AUSTERLITZ - The Battle itself - Dec 2, 1805 - Part 4/4 The End - Abel Gance (1960)

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Renault Sport CLIO 2 RS MINICUP - Pandemonium Lig

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@na3044 10 ай бұрын
Someone should send this scene to the makers of the 2023 movie.
@venator0405 6 жыл бұрын
What a brilliant film, from the choreography, to the camera angles and movement, to the frenetic movement of the action. Thanks for the upload, and the informational slides as well, and all in such crisp quality.
@asch7906 11 ай бұрын
My only major beef with it is the ridiculous way they handled the coronation of Napoleon as emperor, they clearly had no budget for it so they did it with a model and a dude narrating...
@theswanseaboy01 8 жыл бұрын
AMAZING, and so excellently described. I learnt something good today. Merci ! Vive le France!
@marcnews75 3 жыл бұрын
I saw this movie years ago and have never been able to find it
@maisonraider4593 3 жыл бұрын
Search on netflix if you have it. It’s a good movie
@Lysbleu28 2 ай бұрын
Un grand film qui retrace la plus célèbre bataille de l'histoire. Napoléon était un génie, et cette bataille est étudiée dans toutes les académies militaires du monde. Gloire éternelle a Napoléon !
@Nettempereur 15 жыл бұрын
Que dire? Mais que dire? Merci Cumbas, Merci Abel Gance et merci pour tous ces acteurs pour ce film magnifique! Et bien sûr, Honneur à Napoléon, à tous ses soldats, ils ont fait notre Gloire! Vive l'Empereur, Vive la France & Vive l'Europe!
@sambapat 6 жыл бұрын
Viva l'Imperatore! La divisione Italiana è sempre ai suoi ordini!
@clio2rsminicup 11 жыл бұрын
7a) - "Why are French women so sexy? Ever since 1066, we've been enthralled by the innate superiority of the French female" (Helena Frith Powell) - "Everything that is courteous, honourable & elegant in the English culture comes from the French invasion" (Walter Scott)
@BringBack500s 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you Citizen cumbas, your Napoleon series is excellent and has some good humour too!
@aroclelanzillo7809 3 жыл бұрын
L'epopea di Napoleone Bonaparte dalla pace con l'Inghilterra del 1802 sino al clamoroso trionfo di Austerlitz del 1805.
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
And especially, the memory of Napoleon will be satisfied, because it was one of its reasons to live : To unit together Europe finally as only one people which we are, for finally more not seeing our civil & fraternal wars ...
@clio2rsminicup 15 жыл бұрын
et si ces idées ont malheureusement perdue 1 siècle avec la défaite de la France contre toute l'Europe des despotes et des autocrates, elles ont quand même vaincu et font lois de nos jours dans tous les pays démocratiques du monde vive Napoléon !! Vive la France !! Mais aussi de nos jours car il faut vivre avec son temps !! Vive notre grande Europe Unie et forte dans la paix !!
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
I'm very optimistic for that :-) Yes that will not be done in 1 day but it is the normal & logic walk towards which we go, us the Europeans of the 21th century :-)
@nuage7777 15 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
@OBkid100 thank you :-) But I will not go any more until there ^^ It is necessary to live with its time and the 1st Empire it is the History, the past, but not the present :-) ...
@clio2rsminicup 15 жыл бұрын
@Rittmeister1900 10 жыл бұрын
Great video. Can you tell me the name of the march that plays at the end of this part? Thanks.
@clio2rsminicup 10 жыл бұрын
"Austerlitz" or "Marche d'Austerltiz" quite simply ;-)
@Rittmeister1900 10 жыл бұрын
Pandemonium Lig Thanks so much.
@clio2rsminicup 15 жыл бұрын
ils ont aussi et surtout tous, de l'Empereur au plus humble soldat, répandus les idées nobles de la Révolution à tous les peuples d'Europe et leur ont fait comprendre et prendre conscience de leur importance dans la vie de leur nation on dit communément que les guerres de l'Empire c'était : "l'Europe des peuples contre l'Europe des rois" Et c'est vrai !!! ...
@clio2rsminicup 15 жыл бұрын
they have also and especially all, of the Emperor to the humblest soldier, widespread the noble ideas of the Revolution to all the people from Europe & made them to understand and to become aware of their importance in the life of their nation we say commonly that the wars of the Empire were : "Europe of the people vs Europe of the kings" And it's true!!!
