AUTO FARM Debate w/ TheViper

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MbL Age of Empires II

MbL Age of Empires II

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‪@TheViperAOE‬: / theviper
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@alanbareiro6806 4 ай бұрын
Two Swedish people discuss agriculture
@austinfox5268 4 ай бұрын
They're Norwegian, not Swedish. But close enough lol
@alanbareiro6806 4 ай бұрын
@@austinfox5268 I know 1111
@niki8280 4 ай бұрын
@@austinfox5268 its intentional
@eneas6345 4 ай бұрын
The joke just went over you
@shreddershredderer6585 4 ай бұрын
@benservey9295 4 ай бұрын
T90: this change is bad for the game competitively Mbl: suffering is art
@ComfyDents 4 ай бұрын
The B in MBL stands for buddism. Life is suffering.
@JhoferGamer 2 ай бұрын
As a norwegian I completely agree with MBL
@EvolutionWar 4 ай бұрын
Best agriculture discussion in years, viper was almost able to partake in the discussion as well 😂
@rhysschmutter1362 4 ай бұрын
Viper and MBL bickering should be the next reality TV show
@donaldfarquar 3 ай бұрын
Mbl should give him driving lessons 11 Then Viper can say like your bases this is his unique style of driving.
@charleston7717 4 ай бұрын
Mbl arguing farm placement from the philosophy of sisyphus, very based lol
@Goldenblade14 4 ай бұрын
Man, Age of Politics 2 looks sick.
@harjeck9518 4 ай бұрын
Mb predicted it... auto auto everything!
@knights162 4 ай бұрын
Caring about pointless things is what makes gaming relevant, AOE2 has no practical impact but people caring about non-practical things is keeping ti alive
@majungasaurusaaaa 4 ай бұрын
Unless you wanna be a dwindling pool of nostalgics these early 2000s inconveniences are keeping new players away.
@Kidneyjoe42 4 ай бұрын
@@majungasaurusaaaa No they're not. There has never been a correlation between "accessibility" and attracting new players. Marketing is the only consistently successful method of doing that.
@xdog12 4 ай бұрын
​@@Kidneyjoe42 it's weird that you believe that there has never been a correlation. Just ask anyone born in the 2010's to play Broodwar. Good luck!
@julesjacobs1 4 ай бұрын
If auto farm had been in the game from the start then nobody would be arguing in favor of removing it
@paulyoung8671 4 ай бұрын
@Kidneyjoe42 I know that the primary reason I chose AOE2 over SC2 is the QOL features of AOE2DE, specifically the building selection hotkeys. AOE was simply more pleasant to play since the game gave you better tools to quickly do what you wanted to do. Playing chess with your hands may be technically the same game as playing chess with your feet, but if you had to play chess with your feet and could play go with your hands, I think you would find quite a few more people switching to go.
@HeavyWeponsguy420 4 ай бұрын
I saw this live was hilarious but so is Mb most of the time
@DM-rc4yu 3 ай бұрын
It's funny how many people think farming is their "strength".
@Arathai_ 4 ай бұрын
Need more arguments between Viper and Mbl, do their GL podcast thing
@22lordnik22 3 ай бұрын
well make it auto than you can get your daily dose of mbl
@gglonis 4 ай бұрын
mbl won the argument with the lumberjack example
@paulyoung8671 4 ай бұрын
I don't think this is an argument to win or lose because people value different things. MBL is right that many people enjoy uniqueness and the creativity of placing farms. Viper is probably right that most people don't, and that streamlining that will improve the experience of most players. MBL is right that it sucks for certain skills to become obselete. Viper is right to point out that skills have been trimmed all the way back to AOK and that we don't really want to go back.
@tylervik5060 3 ай бұрын
what timestamp?
@izyanjamal7717 3 ай бұрын
the lumberjack analogy is not correct and is a false equivalence, not replacing a lumber camp has a pretty sizable impact on your eco, whereas in the late game good farms barely give much return especially with hand cart, see spirit of the law's video on this, this change will basically only help in making farms look better with bases and save some time making farms
@markburke1396 3 ай бұрын
​@@izyanjamal7717 but one could argue that its the little differences that matter. I liked the part when T90 was talking about how quick his editor could now place the farms, and hence able to micro the army more. So my thought was 2 things. 1. there is no trade off on deciding to place perfect farms meaning getting better efficiency and microing your army. It is a decision you had to make of either focusing more on eco, or more on army. Build perfect farms or protect and micro my mangonel. 2. which leads into the 2nd point. This is making the game actually more micro intense for the army. I'm not sure I would like the game to be more micro focused. because you focus less on eco, and more controlling the army. I think this is a buff to Hera (could be wrong), where he now is even less likely to make a mistake with his army and high elo in general. So it possibly lowers the ceiling of skill and decision making (only very slightly) in the game, less mistakes happen, less potential for comeback, less entertaining to watch (again hard to quantify how much it will impact, and may be very small, but its already played at such a high level the smallest of differences is so big these days e.g. 1 vil dying at the start is basically a gg). The only question is, does it make the game better? and I'm just not sure. Better for some, worse for others I guess.
@c.robtoz7252 3 ай бұрын
​@@izyanjamal7717 It absolutely is, it's not a anology for style but for CONVENIENCE, now that we have auto farms, auto scout and auto reseed, why not make lumbercamps more convenient, fishtraps, hell, even mining camps. The game is supposed to be a little difficult to manage both economy and army. If you automate everything and focus only on fighting it isn't aoe 2 anymore. If you want to have that type of gameplay, play aoe3
@BidwellRunner 3 ай бұрын
I love hearing mbl argue, something about the way he argues just makes it entertaining
@T-West 4 ай бұрын
I 100% agree with Mbl. One of the most brilliant parts of Aoe2's design is that Farms are 3 tiles, but the Mills and TCs where you drop the Food are 2 tiles and 4 tiles. It forces you to spend time thinking about how you design your base.
