[Basics] Healing - Starting and Expectations 3/5

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Preach Gaming

Preach Gaming

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Part 3 of our healing series looks at the basics of mastering control, dispelling and what to expect with healing.
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@Ceverettz 7 жыл бұрын
Healing online is the IT Support of videogames. Everything is fine = Why do you exist? Something is less than fine = Why aren't you doing your job?
@rickandrygel913 7 жыл бұрын
You need a macro: /whisper target 'Stop standing in that'
@thtorres 7 жыл бұрын
Tank / dps is a science, healing is an art
@Succath80 7 жыл бұрын
Pro tip, download decursive from Curse. it will let you know when you can dispell anyone in your party/raid. super handy if you are having trouble recognizing what you can dispell or not. Once you get a feeling for it just disable or remove the addon and your golden.
@Arlon71 7 жыл бұрын
As a tank, I want to say this: I notice you when you're a good healer. :)
@NoName-hd5km 7 жыл бұрын
Main healer for a while here, good guide Preach. I couldn't hold back a chuckle when you said the "who's gonna die part' So true.
@chriswarner3771 7 жыл бұрын
the truth has been spoken. thankyou preach for showing the thankless job the heals of the world do.
@MInquisition 7 жыл бұрын
Something to note about a healer's purpose: The name "Healer" is misleading. It's less healing, and more about supporting your group. You should be *dispelling*, *interrupting*, *repositioning people*, *stunning and CCing*, and *mitigating damage*, not just healing. Think of healing as just being your secondary job, and you'll see yourself being much more productive in dungeons.
@TheMMObro 7 жыл бұрын
preach I'm not gonna lie.. I'm always doing something on my healer but sometimes it's looking thru my toy box lmao 😂
@masonbaker7390 7 жыл бұрын
I had a healer once in EoA mythic that when questioned about his dispells being non existant replied with 'Oh, I thought that was a brewmaster only ability'
@SpenceraxOfficial 7 жыл бұрын
Preach getting the best wow youtuber of the year award from Taliesin and Evitels channel
@DecayedPony 7 жыл бұрын
If you're a healer to get your ego stroked then you're not doing it right. Healers should respect their role, and their group's need. We're the bass player, may not be the front person, but my god do they complete the symphony and if they're missing you just know somethings off.
@TheRealMageloop 7 жыл бұрын
Remember. Ressurection is a good healing choice for those hard times where people stay in fire and blame you for their deaths!
@Foretelling 7 жыл бұрын
Preach mate, dunno if you're reading this, but Merry Christmas and happy new year bud.
@TheMMObro 7 жыл бұрын
blizzard's new default ui makes it SO OBVIOUS if someone needs a dispel no matter what spec u are.. what i mean is if you're shadow, it'll only show diseases in the obvious way, and a holy it'll show magic too
@raidera3 7 жыл бұрын
There should be like, a bumper sticker like for the back of your car saying "I thank my healer". Ever since I got an alt healer somewhere in WoD, I always make sure to let my healers know when they are doing a good job.
@UnconGaming 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this! I've been looking into healing, and I do fit a lot of the catagories for bad healing, but I'm looking to improve, which this is what I needed!
@tripleabd 7 жыл бұрын
i would like to add some things in regards to being a good healer who can dispel. 1) if you are so bad and can not figure out when and how to predict a dispel just download the addon Decursive and use it. 2) setup your Unitframes to highlight debuffs that YOU can dispel. 3) make a dispel macro with mouseover function and stopcast function so u can instantly do the dispeling!
@rowangreen4361 7 жыл бұрын
I'm a bit late coming to this party, but for new healers (like myself), if you're having trouble with dispelling, there's an addon called Decursive which does ninety percent of the work for you, it notifies you and you press the corresponding button - boom, they're despelled. Just thought I'd throw that out there in case someone else hasn't.
@praus 7 жыл бұрын
This is a good example of a middle of the road healer. Would be nice to give an example of the two extremes for reactive (paladin) and preparation (Disc) healers. Paladins are the epitome of a reactive healer Disc is a whole different animal.
@blazmaverick 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for reminding us that healing is fun. I'd nearly forgotten at that point.
