Assassin's Creed Revelations Is Better Than You Remember

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@askyouruncle 6 ай бұрын
This is my first video with my new microphone. Sorry if I sound super depressed at points in this video, but... I was super depressed. I'm okay now, don't you worry. Other than that, I'm pretty proud of this one. Second Channel: Twitter: Instagram: Patreon: Bandcamp:
@letsdothis1543 6 ай бұрын
Rootin for you bud 💪❤️
@Kweemz 6 ай бұрын
Happy to hear the good times have come Uncle.
@overdrivee00 6 ай бұрын
brilliant video
@imnotimportant6831 6 ай бұрын
I just wanna say: I've seen a lot (an unhealthy amount actually) of video game reviews/analysis/retrospective/intentionally left blank. Which is why I feel qualified to say your mgsv review is one of the greatest I've seen. If I were to rank the best: 1. Action Button boku no natsuyasumi. 2. AskYourUncle Mgsv. 3. Timmm The Paracosm of Alan Wake. 4. NakeyJakey Rockstar's Game Design is Outdated. 5. GrimBeard Max Payne/Deus Ex.
@-Monad- 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for powering through depression so I could get my video essay fix 👍
@overdrivee00 6 ай бұрын
who up asking they uncle
@imnotimportant6831 6 ай бұрын
@GangreneSerenity 6 ай бұрын
Me too
@CErra310 6 ай бұрын
I have fond memories of this game. Ezio's farewell to Altair and Desmond made me ugly-cry back in 2011 because I was obsessed with this franchise and had spent so much time with these characters. It was only the second game to do that after Final Fantasy 10
@darkglobe420 6 ай бұрын
same man, my 12 year old self was crying like a baby when ezio said his final goodbye to desmond and us, it was the end of an era
@georgediaz1259 6 ай бұрын
Fun fact. The original voice actor for Altair was told to use an american accent despite being middle eastern.
@I-do-not-read-replies 6 ай бұрын
As it should be
@huytungnguyen119 6 ай бұрын
And the Revelations actor for Altair had the accent, but the guy is kinda shitty that involved in some controversy and maybe crime so yikes. If they ever think of remake AC1, just bring back OG actor and have him do the accent.
@SomasAcademy 6 ай бұрын
The original actor is Arab-Canadian, that's his real accent. He was originally supposed to have a Middle Eastern accent, but the person in charge of casting thought he had an "awesome voice" so they decided to use it. I wish they'd just brought him back and had him do a Middle Eastern accent in Revelations, he does a much better one than the guy they cast as Revelations Altair in his place.
@Halfandhalftee 6 ай бұрын
@splintercell5551 6 ай бұрын
@@I-do-not-read-repliesruins it
@generalclanker8379 6 ай бұрын
I think the reason you didn't enjoy the story that much is because it's not really a typical AC narrative. Revelations is what I like to call an anti-hero's journey. If you look at both Ezio and Altair's character arcs in this game, it's about them becoming disillusioned with the Assassin cause and their pursuit of knowledge. The first Altair memory is relevant because it shows us how blindly devoted Altair was to the Assassins at that point in time; like he says, "How can I regret the only life I have known?" But by the end of his life, he finds a way to do so. Him dedicating his whole life to the Brotherhood and studying the Apple of Eden has cost him pretty much everything, and while he did manage to save the Assassins in the end, he died alone, in a library, safeguarding the Apple for the next generations of Assassins to find, and so the cycle continues. But Altair is aware of this. In his penultimate memory, he acknowledges that he did not possess the humility to realize he had done his part a long time ago and that all the suffering he went through was unnecessary. So that's why he recorded his memories in the Keys; to warn whoever was to find them and stop them from making the same mistake. Meanwhile, Ezio in this game is absolutely brutal. This is reflected not just in his combat animations, but in his actions and dialogue throughout the story. If you pay attention to all the confession scenes, not once does Ezio show sympathy to any of his targets like in the previous games (except Tarik, but he was one of the good guys). He's too focused on his own quest for knowledge and answers to care about anything else. And ofc there's all the big setpieces like him starting the riot and blowing up Cappadocia, simply because it would help him achieve his goals faster. Ezio in this game is old, he's reckless, but most of all he's disillusioned. Like he says in his opening monologue, he's tired of the fight against the Templars because he sees no end to it. No matter what he does, he will never be able to wipe them out. This is similar to what Altair went through, where he thought he would be the one to find all the answers and finally end the conflict with the Templars, only to realize too late that no single person can do that. And by reliving Altair's memories, as well as through his own experiences, Ezio comes to that same conclusion and decides to retire, to spend the final years of his life in peace because he has done his part and the rest is up to Desmond and future Assassins now. This is why I consider Ezio in this game an anti-hero; not just because many of his actions are... questionable at best, but because his arc is the opposite of what you'd expect of a traditonal hero. Instead of dedicating himself to serving a higher purpose, he realizes there is no point in serving that purpose anymore and chooses the quiet, simple life. Also, fun fact, Ezio's morality in Revelations is addressed in AC Valhalla. There is an audio log where Desmond mentions that, after Cappadocia, Ezio felt extreme regret and guilt and decided he was done being an Assassin because at this point he was doing more harm than good.
