Ayahuasca sends neuroscientist to DMT world | Dr. James Cooke [trip report]

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Dr. James Cooke - Inner Space Institute

Dr. James Cooke - Inner Space Institute

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@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Follow up to my previous ayahuasca experience video on the emotional catharsis/healing side of things kzbin.info/www/bejne/r4vOpoSci92drsU
@ChaotikmindSrc 4 жыл бұрын
It is also good to note , that with "weakers" drugs like mushrooms at relatively high dosage, some also really astonishing stuff can also happen, i was an big consumer before, (i probably took mushroom around 900/10000 times), since you're more grounded in reality with mushrooms, you can experiment on modifying reality in unexpected way, and even it is really hard to explain, people who don't take drugs sense that something very weird is happening in these moments.
@Yin-Yang-444 3 жыл бұрын
❤️Love, 🌞Light, ☮️Peace🌳 & 🌈Gratitude🦋.
@pacificnorthwest7175 2 жыл бұрын
I shut this off when you started your analogy with Climate Change destruction. Bad example. Real turn off. Human C02 induced climate destruction is a political meme. It has no basis in reality. You are clueless.
@dmtraptorjesus 4 жыл бұрын
That was the best description of a DMT trip i've ever heard. I will refer people to this video.
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
That's high praise coming from DMT Raptor Jesus!
@chandlermccoy1813 4 жыл бұрын
Wow what a name I love it 😂😂😂
@psilocyber4447 4 жыл бұрын
Every trip I'm on, without doubt, I feel that it is more real than normal life and everytime I come back, slowly my mind starts to put everything into a box again until the trip is disregarded as just hallucinating. My conclusion is the only true reality is "that" in which both experiences happen in. It's just the ultimate mystery that no mind will ever box in because the mind appears in that true reality aswell, so all that is left is the knowing that I don't know.
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Incredibly well said, I think you've just significantly moved forward my thinking on this, thank you.
@psilocyber4447 4 жыл бұрын
@@DrJamesCooke Very glad to hear that 😁👍
@OfficialHiraku 4 жыл бұрын
The only reality is the present moment. Any thoughts/memories of the past or future can’t explain pure experience.
@jaredfaye4169 4 жыл бұрын
Infinant love is the only truth ,everything else is illusion... if it vibrates, it's illusion... everything solid is not solid but can be morphed into anything that appears solid...
@dondankleberg4965 4 жыл бұрын
@@jaredfaye4169 and why is love that? And why is love not vibrating? Seems so foolish to me to just say awww love is now the reason i will move on in life its so truee, like, how do you know youre not brainwashed into that
@loverground 4 жыл бұрын
This is such an interesting outlook and so well explained! I always thought of the DMT/psychedelic experience as a gate to the natural world, a reminder of our roots and where we are really from. I never envisaged the possibility of that world being a futuristics machine that evolved to maximise our well being. The idea that we are living in a simulation whose aim is to remind us of our origins is just mind blowing and I never thought of it that way ! Thank you
@gebgemini869 4 жыл бұрын
Kevin Erlicher t
@tadeusgregorian6076 2 жыл бұрын
my experience was so close to what you described. Its comforting to hear that others have experienced this overwhelming, looping feeling of repeated awakening ...
@namebp 4 жыл бұрын
Finally, someone who didn't undertake the experience for granted. Thank you for sharing. Do you have any suggestions for someone who wants to sincerely participate in this? I live in Thailand and it's very difficult to find anything similar without it being compromised by the tourist industry.
@jimtroeltsch5998 4 жыл бұрын
This is so strange to hear...I had such a similar experience on salvia the first time I did it. I didn't think of it this way, but some similarities with your description was that I sort of crossed this threshold after being physically moved around. I sort of took off into this separate experience where I was on some sort of conveyor system, or infinite apparatus where entities were moving me about as if I was being manufactured. The entities weren't malevolent, but they did look insect like with many different metal/plastic appendages that were able to flip me, work me, and move me all around. It was disorienting to see what was going on but I remember glimpses of infinite mechanisms putting things together. The last images I had were things resembling incredibly complex houses being built. It was an amazing experience, but also quite frightening.
@obedientconsumer5056 4 жыл бұрын
I smoked NN DMT a month ago and had a breakthrough off one vape hit, we tried to measure out about 20mg and that's all I needed. I blasted off in like 10 seconds and it was extremely intense. I don't know if I did to much or what but my two friends that were with me had to pin me down on the ground to keep me from hurting myself because I was apparently trying to swim across the room flopping around like a was falling down a rabbit hole. When I came back I had rug burn on my face, a fat lip and every muscle in my body was sore. It scared my friends, but it was the most amazing experience I've ever had. I met the entities, they told me things, they "worked" on me for lack of a better word. Parts of the trip were so intense all I could do was scream oh my god! I have been doing research trying to find someone with a similar experience that might be able to shed some light on why my trip was so extreme.
@FIRESNAKE1072 4 жыл бұрын
Damn I did 80mg my first time vaporized into one hit and I thought I died but never moved at all during my dmt trip,well not until the end I stood up saying "it's so simple"
@obedientconsumer5056 4 жыл бұрын
oh okay wow. I don't know what it could be, I haven't found any other person that has had that happen and I've listen to like every trip report on here. Smoking less for sure next time..
@Kromanjonac-fq2no 4 жыл бұрын
@@obedientconsumer5056 everyone is different so you just reacted that way. Nothing wrong with that.
@Jukau 4 жыл бұрын
One of the best Reports. The fact that you can Draw your experience wants to make me crowd Fund a whole movie in which your experiences are shared in 3d
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks very much! Salvia Droid who provided the art is working on some very cool 3D VR psychedelic art that you might enjoy. There should be some clips on Instagram.
@AndyBetterBugs 4 жыл бұрын
We definitely need more open minded people. They don't need to be like-minded, because we humans strive from having opposing views. But only if we have open minded people who will look at someone else's views as equal to their own views and anyone else's, that's when we can have discussions that will expand our consciousnesses.
@TrTriTrippin 4 жыл бұрын
you nailed this explanation
@patswayze7359 4 жыл бұрын
Incredible,I have had/thought similar experiences...just wow,thank you
@QuaaludeCharlie 4 жыл бұрын
Happy , happy , Joy joy ... :) QC
@Malandirix 4 жыл бұрын
Personally, and this is coming from somone with very few psychadelic experiences none of which from DMT, I think DMT triggers that feeling of true reality. That circuit exists somewhere because we experience it when we wake up. And we know that our brain can construct realities, that's a lot of its job. I think until we can truly undersand how DMT elicits its effects, the more reasonable possibility is that DMT isn't allowing us a window into more of reality but rather is doing a brilliant job of giving you that feeling of reality. Which should very likely be able to tell us so much about the human mind. The prevalence of entities is very interesting to me. I really think it must relate to a function of the brain which is to understand other people and build models of them for when they aren't present. Schizophrenia is a great indicator of the brains ability for this. Most excitingly for me this is further credence for the bicameralism theory which I made a post about on the James Cooke subreddit. I really must go to one of these retreats...
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Your thinking is very much in line with how I think about these experiences, thanks for stating your thoughts so clearly as always.