@danielchauvin9317 4 ай бұрын
Except people hated it and liked poles specifically because their farms were better.
@T-West 4 ай бұрын
@@danielchauvin9317 Well that's exactly my point. They're designed to be inconvenient. Just like Houses. The Polish Farms have another focus: you need to place them within the square around the Folwark. They double down on emphasizing Farm placement. The Khmer Farms do the same thing in a different way. They make the base unique since you can place them anywhere. Suddenly you see Farms near Gold mines or woodlines so the Villagers don't have to walk anywhere. It adds to the specific civ's uniqueness by changing how players position their Farms. The bonuses that focus on Farm placement generally are well-liked.
@CaptainJackStudios 3 ай бұрын
I really struggle to understand this line of argument, even though I agree with the beginning (that the non-matching grid sizes makes things a bit non trivial). Consider e.g. T90s legend of dark elf, the person that separates the male and female villagers and has a geometrically beautiful little town every game. It is about how all the different sized buildings are placed with respect to eachother, and then how they line up with the farms. Autofarm is generally not going to replicate that, even if you have already pre set up the geometry of all the other buildings. Something like this still has to be set up manually. This idea that you can no longer play manual sim city in aoe is bonkers. All it does is let people who don't care about sim city to quickly place farms and now it is a bit more pretty and a lot faster for them than it was before, but it doesn't turn them in to dark elf. You raised the point about the different grid geometries creating interesting decisions. Autofarm takes none of that decision making away. That mostly comes in the form of deciding where to place the TC, mills, houses etc. And then if you use autofarm, it won't necessarily give you the result that you 'wanted' because it doesn't really account for the geometry of the rest of your base, the farms it gives you might be a bit offset than what you were hoping for. It raises the floor, in that autofarm is almost always nicer than random farm, but it doesn't change the ceiling. And if I'm a player like dark elf, I don't see a reason to be disappointed when now I look at my opponents base and it is more pretty than used it to be, because it still isn't as pretty as mine.
@T-West 3 ай бұрын
@@CaptainJackStudios One of the key aspects of Aoe2 imo is how it blends together the competitive and base-building aspects. It's not just about making a base "pretty," but about how subtle differences in building location influence how a game plays out, (how you need to defend when raided, etc). Autofarm isn't something you can ignore if you want to play competitively, since it's so much more efficient in certain situations. That's forcing gameplay situations where you end up removing control from the player. It's not just about prettiness or automation, but about control. And this makes it different than something like rotatable gates imo, where it makes it easier for the player to perform the action they want, whereas autofarm choose the action that is performed.
@CaptainJackStudios 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for your extra thoughts! It's possible I misunderstand your argument, or that I am seeing two distinct arguments where you see two sides of the same coin. I do see the argument about the change impacting APM and concentration balance between eco and military, that there are decisions to be made about how much time and concentration to spend placing farms Vs microing military etc. If this is the kind of decision you are referring to, then I agree that it is relevant and I understand the argument. But then there is, separately from the decision making about time and concentration allocation, the decision making about base building. What is the best way to arrange your base either for beauty as a low elo legend, for efficiency, or for safety. Should I place this building here or there. But I maintain that here in the first and second cases the interesting decisions to be made are all about the building placement and not the farm placement. If you are making spread out farms with big gaps, it is not because you decided that was a better arrangement than compact farms, it is because that is faster and you decided that it is better to save your time to use it elsewhere. Therefore it is a decision making of the kind from the previous paragraph. And in the latter case, autofarm is not optimizing for safety and so it does not remove any decision making from that case. E.g. it doesn't know not to build a farm on the left side of your mill because the enemy placed a tower there. It simply means that, once you have made the decision "I want to roughly optimise for space in a non-global way", it gives you a tool for enacting that decision efficiently.
@LordTameo 4 ай бұрын
Triggered MBL will always be funny.
@adamNZ2024 4 ай бұрын
I completely agree with MBL on this. The art of placing farms involves multi-tasking, precision, attention, focus, memory, and creativity. The allocation of where you choose to utilize those skills is a strategic decision.
@SirQuantization 4 ай бұрын
Yes but in return we're getting a nice QoL change for everyone so we can spend more time actually microing our armies which is why most people enjoy aoe 11
@adamNZ2024 4 ай бұрын
​@@SirQuantization People enjoy the game differently. Many players like the building placement aspect and the strategic freedom of skill expression. I empathize with the idea that new or casual players are frustrated with the multi-tasking element. I also used to be a new player. However, it's a part of learning how to play the game. Most of the players arguing from the position of being able to spend more time controlling armies have not learnt or setup hotkeys properly. I know this because I enjoy watching people play and offer coaching for newer players. The vast majority of players today still occasionally click for a building or upgrade. EDIT: Additionally, when you finally achieve a massive army or upgrade to Paladin it feels good being rewarded for placing so much effort into economy management.
@ParamecioLord 4 ай бұрын
I mean auto farm does not remove the strategic aspect of farm placement. It is an agnostic system, and in several situations it makes dubious and straight up bad farm locations, for example when you are attacked on one side of the base, the tool suggests to put farms right next to the frickin enemy siege, or when you have TCs next to wood lines or other resources, it sometimes suggests to put farms on the other side of the woodline. Its far from perfect, you still have to use your criteria to recognize in which situations auto farming is beneficial and in which ones manual farming is better.
@collaide 3 ай бұрын
@@ParamecioLord It does remove strategic aspects though, e.g. the time you spend to place farms well in stressful situations. Is being able to judge when you need to place farms extremely quick vs when you can get away with more efficient placement not a strategic aspect of the game?? It also removes the skill required to accurately move your mouse and place good farms quickly.
@SirQuantization 3 ай бұрын
@@adamNZ2024 Then DON'T USE IT. It's only useful when you're intensely microing your army anyway.