@SomasAcademy 6 ай бұрын
I appreciate your analysis, but I think the reason he didn't enjoy the story so much is because of some writing and presentation issues, based on what he says, which sounds very close to my own feelings on the game. This game is very short, and doesn't fully give you the time to get invested in a lot of the new plotlines; like, it's really hard to care about the narrative between Altair and Abbas just from this game. I say this as someone who is much more invested in that storyline from reading side content - it's not a bad storyline at all, you just only a tiny taste in the game through a few short missions, so it's a lot harder to feel emotionally invested. And moments like Maria's death feel kind of... stilted. As much as I liked Maria as a character from Bloodlines, her death had very little impact on me, because the way it happens feels contrived, it goes by very quickly, and Altair's reaction is incredibly muted (which I'm sure is in part due to technological limitations, you could only make a model emote so realistically in that engine lol). There's also an issue of telling rather than showing/experiencing, like how we hear everything about Sef (a character we've never seen and have no investment in) from Altair expositing to Maria; it makes it really hard to feel connected to anything, like we've walked in on a dramatic scene of a show we've never watched and are just having someone quickly fill us in on the backstory of why we should be invested. Similarly with Ezio's story, there's not a lot of time to feel anything towards... Whatshisname, Suleiman's uncle (I've played this game through like 4 times now but somehow his name fell out of my head lol, I'm gonna take that as an indication of how he wasn't very memorable). He doesn't make for much of a twist villain, because you have very little attachment to him - it's just kind of an "oh, okay, that guy's a Templar" moment. Even someone like Yusuf, who is very charismatic and charming, doesn't get enough screen time or impactful moments for me personally to have felt anything when he died. And as mentioned in the video, the two storylines Ezio is going through feel very disconnected, which makes everything feel a bit disjointed; I personally found it pretty difficult to get invested in the stakes of the story, because of how it flows in sort of starts and stops. And then on top of that, I don't think they fully thought through the implications of Ezio's actions during the game; when he has his big set piece moments, it doesn't feel like the game wants you to think Ezio is going too far, it feels like it wants you to feel like a badass doing cool things that have dramatic stakes. It happens that those events lend themselves really well to a critical narrative and can be rationalized in an interesting way as Ezio's blind pursuit driving him to cause more harm than good, but I'm not sure that was really intended by the developers when they came up with the set pieces; it feels to me like that's added depth that was contributed by better writers later on who thought through the implications of these actions more fully. So yeah, I think your analysis is very valid for why certain moments in the game, like the ending, worked really well, and it's a good illustrations of how the broad strokes of the story have a compelling narrative throughline, but the actual execution of the story doesn't really live up to its potential in my opinion.
@geoffshaw2775 6 ай бұрын
This actually was my first Assassin's Creed game, and probably my favorite. Absolutely love this game
@Roler42 6 ай бұрын
Tbh, I think Syndicate is the perfect ending point, the RPG trilogy is... Well... They're straight up RPGs, you'll most likely burn yourself out going through Origins alone. these games are LENGHTY.
@forgot7en 6 ай бұрын
They're complete garbage
@Satellaview1889 6 ай бұрын
@@forgot7en Not really, they are deeply flawed, but so is much of the series. To say that they are complete garbage is to ignore the qualities which are worth analyzing.
@thezenithrage1006 6 ай бұрын
Origins burned me odyssey I kinda liked even finished. Valhalla I forgot about.. And thats it. I use to look forward to these games each xmass like call of duty when i was a wee lad. It was like a new movie or dvd. Always felt exciting. Looking back I wish we could keep that feeling. Black flag and rouge came close.
@forgot7en 6 ай бұрын
@@Satellaview1889 I don't care. THe series stopped being interesting after Black Flag. Even AC3 was terribly tedious. Unity was borderline unplayable, it was absolutely fucking littered with MTX and they just never stopped adding more and more and more bloat to the series. In the brief period of time that Odyssey was free on the Epic Store, I stopped playing it after roughly an hour or so because absolutely fucking NOTHING INTERESTING HAPPENED. If your game can't be interesting in the first hour -- whether by story or gameplay -- it's complete garbage to me.
@Satellaview1889 6 ай бұрын
@@forgot7en Maybe so, but I still think there's some worth in al the games. I really enjoyed Rogue, and I loved Syndicate. Even the RPG games had a plot which could occasionally toy around with the ideas that the earlier games had presented in interesting ways. I can't deny that the games are messy, especially the further in you get, but I'm not ready to reject them all as "garbage." There is good in bad and bad in good, and such things.
