Atheist Point of View

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Jason Winn

Jason Winn

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How can the faith believers come to terms with atheists?

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@BiggerFatterBlog 3 жыл бұрын
Why are this guy's videos getting so few views. This guy is brilliant!
@ADMusic1999 6 жыл бұрын
I am so glad to see a black atheist. Thank you for not poisoning your mind with fantasies and fairytales.
@Lighthouse6104 11 ай бұрын
Yes it’s refreshing
@jonathonjizzpants868 2 жыл бұрын
This Guy should give sermons in public, He would have millions come to listen to Him. Brilliant speaker and bang on point.
@MrWINNSLAW 11 жыл бұрын
"Jesus came not to abolish the law but, to fulfill it. He still endorses slavery, rape, and slaughter just like his father in heaven."
@MrWINNSLAW 11 жыл бұрын
"I appreciate your words for they are at least backed by a thinking mind. I will do my best to show people that critical thought has a huge impact on their day to day lives which in turn can/often do domino effect into our lives."
@kaizersolze 10 жыл бұрын
Great video! Religion holds black people back more than anything else in this world.
@Truth-Be-Told-USA Жыл бұрын
Yes no one calls a church they call a hospital great point
@sarahstone1715 8 ай бұрын
I just started to watch your videos, and you are brilliant .Bravo!👏
@TheJosephPrice 11 жыл бұрын
Side note though, I'm no longer a Christian but The Pope doesn't speak for all Christians, only Catholics. Protestants, Mormons, Orthodox Christians, and the Watchertower rejects The Pope and most of the Roman Catholic Doctrine. Common misconception there.
@Truth-Be-Told-USA Жыл бұрын
On point
@MarketAndChurch 11 жыл бұрын
Im sort of a deist, as I am agnostic theist. I fully reject revelation in the New Testament, but have firm belief in the divinity of the Old Testament not because I find it magical or spiritual, but rather, that it's genius and brilliance could not have been constructed by ordinary man, 3000 years ago.. especially when you compare it to human thinking as recent as 200 years ago. And I also think ritual, dogma, and a number of other things are important to making a better world. So I don't know.
@ariellc4397 11 жыл бұрын
Well said. I agree. We suffer because we allowed sin to enter our hearts. The point of why God allows it is so that we LEARN from our mistakes and therefore work hard to GAIN wisdom, knowledge, faith, strength, etc.
@darkmagician666 11 жыл бұрын
No it doesn't, this video shows excellent logic to why someone would choose not to believe in any god, it by no means proves anything.
@tonyedward6909 Жыл бұрын
I'm not saying some intelligent force created this reality or not, but what I will say is with absolute certainty is it is not that creature in the Bible billions call yahweh/yeshua aka god.
@calliebriggs9021 5 жыл бұрын
I'm all alone neglected at home without food thinking jesus Allah will help me hunk of bs I found out
@LisaS1 2 ай бұрын
I watched this horrifying movie based on a true story; I wish I hadn't. No angel or God or Lord rescued that young person who went to church and was a believer in Jesus. No super being does any rescuing so what's that tell you? But there's so many people who are believers that I doubt if it's going to stop.
@seti48 9 жыл бұрын
You should read a book titled " A Land Unknown" by Bryan Melvin. He was a former atheist who had a horrendous experience and was able to prove to himself that it was genuine.
@MarketAndChurch 11 жыл бұрын
It is because Judaism was practical about slavery and not utopian in its outlook that slavery was fully phased out of Israel. The movement to end slavery was largely a religious one based on the notion that all men were created equally by our creator. You aren't going to change most people so you might as well fight for a more ethical brand of theism so we can shift those who are religious to something more decent.
@ih_matter315 2 жыл бұрын
Okay so am a christian and i totally understand what you are saying U have some points ofcourse But as the bible states Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen U cant use reality to justify Gods existence and so forth you have to just trust that he is up there But then again...I myself struggle with believing certain things, hence watching this video
@XERTZ1925 3 ай бұрын
where is god when good abel killed by demonic cain? it seems to me that satan is more powerful than god in this particular case then.
