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Pretty Pastel Side Quest

Pretty Pastel Side Quest

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/ prettypastelplease
/ prettypastelplease
/ archieeclectus
/ pastelplantsplease
/ prettypastelpigeons
/ prettypastelpls

Пікірлер: 648
@jamesskott7757 Жыл бұрын
Mental health mondays -> prioritizing your mental health, whatever that means Freaky Fridays -> exposing yourself to a fear or struggle
@Za_Lords_Guard Жыл бұрын
I vote for this as well!
@jennigthatonecrazydoglady8100 Жыл бұрын
This is great!
@PinkCowgirl925 Жыл бұрын
This is a great idea!
@Sammie-Lou-Miss-UK Жыл бұрын
This is an amazing idea! ❤xxx
@davinamcm6435 Жыл бұрын
Vote for this too🌹
@jennc7906 Жыл бұрын
My 10 year old daughter was just diagnosed as autistic. She is delightful, smart, and wonderful! I have told her that in a world where most people’s brains are gas-powered cars, her brain is an electric car. It needs to get energy differently, and might behave differently, but it will still take her wherever she wants to go. I’m so proud of her
@alicianorris9352 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love that description! 😍
@blanning2058 Жыл бұрын
That is a wonderful way to describe it to a 10 year old! I love that!!
@lindsaydunlap7220 Жыл бұрын
That is a very lovely way to view it. I've been very anxious while getting my daughter tested.
@DreamingByDay Жыл бұрын
I love, love, love this. I hope you do not mind our using this with our six year old, who was just diagnosed with ASD Level 2. Thank you.
@abcdefg-oj5wn Ай бұрын
That’s a beautiful metaphor. She’s so lucky to have such a supportive parent.
@leedovale3836 Жыл бұрын
Spoke to my Doctor about ADHD today. Got a diagnosis, a prescription, and a psychiatry appointment. All because of these videos. Here's proof your videos talking about your mental health do really help people. Love you, gonna enjoy the almost 3 hour video.
@thirtysomething2911 Жыл бұрын
That's amazing, is it a huge relief? I have been told it's at least a years wait to see someone. I don't think Alex realises how many people she is helping.
@coffeegirl18 Жыл бұрын
Good luck 🍀. I'm going through the process of diagnosis once I can afford the extra insurance for a psychiatrist. (I'm in Canada but mental health isn't covered.)
@leedovale3836 Жыл бұрын
@@thirtysomething2911 absolutely is. I was worried I was just not cut out for college and was going to fail. But now I see there is a reason for all I've been struggling with. I'm not just lazy and forgetful.
@leedovale3836 Жыл бұрын
@@coffeegirl18 I'm so sorry mental health services aren't covered best of luck to you in your journey with mental health treatment
@emmiejoyjoy Жыл бұрын
Spoke to my doctors this week and they told me they won’t refer for diagnosis because the wait is possibly over 18 months and the NHS doesn’t look for diagnosis rather than dealing with symptoms. So … they plan on increasing my current meds for depression in the hope that works.
@kaiserfranz8139 Ай бұрын
I'll miss you so much. I wanted to experience life alongside you. We are the same age, same struggles in a way... it breaks my heart seeing women like me... go. Society, mental and women's health ed needs to change BAD. I love u, Alex. I'll make it for you.
@radicallad Жыл бұрын
Accepting that i have autism dramatically improved my life. Whether you pursue a professional diagnosis or not, i hope this brings you peace.
@BrittNicole-el4vq Ай бұрын
Rest easy Alex 😢
@babe1035 2 ай бұрын
These long posts were my favorites. They were such a comfort when I felt so alone. You were done wrong by so many in your life. You deserved so very much more. I've been grieving in bed all morning. You mean so much to me. Damn it Alex. I love you.
@taylorg7783 Жыл бұрын
I'm really glad that you addressed this! Before I got diagnosed with autism at 26, I first got diagnosed with OCD, ADHD, and CPTSD, which are all co morbidities of ASD. When I saw your instagram post where you said that you were diagnosed with these three things, I had a "👀" moment hahaha. I'm also on medication which helps tremendously, but it also helps a lot to know and understand which aspects of myself are things that I need to accept about myself and work with rather than "fix". Getting to know yourself for the first time is really the best thing about getting diagnosed.
@slowsnailing Жыл бұрын
Can i ask what medication you're taking? I have all of those things and am still working on finding something that works.
@janelmaida6097 2 ай бұрын
All the negative commenters you were part of the problem, rip alex my heart aches knowing youre not here and all the pain youve been through our pretty pastel angel you will be missed 💔
@sickowampyre1177 Жыл бұрын
I haven't even started the video yet, but the title hit me so hard. I spent the whole day today researching autism in women and taking online tests for autism. I have an appointment with a psychiatric consultant tomorrow. I'm so scared they will think that what I'm saying isn't true and that I'm making things up, and I'm afraid of that, and I have nobody to tell about it. I really struggle with finding help, but at the end of the day, I know I have to push through and do it for myself, and it feels so validating to see an online community where people are talking openly about their problems. I just had to write this comment to feel valid and real. Take care, everyone, and wish me luck for tomorrow!❤
@bean2046 Жыл бұрын
Listen, it's very unlikely that they'll think that, but more importantly, a health care worker just dismissing what the patient says simply sucks at their job. You woudln't stay with a doctor who says you're just imagining the bone sticking out of your arm, you'd go to a different one (I mean, I hope you would). Same with mental health. Yes, it's long and difficult to look for someone else, but not doing it is longer and more difficult
@micivalantincic8227 Жыл бұрын
I had same fears before my appointment and the doctor. Told me that is very typical for autism. I got the diagnosis and it changed the way I percive my self (for the better) hope it all went well for you!
@libairebane Жыл бұрын
I hope everything goes great for you, but it might be really hard and you just have to find another doctor. I don't know if it's a problem in my country, but getting any diagnosis beside depression seems to be very hard. I've experienced and read stories of people being ridiculed and dismissed by doctors☹️ We have "free" healthcare, but it seems you get any care only if you'll go to a non government clinic and pay.