@brentgrisier1738 6 ай бұрын
The reason Ezio acts they way he does in the game is because he is growing more tired and disillusioned with the creed. So he stops following the tenants more and more as the game goes on.
@ElJibaro718 5 ай бұрын
@jesuscryst3239 6 ай бұрын
The link between mgsv and assassin's creed: mastodontes silencioso
@MasterJunior93 6 ай бұрын
I love that Silent Mastodon and his entire lineage is Ask Your Uncle's unofficial mascot. Only a matter of time until he finally becomes official. 👍
@icarusgaming6269 6 ай бұрын
In addition to highlighting enemy paths, something I learned recently about Eagle Vision in this is that it projects a beacon from your waypoint, allowing you to find your way around with no HUD again. So I tried playing like this, and the experience is a little rough compared to AC1. The presence of the database makes tracking landmarks more of an exercise in history than linguistics. I found myself drawn to getting invested in the entries since I had to read them anyway. NPCs will sometimes mention where the next mission is, but sometimes you just have to check the map. Constantinople's walkable layout is... convoluted to say the least. The names of landmarks are often mangled through mutliple languages almost to the point of being unrecognizable, streets wind on top of and back in on each other, and highrises conceal important bazaars and courtyards from multiple angles, rendering many viewpoints useless. Shops and notoriety-reducing actions can be heard from blocks away, and bomb crafting stations emit a distinctive glow. Templar Dens are also very intuitive. Their unique tower design is color-coded in Eagle Vision to show their allegiance, and closed shops point the camera towards them when you try to interact. Master Assassin and Den Defense missions are not telegraphed very well however. Tunnel entrances have the opposite problem because they always show your current location as well as the location of the next main mission, so they can sometimes give you more information than you bargained for and trivialize the puzzle. Navigation within missions ranges from intuitive to infuriating. The memory walls previously preventing you from charting your own path or pulling wide flanks are few and far between, but on the other hand there was one memory where I had to carry an injured NPC while a timer counted down that made me lose my temper. Ultimately I'd say what I was doing was definitely going *against* the game's intended design, the opposite of how AC1 was meant to be played, but it was an interesting experiment nonetheless Here's some hot new combat tech we just found a couple days ago: Whenever you get a paired takedown like a counter kill, you can hold the button for any tool that has to be charged up to queue an instant shot *that doesn't end your combo.* You can even abuse this to use the gun twice in a row for a queued shot instantly followed by a double tool kill without having to reload because it's still paired to the sword in additon to having a dedicated button now. Poison darts are also very potent for setting up paired takedowns to harvest later. Janissaries have three health bars, so something like a paired counter will drain the first one, the projectile will drain the second, and the followup counter kill will drain the third to burst them down in one exchange without having to ricochet off another enemy first Definitely the hook trip you excluded is really annoying to pull off and something I usually only do by accident, but I highly recommend learning the quick swing over edge move to begin controlled descents. All you have to do is hold B while running at a square ledge so you don't awkwardly stumble onto it. Queue it up as early as possible to avoid accidentally air tackling. From there you can drop or jump your way down adjacent wall furniture or rooftops. If you're tired of trying to finagle the jumps to go down to the target object you want and are ready to take the next step, Henry P has a new mod for AC1-Rev that retroactively adds some parkour down functionality from later games, among many other things. The learning curve for this is alarmingly steep, but even using 3/12 available features makes a world of difference Hey, you read the book! The lore explanations were perfectly structured There's a second way to approach Tariq from ground level that violates the full sync objective but leads to a very cinematic scripted fight setpiece. Kind of reopens some questions about these games' definition of success given how much effort clearly went into taking the less encouraged path I think it's time to start looking for something different in these stories. While I agree that all the contrivances and uncharactaristic behavior was worth it for how this game ties all the plot threads together, I'm beginning to realize the actual events aren't the main thing I love it for. The point is the epistemology. Let's use AC1 as an example since it's more rigidly structured. Each assassination concludes with a debate - at first these seem more literal, about what each party wants in the moment, but when you take the ideas back to Al Mualim, they're instead presented as exercises in an almost classroom-like way. Before giving you new mechanical tools to challenge guards he teaches new intellectual tools to challenge Templar philosophy by breaking down what they said to you and prescribing it to an aspect of their idealogy, tools that you'll ultimately have to use against him because contained within the lessons are the seeds of his manipulations that you can challenge by connecting the hipocracy and contradictions between what he says and what he has you do. Vidic, of course, is a mirror to the Templar side of Al Mualim. So when characters start waxing philosophical about the things they believe in, you're supposed to take part as a player, compare and contrast them both to what you know about similarities and diffeerences between evolving Assassin and Templar philosophies, and also your own interpretation. Revelations is particularly beloved for flipping the script and challenging the Assassins in a pretty nuanced