Auļi - Metens

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Budēļi ir auglības gari. To mītnes vieta ir labības lauki. Rudeņos, ar īpašiem Jumja ķeršanas rituāliem šos auglības garus labības pļāvēji liek gulēt, bet Meteņos - pavasara sākumā - modina augšā. Budēļi pavēsta par pavasara tuvošanos un modina auglības spēkus cilvēkos un zemē. Budēļos iet tikai vīrieši, jo viņi ir tie, kas laukus apar, apsēj un kopj. Meteņos budēļi staigā no mājas uz māju, no sētas uz sētu, no lauka uz lauku, ceļā veicot dažādas rituālas darbības, un ar to palīdzību svētot un darot auglīgus laukus, lopus un māju iemītniekus. Budēļu masku veido uz otru pusi izvēršot aitādas kažoku. Galvā liek īpašu konusveida labības salmu cepuri, no kuras malām uz leju nokarājas ēveļu skaidas vai drēbes strēmeles. Rokās budēļiem ir nūjas - trokšņa taisīšanai, kā arī dzīpariem pušķotas zaru buntes, bet pie jostas piesiets zvans, burkāns un divi sīpoli. Budēļu uzdevums, ieejot mājā, ir nopērt jaunās meitas ar auglības rīksti, apdziedāt tās, kā arī spēkoties ar mājiniekiem. Meitas per tik ilgi, kamēr tās atpērkas ar cimdiem vai iesien auglības rīkstē dzīparu vai prievīti. Tās, kas dabū budēļa pērienu, visu gadu ir stipras un veselas, auglīgas - viņām izdodas visi iesāktie darbi, kā arī ir pamatota cerības rudenī iziet pie vīra. Budēļus mājinieki gaida, vienmēr pacienā, jo uzskata, ka līdz ar budēļiem mājās un laukos ienāk svētība, tiek aktivizēts auglības un dzīvības spēks. Budēļiem projām ejot, mājas iemītnieki tos kārtīgi pabaro un dod līdzi cienastus. Enerģijas apmaiņai ir jānotiek!
Šī senā zemgales tradīcija - budēļos iešana - bija gandrīz aizmirsta. Bet pateicoties folkloras kopai “Grodi” un ģeologam, dabas un kultūras pētniekam Viktoram Grāvītim, XX gadsimta deviņdesmitajos gados, budēļi atkal atdzima Latvijā. Ik gadu Latvijas folkloras biedrības rīkotajos starptautiskajos masku tradīciju festivālos Grodu budēļi nes svētību un modina pavasari. Nu jau ir modušies arī šīs tradīcijas turpinātāji zemgalē.
Paldies folkloras kopas “Grodi” budēļiem par iespēju iejusties Budēļu maskās un padomiem tradīcijas iepazīšanas procesā! Paldies viesmīlīgajiem “Ruķeļu” māju saimniekiem Jurim un Dainai Zalāniem par Budēļu uzņemšanu un cienāšanu!
Video režija: Kaspars Bārbals, Gatis Indrēvics
Montāža: Kaspars Bārbals, Gatis Indrēvics, Ēriks Kukutis
Operatori: Gatis Indrēvics, Ēriks Kukutis
Mūzika: Auļi - Metens
Producents: Studija „Lauska”
Filmēšanā piedalījās:
Auļu budēļi: Kaspars Indrēvics, Edgars Krūmiņš, Gatis Valters, Normuns Vaivads, Māris Jēkabsons, Kaspars Bārbals, Einārs Cintiņš
Mājinieki: Leanne Barbo, Jānis Jasjukevičs, Justīne Jasjukeviča, Janta Jasjukeviča, Gunta Siliņa - Jasjukeviča, Katrīna Valtere, Daina Zalāne, Juris Zalāns, Miķelis Zalāns.
Budēļi are spirits of fertility who are said to live in the grain fields. In autumn, farmers perform special rituals to catch Jumis, the god of fertility, and put him to bed for the winter. At the Meteņi celebration in February they wake him up again. The arrival at this celebration of budēļi - masked figures related to mummers who wake the fertility in the soil and people- signifies that spring is nearing. Only men dress as budēļi, because they are the ones who plough, plant and tend to the fields. At Meteņi, budēļi go from house to house, from farm to farm, from field to field, performing various rituals along the way, thereby bringing blessings and fertility to the fields, livestock and people.
The typical budēļi mask/costume is a fur coat turned inside out. They wear special cone-shaped straw hats decorated with wood shavings or strips of cloth hanging down over their faces. They carry bunches of sticks and branches decorated with colourful bits of yarn as well as large staffs or walking sticks to make noise. They hang a bell or a carrot and two onions from their belts. When entering a house, budēļi sing and comment about all of the girls and young women in the household and use their bunches of sticks (signifying fertility) to give them spankings. They also perform various games to test the vigour of the people in the household. The spankings continue until the young women buy their freedom with a pair of mittens or by tying ribbons or yarn onto the bunch of sticks. Those who receive spankings are said to enjoy health, vitality and fertility for the entire coming year - all of their work will bring fruitful results, and there is even great hope that the young women will find husbands in the autumn. People eagerly await the budēļi in their homes and offer them many tasty treats, because budēļi bring blessings to a home and fields and activate the life force. When it comes time for the budēļi to move on, the hostess gives them foods to take along. After all, an exchange of energy must take place.