@bean2046 Жыл бұрын
How did it go? If you want to update us
@sickowampyre1177 Жыл бұрын
Thank you all for your kind words ❤ The professional I went to was only a consultant; they aren't here to help you with your problems but can help you find a way to get the help you need. It was the first professional that actually treated me professionally and kindly. She gave me contacts for other therapists, and it went really well. I didn't manage to tell her about autism because we ran out of time, but I feel way more encouraged to find the right therapist for me. I finally have hope that good therapists exist in my country.
@Katja32 Жыл бұрын
Take time to sit with this; it can be so hard to work your mind around these scores. Your scores are a little lower than mine; I was diagnosed with autism in my late 20s. When I was formally diagnosed, I asked my friends to take the Autism Quotient as that was the primary diagnostic test I took (many many times)-- and surprisingly (or maybe not) most of my close friends are also autistic. It also helped me for my friends and family to take the tests, too. It was helpful all around. I got behind on your videos the past week or so because I got sick, but honestly, I've been thinking you have a lot of similar symptoms that I have years. I hope that this isn't a rough go for you but if it is just remember that that's okay and acceptable. I replied to some of your comments to things on down the first test: One of the things with the food thing... some autistics do not like mixing or strong flavors (like my sister), then some of us want ALL THE THINGS AND ALL THE FLAVOR POSSIBLE (like me-- this is called 'sensory seeking'). In regard to offending others; never meaning to hurt others and somehow doing it anyway and AURGH D: it's awful, because we genuinely do NOT mean it. And like, special interests; yeah it's hard to realize that other people genuinely do not experience the world this same way. We care so much for our friends and try to remember the little details out of care and it's wild that it's not the same for neurotypical people which is mind-duckery. Most of my ace / asexual friends (including myself) are also autistic. Uh, also, over thinking every single question is ... consistent lol Sending you so much love and good thoughts
@lauraeliza Жыл бұрын
I finally finished editing a video that took me a month to film, and I want to sit down and watch this in one go..but it's almost 11pm...and I know this would be such a good video to have in the background while I get things done tomorrow. I'm loving your transparency and honesty throughout this series, I can't believe how far these videos and the community you're creating with them has come on from opening thrifted parcels. I can't imagine how challenging this is to keep up with, I'm in awe of you Alex!
@Bat_Fiend. Жыл бұрын
I am a woman diagnosed with autism about five years ago (as an adult). And I can say that while there is no medication in the same way as with adhd getting diagnosed saved my life. It helped me understand myself so much better and to get the help I needed. Where I live you get to go to a centre specialized in autism to "map out" what your diagnosis means for you and how to handle your specific challenges. After that I've basically spent these years since my diagnosis getting to know myself in a sense and help myself develop healthy coping skills/tools. So I'd say a diagnosis helps you understand how you work. On a different note though I personally believe that while I know these people commenting just want to help you I don't think speculating about someone else's mental health or diagnoses is the best thing to do. You can talk about your own experience with it, but them telling you you might have autism is sort of crossing the line in my opinion. Especially if you're not a professional and you haven't assessed someone personally. It could even be harmful.
@jennigthatonecrazydoglady8100 Жыл бұрын
Since so many of the questions deal with your own awareness of your impact on others, it could be interesting or helpful to take the quiz in front of your comfort crew. (I’m thinking back to how you told us about Sam taking the ADHD quiz and how the group consensus differed from some of his own answers...) Anyway, I continue to be impressed by your openness, Alex. You’re helping so many people feel less alone. 💜
@haileycampe1495 Жыл бұрын
I am also on the Asexual spectrum Alex! I'm like you, it's not something I think about or need compared to my friends. If you ever feel like you need to talk about it more Im an NPC so we can talk there. Being Asexual, I believe, is a lot more common than people think, so I think it's wonderful that you spoke about it. It helps people like me feel less alone. 🕊🏠🕊🏠
@randomnerd1015 Жыл бұрын
I identify as asexual and so do a number of my friends! There are definitely more aces than I realized. Aces also have some great memes.
@randomnerd1015 Жыл бұрын
@@Diz00 garlic bread 🤤. I once tried making ace flag colored garlic bread and it didn’t work. Still fun and still garlicky though.
@OkaeriKairii Жыл бұрын
Yay! Ace buds
@melissajames Жыл бұрын
What part of the video does she talk about this? I cant find it?
@tiki_riot Жыл бұрын
@@Diz00 wait, I don’t get the joke hehe, does cake mean something else?
@natalishious Жыл бұрын
My boyfriend said that you and me are very similar 😅 I'm 28, going to turn 29 soon. I got diagnosed at the same age as you and many of my "rituals" are very similar to yours! I have ADHD, OCD and Autism! I also thought that you might have autism because of how similar we are 😆 I think that I have used my OCD to compensate for my ADHD so I went undiagnosed for 27 years 😅 I love watching your videos because it feels like hanging out with a friend that understands how I feel! ❤️❤️
@IonIsFalling7217 Жыл бұрын
Are we SURE Errol isn’t a stuffed toy? He’s just so perfect and chill and sweet!
@randomroka Жыл бұрын
I got diagnosed with autism when I was about 27, and 2 years later it was also heavily implied that I have OCD. Even though there's no pill for autism, being validated by a professional and having my struggles examined under a different light helped immensely. I understand so much more about myself, my triggers, why I react the way I do in certain situations, and I'm just generally more gentle and accepting of the way I am. My brain is wired differently than most people's and so I have to adjust things to suit me, but knowing the reasons is honestly life-changing.
@randomnerd1015 Жыл бұрын
Munchie Monday could be the day you make the international breakfast/other food.
@SamLovesMovies25 Жыл бұрын
I was just recently diagnosed with autism at age 31, and it is definitely bringing me a much better level of understand to why I am the way I am, why I act the way I do, etc. I just wish that my Mom could be more understanding and accepting about this though, because she is very much NOT being understanding/accepting and she just says things such as "you are just using that as an excuse" and things like that...
@amara560 Жыл бұрын
Sending you hugs!
@SamLovesMovies25 Жыл бұрын
@@amara560 Thanks
@marimacgregor971 Жыл бұрын
The older generation is like this aren’t they? My mom is like this too. It’s very dismissive. It’s crazy because my mom almost definitely has an undiagnosed mental illness which she refuses to accept. I feel like we are putting in the hard healing work, which is not actually a weakness at all or some kind of “excuse”.