@Mar-G_ 4 жыл бұрын
>DMT [...] is doing a brilliant job of giving you that feeling of reality. Which should very likely be able to tell us so much about the human mind. (to preface: I'm a native German speaker so bare with my style of English :D Don't hesitate and ask away should anything be unclear, though!) Just recently I had been confronted by a couple of new thoughts. A comment string discussing the similarities of all the experiences of the deepest trips on either DMT(and/or Aya)/psilocybin and how they have this great potential of healing deep mental blockages provoked me towards my newly found thought which seems to support the quoted claim above! So I'm interested whether this resonates with somebody else, in this context! The topic at hand revolved around the healing power of the deepest most uncontrollable trips on the mentioned substances and how the healing is so individual for everybody specifically but still so similar in depth and effectiveness and strikingly similar in the way of subjectively perceiving the healing. One commenter described how he felt when he transcended past the ineffable as if "mechanics" prepared around him and got to work. Only that they didn't work on a car but, to the best of the commenters choice of words: a soul. The healing effect that trip had on him left him with the impression they had, perceived as almost physically, repaired something deep in him that was now fixed. My mind wandered off the fact that these healings of the soul happened under the influence of these psychedelics but thought about that a lot of the "unlimited bliss", nostalgia and just contentment or: pur joy is found in complete sober states of minds, albeit very rarely, of course. But when I pondered about what such a moment might look like (trying to remember in which life situations I myself experienced such bliss) I got rushed by the thought "everytime you experienced such a moment, one could describe it most accurately in general as: you were in love with it all!" So if moments of true experienced/lived love are, by mere "attribute" of the experience, healing to the soul, isn't that proving that the immense love experienced on "breakthrough" trips might be what's healing the soul? It also assumes that, for the soul it doesn't matter if the love is "chemically" induced or "natural". In both cases the experienced bliss heals. My take atm on this is: The experience of all encompassing love provides the nutured ground on which an individual can reach the greatest understanding in regards to their own personal suffering. Psychedelics prove that this fundamental mind state of love doesn't have to be reached naturally. This of course doesn't mean that there is no mental work needed in sober states, the healing love of psychs is to be earned, as well. I could go on and on and feel like I'm rambling, it's all just so new that's why I'm so all over the place, forgive that! Hope somebody somehow connected and is compelled to share their view, would rock my world as I got excited all over again, writing this the past mins! Greetings from Hamburg!
@johnbuckner9693 4 жыл бұрын
the brain can NOT produce what is experienced here. no way. no how. not then. not now. Dr. S
@Humanaut. 2 жыл бұрын
Be careful of rationalizing something that even the people who are intimately familiar with can not fully comprehend. The mind that (even preemptively) rationalizes this and tries to fit it into an (your) existing framework is not wise. This is (100%) outside of your currently existing system of all possible references. You can read books about a lemon and after you read them all write a PhD dissertation on lemons. But if you never actually tasted a lemon itself it's pretty worthless, so good luck on finding and tasting the lemon. Think and ponder a lot, but don't come to premature conclusions. Just know that you don't know and enjoy your journey of discovery with an open mind and an open heart.
@hoagied3783 2 жыл бұрын
I’m open to the idea that this is all just produced by the brain. What throws me for a loop is that it’s endogenous. If increasing the amount produces this experience, what is it doing in the first place? To me, that does suggest that reality is a hallucination and mediated in some way by DMT. The other question would be related to Near Death Experiences. If the feeling of reaching a more clear reality exists for an evolutionary reason related to dreams, why is there evidence suggesting that the brain produces this experience when we die?
@AdeptusPsychonautica 4 жыл бұрын
Great video James, and if you feel like doing another collaboration to talk about your experiences then let me know. I really liked the artwork you used, us it your own work?
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Definitely! The thumbnail is Jessie Jacobs and the images in the video are by Salvia Droid. The drawing is mine :)
@AdeptusPsychonautica 4 жыл бұрын
Ah, you are one of those people who’s journals I am always envious of. Mine are usually full of chaos scribbles and inane rantings about how high I am 🙃
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
@@AdeptusPsychonautica haha, I'd love to see a video of you reading your journals
@AshleyRajam 4 жыл бұрын
Imagine if the DMT experience is actually a poison that "almost" kills our conscious brain and we therefore experience the peace and transcendence of what death would actually feel like until your conscience is completely gone when your brain decomposes...
@divinemomentsoftruth5877 4 жыл бұрын
Can't you set up a Strassman type scenario here in the UK? I'd be a willing volunteer
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Chris Timmerman is doing those kinds of experiments at Imperial, it should be possible to sign up as volunteer.
@divinemomentsoftruth5877 4 жыл бұрын
Many thanks will let you know how it goes
@hoagied3783 2 жыл бұрын
My question is this: if the experience really is a simulation, why would there be a way to get back to base reality through the trip. Surely that means eventually we will have a scientific understanding of DMT and consciousness. How effective will the simulation be if the people in it study DMT and learn they’re not in reality?
@thenewaeon 4 жыл бұрын
I love the idea of the scientist being more of an explorer and open to the concept of "maybe" and not so much a grand inquisitor defending the paradigm of the status quo.
@Sjahko_ 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I am drifting away from science as it feels like this reductionist-centered paradigm which I am disagreeing a lot with. I don't disregard science, but I disregard the idea everything can be explained with this current view. And what can't be explained, does not exist.
@Sjahko_ 4 жыл бұрын
@Scott Adam You know you can just ask people when you'd like to be part of the conversation?
@Sjahko_ 4 жыл бұрын
@Scott Adam Maybe desperate to understand where the earlier jokes were coming from, I guess. But I would like to know in what way you see desperation in me?
@johnbuckner9693 4 жыл бұрын
me too. ;)
@dantron7073 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Listening to all these reductionist scientists regurgitate the same information makes me wanna puke... probably because I used to be one of them..
@matthewsands1572 4 жыл бұрын
Ok, I am not even half way through yet (paused it at 9.30) and I just have to say that this is one of the best descriptions I have ever heard of the DMT experience. It was such a good description of exactly what it feels like that it even gave me a temporary euphoria as I remembered my own experience. My own memories of this place became momentarily more vivid. My depression has literally lifted watching your video as it took me back to my own experience (nearly a year ago) and remembering that experience and feeling is quite uplifting. It faded as I became reabsorbed into this life but it has helped me long term too, just to a lesser degree. This video has brought me back to a more positive state. I play around with many theories about what this experience truly is. It could of course just be a fabrication of the brain that involves some conversation with your own subconscious as you dissolve into your own psyche or regress through your own DNA. But it could also be (which certainly fits the data) a way to reconnect with a universal consciousness as we dissolve back into this place of pure energy. It could be metaphysical or a trip to a higher dimension or none of the above. The truth may even be closer to a mixture of these theories, while not being precisely any of them. The idea that we are all just different incarnations of the same consciousness that exists in another dimension (or realm) and is made of something that can probably be best described as pure love has been something I have thought about a lot since my DMT experience. For people who would call such a universal consciousness God, I guess it is like saying that God is all of us, we all God. The beings we encounter could be Angels, Gods, Aliens or our future selves, or just another part of our own psyche that we can talk to directly under DMT. All of these possibilities fit the experience and anyone of them could be the truth but I have to say that your idea of us being eternal beings experiencing a simulation and then waking up inside this super computer when we do DMT (remembering our true self briefly before we forget it all over again as we return to this "reality") is something that fit the experience so well that your description even took me back to that experience. Whatever the experience truly is it does seem more real than this place in many ways, it does seem familiar and it is almost impossible to properly remember as our brain seems unable or unwilling to retain most the experience. It also feels like we leave our bodies and only in that state can we understand the information we receive under DMT, as if our human brains are not capable of properly understanding the secrets of the universe, but when we are in the DMT place we can understand it because we are not human but instead some higher being made up of energy or consciousness. I remember being told what felt like some great secret of the universe and finding it incredibly funny. I don't really remember what the secrets were but my take home message that I do remember being told was that it doesn't matter (referring to all the pain and suffering) because I love (referring to my love for others and more specifically my son) and I am love (which seemed to be telling me that my true self is this pure energy that is best described as love). I've been thinking about sharing my own experience with some videos (like you have done) though my tendency towards introversion pulls me back from that, though your video did make me reconsider my reluctance to share with people. In any case, I really enjoyed your description and will check out your other videos.
