Awakening of the Rebellion - Rebels in the Heart of the Empire (Ep 28)

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@Crispifordthe3rd515 Жыл бұрын
Shack: "We can't take the Wheel because our forces are too small 😢" Als Shack: "Time for the Midrim push! 😁"
@vianocturne Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile on Deltooine...-Guard"Hey Katarn,did you hear the latest news?" -Katarn"No,what?" -Guard"Your friends the rebels destroyed the Arc Hammer" -Katarn"But...But that was supposed to be me who destroys it!!!" -Guard"Tough luck,do you want some blue milk with your meal?" -Katarn"(sob)...Yes,thanks"👽
@spencersholden Жыл бұрын
You know Kyle has like a thousand prisoners loyal to the Alliance by now and is just waiting for the Alliance to free them.
@patriot17764th Жыл бұрын
Dude. He needs to be rescued.
@brenobassocenci6571 Жыл бұрын
Palpatine: Where is Vader? Random officer: he is dead sir Palpatine: oh, right.
@NorthyPark Жыл бұрын
The reason you see Droid revolution again and again is because everytime the "upgrade" IG-88 from A to B to C etc, it counts as a major tech upgrade. Its not a one and done upgrade
@CaptainShack Жыл бұрын
OH RIGHT! I forgot he has different versions
@shiono100 Жыл бұрын
Oh, I just kept thinking whenever they were doing it the Empire was then taking the planet they were making or had the upgrade on XD
@kaseknife8740 Жыл бұрын
the ai might also be confused cause they have 4 different tech paths to choose and if they do one path and then another it starts them all over again at the beginning of all paths
@HeadCannonPrime Жыл бұрын
@@kaseknife8740 This is what I think is happening. I think the AI thinks it has 4 level 1 techs and when it does one it prioritizes other lvl 1 tech, which ends up resetting the leader. So it keeps flip flopping. In my playthrough they kept going droid/hutt/droid/hutt and never got to level 2 of anything.
@Sone418 Жыл бұрын
​@@CaptainShack in the final tech upgrade they will be able to get Lucrehulks
@arlensmith7273 Жыл бұрын
19:20 Shack, there are X-wings right there. I'd like to imagine there were some petty squabbles over conflicting orders and parking spaces on Cato when that happened.
@WarWolf111 Жыл бұрын
Always a good day when Shack uploads a Awakening of the Rebellion Episode
@DemonDog17 Жыл бұрын
@admiralcasperr Жыл бұрын
7:45 You can either purposefully present a weak defence at Saleucami to draw them out of the Wheel or try to go after Mandalore, NOT capture the ground and provoke a counterattack. Anything other then fighting a full stack fleet and a garrison (so like, 280 pop at once).
@CTNex0325 Жыл бұрын
Yes, on Rendili the dreadnoughts are always there. When I attacked it was a hard battle but those ships helped draw the ISD’s turbo lasers away from my main fleet
@kostakatsoulis2922 Жыл бұрын
Hey Shack, im noticing a severe lack of bomber in your fleets. Maybe consider building some of those bomber-loadout Quasars? Also I 100% subscribe to the "Leia is a Disney princess" line of thought
@edwxx20001 Жыл бұрын
if Leia is a Disney princess so is Rey.
@shadowdevil126 Жыл бұрын
@@edwxx20001 how exactly is rey a princess? shes not a princess of anything
@edwxx20001 Жыл бұрын
@@shadowdevil126 shes the granddaughter of the emperor. that makes her a princess.
@shadowdevil126 Жыл бұрын
@@edwxx20001 1. the empire would have to exist for her to be a princess of it, and 2 palpatine would have to recognize her claim to the throne for her to be a princess which he never did so no shes not a princess of anything
@edwxx20001 Жыл бұрын
@@shadowdevil126 the first order and briefly the final order were successor states of the empire, the final order fully recognized shev as their emperor. shev reconized her as his granddaughter. she has a claim by birth that was never disputed. the paperwork was just never filed. the Sith eternal are bad at bureaucracy.
@kostakatsoulis2922 Жыл бұрын
"Personal log, Captain Galen, Gauntlet squadron. The Kuat rumor faction was celebrating pretty hard when the fleet set course for Rendili, which is the last stop on the way there. We jumped out of hyperspace to find only one star destroyer defending shipyard after shipyard; she made a brief fight of it, but once Gauntlet squadron started hitting her engines with ion cannons her captain decided it was time to get the kriff out of there. Can't blame him, really. However, the Corellia rumor faction saw a resurgence when the fleet turned around, heading back towards Manaan. The empire had finally decided to make a play to cut us off in the core worlds, and our ground troops were reporting a massive factory starship pumping out drones like they were going out of style. The fleet jumped in and prepared to face the behemoth; we drew in the first wave of enemy fighters and then picked them apart, then the whole fleet closed to attack the factory itself. The X-wings carved their way through wave after wave of all kinds of bizarre-looking experimental TIEs while Gauntlet and Blade squadrons hit the massive things engines. Pretty soon it was a sitting duck for the Dauntless, and she showed no mercy. The people of Manaan oughta be happy; there'll be salvage companies setting up shop in the system for years to come. Call me crazy, but the empire doesn't seem as strong as it once was; we've yet to see a large imperial fleet here in the core, and their ground and orbital garrisons have been... lacking, to say the least. Theres undoubtedly a long way to go, but I think this war might be a lot shorter than we thought... anyways, I gotta go drop off a 'get well soon' card for the XO on the medical frigate, her ship took a bad hit over Cato Nemoidia and I still to talk to her about the incident during the Manaan landings, too. Well, this has been captain Galen, signing off."
@generaljo7471 Жыл бұрын
Corsair Cross Rancor Company Journal Scipio Transfer Orders Orders finally came down. The newly reformed Rancor Company was transferred to Battle Group Organa. The looks on the facea of my men were something to behold. We've all heard the stories about Princess Organa and Captain Solo. I was more surprised to find so many wookies serving the Group. Unfornt, we weren't given much time tk get used to our new position. Turns out the stories about Organa's passionate and swift actions were more than true. Our transport just cleared hyperspace when we reveived the order to spearhead the ground assault on Scipio. Luckily, Ventri had the right idea to have our weapons and ammo ready to go. We hit the ground and quickly set up a perimeter for an LZ that was quickly filled up by tanks, wookies, troops, and the Princess herself with a squad of Honor Guard. She really was beautiful. Once organized, we launched our assault. The Garrison was easily dealt with. Honestly, this was one of the easiest assaults I've ever been a part of. But I'm happy to be back in the fight, liberating worlds and sticking it to the Empire. Rancor Company is back!
@Zaeikil Жыл бұрын
Me seeing the Arc Hammer deploying its drones and immediately having flashbacks to the Arsenal Birds of Ace Combat 7
@nicoferguson1215 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I agree, fellow Ace
@sillerbarly4927 Жыл бұрын
Then they deploy their BS shields that block everything
@rednovastrum2475 9 ай бұрын
fuck those things i hated dealing with them
@neofulcrum5013 Жыл бұрын
Taking the fight to Palps home is a thing of beauty
@Luthen_Rael Жыл бұрын
The alliance already took down Palpatines homeworld now moving into the core is like a kick in the balls for him
@pieterboshoff7582 Жыл бұрын
Naboo is palpatines homeworld
@neofulcrum5013 Жыл бұрын
@@Luthen_Raelpunt the old skin sleemo!