@neildutoit5177 3 ай бұрын
MBL's argument reminds me a bit of this one game I watched Hera stream, I was still very noob at that point and I had put a lot of time into trying to optimise the first 5 minutes of the game: getting those houses built asap, optimising the initial scouting, scouting with sheep, making sure to kill the sheep under the TC etc etc, anyway Hera starts this game and someone asks a question in chat and he says "I'll read that now, let me just quickly get this start out of the way". And that sentence kinda broke my heart a little, because I still saw the start of the game as something that involved a lot of skill and decision making and creativity and where I could get an advantage over the enemy by finding new innovative ways to optimising things, but I realised at that moment that for the pros, they were entirely on autopilot, there was "a correct" way to do the start, and they just needed to "get it out the way" so that the "actual" game could start. I feel similarly about the farming. I also spent quite a lot of time learning how to place farms correctly, how to make sure that the villigers dispersed instead of all building the first farm etc, how to fill gaps when you need a few farms but don't have space for another mill and so on. And part of me still wants to see it as something that involves skill and decision making and creativity. I know that for the pros it's been basically auto-pilot anyway. But for the noobs, it's something that felt like a puzzle to solve, that's now just gone :/
@wnihaunter3943 4 ай бұрын
agree with mbl ngl, even though i like the feature for efficiency. It disrupts the APM balance between eco and micro imo
@steel4o 4 ай бұрын
I share Nili's opinion that it is a feature which is getting as close to the line as possible without crossing it. Let's give this 2-3 months and see how it goes. Trial and error guys. If Microsoft want the best, then give them an objective opinion after a few thousand games have been played. Let's have a couple of tournaments and see what this extra micro time does and if it wrecks the game in any meaningful way.
@artemislogic5252 4 ай бұрын
no point giving it a 2-3 month trial as the only people this is gonna affect are the lower level players who's games arent gonna be seen, this wont affect the games of top players, or will affect it very minimally
@justincronkright5025 4 ай бұрын
But why not discuss it as such then... say we are coming out with 'features within the game' that are going to test the lines & limits of things, They will be on a 2 or 3 or 4-6 month review time, then explain it & reveal its intended purpose. That's how this should have been done, alongside the auto-scout option & a few others actually.
@user-sl6gn1ss8p 4 ай бұрын
@@justincronkright5025 yeah, I think the lack of clear communication is the worst aspect, it's only natural that people will extrapolate
@ryanforgo3500 3 ай бұрын
I am happy when ppl have to focus more on the strategy part rather than the mouse clicking part
@dejake_aoe 4 ай бұрын
1111 great convo, I'm glad they were able to have such a long debate about it
@mohammeduddin8874 4 ай бұрын
I usually agree with Viper's viewpoints on the game but not with this one. I hope the devs roll this back
@jllarivee60 3 ай бұрын
MBL has a good point. From the spectator perspective, its nice to see the farms. However, when I'm playing a game and I do auto farm I get this "Oh that's such a nice feature" feeling.
@laskerflesto4078 3 ай бұрын
at some point, when every way to possibly get an edge by prioritizing economy is automated... the civ with the stronger units will win, not the player.
@greenhouset23sJ9t65rululu 4 ай бұрын
Farm placement is a unique thing in AoE. In lower elo all bases/farmplacement looks different. I think its pleasing for the eyes and you can see alot of informations how to game was going, when the player was under pressure or in a difficult situation.
@Varlenus 4 ай бұрын
I'd rather see AoE die out because of people getting bored of it, rather than the game being destroyed by unnecessary changes that divide the comunity.
@warmowed 3 ай бұрын
I mean auto farm is only one step away from auto eco and then half the game is gone. Viper's argument "its just farms" well yeah but what happens when its just lumber camps, just mining camps? The inclusion of auto scout and then auto farms shows that there is a trend to automate non-combat parts of the game. I understand that the devs may see combat as the "exciting" part of the game and want to find ways to keep players engaged in more combat and less eco, but it is an RTS. The whole point of an RTS is seeing who is the better multitasker. They are basically turning a game of chess into tic-tac-toe which is stupid
@DM-rc4yu 3 ай бұрын
How is it one step away from auto eco? It's simply not. It's a smaller change than farm queue was.
@windflier1684 3 ай бұрын
How is auto farm placement one step away from auto eco lmao, it's like saying auto scout is one step away from auto fighting
@ajaylee5817 4 ай бұрын
I still think this kind of automated features kill some degree of skill thresholds and uniqueness of the game
@vongola8902 4 ай бұрын
I like this debate, hope we have a big vote in game to see how peoples thingking about this
@berny_l550 3 ай бұрын
Wasn’t expecting to actually get convinced by mb. Placing farms quickly in high pressure situations is for sure a skill that becomes more important as you become better at the game. Now, pros and beginners can place farms equally fast pretty much, and makes the game easier for sure. Autoscout is definitely different than this because for one, it sucks, it randomly starts scouting corners. And secondly you might have your scout on autoscout, but you’re not paying attention to what it actually scouts. The reason you use your scout actively is to learn what your opponent is doing. Autoscout doesnt do this for you.
@Lucaash 3 ай бұрын
Autofarming is conceptually perfect QoL feature, because it is not strictly better than manual placement. Thanks to that, you can also view it as increase of game depth while simultaneously reducing its mechanical complexity.
@oLEjeah 4 ай бұрын
I think its the fact that people had fun doing this as kids and have done farms the same way since, build a million farms and you're abit attached to them in a personal way. Not everyone like change. Maybe the reason why you play AOE2 in the first place. Another thing bringing you back to childhood ruined
@HuMoDz 3 ай бұрын
New employee at Forgotten Empires implements cool, self-contained feature as a starter task, promptly causing the whole fanbase to erupt in flames. Also, pathing breaks
@juanandreszentenoc4142 4 ай бұрын
I think it’s not “about the farms” it’s about difficulty. To place the farms during a stress situation it’s part of the game. It’s not about the uniqueness of the bases, it’s about the uniqueness of the player and how he deals with details. And Viper is saying that you are not going to use it a lot, so why bother.