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the comment, it has made me very happy to hear that the video has a positive effect. I also agree with everything you've said, I especially like the idea that it might be a mix of all of the possibilities which isn't something you hear proposed very often.
@matthewsands1572 4 жыл бұрын
​@@DrJamesCooke Yeah, that idea came to me as I thought about a lot of the different theories and realized that there is some potential crossover and ways in which they could be simultaneously true to a certain extent and represent some part of the real truth in some imperfect way. It feels very much like we are trying to understand something beyond our comprehension and as such what little truth we can understand and articulate is so imperfectly translated into descriptions that seem different but are actually attempting to describe the same thing. For example, the description you gave of eternal beings living in the super computer of some space ship, where we exist on this high frequency of love and pleasure and joy, could be described as heaven. The fellow beings being the angels or divine souls and the computer is God. The simulation that is created for us to experience sounds similar to the idea of God creating the world for us to experience. Even my thoughts about us merging into a universal consciousness is a theory that can continue to coexist as another imperfect attempt to describe the same thing that you are describing and the same thing that many religions have tried to describe and understand. One thing is for certain, Terrence McKenna was right when he said it is the most amazing thing in the universe.
@LKRaider 4 жыл бұрын
"In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was God." The Word coming from the greek Logos, which has a tremendous parity with the DMT experience. We now call it a simulation machine or computer, but our ancestors also understood that the instructions source are one and the same as the creator, so the simulation hypothesis seems to be but a reframing of that understanding in a modern speech modality.
@papapiers1588 4 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed your story. Thanks
@Peace.Beyond.All.Understanding 3 жыл бұрын
Incredible comment, if you haven’t already, please consider sharing your insights via KZbin or some other platform
@ShinzuMusic 4 жыл бұрын
I had a breakthrough on Mushrooms + LSD listening to Alpha Portal on KZbin with their crazy DMT visuals videos. I had already smoke DMT 3 times before this trip and I had DMT with me at the time of this trip. I kind of felt like they were contacting me through the mushrooms and they wanted me to come to their world but it was already so intense that I couldn't do it at this time. I can't wait to go back though. I was looking into everything around me and it all had some codes and mathematical explanation to it. It elevated my spirit even more. Crazy experiences. This other realm definitely exists.
@daycounts8963 2 жыл бұрын
The mushrooms put you at the doorstep basically
@SpyWhoLovedHimself 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your video. I have used crystal DMT and the experience is very much filled with entities BUTTTT here is what is really important: Using DMT while on LSD completely alters the experience. It still takes the lid off of reality but it is VERY similar to Eastern philosophy because it connects you and reunites you with the oneness of existence itself. It is so salient and real. The "it" you reunite with is EVERYTHING. Space, time, you, me, absolutely everything that exists is this one giant plane of singular existence. And everything that exists in the universe such as you or I are just expressions of "it". Like leaves on a giant tree. Except leaves can never fall off of this tree only be reabsorbed. In fact we know this physically because matter cannot be destroyed only transformed. Nothing that exists can ever not exist because non-existence doesn't exist. We are all one and the same. Our egos reside in the leaf so we forget we're all really the tree. On these trips during the peak of 5 tabs of LSD (about 450ish ug EC tested) you shatter THROUGH the realms you are discussing into the highest most ultimate reality. Your ego is the very first thing to shatter. But it keeps happening until you're at the very pinnacle of existence and ARE existence itself again. You return to "it". When I spoke to "deities" on this trip they felt less powerful than me in that moment because I was existence itself, and deities and entities etc. are all simply aspects of spacetime. But I became ALL ENCOMPASSING spacetime. I was everything there ever was and ever will be. The tree is constantly resorbing leaves and sprouting new leaves. That is what I got.
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing, that was a very enjoyable read!
@mkor7 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing your experience.
@VEE3RDEYE 4 жыл бұрын
Mother Ayahuasca operating on us humans keeping us in top shape
@brentonbrenton9964 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Dr. Cooke, I'd like to try to synthesize your experience into the understanding of the mystical traditions of the various world religions. All of them talk about 'God' as being One, unified, the source of reality, creator, etc. So here is the trick - God is 'Consciousness', and 'consciousness' is fractal. What that means is when you dream, consciousness is doing exactly what it always does. It creates a world and then takes a perspective in that world. When you die in your dream or wake up, that dream world dissolves and you come back to consensus reality. However, consensus reality is just the dream of God (the 'top level' consciousness) and you, me, and every other being in this consensus reality are the different perspectives taken by God in this dream world. When you die in this reality, you wake up to the 'space ship' reality of other creatures... but that isn't the top level. That is another dream level that can be woken out of. You can know this because there is still 'duality', the separation of 'you' from 'alien'. This is the layer of visions though, and information can be transferred from there to consensus reality. For example, you might get the message to reinvent your life on a path that is more holistic or in service to a higher purpose. The top level is 'the light' or 'the void' depending on your experience of it. At that level, all that exists is eternal possibility - no time, no feeling, no thought - just eternal bliss. However, that top level is also eternally lonely because there is nothing else in existence. And so it dreams... dreams into duality, separating things in concepts... all the way down to consensus reality. The current dream looks like it is 13b years old. All of reality has this grounding in the exact same consciousness - but reality is designed so that there is the illusion of 'self' and 'other'. You can't really take anything back from this world because concepts are so broken down. You can BE the un-manifest, but you can't learn much from it. Because of the nature of reality and this design, God gets the best of both worlds. God is eternal, infinite, and lonely - AND God is finite, constrained, separated, with infinite 'other' all around. Consciousness sustains this illusion of a dream such that everything works perfectly. Every 'atom' behaves perfectly with the rules of the dream - but there is nothing there but consciousness perceiving itself as atoms. Figures like Jesus, Buddha, and YOU are kind of like lucid dreamers in this reality - aware of themselves as being both the dreamer and in the dream. This is why they say things like "I and the Father are One" - because they recognize they share in the ground of being with God... but also that EVERYTHING shares the ground of being with God... just like every entity in your dreams share the ground of being with your sleeping consciousness. I agree with you on the experience itself. There is the 'how could I forget', and also the knowledge that I WILL forget again - and that is OK. There is also the 'preference' for consensus reality (to alleviate the loneliness I think). I find that piece of it incredibly unnerving. I had a thought that our existence is like consciousness trapped in a Klein bottle. From the inside, the outside looks entirely separate, but if you meditate deep enough or take psychedelics etc. then your consciousness finds that path outside the bottle and you can see that 'inside' and 'outside' are just illusions... it is just one surface folded in a way that hides reality from itself.