@clio2rsminicup 15 жыл бұрын
and if these ideas unfortunately lost 1 century with the defeat of France against all Europe of the despots and the autocrats, they overcame nevertheless and make laws nowadays in all the democratic countries of the world :-) Long Live Napoleon!! Long Live France!! yes But also nowadays, because it's necessary to live in its time! Long Live our big Europe, united & strong in the peace!!
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
Let's say that if Europe became finally after centuries of wars a true Confederal or Federal Union, and if we saw finally the birth of a powerful country respected and democratic that would be The USE (United States of Europe), then we would have done a big work and all this history would have existed for nothing 200 years ago ...
@clio2rsminicup 15 жыл бұрын
perfect true and objective analyse thks my friend, my European Compatriot :-)
@tipitjo 15 жыл бұрын
Merci cumbas ! Vive l'Empereur !
@clio2rsminicup 11 жыл бұрын
9a-end) I add for the English: When we have people with a logical brain we cannot hate at such a level those who created his country because the French during the next 3 centuries after 1066 created the modern England which is thus a former French colony in the historical facts! The "Father Victory" of the WW1, the French 1st Minister Georges Clemenceau said with irony : "England is a former French colony which turn down" ^^ So now it's the FINAL POINT on this English & Danish JOKE there :-)
@clio2rsminicup 12 жыл бұрын
3e) To resume : When begging the invasion of England the Normands were a part of the French peoples or if you want English ^^ a part of the peoples who lived in France even if Normandy was not returned again in this time as a part of the kingdom of France They were established in Normandy since more 300 years (!!) & of course the 1st true "vikings" dont existed since a longtime (several centuries), they were mixed with the other French peoples older than them in this part of France
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@FRAGIORGIO1 OK for "fleet "an not "escadre" but no of course for your "gentlemen" on the place of the original french "Messieurs" Here it is about the French Army and the French "Napoleon I", Emperor of the French & of course in any cases I will use an english word for this to show a french conversation between French it is you who must to learn the French words and accept them here and not the opposite, or if not "passes ton chemin"...
@elbertpieters3347 7 жыл бұрын
the collection?
@clio2rsminicup 12 жыл бұрын
hum, it is not mine but an old French movie by the famous "Abel Gance" I just organised some extracts & integrated bad english subs ^^ And "humour", here ?
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@jturcoman If you understand the French langage, Napoleon speak about the "little" but courageous and brillant "French Mamelouks" cavalry at the Marshall Rapp & this use during the battle in the part I made of this movie here "Before the battle" at 4:39 --> /watch?v=4BPrEPwOiz4 Yo can see also all the extracts I made on this movie in its playlist here --> /user/cumbas#grid/user/FE15E02C326AD981
@dannyfubar3099 8 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed your post very much. I think Hollywood is long overdue for a remake of Waterloo, especially with CG and a director who will strive for accuracy. Until that day.
@clio2rsminicup 8 жыл бұрын
@dannyfubar3099 8 жыл бұрын
Your a quick study. Obviously it's Austerlitz, my comment was in regards to a remake of Waterloo, and made no distinction that this post was Waterloo.
@deepyamandas1192 3 жыл бұрын
Waterloo was surprisingly made by a soviet director with italian partnerhsip and with great actors,veterans from famous regiments(highlanders and french guard were actual soldiers of those regiments but in their 1970s times) along with most of the others being about 16,000 soviet soldiers and more than 50 stuntsmen to do cannon bombardment shots Hollywood would never even come close to that
@dannyfubar3099 3 жыл бұрын
@@deepyamandas1192 I agree, 21st Century Hollyweird would turn it into a merry 'woke' adventure.
@asch7906 11 ай бұрын
Well, Ridley Scott's just tried.
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@HDreamer 5b) YES the French Empire it is the kings who really created it by attacking ceaselessly France & obliging him to defend itself Napoleon himself to summarize the actions of France said : "L'Empire c'est la paix" = "The Empire it's the Peace" !! If you and I, can to speak today like free men & not in an absolute monarchy or dictatorship regim it's also & especially thanks to the big sacrifices of these men & women in this time for the Europe of Peoples !
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
For us European Patriots (& know me we are much more numerous day after day, read only channels about it here in KZbin for example ^^) a true confederal alliance between France and Germany (and know me also this it's possible now or quickly) will be enough for the beggining ^^
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
But like usually a few number will be enough for that and the others will follow after in fact like usually France and Germany are nice for us to create a powerful base of a true confederation Union cause it are the 2 biggest countries in all, Economy, demography, Army, etc. ...