Пікірлер: 332
@AnUtterSimpleton 4 жыл бұрын
Cracking open some pagan traditions with the boys.
@felicityflask6815 4 жыл бұрын
@naurisss 3 жыл бұрын
For those who’re confused what’s going on. These aren’t peasant women. Meteņi are like fertility beings. In Latvian traditions we usually spank each other with branches even to this day in Catholic traditions. And usually say words like “Health inside, sickness outside”. And this whole dressing up thing is called Ķekatas/Čigāni/Budēļi which takes place in Meteņi celebrations (basically Latvian midwinter).
@andrisrikmanis9982 2 жыл бұрын
"Slimību ārā, veselību iekšā, apaļš kā pūpolīts, vesels kā rutks!" per ar pūpoliem pūpolsvētdienā un tie ir kristiešu svētki. Pēršanu ar pūpoliem, olu krāsošanu un šūpošanos viņi ir palienējuši no mums. Mūsu svētki ir Meteņi, Lieldienas, Ūsiņi, Jāņi, Jumji (dažviet Māras), Apjumības, Mārtiņi un Ziemassvētki
@PavelDGromnic 2 жыл бұрын
I hope that these traditions will not only survive but flourish. I sense a real human connection with people and local cultural habits that has very little to do with imposed exterior influences. These customs are essential for an authentic cultural life.
@nnimble 2 жыл бұрын
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch approves.
@WorldOfKnowledgeTH 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to visit Latvia to learn more about Latvian culture and traditions
@DuckDuck419 2 жыл бұрын
It's nothing to do with Catholic traditions.
@ДаринаРе 5 жыл бұрын
Восторг! Очень интересно наблюдать за развитием группы. Думаю, земляки вами очень гордятся. Культура должна быть такой: правдивой, разумной и безупречно поданной...
@ugnikalnis 4 жыл бұрын
@Kolnu Andrius Kalnų Andriau Paldies!
@thomaswija2993 4 жыл бұрын
echt super!!!!
@glynnera 6 жыл бұрын
@crazywulfe8105 4 жыл бұрын
I don't know why, but I think this is Great.
@vilnisnormunds 7 жыл бұрын
un tā pat nav dziesma😵😵😵 atā pasaulīt es tiko nomiru
@reginakniprode246 4 жыл бұрын
Baltikum - the deep heart of Europe
@dolkomon3443 5 жыл бұрын
Great! New subscriber from Mongolia!
@Lachausis 4 жыл бұрын
Pagan Slipknot.
@ReRubberman2009 5 жыл бұрын
Latvija !!! Great! Like from Ukraine.))
@amidaobscura 7 ай бұрын
Watched the video at least 30 times, love it. Just realised they had "special vegetables" between their legs, lol. Long live pagan / folk traditions and music.
@celine436 7 жыл бұрын
Wow... i've just discovered your band with this video clip. I'm definetly in love, your music is great, the pictures are beautiful, thanks to make traditions alive.
@Татьянавсевидящая-ч5ц 4 жыл бұрын
Чем больше смотрю и слушаю,тем больше нравится.Ребята-Вы просто огонь🔥🔥🔥
@DF35689 Жыл бұрын
super un paldies. Es audzinu latviesu paaudzi ne-Latvijaa, un sis loti paliidz! Amazing and thank you! I am raising latvian generation in non-Latvia (outside Latvia) and this is very helpful.
@laurisfjodorovs3918 4 жыл бұрын
I’m so proud to be Latvian!!!
@thehuntermikipl1170 10 ай бұрын
@Mukz_ 4 ай бұрын
@cindymadore 4 жыл бұрын
What? Stumbled onto Gnomes with bagpipe fever?? Love it!!
@natkash 4 жыл бұрын
I find Latvian culture just icnredible:-)
@ugnikalnis 3 жыл бұрын
The more I listen the more I'm proud To be Son of Baltic! 🇱🇹 ♥️ 🇱🇻!
@thehuntermikipl1170 10 ай бұрын
@ForgeofTlepsh 4 жыл бұрын
Greetings from Circassia! We have these figures and for the exact function and symbolism - though we call them Azheghafe.
@edwardmeade 4 жыл бұрын
This is the best bagpipers in funny hats canoodling with Latvian peasant girls video I've seen all year. 👍
@ainarsbr1 3 жыл бұрын
@surtu9221 3 жыл бұрын
With ceremonial carrot and apple junk.