@JeffCaplan313 4 жыл бұрын
Great description, Bob! 👌😁
@johnny-mnemonic13 4 жыл бұрын
Wow what a beautiful take on reality. You should make a video on this and go more in depth. And also share some DMT stories.
@Peace.Beyond.All.Understanding 3 жыл бұрын
Holy shit, thank you. Reading your comment made me feel so much lighter. Please make a video about this
@skuskuu 3 жыл бұрын
Nice thoughts. And well put into words
@holeeshietpyro4072 4 жыл бұрын
Its home, a sort of base reality where the entities arehappy to see you, but want you to come back to this reality and enjoy everything there is to offer on this "earth reality". Its like theyre happy to see you and show you things, but dont want you to stay. We have 5 senses, the point of this existance is to have fun, love each other, and enjoy what we can feel with our physical senses. In essence i think this is a well built playground for us, thats what was presented to me out of my 30+ trips.
@po1ntu 4 жыл бұрын
Holy words bro, agree
@SFDarkAngel 4 жыл бұрын
A playground where you can suffer terribly? It seems to be even more complicated...
@derekl2147 4 жыл бұрын
@@SFDarkAngel We need the duality in experience, or its no fun! Good and bad are really 2 sides of the same coin, it's our choice to determine. Creating meaning is our freedom
@vademoth7502 4 жыл бұрын
We have more than 5 senses
@GamingBlake2002 4 жыл бұрын
"A well built playground for us" I mean, yeah, I guess. That is, if you ignore the abundant amount of disease, famine, parasites, predatory animals, and natural disasters which have brutally and callously killed an inconceivable amount of life throughout this planet's history. I think this notion that this reality is built for us is rendered silly by this simple analogy: a sentient puddle could consider the hole it resides in and think, "Wow, this hole was built just for me!" Is this actually the case? No. It simply developed in a meaningless pit; no magic to be found here.
@secretplans 4 жыл бұрын
Really interesting!!! I love that you're being simultaneously open-minded about different explanations for the ayahuasca/DMT experience while also taking a scientific approach. Also loved the use of the descriptive artwork :)
@mintakan003 4 жыл бұрын
That is also what I felt about the channel. No need to apologize about the earlier pushing of the materialist thesis as possibly being "wrong". A journal of one's evolving thinking is also useful. Just raising the issues, asking the questions, is valuable enough. Because many of us, with one foot in spirituality, another in science, would be asking the very same questions.
@lisabuschmann8694 4 жыл бұрын
Some hypotheses: Everything that we perceive is energy, in essence. Our brain is the physical manifestation and vehicle of the mind. Our perception is limited by our brain and 5 senses, as extended by instruments (equipment, machines, tools) The mainstream belief is that the physical world is the only real world because objects in it can be named and verified by consensus of other people, and/or by scientific proof. Also, our visual perception of objects in the physical world is verified because they are relatively stable and consistent with our tactile, auditory and/or olfactory perceptions. (e.g. we see fire and feel its heat). Additionally, repeated association of a name with a form (perception of an object with the senses) confirms that it is worthy of our mind’s attention. Hallucinations are the mind’s perception of energies which do not correspond to or are only somewhat related to objects perceived in the physical world, and arise when areas of the brain which are normally dormant (inhibited) are stimulated (e.g. by a hallucinogen) allowing the mind to perceive these energies. The mind while inhabiting a brain and human body is not habituated to perceiving and recognizing (identifying, naming) these energies. It is habituated to being able to see most objects that it perceives. So, when the brain is stimulated (by hallucinogen) to feel energies which are beyond the 5 senses, it creates a visual analog of the energy it perceives. For example, when it perceives being observed by an energy, it creates a hallucination of eyes; when it perceives being touched or reached out to by an energy, it creates a hallucination of hands; when it perceives an inviting, intelligent energy, it creates a hallucination of a smiling entity; when it perceives being drawn into an energy, it perceives a tunnel. To the extent that the energies are changing, interacting, sending and receiving, the hallucination changes in appearance, colors and activity. The images are unstable and shifting because the brain is hyperstimulated in an area that was dormant, and energies are constantly changing. The feeling of oneness of self and other (e.g., Earth, nature, plants, other beings) arises from the recognition, arising from meditation or a hallucinogen stimulating a past-life memory, that the pure, substrate energy (divinity) which is the basis of the self is also the basis of all others. The distinction that we usually feel between self and other arises from our ignorance of this pure substrate energy, our identity with our body, and our attachments and aversions in the physical world. The feeling of familiarity and joy when the brain is hallucinating from DMT is due to experiences of astral travel during sleep, and/or after death in other dimensions, in which the mind is free of the brain’s limitations and can perceive energies beyond the 5 senses, but cannot remember them while in the waking physical state. Objects that can be perceived only through vision and that are colorful (visually stimulating), such as aurora borealis, rainbows, sunsets, fireworks and laser light shows, are especially fascinating and pleasing to the human mind. Perhaps they remind us of these other joyful dimensions.
@izabelavenzi7892 4 жыл бұрын
this text just changed my life
@johnny-mnemonic13 4 жыл бұрын
@@izabelavenzi7892 I know right, this video seemed to have brought out the most beautiful insights from trippers. I don't do psychedelics so these well thought out narratives are enjoyful.
@aidakensuke 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like the brain is the translator that brings our consciousness into the physical body, and holds it there for as long as the body is alive. Once this "prison" is left, the perception itself is expanding again. While we're talking about something impossible to prove (yet?), it gives the word "faith" another meaning for me. Its like this path is not to be completed on a solid, connected street. It is disconnected. And continuing the search on this branch of the road requires a leap of faith.
@austinrichardson8542 4 жыл бұрын
aidakensuke You should look into Søren Kierkegaard. He’s a 17th century Danish philosopher. He is often associated with this idea of a leap of faith that (as far as I can tell) is sort of like his solution to the existential dilemma. He has had a profound effect on me and reintroduce faith into my life in a way that I couldn’t really understand before. Philosophy can only take us so far. Sometimes you just might need to close your eyes and leap into faith.
@Tdtsnowflake 4 жыл бұрын
The thing is for me wether it's a trick or not...somehow our creator rigged our brains with the potential to experience it and what's even more intriguing is the ability to heal through these plant medicines.its just incredible. Dr.James thank you so much for the amazing upload.new sub here!
@metaversetv 4 жыл бұрын
I smoked DMT once. This video gives me chills. I actually saw my light body in the DMT hall way. Like it was plugged in to the Universe. My legs went off into infinity.
@Hgbfilms 4 жыл бұрын
that moment when you accidentally find the w e l l b e i n g m a c h i n e
@naturesrhythm8506 4 жыл бұрын
I'm wondering whether you've made any content on the neuroscience of lucid dreaming?