@QuestionableObject 7 жыл бұрын
I actually learned to dispell quickly as a Destro-lock since my imp has a dispel and you can get so many groups with healers who don't know how to and since I have my pet's bars keybound I just send it after people who get debuffs on them to give them that good ol' sear-magic.
@AwesomeArgonanth 7 жыл бұрын
As a main healer since TBC this job will make you insane. You notice basically every single mistake anyone in your group does and it lets you see how bad most players are. You mention that it is stressful and horrible when things go wrong but this doesn't have to be the case. If the group is filled with idiots who play the blame game just leave it and don't waste your time. Like you said, healing can't really change a run. I can keep people alive when they fuck up but I don't make things go faster or easier if they do fuck up. Since you can't carry a run by yourself, just leave and don't waste your time.
@WyzrdCat 7 жыл бұрын
People talk about healing being thankless a lot, but I seem to have the opposite experience over my ~8 years of healing. People are quick to say "nice heals" when things were hairy on the last pull. Sometimes even if I let someone die and I probably shouldn't have.
@sudd3660 7 жыл бұрын
i had a few nice comments as healer, and barely none as dps or tank. i do comment often if i as tank and see my hp going up from almost nothing to full often, as a 4.4mill tank it takes some effort and i acknowledge that
@kloaf1131 7 жыл бұрын
I usually always thank the heals. 90% of the time if I did something stupid. and 60% of the time if they are doing an overall good job. I also have had many times where in EoA I'll have bomb and me thinking when is this dispell coming out. I never say anything until after the run unless it is somehow stopping us from completing it. But I have started tanking on my bear in the past few weeks and I thank our raid healers almost every fight whether I'm dps or tank. They put in so much work to keep us alive.
@Hailelmkvist 7 жыл бұрын
My raid team calls me "Interrupt bot" and "Dispell bot" because Im fast on the buttons when something comes in :p It used to annoy me a bit however I have heard from people in the raid team/mythics that bosses/dungeons just seem to "be so easier" with me there as a healer. If you do your job well as healer it will be noticable ^^ Keep up the good work everyone! :D
@OneNvrKnoz 7 жыл бұрын
@Preach Gaming Healing is also the most unique. No two fights (even on the same boss) are the same since people will do things differently and need to be healed/dispelled differently.
@OneNvrKnoz 7 жыл бұрын
Also, you say stressful, I say challenging.
@Frolkinator 7 жыл бұрын
Always sacrifice the melee to the blood god, if its them or the tank.
@rileyfirth5220 4 жыл бұрын
Tabbed back over to this window when I heard the FFVII battle win sound at 3:05
@blazingseven7254 6 жыл бұрын
Preach, LOVE your videos!! Wondering if you could do a noob guide for Holy Priest macros & Keybinding? I've been looking all over youtube & can't find a good one. Hope you can help...Keep up the good work!
@jordanweir7187 7 жыл бұрын
honestly awesome tutorial man, now i know why i sucked as a healer for so long rofl
@tomaszarmatowski540 7 жыл бұрын
Healing can be thankless job usually, but sometimes it can be really awesome. Few days ago I was a healer in some low level dungeon (Uldaman I think), and tank keep dying, then rage quit after a while. He wasn't a good player anyway. We just continued without any tank, and were able to beat the dungeon. At the end DPSers were just saying "who needs a tank with healer like that!", "let's do another dungeon, come on!"
@Davidgopaint 7 жыл бұрын
Healing for me, and ive been healing since Vanilla, is one of the most relaxing things i can do, and when things go wrong, i actually get very excited to see if i can keep people alive, its like playing a game seeing if u can beat the health pools from dropping, most of the time tanks or dps take responsibility, if not always in my case. and as for getting a thanks? since healers are a more needed role, people are more likely to send you friend requests and want to play with you again.
@relhaz4326 7 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite moments of legion... is mass dispelling my entire group from magic binding at once (we have 3 melee dps >.