@Kosinuss 3 жыл бұрын
@@surtu9221 Carrot and Onion, actually, but yeah - All in the name of fertility :D
@emcc8598 2 жыл бұрын
@ugnikalnis 4 жыл бұрын
Paldies BRĀĻI un Māsas My Pagan heart ♥ is filled with joy, western won't corrupt our deep traditions, heritage, and who we are it's deep in our veins ancestors lives! 🇱🇹 ♥️ 🇱🇻!
@daugirdassvitrigaila5644 3 жыл бұрын
Tu romuvis? Ar diev duriboj?
@ugnikalnis 3 жыл бұрын
@@daugirdassvitrigaila5644 Aš esu krikštytas, gerbiu savo tėvus ir protėvius, palaikau pagonybę, nesvarbu, kad mane tėvai krikštyjo, viduje esu Pagonis.
@daugirdassvitrigaila5644 3 жыл бұрын
@@ugnikalnis aišku.
@daugirdassvitrigaila5644 3 жыл бұрын
Ir aš. Galvojau romuviu tapt sykį.
@ugnikalnis 3 жыл бұрын
​@@daugirdassvitrigaila5644 Romuvos tikėjimas gaila nėr 100 proc atkurtas, bet Trinkūnai pastatė tvirtus pamatus gaila, kad seimas atšaukė, bet čia neesmė, žmonės kurie mato kas dedasi grįžta į Senas šaknis! Svarbiausia gerbk save šeima protėvius taip pat nepamiršk kas esi savo kilme, Mes Esame Baltai Karingi kurie nepasiduoda ir kovoja iki galo! Nesigėdyk, kad Esi Baltijos Sūnus!
@josecintron85 2 жыл бұрын
For some reason YT has decided that I need to listen to more Latvian folk music. I am happy about it since I have been enjoying it.
@KefiirsOne 7 жыл бұрын
Brīnišķīgi! Vienkārši lieliski, gan video, gan gabals pats.
@CliffWeng 5 жыл бұрын
This is amazing! Made me want to discover more about your music, and culture
@ulf369 Жыл бұрын
Long Life to the sense and culture All over this Earth 💚🐺❄️
@maikatupua8228 4 жыл бұрын
Love the translations thank you for Sharing your culture Latvia
@talscorner3696 4 жыл бұрын
Big ass drum on a sled?! Hell yeah!
@dasisleudagar4145 4 жыл бұрын
Love it. Drums are the universal language. Here is to a world dancing around a bonfire made of "the evil that men do", united under the stars and in the rhythm.
@ctiradperunovic 3 жыл бұрын
This pagan tradition with decorated branches and whipped girls with them is exactly the same as our tradition in the Czech Republic at Easter (basically it is a pagan solstice feast, but as always replaced by Christians), when girls are whipped by "pomlázka", which is also branch with colored threads! They are whipped in the sense of staying pretty and healthy, does it have the same meaning in this video? It is also very pleasant to see that these pagan traditions are still with us everywhere. Posílám pozdrav z Čech!
@lolikususs 3 жыл бұрын
its same, old tradition. pazdrava vam Slavani
@ed586 3 жыл бұрын
My girl: He's prolly cheating now Me and the gang: This comment: not original
@astridvitols4712 5 жыл бұрын
Wonderful !!!! So interesting for Culture and Symbolic !!! ;-) Thanks a lot !!!
@dracocaelites6809 5 жыл бұрын
Amazing music! New subscriber here, from Guayaquil City, Ecuador, South America.
@FirstLast-ym9vs 4 жыл бұрын
КайФ!!! Как аутентично, и живо!! Вот, где ощущается сама народность!!!
@EykisCorporation 4 жыл бұрын
Если бы не письки, то не было бы так аутентично!
@Ja-gv1mx 5 жыл бұрын
I'm have no idea what the hell is this, but i'm like it.
@Spirelord 4 жыл бұрын
If you really want your mind blown: check out the description!!
@ugnikalnis 4 жыл бұрын
It's Baltic Countries Ancestors Power! 🇱🇹 ♥️ 🇱🇻 🇪🇪
@geroutathat 4 жыл бұрын
@@Spirelord not really that mind blowing, a lot of these countries have a very similar spanking with branches tradition for fertility.
@arisplugis5197 4 жыл бұрын
those evil bastards are punishing girls. because they still are not pregnant. at the first shot of the video you can notice a two onions and a carrot between "evil man" legs. that is a symbol of fertility. quite straight forward messaging. :)
@felicityflask6815 4 жыл бұрын
@valeriemyers8433 4 жыл бұрын
How great you are! Love the music and Snow - a California Latvian!
@natkash 4 жыл бұрын
Very interesting video! High quality!
@natkash 4 жыл бұрын
@Kolnu Andrius thank you for these videos. I've subscribed to all these channels🌼
@natkash 4 жыл бұрын
@Kolnu Andrius thank you a lot😘🎶🌼
@kikimorapjanaja3899 4 жыл бұрын
Это красиво и музыкально! Ļoti muzikaali , klips labs. Laba atmosfeera!