@raigne86 Жыл бұрын
My mother is the same way, despite the fact that she is bipolar and also frequently exhibits behaviors she can't help that negatively impact the people around her. I thankfully have my husband and a close friend who is also autistic to vent to about it to and just try to remind her, gently, that I can't help how my brain is wired, just like she can't.
@mettebak751 Жыл бұрын
To the intimacy question. Intimacy is not only sex it is also hugs, kisses and other kind of touches. I`m a nursestudent and this is an area we talk about with cancerpatients since a side effect to their medicin is low sex drive and dryness down there (both for men and women). There are many ways to be intimate😉❤️
@danikathomas1559 Жыл бұрын
I love makeup Monday, especially since Monday's are basically the only day I wear makeup lol
@flagerdevil Жыл бұрын
I'm not an expert on autism, and I only have adhd myself, but I think even if there is no medication "against" (which I think you are right), getting a diagnosis can still make a huge difference. Especially when you've been diagnosed wrongly. Simply because you might have been trying to fight something that is simply a part of your nature and not a 'wrong' that needs fixing. The proper diagnosis whether treatable or not, can give you a much better insight in your inner workings ❤
@NickaLah Жыл бұрын
Only problem here in the U.S. is that I'm finding that it's likely to be very expensive, and since most Americans couldn't handle a $400 emergency pre-pandemic, I would imagine it's only gotten worse. I took all the tests because of this video and I'm really discouraged from doing much about it, because it seems like it would cost thousands of dollars... and my hubby already doesn't think it's likely I'm autistic. I don't know how people afford half the things they buy honestly. I feel weirdly guilty even bringing it up with him, because it can come across as "attention-seeking", wanting to feel "special" in some way, or like it's the trendy thing to check out. But there's no way he'd argue that I don't have agoraphobia or depression, I'm trying to remember when I last left the house... maybe my birthday in August??
@flagerdevil Жыл бұрын
@@NickaLah I'm sorry that it is that way in the US. In my opinion health care should be free for everyone. Surely that would benefit the whole country. But yeah, now that it's not, to be honest in your shoes, I would probably dapple in some self diagnosing. Just read as much about the topic as you can (perhaps a physical book is more accurate than what you might find on the internet, on the other hand it can give you a broader picture of what the diagnosis can look like), and see if you feel like it's a fit or not. See if tips for autistic people helps you, perhaps? That your husband doesn't feel like you have it, of course could mean that you don't, but it could just as well be that he has a wrong or incomplete picture of what it looks like. Autism is one thing, Asbergers is another option, that apparently can look very different in women vs. men. Please stop feeling like a burden, cause it's only making it harder for yourself to get better! I hop you find a way to do so soon ❤
@mizzteareacts9397 Жыл бұрын
The way you said Lucy was talking to everyone, and you couldn’t !! I am the same exact way! I literally can’t get myself to talk to people a lot of the time! It’s like sometimes my mouth will not even open. Some days it’s hard for me to even go in public, I physically hurts me . I work in an office and it’s so hard to speak to people in the morning or even certain days.
@urbctwentyeight Ай бұрын
My heart is heavy 💔 R.i.p Alex
@thehonestcakery8001 Жыл бұрын
The question about putting yourself in other people’s shoes, I have always done that also but I just thought it was a sign of empathy. I think people who love animals and connect better with them than people is also relatable.
@amandaelle1462 Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD finally at the age of 32. It’s been life changing even just to be able to identify with something and have the right words to use to explain who I am and how I feel. It is a journey to diagnosis and self diagnosis is just as valid. Also, be aware of the sources you are using for information as they may be problematic (ie autism speaks).
@ponchotheunicorn5288 Жыл бұрын
I know the rules. The birds stay. Especially the emotional support pigeons. But I will say, I had a really hard time hearing you and focusing on what you were saying because the flapping in my headphones picked up really loudly. For important serious chats like this one, could it be filmed in another room with an emotional support chicken perhaps. Dumpling was apparently super hyped up today 😂❤️❤️
@karenhickey1131 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree! Love you Alex, and totally love dumpling, but his constant flapping and jumping all over the place , made it very hard for me to hear, and concentrate on what you were saying…which is a shame, because I really wanted to hear what you were talking about. For the majority of the video (from the time you brought Dumping in), my anxiety was through the roof, to the point of becoming very angry…please for future videos like this, can you not have Dumpling in the room, one of the other birds instead? ❤
@sobunnyful Жыл бұрын
Yeah same my anxiety spiked and I had to keep pausing the video, but I relate to so much of what alex was talking about that I wanted to keep watching.
@InsoIence Жыл бұрын
@@sobunnyful I love the birds. Unfortunately I don't enjoy loud, rhythmic noises for some reason. Maybe a microphone would be a good idea? Best option could be something that is very easy to set up. Then again, I have no knowledge how much is possible in a technical sense. Wouldn't want Alex to feel like it's a chore to film.
@deliciousme87 Жыл бұрын
I am sorry but i have to agree, i am very sensitive to sound with having ADHD and Hyper Accousis so this video was very hard for me to watch because i could not get past the sounds being made so close to the microphone. Which makes me sad as i really wanted to watch because my husband and on e of my sons is autistic and was very interested in what you were saying.
@kitw8482 Жыл бұрын
I couldn't even finish this video because of the noise. Shame because this topic was important.
@Katzrule564 Жыл бұрын
Alex, I got 174.. I'm 57 I also have Agoraphobia, severe suicidal depression, severe anxiety, CPTSD, Social phobia... I dont see anyone due to the trauma of my last Psychiatrist. I'm loving theses new videos so much and I feel so close to you now. Thanks for sharing Alex & Dan.
@user-dp9xb3rr1s Ай бұрын
I hope you are doing well after the horrible news about Alex. She meant so much to do many.