@donbarile8916 4 жыл бұрын
Having come of age in the 60's, this about that. It seems that the interpretation of the experience, the meaning attached, and the takeaway, is entirely different for each individual that describes his/her experience, all related to their current life experience. Filtered. I doubt that an ancient, would describe the experience anywhere near what a modern man would describe, due to the lack of vocabulary. "Plasticy" would not have been a thing for the ancient, so how would he have thought about such a thing? In my most peak experience, for example, all visual phenomena just stopped, and I was confronted with the idea and experience that when people spoke to me, about anything, I could see and fully understand their real intent... what they were really saying and why. So even if it were a discussion about something trivial, I saw the deepest meaning of who they were and what their motivation was in communicating. In short, much like the deepest form of mind reading I could imagine. It was as if I had truly mind-melded with them. ( that term would not be part of the lexicon for decades to come ) The aftermath of this experience lasted for weeks, and I'm not at all certain it ever really ended. I learned over time, to tune it out so it was not a continuously ecstatic experience. I'm not sure I ever heard a similar report in those exact words, hence, it seemed that the experience was somewhat unique from my perspective. That is, until I met people who were thought to be psychic, which lead me on a new search. Years later, I would meet people involved in remote viewing and discovered the ability in myself. Beyond that, remote influence. I would so love to have experienced what McKenna described, but no matter how hard I try to recall in my own experience the things that he spoke about, I cannot say that I had those kinds of visions. I do not doubt for a moment that he did. I really should give him a call.
@leogallagher5235 4 жыл бұрын
Fantastic work in moving our thinking forward in a way that is grounded, but open to the awe and beauty of this phenomenon. Im currently pursuing Neuroscience as well, and can really relate to this tension between skepticism and that undeniable perception of raw truth. I suspect that the DMT phenomenon, along with quantum physics, heralds an oncoming massive paradigm shift in our understanding of reality. It seems like the DMT experience is a convenient method to ‘WOW’ the most careful thinkers out of their paradigms... almost weirdly convenient. It offers a direct perception of something transcendent. The tools are in our hands, and now there’s no telling how we will be transformed as a result of our exposure to this mystery. Much love! Keep thinking and talking, it’s important work!
@trentkuhn 4 жыл бұрын
Had a similar experience with mushrooms. The uncanny feeling of remembering that this is a simulation and that all of this is me. Laughing to myself at how obvious it was.
@theotormon 4 жыл бұрын
What about other people? What about the grass and the trees?
@horaciohernandez598 4 жыл бұрын
@trentkuhn 4 жыл бұрын
@@theotormon at that particular moment I thought everything else was created by my brain which is true in a sense. but now I don't believe it was all created by little me (my human self), but big me (god). You are me too, so is the guy who made the video. The trees are also me. There is no outside and inside it is the totality experiencing itself through separation.
@memesensei3330 4 жыл бұрын
@@trentkuhn hey, you're me too! always happy to hear when another human part of me figures this out. for anyone else wondering, this is enlightenment, this simple realization that you're the whole thing.
@trentkuhn 4 жыл бұрын
@@memesensei3330 I'd consider it 'awakening' but its only the first step as enlightenment can take a life time(s)
@TheeSirGeorge 4 жыл бұрын
James, thanks so much for your explanation. To me you genuinely surpassed ol' mighty McKenna in explaining the DMT world to a lay person. It really means a lot to me to be able to share this with people I know. Thank you a lot for the effort and clarity and balls of your being. Cheers from a fellow simulator player from the Netherlands. Sjorsdoedens dot com for more me.
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, what a compliment! I'll be bragging about that for a while ;) Thanks for watching and taking the time to engage.
@fracros95 4 жыл бұрын
18:36 Thats a pretty freaking good drawing!
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks very much!
@ManicMercurianAstrology 4 жыл бұрын
This will sound totally weird but you seem like such a nice guy. ("Nice" is such a dull word for what I'm aiming to describe...) but at any rate when you chuckle over something and theres a smile in your eyes it makes me want to hug you. And I'm really not a touchy feely person at all especially with strangers and especially over the internet... lol. Maybe just seeing you describing your traumas in your other ayahuasca video has got some oxytocin flowing in my brain. 🤣 at any rate thanks for the video. Shit's genius. Paradigm shift.
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Not weird at all and very much appreciated!
@stadtjer689 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome. I have never used it myself, but these amazing experiences bring out some sort of longing. About half a year ago I have had some spiritual experiences with hashish. Not so much visual and feeling like being in another world, but certainly feeling energy rushes as if I was being 'taught' certain 'knowledge' through some other language in the form of energy being sent to certain part of my body. At the time that made me feel like there is more. Sadly I let go of that idea and never had those experiences again. I now think it was just me, using my imagination and knowledge to give meaning to certain sensations. It may have been more than that, but our senses are sadly the only reference we have, hence it is really easy to shove it on hallucinations or whatever. We are certainly limited by our senses in that way. I am 24 and have been depressed for 6/7 years now, trying therapy and medication without any real result; I always end up being in a low mood and not achieving the things I clearly want to do. It's as if some sort of required energy is missing and as if I'm constantly longing for it while being blocked of doing the things I want to do. Of course this is what a depression is, but I feel as if the traditional school of psychology isn't going to help me as I am still in the same state after so many years, and as if the feeling of this 'energy lacking' goes further than what we think of when we think of depression. As if it's not just body and brain, but as if depression can be related to something spiritual. Hence my interest in things like DMT. I have a feeling it could help me, but I am also afraid of making things worse, but after spending so many years in the psychiatric carousel while trying therapy and medication, you start to think outside of the box and turn to more alternative ways of 'healing'. Or well, I for one honestly don't think any kind of psychological help is going to help me since that has had no success over the last years.
@frayDay4830 4 жыл бұрын
Stadtjer Try doing ayahuasca at a reputable place with knowledgeable facilitators. Once you’ve done it keep up with the work it takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is known to be very successful at treating depression. Just do your homework and be aware that the healing process can be difficult but worth it.
@jimboj5013 4 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with Fredy.. Wishing you all the best on your healing journey 🙏🏼
@johnbuckner9693 4 жыл бұрын
rx: micro dose paul samett stack.
@kineto7 4 жыл бұрын
I would say go for it. Just choose the environment carefully, u dont want your first special experience to be sidetracked by factors in not your favour.. EG where u would get more relaxation? Sitting near busy street or by sitting in a park/nature without people around?
@damronmacleod5838 4 жыл бұрын
I really appreciated the way you articulated this, and that you tried to do it from different perspectives. nearly lost me in the analogy, but it was so worth sticking with it, and FWIW, you did bring it together. thank you
@Blackout32390 4 жыл бұрын
This is so fascinating! I experienced EXACTLY what you described up until the point of breaking through, and I keep going back and it feels all so familiar and comforting while I'm going through it. First, I enter this world that looks like the matrix except the lines of digits were red with white and gold background. The entity just behind my right shoulder inspects me and answers my questions I had about if I was doing it right; "yeah that's fine, it doesn't matter" is what she kept saying, a feminine voice so sweet and familiar. Then, we get to a tunnel that goes up, I go towards to end up on some sort of operating table. Here, in this white room, entities frantically inspect and work on my body preparing it for the next step. Then an old man with a beard in a robe appears signalling it's time. At this point the geometry splits and opens vertically where I align myself and start to enter. Light comes out of a point pulling me in as I lose the remaining awareness of my body, but at this point (5 min) I'm unable to breakthrough and I start to come back. They all watch me fall back with a feeling that they'll be there for when I'm ready to try again. I feel like this reality is a simulation we all chose to enter but we forget why that is. I think when we die we wake up in this other world where eventually we decide to come back for whatever reason. What's fascinating is we both are experiencing the same things and I discovered this video today and had this experience for the first time almost 2 weeks ago and again last week. Two completely different people seeing the same things with no other explanation. I thought it was some fantasy world my brain was creating because I want to escape reality, but this makes me believe it's a real place!