@uqs57bju 3 ай бұрын
Honestly speaking. I think it's even more simple then that. People don't want changes, regardless of them being good or not. There was a bit of push-back against multi-queue as well.
@juanandreszentenoc4142 3 ай бұрын
I agree, but also, multi queue doesn’t do anything for you. You have to plan ahead. This is the first “qol” change that do things for you. The other ones weren’t automatisations, if you don’t consider re seed farms.
@Jacks_Suffocating_Nihilism 3 ай бұрын
Hugely disagree that this won't impact competitive play. Obviously useless in the early game, but it's completely trivializing late-game farm expansion and relocation, which indirectly nerfs already underpowered slow compositions meant to crack bases. Prior to this, there were very few players who could spare the attention to gracefully relocate 60 farmers while their main economy is being pushed. You and Hera are the first two who come to mind. Now it takes about three seconds to select villagers, place a few mills, and spam-click. It's one step removed from having the villagers automatically build a farm in the nearest available position when tasked to a mill. It would use the same logic as reseeding. Almost everyone thought autoscout wouldn't be used competitively. Concerns about Auto-Everything were maligned as a slippery slope fallacy. As it turns out, the slope is quite slippery.
@fernanzabalalodoli 4 ай бұрын
For me it is slower using autofarm because of my ping; as soon as they don't overlap, the farms appear way faster than if I use the auto feature.
@justanotheruser7 3 ай бұрын
I strongly agree with MbL. I hate what this does for competitive play, and I lean very heavily on auto farm placement, because my farm placement has always taken far too long. It removes some of the expressiveness of play, because it’s such a strong boost to your game that you can’t not do it. And it removes a dimension of skill.
@JohnnyEMatos 4 ай бұрын
I have to agree with MBL in this one to be honest. Sometimes the magic is in the simple things I also think it's nice that we could see if a player was stressed based on the farm placement. It's good info
@darkranger116 3 ай бұрын
this situation is almost entirely analogous to the Broodwar scene when it was remastered. Blizzard asked if the player base wanted a remaster of the mechanics, smoother micro, better unit collisions, high unit select count, to which the player base said NO! all of that "jank" is more than just jank, its HOW the game is played. Its part of the skill cieling OF Broodwar. Your units are SUPPOSED to be hard to manage because it forces you to get better at micro to such a degree that dictates entire differences between player leagues. i dont like the idea of mechanics being automated in aoe2. it reduces the skill cieling. even if all we're talking about is 1.5% decrease from autofarm placement. it really is the principle of the matter for me. i dont like the idea of turning a blind eye to the skill cieling being dropped, ever. i want aoe2 to have MORE deciding factors that separate players by acquired skill assets over time. not less.
@user-or5un9qo5q 4 ай бұрын
I can't believe that viper doesn't see how much is being compromised with this feature. I agree with everything MBL said. Just to give an example: after each game when i look at my opponent's base I know if i was beaten with ease or my opponent was trying hard by seeing how neat his base looks especially farm placement.
@TonyButter9 4 ай бұрын
Think about a player who's enjoying auto farm placement, and then he has to manually place farm. Your farm admiring fun is at his expense. He has to suffer placing farm manually for your enjoyment, why?
@user-or5un9qo5q 4 ай бұрын
@@TonyButter9 you have to decide how many farms you can place before looking back at your army. Many times I would place extra farms and try to put them in a way that would optimize the space in my base because not every map is a vast meadow, but then I look back at my army and it's gone. In other words placing farms is a strategic decision and requires decision making and not just a chore.
@simonnorling1582 4 ай бұрын
I hate auto-farm, you are right MBL 👍
@ozziey52 4 ай бұрын
@simonnorling1582 4 ай бұрын
I am 1700 elo. My strength is farming while attacking. with auto farm i lose my advantage. have been playing for 13 years to get fast on it
@TonyButter9 4 ай бұрын
Why do you assume your opponent can't place farm as good as you? How many players are there that fit your description? Can micro good but can't place good farm and you win thanks to that? I don't think there are more than 1 player like that in every 1000 matches
@simonnorling1582 4 ай бұрын
Lower elo players will be able to climb up the rankings as they have more time for other things. While better players already place quickly and efficiently. a 1200 elo player is slower and does not have time to place farms and micro at the same time. But with auto farms, there won't be a huge difference. Big time gain for lower elo. 👍 Sad for us higher up. 👎
@DM-rc4yu 3 ай бұрын
@@simonnorling1582 Your "strength" is not farming while attacking, looool. Farm placement makes very little difference once you get hand cart.
@RafaeldeLucena 3 ай бұрын
IMO, autofarms will influence competitive games, as MBL explain when a player is stressed out its farming efficient will be reduced. Also scouting bad farms is a sign that your enemy is being having a tough time.
@zsolok 3 ай бұрын
3 PM is a good time to wake up.
@animangovideo7375 4 ай бұрын
in voobly you could actually see how many villagers you had on each resource. you just had to change the map view to economic view and it would be displayed instead of the score. Now it is an inferior way to do this, and it did mix up gold and stone miners as just "miners", but that feature was there. Also, screw auto farm placement!
@GuitarTab666 4 ай бұрын
I was on vipers side but Mbl makes the better argument here.
@Sidpan3 3 ай бұрын
My argument, is Auto reseed must be removed, this takes out the edge off some players how constantly remember to place/stack more farms in mill. I understand MBL, it's like we can now retire that one skill.