@CharlyAlemania 4 жыл бұрын
Amazing!!! Love and greetings from Argentina
@felicityflask6815 4 жыл бұрын
This traditional holiday is similar to the Bulgarian one ...Koledari (Christmas boys) At least I think so ... obviously we have common roots and traditions. Very beautiful video!
@felicityflask6815 4 жыл бұрын
@felicityflask6815 4 жыл бұрын
@unknowndude_2000 3 жыл бұрын
Im from Romania, but half of my romanian family comes from Bulgaria and I live in Latvia. My witch heart cant wish for more
@ligarobertie838 7 жыл бұрын
Nevaru vien beigt klausīties! Satriecoši!! ♡♡♡
@shawnblood5902 4 жыл бұрын
Cultures are here to stay.
@Raven-pf8yw 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting and beautiful . Greetings from Hungary.
@erikpavlovic4711 Ай бұрын
Супер музыка!!!
@puffer_frog 5 жыл бұрын
This music makes me wanna play some gwent...
@heavyreynald 3 жыл бұрын
I listen to this tune quite often and I've just noticed the onions and carrot o_O ...
@lolikususs 3 жыл бұрын
:D fertility
@haggard_hermit Жыл бұрын
😂 That’s the first thing I saw and I can’t unsee it
@Retarior 4 жыл бұрын
Have you ever seen Czech Easter? With pomlázka and so on? It only shows that we are much closer than with other nations. Us and Baltics. We even shared most of our Pantheon. Its fertility celebration. The colours of ribbons had a role in our national tradition too. Untill christianity cut it short :-D .... You see in the morning the guys are going all arround villgaes and towns, visiting girls. They have to sing, or recite to perform for them and they have to chase them. Girls are free to run or test their agility and speed as they see fit by running and hiding. When the girl is caught, she is gently slapped by the young willow staff wrapped from multiple colorfull rods. To transfer the lives energy from the rod to them. Then the girl rewards you by food, an egg as a symbol, we paint those eggs, alcohol and ribbon. Red ribbon ment that you will get laid in the evening and that the girl has chosen you for some merry action. Blue, yellow and green also have meaning. I just dont remember which one means "go to hell ugly!" She could have chosen more guys. After 12:00 the girls chase guys who over done it with alcohol. They pour buckets of ice cold water on them. To punish them for their stupid behaviour in the morning or lazyness. In the evening... and that part has been cut off... was the feast, dancing and generally, enjoing with ... gilrs that chose you arround that large fire and everywhere you could. And this basicaly looks like a mix of our holly days. 5.12. - Devil and St. Nicholas (originaly celtic) about devils with Horns and clad in fur. Also it looks like our Masopust (end of winter, february - a masquerade, somethhing like Haloween but not abotu dead, we have "The Souls" instead) and our Easter.
@Serai3 3 жыл бұрын
* sigh * You make me so jealous! :)
@Retarior 3 жыл бұрын
@@Serai3 Why?
@Serai3 3 жыл бұрын
@@Retarior Because this isn't a country where something like this would be traditional. In many places it wouldn't be tolerated at all.
@Retarior 3 жыл бұрын
@@Serai3 Oh, let me guess. Either you are from western part of correct EU or arabic? As EU is constantly pushing to ban our traditions as they are politically incorrect and offensive to some. Well ee dont care. We are Czechs and we live in our country. You are from?
@Serai3 3 жыл бұрын
@@Retarior America. Where anything that doesn't fit into the Approved Religions is treated as satanism by most and never given respect or dignity. If there were people dressed like this dancing and doing rituals, some Karen would call the police, who would likely have no sympathy. I've experienced it myself. Thus my jealousy!
@hichiro777 4 жыл бұрын
I love the rock n folk style, very modern and creative. The movie is beyond words of swag and cool! Congratulations More 🙏
@АлександрБезродный-щ4к 7 жыл бұрын
Шикарно !
@florindaferreira4450 4 жыл бұрын
Musica maravilhosa,Europe rythmes et énergie et cultures du grand continent. Bravo aux musiciens 😉😊🌞🌳
@yeroxa 5 жыл бұрын
Очень хорошо передана атмосфера праздника. Благодарствую Вам, что не забываете традиции своего народа, я рад что вы делаете их популярным и заставляете нас вспомнить свои традиции. Ведь у нас они ровно такие же. Paldies!
@arisplugis5197 4 жыл бұрын
ruskim tozhe jest tradicijy. no ja dumaju shto vas luchshe meste gjerzhit Provaslovjanskaya cerkvj. mojo mjenjija.
@EykisCorporation 4 жыл бұрын
@@arisplugis5197 Pravoslavnaja cerkovj*
@NVeslava 4 жыл бұрын
Аналог наших калядок. Ведические традиции предков живы!!