@billygrantham5380 Жыл бұрын
Rogue Squadron Journal Week 153 - Scipio Lt. Witton Bogre - Rogue 4 Operation Gallant Spear has proven to be the Rebellion's most effective offensive yet. Admiral Talon and Commander Skywalker's push into the Core has opened a deep wound in the heart of the Empire. Now we have word of two more major victories. The shipyards at Rendili have been taken, with only token resistance, and the Imperial Tie factory ship Arc Hammer now floats lifeless above Manaan. It seems we've found the soft underbelly of the Empire and now we may very well be close to striking a killing blow. Time will tell if that's the case. With those successes command determined that it was now time for us to begin taking back the ground we had lost, Scipio and Iridonia. Fortunately they haven't proven difficult to handle. Princess Leia led the liberation of Scipio without much contention and took the orbit of Iridonia by storm. Rogue Squadron was not called upon for either of these engagements. We were busy training the squadron's replacements. While it mostly was enjoyable to have Saber Squadron temporarily fill out our ranks, with Captain Brask's return to active status Saber has returned to their own squadron. The new Rogues are young, not exactly green but hotshots nonetheless. Wedge has been running them through the simulators against the rest of us in a whole host of new scenarios in the wake of the battle at Dathomir. One piolt has stood out above the rest however, Tycho Celchu. Like Kason Moor, he's another former imperial Tie piolt and Alderaan native who defected after it's destruction. He's proven to be an excellent piolt in his previous assignments and now, given the opportunity to fly with Rogue Squadron, is expected to do great things for the Rebellion. He'll get the opportunity soon enough I suppose. Just got the call, we're heading for Iridonia.
@AGNUBO 10 ай бұрын
Good comments
@AGNUBO 10 ай бұрын
Good comment
@Offical_Ghost_Rider Жыл бұрын
Again clicked this video faster than my dad leaving for the milk
@shanthuphyo4181 Жыл бұрын
me too
@akpvader97 Жыл бұрын
@AdmiralDevil Жыл бұрын
@Offical_Ghost_Rider Жыл бұрын
​@@AdmiralDevildad 😢
@BruhSpookz Жыл бұрын
Been watching for a decade now, crazy to think he’s still turning on all the things to this day
@SamuelJamesNary Жыл бұрын
Rebel Diaries 28 - Well, despite the heavy losses in the north, I would think that we've made good progress. Luke's involvement in pushing toward the core has gone extraordinarily well and I was quite pleased to hear about Luke defeating Vader. Vader may not have given the order to destroy Alderaan, but he certainly didn't oppose it and was not above torture to try and get what he wanted. In this, it is safe to say that I hate that... that droid of a man, and I'd hope that Luke was able to kill him... but we've gotten no confirmation of that. But they've made good progress there, and supposedly they've even cleared out orbit over Rendili, which would betray a surprisingly weak core for the Empire. In my time as a Senator, the Empire made a great deal of the fortifications in the core worlds, often with the selling point that these worlds would never face the kind of damage seen in the Clone Wars again. But I can't look a gift Nerf in the mouth. If they're weak... it may be best to free them now WHILE they're weak. The biggest sign of that, would come from what came next with the southern fleet. The Empire sent an end run around the front line to strike at the world that Luke had recently liberated and defeated Vader on. But instead of it being a large fleet of capital ships that could threaten us... it was one super ship, the Arc Hammer. One of the Empire's dreadnaughts, armed largely with swarms of droid fighters. From what Rogue Squadron tells me, droid fighters aren't as capable... largely as there are too many piloting maneuvers to counter other maneuvers and while droids may know them all... they can't predict what move a human pilot will make, and thus can't execute the maneuver needed to win. Their only real chance of success is raw numbers... which seems very Imperial, to throw away things until there is nothing left... And ultimately, the southern fleet did take down the Arc Hammer and protected their attack avenue into the core and is still looking at Rendili. And that's all helped us in the north. We've completed the retaking of Scipio, which ultimately went fairly well with only some local governor's offices and a gunship pilot who appeared to be rather absent minded. I lead the main push up one avenue and our forces took out one gunship while scanners reported that the other went and hovered over the other landing zone until close to the end of the battle. I tried to convince him to surrender over some megaphones and radio messages, but all I got in reply was a "derp" from him... and I can't understand that. He then flew into AA fire and went up in a fireball... never even tried an evasive maneuver. Of course, maybe without Vader around to frighten people... the Imperials aren't as sharp. From there, Madine's pushed for a return to Iridonia and we've managed to secure the orbit of it. I get the sense that there is some personal mission on Madine's part to be here... as it's not quite the soundest move. As we're recovering, I might argue that Yaga Minor in the north might be the more important world in the north to secure some of the worlds on the north's backline... and Iridonia would require not just a ground fight but executing another fight over Polus to set up anything close to a major strategic move... and that would be aimed more at Mandalore, which I fear we are not strong enough to take, in space or on the ground. But the space fight over Iridonia was won and we are awaiting ground troops to make the landing. Hopefully this will continue to play into the time that we've gained thus far. And that time has been good... but we will need to take advantage of it. For the Black Sun still has strong forces at the Wheel and Mandalore, the Empire has surrounded garrisons at the Maw and at Zhar. Our recent fights in the north have weakened our forces and forced the Alliance to only have two fleets and a few isolated lone ships patrolling other areas... like the Nebulon B protecting Kamino. But there are presently multiple different avenues from which we could be attacked, and we NEED to build up our forces. I would suggest that Eriadu, Sullust, and Bakura begin working on at least a small response force that can protect the Galactic Southwest and eventually be build up into something that could challenge the Empire and Black Sun there... while Mon Calamari begins a similar buildup to take on the Maw and the Wheel. This will all take time... but it will replace the ships lost and allow the Alliance greater flexibility and will give Han the opportunity to look for Chewie and where the Hutts smuggled him off to during the Hutt campaign. - Leia Organa.
@SolitarySpade_Davon Жыл бұрын
Personal Log Davon Cress, Serving onboard Venator-Class Battlecarrier "Liberation" Liberation QRF With Operation Feather being merged into Operation Gallant Spear, Rebel forces have moved into key worlds to the Empire. One of those worlds was Rendili. Only ever been there once. On a tour. Shipyard after shipyard. Rendili is important to the Empire's war machine, and an important target for the Rebellion. Talon and Snunb waltzed in their with the newly designated Alliance Core Battlegroup. After the decisive battles over Muunilist and Dathomir, the empire lacked any capital fleet to cover their worlds. They've funneled in so much resources into their superweapons, that fighting an ISD that ISN'T part of a station's garrison is a rarity nowadays. Snunb decimated their defense station, prompting the Empire to evacuate, with the station being one of their only means of defense. The Rebellion is at the core of the galaxy. I'm sure Palpatine is over in his palace having a massive heart attack over this. With the Empire so distracted over at the Core Worlds, Leia took her unit to take back Scipio from the Empire. With out blockade in orbit, no imperial reinforcements could get in, none can get out. Though, a hastily constructed shutter shield hampered our bombardment and bombing efforts, taking the planet itself was without effort. Their garrison was overrun instantly, and their limited air support was out of position thanks to our comms hijacking. With the momentum we got from Scipio, we got Leia back in space and took the QRF to Iridonia. Now, the princess is very keen on corvettes. So much so that she assembled what she calls "a TIE's worst nightmare"; a unit of multiple CR 90s and Hammerhead corvettes. Essentially a hunter-killer anti-fighter support group. This unit proved themselves to be extremely effective during our battle over Iridonia. From what I saw myself, nearly every tie that got even remotely close to the fleet exploded into a bright fireball as soon as I even set my eyes on the fighter. It became a game of "how long will this thing I'm looking at last?". The Liberation and the Mon Cal Dauntless "Avenger" mopped up any and all imperial ships in the area. Ground forces are mobilizing at Scipio to take the ground as I speak. Back to the core. Last week, a garbled transmission from our ground troops on Manaan reported one of the imperial superweapons orbiting above. The Arc Hammer, a massive factory ship arrived on scene to blockade the planet, likely as preparation for the empire to recapture the planet. The Core Battlegroup was assigned to deal with this threat. The Arc Hammer employed a variety of experimental fighters. After-action reports show TIEs I never heard of nor believed existed. However ominous that sounds, it was completely unescorted. No ISDs, no Victories, not even a single Carrack. Nothing. The Core Battlegroup took the chance and decimated the Arc Hammer. Our fighters baited theirs into our AA screen, while our capital ships began knocking out their engines and hangar bays. Each subsystem that failed, cheers erupted on each ship. Everyone, even the imperials knew what was happening. An imperial superweapon, costing them an enormous sum of credits was left to deorbit and crash into the planet's surface, never to be operational ever again. With all of these losses, I'm sure the Empire is already saying their prayers. A famous admiral once said, "They've lost, they just don't believe it yet". Saber and Rogue squadrons both agree. Every time they a TIE catches a glimpse of their livery, there's always a few seconds of pure dread rushing through their head. This marks the tipping point in the war, towards our side. Davon Cress, out.