@WailandVic 7 жыл бұрын
I actually find healing very rewarding. Maybe I've been lucky but I've healed for a far bit now and I've noticed that people like to talk to me more when I'm a healer. I would say that healers can def carry certain dungeons with the rest of the people being bad. You might spam more but without you knowing all the incoming damage and noticing how the dps and tanks are doing under the dungeon they would drop like flies. So far I've never gotten someone to rage at me, at all for doing my job and in my cases they're flaming each other for ninja pulling and dying lol. I only got kicked once from a dungeon when I was low lvl and questioned the tank why he had intellect gear. I think he was embarrassed he had the wrong gear and didn't want anyone else to notice xD
@arielmuga3164 7 жыл бұрын
This shit should really be a given! learning the dungeon and the trash is important... also Help/Harm conditions in your Mouseover macros is a key thing to have also. and lastly i totally agree with your comment on choosing who dies... sometimes you need to triage some players and let them use a defensive CD or die...
@Allirian 7 жыл бұрын
With regards to dispels -- Yes, I agree that a good healer will know when to dispel; however, I also think that what you're dispelling matters. Example: If I have a Riptide on a dps, and he has a debuff that deals minor damage-over-time, it's actually inefficient to dispel if the Riptide will sustain the damage dealt. Also, it's worth mentioning that "topping people off" isn't always the best policy in healing. Specifically in raids, doing that typically leads to an overwhelming amount of over-healing. One of the fundamentals of healing is mana-management. If you're new to healing, and you're not well geared, mana can be a huge issue -- even in heroics. If a dps is at 85% health, and you have 30% mana, it's probably not in your best interest to throw a Healing Surge their way. Just my two cents. Look forward to more videos.
@MacDaniboi 7 жыл бұрын
I am a resto shaman myself and I have never used anything but my healing totems, riptide, chainheal, healing rain, healing surge/wave. My dispel is on the bar but not even bound to a key, my interrupt is bound to an awkward key combination. The ting is I would use it if i knew when and how to, probably even rebind them to close keys if I notice that I need them often. But right now as it is I never notice anyone needing to get dispelled or mobs/bosses interrupted and if I do, when I find where on the bar the spell is it's already too late.
@Magziesfuntime 7 жыл бұрын
I had a healer one time that told me they wasn't healing dps because it wasn't their job to. If they were dpsing right they should only have to heal the tank. ROFL. Complete nonsense but it was funny when they said it at the time.
@TeamCGS2005 7 жыл бұрын
The only time I've refused to heal players is if they blamed me for something out of my control. It's fitting that Preach talks about the "SEAGULLS!" because that was one instance that I remember in which I refused to heal a guy because he blame me for "aggroing the seagull". I just politely told the others that I wouldn't be healing him and so they decided to kick him. Either way as Preach says, we're undervalued when things go right, but are the first to be criticised once things go wrong.
@Osprey1994 6 жыл бұрын
I had someone queue up as healer but they played Elemental... It was interesting and luckily you can manage heroics without a healer. Still annoying when there's an AOE boss move that damages everyone and you don't get topped off.
@steliokontos5956 7 жыл бұрын
I haven't healed since vanilla on a pally. this really helped big time, thanks for the great tips as always !!!! I now press more than one button haha
@mightbedalmeric667 7 жыл бұрын
I usually lurk and agree when it comes to vids, but this one I'm going to have to disagree. Dispelling and prevention yeah, but I would have to say that a good healer can bump a shitty group to a passable one, a good group to a group that can speed run. I have made okay tanks feel like gods, and have made shitty tanks feel pretty good about themselves. I would also say that healers being thankless isn't true, I've had many compliments from randoms. However, I would say that a good disc Priest will go unnoticed but a shit one(which I have found more often then not) will just get raked over the coals. I have also been known to let people die of they continuously stand in shit and cause problems. I wouldn't say I'm a god at healing but I feel like I'm pretty decent.
@silverspear21 7 жыл бұрын
You are an enabler and are not helping in their progression. If they are a crap tank then let them know what they can improve on, carrying them is not beneficial for them in the long run. I constantly let my friend tank die if he is purposely not doing the mechanics and his reply to me is well you are going to heal me through it anyways. So what happens next is we do a + and that mechanic now 1 shots him.
@HalikBun 7 жыл бұрын
I actually like the spamming situation. Feels so good to see everyone drop and actually pull through and keep people up. Big dick healing when the big dick healing counts.
@sudd3660 7 жыл бұрын
the best thing about healer is that actually have an effect on health bars, sometimes as dps huge crits dont show on as anything on the target's hp..... healers crits do huge percentage of hp.