way through Ezio inheriting Altaïr's exhaustion with dogma and their role as pawns for First Civ mind games from late in his life (ignoring the shoehorned action setpieces that make him look like an unhinged terrorist). When he rephrases the Creed's warning about permission to Sofia, he instead turns it inward and thinks of the consequnces for his own actions moreso than those he fought to stop. And when presented with an opportunity to sieze more power to continue to do so, he rejects it for fear of making those same mistakes again. So the exercise is: In a world where laws are mere suggestions to avoid consequence, is a dogmatic pursuit of liberty more dangerous than a corrupt monarchy? Keep this question in mind going into the American Revolution, a setting where the concept of freedom is more literal and absolute than ever before So you know how you've spent the past four games gradually building on top of mechanical skills that carry over into subsequent entries along with the mechanics themselves? Now forget everthing you've learned, it's all useless in AC3. Every single element of muscle memory, world processing, and game logic must be retrained from the ground up, because Ubisoft decided to throw the baby out with the bathwater and overhaul all their systems at once. Leo has a guide on fundamental movement controls, but Jcers' explanation of the new ways to get down from high places is more important. There's also a somewhat finnicky catch ledge tech I'm really good at where you high profile drop from an NSO or just as you land on the outside of a ledge and then flick your stick back to save yourself. You can see me do it a lot in "(AC Rogue) Controlled Descents in New York." Just ask me there if you want a better explanation, I'm probably running out of room here. Double tool kills are now bound to mashing Y. The new counter system is very deep, and I have a (mostly complete) series on it. It's missing some recent developments like how you can dodge behind heavy attacks for an easy backstab by pressing your stick towards them before starting your defense. The detection system is an unintuitive mess you'll have to learn completely new words to describe like "potential line of sight." Jcers has an old script he was working on with lots of good info that you can take a look at if you ask him. His video on the rope dart is also essential, that's the new Assassin multitool in place of the hookblade. Finally, version differences matter. The PS5 "remaster" is a broken demake with low quality character models, washed out orange LUTs, dysfunctional double assassinations, and extra guard variety that breaks certain full sync objectives. You might consider getting an upgrade for this one, but I also hear AC3 classic has a game-breaking login issue after a recent wave of what I can only describe as anti-patches. I'm done beating around the bush, you should pirate Ubisoft games
@askyouruncle 6 ай бұрын
I knew about the hook trip and ledge drop, I just forgot to mention them. The other stuff like the Eagle Vision markers and the combat tech, I did not know. The only thing I read was the wiki actually. Like I said in the Brotherhood video, I don't like it when any series does this. I'm glad I was accurate with the descriptions, though. When it comes to theming, I got another comment that got me thinking a bit differently about the plot. Both Ezio and Altair became disillusioned with the Creed. That makes some of the terrible things Ezio does make a bit more sense. Apparently, Valhalla has an audio file that explains how Ezio had some regret for what he did in Cappadocia, which is interesting. I thought this was something the writers just didn't think about, but it seems they did. So the problem becomes one that the gameplay shares: They just don't know how to explain these things to you in a clear way. Obviously, subtlety is allowed, but there is such thing as theming being too vague. I'm usually able to pick up on things like that because I'm a genius with an IQ in the quadruple digits. But I didn't see anything beyond the surface at all, even after multiple playthroughs. I know that AC3-Rogue is gonna be a different beast altogether, as well as Unity-Syndicate. I get the distinct impression that the AC3 and 4 videos will be the longest ones. Although it may be topped by Unity, but only because I have a good idea about how to make it lengthier and more entertaining (I won't spoil). I'll be sure to check some of those videos out so I don't slip up too much. I own both the original and the remaster on Steam. I intend to play both, but I'll probably only do side content on the original. But if there are issues with both versions that I can't deal with, then I'll be sure to look for some "alternatives". I've already bought the game twice, so it should be fine. As always, thanks for the detailed comment.
@omfgitsfat 4 ай бұрын
I love this game, Ezio feels like an old friend and it was nice to join him one last time. The ending where he talks to Desmond felt like there was a lot of love there from the developers and that makes my heart smile.
@darkglobe420 6 ай бұрын
i think the reason abass was used as the villain is because he used to be a meme in the community, he is really recognizable bc hes at the start of the game, and you would be surprised how many ppl played the first 3 hours of the first assasins creed, i would dare say hes iconic to the first game
@Satellaview1889 6 ай бұрын
I think stopping at Syndicate (and saying that now) is a good idea. For one, you need an end point that's a bit more realistic than "after I beat three 300 hour long RPGs" or, "after I finish the most recently released game." Both of those options would leave you even more exhausted than playing 8/9 separate games. Also, Syndicate was kinda the end of an era in a way, before a big shift in style, so it would already kinda carry an unintentional air of weird finality with it. On another note, I hope that you can work through your mental issues. I read your comment and I know how hard that stuff can be to deal with. I'm happy to hear that you've gotten better, and best wishes in the future!