@tylermacdonald8924 4 жыл бұрын
As a studying student and neuroscientist to be the psychedelic serotenergic substances are insanely interesting. Very curious about how we may heal people with them
@Fractal_Entity 4 жыл бұрын
Tyler MacDonald I’m in the same boat with you as a studying neuroscientist. We gotta get this stuff out there in the research field ASAP
@FLF355 4 жыл бұрын
This description completely blew my mind. You were able to really get me into the headspace of the experience. I've never done DMT or anything close to it, but I could really empathise with the emotions and sensual overload of it from the way you set up the description of the space-ship metaphor. Incredible stuff!
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Glad it was successful! I took a risk of losing people with the long build up ;)
@collier6794 4 жыл бұрын
*Joe Rogan has entered the chat*
@neo9918 4 жыл бұрын
This was incredibly insightful. Hearing different perspectives on the DMT experience is so fascinating, especially yours in that you're a neuroscientist and so you have the textbook knowledge you have to keep organized mentally while being confronted with something that can't be explained and is more perplexing than life or death.
@alex2005sandro 4 жыл бұрын
159/5000 164/5000 I felt the same way. Holy shit I was always "here", in fact I never left "here". I got the feeling that life is a kind of game, like hide and seek.
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Very well put, that's absolutely how it felt to me.
@EuphoricDan 4 жыл бұрын
The problems with assuming the dmt realm are real are as follows: Blind people don't see visuals (NOT a disqualifier but it lowers the probability in my model) Our brains *can* produce 90% of the DMT experience sin DMT (see: dreams). We all *REALLY* want it to be real. (confirmation bias is a motherfucker). If you can control for those/solve those then get at me. Every time I smoke I come back feeling like it was real, might even tell people its real for a day or 2; but deep down I don't think it was (I am human..) Luckily rationality allows me to overcome my basal evolutionary neurological vestiges - so what I "feel" or "think" can be overcome with logic. I *DO* think that there is something important going on and I have some ideas, but those ideas don't involve out-of-body experiences or "this is the matrix yo". Smoke away, drink away. Just keep in mind your best tool to analyze these events is reason, not how you feel. peace and love muh nigga
@Broccolini_yogini 3 жыл бұрын
hi I've been watching your videos for ages now, I have an anxiety disorder with frequent derealization and I came to understand Vedic philosophy (and everything trippy) through being in that state, rather then psychedelics. Your experience reminded me of Alan Watts saying that imagine God is dreaming of life - and he dreams all the good dreams and out of curiosity begins to explore the difficult dreams to learn from the experiences (learning is pleasure). I'm interested in psychedelics because the trip reports help me rationalise what happens when I'm in an anxious derealized state, I don't see any otherworldy beings but my sense of which state of reality feels more true totally changes. Tamasi ma jyotir gama "Don't remain in the darkness. Come out to the light." -Brihad-aranyaka Upanisad 1.3.28
@raresmircea 4 жыл бұрын
Based on your way of putting it into perspective i think you’re gonna love these passages: *"Passages from David Pearce's answer to the question how will the year 3000 look like"* > medium.com/@rares_mircea_82/passages-from-david-pearces-answer-to-the-question-how-will-the-year-3000-look-like-c6dc0293b9cd
@threestars2164 10 ай бұрын
@ThermaL-ty7bw 4 жыл бұрын
it can send the pope to hell for all i care , IT STILL ISN'T REAL just another form of a religion , making up stuff without any validation well done humanity , well done ... like you've ''achieved'' something now ... shortcuts in life are rarely that , a short cut a person can set his mind to anything he/she wants too if people REALLY think taking a short cut is gonna work for the longrun ... think again that's not how it works , you're just resetting your brain , yes , but having a pint/joint/medication does That too does THAT stick ? didn't think so always taking the easy way out , these humans not worth sticking any time in them , is there ? if they don't even want to help themselfs ? but take a short cut
@lookmagazine2667 2 жыл бұрын
This the most graspable account of a DMT trip I’ve come across. Thank you for putting it out there. My question to you as a neuroscientist is whether there is some insight to be gained from the accounts of born-blind people taking DMT. I’m assuming that they would not have visual perceptions since the visual cortex has never been stimulated and has not developed but maybe this isn’t impossible! The DMT experience seems to be primarily visual so if it is an hallucination akin to a very vivid lucid dream then perhaps this line of experiment could reveal something.
@kevinreay1510 4 жыл бұрын
I want to take DMT but I'm terrified of it. I've taken LSD many times and enjoyed it, but I struggled with a couple of trips. Can anyone offer advice encouragement? I think this will be good for me but I'm afraid I'll die.
@Hugo-ew2ko 4 жыл бұрын
'The human organism isn't really designed for relentless happiness, relentless joy. We're not used to that, it's not in our composition. There's meant to be some balance between pleasure and suffering' How much of this is just an idea/your opinion and how much of this is 'fact'? Sure I agree if we look at the past we can see the role struggle played and that we're not used to constant happiness. But to say we're not designed to experience relentless happiness is nothing more than an assumption. What if that is EXACTLY what we're designed for and the reason why we experience hardship and struggle is because we believe we must? Perhaps we experience 'hardship' as hardship precisely because it is innately NOT in our nature? Food for thought.
@brucebruno842 4 жыл бұрын
I have theorized that this may be 1 of the crossover chemicals in the brain as with near-death experiences. It could be part of the brains shutting down process. Then I think why would the brain even have a shutting down process instead of just going unconscious and that's it. It may be that as the heat leaves the body; which a lot does through the head, that a shutting down process happens. Again, I wonder why would that be at all. It is possible that it is, in part, part of a crossing-over experience for the part of consciousness that has come from that realm in the first place. Saying it's just a hallucination alone is wrong. It may be an experience with hallucinations, but much more than just a hallucination alone. I've thought, similar to the spaceship example, that we could have existed for eons and we come to be embodied here for a time for a purpose. Kind of like "you don't know what you have until you lose it". We exist for eons, come here, start adapting, finally when adapted we help others adapt, we get old and want this/life with all its pain and suffering, and right when almost everyone we know has gone before us we get much more; which is what we had in the first place. Some may come for a short time for various reasons Exe.to add to our experience both good and bad. This may be like a classroom with others choosing, or not, to come and teach playing both good and bad roles in various lives. In the big picture though, it all has its purposes, or not. Interesting to think about, and plausible too. Once you've had these experiences you can see how these theories very well could be possible. Lol!!! Yep, of course. That's what they do. That's important.