@jennylee527 3 жыл бұрын
I'm in love with this! Great works!
@SeaDog337 Жыл бұрын
I love seeing weird and wonderful traditions like this being kept alive. It adds something colourful and unique to the world.
@spadarVIR 2 жыл бұрын
Калядныя, як падаецца, сьвяткаваньні. Вельмі падобна на нашых калядоўшчыкаў, мо толькі казы не бачна. Дзякуй вялізны за відэа - і музыка і відэа на найвышэйшым узроўню.
@Mukz_ 4 ай бұрын
man jaki pakaļā
@Mukz_ 4 ай бұрын
Budēļi ir auglības gari. To mītnes vieta ir labības lauki. Rudeņos, ar īpašiem Jumja ķeršanas rituāliem šos auglības garus labības pļāvēji liek gulēt, bet Meteņos - pavasara sākumā - modina augšā. Budēļi pavēsta par pavasara tuvošanos un modina auglības spēkus cilvēkos un zemē. Budēļos iet tikai vīrieši, jo viņi ir tie, kas laukus apar, apsēj un kopj. Meteņos budēļi staigā no mājas uz māju, no sētas uz sētu, no lauka uz lauku, ceļā veicot dažādas rituālas darbības, un ar to palīdzību svētot un darot auglīgus laukus, lopus un māju iemītniekus. Budēļu masku veido uz otru pusi izvēršot aitādas kažoku. Galvā liek īpašu konusveida labības salmu cepuri, no kuras malām uz leju nokarājas ēveļu skaidas vai drēbes strēmeles. Rokās budēļiem ir nūjas - trokšņa taisīšanai, kā arī dzīpariem pušķotas zaru buntes, bet pie jostas piesiets zvans, burkāns un divi sīpoli. Budēļu uzdevums, ieejot mājā, ir nopērt jaunās meitas ar auglības rīksti, apdziedāt tās, kā arī spēkoties ar mājiniekiem. Meitas per tik ilgi, kamēr tās atpērkas ar cimdiem vai iesien auglības rīkstē dzīparu vai prievīti. Tās, kas dabū budēļa pērienu, visu gadu ir stipras un veselas, auglīgas - viņām izdodas visi iesāktie darbi, kā arī ir pamatota cerības rudenī iziet pie vīra. Budēļus mājinieki gaida, vienmēr pacienā, jo uzskata, ka līdz ar budēļiem mājās un laukos ienāk svētība, tiek aktivizēts auglības un dzīvības spēks. Budēļiem projām ejot, mājas iemītnieki tos kārtīgi pabaro un dod līdzi cienastus. Enerģijas apmaiņai ir jānotiek! Šī senā zemgales tradīcija - budēļos iešana - bija gandrīz aizmirsta. Bet pateicoties folkloras kopai “Grodi” un ģeologam, dabas un kultūras pētniekam Viktoram Grāvītim, XX gadsimta deviņdesmitajos gados, budēļi atkal atdzima Latvijā. Ik gadu Latvijas folkloras biedrības rīkotajos starptautiskajos masku tradīciju festivālos Grodu budēļi nes svētību un modina pavasari. Nu jau ir modušies arī šīs tradīcijas turpinātāji zemgalē. Paldies folkloras kopas “Grodi” budēļiem par iespēju iejusties Budēļu maskās un padomiem tradīcijas iepazīšanas procesā! Paldies viesmīlīgajiem “Ruķeļu” māju saimniekiem Jurim un Dainai Zalāniem par Budēļu uzņemšanu un cienāšanu! Video režija: Kaspars Bārbals, Gatis Indrēvics Montāža: Kaspars Bārbals, Gatis Indrēvics, Ēriks Kukutis Operatori: Gatis Indrēvics, Ēriks Kukutis Mūzika: Auļi - Metens Producents: Studija „Lauska” Filmēšanā piedalījās: Auļu budēļi: Kaspars Indrēvics, Edgars Krūmiņš, Gatis Valters, Normuns Vaivads, Māris Jēkabsons, Kaspars Bārbals, Einārs Cintiņš Mājinieki: Leanne Barbo, Jānis Jasjukevičs, Justīne Jasjukeviča, Janta Jasjukeviča, Gunta Siliņa - Jasjukeviča, Katrīna Valtere, Daina Zalāne, Juris Zalāns, Miķelis Zalāns. Budēļi are spirits of fertility who are said to live in the grain fields. In autumn, farmers perform special rituals to catch Jumis, the god of fertility, and put him to bed for the winter. At the Meteņi celebration in February they wake him up again. The arrival at this celebration of budēļi - masked figures related to mummers who wake the fertility in the soil and people- signifies that spring is nearing. Only men dress as budēļi, because they are the ones who plough, plant and tend to the fields. At Meteņi, budēļi go from house to house, from farm to farm, from field to field, performing various rituals along the way, thereby bringing blessings and fertility to the fields, livestock and people. The typical budēļi mask/costume is a fur coat turned inside out. They wear special cone-shaped straw hats decorated with wood shavings or strips of cloth hanging down over their faces. They carry bunches of sticks and branches decorated with colourful bits of yarn as well as large staffs or walking sticks to make noise. They hang a bell or a carrot and two onions from their belts. When entering a house, budēļi sing and comment about all of the girls and young women in the household and use their bunches of sticks (signifying fertility) to give them spankings. They also perform various games to test the vigour of the people in the household. The spankings continue until the young women buy their freedom with a pair of mittens or by tying ribbons or yarn onto the bunch of sticks. Those who receive spankings are said to enjoy health, vitality and fertility for the entire coming year - all of their work will bring fruitful results, and there is even great hope that the young women will find husbands in the autumn. People eagerly await the budēļi in their homes and offer them many tasty treats, because budēļi bring blessings to a home and fields and activate the life force. When it comes time for the budēļi to move on, the hostess gives them foods to take along. After all, an exchange of energy must take place. AuliEtnotranss
@jolitaantanaviciene3002 2 жыл бұрын
Super ♥️🇱🇹
@javikus 4 жыл бұрын
Очень интересный клип, рад что подписался на канал.