@matthewmohri9990 Жыл бұрын
Commander Shack, this is Alliance High Command Col. Mohri and General Highland Steele of Naval and Ground Forces. Col. Mohri of Air/Naval Command. Commander Shack your tactics on Rendili were 2nd to none and it seemed to have intimidated the Imperial Forces to the point they ran. The strategy of using carriers and Missile Jamming is excellent. Hopefully we will get more Dauntless's made b/c they are extremely useful. You use them well and your strategy of missile jamming is never under appreciated. Watching the review of this battle, that Acclimator had no chance, I can only imagine what was going through their minds. Commander Shack, remember on Rendili when you attack or have to defend it, the Satellite are repair Satellites, always good to use in a battle. I don't much to suggest for your strategy in space as you seem to have it down to a fine surgical process. We at Alliance High Command are worried more about the Bellator being built somewhere. A good idea would be to send Y-Wing Recon units all over the Core Systems if you can. Iridonia in space proved time and time again your strategy of Anti Missile Jamming, Corvettes, and using the Dauntless is a great combo. Of course we love your modified Venator, it's an amazing ship when used well. We always find it oddly fitting that Rebel One, the modified Providence and a Venator are fighting on the same side in the same battle. However they do make a great pairing. Just imagine if we had Providences in the Clone Wars. I'm digressing. Well okay The Arc Hammer Fight...You did your best, and to be honest we here were a bit worried, that thing can kick out fighters like no one else, but it didn't have a proper support fleet, and with your expert ability to see the smaller and bigger picture in a battle, you were able to succeed. I wish more of our Commanders had the proper sense to take out enemy engines first. Wow if you work that well against the Bellator or Executor SSD's the Empire won't stand a chance but by then I hope we have a few upgraded Mon Cals and other ships to aid in your destruction of the big bastards. Sooner than later we will be getting Mon Call long rage artillery ships The MC80A, not great up close but lobbing torpedos from across space helps a lot. I'd say mix them with The Marauders, Twin Blades, MC60's and you have yourself a nice set up. This is 33rd Highland Steele of Alliance High Command Ground Forces. Scipio proves our new Anti-Air units work, thanks for taking a chance on them. Glad they were as effective as they were advertised. The Wookies are amazing fighters and know how to get the job done. We are happy with the success's you've been having. It was a rough start and we had faith in your skills but damn we were running thin for a while. We are making sure our Sargent's are training the best units for your needs on the ground and our factories are producing as much armor as we can. Hold out b/c we are in the beginning of researching T4B's they are a new tank that will make an AT-AT cry. We are trying to produce more mobile artillery and rocket units. Remember we are not yet capable to go head on against Imperial Units so we have to be smart and more strategic on the ground. 33rd Highland Steele of Rebel Ground Forces High Command out. Over all the war is going better than expected and as a reward Mon Cal once Mon Mothma settles negotiations with The Mon Cals they wills start to deliver ships to our lines a few free ones as well. Now for the Wheel. I highly suggest hit and run tactics. Yes we've done plenty of intel and from our spies are getting is that unless the Empire makes an all out assault on the BS, that fleet isn't leaving the wheel anytime soon. So hit and run and even if it takes a few times it's better to survive than lose everything and possibly not win the battle. Good luck Commander Shack, This is 33rd Highland Steele and Col Mohri Out.
@dajosh42069 Жыл бұрын
Yes, those are always there in Rendilli orbit. This "type" of map always has ships relevant to the faction the shipyard are built by. A really cool feature.
@GenericMedic Жыл бұрын
34:45 "The Twi'leks, right? If you take over, uh... Ryloth!" "Yes sir! :)" I love this. The unit selection dialogue sounds like they're listening to him just ramble about different races and where they're from and chime in like "That's right, Ryloth." lmao
@supremesystemlordra Жыл бұрын
I still think it would be coold that when you get Kamino you get a small army of Clones or perhaps the Bad Batch. Sort of how you got those Gungans. Not that you could build clones but you get a small army that kind of goes along with the idea of Kamino rebelling like they did in the OG Battle Front games. This would kinda go with Shacks Idea of species rebellion, as wells as the mods reward system for missions that we have already seen in play in this campaign!. Love your stuff shack! I never miss a EaW stream.
@mini2239 Жыл бұрын
It might work better for the Empire who reinstate clones after taking kamino. The problem for the rebels is that they own Kamino at the start of the game
@PisternatorTV Жыл бұрын
"Hippity Hoppity, Get off the Iridonian property" -Capt. Shack observing the Alliance's 12th Corvette Flotilla engage defending TIEs during the Battle of Iridonia
@Jordanmosprime117 4 ай бұрын
Best New Shack Saying yet lol 😂 ❤
@admiral_pisces7935 Жыл бұрын
Captain"s Log #28. Greetings Commander. As you read this I am currently at high command talking with the other Commanders about relocating supplies to your front lines against the Empire. I must warn you our supplies can only last so long. If this turns into a fight of attrition we will loose. I suggest you hit hard and fast. Watch out, I have reports of a ship called the Arc Hammer. I trust you won't let us down. I must go going back to the meeting now. Admiral Pisces out.
@gabrielnavachavez9331 Жыл бұрын
I think they canceled the bellator at 30:30 so we don't have to worry about it
@starwolf99 Жыл бұрын
It looks like a repeat of the last episode in which the Executor was canceled due to a desperate need for funds It looks like the Empire is even more desperate
@steffanyschwartz7801 Жыл бұрын
@@starwolf99seems like after the debacle over Dathomir, Scipio, Mullinist, Mannan, and Iridonia the empire is on hard times. Meanwhile the Black Sun are going full turtle.
@alexperlinger Жыл бұрын
Your issue with trying to land the APC on Cato Neimoidia was how difficult it is to see ground battle variant fighters. You've basically got to remember where they are or hover your cursor over "empty" spaces the game isn't letting you drop troops into.
@LordChaosHavik Жыл бұрын
I know I'm late, but I'm loving this ongoing narrative of Shack not really knowing who Vader is or why people seem so scared of him.