@Mael6469 7 жыл бұрын
Man, I used leap of faith so many times last night for a lock in a HoV who was constantly standing in stupid.
@mdmyer 7 жыл бұрын
This is why I play a dwarf. I dispel myself if I need it.
@TuneL0wDieSl0w 4 жыл бұрын
This video just told me to do what I already know I need to learn how to do lol
@jcmazet2351 7 жыл бұрын
You should also mention this: When you enter a mythic + dugeon as a healer, do as I do: Explain to people that if they die, there is a 90% chance THEY fucked up, not you. When I'm using my Disc spec, it's real for me. You're not going to die as long as you don't fuck up real bad.
@popsicleslol 7 жыл бұрын
Who's gonna die. -Preach Probably the best comment ever
@Matt-yz8qx 7 жыл бұрын
i just dont like healing pugs , last boss of eye of azshara and they constantly run away from you and complain when they die
@kloaf1131 7 жыл бұрын
That particular boss I usually let the heals know in advance don't look for me. Only worry about healing me if I'm in range. And Ill usually do my own thing avoiding damage. Jump to the shared damage and run within range if I get bomb.
@codyspinks2466 7 жыл бұрын
I can honestly agree that healing is a thankless job, a prime example of this is when I was in a mythic 1 on my tank and we all wiped on this boss except for myself. I was on my blood dk so battle rested the healer and they kept going and after we killed the boss I got a few compliments for being quick with the battle res and etc, but the, without the healer it wouldn't have been possible, but afaik they didn't get any thanks whatsoever.
@seancinnamon6569 7 жыл бұрын
Great Christmas preach, new pc with a gtx 1060. Im hype
@handsomebear. 7 жыл бұрын
I've incredibly rarely had anyone whisper me about anything as a healer in the PuG world. You're often just invisible until either the group fucks up or you fuck up. Interrupting and doing good damage as a DPSer can get noticed but most often wont(unless you massively outgear the content and your group members). As a tank I've had several people whisper me(often the healers when they think I'm making their lives easier) and I've played tank the least of all roles by a huge amount. I have noticed a lot less blaming goining on in the Legion PuG world(at least in m2+ dungeons) though, in general. People aren't as quick to blame the healer or tank, most of the time people are just quite in my experience- until 3 or 4 wipes happen ofc then people go balistic. There is the odd player who doesn't pay attention but like to dictate obvious things to people, like a tank yesterday who said that I should dispel the damage debuff in the beginning of BRH that was on him. Of course not noticing that the group isn't dead because I had been dispelling the DPSers who can actually die from it if they get more than 1 stack. But they usually understand when you say you were dispelling the DPS or whatever the situation was. My point is that you rarely get noticed as a solid player, whatever you play, in the PuG world. Extreme DPS due to gear is easily noticable and cheered often but other than that people seem to just expect that a run should be smooth and it's usually just silence until something goes extremely bad...but I do think a bigger part of the community is aware of their own mistakes, at least in Legion m+ dungeons, than in earlier expansions. From a healer perspective that is(I can't remember being blamed for bad healing when people stood in things, for example, not even once).
@walsefuse 7 жыл бұрын
When healers dont dispel me on the trash at the end of EoA I just keep staying on them so they also get stun, maybe some will understand that way
@ericdicocco4986 7 жыл бұрын
decursive makes dispelling so trivial that i don't even have cleanse spirit keybinded on my resto shaman lol seriously its a must have for all healers imho
@LittleListy21 7 жыл бұрын
I think rerolling disc in Legion really helped me learn group dynamics. I've been main healing since WotLK (back then as disc mostly, then hpally then rshammy then back to hpally for a while) so I think I picked up on the disc ebb and flow that exists in Legion pretty quickly, but I throughly understand why some people say it's too confusing and convoluted. In general tho, I feel like this expansion, I've known the dungeons and trashpacks and bosses and mechanics to everything a hell of a lot better, starting to actually think like you explain in this video. I don't use mouseover but I use VuhDo with targeting off and I modded in atonement to show, so I can keep boss/enemy npc targeted full-time while seeing exactly what's happening to my group members. I'm not suggesting someone new pick up and try discipline and will immediately get success, it'll be difficult, but learning group and raid awareness, it's definitely a good spec to hone those skills.