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@jturcoman 2d) To finish for your culture : - France in 2010 is about 64.630.000 French in the European France & 2.400.000 French about (I speak well about true French & not foreigners with French Origins) in the others parts of France & French Republic around the world, our DOM-CROM : Polynesie Française, Guyane Française, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Mayotte, Saint-Martin, Wallis & Futuna, Saint-Barthélémy & who live in foreigner countries
@abulafios 8 жыл бұрын
I like the very end of your post. The part of EU. I deeply agree.
@clio2rsminicup 8 жыл бұрын
+Martin Palecek 2000 years of sadness, cries and blood between us in Europe is enought. Only stupid and retarded fanatics & nationalists peoples educated by backward-looking and stupid nationalistic propaganda and hate, by idiots videogames and Hollywood movies can love that, especially also because they don't know that in the real life (me ? yes...). After 2000 years of commun History and strong links in Europe, sometimes sad yes, but sometimes nice also and for our progress like fortunatly for the end of the WW2, for me nowadays one war between European democracies will be a stupid fraternal war!
@abulafios 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@mihaiviteazul1184 7 жыл бұрын
It's good that the European governments are getting along better but still a few problems occur but the people of Europe are not so peaceful (just look at the hungarians and Romanians).
@clio2rsminicup 12 жыл бұрын
8e) 2- "Why are French women so sexy? Ever since 1066, we've been enthralled by the innate superiority of the French female" (Helena Frith Powell) 3- "During the 2 centuries & a half after the Conquest in 1066, there is no English history. The FRENCH Kings of England rose to an eminence which was the wonder of all nations" (Thomas Babington Macauley) 4- "Everything that is courteous, honourable & elegant in the English culture comes from the French invasion (of 1066)" (Walter Scott)
@clio2rsminicup 12 жыл бұрын
7e) To finish any quotes by famous anglo-saxons english speakers ( & not French) characters abouty this time who accept the truth & forget the old strange hatredf of english-roastbeef-minds vs their old French Masters : 1- "The small groups of Vikings that settled there (in Normandy) adopted the language, religion & culture of the French majority After a generation or two, the Normans were indistinguishable from the French" (Encyclopaedia Britannica) ...
@clio2rsminicup 12 жыл бұрын
Je ne crois pas que je puisse poster des vidéos aussi longues même si mon compte est vu son ancienneté et son nombre d'abonnés autorisé à poster des vidéos de + de 15mn (jamais testé + de 17mn en fait) De plus beaucoup de mes abonnés ne sont pas francophones et je me vois mal pour répondre à leurs demandes sous-titrer en anglais tout le film, je n'en ai ni le niveau ni le temps ^^
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@jturcoman 5d) No possible comparisons, France is a World Power with parts of him in the 5 continents (of course nowadays the alone European country with that & alone with the USA in this case also in the world) & with interests in much more countries than Turky... In fact really little turk I dont care of that because as an European Patriot, I know perfectly that the future of all the European Nations even the biggers, France, Germany, UK, Italy is in our much more BIGGER European Union :-)
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
It's a nice thing for all lovers of his country in Europe because a true lover know that alone his country (even the biggest as France or Germany or Italy, or Spain or Poland, ect...) will not can exist in the future world UNITY is Power !!! UNITY WILL BE OUR POWER !!! :-) ^^ Nowaday a true "Bonapartiste" (thus a true French Patriot) objective and logical is also, must be also, an European Patriot !! i think you can read better my channel ^^
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@jturcoman 3d) France is the current 5th Economic Power after The USA , China, Japan, Germany (the 3 even in numbers in the TOP25 of the largest world Corporations & the TOP3 or TOP2 in High technology domains) Yes currently they are well 300 millions about (& this number increase year after year) French speakers in the world & 900 millions members of the International Association La Francophonie
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@HDreamer 4b) France alone was more populated than almost every enemies united, more populated even what Russia alone 26 to 30 millions of French (France alone without the Empire) vs 6 millions of Prussian & 7 millions of English for examples Thus yes France has never wanted the war, NEVER He always acted that to defend itself & it became an Empire for that and to take away dangers vs him far, far of its National Territory
@clio2rsminicup 12 жыл бұрын
oui bien sûr
@clio2rsminicup 12 жыл бұрын
6e) For another marking example : "your" king "Richard Heart of Lion" that the old untrue English propaganda learn & show as a perfect English king was actually... French & much more French than English & he spoke ONLY FRENCH (yes sorry for your proud ^^) The famous French Stateman Georges Clemenceau (called "the Father Victory" because he was the 1st Minister of France during the WW1) resume perfectly all that when he said : "England is an old colony of France... who turn down" ^^
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@jturcoman 3c) France is not only his territory in Europe but several territories everywhere in the world, France is even by the size of his territories and the maritime (seas) surfaces which depend on it in the world the second bigger country in the world after Russia ^^ But sure the english-speaking medias who dominate the world since 150 years (because the super economic power of the USA during the 20th century) made everythings to hidden that about their old "French ennemy" ^^
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@jturcoman 2c) The french is not a died language LOL & not only speak by the 68 millions of French but speak everywhere around the world, in Europe of course but everywhere around the world in our former Colonies but not only that, Africa, Asia, America North & South (Canada, Louisiana in the USA, French Guyana, etc...), Indian Ocean, etc...