@JhoferGamer 2 ай бұрын
Hm, it definitely seems like this is a openness problem, because it seems that people who don't care about art like autofarm whereas people who like art hate autofarm. Non-creative people only care about the numbers, not the looks.
@nicolaorsi4862 3 ай бұрын
I would remove the autofarming but I would also adjust the size of TCs and mills (making a mill like a forwark)
@monkeystealhead 3 ай бұрын
People who care aboud farmplacement also rotate houses.
@Vack91 2 ай бұрын
Hahahahah “numbers pulling up your ass”
@guilhermediascoelho3830 3 ай бұрын
Tbf this game was more fun when even luring boars was risky. Before DE, when they spawned ramdomly and u needed to shoot the boar twice.
@nemes1s_aoe 2 ай бұрын
It's surprising to me that t90 and mb have an issue with autofarm who are known to have inefficient farms whereas viper is fine with it who is known to make ocd farms.
@partlycurrent 4 ай бұрын
For me at lower/mid Elo its this thing of APM that T90 talked about. Before you really had to focus to make good farms, taking away from your offensive actions. Now, farms are way too fast to place and way too efficient. It takes away strategically from the game because now you can play agressive and have really good eco, not just one of the two.
@GoldenSkeeter 4 ай бұрын
Yeah previously I would send units forward, place eight farms, forget about them, then have all my units died to the castle or units, that is not fun
@majungasaurusaaaa 4 ай бұрын
How dare people want to play a war game instead of babysitting vils and farms. May as well remove auto working vils from AOC instead. Enjoy your dwindling pool of nostalgics while new players stay away because of lack of 21st century conveniences expected from a standard game.
@Blacknapkins Ай бұрын
@@majungasaurusaaaa Dude this game has survived 20+ years off these mechanics and you new fucks come in and want to change the entire game. Why are you even playing this game? Why? Why even play this and demand a 20+ year game changes for YOU? If you don't like managing the vills, maybe this game isn't for you? GO PLAY A DIFFERENT GAME. HOLY SHIT.
@YuhuanXie 3 ай бұрын
Thank you MBL! Before AOE2, I played AOE1 and Starcraft 1 which do not even have formations. You have to manually group your guys together and put the melee ones in front of the range ones. Maybe we can start a petition together to have that in AOE2 so everyone's units moving around will take more skill and have more differences.
@nonyabusiness6225 4 ай бұрын
The one thing I have noticed especially for me is since me and my friend mainly play age on Xbox is I feel more comfortable with being able to focus on the main aspect of age which is the combat because you don’t win games with having the better looking farms. Before I was trying to place them manually being perfect I focused too much on the placement so I would use the AI to sort my villagers to do the jobs but with this I have stopped using the AI sorter and became more efficient with my eco vs that I didn’t focus on them before so if anything I was getting more effort in building than when I was using the AI sorter. But this is because compared to pc players they have more control with a mouse. So to me I would rather be able to use this so I can be able to work on my actions per m and not focus on making things look “perfect”
@nonyabusiness6225 4 ай бұрын
Also it sounds crazy but you have a choice NOT to use them.
@clumsykoala3699 3 ай бұрын
@@nonyabusiness6225 No you dont. you are handicapping yourself if you dont use it mid game.
@uqs57bju 3 ай бұрын
@@clumsykoala3699 The pros don't use it. The math has even been done on it and it really doesn't make any real meaningful change. Those are the 2 major points that refute your claim.
@camwardart 4 ай бұрын
I agree with Mbl on this one. I also think the game has many other things that still need to be optimized and for this to take priority is silly.
@michaelkendall662 4 ай бұрын
in a MICRO game when you reduce the amount of micro you have reduced the POINT of the game.....eventually it can just be AI v AI using Viper's BF fishing traps example he spends a LOT of time to get it JUST right.......that is the microing that the AUTO-FARM removes in fact, he has been microing his lakes before and has one of his teammates getting hammered......his response "Oh I guess I should give them some help." Viper whether you can do the farms that way or not.....CAN you do it in THAT amount of time with no attention being paid to do it? Viper seems to be minimizing the importance of the Auto feature substituting for your focus.....he talks about priorities....a part of assigning priorities is WHERE is your focus and if you have to place farms you are not microing troops at that time
@danielchauvin9317 4 ай бұрын
Ok. We need to eliminate shift queuing, villagers who automatically move on to the next tree, drag clicking walls, and more. To create the perfect micro experience.
@evetslon 4 ай бұрын
@@danielchauvin9317 either that or there is clearly a line that your list does not cross, but auto-farming does. Like come on there are good counter arguments but your comment adds nothing to the conversation
@danielchauvin9317 4 ай бұрын
You can make the same arguments against auto farming to say against every one of those qol changes from the past. So now I want people to explain why those don't cross the line but farming does.
@Leon.Stanic 4 ай бұрын
​@@danielchauvin9317the other ones make the game easier, but this one also changes the look of the base, so it's not really the same
@yahm0n 4 ай бұрын
Alternatively we could add new power ups that you can use 3 times per game that forces your opponent to stop what they are doing and complete a captcha, so that we can properly reward fast thinking and good micro while adding a new layer of strategy to the game. 🤣
@collaide 4 ай бұрын
please lets add auto boar lure for villagers. THINK OF THE NOOBS! they lost so many villagers and had inefficient boar collection far from TC. they need more help. and auto queue villager. and auto rebuild lumber camp. and auto scout on sheep. and auto build houses. auto lure dear. auto quickwall. please microsoft the noobs need more help.
@carl-marvin 3 ай бұрын
Isn't it cool that we know how it was 20 years ago? How it changed step by step? For that reason only, I'm glad that mbl is defending the last style so hard. It reminds us of the suffering.. And I agree, there is a fun part of it that's now gone. The last version of the game will just be a black screen. Perfect.