@DecayedPony 7 жыл бұрын
Been healing since WotLK as well, mained a holy paladin in WoD and Legion. I'm loving it so far. As a former holy paladin, would you consider disc to be enjoyable? And is there a nice skill ceiling to it? I'm wanting to make a "main alt" and I'm considering a rshammy or disc priest. And I want a challenge, something where it's easy to fail, but has potential to do great things with practice and skill.
@LittleListy21 7 жыл бұрын
Lawlhero for me, the rotation and kinda the flow of knowing how much damage you do in relation to how much healing it will do, that was the toughest for me. starting to realize how much healing i can do spamming shadow mend and how much rough healing my absorbs amount to when i pop rapture etc, it really took a few months for me to really click and feel it as a secondhand nature thing, and not be something i had to consciously look at and analyze. i definitely think there's a skill curve, but there's also a gear/AP curve that you have to meet before you can stay relevant in later content. i haven't gone too far into endgame, just early M+ (873ilevel) but i definitely felt like i needed some significant AP and a fair amount of haste to help with PW:S cooldown as well as cast speeds, and mana management can be something that you'll need to learn and look at closely for a while before you get the feel. i like the feel of disc, but you need to take a bit more of an active roll in the group, and early on when you're learning the spec, you'll need to have groups that know how to use personal cooldowns to help out etc
@DecayedPony 7 жыл бұрын
LittleListy21 Seems reasonable, so probably go holy and collect disc gear on the side till you get to 870 ish.
@LittleListy21 7 жыл бұрын
Lawlhero I switched and did fine around 840/850 but it wasn't until now that i've felt fully comfortable to handle anything i'd come in contact with content-wise that i'd be looking to do.
@DecayedPony 7 жыл бұрын
LittleListy21 Fair enough, I played a friends disc priest for a night, and yeah it's just one of those things where I see so much potential, anyways thanks for your time.
@ADT1729 7 жыл бұрын
The great problem, for me, in Legion, is the grinding. I love to be a healer. Don't have the time to be part of a core like I had before and it's painful to do all that grinding and find 1 good pug to pay the week... I love WoW, but I'm done with it for a time. Very frustrated...
@Juggs_WoW 7 жыл бұрын
I use hex as a resto sham as an additional interrupt :)
@kaiweidu5715 7 жыл бұрын
I'm really interested in Preach's opening greet in every video. Just can't catch what he was saying...
@vitsavicky 7 жыл бұрын
Btw, what did you want to say at 14:55? :)
@TheGhangy 7 жыл бұрын
resto druid since ICC here, i'm so used to dispelling asap i had to unlearn dispelling asap on xavius hc... i totally f***ed up our group there on the first few tries. Even now i sometimes catch myself going for the dispell when the fight starts.
@garrettberger8504 7 жыл бұрын
thank you, this video is actually super helpful
@vitsavicky 7 жыл бұрын
I main a Resto Druid - have since Vanilla with some breaks here and there - and with a HoT based healer all of what you are saying is so true. Especially the part about falling behind. If you fall behind and don't predict the fight correctly as a Resto Druid you are fucked. It is very hard to catch up in a +12 or higher Mythic. Some of those mobs will fuck your group up in a matter of seconds. Also, every time I run a dungeon as some other role other than a healer I am pulling my hair out because people apparently have no clue what dispel even means... Edit: Unless I missed it, you really should mention that not all tanks "want" to be always topped. For example Druids, Demon Hunters and Death Knights all have self-healing mechanics and you should allow them to use those mechanics. I usually heal these tanks to 70% and they will take care of the rest on their own. Unless I know they will be taking a lot of damage - like Ymirons Dark Slash. It frees time to do other things - healing the group or doing damage. Other tanks like Monks and Warriors focus more on mitigation than self-heal so they should hover somewhere around 90%.
@fullmetalpoitato5190 7 жыл бұрын
For sure, I (Holy Priest) mainly heal a Blood DK in Mythic + and unless it's something big coming in I can practically leave him to his own devices on just about anything +7 or under Affixes depending.