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
@brutuscassius1 3a-end) To finish, explain his vision by speaking about a BBC's documentary on History especially if the French are characters of this History (everybody know the old hatred of English vs all things which are "french" since... 1066 ^^) is PROHIBITED on my channel Final point on this subject
@clio2rsminicup 12 жыл бұрын
2e) & without to insist on the fact that the Army who invade England was in 3/4 made by French soldiers out of Normandy, it is well a French People & the French Way of Live & Language (NEVER FORGET since this time the moto of England in French & not in English or normand or Wiking LOL "DIEU ET MON DROIT" & the motto of the English royalty in Frenc also "Honni soit qui mal y pense") who invaded England in 1066 & made of the new England after 1066 an old French Colony quite simply
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@HDreamer 3b) In this time the UN & the Diplomacy like we know that in our 21th century dont existed & the alone possibility for a country to stop the attacks vs him was to beat in the ground of battles & wars his enemies Sad sure but the only truth in this time quite simply And if possible by going to made wars on the territory of his enemies & to avoid making it on his own territory & France at this time could make that because he was the Giant of Europe
@clio2rsminicup 11 жыл бұрын
3a) Of course a long time ago in 1066 (near 200 years!), the small number of Vikings who settled in Normandy no longer existed! Long ago they were mixed with the rest of millions of French people (stupid little roastbeef, Normandy is not a isolated island out of France & it was already populated for a long time before) They spoke French, not Danish (Danish? LOL), they lived in the French Way of Live, they had the same Religion, the same culture, etc... that the rest of peoples of France!
@clio2rsminicup 15 жыл бұрын
Dans ce cas mon but est atteint au moins avec toi ^^ ;-) N'hésite pas à le faire découvrir à tes amis "anglo-saxon" autour de toi aux USA qui à mon avis ne connaissent pas les vrais faits de cette épopée ou ne connaissent que le point de vue tronqué et faux des anglo-saxons J'ai surtout créé ma chaine pour ça Et n'oublions pas surtout de rendre hommage au grand 'Abel Gance' pour ce film qui nous est tellement utile pour apprendre et informer sur la vrai histoire napoléonienne
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
@ViriathusVingathor i'm sure even Because if you read the Memories of Napoleon (wrote in St-Helen) you see that this great stateman saw the rise of the USA like the big power in the future but we dont saw the birth of the german nationalism who was born during the wars between 1789 & 1815 which burned Europe All men even the greatest always dont have the truth in all, especially if they speak about the future ^^
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@FRAGIORGIO1 Ah OK "Gentlemen" & not 'Misters", you are right BUT in this case the French word "Gentilhomme" (even if its 1st signification was the same that the english "gentleman" but after the French nobility changed it for them only...) could be better Never forget that England is since 1066 an old French Colony ("an old French colony who turn down" ^^, Georges Clemenceau, the "Father Victory" of the WW1) & more english words have a French origin since... 1066 thus ^^
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
@brutuscassius1 No & yes ^^ The only thing that I'm sure is that the French Revolution of 1789 and the long period until the end of the 1st Empire in 1815 changed the face of the World and of course the face of Europe But it was a necessary action because since a too long time the peoples were keep in the shadow by a few part of kings and members of an old arrogant aristocratic society The Liberty in the choices of peoples is the alone thing that you can retain of this age & it is a good thing
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
@OBkid100 USA are not made in one day also ^^ & not with all the members of Union currently cause it's true several countries like UK (like usually ^^) or any in the new members from Eastern Europe dont have a true European mind, it's the truth ...