@sabrebravo2190 Жыл бұрын
I don't care what anyone says, but i really enjoy seeing the Liberator Cruiser in action. Such a great assault cruiser and supposedly those big guns on its hull.
@OneSecretPerson Жыл бұрын
I always figured a lot of the garrisons from bases built on planets could be justified in setting as locals or some other form of volunteer or planetary defense forces agreeing to defend their own world but not to be conscripted into the wider alliance military and sent on offensive missions.
@kylelantan9220 Жыл бұрын
Each planet has it's own ships. Bakura has Bakura destroyers on map always, Hapes has a Battle Dragon, etc.
@maximomartin2529 Жыл бұрын
That was sick! A Superweapon of the Empire.
@shawnb.2558 Жыл бұрын
I often pass on building a garrison post and instead use a few built units since they split the power generator and individual techs into their own structures. Let's you tailor your strategy to the map and leaves an extra building slot for something like a shutter shield.
@mini2239 Жыл бұрын
Here's a personal strat I've found quite useful that could help with the Wheel, though I used it on an easier difficulty and it's quite expensive. It's also quite gamey so I understand wanting to avoid it. Stack a fleet filled with quasars, about six of both strike craft and bombers. Then send them into the system, just the quasars and stick them as far away from the enemy as possible. Once the fighters have launched have them all target the main space station on the map and dive bomb the hull of the space station with every fighter you've got, choosing the best route that avoids the most enemies until the last moment. Then retreat and come back with your proper fleet. Now the enemy has no garrison and the fight becomes much easier.
@theelectricgamer9889 Жыл бұрын
First officer’s log currently serving on the Grand Old Lady (Warspite Venator class) I have just gotten the report on Shack’s campaign it seems Scipo has been retaken with only a few injuries while Iradonia’s obrit has also been taken without a hitch. Personally I believe the campaign I am in to be more important though it’s not because I am from Kuat. The Core is the heart of the empire and our recent battles have shown how weak they are. Now back to business, The battle of Rendilli is a massive success with the garrison quickly surrendering after a light skirmish. Our biggest success is the destruction of the Ark Hammer; it seems that ship with a IPV escort moved over to blockade Manaan. The battle was surprisingly straightforward though that ship had a ton of cheap fighters it could not stand up to our shear firepower. I actually had someone record this battle and when I finish this log I will send across the galaxy. I think our boys will enjoy watching this massive ship burn and break apart. My personal recommendation is to head to Corrillea then Kuat while I would love to see my homeworld liberated tactically speaking the population of Corrillea will help us while the population of Kuat will fight us. According to my initial if we liberate Corrillea we will be able to build multiple Corrilleaion ships while Kuat is offering exclusive production access to the Mandator dreadnought. That is First Officer “Name Redacted” of the Grand Old Lady (Warspite Venator class) out.
@theknave1915 Жыл бұрын
Admiral's log: alliance command meeting. Subject: imperial threat assessment/ followup the Scout 3 incident. Gen. Organa: "this meeting is officially called to order. I want to start this meeting with a belated welcome to our newest admiral, Sorin Teague, for outstanding bravery and leadership during the Dathomir Operation. The alliance gives it's thanks." (Applause) Adm. Teague: "Thank you, I only wish the seat I was taking wasn't empty. I hope I can do admiral Dodanna proud." Gen. Organa: "we expected sacrifices, admiral Dodanna did his duty, and it is up to us to make good on his vision for a free galaxy. With formalities out of the way, we will address the first order of business, which is our thrust into the Core. Admiral Tallon, General Snub. You have the floor. Gen. Snub; via translator. "Our raid on Rendili exceeded all expectations. We were able to force the imperial garrison to retreat with minimal losses. Ground operations on Manan and Rendili have given us a foothold in the mid rim and a launch point to Corellia." Adm. Tallon: "we still haven't recovered from the losses at Dathomir. We've been lucky. Very lucky. Without proper fleet and ground reinforcement we are going to run out of steam. We don't have the ships and ground forces for an attack on Corellia, and we are open to a counter attack. Our engagement with that super star destroyer only reinforces that." Admiral Eclipse: "rebel intelligence suggests the empire's current fleet strength is otherwise engaged and has yet to divert forces to deal with this thrust." Adm. Teague; "rebel intelligence has had a recent track record of being wrong. And we are still, what, maybe half the fleet strength we had before Dathomir? Tallon is right, this can go very wrong, very fast. The Arc Hammer was just one ship, no disrespect. It's only a matter of time before the counter attack comes. A counter attack we aren't prepared for." Gen. Organa: "this thrust was only ever meant to distract the empire long enough for us to fortify the north and rebuild our fleet. But ships and pilots take time to build and train. I will send it up to Mon Mothma to redouble our efforts of rebuilding our fleet. Now, on to our second order of Business. Admiral Teague, you have the floor. Adm. Teague: " The investigation into the incident with scout 3 on Dathomir, while on its own was insignificant, yielded a breakthrough in a continuing investigation as to imperial infiltration of our fleets. I've brought in a specialist who can explain what we found." Jek 47: "good afternoon, I am Jek 47. Prior to the incident on Dathomir we've assumed the string of Sabatoge and assassination efforts were the work of individual infiltration attempts. The Sabatoge of the Bakuran destroyers, the attempted assassination of Admiral Eclipse, the imperial black ops team that extracted a black sun HVT from our custody. But now, with the events on Dathomir, I purpose that these events are all part of one single infiltration." Gen Snub; via translator: "a Grand conspiracy? Bah!" Adm. Tallon: "Teague, your man has been chasing shadows for a year now. Alliance intelligence has made it clear all these events were isolated incidents. And your trying to tell us you found what alliance intelligence couldn't." Adm. Teague: "we have the evidence now. Let him speak." Jek 47: "The link came from looking into the record of Aaron Gil, formerly designated as dagger six. Whilst his service record at first seemed impeccable, I discovered a discrepancy. Dagger 6 was shot down in a minor skirmish early in the war against an imperial patrol. Officially he was EVA for 3 days. This was similar to the saboteur that was apprehended on the Requiem, who spent several days in the jungle of Dathomir alone before being rescued. Using that pattern, I found two more instances where rebel personal were listed as MIA for periods of time before miraculously being rescued. One served on the Endurance, the other was on the Reliant. Both were listed as decreased shortly after we heightened security on those ships. One was a suicide, the other was listed as an accident. Curiously, no autopsies were ever conducted." Adm. Eclipse: "and you believe these members of the alliance were abducted and convinced to betray the alliance." Jek 47: "Not willingly, I believe all of these agents were unwillingly conditioned to do as they did. I still have some limited access to the imperial archives up to level 4 clearance. I came across a list of secret imperial projects. Among them was one Project: Manacle. I believe these events are that same project." Gen Organa: "are you suggesting the empire is purposely abducting our people and brainwashing them." Jek 47: "it's not without precedent. Famously the clones of the grand army of the republic were implanted with inhibitor chips that when activated allowed near complete and obedient servility. Order 66 was carried out using this method. Project: Manacle was meant to refine the process for the new Imperial army, but was shuttered in favor of more reliable methods. But now, it seems the ISB has re-activated the project. The artifact Scout 3 reported before going dark seems to be a catalyst for the project. Perhaps an experimental device to immobilize and condition victims on demand. The object seemed to react with the Zeffo temple. It may be force related in nature, perhaps a relic of the force, whether Jedi or sith is unknown." Adm. Teague: "we know the damage these sleeper agents can cause first hand. Some of us in this room still have the scars. Admiral Eclipse said to me once the empire thrives off fear. The ability to turn loyal heros of the rebellion into ticking time bombs is a power that threatens the alliance itself." Adm. Tallon: "it's still purely speculation. I don't see anything solid here. Just patterns and conjecture." Adm. Eclipse: "it's possible, but still just as likely that this is all simply coincidence. Without any solid proof we can't be certain." Admiral Teague: I may have that soon. As you may know there are still hundreds missing from the Dathomir battle, including my former Wing commander. Officially Sunburst leader is still missing in action. Unofficially, Larin Berial is alive and well. I've intentionally withheld official reporting on her rescue in order to bait a trap." Gen. Organa: "to what end." Jek 47: "using the original encrypted data from previous imperial infiltrations, I have been able to reverse-engineer the original codes, and their recipients. Posing as a corrupt alliance doctor, I was able to establish a back channel with agents of the ISB. They've agreed to an exchange on Plazir 15. We suspect the agents involved will be the same ISB agents Scout 3 encountered on Dathomir." Gen. Snub: "who gave you the clearance to do something so reckless?" Adm. Teague: "as they say, better to ask forgiveness then permission." (Multiple objections and complaints erupt in the chamber) Gen. Organa. "Order! Order! Admiral Teague, this is a reckless abuse of your position that puts not only you, but your men as well, at serious risk." Admiral Teague: "what day doesn't go by where all of us are at risk of death or capture. You don't take down super star destroyers by playing it safe. Larin knows what she agreed too, we all do. But we finally have a chance to end this threat before it grows out of control. We have a chance to prevent the next sleeper attack before it happens. We are going to save hundreds, perhaps thousands of lives in the long run. It's worth it, and I'll take full responsibility if it fails." (A long silence fills the room) Adm. Tallon: "Well Teague, I gotta say you just might be the craziest man to sit in this chamber. I say we let the boy have his shot." Gen. Organa: "*sigh* very well, you may proceed with the mission. But you will provide the resources for this mission alone. No roping in other units unless they expressly volunteer." Adm. Teague "I understand. I have a short list drawn up already." Gen Organa: "this meeting is adjourned."
