are you guys mainlanders? if so, do you know that this issue have everything to do with CMEC (china myanmar economic corridor) that runs from kunming to the kyaukpyu port in rakhine..? NED (national endowment of democracy) is complicit in this.. aung san was a NED asset.. but she accepted china's offer for CMEC and she got pressured by the US before she caved.. and then she got couped by the junta.. the US don't want to see the continuation of CMEC or CPEC (china pakistan economic corridor).. why? do you realize that china is pretty much surrounded? the philippines gave 2 islands just a few hundred kilometers away from taiwan to the US for them to set up military bases there.. the US wanted to close china off.. and NED operates from thailand.. they collabed with the anti monarchy elements.. one of them is the party led by thanathorn juangroongruangkit.. it's not as simple as it seems.. the junta who seems to be the villain are not actually the villain in its entirety.. the US backed forces on the other hand is not what people believed they are.. they actually made a lot of people who worked in the government, from teachers to a low rank officers loses their lives (i can't say the word or youtube will delete my comment).. if you can understand english, i'd recommend my go to geopolitical analyst for southeast asia.. you can go to "the new atlas" channel by brian berletic
@@斎藤ななみ-w7u 嗯,還真的用了。找的的資料"《尼布楚條約》是中國第一次與歐洲國家按照國際法原則、以對等方式談判達成的平等條約,該條約也被指是最早明確使用「中國」一詞來指代清朝的國際法文件。條約中的「中國」指蒙古地區和中國東北在內的整個清帝國[11]。 美國新清史學派學者、哈佛大學漢學家及亞洲歷史教授歐立德(Mark C. Elliott)表示,正是清朝將「中國」的定義從「中原地區」轉變成「國家主權」的概念,康雍乾之後的中國,是被清朝皇帝、滿人、漢人等其他族群共同認同並加以再造過的中國[18][19]。"