@mantistoboggan2011 3 ай бұрын
lumbercamp argument made sense in a way.. but farm is placed at the moment, lumbercamp placecement is a future event you don’t know when exactly gonna happen.. Anyway I agree with mbl, it’s stupid to automate everything
@Begleitkubus 4 ай бұрын
100% with mbl. It just takes away from the game without adding anything for me. Also pressure just becomes less effective. As a noob I was looking forward to work on farm placements, I was robbed of the experience!
@uqs57bju 3 ай бұрын
No you weren't. Just don't use this feature and you can get that experience. Also, you are arguing that you were robbed from doing one of the most tedious tasks in the game. Why do you willingly want to do what nobody wants but some people have to endure? Not every feature will benefit you all the time. At no place does that ever occur that you will always benefit from something. The one thing that will benefit you though is that you have more players to play with. I'd say that part is pretty important.
@Sam4TPC-wz4rd 3 ай бұрын
The argument falls apart when you see it isn't all that much more efficient either way
@admirallegend4433 3 ай бұрын
Playing on Xbox with controller is a nightmare to begin with but with this auto farm feature makes it almost impossible to place farms manually now do to this stupid Auto farming. Now I’m forced to Auto farm which completely ruins the experience trying to outplay MK players with controller. I just want to play AOE while laying down 😢
@beetoven8193 4 ай бұрын
I think one of the main things that make aoe exciting is those situations where you need more apm than you can easily perform. This feature eliminates some of that. So, yes, it will make the game more accessible to new players, but it will be less fun.
@jjcaralegal 3 ай бұрын
MbL has a point: it is the small things. principaly when we dont talk about competitive matters, the little subjects of our base, our game, our tactics. Look at AoE4 great game and i love it, but the automatization makes him a little less unique than aoe 2.
@melonetankberry5211 4 ай бұрын
the game must be good for nothing to become drama.
@NicoNicoNao 4 ай бұрын
the balance between combat and economic is very important part of the game. This does not ruin that balance, but it is a step in making the economy less impactful part of the game.
@coxandrewj 4 ай бұрын
💯 this sums up my feelings better than anything else out there.
@nathangamble125 4 ай бұрын
It doesn't "ruin" the balance, but it changes it. Why would we _want_ to make the economy less impactful?
@NicoNicoNao 4 ай бұрын
@nathangamble125 It does move that scale, the balance, towards economy being less of a player's time, thus a less impactful part of the game. Even if only slightly, this change does certainly make economy less impactful
@xdog12 4 ай бұрын
​@@nathangamble125 why do villagers go to work after building a lumbermill? If we truly want eco to be important. All villagers should be babysat and they should remove many of the comfort QOL changes. No more shift queue tasks. It changes the balance and should be removed.
@NicoNicoNao 4 ай бұрын
@@xdog12 Economy should be important, not dominating to the point of what you suggest. Balance works in both ways.
@senorneedthis7410 4 ай бұрын
Did Viper straight up ignor MBLs argument for the sake of hilarity? 😂
@TonyButter9 4 ай бұрын
Some of Mbl's points make sense and there's no refuting that. Viper can only acknowledge it and move on to focus on other points that he can debate
@user-sl6gn1ss8p 4 ай бұрын
Viper simply can't relate to not having good, almost instant farm placement
@rhalfik 3 ай бұрын
Mibble: Elite War Elephant Viper: Wololo
@kostadinpantev 3 ай бұрын
If you place a TC on a woodline, the function will happily place a farm on the other side of the woodline, if you don't have enough space inside your base.
@Vasif_Bugrahan_Alparslan 3 ай бұрын
I agree with mbl. There is a little bit of soul and personality in how everyone places their farms and this feature removes it.
@ozziey52 4 ай бұрын
This was fun to watch live. Mbie out of nowhere 11
@daveh16 3 ай бұрын
I agree, it's an extension of being human, showing you're own individuality and uniqueness. We're not robotic automatons.
@ParamecioLord 4 ай бұрын
I have to disagree with MBL. I agree it's an interesting design choice to make farms and food dropsites different sizes and inconvenient to place, but nobody plays this game for what MBL called the "Farming identity" alone. I wouldn't care less about the aspect of a base in a competitive game as long as it does the trick, and if I want the base to be pretty, then I would go and play a campaign or mess around with the scenario editor. Plus, people see rhis automation tool as if this can be used in any situation, which is not true, it still makes lots of mistakes and puts farms in bad locations (eg. when having pressure on one side of your base, when you have woodlines and other obstacles right next to the dropsite...). In any case this is good for newer players that already have a lot of things to learn and get used to. From a competitive perspective, my impression is that some things will change, like slower players having a better change to adapt to raiding and being pushed from their bases, as well as light cav and hussar spam becoming ore viable, but I don't think these things are enough to justify removing the feature, but rather allows players to focus on more active, less tedious tasks that probably should be more meaningful for this game like army micro, economy distribution, map control, army composition, etc. I just don't get what's the problem, it's better for newer players to get more used to the game, and its better/irrelevant to more competitive players as they will find others things to invest their attention instead of farm placement, so it isn't an advantage for anybody unless you somehow don't take advantage of the extra time and attention this farm placement is saving for you.
@felipepr3398 3 ай бұрын
Mbl opening the gate for new buttons on lumbercamps to autobuild a new one zero-one-two tiles deep. Thanx for the idea mb! OTTO OTTO EVERYTHING! --- Everything.
@ashmonkey2572 3 ай бұрын
Ofc MBL is against auto farms. It is his modus operandi. He is the boomer of the pro players shouting at clouds and i love him for it.
@theotterone 3 ай бұрын
Viper seems to think there is only LEL and Pros. MBLs Arguments actually mostly apply to players that are neither. There is an elo between 500 and 2500. And that is 99% of ranked players. And yes, I know a lot of ppl that care about farms to an extent even I cant understand.