@inductivegrunt94 Жыл бұрын
The Arc Hammer going down was the most satisfying thing in this episode. The Factory Ship is down for the count. No new Dark Troopers for the Empire now! And with the Rebels in the Core itself, that means they're on the Empire's doorstep, the end of the war is in sight now.
@Pericles1992 Жыл бұрын
Hmm at 30:30 the Bellator countdown vanishes. Maybe it was taken out by another AI faction or the Empire scrapped it. Also could just be a bug i guess and still be building, We'll see if shack encounters it.
@devangsingh1689 Жыл бұрын
scrapped it most likely as the BS is pretty much crushed in his campaign
@michaelray3865 Жыл бұрын
Shack, the reason the gr-75 is so common in Rebel fleets Is that the Gallofree corp went bankrupt due to imperial machinations and they gave their stock to the Rebellion. The Rebels used their modularity in much the way that Strike cruisers were supposed to operate-put fleet support modules in, they transport fleet spares, techs, etc, as a mobile depot. Put jamming and comm modules in, you get a backup command vehicle, if kind of slow and less-armored than optimal, though much better than not having anything of the sort.The Gallofree transports really did earn the “hero” designation you throw around.
@colebetts802 Жыл бұрын
Hippity hoppity get off the Iridoniain property. TheXpgamers. Best line ever.
@RinIsArty Жыл бұрын
For some weird reason, the Bellator stopped construction after the battle of scipio, without the timer completing. I think they might've cancelled it.
@sethcourtemanche5738 Жыл бұрын
And down goes the arc hammer
@TjtheSquishyLegomanic 11 ай бұрын
All Battles: 08:45 Rendili Space Invasion 21:46 Scipio Ground Invasion 34:19 Iridonia Space Liberation 38:49 Funny 46:20 Manaan Space Counterattack (Ark Hammer) 57:10 how's that bet going
@m3th1c20 Жыл бұрын
Yeah its always Dreadnaughts on that map im pretty sure. Keep up the great work captain! 🖖
@Ryan2093 Жыл бұрын
May be worth investing in that captured Venator's complement of fighters, a few more free spawn X-wings or Y wing is never bad for the fleet.
@jeremiahshum Жыл бұрын
26:56 you mean The BM13 katyusha rocket launcher
@Darkfire7881 Жыл бұрын
Today is a good day, the Cap'n has uploaded. To war! For the Rebellion!
@nathanskeen5865 Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget Rendili’s ground invasion will be literally free. Bring snowspeeders and xwings and the enemy won’t be able to touch you, since they have no infantry
@loganbarnhouse2485 Жыл бұрын
Just finished my own Rebel campaign. Ended it as the New Republic and I gotta say it’s definitely worth getting Illum for the Jedi Knights. They are way better than they used to be. Don’t use them in a straight fight by themselves but support them with at least a small task force.
@sonofjack6286 Жыл бұрын
Senior Captain's Log Orbit of Iridonia Week 153 [Begin Log] Well, looks like the south saw some interesting action. With Operation Gallant Spear in full effect, much of the southern fleet has been moved to the frontline to bring the fight to the Imperial core. That being said, some ships tend to get through the nets that are being cast over the hyperlanes. There seems to have been a weak point somewhere, as the Arc Hammer, an Imperial superweapon and mobile factory managed to blockade Manaan, though the southern fleet rallied up and took it out before it could threaten Rebel hyperlanes. Meanwhile in the north, we've captured Scipio. The battle wasn't too interesting really, you'd think the Empire would be able to spare a few credits for decent defenses on Frontline worlds. Once that was done, we moved on to Iridonia. With the local defense fleet taken out, we've been searching for any friendly signals down on the surface, looking for allies to help us when our forces land. That's all for now, Nartha out. [End Log]
@heathgarrett6279 Жыл бұрын
I decided to play this mod because of this series. I chose the Empire and the first time the rebels attached my fleet it was of course led by the Liberation. Felt almost sacrilegious destroying it 😂😂😅
@loganbarnhouse2485 Жыл бұрын
Something I found out, is that if you get your support really high, maybe maxed out and get another Hunt Shipyards mission you may be able to get 2 venators from the Advanced Shipyards of the Empire
@captainfierce8508 Жыл бұрын
Commanders log: Lots of my squadron has been either kia or mia but atleast i still have lighting 2 and 5. Its been a very busy week with how the empire has been over the past 2 to 3 weeks. Rumors from the core say that the enpire is building something, something big, a bellator also has been rumor to be station near kuat drive yards but intel has been a little wacky as of late. As for my position, ive been requesting that we divert are attention to finishing off the suns. Rumors say that the black suns remaining economy run between both mandolarin home and the wheel, even monmothma says some mon cal say he would join us in some kind of warship that is almost finish at mon cala. Its just my suggestion plus seeing black sun might be for the better. Back to the first topic about the belator, republic command has order task force beta to spear head the assault towards kuat, i hope they doesnt get surrounded. "Commander fierce, commander fierce, tie scouts have been report out side the system scouting are lines, we need to take them out", copy ill prep lighting squadron immediately, "thxs fierce, wish you luck on your hunt," thxs ill probably need it, fierce out. I hate these dam comms sometimes but duty calls, lightning 2, gather the squadron, " copy sir". I guess i might make someone happy today, ill go down there and promote lighting 5 to lighting 3 with how long and well she flys, pray the force can keep her alive. Shes been with us since after the battle of yaga minor and i say her and lighting 2 can be a great combo, only time will tell how long this war will last. Computer end log (Static comes after i end my logs) Wth with these dam coms
@skmatthews7045 Жыл бұрын
I have never tapped a notification faster.