@fabibla86 Жыл бұрын
An example of schedules I thought of Me-Monday, Family-Friday and Social-Saturday. I think, these are self explanatory. And on another note, for everything you told during your journey to yourself (until now) I found a lot similarities. I have no diagnosis, but there are a lot of things on the list I could tick of. In fact, I too thought, that everyone might have the same difficulties. Well, it turns out, nearly nobody I know has them. Such as: feeling like I couldn’t get my sh*t together, feeling uneasy when routines change, leaving a chaos in the apartment (even after cleaning), and finding it almost impossible to begin a task until the deadline ends and being forgetful in an unbelievable extent. These are just a few examples, and I write this to let you know (despite many people have told you the same) , that there are a lot of people being overwhelmed and overloaded with the concept of life. I hope you get the same life quality you once experienced. Best wishes from Germany. ❤ I love your videos and most of all your honesty. Edit after the test: thank you for sharing it. It helped a lot and I might be getting an appointment. 🤔
@TheDarklingSquirreL Жыл бұрын
I relate to most if not nearly all of what Alex was saying during the test. Especially the noises other people can't hear, I get very distracted by them until I know where it is coming from. I get called a bat , or sonic hearing, tabs lol.
@AprilKristel Жыл бұрын
I've done the online autism spectrum quotient questionnaire it said I was high functioning then I paid a psychologist at autism SA for a proper assessment and it turned out that I wasn't. I would highly recommend not relying on the online questionnaire.
@BubbleBunnyy Жыл бұрын
Its kind of iffy because there are times phycologists are wrong too.
@AprilKristel Жыл бұрын
@@BubbleBunnyy yeah I'm getting assessed for other stuff by a psychiatrist and she wants to see the report from the psychologist. I had weird vibes from the psychologist maybe she thought I was lying about it all? Nobody wants autism, so far I've only been halfway assessed for mental health issues.
@BubbleBunnyy Жыл бұрын
@@AprilKristel yea I'm kind of worried about getting assessed of it it wont change anything my life will just kinda feel like a lie. My brother has autism and his was a lot more noticeable he wasn't very verbal he had loud outbursts and meltdowns, I wasn't really like that so my mom doesn't see it at all, yet my best friend and bf who are also autistic really think I am. It's also different in girls than boys. Hopefully your psychiatrist gets everything sorted out and all goes well for you! Some people shouldn't be in the medical or mental health field tbh.
@_jo-jo_ Жыл бұрын
Hi Alex, Thank you so much for these vlogs. I also have severe anxiety and can barely leave the house. I already had an appointment booked with my doctor and your talking about your OCD made me decide to talk to her about the possibility I might have that. She responded fantastically and is writing to get some help in the best medication to go for (I've been through loads over the last 12 years) and how to, if needed, swap from what I'm on to something else. I feel so thankful I've got such a supportive doctor and that these vlogs gave me the courage to face the fact that I had this issue and to do something about it. Also, being stuck inside the house and not having much social interaction, having our daily "chats" is so uplifting and makes me feel not so alone. How about "self-care Saturdays" can include anything, doing a little make up, doing something you enjoy, tidying up, spring out medication, anything that will make you feel good and looks after your mental health.
@icepriestess Жыл бұрын
I am a woman in my 30s and after a miss diagnosis in my youth I was diagnosed with asd when I was about 29 and adhd at 32. Watching your daily videos I had thought that you matched a lot of the issues with me and had wondered if you also had autism. After the diagnosis one of the hardest things to deal with for me was feeling the anger and frustration that it went undiagnosed for so long, which made my life a lot harder and lonelier. I hope you are doing okay, not sure I will be able to watch this whole video but will watch as much now if I can
@icepriestess Жыл бұрын
Paused the video and did the test and um yes I am still very autistic lol. If only the prize for a high score wasn't crippling social anxiety and an inability to appear normal with extreme effort lol
@instigatrixeditrix8927 Жыл бұрын
O.M.F.G. I've taken this very same online test, along with various others that Embrace Autism offers. The results were so impressively slanted toward autism that I screwed up my courage and started talking to my therapist -- NOT my psychiatrist yet, for various reasons -- about it. I started all this testing and HOLY CRAP-ing less than two months ago; I'm a 57-year-old woman. Dewd.
@coffeegirl18 Жыл бұрын
I noticed a lot of misdiagnosis and all regarding neurodiversity in general. I have chronic pain and was told it was brain fog for years without questioning that fact. It's very probable ADHD according to my therapist whom is qualified to treat ADHD but not formerly diagnose it. I'm a 35 yo lady and they went wild diagnosing everyone I new except for me with ADHD. I asked twice and they said "no" only on the basis of me being female and that I did well enough in English. (I was always failing in math except for trig.)
@shobot Жыл бұрын
@@coffeegirl18 Yea the amount of mental health professionals that said to me, but you went to uni, you cant have adhd............loads of folk with adhd and other conditions have gone to uni what the actual fudge. I also had to take a year out of my studies at art school cause i was struggling so bad.
@instigatrixeditrix8927 Жыл бұрын
@@coffeegirl18 Oof! I'm sorry you went through all that. So glad you have a therapist who seems on the ball, though. Given what can happen when folks are officially diagnosed with Autism (at least in the U.S.; I'm not sure about the impact of an ADHD diagnosis), if you can get assessed and treated without a formal diagnosis, that might be the best of both worlds. I was nearly an English MAJOR in college (math has been my place of failure since grade school); using that and gender as the benchmarks for diagnosis seems useless to me. Unless, of course, the whole point is to cop out, fly that Gender-Based Medical Neglect/Discrimination flag high, and duck the issue entirely without ACTUALLY plugging one's ears and yelling "La la la la la, I'm not listening!"
@instigatrixeditrix8927 Жыл бұрын
@@shobot Well, exactly. The presumption that no one with ADHD, OCD, Autism, etc. could possibly have dealt with higher education on any level is just more willful neglect, IMO -- a seized-upon reason to Not Deal. And I had friends who had to take time off in college/uni because they were struggling. Congrats to you for taking the time and sticking it out. (Me, I didn't go to art school, but I did a major in art undergrad. Alas, I did Figure Sculpture at a school famed for abstraction, but hey, I made it out of there without decking anybody -- although it was a near thing, LOL.)
@shobot Жыл бұрын
@@instigatrixeditrix8927 I felt that bit you wrote about 'cop out,fly that gender based medical neglect.....'my god did I feel that. But thank you and congrats to you too. We survived! Lol
@amberharrison317 Жыл бұрын
I did the test with you and my score overall was 149 … I am stunned. I’ve been resonating with you so much during these vlogs and I know it’s just an internet questionnaire but I’ve spent my whole life just thinking I’m anxious when in reality I’m beginning to realise that that is just a response to my stress and why I find it so difficult to squire new information or even talk about something I’m not interested in for example … I’m shook. Thank you Alex
@briannaoranzi3058 Жыл бұрын
Just wanted to point out, we don't use the term "Asperger's" anymore. It's named after a Nazi and has a weird history. Autism spectrum disorder or autism is what is used. Sorry if this came off bitchy, I don't mean it to be.