@clio2rsminicup 15 жыл бұрын
merci française d'Amérique :-)
@nuage7777 15 жыл бұрын
De rien Francais de France! :)
@clio2rsminicup 12 жыл бұрын
5e) After the invasion it is not a viking language (LOL again sorry) but the French who was during 300 years (!!) the official language of England More things mark that now. The main things for examples the sentences of England & your Royal Family : "Dieu et mon Droit" & "Honnie soit qui mal y pense" in FRENCH (not in English)
@TheAiurica 6 жыл бұрын
About french language ... remember that austrians and russian generals could not talk to each other because they did not spoke german and russian. They had to talk in ... FRENCH. The only language the both spoke was french, the language of their ennemies. By that time, french was what greek was in antiquity and latin in medieval Europe! :P
@clio2rsminicup 12 жыл бұрын
4e) They dont live as "vikings" or dont spoke a "viking language" (sorry but LOL) BUT they lived as the others peoples of France & especially they SPOKE ONLY FRENCH For your informations the most part of the "Captains" & the Army of Guillaume le Conquérant ('William the Conqueror' for you) came out of Normandy from the others parts of France (3/4 soldiers)
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
@OBkid100 Tragic ? for other big blocks (your for example) YES ^^ Because a new giant borning in this moment ^^ & not of course it's a pure nice thing for all true lovers of his country in Europe and lover of Napoleon even because his dream to create a true Union & Europe of People is a truth now ^^ & moreover IN PEACE !! Thus of course it's NICE THING !! ^^ ...
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@Puzzoozoo an english especially...
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@jturcoman 1c) ??? yes lol Strange like I always see that the turks dont know really the French History & especially the current modern France ...
@clio2rsminicup 11 жыл бұрын
6a) Ah yes just for you I quote again 3 famous anglo-saxons english-speakers characters & institutions who them accept the true History (they are few but they exist ^^) 1- THE MOST IMPORTANT which resume all & by ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA : THE SMALL GROUPS OF WIKINGS THAT SETTLED THERE (IN NORMANDY) ADOPTED THE LANGUAGE, RELIGION AND CULTURE OF THE FRENCH MAJORITIY. AFTER A GENERATION OR TWO, THE NORMANS WERE INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM THE FRENCH" & 1066 is not 1 generation but 7-8 later!
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@jturcoman oops sorry it is in 3:49 of my extract "Before the Battle" --> /watch?v=4BPrEPwOiz4 Where Napoléon say to the Marshall Rapp to be ready to help the possible points in difficulties of the French lines during the battle with its cavalry made by "Chasseurs "and also "Mamelouks" ^^ For the rest, learn French ^^ it is never too late, and join with that the world of the "Francophonie" like more 300 millions peoples around the wolrd :-)
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
@brutuscassius1 1a) it is not the question to be for of vs Napoleon in my channel it is question to relate the true History without hatred & especially without an untrue propagandist vision And in this point to learn a propagandist vision about History the English are the big champions by far helped by the powerfull english-speaking medias around the World since 2 centuries You can believe this untrue propagandist vision ( it is your problem) by not speak about that on my channel !
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@jturcoman 1d) ? Do you find your sources on Mars ? lol so since it's my job : Numbers of French speakers peoples members of the Francophonie (so not all, Algeria for example is not member but a French-speaker country) is the official (but less than the non official) truth is 230 millions in... 2007 When we know the good birth rate in France & the big birth rate in "French" Africa & "French" Asia (few less in Canada & Louisiana) we can imagine now the non official number about
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
we know that never Napoleon want wars and always it's the others (especially like usually England) who attacked France to destroy it we dont care of perfidious "roastbeef mind"... :-)
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@HDreamer 6a-end) Thus OK because you know & repeat only the untrue & unobjective propaganda vs the French that you learn since your childhood, you dont want to pay tribute to these men & women BUT AT LEAST respect their memory ! ======================== To finish by our time now : LONG LIVE THE EUROPEAN UNION !! Dont forget our past mistakes to build together now a better future for us & our childrens
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@jturcoman 4c-end) So the "Francophonie" Association is = about to the English commonwealth but especially turn on the french language & the french-speaking cultures around the world & yes the Francophonie Association is now about 300 millions peoples in the world in countries who have the french as one of their official language & 900 millions!! associated in this organization :-) About the landscapes of France everywhere in the world thus, watch my video here :-) : /watch?v=JhZoMNYXDLk
@clio2rsminicup 11 жыл бұрын
5a) HISTORY IS HYSTORY & should not be changed just because it's a stupid nationalist roastbeef! YOUR DECEPTIVE PROPAGANDAS & ENGLISH-DANISH JOKES ON MY CHANNEL ARE OVER IT'S ENOUGHT! Final point
@clio2rsminicup 12 жыл бұрын
9e-end) PS : Sorry but the non educated roastbeef-minds as you are not .. my friend :-) SO ^^ ...