@nickposadas Жыл бұрын
I’m with you!!
@nebulace2761 Жыл бұрын
@alexi4829 Жыл бұрын
"hippity hoppity, get off the Iridonian property" is not a quote I expected to hear today
@Clowndoe Жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm one of the people who played this because of you. As thanks, here's my best, easiest tip: Use the way point feature! If you need a ship to make a tight turn, you have to click close behind it for them to get the hint. With way points (hotkey: 'W'), you can order a tight turn followed by a long movement order without having to compromise or risk forgetting to check after the turn.
@PaisleySeeker63 Жыл бұрын
The black sun can pick and level up there leaders up to three times, but it looks like the empire has been hitting big plants for the factions so there probably rebuilding those stations
@sebastianground5792 Жыл бұрын
I love your videos that help me when I get in my head and when I am down so plz keep up the good vibes and thank you
@arielwilson9293 Жыл бұрын
For the Empire at least, it is actually pretty important that outposts be relatively affordable, as they are one of the only practical and cost-effective ways to stop rebel raids from being able to easily capture your planets. There just isn't enough galaxy population available to station a big enough army on every single planet, and since raids are stealth, you need to have defenses on EVERY planet. Since you are playing as the rebels, you don't really have to deal with that as much. There's also more to the cost than just the initial price. Outposts cost credits to maintain each week, which can REALLY add up since you basically need one on EVERY planet.
@Error-yj2bi Жыл бұрын
Seems like the construction of the Bellator dissapeared a few seconds after your victory at Scipio
@ThieflyChap Жыл бұрын
One superweapon down, another seemingly scrapped and a spear-point into the core. The rebellion is going well.
@vintagedot8350 10 ай бұрын
Honestly the Arc Hammer seemed like way more of a threat than previous seasons. It's main shortcoming was the lack of a support fleet but if it had that it'd have a been a force to be reckoned with
@julianjones1130 Жыл бұрын
Shack ive noticed several times you try to put a unit into an "empty" spot on a planet. Only for it not to go there, this is because there is an X wing ground unit in that spot. The ground x wing icon is kinda hard to spot so i get it.
@fishmandaman Жыл бұрын
LETS GOOOOOO!!! Best series on KZbin! Go get ‘em Shack!
@Sparten7F4 Жыл бұрын
The Dauntless is one of those 'OP if used properl - but SHIT if you don't' ships. Like, with corvettes/fighters to keep people off it, and support craft to deal with smaller ships, it IS powerful. But the moment you don't have that, or look away for too long and some IDSs get in, it's dead.
@bigolbearthejammydodger6527 Жыл бұрын
regarding Disney princess's: Yes laya is great, kayleih is very nice, but the best new Disney princess is obviously Frankenfurter from Rocky horror ;)
@dixievfd55 Жыл бұрын
BM-21 Grad is the truck you're talking about and you're thinking about katyusha rockets.
@Syco108 Жыл бұрын
Epic defeat of the arch hammer!
@calumdeighton Жыл бұрын
Not a bad run. Operation Galant Spear is going well. If I'd be so bold. If forces from the rear were brought up, it might be possible to take the core worlds. However I'd limit myself to two suggestions for next targets. Kuat and Corella. Knock out their ship production be real good. And destroying the Empire's technology. The latter also be interesting to see for a large scale battle. Make sure you have arti for that. Going to need the big guns. Anyways. Looking forward to the next episode. The droids do seem to be getting bored. Maybe also take some time to sort out assets in the rear. Maybe also dig in around that corpo-sector faction as well.
@dajosh42069 Жыл бұрын
Wow... Fantastic job against the Arc Hammer. Those TIE Bombs are insane though... The AI seems to misusing it and sending it into space combat.. but when used correctly, they are absolutely devastating! And a lot of the other TIE experimentals it gets are really fun too, the TIE Bizarro, which is a ball on either side of a wing panel, there's one with turbolasers on both sides, on the wing panels, which makes them able to attack actual ships. Then the Droids to protect all the experimental fighters being fielded. Definitely too expensive to mass produce, but really fun addition if you're the one with the Arc Hammer. 😁
@Wedgekree Жыл бұрын
Still gotta say that fight with the Arc Hammer is my favorite 'epic' battle so far. Yeah, it didn't have the tenseness that a lot of teh earlier fights did, it wasn't grand back and forth that could have gone either way.. But something ever so amazing about thousands and thousands of fighters scrambling through space and cruisers unleashing hell on that abomination.
@alexanderjones2126 Жыл бұрын
You ask about the expense of the rebel Camp/base ect. in comparison to units you built, but the explanation is actually pretty simple ... logistics. For the built units, it isn't just the fighting people on the ground, but also the dedicated, militarized transports that have the ability to both move them across the galaxy, and able to hot drop into an active battlefield ... that is expensive, while garrison/milita units, are moved into place with far cheaper non militarized shipping, and the transports don't stay with them as they are not meant to be moved from the planet once in place. Note: Not a mod dev, but this makes perfect sense to me for the pricing of the units.
@admiralcasperr Жыл бұрын
18:10 The AI is programmed to run if you vastly outnumber them and they have no combat stations to spare players the cleanup time. Here, the AI basically decided "don't care anymore".
@Zaeikil Жыл бұрын
Captains Log: Captain Rylan “Saber 1” Brask. Alliance Fighter Squadron Lead [X-Wing Squadron Callsign Saber] Operation Gallant Spear is going much better than anyone thought it would, realistically speaking of course. It seems to have distracted the Empire enough though since they haven't come for revenge. Either that or they're building a massive response fleet to completely crush us. Or the Black Sun is finally causing them enough trouble. Whatever the case we have successfully removed the Imperial presence over Rendilli. Here's to more victories for the Alliance. Speaking of more victories we have finally taken Scipio back from the Empire. Only sad part is that Rogue and Saber Squadron was scheduled to assist the ground troops during the fight but due to a concern that the enemy may have substantial AA, we were ordered to stay on The Liberation. Luckily Wedge managed to talk The Captain into having us on standby in case we were willing and able to help because by the stars we were willing. But the Imps didn't seem to have much on the ground to begin with. I’d say I'm not complaining but me and my Squadron are getting antsy just sitting around like this. After Scipio the fleet moved to attack Iridonia. We came out of hyperspace with the rest of the fleet and were on contingent combat air patrol. Any TIEs that got near the fleet's airspace were to either be driven away or destroyed. Seeing as we had little in the way of proper fighter coverage, the strategy makes sense. Damn shame Rogue Squadron wasn’t here to help. At least there wasn’t a hoard akin to what we had over Dathomir, we also had too many blockade runners to count so their AA cannons did most of the work for us. Honestly in the way of defenses the Imps had surprisingly little. Maybe that’s due to the pirates operating in the sector. I’m just glad they didn’t come after our fleet in force and targeted the Imperials. You ever seen a fighter pilot high off his gourd on Spice? Trust me it ain’t pretty, even worse to fight. The fight itself wasn’t of much note. Everyone kept asking Teavon how it felt to finally take the first steps to liberate his home planet. He seemed, well, apathetic isn’t the right word but he wasn’t as enthusiastic as he usually is. I’m curious but I also know that almost everyone is hiding demons of some sort. Back in the south, Skywalker and Talon's fleet engaged the Arc Hammer. They actually managed to destroy it. That’s a HVT we won’t have to worry about any more. In more personal news, Kayla is still with the medics. They’ve made decent headway but they still have yet to crack the conditioning on her subconscious. That’s gonna be the toughest nut to crack as I’ve been told. Let’s hope they finally manage to do it. With how much I’m worrying about her I’m gonna get gray hairs by the time I'm 40. The Alliance counter attack has begun let's hope we can keep up our momentum and pressure. Captain Brask, Out. [END OF LOG]
@billygrantham5380 Жыл бұрын
[Sometime before the liberation of Iridonia.] (Witton is sitting beside his X-wing in the Liberation's hanger bay, looking between a small data pad and the recently applied pinup art of a blonde woman sitting suggestively in a white tank top and her orange piolt's flightsuit pulled down to her waist. Kayla walking up behind him hearing his murmuring.) Witton: "Not bad, not bad at all. You'd probably punch me again if you saw this, but it'd be worth it. Although no art piece could ever capture your beauty..."
