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This is the video of the robot "Ball Collector Bot". It is built using only parts from the Lego Mindstorms NXT kit. It is a three-wheel robot (two driving wheels and a caster wheel) capable of detecting balls or objects with the ultrasonic sensor, go towards them, pick them with their claws and put them in its container. A simple yet effective mechanism allows it to perform the grip and lift movement with a single motor. In addition, it is able to detect the color of the first ball collected with the light sensor located at the back of the robot (it distinguishes between red ball, blue ball or "no object detected" if by mistake does not load any ball). If you are interested in building this simple robot and programming it, either for a high school project, university or if you just want to play with the robot and have a good time, I leave a link to Dropbox with the robot building instructions in PDF format and Lego Digital Designer and the program with extension .rbt to download it in the NXT console. I hope you like it. You can leave a comment about your impressions and how could be improved, for example. Thank you.