@Fluffythepossum 4 жыл бұрын
I've done DMT 2 times. I did it lightly, mainly because i didn't know what i was doing(great experience). The 2nd time i read about breakthrough dosage. I did it, i got stuck in the tunnel which is absolutely terrifying. Not because its scary. Because that was the first time i felt a gforce from a drug. Buddha was at the end of the tunnel eyes open not closed, the tunnel is fractal energy and patterns. Havent done it since because i haven't gathered up my ballz. Mushrooms on the other hand are amazing. Last night i realized they were showing me that the point of perception isn't important half the time, its whats going on around it.
@KigenEkeson 4 жыл бұрын
Great video! However, as a Zen Buddhist priest, i would respectfully disagree with your perception that "there was no room for meditation" in the intense part of your Aya experience. I've found that when one is being 'processed' with the turning/shifting shapes, the state of ones mind as one (learns to) freely shift and move with/as those shapes is precisely the same as a deep meditation. That is, in both, there is no room for discursive reflection because one is completely engaged in actual and continuously changing circumstances (as opposed to mental reflection), thereby allowing one to experience unity-via-changing diversity, which is the hallmark of actual meditative practice. My experience has been that the degree to which you get caught caught in some thought about or detail of what is going on in your vision, is the degree to which you will experience an intense 'purge' of some kind.
@djkillachris 4 жыл бұрын
After over 200 experiences, I’m not sure what it is for. I’ve seen a lot. Maybe too much. I saw the ships as well. Currently I’m lost and confused and often wish to not know the intricacies of how everything works. I’m numb and rarely have feelings. Now I live on a ship lol, with the main goal of just getting through time. Living on the water in a small capsule is a bit of a time machine. I’m just trying to see how far I can get in time as I generally don’t want to be here anymore.
@aleksandermichalik3590 4 жыл бұрын
What about the balance of joy and pain for Butterfly children ? What about barely self-conscious toddlers dying from cancer ? What about animals - and their endless suffering?
@jeromtablet 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure how aware you all are of this, but if you would like to understand this all more "deeply" you might want to research the spiritual/scientific aspects of energy, frequency and vibration. Once I started to understand my own physiology more and more on an energetic level, and how the frequencies of thought, words and emotions affect the events happening in my life, it all started to connect the dots and what I consider "truth" started coming to me. There is much more going on outside of the 3-Dimensional, sensory experience. Of course this only is not enough to understand, there is many things influencing my own understanding of reality. This is totally a personal experience, but it might help someone out. Peace and love.
@markop.1994 2 жыл бұрын
Cyborg-aliens vs ancient spirits go! Also idk why but your experience of the elongating pills made me laugh
@jarskiXD 2 жыл бұрын
This is the best tripreport. Sounds a lot of what ive witnessed. Sounds like ayahuasca works a lot slower than freebase. With freebase i just blew past high into the "space ship" all the way to "god" itself
@faithaustin3711 2 жыл бұрын
Lol I'll refer you to this mate online hes got em and other psych substance..
@faithaustin3711 2 жыл бұрын
Hes on instegram and telegram as,
@faithaustin3711 2 жыл бұрын
@tblightningbolt8902 4 жыл бұрын
My ayahuasca dream world is always the same place. It’s like inside of a computer with little workers in it. Doing work on me but always seem to be keeping a giant system I’m plugged into as well. Bizarre, unsettling each time I go there. I feel so small and stupid there. The source is so big and so wise. I’m like a 2 year old talking about engineering to Elon Musk.
@brentvalleywhag3477 4 жыл бұрын
Ok, let’s accept for a moment that this theory is true. Wouldn’t people like you and I, as well as those expressing these beliefs be sorta like those people in World of War Craft that totally ruin the game by not playing along and just going off-mission 🤣
@Bexinski 3 жыл бұрын
Personally I always consider myself a materialist, by which I mean that materialism is the safest assumption and that additions are usually unnecessary. But even though there are arrogant materialists who think other perspectives are completely worthless, I think people tend to assume that looking for the reductive answer first is closed minded rather than just practical. Personally I do think a lot about what more there could be, just without making any judgements. But one unconventional idea that I do like even within my reductive perspective is that it arguably takes fewer assumptions to assume that so many realities exist that ours was inevitable than it does to assume that out of all possibilities this world is the one thing that's real. There are a lot of details to consider wrt what universes actually do exist, but most possibilities allow for universes where we have identical experiences even if they exist within a completely different metaphysical framework. Since your experiences are identical it's really kind of meaningless to ask which universe you're in right now, because you're asking that in every universe. It's easier to just accept that you really are in all of them. If countless possibilities can be true and you don't know which one is right, your brain is best off building as many modalities as possible because you have the same brain in all of them, but we are better off relying on the simplest assumptions and remaining unaware of others for practical reasons. So maybe these experiences really are entirely fabricated by your brain, but you don't need to be literally connecting your consciousness to other universes to see them, just exploring possibilities might already be really showing you other real universes. sorry for the manic wall of text hopefully it makes as much sense to others as it does to me. and thank you to anyone who bothers reading it all lol
@janiemiller8706 4 жыл бұрын
Perhaps it’s all true If everything is a possibility If everything is happening now simultaneously 🤔 If there are infinite possibilities Perhaps it’s all true Not one or the other ( reality ) Perhaps there are numerous realities Perhaps whichever one you focus on & chose to believe is simply the reality you experience personally at that moment Food for thought 💭 😉
@SkyRiver1 4 жыл бұрын
Is it not possible that you have become aware of the mechanical/conscious elements and conglomerates of your own metabolic processes that underlie and generated the typical phenomena we refer to as "I", a phenomenon that in it's mundane functioning of thought-centric associative flow is quite mechanical though profoundly unaware of it. If each level of the organism from the cellular to organs and systems had its own separate awareness: would this not be how it seemed to the limited and quarantined mundane cortical functions to which we ascribe our identity and which comprise the limits of apperception. I question all conceptions of such experiences, because I know that they are one and all incorrect and such experience cannot be accurately expressed in words or thoughts. Which is not to say there will not be serious scientific headway as regards both the experiences that are drug induced and those that are not. Having experienced both psychedelic induced and "natural" experiences of awakening to a greater reality, I must tell you that the only way they are similar is in the astonishing contrast between them and the normal experience of mundane awareness of oneself. Also they are both extremely intense, but the natural cosmic or mystic or what you would call it (I call it nothing because all terms and explanations are misleading whether religious or whatever) is so different and so much more desirable than that induced by psychtropic drugs. Which is not at all to say that such drug induced experiences are of no value. It may be the only way that a great enough number of people experience something beyond the mechanical flow of association that they habitually consider to have free will that proceeds from the assumed executive functions of the prefrontal cortex, for civilization to evolve. If you can get over the horrible production values here is an example of someone trying to express this natural form of awakening and having a hard time doing it. kzbin.info/www/bejne/jnKyh4ilarmMgK8
@anthonygibson660 3 жыл бұрын
So, we choose to comeback? Do we choose the type of experience we'll have? Beggar or Billionaire.... Does an entire family choose to come together? Did you get any insights into these questions?