@ravenofroses Жыл бұрын
23:00 you sound SO MUCH like me (finally diagnosed with asd in my 20s) when it comes to socializing. my problem is that i'm really, REALLY bad at spontaneous social interaction. i don't know how to initiate conversations unless i have some kind of internal script to follow--OR until someone gives me a concrete subject to talk about. at work, i can walk up to a coworker and talk about work-related stuff, but only if there's a definite subject to talk about (like if they're photographing purses, i can ask what brands they've seen that day). i cannot introduce myself to new coworkers because i have no idea how the conversation will go. i either need to have a plan for the conversation in my head, or i need to get "permission" to talk via someone else initiating the conversation or asking a question. it's something i've gotten better at, definitely, but it's still there. like even recently, i had a terrible manager at work who would try to make self-deprecating "jokes" that were obviously him fishing for sympathy, and i would have no idea how to respond to him. i once responded to a lengthy spiel about how nobody appreciated the extra work he was putting in with "that sounds like a personal problem." he luckily stopped trying to talk to me after that, but it's wild how certain people just throw me for a loop with every interaction. having trouble with social interaction isn't as simple as being able to talk to people or not. it's highly variable depending on the situation and the people around you.
@ScarletBegonia1974 Жыл бұрын
I have a 21 year old daughter with autism(Asperger’s, but it no longer exists) who was diagnosed after many other diagnoses. Ultimately, she was only diagnosed because when my son was born I saw signs of autism from a young age so he was screened. After doing a lot of reading I ran across a subset of Asperger’s that was my daughter to a T. It’s only recently that girls on the spectrum are being recognized.
@reneo8214 Жыл бұрын
I am 21 with aspergers as well
@shann9176 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this! Ive asked for about eighteen years to have my oldest tested and every doctor has blown me off with a pat on the back and a "don't worry so much" comment. She has taken online tests and always tests as autistic. Today, she scored a 187 and I got a 111 (I'm suspicious I'm also on the spectrum). We are going to ask AGAIN and hoping this time, she gets the help she desperately needs.
@leannem.r.williamson2269 Жыл бұрын
Talking about your mental health and how the OCD affected you and how the meds do, convinced me to finally go to a doctor about it and I had the appointment tomorrow but my sister (in-law)gave me COVID 😅, going to try again and get help though! My brother has Asperger's, so does his partner (the sister that gave me CVD 😂). And my son has autism, he's 3 and we are going through the process to get him help so that he can have a good time in school 💙🕊️🏡
@samanthamartin1407 Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with autism at age 9 under some rather unpleasant circumstances, and it took me so many years to finally accept this part of myself. Everyone in my life always (unintentionally) treated me like I was so strange, but nobody ever knew why. So when I found out about my diagnosis at 15, I rejected it immediately. I lived in denial for a long time, just wanting to be like my peers and fit in for once. It took until now at 22 to realize that the way I am isn't a problem. I've grown to realize that a lot of my experiences in not fitting in did not come from my autism, as much as from deep social anxiety of everyone thinking I was so odd. I've stopped masking as much and have been trying to be more vulnerable with my loved ones, especially about how I was made to feel growing up. That has been a blessing, and I feel like I am finally healing, at least a bit. The older I get, the more I grow to enjoy how my brain works.
@nikkibun89 Жыл бұрын
Hey Alex, I am behind on your videos, life has kind of thrown more at me than I can handle so I haven't been able to really relax and watch anything, just wanted to let you know that I am still here :) And still thankful for you and all of your videos especially here on the Side Quest Channel. :)
@FiorLabhair Жыл бұрын
I am pretty sure I have autism but I keep getting told “don’t be ridiculous “ or “what does it matter” by medical professionals I have approached. I’ve decided my self diagnosis is valid.
@fieldymclovin Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate that you read the disclaimers before each of these. Also, I think this is actually quite helpful for others - I did one of these with my partner and it was only in comparing our answers that we noticed a difference. He was very much "oh everyone thinks this way" and only in seeing the difference in our scores did things become a little more apparent, that it's not the case. I hope whatever you choose to do with the indicators today, that you find some peace or relief, as new ways of making the world work for you might become apparent. Also, side note - Scotland/Scottish would come under UK in those drop down menus. UK is England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. Honestly, the difference between UK, Great Britain, British Isles is even confusing to us, so no wonder it's even more so to anyone outside of here.
@naomigittus Жыл бұрын
Your interior design is amazing, it would be cool to see you redo sams room so he actually has a bed frame!
@leontien1919 Жыл бұрын
Motivation Monday - your task for this day is to do something that motivates you. Sometimes you have to start something to feel motivated for it, so maybe Monday could be the day ❤️ much luv
@lauraeliza Жыл бұрын
love this idea!
@KiLaVixen Жыл бұрын
I see my therapist on the 14th. Bc of these videos, I'm going to talk to her about potentially having OCD. They help so much!
@mirandao9310 Жыл бұрын
The older I get, the happier I am with how my neurodivergent brain works. I masked for so so long, and it was exhausting. I no longer care if I'm not making the right face, or tone of voice, or body language, or making eye contact if I don't want to. Sending you my love, Alex, I hope what was revealed in all these tests today helps! 💕💖💕
@micivalantincic8227 Жыл бұрын
Same! I drove my self crazy and got sick. No more.
@Alexandra-privacc Жыл бұрын
Legit same. I don't care anymore, I am who I am, and the people that like me will be my friends and the people that don't like me... won't xD I bring a stuffed animal around with me everywhere becasue it makes me happy and calm and I just don't care if that's weird 🤣
@kaskus7147 Жыл бұрын
The sound of Dumpling flying around in the background was killing me. It was so loud. Also, I was thinking that maybe Thursday could be "Throw Out Thursday". You could go through the fridge and throw things in a bag and then take them directly out to the bins. You could just go through things and get rid of obvious trash.
