бұрын
There's only one logs that matters. And it's the one where you clear, *because* you clear. Not because of how you did in that clear.
@ecstaticafter4644 Жыл бұрын
no i mean it's okay to clear with a grey in all accounts, but there is a level where you have to perform ie prog times proper mit and consistent play.
@penguinvader7057 Жыл бұрын
not really true, analyzing logs is very useful for progression. the issue is you have to actually dig into the logs, 1 number doesn't tell the whole story
@ich3730 Жыл бұрын
lets be honest, if we have 2 players, one with oranges across the board and one with greys everywhere, its pretty obvious the first guy is gonna be a better player. Getting grey on the 10th reclear should not happen if nothing crazy happened ( deaths etc )
@penguinvader7057 Жыл бұрын
@@ich3730 if you're holding damage when you're ahead on dps checks so that others can build gauge, you might get a gray. if you don't play into burst windows at all and just spend all your resources as they come up, you might get an orange (fflogs percentiles are based on RDPS which doesn't account for others' buffs). and yet the former player is better than the latter. so yeah you can get somewhat of a vibe if someone's doing consistently low damage but if you just look at the percentile and nothing else, often you're going to get bad data (and 0 data about how consistent they are on mechanics, which is extremely important)
@Feast_ Жыл бұрын
​@@penguinvader7057 Thank. You. FFLogs and Warcraft logs is an amazing tool, but it gets a bad rep because most people only care about what color the number next to their name is It shows damage mit, it shows a timeline of who did what, it even has a replay feature to show who moved where, it shows so much, it's such a shame that people abuse the tool and give it a really bad name
@rahelschonholzer4890 Жыл бұрын
As someone who started to raid this tier. Cleared p5s and p6s and currently on p7s. Ik my parses are bad. Im doing my best to improve as ik some stuff delay for me as EU palyer on NA. My static are fine with wipes and all we are a chill one. Same goes for my second static for ultimates. My dream is to clear uwu and tea and getba few more clears in in those. (We arent far in TEA yet) and uwu i may do abit per PF until my second static goes in for it. I didnt knew the raiding community can be that toxic...i was always scared for PF(still am abit)
@AnnaKittyCore Жыл бұрын
I've left 3 statics this expansion, Never had to do that in the past. Idk why its like that but i liked shadowbringers raiding alot more.
@TheRichman42 Жыл бұрын
Is there an overt concern for logs? It may be WoW players who are concerned for and never gave up their DPS meters. Having been one, everyone lives and breathes that in WoW.
@AnnaKittyCore Жыл бұрын
@@TheRichman42 No just make you feel dumb for messing up mechanics endwalker feels to hard for me the puzzle mechanics plus everything else is really making me mess up alot and makes me feel the need to use addons. The last group was there first raid tier and they had worse logs than me lol. Gladly im on p2 of p8 and i dont think ill be raiding again in ffxiv. I actually tried wow raiding and its alot of fun.
@TheAssirra Жыл бұрын
​@TheRichman42 yes because the names that are thrown out here were totally not main ffxiv players... Seriously, can we stop blaming every single community issue in this game on wow? It's getting so tiresome.
@CultFX23 Жыл бұрын
should try go for p5s as p1 to 4s rn are desert, I had an easy time with 5 6 and 7s in pf recently took 1 day each and now progging p8s which is definitely harder
@AnnaKittyCore Жыл бұрын
@@CultFX23 Im on hc1 in p8s the whole tier was not fun at all. I was just wanna be done so i can unsub and play something else. Anyone that likes these wierd puzzle and timing juke mechanics can have them.
@zz394 Жыл бұрын
i thought arthars playing the vid at 1.5x speed
@ApexGale Жыл бұрын
Logs are best used to check your dps for DPS phases, not to see high numbers i rather have decent DPS but be consistently doing mechanics properly than parse almost perfectly. why the hell would i compete over higher numbers, I'm just here for the clear and rewards
@Paul-bs5wl Жыл бұрын
Because some people are here to compete? Idk that feels like asking why people train to be a good basketball player when I'm just here to shoot hoops with the bois. Nothing wrong with shootin' hoops with the bois, but also weird that you would assume nobody else would want to put more into it.
@ApexGale Жыл бұрын
@@Paul-bs5wl putting people down for stats that ultimately don't matter within the scheme of the raid is not competition, it's being a dick for no reason
@LovelyBloodRose Жыл бұрын
@@Paul-bs5wl Your analogy fits more for if we are competing for world first over perfect logs just saying. Competing for perfect logs is just to stroke your ego, because perfect logs doesn't mean you were the best player you just parsed better there isn't really a competition to have there.
@DayaranPlays Жыл бұрын
​@@LovelyBloodRose Not at all. There is absolutely competition to be had there, even if crit luck negates it most of the time. And sure, if anyone says they dont like seeing colorful numbers on their page, theyre lying. But parsing can be fun. After initial clear, what will you do? Some people like playing alt jobs. Some people just do reclears ASAP and go do something else. And some people just want to go in and perfect it as much as possible.
@slimfastsubaru2043 Жыл бұрын
then do both? i parse 90-98s (btw gnb parses are pretty rng because its 99% critting blasting zones/double downs) and i almost never fk up. why can't parsing high and doing mechanics consistently be done together?
@will79041 Жыл бұрын
this guy is on the crystal pf dodge list lol
@ineedcoffee2575 Жыл бұрын
That's good but I hope you use your own judgement in people, dodge lists become popularity contest real fast esp on a game like this ( and more so on crystal lol )
@KallenFans1 Жыл бұрын
@@ineedcoffee2575 that guy is dodglisted on ever Datacenters and banned from multiple pf discords.
@Winter_RainVT Жыл бұрын
Lmao weird pizza analogy but I get it
@lightknightgames 11 ай бұрын
THAT'S WHY I HAVE 60% uptime on healers! In cutscene heavy fights* They spam in downtime?M?!?!
@Bon-Gi Жыл бұрын
Dice is the perfect example of a guy who looks good when you check their parse but is a completely selfish trash player.
@theodred9193 Жыл бұрын
props to the editor for the quick cuts @youMadsin 100 active uptime editor xdd
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