@justrandomstuff6828 6 ай бұрын
I started out with Revelations, didn't know it was a trilogy, but to this day I still think it's top 2 behind only Unity, that moment with Altair and Desmond brings me so many emotions, can't wait for AC3, it's my top 3
@ratcity129 6 ай бұрын
Just dropping in to say that you make some of the best retrospectives on KZbin. I watch a LOT of them and am pretty picky, but I’ve watched every single video that you have made multiple times because they are so well crafted. I hope life is treating you well uncle!
@yimingma5977 6 ай бұрын
Just finished this game a few weeks ago. Love your series reviewing these games. Keep up the good work!
@Pedro_Le_Chef Ай бұрын
You can also hold R2+O just before an enemy attacks you to get a running start in combat. The hookblade does make ledge grabs slower in some instances and the rooftop design is a bit janky in Revelations.
@3dmonDantez 4 ай бұрын
I remember being anti-hype for this game, Ezio is my favorite assassin and I definitely wanted more. But at the time it felt like too much Ezio, too fast. Plus spitefully I refused to interact with the bomb system. But by the end of the tutorial I could tell this was already my favorite feel for an AC game. Rome was my favorite setting, but Constantinople was more fun to get around and do stuff in. I'm loving this series, sad to hear you don't plan on doing all the games. I fell off halfway through AC3, and was selfishly hoping to get your analysis of everything I missed. But you have to draw a line somewhere. Super excited to hear what you think of AC3!
@madgeohero225 6 ай бұрын
Thank you, Uncle. I was starving
@BraveInstance 6 ай бұрын
If you could combine the world of Brotherhood with the story of Revelations, it would be a 10/10. Istanbul lets it down a bit.
@darkflame2067 6 ай бұрын
Istanbul is far better than Rome Parkour wise
@Iggy_Dogg 6 ай бұрын
what the hell are you talking about Constantinople >>> Rome
@Aidan1488 Ай бұрын
The saddest thing about Ezio is that he died of a heart attack like 5 years after he retired...
@blur9992 5 ай бұрын
Idk imma actualy coment something here when i'm finished with the video, but- Your three previous reviews were pretty solid and competent ones, i've only recently got to the ac franchise, and that because of the books, but revelations was a childhood game for me and just the title is enough to make me smile. Thanks for your effort in these rankings, have a nice rest of your day. Also fun fact on the revelations book ezio cried upon seeing yusuf's corpse, rest in peace tazim best boi.
@ghostflame9211 Ай бұрын
i just finished this game, and will be going thru AC 3 and black flag soon. Its good timing too, as i dont hold revelations in as high a regard as AC2. i remember the den defense missions being way more annoying than they actually are. once i stopped being greedy with my money and just bribed the heralds (tbh i was probably rebelling at the fact that there are no free posters to rip down in revelations), i realized i'd never have to do a defense mission. lucky me. i'm excited for how AC 3 will play after all these years. i remember being disappointed at how strict some of the missions were, how they didnt allow you to explore and do things another, creative way. it was "open world" in a sense, but not during missions with a streamlined narrative, and i remember there being so many of them that it ultimately took away from the open world aspect. will be interesting to see if it is actually as i remember or if it will (hopefully) be better.
@Grandtemplar305 19 күн бұрын
I’m also replaying every ac I just got to brotherhood an the ones I’m really hype for is ac3 black flag an rouge an honestly kinda hype to restart the rpg trilogy
@foxareyellow1320 6 ай бұрын
Best gaming reviews - actually playing the game multiple times and talking about every aspects of a game - preciate your work so fucking much.
@nedargiordano7018 5 ай бұрын
I just finished revelations right now, after finishing Assisins creed 1 a month ago. Revelations lives up to its title. You get to play 5 missions as Altair, after retrieving the masyef keys. The story and gameplay for revelations was great, the weapon seleccion was fair, no smoke bombs, but the crafted bombs where powerful enough to kill several soldiers. You dont get to ride a horse in revelations, but no big deal. Overall the game was fun. I give it 3 out of 5 stars
@StagFiesta 4 ай бұрын
The Apple gave Altair the greatest power of all. The Power of Gun.
@Zomesura 3 ай бұрын
Will you be reviewing the whole franchise? Love your reviews dude. The ac community always kinda parrots the same opinions and yours are always pretty genuine and tend to mirror my experiences so much. Would love to hear your view about Unity and Syndicate.
@ravenlinosoriano2867 5 ай бұрын
I got to unlock the Ishak Pasha Armor in this and its lit. The mask was cool af tbh. Plus the Hookblade is fuuuuuun.
@kingsmiles1 4 ай бұрын
I love this series, thank you
@lyriexius5115 6 ай бұрын
loved this whole video, and honestly ending at syndicate is a good plan, though i wouldve liked to see your feelings about the protagonist of Origins, my friends love him but i never cared for it. 10/10
@iVeStaYed 5 ай бұрын
The songs about his past are hilariously great!! Cesare had a date with gravity lol
@smithblack5945 6 ай бұрын
34:15 In the Altair novels Altair actually succeeds with another Mongolian in killing Temujin.