@larsdonkor7943 3 ай бұрын
I think the only bad thing about autofarm is that it removes a vital guessing topic in hidden cup
@akhilxy2822 4 ай бұрын
Mbl cooking on this one ngl
@ggnmsn 4 ай бұрын
Viper is being so pig headed toward MLB's points.
@vaziklikoykoda9377 4 ай бұрын
@@ggnmsn Yeah, I actually got really frustrated watching it, not that I agree with MBL, but the viper either completely misses his points or twists them to make them less rational.
@bornablagojevic5699 4 ай бұрын
bruh its farms who tf cares
@vaziklikoykoda9377 4 ай бұрын
​@@bornablagojevic5699 I agree with you on your take but the viper's attitude is not nice
@TonyButter9 4 ай бұрын
​@@vaziklikoykoda9377Mbl keeps yelling and says the same point over and over, if the argument wants to be constructive, each person has to take a pause and let the other think. He keeps talking so fast like that Viper is not gonna think straight and just say the first thing he has in mind, which is he doesn't care about farm looking ugly or pretty
@Patchnote2.0 3 ай бұрын
This is only my theory, but I believe autofarm is a product of porting AoE2 to XBox and giving it a controller binding, and I personally do not trust a gigacompany like Microsoft to not continue to push the boundaries of what's acceptable. Yes, that's just the slippery slope fallacy, but I find it hard to trust any massive game company with preserving identity of a game and not move towards appealing to as large an audience as possible.
@ignacioaltamirano9273 4 ай бұрын
im 1100-1200 elo player and i HATE AUTOFARM
@dorfjungegeorg8709 3 ай бұрын
Strongly siding with mbl here and I strongly care about farm placement
@justchilling548 3 ай бұрын
im only 6 minutes in but my own unbiased opinion is that it definitely undermines quality, where someone maybe used to have an advantage due to efficient placement and planning is now freely granted so the better macro player get's this buff for nothing where his downside used to be running slightly behind on econ to support his plays. now ill continue watching :P
@AnimeFan-dl4qd 4 ай бұрын
7:50 Mbl has a point. I like his passion for the game:) 8:20 Please Mb, dont give the devs new ideas... (auto lumbercamp building)
@arcomegis9999 3 ай бұрын
I wonder when is the next debate about why farms can't fit perfectly into TCs and Mills like in Age 1.
@justanotheruser7 3 ай бұрын
I would be way more inclined to support this feature if we didn’t have auto farm renewal as well, or perhaps if the automatic farm placement layout was inefficient enough to make it of questionable use in competitive play, such as is the case with auto scouting.
@uqs57bju 3 ай бұрын
It is honestly pretty inefficient. It may look flawless, but the placement gets really wonky when buildings are around. People actually need to remember that a perfect mill or tc, with a completely open area around is pretty rare. You are sliding into that logic yourself a little and the argument makes perfect sense in theory, but not in praxis. You would be so open to raids if you used this tool for peak efficiency. Also, it doesn't really change that much in the actual gathered amount.
@ggnmsn 4 ай бұрын
It feels like Viper is sticking his fingers in his ears against Mlb's points. Viper is being very pig headed on this. Mlb is right on the money, at least in my opinion. Player expression is a huge part of AOE2.
@thomasandrews5278 3 ай бұрын
Low elo player here. I dont have strong feelings about auto farm placement. My farms suck so i do benefit from this and probably gain a very small advantage over my neater teammates. I do think we loose some uniqueness from this. I do look at my opponents base after and usually laugh at how crappy my base looks in comparison. I guess id rather it not exist for 90% of the 1v1 ladder games. But i think of lower elo players than me like my dad. Who struggles even more than i do with eco management and he'll probably think its pretty cool so I dont begrudge this feature overall but i will slightly miss my rubbish farms haha.
@legendofJupp 4 ай бұрын
Honest question for manual farm enthusiasts: would improved pathing be bad for the game for the same reasons? Because if pathing would be better, attack move would become more and more viable in comparison to microing, therefore taking away "skill" This all just sounds like gatekeeping. Especially nobody is screaming about MAASIVE QoL changes from the past like shift queueing, but such a minor QoL is the end of the world
@collaide 4 ай бұрын
The issue isn't that it's "relatively minor", the issue is the arguments used in favor of it are complete garbage and we could justify automating the whole game with the same arguments. Auto-farming is a must-use for many players in many elos because it brings a tangible eco advantage in nearly every game. In higher elos it's only applicable in the later stages of the game but at higher elos, the better efficiency can be taken advantage of better. "This all just sounds like gatekeeping. Especially nobody is screaming about MAASIVE QoL changes from the past like shift queueing, but such a minor QoL is the end of the world" This is also, as I said removing player agency. It doesn't require you to intentionally place your farms. It AUTOMATES the farm placement. When you shift-queue villagers commands, queue techs, dropoff resources, attack-move, YOU, THE PLAYER decide what you want your units to do. Auto-farm removes that aspect completely. Just hover your mouse over the mill/tc and you'll place them perfectly & instantly. Attack move vs manual micro doesn't affect player agency, base planning, mouse accuracy, choice of micromanagement focus (eco vs. military). It doesn't automate combat. It will, even with decent pathing, never be better to just patrol/attack move your units into your enemy, because they will also micro their units and can get an edge if you don't get attention. Also, are FPS games gatekeeping people without hands from being world champions because they don't implement aimbot natively? Is the chinese civ having a slightly harder start for new players gatekeeping the civ from them? Is it ever OK to have features in a game that require some sort of skill to use them properly? You may not think "placing farms" is a skillset that should be in the game. And that's just a subjective value judgement. And it also goes against what makes AoE2 AoE2, and what makes AoE2 an RTS. It goes against ONE of many SKILLS needed to PERFORM WELL, in REAL-TIME. An RTS game, REAL-TIME strategy game, has REAL-TIME elements, that are relevant to the gameplay. In REAL-TIME games, you have to juggle many different tasks in order to play well. The removal of some menial but impactful tasks sets up a horrible precedent for the future and will encourage the "developers" to do more of this. Now with that said, if you wanna have efficient farms in singleplayer go ahead. But don't force it into ranked nor into tournaments.
