This song was used for a show (movie?) called, If Tokugawa Ieyasu Was Prime Minister, where the former Shogun time travels to the present and reinvigorates the nation. Yonkey, the young keyboard player who’s done a lot of their recent music, has musical credit. The message is similar to Tokyo Calling, change yourself by finding inspiration from within. The miserable salaryman gets energy from his (metaphorical) energy drink and goes out and truly enjoys a bowl of ramen. The woman, humiliated by something she’s blown up in her head to be a tabloid-level scandal, sees herself as a damsel in distress, abandoned on the tracks, like in the old silent Westerns (Perils of Pauline), as you said. She changes her look and her attitude, and goes out for a triumphant night of karaoke. AG likes to do epic, exaggerated takes on the mundane struggles of ordinary people. It’s funny, but it’s also empathetic and strangely inspirational.
@ReelwithG27 күн бұрын
Thanks for the info. I will look for Yonkey. They always seem to be having so much fun in their videos.