@sphinxice8497 Жыл бұрын
I understand every thing but ill say this. God never said that he would fix every problem that we have. We have free will and are capable of doing right from wrong. So why haven't us as humans banded together to help others in need? And to the proof of existence of God; just look at the complexity of chemistry... Personally I just cant wrap my head around the idea that we just some how appeared here, and evolved into a complex civilization without any "outside" help. God never said life would be perfect and that is why he wants us to understand how he works, so when its time for us to go we can enjoy the peace he promised to us. God didn't tell us to label our selves into religions but we did. Which is why i dont label myself because God never forces us to uphold to religious standards, so I dont. I just try to be the best person I can be which is what God really wants.
@luciano9009 11 жыл бұрын
Great vid...
@DaveCarterAL 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an Athiest and this started getting real preachy. Stop fighting the religious people, Atheists can agree with 99% of what the religious people believe. 99% is a damn good common ground. Most all religions believe that the other 99% of religions in the world are not real. I AGREE, YOU ARE RIGHT! HOORAY FOR RELIGION. Atheism and Theism Agreeing at the 99% LEVEL!
@PS2GAMER100 7 ай бұрын
Your not atheist and no we can not agree with each other
@MarketAndChurch 11 жыл бұрын
The OT was a radical departure from anything ever written before it. You can't name one people or one book who comes close to mimicking the ideas in this text. Not one. The similarity in form does not mean a similarity in function. The Israelites derived the basis of almost all their practices, values, & beliefs from the pagans they lived amongst. But that's where the similarities end. They took these beliefs & practices and fundamentally transformed them into something entirely new in history
@MarketAndChurch 11 жыл бұрын
The majority of the time, I'm wrong. I'm not here to convince you, you've already made up your mind. If your thoughts only lead to the conclusions you want, and you only seek out opinions that mirror your own preferences, then you are not a thinking person. You've already done all the thinking you wanted to do, and your mind is content with whatever position you've arrived at, but to herald such a title as "thinking person," is complete bull, and you know it!
@bluepetey6930 11 жыл бұрын
Give it up firewood guy, its over. Stop trying to rationalize it, give it up and join the future.
@MarketAndChurch 11 жыл бұрын
Hey, Im not the one who moronically compared Zeus to YHWH, & besides, I asked you what scholar were you citing, the implication being that you weren't the one who authored such a stupid comparison. If you are the source of that comment, then fine. You prove my point that any know-nothing can crap on the bible or cite a few lines out of context, without knowing anything about it. My basic assumption when someone has the audacity to speak authoritatively about the bible: This guy has scholarship
@micahford60 10 жыл бұрын
Not trying to insult or come at you wrong in anyway! But i would like to hear u explain the wa you came about being on eath who created the human race... i would aslo like to point out that i am a christian and My God doesnt make mistakes!
@atheistlehman4420 10 жыл бұрын
Micah Ford Your framing the question incorrectly. The question is not "who" created humans, but "what" created humans. The best explanation that we have so far, which is pretty much confirmed, is that at some point in the distant past life started (we don't yet know how). Once life started, evolution, with natural selection, took hold and created the diversity of life that we see around us now. We do know that it is possible for life to start in completely naturalistic ways, even if we don't know the exact mechanism.
@mattnpeg 8 жыл бұрын
+Atheist Lehman so you're saying the confirmed explanation of how life started is "life started." Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me
@atheistlehman4420 8 жыл бұрын
Matt Brown No, I'm not saying "the confirmed explanation of how life started is life started", rather that it's been pretty much confirmed that life started a VERY long time ago, even if we don't know how.
@Moszan 5 жыл бұрын
How humans come to being? Either you're unaware of (and possibly failed sex education) or chose to ignore evolution.
@davidbarrett8118 7 жыл бұрын
I'm a Christian and I love this video!!! I would actually love to call and have a long drawn-out conversation with you because you are a very reasonable person and an intellectual where I am not an intellectual but I feel like I can answer some of those questions I don't think it will satisfy your metaphorical "scratching your head" but it may somewhat help you to understand how I see God... to be honest it sounds like you've had these conversations with people who don't know how to answer tough questions??? but that is an assumption
@MrWINNSLAW 7 жыл бұрын
"Thanks, David. Most believers only stick to the bible when it supports them-but-these same believers run from the same bible when it condemns them."