@CaptainZlex 3 ай бұрын
The minstrel mission was one of the few things I remembered from playing this game years ago. Feels like the devs poking fun at some of the previous games and I loved it.
@bedinottij 4 ай бұрын
This was the first assassin's Creed game i played and now im trying to play through them all gonna start 3 at point in the very near future.
@BoserPSN 6 ай бұрын
Criminally underrated channel
@enigma7385 6 ай бұрын
hell yeah.. time to grab some popcorn and dress well
@ink4852 6 ай бұрын
What you said about how hard it is to trigger den defense is interesting to me because it's the same thing I said when everyone complained about how "bad" it was. I actually liked the den defense and had to go way out of my way to trigger them. I never understood the complaints about how annoying they are considering just how long they actually take to trigger. I basically had to play in darn near permanent high notoriety. Also the new Assassin recruit side missions was easily my favorite part of Revelations. I know most people don't care about the multiplayer, but the Assassins' Templar rivals in their side missions were actually playable characters in the multiplayer. Which I always thought was really cool.
@themightybagle99 6 ай бұрын
I loved Brotherhood but Revelations Is by far my favorite of the trilogy. The city and vibe I just dig completely, and the HUD and Menus having that black and white and a little bit of red I absolutely LOVE. Plus 100% synchronization was a lot more simple this time around then frustrating like In Brotherhood.
@birboartt6598 6 ай бұрын
I laughed so hard at "king trident's" voice over speech
@Iggy_Dogg 6 ай бұрын
I think Revelations is the best game in the Ezio trilogy. I feel similarly about Brotherhood as you do, and for as much as AC2 did for the series, nowadays it feels pretty clunky and slow. Replaying Revelations was amazing, I loved every second of it really. Helps I never let the new notoriety system fire so I didn't have to deal with the stupid tower defense minigame past the tutorial, like you. As a kid it felt difficult to avoid it, but I was shocked how easily I kept my notoriety at basically 0 this time. But Constantinople is just an awesome city, so fun to explore and I STILL miss the hook blade, I'm glad you love it as much as I do. And I really do love the story, seeing the flaws of Ezio and Altair and how they became disillusioned with the Assassin order and ended their careers was very interesting. Also, fighting Janissaries is fun as hell. Having to deal with them as often as you did was cool, Ezio should have to deal with really tough guys all the time now being a master assassin and all.
@winch2342 6 ай бұрын
8:21 I did in fact start with this game
@shira_yone 6 ай бұрын
I start with Bloodlines and this
@editating_2614 6 ай бұрын
Me too. I knew nothing about Ac 9 years earlier and when I booted revelations up I was shocked seeing the modern day
@sonofsueraf 5 ай бұрын
The voiceovers fit so well, I thought they were legit until they go offscript🤣
@Jesus_Christ113 6 ай бұрын
can't wait until the next video is released upwards of a year from now 😅
@vinsanitybeatbox210 Ай бұрын
I love these vids I can’t wait till you get to ac4
@yodaddyrc1220 5 ай бұрын
46:12 You can’t just use established basic lore as an excuse for “everything goes”. It’s obvious that the original games were meant to retell our real past but set within its own universe and lore and even then, that same lore is interwoven in a way that makes sense and thus people could believe that it really did happen considering that the all the weird stuff has a technological and scientific explanation, a big difference from what you were thinking. Assassins Creed originally was meant to tell the story of what really happened in the past but not cause a uchronia (the Ten Commandments of ac actually state this, you can actually look this up). And even tho historical accuracy wasn’t perfectly followed in the classic games, that also shouldn’t be an excuse. Devs make mistakes and should learn not to repeat them. And as for the fantasy crap in the later games, a lot of og fans hate that shit cuz ac was still pretty grounded but still set in its own universe and with its internal logic. That means that characters have some slight superhuman abilities (ie. Leap of faith and can kill hordes of enemies) and again, everything is sci fi based and built around the franchise’s own rules. And also, it’s important that unrealistic physics will happen, it is still a video game at the end of the day.
@painof7 6 ай бұрын
I got chills during Ezio’s monologue to Desmond. Honestly it’d be amazing if AC 3 ends that good.
@theguythatasked9423 5 ай бұрын
Revelations was my first entry into Assassins creed. It introduced me to the concept and I absolutely loved it (even the admittedly bad tower defense sections) and it also confused me since a good bit of the lore is reliant on the earlier games, which is kinda a good thing for me since it made me work hard to get my hands on 2 and brotherhood to know more about Ezio and the story
@StathCurir 5 ай бұрын
That Easy Pete voice though lmaoo
@BilinmeyenBey 6 ай бұрын
It's one of my favourites (top 3) of each individual AC game. Charm of Istanbul, new area, new brotherhood, new hookblade, old Ezio, new characters, new gameplay BUT very good storyline. May our Mentor Requiescat in pace..
