My aunty she is tranditional chinese doctor n register senior nurse. She always said dont eat too much medical herb. It for when u r sick. So the herb products in market need caution. Eat the balance u no need supplement.
睇咗2條嗰個營養師媽媽嘅片,其實冇睇哂,都已知道不知所謂。如果跟住自已咁食,將來自己及家人都會面對唔相信後果。live and let live. 不過,會拖埋啲觀眾落水而已。又不過,與人無由。睇其中一係片的觀眾留言,問啲問题,都可以見到啲觀眾喺講咗都吾明嘅人。 䣐諗過喺啲video 留言提議啲觀眾睇吓馬景荣醫生,Dr Jason Fung. 许志忠教授,Dr Berg, Dr Ken Berry, Dr Philip Ovadia, Jessie Inchauspe 啲片同觀眾的留言。 不過都喺費事比人DLS 😅