@davidbarrett8118 7 жыл бұрын
Wow nicely put, I call those people Bible Thumpers they quote scriptures left and right as if it's all "factual". Anybody with half a brain can read the Bible and should be able to understand that not all of it is fact.. but for some reason the majority of the church hangs onto every word in that Bible as if it's scientifically proven factual... but what I love about the video is the transparency the intellectual side of it and yeah you're going to be hated on by some Backwoods hick, but I did enjoy it!
@aaronarslanturk1634 2 жыл бұрын
Y can't I stop believing help I'm in pain
@Lighthouse6104 11 ай бұрын
Believe what you feel is right❤
@NerdAdventurer85 Жыл бұрын
Yyyyeah i just don't feel comfortable veing screamed at in the middle of the street about how wicked and blind i am! There are children about! They shouldn't be abused by that! And yes it IS abuse, because you're invading their personal space without invitation, and attacking them Emotionally....pack it in! Now!
@MrSammie4real 7 жыл бұрын
Dear Mr. Winslow, I hope all is well with you at this present time. I come to you in love with a response to the video you posted on KZbin concerning your unbelief in God and religion. First, I want to commend you on how you portrayed yourself on the video by not bashing others who don’t believe like you do. This says a lot about your character! The first situation that I will like to cover is that you said, “Christians try to justify their faith on things that cannot be proven”. My first question would be to you is how do you describe the origin of humans and the world? I have heard of evolution and science, but I highly doubt that we have these different cultures, ethnics, languages, seasons, galaxies, etc.…etc.…by accident. In the book of Romans 1:20, it states that we (man) will be without excuse because creation itself testifies of God’s power. Do you know who we are as humans? Where did man get his intelligence, mind, and will from? What kind of natural value do we have? You also stated that, “how is it that Jesus let children go hungry, get sodomized, and children killing people just because they don’t believe like others. I seriously doubt that God created us to do some of the violence and sinful acts that we see unfolding today. What is the meaning and purpose of life to you? Since God gave man free will to serve Him and do the things that pleases God, it’s basically our choice! Does God make you serve Him? No! Does God make you get save? No! God gave man an internal meter to know some of the right and wrong and the rest He gave laws as to what is right or wrong. Where do you think the idea of right and wrong come from? How do we know what’s morally right or wrong? It has been proven that we can’t just depend on man to come up with laws for us because man is flawed, evil, and sinful. God must be that moral compass for us! Since God created us, that gives Him the right to make up the way man ought to behave before his maker. Just as if you have a family with kids and you make up the boundaries for your children to follow, not to deny them but to protect them. That is what God did for His creation. Next, you asked, “how is it that God can turn his back on the suffering? How is that just”? I don’t proclaim to know all the answers, but I do know that most of the suffering in this world is because of man’s disobedience towards God. God doesn’t turn His back on us. His Word is coming to pass and doing exactly what it said it would do when we disobey God. God is acting justly when we transgress His Word. Suffering is not just to disobedient children. It also touches those who have put their trust in Him! Why? Sometimes it is a greater purpose than we can understand and sometimes it’s because the world hates Him, so they hate us too! In the end we will be rewarded for putting our trust in Him especially when we don’t understand why He does or allow what He allows. Finally, my last questions to you is what do you think happen to people after they die? Do you believe in heaven and hell? Who decides or how does one get to heaven versus hell? You said, “a critically thinking mind will cause the miraculous to happen” and “common sense needs to be used more”. I agree with you on the first part of this statement because when I was at my wits end and didn’t know what to do with my life I didn’t call a life coach or a psychologist, I called on God and He heard me! God helped me to put my life in order and it’s been fine ever since. I’m looking forward the day to meet Him face to face! Sometimes common sense leads us into trouble especially when the way something is to be done have already been established. I urge you my brother with an urgency to step out on what you know and feel in your heart about God. If I’m wrong, I just lived a disciplined life in vain but if you’re wrong, what do you think it will cost? I pray that God will reveal Himself to you and you will see. Thanks for your time and patience Sammie J. Capers
@MrWINNSLAW 7 жыл бұрын
"Greetings, MrS4real? I thank you for the intellectual response. When we look at our origin from a planetary aspect we can go with The Nebular Theory or The Big Bang. A THEORY is used to explain a fact.The Abrahamic god is a bloodthirsty god that most of his followers out rank him in the morality dept. I am sure that even you out rank him in this arena for I am sure that you would not send a pair of she bears to kill 42 children for teasing your homeboy. If I were god and my creation (Satan) was causing trouble for my finer creation (Mankind) then would I remove Satan from the equation. And to prove the god is love and all forgiving argument (if I were god once again). I would grant every single man, woman, and child an automatic free ride to heaven once they died. Since I can heal each and every last malady on Earth but, refuse for some reason. I would do that. I would make it my business to heal amputees, bring families together, and abolish hunger."