@PeopleGetHelp Жыл бұрын
Maintenance Monday's, there could be no real rules meaning you could: maintain the garden, maintain your self care, maintain the house chores like anything to fix or crafts to finish, maintain self love i.e. makeup, dressup, write in a positive journal. Etc.
@missmystery22 Жыл бұрын
Birds is often loved by people on the high functioning autism spectrum. My husband is a brilliant ornithologist and he was diagnosed at 10 because of his abilities to hear any bird call in Aus and know what bird it is. And it’s made him very successful! Once you get a diagnosis maybe this will open the right door for you. Zoloft and dex made him very very sick as a kid and never worked. He has been med free since a teen but really know what works for him has made him the person he is. When I met him it’s what made me fall in love with him. I had never met anyone with such a strong passion for something!
@emilypenza8319 Жыл бұрын
My cousin loves birds and wants to visit Australia! She has about 10 budgies, and had bred them, too. She rescued a pigeon recently :).
@scoutthepages Жыл бұрын
It is very expensive and a lot of work to get an adult autism diagnosis. Your brain and nervous system is just different than typical people. Really all this does in my opinion is help you to understand yourself and improve communication with those around you because you know more about how you work. I recommend research and look for other female autism experiences and advice to help your life be more optimal for you. Meds can help with some of the characteristics associated with ASD, like ADHD and OCD. But otherwise, awareness and learning is the best tool 💕 sending you so much love and support
@jessicaadams6190 Жыл бұрын
To be assessed for autism you should see a clinical psychologist. They look at you as a whole person where as a psychiatrist looks at just your signs or symptoms and diagnoses based on that.
@ravendragon1920 Жыл бұрын
I took the tests with you thinking that maybe at best I would get like the minimum, because I have never even considered that I might be autistic but on 3 different tests I got way above the minimum and now I’m having a reality crisis. Time to discuss this with my therapist
@ElizabethSotiria Жыл бұрын
“Do you/used to have imaginary relationships?” - me answering out loud, not having audibly answered any questions thus far, “YES!” in perfect beautiful unison with Alex 😭 I can’t stop laughing, might be spiralling. Didn’t even realise I did that fr. Well never admitted it, until now. 😂 This is genuinely the best KZbin “series” I’ve ever invested my time in. I literally dream about these videos, and having D&Ms with Alex.
@DreamingByDay Жыл бұрын
Just watching this today, only five minutes in, and in tears. Mainly because I have so loved your content, and now this is resonating with me. In the recent ten-month long process of having my now six year old evaluated, my whole childhood has been basically been exposed under a different lens. I was hospitalized at twelve with ODD, and have seen so much of myself already in my daughter. There has been a lot of “well, isn’t that the way everyone did things when they were that age? Didn’t everyone have to adjust?” Being met with “Uh, no.” I am not only a Xennial, but my parents definitely were more “old school” when I was growing up. Ready to watch this all the way through and see what you tested. I tried this, and tested higher than I thought.
@caligirl6809 Жыл бұрын
Mental Health Mondays. Tidy up Tuesday, Work out Wednesdays(anything involving moving), Tidy up Thursday and Funday Fridays
@Jessica-dd8xo Жыл бұрын
In the last vlog I watched it was like watching myself. I was diagnosed with ADD and OCD and then later on autism. I don’t take any medication, I did do some CBT which was helpful but I don’t do it anymore. I went to multiple different doctors before accepting diagnoses because I know how badly doctors misdiagnose women and girls when it comes to autism. I knew it wasn’t just ADD/OCD 😊
@AnimaKinz Жыл бұрын
My husband and I have taken a couple ASD assessments together. Even though neither of us are formally diagnosed, it's been helpful to understand some ongoing conflicts! It makes a lot of sense out of past interactions with friends and family in childhood as well. I tested similarly with this one as I've tested with others, so I feel like that's confirmation of its validity in some small way. As for the asexuality talk, the two can definitely play into each other. My husband and I have ~scheduled time~ because we feel like it's beneficial for both of us, but if you put us both on cruise control, we don't *need* the physical intimacy to *want* to stay with one another. We both agree that when we were little, we just wanted to find and establish a life-long best friend. Which, is sort of security-blanket-ish, but it's mutual lol.
@Kathrine465 Жыл бұрын
I have a schizotypal disorder. And have so many symptoms in common with autisme.
@ericamcconnell7361 Жыл бұрын
I feel the same as you when you talk about having a conversation with the fam or group and you’re not doing speaking on the matter and they change subject. I really have a listening ear and love to hear others talk about there things completely and want them to know what they say matters or even that someone cares to hear ❤️
@katelynncutie8624 Жыл бұрын
I definitely relate to the need of animal companionship and cuddles. My 15 year old dog loves cuddles and when I go to my boyfriend’s house I miss my cuddles with my dogs so a cuddle with one of his dogs.
@AedraGray Жыл бұрын
I had a similar issue with Hostel.. I've figured out that it has more to do with gore for the sake of gore rather than to progress a story or something of that nature. I also experienced my first crying in a movie when I was watching Up for the first time and had never cried before that. So you are not alone!
@Dunkelwald_ Жыл бұрын
I cried the first time when I watched "sixth sense" and I didn"t even noticed it until I felt my wet face.
@UnBoxLifeWithLori Ай бұрын
I'm in my 50's and I believe am I am on the spectrum. So many things never made sense - I had a really hard time with people ( new people, crowds of people ) , I enjoy being alone, I am quirky, relationships, and many other things. Truthfully it's a relief finding autism, everything makes so much more sense.
@brasstail Жыл бұрын
United Kingdom consists of England, Cymru (wales), Alba (Scotland), and northern Éire (Northern Ireland)
@deeRex56786 Жыл бұрын
I’m in Aus too and have been looking into an adult autism diagnosis. It costs anywhere between $2000 to $5000 to get a diagnosis (can only be done by certain psychs and takes about 14 hours of assessment) none of it is covered by Medicare. As for treatment you can get counselling that is autism specific to help cope. It also makes certain services available but they are mostly for children though there are some for adults.
@FemDeku1969 Жыл бұрын
I had a kitty but she passed the day before Thanksgiving last year
@tornminds66 Жыл бұрын
Dumpling flying all around cracks me up...