@cath3638 4 жыл бұрын
Rather like our Krampusmänner here in Sud Tirol!
@АнисимЗинин 7 жыл бұрын
Музыка и видеоклип потрясающие! Paldies labi!
@zyraxesdac7583 4 жыл бұрын
so similar to some romanian tradition
@78cunobelin 3 жыл бұрын
Without any words we all know exactly what this is and how fun it would be for all of us to do this; if only we kept the old ways more ;-)
@latvianminecrafter8040 4 жыл бұрын
Greetings from Latvia!🇱🇻
@bobbystoyanov7125 4 жыл бұрын
PLEASE !!! You have to check Bulgarian ''КУКЕРИ'' ...all the masks ,white and red ,dances,instruments and so on...WE ARE ALL ONE BROTERS AND SISTERS
@sarahweil4293 4 жыл бұрын
From Sarah ✋😀😀😀😀😀😀👍👍👍👍👍👍
@josephwarra5043 9 ай бұрын
@Tucibaba 4 жыл бұрын
This clip stirs up my memories, when I was a kid at Fat Tuesday (aka Mardi Gras) the "Farsang"s walking the countryside in Hungary. Remembering that I was so afraid when they yelled, cried and playing harmonica, now 30yrs passed and there is nothing. Absolutely nothing. No Farsangs, no Mikulás (Nicolaus and the Krampus), no Jézuska (Christkind), no Luca or suprálás and every christian or folk customs ceased to exist. Like we are nothing or without roots(?)... Now most of my neighbours are AH's from the capital, if I try to wish to someone a happy new year in the traditional way, they probably call the cops on me.
@ugnikalnis 4 жыл бұрын
It's sad to hear that, it's wrong traditions must be passed through generations, I'm proud I'm baltic my heart is filled with joy, that Latvians keeping traditions alive, I've bin in Germany traditions almost dead, they have but it's not so strong as we have.
@rainey_1.618 4 жыл бұрын
In Poland we have Fat Thursday still celebrate in some places like this way🙂
@asdrasdre9002 4 жыл бұрын
where i live we have a society of hungarians, they have similar custom to this
@milarepa1773 3 жыл бұрын
LE VRAI NOEL MERCI 5 жыл бұрын
sounds cool, and I like the masks, kind of made me think of the shamans of the altaic areas, where're you ladies/guys from? I don't recognise the language... 5 жыл бұрын
@@matilde2014 is Metens like a shamanic celebration or something else?im interested in cultures 5 жыл бұрын
@@matilde2014 no problem, I will look on Wikipedia :)
@MrMervyn 5 жыл бұрын
Celebrations like this are pre-Christian in origin and are not that uncommon in Europe, though usually, they tend to be more Christianized or mixed in with Christian additions. A lot of the customs and traditions associated with Easter or with the carnival period are originally pagan, in my country at least (I'm Czech).
@debbycoley 2 жыл бұрын
Captivatingly beautiful. ❤️
@alecule 4 жыл бұрын
great video, song and tradition!
@artursgrazulis 3 жыл бұрын
I like it :)
@vytautasm.champlinparklove8558 7 ай бұрын
Paldies , braliukai.