@jonathonjizzpants868 2 жыл бұрын
So all the children who are raped, tortured and murdered by padophiles are going through some kind of test and god loves them ? LOL.
@MarketAndChurch 11 жыл бұрын
I'll even take aliens as a reason for how we got the old testament... and accept that God does not exist. But there is no way man could have constructed the old testament. This anthology is too great a repository of wisdom to have been the works of a human mind.
@sneakerzoutkastz8596 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks !
@TheJosephPrice 11 жыл бұрын
I see you dispute Theism, how about Deism?
@chadrasmussen6127 3 жыл бұрын
Deism is real
@stssuprising4269 9 жыл бұрын
Its not so much that jesus let those kids die. You see everything happens for a reason if those kids die then yes it is sad and heart breaking but god just put them into a everlasting paradise and they just became angels in the kingdom of heaven. My god is not this being of killing and destruction, he is the almighty father of all
@richardwatson6146 7 жыл бұрын
If that is the case, then killing all children is morally right because we wouldn't be killing them at all, we'd merely be sending them to paradise. which begs the question, why didn't God just create them in paradise to begin with?
@themelancholia 6 жыл бұрын
sTsS UPRISING A god that would damn inncoent children to burn in hell for no good reason is not a good god.
@micahford60 10 жыл бұрын
and can u plz shoe me the Evidence to show that you are accruatly correct about being an Atheist
@atheistlehman4420 10 жыл бұрын
Micah Ford You're assume that all atheists are strong/gnostic atheists. This simply is not the case. I would encourage you to read this page:
@breeneb2705 8 жыл бұрын
Micah Ford "Prove to me that I don't have proof". How?
@magulater1 11 жыл бұрын
@grizzlythethird3872 9 жыл бұрын
God has granted us the gift of free will and this is why we have the choice to follow. We are all given a choice to follow the path of good or evil. God doesn't want to see us suffer, but God created us imperfect. Unfortunately, today's christans do not understand the full meaning of the word. It isn't my job as a christan to attempt to change you. ITS IMPOSSIBLE. Therefore, I will simply love you. God doesn't love one over the other nor is it stated anywhere in the bible.
@richardwatson6146 7 жыл бұрын
Free will is an illusion.
@dongdestroyer6077 10 жыл бұрын
gods: mythical beings
@alliegibb 8 жыл бұрын
Mr. Winnslaw or whatever the heck ur name is - i really do not enjoy the fact you're atheist. not only do i not enjoy it, it even scares me:) he is real. i see him work his ways, he performs miracles, he created Y O U. There is scientific proof of it. and maybe youre one of the reasons there is suffering. we can't just sit around and wait for god to work on our lives. we need to include him too! and its kinda hard to do that when you don't believe! and remember - without suffering there would be no compassion. Plus, he created us imperfect and with free will, thats why theres good and evil in this world. SO listen, sit back, and reevaluate your life because boyyy do you have a lot to learn.
@MrWINNSLAW 8 жыл бұрын
"Please look at all of my videos and read the scriptures that I bring up. The god of the bible is super evil and I am tired of people pretending that he is real and nice."