@LarrietDarling Жыл бұрын
Motivation Mondays (where you work on one thing out of a list that you've not been motivated to do so far, be it put on make-up or film a main channel video or any other random project), Foodie Fridays, where you cook a meal with us, or Fresh Air Fridays, where you go out and spend some time in the garden. Secondhand Saturdays, where you go through all of the stuff opened from the week and decide what you want to keep and what you want to sell or give away. Also, uhm, my total score on the test was 146. Sooooo....probably a lil' bit of austism, a little bit of ADHD. 😬 Adore you as ALWAYS. 💜💜💜
@prettypastelsidequest Жыл бұрын
Love the suggestions 😁💜
@jamiealkire2010 Жыл бұрын
Alex, I know you said you were beginning to recognize the usernames of people that comment on your videos...while I'm a bit of a hermit (I watch silently...from a shadowed corner 😆) I watch every one of your videos. And I often question my own mental health. But I had a bad experience once when I thought I couldn't deal anymore and I reached out for I don't think I will ever try to get help again. Anyways...I'm not sure if you'll ever see this, but I'm proud of you. For getting on here, bearing it all and helping so many people in the meantime. It's quite an amazing achievement 👏 amazing.
@set0401 Жыл бұрын
This is gonna be a good sitdown/background video that i will revisit in time i imagine lol Gonna have to watch this in parts as i am now at work 😢 much love 💕
@sassafrasandlemons1634 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate that you are so open about your mental health. I'm 46 and mental health was just not something we ever talked about. It was very much bottle it all up and never talk about your mental demons. This is helpful for me 💗
@wonderqueerTT Жыл бұрын
Food for me is an odd one and much like some of the other questions, it depends on my mood. But I do have a habit of eating the exact same thing every day for several days on end, even weeks. I do miss fresh veg sometimes, because I mostly eat processed food because I like to know that the food going into my mouth will taste and feel the same as I expect it to every single times. whereas things like fruit and veg can vary depending on ripeness and brand. I do have a diagnosed eating disorder (bulimia) so I am not sure whether that is the resason for my picky attitude towards food. I would much rather skip eating than eat something that does not fit what I expect of it
@lizziewatson9837 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been reading a book called unmasking autism by Devon Price and I’m really enjoying it so far - even if your not autistic, I know ppl w ADHD mask too so you might find it useful. It also talks about how autistics who mask may appear to require less support, but many parts of their life (eg. Home life versus work life) really suffer
@Ellzy1 Жыл бұрын
Muck out Monday? Cleaning the chicken coop, washing the dog bed etc. 🤷‍♀️. I’ve started a complete spring clean thanks to you. Room by room but pacing myself so I don’t end up bedridden from physical disabilities. Brushing my teeth and showering is harder mentally than emptying all my drawers, realizing I have over 100 pairs and organizing them by length and colour. I do t really wear socks in Houston, Tx. I have 4 dogs (3 Shibas) and they are such a comfort. I want a ball python too but $$$. I scored 145 on that test. I think if it wasn’t absolutes I would have scored lower. Anyways 🌸💖🌸
@littlemiss9521 Жыл бұрын
Not watched this video yet, but I can tell you as someone who was finally diagnosed this year at the age of 28, I have never felt more understanding and accepting of myself. I was/am so happy to finally be able to put something on why I was so different. I was told by a doctor at first that he didn't believe I was autistic, no basic test or anything just general questions and he wouldn't take it further because I was "similar to another autistic person", so I got a second opinion and everything went smoothly from there, the people I spoke to were so understanding and helpful, gave me so much advice and help. Also sorry for the paragraph, but because it's a spectrum it's okay to not have the same traits etc, we are all different in our own unique way :3 ♥
@leni_lava Жыл бұрын
They use the AQ test as part of diagnosis in the UK I was diagnosed at 47 I believe I have adhd too but do not want deal with them/negation etc again I do not have ocd - I do not presume/speculate/assume etc - I just know, that I care about you ❤
@gloriaash7511 Жыл бұрын
The fact that you have people in your life that will tell you that you’ve slightly offended them and then continue to forgive and adore you…. It’s so beautiful.
@ginikaakpata8829 Жыл бұрын
i got diagnosed with autism at 11 (honestly super crazy considering women rarely get diagnosed that early), it definitely made going through life a lot easier but something that wasn’t so easy was telling people i had autism only at first now it’s a reflex if i feel it’s necessary (people are usually surprised when i say i do). it’s definitely made my life a lot better when i decided to fully embrace it and love my neuro-divergence it makes me very happy and i’ve found a lot more autistic friends to relate with and talk to 😊
@laurat2509 Жыл бұрын
Skincare Saturday- you do a slightly longer skincare routine and a facemask. Manufacture Monday or Maker Monday - build or create something - maybe for the aviary, the kitchen, etc. Fill up Friday - Do whatever fills you with joy, or fill yourself with food, or fill up the washer, whether it's a physical filling or an emotional filling. Some notes from research on Dex - vitamin C and acidic foods an hour before to an hour after a dose can make Dex less effective. This includes coffee, chocolate, citrus, cranberry, etc. Alkaline foods can enhance the performance of Dex. This includes green leafy veg, cauliflower and broccoli, bananas, seaweed, root veg, garlic, onion, ginger, and nuts. Nuts are also good sources of magnesium and good fats so perhaps you should add them to your diet. If Archie will share his almonds that is. Alex, I want to acknowledge your strength in sharing this journey. I would predict that in a year you will be able to look back on these daily vlogs and see the progress you have made.
@amy-leigh4962 Жыл бұрын
So I scored 214. I've only ever been diagnosed with ADHD but all 3 of my brother's and my dad have autism so I didn't doubt it
@Blackmjc Жыл бұрын
I just took all of those tests and I'm feeling about the same about it as you are now, but it explains things...besides ADD. Also, as far as Makeup Monday, it could be for dolling yourself up for a nice boost or make up as in making up for things you didn't finish during the previous week or weekend. Love you Alex ♡
@TT-_- Жыл бұрын
Oh I love the twist into "Making Up For Not-done Things" Monday!