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@jturcoman 4d) & since you speak about your country, what is it the number & what is it the countries in the world who have turk as 1 OFFICIAL language except in... Turky ? & yes Turky is a important power sure... in its close region & only that But in the world Turky is a dwarf to compare with France, stop your blind nationalist idiocy about that
@clio2rsminicup 11 жыл бұрын
8a) Thus of course the invasion of the Brit Islands in 1066 is well A FRENCH INVASION Stop to believe the opposite just because your nationalist & proud but especially deceptive English or Danish education learn this lie to you & try for 1 time to accept the real & objective History like the most part of the world...
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
my too long answer to write ina comment in my new video here ^^ ----> /watch?v=WZ41TuZpdiI
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
@brutuscassius1 guy if you base your culture and your knowledges on documentaries by... BBC especially about the History and about teh History where the French are an character thus a pure roasbeef propagandist untrue vision (often, ALWAYS even anti-French) and if you belive that and dare to put that for THE true History, you dont have your place in my channel... Speak me about true and not propagandist Historical reference OK BUT not on that Attention I see you now...
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
"They" say ?? Who is "they" we dont care that the others think We know the true history and the perfidious false propaganda of anglo-saxons or others... we know that France & his allies (especially Poland) represented the truth and the "Europe of People" sovereign (these of the Revolution) vs the Europe of autocratic or dictatorship kings ...
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@HDreamer 1b) Try to learn the objective & true History of this time and stop to repeat your untrue propaganda & false vision of the facts For your culture it is all the Europe of kings united who attacked France during 25 years between 1789 & 1815 & not the opposite France declared no wars during this time, NO WARS & done made wars only to defend itself & to preserve his Mother Land vs the attacks of all Europe of kings
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@jturcoman ?? I see especially that you dont know nothing about the French History and about France nowadays... 1- France & all its citizens around the world is not 60 millions for several & several years but more 68 millions nowadays (France have the bigger Birth Rate in Europe for several decade) 2- For the francophonie I tired to lost my time with you, so now "google search" is your friend tape "LA FRANCOPHONIE" & try to understand :-)
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
@brutuscassius1 2a) On my channel the perfidious propagandist "roastbeef vision" will not pass It is MY choice & I dont let the choice that one love that or not You have (unfortunalty for the truth) more others channels here to repeat these liars about History if you want...
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@jturcoman 6d-end) So now like I said I accept the non-education in a domain BUT if a real non-educated as you dare to say in spite of that he have & know perfectly truth behind his lies, I dont like. You tired me definitly with you false visions, lies & Nationalism So...
@clio2rsminicup 13 жыл бұрын
@HDreamer 2b) Yes France which represented the Europe of the Peoples was only defending itself & alone during 25 years (!!!) vs the ceaseless attacks of the old regims calcified of the Europe of kings autocrats & dictators & especialy like much more non-educated propagandist stop to think at this time with your mind of the 21th century & learn (or try to learn) as a man of these 18h & 19th century to be more logical & true on your "analyses" & conclusions
@clio2rsminicup 12 жыл бұрын
1e) ? LOL you are & you keep a pure roastbeef & roastbeef mind who learn & know only since his childhood the roastbeef propaganda WHEN you 'll understand & you 'll accept that the Normands in 1066 were French for more 3 centuries !!! Aaaah the roastbeefs & their old hatred vs their old French Masters LOL
@clio2rsminicup 11 жыл бұрын
4a) "Dieu et mon droit" & "Honni soit qui mal y pense" it reminds you something stupid roastbeef? This is the Danish or FRENCH?! … So now will spit out of my channel your dirty liars & false propagandas, roastbeef who refuse the truth just because your old hatred vs the historical fact that the French side was the masters of the Brit Island during 3 centuries & built the modern England!
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
Historian you ?? LOOOL poor idiot & pretentious kid yes ^^
@clio2rsminicup 14 жыл бұрын
@OBkid100 ??? LOL a sucker & unscholar guy dare all things (especially if it he is an American ... the proof..). I have NO LESSONS to receive about that (Bonapartism and especially our United Europe !!) by an... american.. I propose to yo to read for one time at least books and books about eh Napoleon and his mind about Europe especially not anglo-saxon books or "movie" (we are not in Hollywood here ...) Sucker...
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