@Zaeikil Жыл бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 (Kayla leans against the wall admiring the art work a bit before clearing her throat and speaking up, her voice dripping with sarcasm.) Kayla: “And here I thought you didn’t trust me Bogre. Honestly you could’ve told me how you felt sooner. But are you sure that art is following with the regulations? Didn’t think pilots could be so personal with their fighters.”
@billygrantham5380 Жыл бұрын
@@Zaeikil (Caught off guard, Witton stands and turns around, surprised at the interruption. A picture of a blonde woman is briefly seen on the pad before he quickly pockets the device as he responds.) Witton: "Don't flatter yourself. While the Empire may not allow non regulation paint jobs and nose art, the Rebellion isn't quite as strict. Helps boost morale, if only by a little." (He relaxes and smirks.) "What, jealous it's not you?"
@Zaeikil Жыл бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 (Kayla almost doubles over from laughter and seems glad that Witton seems to actually be joining in on the banter for real this time.) Kayla: “HA! You wish. Besides have you seen a TIE fighter. Who am I kidding of course you have. It’s not just the regulations but the lack of a nose on those death traps. I’m sure that lady is lovely but honestly, I might punch you again for her, whoever she is. I assume you were going off a picture of some sort. Hence why you hid the data pad so fast. So either she’s not currently deployed here or she’s someone from your past. Now I know about burying your demons just as well as anyone, and if it’s a sore subject you don’t have to tell me. I know I’m not exactly the most deserving person to hear it.”
@sonofjack6286 Жыл бұрын
​@@Zaeikil (As Kayla starts laughing, Saul and Tanya appear from around the other side of the X-wing's nose. Both stare at the pinup before turning to look at the others.) Saul: I see Rylan didn't tell you about Witton's past? Well, it's not really my place to tell it. Tanya: Didn't you tell me abou- Saul: No, I totally didn't retell it to you while drunk off my ass on Corellia whiskey. (He looks back to Kayla) Like I said, it's Witton's place to tell it. Speaking of Witton, that's really good art of Sarra.
@peterhong7090 Жыл бұрын
Garrison costs are fine. The tier 1 garrisons are trash and can't even stand up to commando raids let alone any real assault. The tier 3 garrisons are semi-ok, but you have to factor in the cost of all the upgrades.
@arielwilson9293 Жыл бұрын
Empire garrisons are quite capable of stopping raids if used intelligently. Rebel garrisons aren't nearly as good, but the rebels don't usually have to worry about raids as much since they are the ones doing the raiding.
@Sp4rt4nSl4ya Жыл бұрын
Yea it depends on the raid, just a few squads of rebels are easy to deal with just the tier 1 empire outpost, but if they send all the hero units and a bunch of sniper teams and heavies tier 1 gets wrecked
@janniszimbalski6652 Жыл бұрын
The dreadnaughts you found over Rendil are always there on this battle map. And it's used for multiple planets, not just Rendil.
@antimarmite 3 ай бұрын
the AAC's best real life equivalent is the AMX-13 T75, so I'd call them "cavalry tanks" MLRS are artillery vehicles while the AAC is intended for strike and fade maneuvers and gets far closer to the enemy than any artillery ever wants to.
@antimarmite 3 ай бұрын
the rebel version of an MLRS would be the MPTL-2a
@enzoroberto4702 Жыл бұрын
In some planets that have AT-ATs defending the ground, try bringing some T-47 airspeeders. One squadron at least.
@error5202 Жыл бұрын
The air unit didn’t engage because it is avoiding the range of your AA, those things rock, especially if the empire built a tie garrison!
@cameroncashatt692 Жыл бұрын
one good stragy could be to knokc out the structures with bombing runs then retreat. Its a bit cheesy but it will save you some units on the ground
@Random_starwars_and_chess_nerd Жыл бұрын
What you were talking about was mlrs systems which stand for multiple rocket launch system and is a classification with vehicles like the himars which is from America
@mzlm1468 Жыл бұрын
I would say ignore the ground of Rendil but blockade it's orbit. Send a bothan to Kuat and then go punch it with the fleet. If not to take it's orbit, then take out as many ship production facilities (or space tech if present) as possible.
@meanchipguy2867 10 ай бұрын
Those charges you were talking about, in the FFG Star Wars games, I think they're called Proton Grenades or Proton Charges, something like that. I have a little Squib demolitions/support character who has a handful of them. Haven't had an opportunity to use them, but hopefully that will change.
@pontythython1901 Жыл бұрын
About the new war hammer series: You could do a few test videos in the series to build a precedent, for that type fo content. The algorithm and your audience will slowly switch over to the total war war hammer for a bit. This happens with your channel when you switch from war hammer to star wars already. Even though there is over lap in viewership it it is not all the same people. I feel like you have a core group that will watch anything and then you also get random people that stay for a few video while you cover content A but they’re not down for content B, which is totally fine, the variety is nice for those of us who watch almost everything you put out.
@shawnbellville6978 Жыл бұрын
I propose sending additional scouts to Kuat to see what research stations are in orbit. If they are weak, especially after losing the Arc, it may be time to strike at the heart of the ISD production line.