@satyasyasatyasya5746 6 ай бұрын
i only ever played origins, odyssey and valhalla (and an hour of Unity/Syndicate), but i love your essays so
@jeypi__ 6 ай бұрын
This and AC3 was my first AC games when I got an Xbox 360! I think I started at just the right time because both games at my opinion were the best 'old formula Assassin's Creed" games.
@BenCallahanCo 4 ай бұрын
the ending is so funny man, i was dying laughing
@DRKSLS3333 6 ай бұрын
you missed that the hook blade can leg sweep too, you can also use this on enemies that cant be grabbed to have ezio dive roll past the enemy. which if you know how to use it, that can be used to dive roll past enemies off building onto others. These systems are a lot deeper than people ever notice, they just demand high attention and understanding to pull off.
@DRKSLS3333 6 ай бұрын
while climbing a building that has 2 hand holds going up, then a ledge above them going back and out, ezio does a faster double grab with the hook and climbs the ledge, sometimes there are 3 handholds before the ledge so he wont choose to do the double grab climb unless you jump from the bottom one to the next hand hold but cancel the hook blade and immediately input the jump for the hook blade you can basically animation cancel and change ezios pathing to pick the faster 2 handhold 1 ledge climb animation. Ezio when jump climbing will extend hook blade unless hook blade was just used to extend jump, so always line your paths up so ezio will have his hook blade out when grabbing any ledge that can start you on a hook blade climbing faster special animation. Ezio has a few others, other than the 2 handhold and a ledge one as well
@LoArtesanal507 5 ай бұрын
You're extremely underrated.
@wolfgangluhrs821 3 ай бұрын
I've played AC, Ezio collection und AC 3 when they came out back then. Just went through the story, I didn't 100% any of them. The Ezio collection for switch was nice. Tbh: I did not finish AC 2. Startet brotherhood, escape to Rome. Two tailing missions... Yeah, I'm just done. I won't bother with revelations. RIP assassins creed... 😔
@Grandtemplar305 19 күн бұрын
lol u don’t like the tailing mission 😂
@Cuhnelo 6 ай бұрын
I actually just got done replaying this game thanks for this video uncle
@ghostguy1013 6 ай бұрын
You forgot to mention that revelation has the best trailer out of any ac game
@KvltKommando 3 ай бұрын
5:32 background music sounds like a vacuum in background of the house
@ErimlRGG 3 ай бұрын
17:45 nope, he looked like Desmond because the Animus sucked and it was supposed to also help with the user feeling like the ancestor. We don't know what the real Ezio looked like
@mitchellkois1601 6 ай бұрын
At the time of ACIII everyone thought I was crazy when I said Revelations was the best one. I remember not interacting with any of the extra/new mechanics in Brotherhood, then 100%ing Revelations.
@bigguy5956 6 ай бұрын
Loving this series so far! Makes me want to do my own replay of the series. At least up to the crazy long RPG games
@RIPSLYMEFAN 6 ай бұрын
Ahhh Subject 16, the proto Johnny Silverhand
@DDRWakaLaka 6 ай бұрын
hell yeah revelations was fun
@WideOldDan 2 ай бұрын
The hook blade i find is a hindrance more often than not. It messes up more advanced parkour a lot. Quicker but less fun.
@leonardodelimaferreira8509 14 күн бұрын
I do hope you come back to visit the franchise past Syndicate, years from now, doesn't matter, I love this series of videos you're doing, AC is my form of Subway Surfers/Family Guy, I just play to turn off my brain and complete the map, I've never been that interested in the story, but you truly makes me interested in it
@scottrushton6154 5 ай бұрын
I'm looking forward to the next video, great work on all of these.
@DaPhantomThief 6 ай бұрын
@s2008171 5 ай бұрын
Please do all the Assassins Creed games! Love your videos.!❤
@connors9597 6 ай бұрын
I never thought I needed KH music during an AC review until now
@domonikistheguy 6 ай бұрын
Revelations was the one game i skipped because i didnt want to see an Old Ezio, it wasnt till after 3 and in desperate need for more AC content did i decide to play it. (Plus 3's cold open left me with a couple of questions which would have been obvious if i played Revelations) Boy was i surprised with it. was the first case of "he's still got that dog in him" that is pretty prominent in current action movies. and genuinely was a perfect way to cap off Ezio's story (we dont talk about that animation short)
@Deoxys_Used_Mimic 6 ай бұрын
I would hope so. I barely remember it at all.