@beephex1 4 жыл бұрын
I hope he trimmed his beard before he drank. Such a foul stench to have hanging around. Not ashamed to use mouthwash. But the vomiting is a perfectly orgasmic irony
@Fractal_Entity 4 жыл бұрын
Hey man I’m an undergraduate neuroscientist and I really want to get into research involving psychedelics. What would you recommend doing in order to build up to that as an undergrad? Amazing report btw, I really related to the crash-test dummy looking entities.
@stadtjer689 4 жыл бұрын
I know that there are quite some universities studying the use of (microdosing) LSD, psilocybine and ketamine. Maybe that's something you can roll into.
@papapiers1588 4 жыл бұрын
I totally understood every word. I have never knowingly had an hallucinogenic but this theory makes perfect sense to me.
@TheDubious1991 4 жыл бұрын
Sounds like it changed you and how you think. And i also came out feeling i went to the mother ship. But it was a ball of energy. I was apart of that energy and it was very familiar to me and i forgot but then could remember. And i felt comfort. But darkness was scratching at me trying to coerce me into falling into a scary trip
@alessandrocugnatalopez875 3 жыл бұрын
Studying buddhism what you say sounds pretty familiar to rebirth, when you talk about simulation
@willbedggood5361 4 жыл бұрын
This is the first person I've heard talk about these experiences most logically, I feel like soon a lot of the population will will believe this is all literal and spirituality is the answer, but the far future science will slower prove them wrong and less and less people follow spirituality, almost the exact same as how religion is slowly becoming a thing of the past
@matt23019 4 жыл бұрын
You're welcome to join in on this campaign Dr. Cooke! thankyouplantmedicine.com/
@torchist 4 жыл бұрын
You could set up a test to work out whether this is an objective reality - get together with like-minded DMT trippers - you each assign yourself a distinctive but secret obscure code and pass it to an entity on the other side. You then set up a central registry and each of you report any codes you have been passed while on the other side.
@2000RedDragonMartinez 4 жыл бұрын
In a way Earth IS a space ship. We are traveling in space in this natural spaceship. Circling the sun yes but we are still traveling on space.
@justinfitzpatrick013 3 жыл бұрын
Potent music recommendation for you all; Robert Rich - Electric Ladder
@janetjacks3406 4 жыл бұрын
Much appreciated the open perspective to the other possible explanations for these amazing experiences.The question of whether these are an epiphenomenon of brain activity could well be addressed if you experienced say telepathy or some past life information that could later be verified, which of course could not be possible under the current scientific paradigm.Stanislav Grof, it is reported had an experience (in a none ordinary state) of meeting the soul of a male who had passed over, gave him his parents telephone number in order to tell them that he was ok.Stan phoned them afterwards, the message given by the son transpired to be true of which he could not have had any knowledge previously.I guess it all comes down to each individuals philosophical persuasion. Thanks for posting such a great video.
@bokchoiman 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe Earth is the simulation and our spaceships are somewhere up there, waiting for us to die and come back to paradise.
@EvWuzhere 3 жыл бұрын
Did he ever make a video specifically about his San pedro experience? Could someone link me if he did
@valuerie 3 жыл бұрын
"Yep! Of course, that's what they do."
@ifuknowwhatimean7083 4 жыл бұрын
I laughed at description of pill shaped things. Sounded like some absurd scene from Rick and Morty show)) The part about simulation sounds very similar to how Alan Watts saw it all, and he in turn was basing it in his understanding of Hinduism AFAIK.
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
Haha, the whole thing made me feel like Rick and Morty is entirely inspired by DMT. There's one scene that is clearly inspired by DMT, should be easy to Google some images of it. I agree about Alan Watts, I've found his summaries on the Hindu worldview very enlightening on this topic, the idea of the world being a play but there's a backstage we ultimately return to.
@stadtjer689 4 жыл бұрын
@@DrJamesCooke haha you're speaking of the (time?) teleportation scene, right? That was insane. I remember watching that while smoking hashish. Pretty good.
@thebrightsideofthemoon5829 4 жыл бұрын
Please help me , I sniffed glue and now I’m stuck in a bad trip.
@MindRiderFPV 4 жыл бұрын
Beautiful. And yes...that’s what hey do. :-)
@kaneo67 4 жыл бұрын
This is really good.really true.really honest.I have had many experiences like this.Not the same,but many elements the same
@hordebucket8971 3 жыл бұрын
Please answer this. Do you think the DMT experience is better than sex?
@posivibez2094 4 жыл бұрын
Great video like your very balanced reasonable views on the experience.
@divinemomentsoftruth5877 4 жыл бұрын
Terence for the 21st century
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
High praise indeed, I'll try to live up to it.
@TheDubious1991 4 жыл бұрын
Obviously is something you stumble upon. Or did the trees tell them
@Piccolo_Sun 4 жыл бұрын
you have what it take to figure it out but you need to do more study out side of your field
@NumbaOneBuddhaSmoka 4 жыл бұрын
Rick Strassman just had a good interview in Higher Side chats literally just listened to it lmai
@jennyartiga7457 4 жыл бұрын
I've never "traveled" with DMT. Though I am curious and interested in exploring the experience. I had "deduced" the state of "being" he explains for some time now. I question what this "state of mind" we currently live in (or is it "I" me being part of a "collective brain". I question the construct of time and space and my place in it. I seriously think I am here because I "need" to experience different emotions, situations and experiences and for some reason I feel I have chosen this path. Call me crazy.
@johnbuckner9693 4 жыл бұрын
crazy :) a man studied honey for 30 years. he knew EVERYTHING that there was to know about honey... but. had never tasted it. knew NOTHING about honey. honey. ;) love.
@jennyartiga7457 4 жыл бұрын
I want to taste "the honey" or am I already "meshed", merged, entertwined with it. I probably know the answer, I just can't or won't see it.
@1922Skidoo 4 жыл бұрын
Is that a dmt elf at 2:46😁
@margeauxstar1113 2 жыл бұрын
You should listen to brain Scott’s “George van castles the council of 7 lights… it sounds like the space craft you were referring to.
@margeauxstar1113 2 жыл бұрын
George van tassel
@averywhere6921 4 жыл бұрын
I severely enjoyed this, I’m so glad that there is real thought going to these topics. Thank you for your videos, I’ve subscribed to follow you all on this journey of discovery, whatever the answers may be! The most common answer I’ve gotten is love, so until proven wrong, love to you all
@Patron714 4 жыл бұрын
Hey brother, between 9:58-9:59, something flies across your screen from right to left. I've rewatched like 8 times, still can't figure it out
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
It's either a fly or a dmt entity ;)
@frostfreerunning690 4 жыл бұрын
we are human beings not human doings .....
@MrMarcocain 4 жыл бұрын
The simulation theory is nice, but why would a future entity want to be born in to a starving family in Africa?
@gaffatsy9193 4 жыл бұрын
Well if computers entities couldn't feel then they couldn't conceptualize suffering. Just a thought
@guillaumetzm 4 жыл бұрын
Hardcore mode I guess
@Skarlet_Sun 4 жыл бұрын
Perhaps this reality is acting as a kind of spiritual school. Here we can learn lessons we never could in an "infinite joy machine" as you put it. We achieve the most growth through adversity so long as we actually overcome it.
@DrJamesCooke 4 жыл бұрын
That's certainly how it feels from the perspective of the experience.
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