@riklaunim 7 жыл бұрын
It would be cool to have an interactive dungeon, raid explorer - so that I can go the path the team usually picks - click on mobs, bosses on the fly and see their stats, abilities and whatnot. As a new player I would find that quite useful (instead of learning it the hard way :D) Also in Legion there is one dungeon where healers get the blame constantly - elevator kills :D (it's silly elevator moves faster than falling person ;)) In one of timewalked BC dungeons I had a weird run where our tank was getting like two lines of debuffs. I dispel, he gets it again... AFAIK those was void walkers things. MW Monk has some more cooldown on the dispel so the tank had a hard one ;)
@SandmanLocke 7 жыл бұрын
Yes its a horrible experience pugging Ill agree. Although I live in that world, literally 95% of everything ive done has been pugs as one of my 5 healers. Maybe I just enjoy the pain lol.
@airimee 7 жыл бұрын
my only complaint about healing isn't even a healing issue. it's a warlock issue...they seem to think the sheild they get makes them immortal..if anything it makes you spiky. I rarely see a warlock move out of a mechanic.
@KoalaBerzerker 7 жыл бұрын
This might sound stupid but I actually have a phobia of healing (and tanking, due to some private server madness) even though I was a holy paladin in TBC and did okay, killed and saw all the major stuff there. Later I started playing DPS in WotLK as I found healing too stressing and difficult for me in that exp. and got bored of it entirely when we reached ICC so I quit playing WoW. Now I want to come back, but I want to heal and tank, watching these videos gave me some 'courage' to do it, hopefully I won't chicken out :D
@ericspecullaas2841 7 жыл бұрын
Ádám Kovács healing is easy you get some people like in this video who stand in things. when I see people doing that I call them out on it and they learn not to stand in everything. on one run I did a ret pally was standing were the tank stands and I blew my mana bar just keeping him up. I called him out and he didn't even know that I did that; next pull he did that again so I ignored him on healing guess how many more times he did that? NONE!!!!! as far as healing it's fun for me I don't get stressed out it's relaxing for me since my life is full of stress anyway.
@DecayedPony 7 жыл бұрын
Healing's really fun, and it's a different dynamic than other roles, just start off slow with heroics, look up your class stat priorities (AND why those stats are valued the way they are), read your spell book inside and out and just think of different scenarios to use them. Don't be afraid to use cooldowns on trash pulls when you feel like you're falling behind, do the fights on normal / heroic and just take mental notes of abilities and know that they'll hit harder on mythic and mythic +, don't be afraid to use your external defensive cooldowns (20% damage reduction on friendly targets) when you feel they may be in grave danger and their role is important (Tank or very strong dps), and practice practice practice. If anyone gives you shit, calls you bad just know that you're new and just use that to motivate to get better, and once it clicks, you can just feel the flow of it and how it compliments the group and the run as a whole. Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to wipe, just look forward and strive to improve.
@KoalaBerzerker 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks guys :)
@moeck14 7 жыл бұрын
Preach, please use Earthen Shield Totem. It is sooooo good and chain heal is garbage in dungs. Don't think I saw you use it once throughout the dung
@danielskrivan6921 7 жыл бұрын
I would make the argument that a tank needs to know what could possibly be ninja pulled as much as, if not more than a healer. Both roles should know the mechanics of the dungeon trash and bosses enough to know how to deal with them. I've never thought of dispelling as a predictive thing. I know which fights I need to dispel on, but I also know that when a player's bar changes color in VuhDo, I hit ScrollUp (my default for dispels on any healing class). I also don't think of staying ahead on healing as a predictive thing, at least at the basic level. Staying ahead on healing is as simple as topping people off when you have the chance. The only time it gets predictive is when you need to predict who to top off or who to ignore based on specific mechanics. For example, if you just got hit by a big AoE, do you heal the tank, or do you AoE heal, or is someone about to get hit by a single target mechanic? In that case, staying ahead on healing is predictive, but in general it's just playing whack-a-mole with health bars and not using a bigger heal than you need.
@vitsavicky 7 жыл бұрын
I don't know what healer you play, but a Restoration Druid needs to know how the fight will unfold beforehand or you won't be ever able to catch up. It's not a big deal in Heroic or regular Mythics, but once you get to +12 or higher it is absolutely essential.