@Panzerless_SG Жыл бұрын
Luitenant's Log, This is Juliana Amris reporting from my ship The Unbreakable, Our Empire is falling apart all around us, the latest incoming reports are nothing but depressing and frustrating to read. First of the full scale attack on the Rendili Shipyards, The Rebels managed to suprise the station and delivered a crushing defeat, many ships had been in dock at the time of the assault. First contact was made when the the local defense station, EHDP-78A, suddenly found itself under attack by a Rebel fleet that had somehow gone unnoticed till then, a nearby picket ship, the Aclamator Overseer, an old Clone wars era cruiser, mostly used as picket ships or main ships on backwater planets these days. As per this description you can probably guess the poor ship stood no chance, it threw itself into the fight to give the crew of EHDP-78A time to escape, but was quickly overwhelmed by the vastly superior firepower of the Dauntless it engaged. The Overseers sacrifice gave the defense platform time to launch it's fighters and then evacuate it's remaining personal to the planet surface or neighbouring dockyard and also allowed for the deployment of all operational vessals, ships of all shapes, sizes and ages were manned by whoever was closest at that point, dreadnaughts with the absolute Minimal crew, Patrol ships and the ISD Adjudicator were managed to be launched to engage. Sadly there was no form of cohesion to be found in this battle, the ships mostly charged the enemy in an attempt to cause as much damage with what weapon they coulf muster, only the adjudicator stayed at a further range, using it superiority in this department to try and deal damage where possible, the cohesion was only maintained on this vessal because of the presence of the local Admiral commanding the ship. While the battle raged a transport convoy was safely evacuated allongside much personal from the yards. After these ships had escaped Admiral Yava deemed it the best he could have hoped for and retreated himself with whatevef forces remained. The admiral in charge of the defense was a personal friend of mine, I say was cause after he retreated his remaining forces he was recalled by the higher admirality and shot for cowardice, poor guy...he didn't deserve this, he did what he could with the forces he had. Then the depressing news, the Arc Hammer, a massive factory with engines, guns and armor stapped to it, was Destroyed above Manaan. It was caught between two debri fields and had no choice but to fight, launching every single fighter it had or was still producing at that time it engaged the Rebel flotilla. From what I heard it was a hard fought battle and Rebel forces took significant losses, but from what I caught from some...lets say friends, in the Rebellion, it was a totall Rebel Victory, no major losses apart from individual fighter squadrons. Apparently like everything we get handed as weapons these days, like those Tie Drones, are complete joked compared to what the CIS used to bring to the table in droid fighter design. Either way, I was glad I wasn't in any of these sectors at the times of the attacks, I mourn the loss of my fellow Imperials in thes pointless suicidal battles, however it has also made the only good news of the day possible, I have been promoted to Captain and am being reassigned closer to the current fronts. I will be taking command of the ISD Repressor for now, as a suitable commander for the vessal has to be found, after that they will probably assign me a smaller vessal as I am used to commanding, but we will see, perhaps I turn out to be the best they have for the ship. This was my report, Captain Juliana Amris, signing of. Glory to the Emporer! Glory to the Empire! (Wanted to give a different perspective, thought it would be a fyn idea)
@jazz5753 Жыл бұрын
The Russian rocket trucks are called Katyushas. And yes, they were used in WW2 and are still being used today. They have evolved slightly since then, though.
@silver76x Жыл бұрын
me saying that shack need stations to prevent back attacks. empire: i will go throw aridus to attack Mannans but with only one ship.
@jakob7116 Жыл бұрын
Right after the land battle of scipio at 30:32, the bellator disappears. It’s possible that another faction took it out but I think the empire cancelled it (if that’s possible for the AI). In some previous episode they were also building the executor but that disappeared as well.
@txems05 Жыл бұрын
It did. I've never seen the AI cancel something like that, but possible? It might not have caught up between pauses to remove it after Rendili?
@Sone418 Жыл бұрын
To people concerned about Zhar. Even if fhey attack they won't have any ground troops to attack since Zhar is a gas giant and they can't train troops above it
@CloudJL Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I’m confused as to why people are so concerned. Isn’t Zhar a scripted mission as well?
@Sone418 Жыл бұрын
@@CloudJL yeah, he has to use the hero to take the planet
@CloudJL Жыл бұрын
@@Sone418 Pfft.. I'm doing the same thing he's doing with my campaign lol.
@Shadowreaper8435 Жыл бұрын
you probably know this already but I don't see you use it so here goes: when you move a unit you can hold down right click and slightly move the mouse to make an arrow appear. letting go of right click while the arrow is visible means the unit moves to that spot and will orientate itself in that direction. you can also use this to only turn the unit when you use their current location as the starting point. that way you can simply turn the dauntless 90 degrees without having to move it (because you sometimes overshoot and then the dauntless eventually points it's engines at the enemy, happened at rendili) this works for both space and ground units, I find it more useful in space battles, but on the ground you'll see the circular outlines of all units you are going to move (basically it shows you the formation your units will arrive in, but it's kinda hard to read accurately)
@Josankillas Жыл бұрын
Still concerned about Zhar. Last episode they had an ISD there. Now there is an officer in orbit. I seriously think you should take care of that. Because all it takes is for them to keep building up and hit Naboo. With you not building space stations everywhere, you could lose alot of territory before you get any fleet down there to stop them. Seriously. Take care of Zhar before its too late.
@zainredding3476 Жыл бұрын
Katyusha Rocket trucks if I remeber correctly.
@bamsock Жыл бұрын
Shack, re: the garrisons needing to be more expensive, they do have weekly upkeep so factor that in too.
@matthewmohri9990 Жыл бұрын
"Take her out to dinner and never call her again..." Champ Kine"Dorthy Mantooth was a saint!" Wes Mantooth. LOL HA HA HA!!!! The name Rendili, kind of reminds you of a used car that you need to buy b/c you just got into a car accident..."Well we haven't got much but, we do have this Redndili model over here, she doesn't look like much but she'll get you from point A to B. Oh don't mind the rust, that give her character." Used car dealer.
@ethangenz5254 Жыл бұрын
Hey Shack, really enjoying your channel! It always just hits different when you play -- much joy, passion, I sense! If you end up doing a Black Sun campaign and playing the Hutts like you've talked about, might I humbly suggest an idea for your corresponding alias... "Schmuck the Hutt"?
@admiralcasperr Жыл бұрын
42:52 You can just left click an ability while it's activated to deactivate it. Not right click, that's the autocast control.
@LancerthewolfYT Жыл бұрын
The GR-75 transport use for logistic repairs for other larger vessels such as the liberators your ship
@parkerdixon-word6295 Жыл бұрын
I think the Hammerhead was a more fun rebel fleet addition because its use sells how rebels win battles: Not through slugging matches or stronger forces, but through unorthodox tactical nonsense, and Hammerheads will never not be that ship, to the point that it feels like the Starhawks, with their massive Tractor Beams, are the result of General Syndulla showing a bunch of engineers a holo from Scarif and saying "Make me a ship designed to do *this* ." Edit: "We saw rebels use trenches to great effect in Empire Strikes Back... it's not like they're not effective." What do you mean, they got their absolute teeth kicked in on Hoth. They *weren't* effective, the imperial walkers broke the defensive position with ease.
@drtc8849 Жыл бұрын
That battle against the Ark Hammer was well done like steak cooked well done. Anyway, I have an idea of how we can weaken the enemy forces over The Wheel: build countless fighters like X-wings, Y-wings and A-wings over nearby planets like Yavin-4 and amass nearby before attacking The Wheel fleet. It is mostly made up of capital ship and not too many anti-fighter ships. Don’t worry over losing too many fighters since they cost quite cheap for the best fighters in the whole galaxy. Once The Wheel fleet is weaken enough to be taken by the main fleet or obliterated, all the chat spamming over that Wheel will disappear in a blink of an eye. However, that window of opportunity will shut itself off soon if we don’t act now. Extra: This dedicated fighter corp I propose would be called the ‘Long Range Strategic Strike Group (LRSSG)’ from Ace Combat 7. Nothing but Fighters + Bombers + Interceptors. Furthermore, The Maw has to be taken from the Empire since the Empire can get back the Global Tech systems you’ve destroyed earlier with lower cost. If you take The Maw, you will also benefit from the discount of buying Global Tech for the Rebellion. This is what I would call ‘killing two birds with one stone’ move. Hope these new suggestions helps! ;)
@DStabilizer Жыл бұрын
Your cost analogy regarding the camps is apples to oranges. It's a bunch of tier 1 stuff you get for 2500 credits that the AI has no problem going through with higher tier troops. those Medics are tier 2. I'm playing the empire right now and a outpost doesn't do a lot to stop a later game army. Edit: You also don't get the full unit in the garrison. With the infantry you got one squad at a time as oppose to the 3 or 4 of the unit if you bought the unit.
@lightspeedvictory Жыл бұрын
Best go after Corellia now that the Bellator has been cancelled Arc Hammer showed up and got destroyed? Let the MC Hammer memes ensue! XD
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