@finntorbett2147 8 жыл бұрын
Look I personally wasn't going to comment on this video. I thought that there was no point in it. Now I feel like I need to. You say our God is "super evil" he healed the blind cured the deaf and the paralyzed could move again. But he was super evil. Here is the part where most people would continue saying all the great things God has done or even all the great things God has shown them or done for them specifically and believe me there is a lot of things that God has done that was truly great. But guess what he did do somethings that could be viewed as evil. He told a woman not to look back and when she did she turned to salt and died. He had a man named Joseph get swallowed whole by a giant fish. That does seem super evil but guess what. He told them how to avoid those things. He gave them simple orders and they disobeyed. He has already forgiven you from everything imaginable. He has already taken all of your sin upon his back. Guess what 3 spikes + 1 Cross = 4 given. I know that sounds cheesy but it's true. You are a very smart man clearly. I like hearing the point of view of people that have a different stance than I do. I think it is interesting. I honestly really hope to here back from you because I want to have a discussion with you about this. You have asked some questions in this video that at first they fazed me for instance the question about why do all of these bad things happen in the world? I was like well man thats a good question but then I realized it could be answered in 2 words. Free will. God gave us the choice to choose Him. Or in your case not to choose Him. He has allowed us to make our own choices however, he will still guide us and try to give us signs and try to convince us to do something else. He is testing all of those sick people or all of those people who are in pain. He is seeing well in the good days of yesterday when they were hanging out with their friends and having a great time they were so happy and so care free and they were saying O God how I love you but if I take that away what if they were unhappy and sick and couldn't do as much. Will they still walk with me? If you have ever read Genesis you may or may not know that in the first chapter God created man. He made the first man and named him Adam. And Adam was in the world that God had just made in our 7 day week that we still have and Adam was in this garden. God had also made the Garden Adam could work and do all the things he loved to do with no sweat and no regret or toil. And then God gave Adam a woman and Adam starts singing. (Thought that was funny the first time man is seen singing in the Bible was because a woman came.) So God gave ADAM the commandment not to eat fruit from one single tree in the garden and Adam says yeah alright sure but what about all these other plants? God says those are fine you can eat from those. So then Adam and Eve were walking together through the garden and Eve decided to eat from that forbidden tree. And Adam didn't stop her. He was passive and decided to make sure it was all good. He was just kind of leaning back like alright well I'm just gonna see what happens to her and she didn't die so he ate some fruit too. But the point is Adam was with her and he decided to just let her do the thing that God told him not to do and if he had told her what God had told him we would still be living in a world where we were not bitter and angry. Where we could work without toilsome now it's toilsome. Where there was no gluttony now there is gluttony. All of these terrible things start happening to them both and that tree produced an all knowing fruit so Adam and Eve saw that they were naked and they heard God coming and they went and hid so God comes and he's like so you know whats going on and once again Adam decided to be passive. Instead of standing up and saying you know what God it was my fault I watched her eat the fruit and you didn't tell her it's not her fault whatever your gonna do don't let it happen to her just punch me I take full responsibility. Instead he sits there while God yells at them and makes all this stuff happen because they disobeyed him. The moral of that whole story was because it shows that even though God may do things that seem mean he is just disciplining you as you would do to your own child. If you love your children you discipline them so they grow up to be great people which is exactly what God does. If God didn't care about you he would let you go and do all the terrible things you wanted. Like I said I hope you reply to me because I would love to know what you have to say.
@alliegibb 8 жыл бұрын
WorId of Dance well said
@MrWINNSLAW 8 жыл бұрын
"Greetings, Allie. God (Jesus) or Sky-daddy whatever, is a god of fear. He loves to kill people and torture people and oppress people. Look in your bible and you will see. He keeps people alive so that he will have someone to hurt."
@alliegibb 8 жыл бұрын
@hussienahmed2004 10 жыл бұрын
Sounds to me like you want jesus to live your life for you.. However I do agree with the whole near death experience thing
@faezkapadia3060 7 жыл бұрын
May ALLAH guide you all in the right path ameen
@micahford60 10 жыл бұрын
"Jesus came not to abolish the law but, to fulfill it. He still endorses slavery, rape, and slaughter just like his father in heaven." this is what you said in a response to somebody i was reading down below. God doesnt allow any of that.. man does
@216trixie 11 жыл бұрын
You don't want much, do you?
@KT-ci5wm 11 жыл бұрын
You make no sense.God doesn't want us to suffer and he wants us to learn from our mistakes.
@rockport811 6 жыл бұрын
Think about just what you said...What said makes no sense.
@KT-ci5wm 11 жыл бұрын
No no no you make no sense.
@rockport811 6 жыл бұрын
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