@danielskrivan6921 7 жыл бұрын
Vít Savický I wouldn't categorize Mythic +12 as basic level.
@vitsavicky 7 жыл бұрын
Daniel Skrivan No, but it should be something you are aiming towards. And you get there by practicing foresight in lower levels and it will help you even there.
@danielskrivan6921 7 жыл бұрын
Vít Savický Yes, but I would argue it's not a basic technique that you need to work on while learning the basics. Once you've learned the basics, becoming predictive in content you know is a good idea, but it's not necessary to succeed at the basic level and it shouldn't be one of the first things you work on. Resto druids are also unique in that regard. Most other healers don't need to be as predictive in general. Even with a Resto Druid, it's not the first thing you need to learn.
@vitsavicky 7 жыл бұрын
No, not basic, but to be a good healer (and not just mediocre) you need to learn this. It really shouldn't be so hard, but then again I often see people completely oblivious to what is going around them in the first place, let alone predict anything. So no, not a basic skill, but it is what separates the good from the mediocre.
@palexinchina 7 жыл бұрын
I'm sure this will get mentioned in a later video what with you choosing a resto shammy, but I know my biggest problem that I still deal with is using my cooldowns. Like, there are times when people will die what could possibly be preventable deaths, but I wanted to save my cooldowns for when I "really" needed to use them...
@safarfsaf 7 жыл бұрын
if someone was going to die without your cd, and you didn't use it. Their death is your fault. cds are for saving people's life. Seems harsh to say that, and I do understand how you feel though. As my friends always say the tank is the dad and the healer is the mom. You get pissy, the tank will turn this dungeon around, and if mom is mad you die. also mom picks up after the kids fuck ups. It's a stupid analogy but it works.
@jonessmith8115 7 жыл бұрын
A good example is polymorhp frog by the trolls to the tank in Zul Farak or Sunken Temple. Take poisons off the tank as well. PoH, CoH before it all changed on disc. A good tank is a one who says are we ready. I remember in old RF Chasm. Where the tauren tank refused to tank. Lay down at the end. Went to sleep. Lay there the whole end fight. And then the paladin hunter pulled. And through out the whole end boss fight. I just healed. And at the end the tank got up and said ty. And I thought I'd rather do this than run back from Razor hill. I was Lv 16 Orc shaman. The tauren tank just got up said ty and collected his reward. And we all just left. Lmao. Every one stepped over the tauren tank to get to the boss.
@bloodsurf69 5 жыл бұрын
The reason I stopped Healing....The Tank pulling the whole zone and not taunting and votes to kick healer when we wipe. Usually I've spammed every heal I have and am OOM when we wipe.
@Greenscyth22 7 жыл бұрын
Preach does make a point about healers dealing with debuffs, but DPS and tanks can usually interrupt spells like Polymorph: Fish, I do it all the time. It's not that dps/healers don't deal with fast spells like that, it's that interrupts get overlaid or used right after another dps does it. I don't know if there is an addon that lets you know when another player is about to interrupt.
@r.gletscher5162 7 жыл бұрын
addons cant predict interrupts, they can just notify the moment it's used. not preventing failinterrupts tho. get on voice to sequence aviable interrupts.
@pennypedalpounce 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, but unfortunately at higher difficulties interrupting poly:fish is NOT a priority at all.
@r.gletscher5162 7 жыл бұрын
pennypedalpounce not like there is that much to interrupt at pulls where polymorph:fish happens.
@savedbythekeeper 6 жыл бұрын
Eventually healers are going to have to pick who's gonna die... Hence why my healer is named Triage :D
@pvillelde 7 жыл бұрын
just get decursive. click the box when it lights up. done.
@jzmmm 7 жыл бұрын
guys. i had a shit run (finally). I couldn't keep up in a +8 maw (first time doing +8 as a healer). Everyone including the tank were taking SO much fucking damage it was insane. I was doing about 200- 350k hps per fight. I'm a mistweaver monk about 865 equipped, and i was going oom each pull. The tank was chain pulling and we had sang + volcanic. I'd see the dps drop to like 5% hp and i'd spam heals whilst watching the tank's hp drop and in the process i'd get hit by volcanic. To say the least, i struggled. We wiped 3 times on helya and the tank left then a dps left saying 'worst healer ever'. 300k hps. I dunno if it's me or the group. But fuckn hell, after that, it just put me off wow. It's the first run i've had where i couldn't keep up and i got blamed for a failed run. It happened 2 days ago but i just don't feel like healing anymore. Fuckn still annoys me.