@JEassassin61 5 ай бұрын
This is series is great, but the use of video game music where it’s used at is enhancement at its best
@scooternetwork540 6 ай бұрын
The kingdom hearts underworld music is so perfect lol👌
@sirrealgaming6913 6 ай бұрын
Let's go Diving into part four of someone i've never seen befores retrospective series XD I'mma bout to watch this all outta order
@aroccoification 5 ай бұрын
This is not a triple A game. Possibly my favorite AC but it's literally just an asset dump using the same engine, combat and characters for the third time in a row
@RebelNutts-gg1xf 6 ай бұрын
For this to be the game that closes the Ezio storyline is pretty good probably my favorite.
@imnotimportant6831 6 ай бұрын
Action Button reviews boku no natsuyasumi section 5 "I love everyone. And you can too"
@ThePsychoRenegade 6 ай бұрын
Didn't see the bomb crafting get mentioned. Not exactly an amazing mechanic but I like that ubisoft experimented with each game.
@ZeldaboyOG 6 ай бұрын
Damn those songs were funny. I just wonder if Ezio made those up on the spot, or if he had already made up songs about his own adventures and this was just the perfect time to whip them out.
@kyon_gold 6 ай бұрын
45:08 YOU missed out on 1000!!!! Money had you used counter steal😂❤❤.
@Monanniverse 6 ай бұрын
Like a real uncle, he readjusts his promises after making them by saying he has better shit to do.
@justinnelson6864 Ай бұрын
Istanbul is probably the most generic setting of an AC game. I thought I would be excited to see the Hagia Sophia, but it's not that interesting. Rome was definitely better despite not being ideal for a stealth game. The hideout defense side mission is terrible. It doesn't matter if you have multiple barricades built up to max and all the assassins on the roofs, they still have some massive tank to break everything down and direct hits from mortars don't do shit. It is easier to let the Templars take over again and then kill the captain.
@Stevin20687 6 ай бұрын
Oh boy. The game I stopped playing the series at because I was feeling burned out back in 2022. I will pick it back up at a later date (having a digital copy is nice this way), but for now I have no interest playing any more AC games. Still looks like a nice game and watching videos like this is starting to rebuild my desire to get back in. Up next, AC3. The beginning of the Nu Wave. A game so badly coded that, at least on the 360, in order for me to get the DLC from the pass, I had to buy a physical edition and play it without installing the disk so that the menus would load up properly in order for me to download the extra content. Never mind the shear amount of issues that pop up in this title alone made it the reining king of glitches in the series until Unity.
@Axel-wo6qu 6 ай бұрын
The last game I played of the series was syndicate. Later games require hardware I never had.
@tamagothchic 6 ай бұрын
This was my favorite AC game, immediately followed by AC3, the game I had the most anticipation for and ultimately the most disappointed I've ever been in a game. The whiplash of that experience took a long time to recover from. I'm still fond of the series, but ultimately dropped it during college.
@bugs2814 6 ай бұрын
Got pranked by his judge friend lol hahaha 4:19
@daedalus6796 6 ай бұрын
It's cool how king triton from the little mermaid showed up.
@Bolomoto 6 ай бұрын
Honestly if you stop at syndicate, that would be fine. Rhats like the last real time i think the try with the modern stuff. Either that or Black flag. Kinda don't really remember. That whole thing is like remembering a dream. Hastily fading as time goes.
@ruchirtondon2482 3 ай бұрын
FUCK THAT SONG 😂😂😂😂😂😂 How did i miss thst in my play though They should do a proper remake of all the first gen AC games. 1 game 60+ hours
@bubblefuzion 6 ай бұрын
Been waiting for this 1 for a hot minute.
@dingdongjr9770 6 ай бұрын
honestly the news at the end isn’t that big of a disappointment, i don’t think anyone was dying to hear your in depth opinion on AC Odyssey three years later, i look forward to your future eps!
@unicorntomboy9736 6 ай бұрын
They made a mistake with choosing this setting; it should have been set in Spain, during the Spanish Inquisition. It wss a setting teased in Assassin's Creed 2. It would have been similar enough to Italy, but at same time have a slightly different flavor to it
@gabe.o.d.s227 6 ай бұрын
1:03:46 so in the Da vinci dlc for brotherhood is explained how they found it. Great vid, tho im a little afraid of what youll say about ac3
@loz405real 5 ай бұрын
Fun Fact: Shakulu could be played in this games multiplayer 43:56
@Grandtemplar305 19 күн бұрын
Who else is playing all the ac games getting ready for ac shadows ?
@Gonger02 6 ай бұрын
I've always preferred revelations to brotherhood because the map is small and the story doesn't drag out.
@minishcaps8933 5 ай бұрын
@thezenithrage1006 6 ай бұрын
Its king triton hello! Nailed it
@visionedroxas1071 2 ай бұрын
The easy Pete meme king is here, manifesting in Al
@gdj2438 6 ай бұрын
I am extremely curious on what you'll think about AC3. I finished my first playthrough of it since launch a few days ago and I don't think I've ever felt this conflicted about a game. It's simultaneously really awesome but also a complete mess at the same time. It's a lot like MGSV in that sense, now that I think about it.
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