@Mukz_ 4 ай бұрын
Budēļi ir auglības gari. To mītnes vieta ir labības lauki. Rudeņos, ar īpašiem Jumja ķeršanas rituāliem šos auglības garus labības pļāvēji liek gulēt, bet Meteņos - pavasara sākumā - modina augšā. Budēļi pavēsta par pavasara tuvošanos un modina auglības spēkus cilvēkos un zemē. Budēļos iet tikai vīrieši, jo viņi ir tie, kas laukus apar, apsēj un kopj. Meteņos budēļi staigā no mājas uz māju, no sētas uz sētu, no lauka uz lauku, ceļā veicot dažādas rituālas darbības, un ar to palīdzību svētot un darot auglīgus laukus, lopus un māju iemītniekus. Budēļu masku veido uz otru pusi izvēršot aitādas kažoku. Galvā liek īpašu konusveida labības salmu cepuri, no kuras malām uz leju nokarājas ēveļu skaidas vai drēbes strēmeles. Rokās budēļiem ir nūjas - trokšņa taisīšanai, kā arī dzīpariem pušķotas zaru buntes, bet pie jostas piesiets zvans, burkāns un divi sīpoli. Budēļu uzdevums, ieejot mājā, ir nopērt jaunās meitas ar auglības rīksti, apdziedāt tās, kā arī spēkoties ar mājiniekiem. Meitas per tik ilgi, kamēr tās atpērkas ar cimdiem vai iesien auglības rīkstē dzīparu vai prievīti. Tās, kas dabū budēļa pērienu, visu gadu ir stipras un veselas, auglīgas - viņām izdodas visi iesāktie darbi, kā arī ir pamatota cerības rudenī iziet pie vīra. Budēļus mājinieki gaida, vienmēr pacienā, jo uzskata, ka līdz ar budēļiem mājās un laukos ienāk svētība, tiek aktivizēts auglības un dzīvības spēks. Budēļiem projām ejot, mājas iemītnieki tos kārtīgi pabaro un dod līdzi cienastus. Enerģijas apmaiņai ir jānotiek! Šī senā zemgales tradīcija - budēļos iešana - bija gandrīz aizmirsta. Bet pateicoties folkloras kopai “Grodi” un ģeologam, dabas un kultūras pētniekam Viktoram Grāvītim, XX gadsimta deviņdesmitajos gados, budēļi atkal atdzima Latvijā. Ik gadu Latvijas folkloras biedrības rīkotajos starptautiskajos masku tradīciju festivālos Grodu budēļi nes svētību un modina pavasari. Nu jau ir modušies arī šīs tradīcijas turpinātāji zemgalē. Paldies folkloras kopas “Grodi” budēļiem par iespēju iejusties Budēļu maskās un padomiem tradīcijas iepazīšanas procesā! Paldies viesmīlīgajiem “Ruķeļu” māju saimniekiem Jurim un Dainai Zalāniem par Budēļu uzņemšanu un cienāšanu! Video režija: Kaspars Bārbals, Gatis Indrēvics Montāža: Kaspars Bārbals, Gatis Indrēvics, Ēriks Kukutis Operatori: Gatis Indrēvics, Ēriks Kukutis Mūzika: Auļi - Metens Producents: Studija „Lauska” Filmēšanā piedalījās: Auļu budēļi: Kaspars Indrēvics, Edgars Krūmiņš, Gatis Valters, Normuns Vaivads, Māris Jēkabsons, Kaspars Bārbals, Einārs Cintiņš Mājinieki: Leanne Barbo, Jānis Jasjukevičs, Justīne Jasjukeviča, Janta Jasjukeviča, Gunta Siliņa - Jasjukeviča, Katrīna Valtere, Daina Zalāne, Juris Zalāns, Miķelis Zalāns. Budēļi are spirits of fertility who are said to live in the grain fields. In autumn, farmers perform special rituals to catch Jumis, the god of fertility, and put him to bed for the winter. At the Meteņi celebration in February they wake him up again. The arrival at this celebration of budēļi - masked figures related to mummers who wake the fertility in the soil and people- signifies that spring is nearing. Only men dress as budēļi, because they are the ones who plough, plant and tend to the fields. At Meteņi, budēļi go from house to house, from farm to farm, from field to field, performing various rituals along the way, thereby bringing blessings and fertility to the fields, livestock and people. The typical budēļi mask/costume is a fur coat turned inside out. They wear special cone-shaped straw hats decorated with wood shavings or strips of cloth hanging down over their faces. They carry bunches of sticks and branches decorated with colourful bits of yarn as well as large staffs or walking sticks to make noise. They hang a bell or a carrot and two onions from their belts. When entering a house, budēļi sing and comment about all of the girls and young women in the household and use their bunches of sticks (signifying fertility) to give them spankings. They also perform various games to test the vigour of the people in the household. The spankings continue until the young women buy their freedom with a pair of mittens or by tying ribbons or yarn onto the bunch of sticks. Those who receive spankings are said to enjoy health, vitality and fertility for the entire coming year - all of their work will bring fruitful results, and there is even great hope that the young women will find husbands in the autumn. People eagerly await the budēļi in their homes and offer them many tasty treats, because budēļi bring blessings to a home and fields and activate the life force. When it comes time for the budēļi to move on, the hostess gives them foods to take along. After all, an exchange of energy must take place.