@jessica-leea7295 Жыл бұрын
Make Memories Mondays, Friend Fridays, Self Care Saturdays ❤️
@peachiq Жыл бұрын
After I got diagnosed with autism, I started to research it and find many different things to help me improve. Whilst meditation won’t help me from what I know, I use noise canceling headphones to be more productive and help with sensory overload. I sometimes use a weighted blanket to sleep but it doesn’t always help, I hear it work really well for others though. And other examples. My mother doesnt really like the idea of medication in general (which matters because I haven’t moved out on my own yet) so i like that I’ve been able to find aids outside of that option.
@teresapaliwoda Жыл бұрын
I'm auistic and have only been diagnosed when I was 59. There are tons of layers.
@yourdadisizzy Жыл бұрын
when people say the word sake as sa-key it makes me wanna riot.
@Sami86K Жыл бұрын
A reminder to keep up with main channel vids to pay for mortgage!!
@DreamingByDay Жыл бұрын
Just realized that this whole video is basically you narrating your brain while taking this, and my brain was the SAME when taking it. I evaluated every single question, and would be making arguments with myself.
@beebycrochet Жыл бұрын
Before I continue watching rest of the video, I must say my suggestions for the days: In order to do some food for yourself (and Dan) there could be Munch Monday. You could try those different country breakfasts maybe? Then for the Friday, maybe Freshing up Friday - You could make extra nice skin care, go for a walk (yes, I know, walk, BLAH! BUT it really, really helps :) ) or perhaps some meditation? What ever makes you feel freshen up :) And Saturday... Sassy Saturday? You could do something you haven't done before, even it's something little or something big. You could do it by yourself or with Dan or with someone else. BUT do NOT push yourself too hard!
@ericamcconnell7361 Жыл бұрын
I’m in the middle of watching and Alex you are so great! You are so relatable w my life. My best friend Faith diagnosed herself with autism when she was 18 I believe and I am very intrigued in the website you are using. Another connection between you and my bestie is that you and her both love photography and animals, use lots of movie phrases and like rock music. Also you just mentioned your parents and you watched blazing saddles and my husband made me watch it for the first time the other day and I couldn’t help laugh , it was hilarious and I told him no way a movie like that would’ve been made today lol. Thank you for being so real and honest and having the best content. I know you don’t know me but I feel like you’re my friend and we definitely would get along , much love to ya ❤️
@schlemsadventures8606 Жыл бұрын
Self care Saturday, Family and Friends Friday, Makeup Monday
@Clevergirl09 Жыл бұрын
With headphones on the burb flying around was so scary! I found out I had ADHD in my mid thirties because my partner was getting tested and I rated them so low...because I was like "Oh...I do this way more than you do"
@rebeccavbrowne1967 Жыл бұрын
My two sons now 14 and 17 were diagnosed ASD when they were younger. My daughter now aged 18 was also diagnosed online a year ago. She was having none of that and that’s fine. She has always been able to make friends and be (somewhat) independent and if she wants answers later on then she knows where to start. I think I’m ADHD (inattentive) but maybe not ASD but I think my husband is. I thought I might have autistic children as my nephews showed signs and my sister-in-law definitely was
@Sophicals. Жыл бұрын
I am now at the end of the video, and to answer your question, I think it depends on not only the country you're in but the county and your individual practitioners. I for example got diagnosed (after nearly two years of waiting, two different assessments, and my first GP not believing me which caused me to change doctors) and then I was essentially just thrown out into the world. Like 'here's the diagnosis now get out' type of thing. There was nothing afterward except two reports detailing my autism and how it presents in me. There was no aftercare. Whereas my friend (who was also recently diagnosed with autism and lives in the same county as me but has different GPs) has frequent meetings with their doctors regarding therapy or counseling to help them with processing or stuff like that. But when I went to my doctors about those kinds of options they either didn't know or said it wasn't available in my specific area and I either would have to travel hours away or go private which is very expensive. But yeah I cannot speak for others, I think everyone's experience is different. (Regardless I just want to say I am happy I got my diagnosis because it felt so validating to me. Others might not feel the same way and that's okay too :D ) Hope everyone has good night, or day, whatever time you're reading this :)
@cass4640 Жыл бұрын
I'm only 20 minutes in so far, but I was diagnosed autistic at 19 and so I decided to take the test anyway. my score was 227 and my partner is laughing so hard, because of course my test score screams ~autism~. 😅
@amethystdawn Жыл бұрын
I finally started therapy last week and got my first prescription today for my anxiety. Thanks for posting these videos. It helped me to break away from feeling like I don't deserve help because others have it worse than me. I'm hoping the medication helps with my panic attacks and feelings of overwhelm. It is so nice to see that even people who seem like they have it all put together are still struggling. I really appreciate the transparency
@whenwillcarmen Жыл бұрын
I was waiting to make my healthy breakfast (day 3) until Alex posted her new video. But I convinced myself to just go and make my food. Well, I did. And was rewarded with a new video. Hi Dear Friends!
@Battychick189 Жыл бұрын
Hello!! Good job on making your breakfast!! Way to slay the day! 😁
@whenwillcarmen Жыл бұрын
@@Battychick189 I completed day 4 today thinking it was day 3. Woohoo
@rosinamuller9735 Жыл бұрын
Maybe makeover monday, either putting on make up, making over a piece of decor, furniture or anything. Maybe just making one corner of your room prettier
unboxing 100 mystery thrifted parcels in 100 days (day 10)
Pretty Pastel Side Quest
Рет қаралды 29 М.
10 Female Autistic Traits | AUTISM IN GIRLS
Olivia Hops
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Рет қаралды 26 МЛН
Running With Bigger And Bigger Feastables
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Секрет фокусника! #shorts
Роман Magic
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I found a HUGE clothing flea market!!!
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Buying a house in Tasmania - The Converted Barn Home
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Make money buying property in Tasmania?
Ben Nash
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Curse these damn implants (unboxing 30 parcels in 30 days, day 5)
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Рет қаралды 30 М.
Adult Autism Assessment
Purple Ella
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AUTISM EARLY SIGNS | Two Years Old (Incl. Footage)
Aussie Autism Family
Рет қаралды 1,4 МЛН
Pretty Pastel Please
Рет қаралды 830 М.
come antique shopping with me!!! *wholesome*
Pretty Pastel Side Quest
Рет қаралды 21 М.
Рет қаралды 26 МЛН