@sephirothbahamut245 4 ай бұрын
@@collaide Except it doesn't, the difference in farming food outcome, as shown by Spirit of the Law, is practically irrelevant
@collaide 4 ай бұрын
@@sephirothbahamut245 "Practically irrelevant" = It won't be the main deciding factor of who wins a game. But over the course of a long game, it could in some matches tip the scale. And I'm opposed to that even having a chance of happening. Go play with it in campaigns if you must. Remove it in competitive. Now.
@legendofJupp 3 ай бұрын
@@collaideof course it gets compared with aimbotting. Yes you are right, placing a farm in a slightly more convenient way is comparable with completely breaking the main feature, namely shooting, of a FPS game. The game is called age of farm placement, after all! If player agency is non negotiable in any way, farms should stop being auto refreshed like before definitive edition. Maybe I don't want my farms to be reseeded and I want to switch to another ressource! It takes away my agency, the game decides that for me...
@collaide 3 ай бұрын
@@legendofJupp Yes, auto-reseed is rarely optimal to use as it can rob you of enough resources to build or produce things at key times. And it's not my fault for not understanding an analogy lol.
@calvinrex 3 ай бұрын
MB does have a point. what is next? auto what? Auto vill creation? auto wall ?
@johnny9532 4 ай бұрын
Question: Don't you think the auto farm feature is also bad for new players? Because I do. Probably many new players will not know about this feature. Some players maybe will not look up guides or beginner tips. Before the auto farm feature they would be placing farms like everybody else. Now new players are maybe placing farms the old way while old players will be placing farms the new way :P I atleast think this probably makes a larger stepping stone or a bigger gap between new and old players.
@higheloguy9057 4 ай бұрын
they should make it so you just choose strategy and AI builds your economy and army for you. what's the point of playing the game.
@adamNZ2024 4 ай бұрын
@jackwaite4035 4 ай бұрын
Viper is wrong, auto farm is way too easy.
@gglonis 4 ай бұрын
this is bad for the game
@kobrazlobra370 4 ай бұрын
10000% agree with MBL i do play exo only with huns... and i am using this autofarm now all the time... but before i would do my eco only style and i would win later... now i do my eco only style trying to defend my oponent is microing like crazy and still can have almost the same eco... before they had like 5 farms now i have 30 and they 25... (1100-1200elo) i kinda understand what is viper saying it is not game ending deal... but there would be not a single problem when the farms will not be autoplaced... it is like arguing just one way all the time people who do not like it they are defending why the autofarm should not be there... but tell me single logical thing why it should be there... every single why it should be there from my perspective has bad impact on eco players... best argument (in style of automatization progresion) would be auto placing houses in row like wall...
@796Psycho 4 ай бұрын
For new players like me placing farms 24/7 is a complete disaster and I cant focus on fights or get my eco running. I mean do you really liked to place 500 farms a game ? Just think about how much time u did spend placing farms instead of concentrating on fights? I think it made this game much more playable for a bigger audience.
@kobrazlobra370 4 ай бұрын
@@796Psycho well i love to gain ress... i would love the game even without fighting... but i am not normal... i really most of the time play eco only do not like early army... the main happiness for me from this game is the resource gain... But i understand i am not normall... Still the dificulty of switching eco/army which you now mabie do not like makes this game enjoyable long term and will make you stay longer as you need to learn bunch of staff not just high apm with army like in other games
@alexanderhummel5932 4 ай бұрын
AoE 2 is supposed to be a micro game. If you automate too many things, you lose the original character.
@danielchauvin9317 4 ай бұрын
We now need to get rid of shift queuing, drag clicking walls, villagers who move on to the next tile for resource gathering, just to get to the perfect micro experience.
@heavenlychorus 3 ай бұрын
its the exact opposite of a micro game lol
@uqs57bju 3 ай бұрын
The game would be dead if you didn't change it a lot from what it was though. I agree with your point but change can be good and it can be very needed. @danielchauvin9317 mentioned some of the things that was implemented and for good reason.
@796Psycho 4 ай бұрын
He placed the mills like perfectly always having exact 6tiles for 2 farms, bad players would place the mills randomly like maybe having 5 tires, like this 2 farms will not fit or having others structures that makes the autoplacement rly rly bad. I always place them manually.
@clumsykoala3699 3 ай бұрын
Viper is being really hard headed on this point. it really impacts APM competiveness and eco management. a core component of the game. LIKE MBL said ages ago. auto everything ...
@luminatrixfanfiction 3 ай бұрын
I think elitist players need to stop with this. The farm can be annoying waste of APM to spare playing sim city to be micro-ing your units or doing more important things. The auto-placement farms is a good idea, and I even entertained the notion of creating a mod for pre-built placement templates for buildings as well, like they do in supreme commander forged alliance forever. It makes playing strategy games way better and easier to play and saves on APM that could mean win or lose in the heat of a moment.
@bolamatyp 4 ай бұрын
Agree with mbl on this. Even auto scout feels wrong
@LewisCostin 4 ай бұрын
What MBL is talking about, is a "point of difference". Yes it may be small impact on the outcome of the game, but it's still a skill that can change the details that all build to an outcome. Efficiency does matter on some level. At the same time, TheViper has a point in that it definitely won't change how many people enjoy the game, in fact I think it will bring more people in if anything. It does make the game easier, but by having this QoL feature, focus will be better spent elsewhere.
@leoF_0312 4 ай бұрын
Mbl arguing about uniqueness of gameplay and a rank with Hoang latter complaints about not going meta 11
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