@shawnblood5902 4 жыл бұрын
I say yes to more music and stop killing us humans from killing each other.
@BartGryf 4 жыл бұрын
my tattoed triskellion shines but that was surprising seeing onion balls and carrot sticks dangling lol
@TheOlgaSasha 4 жыл бұрын
Slava Latviï !!! Neimovirne vykonanńa ! Pryvitanńa z Ukraïny🇺🇦❤🇱🇻
@silvitaaaa 2 жыл бұрын
@wall.flower 4 жыл бұрын
What country is this music and this legend from? It's very fascinating....!
@starvid1310 3 жыл бұрын
@badgervacuum 6 жыл бұрын
thank you
@taksakatak2617 4 жыл бұрын
І балти колядують ) Прекрасно )))
@taksakatak2617 4 жыл бұрын
@Kolnu Andrius Wow! Are they really repeating KALADA 'КОЛЯДА' in the song?
@taksakatak2617 4 жыл бұрын
@Kolnu Andrius In Ukrainian 'koläda' means 1.The Sunbirth holiday 2. The newborn Sun 3. The Koläda poem or song 'koläduvaty' means 1. To recite carols 2. To sing carols. The Latvian 'Kalado!' is actually cognate to the Ukrainian 'Koläduj' - sing a carol.
@taksakatak2617 4 жыл бұрын
@Kolnu Andrius Thanks a lot for the explanation. I came to know closer Baltic cultures when I studied the pre-Scythian period of Ukraine's history.
@taksakatak2617 4 жыл бұрын
@Kolnu Andrius Oh it's awesome! So beautiful! Kaladū = 'Sing a song', I suppose
@ServingOthers99 5 жыл бұрын
This is fuckin rad as hell
@janispaipala4651 4 жыл бұрын
Vecas, labas latviesu tradicijas 👌👍
@ireneuszpiasecki6842 4 жыл бұрын
This music band is simply amazing! Greatings from Poland!
@ЕкатеринаРябцева-щ7з 2 жыл бұрын
@wendymalpas1755 3 жыл бұрын
This is brilliant. There is magic in the world.
@ronathonclifford8487 4 жыл бұрын
this is the best dude I love this random find cuz that the way I do it randomly lol
@ElvenartistKentrKatty 4 жыл бұрын
@jrak 2 жыл бұрын
awesome music and great use of slo-motion
@edsonassim905 3 жыл бұрын
oi linda família 👀🐣
@suzannemorrow9987 4 жыл бұрын
I am searching out my Fathers Homeland and that if all their people and my Family!! I feel happiness, belonging, home , here. I am so wanting to know you!!
@anniewardie 4 жыл бұрын
@ИванТанк-ю4д 3 жыл бұрын
Музыка наполняет сердце как будто бы ты участник!
@marienadia4 5 жыл бұрын
J'ai bien ris ..a découvrir ! Bravo aux créateurs ;p
@doyoumind9356 4 жыл бұрын
Looks cold
@UmiPalerm 3 жыл бұрын
I love seeing the contrast between the pagan "chasing girls and whooping them with sticks", accompanied by the sight of a woman playing the bagpipes alongside the men.
@Mukz_ 4 ай бұрын
I love seeing black men twerk
@ingelaimite1766 4 жыл бұрын
@igorvoloshin3406 3 жыл бұрын
Ніби й не було тих останніх півтори тисячі років...
@sarahgray430 3 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of Newfie Mummers, who go around at Christmas in home made disguises, putting on skits and goofing around in return for food. Chewing the pig's ear right off it's head looks like fun, but I would not do it at a classy buffet!
@ledokol8805 7 жыл бұрын
Красавцы! Шапка долой, что дольше всех сопротивлялись христианству - в итоге, частично сохранили обычаи предков.
@aksels2441 5 жыл бұрын
Soasibo za koment
@mladenenglang 5 жыл бұрын
Споротивлялись католичеству. За православие. Выбрали быть под ордой, так как европейцы хотели что-бы мы поменяли веру на католическую. Но от орды практически ничего не сохранилось. Это в центральной сибири восновном, но там это и было религией всегда.
@slavden 5 жыл бұрын
@@mladenenglang Malanka +elementy uvijshly do Pasxy (Verbna nedilja)... Cikavo jak v Ukajini ta Rossii ti zh sami tradyciji po riznykh svjatah :)
@ugnikalnis 4 жыл бұрын
Я горжусь сваими сёстрами и братьями штоб они сохранили традиции предких и уважает и гордиться! 🇱🇹 ♥️ 🇱🇻
@derlette9669 6 жыл бұрын
Can anyone tell me what "metens" means
@derlette9669 6 жыл бұрын
@acerockman3520 6 жыл бұрын
This is the only bagpipe music I’d listen to
@SventoyarFolkMetalUkrainian 4 жыл бұрын
What's going on here? 😱😳
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