@CDMezzy 7 жыл бұрын
I play a Monk too and I am currently 38 traits into WW, 31 traits into MW and 27 traits into BM. I came into this expansion with the attitude to main the MW spec however, as Preach and you have already stated, it's a very unforgiving experience if the group wipes or there are bad players in the group taking a lot of damage. My conclusion has been that I only heal when I am overgearing the content. I am at 874 ilevel right now and I only heal up to mythic+5. After +5 I refuse to heal in PUGs, since I just can't keep them up and often get blamed for bad players behaviour who are standing in the "bad". So I have fallen back to the WW dps spec instead and run only high instances with my friends.
@jzmmm 7 жыл бұрын
Shakes 722 as 874 you should be able to handle a +9 or 10. But you probably need a good tank. I did a +7 and 6 fairly easily. People knew what to do, and we breezed through to 2-3 chests. But I found when you have a tank that requires to be spam healed, it's going to be a shit run.
@Succath80 7 жыл бұрын
Very Simple, if you are doing 250-300k healing it is not you. it is the DPS and tanks getting hit by avoidable damage. dont doubt yourself in that case. A lot of players can bitch and wine about it, but tin the end i ususally just stop healing people that take an ridiculous amount of damage for no reason, most of the time they either complain, i tell them to stop standing in shit. or they will complain and leave. back it up with recount or skada or something and nobody will question you
@Succath80 7 жыл бұрын
Triggered much? where have i ever said that what i do is advise to do as well? learn to read. Perhaps i need to explain it a bit more. when i do stop healing those kind of people. it is when already pointing out multiple times that they are standing in shit and taking absurds amount of damage., please read it in the context of the op to which i replied. In addition when doing a 8+ one would expect that the people doing those at least have a understanding of the dungeon and such.
@Warfizzle08 7 жыл бұрын
As a Holy Paladin, I had a DPS tell me a good healer doesn't run out of mana. FFS bruh...
@rokjinu1764 7 жыл бұрын
Sadness when holy paladins don't have an interrupt anymore. Stun doesn't work on a lot of targets in dungeons.
@jayoungr 7 жыл бұрын
Man. I've actually healed a reasonable amount on alts (resto druid), but I think this video scared me off of going resto for my main for Legion. *shudder*
@lv100Alice 7 жыл бұрын
i'm acyult considering rerolling away from my healers as i find it very unappreciated and i can't really look at logs to see how my percentile is. the only thing i can see is me getting better or worse
@Tebrial 7 жыл бұрын
Did you play a mage back when they had remove curse? If so, do you think that may have influenced your ability to dispel in any sort of manner?
@silverspear21 7 жыл бұрын
Is it cheaper to interrupt or dispel? That should have been your reasoning why you interrupt over dispel. I think you can range the snail and he stops aggroing. I purposely run to the healer when i get bomb and stun them, they say sorry I laugh and repeat because they still do not dispel on the 2nd one.
@ChichiNaka 7 жыл бұрын
I don't trust people who use flying mounts in ground mount only zones, on top of the inverted colors on the bars I can't trust this guide.
@nicholasarcarese1908 7 жыл бұрын
So as a prot pally my whole WoW career, should I be treating dispels like when I have to know when to use defensives and/or switching where you count it down in your head?
@patrickwilkerson1728 7 жыл бұрын
You should also mention that healers should heal melee DPS. I remember running in WotLK and Cata most of the healers do not heal melee DPS in pug dungeon runs. The healers would only heal the Tank and themselves. Not even throwing down some AOE heal. As another issue I saw in early WOW again is that healers did not heal pets. There were even guides from top healers on KZbin during WotLK and Cata were talking about that healers should not heal pets, It is the responsibility of the owners such as Warlocks need to heal their demons and hunters need to heal their pets as well. This is ridiculous as this effects DPS. Even more owners are not as good to heal their pets compared to the healers. This is my experience in the pug world in early WOW doing dungeons. It is definitely better now and different
@elmirBDS 7 жыл бұрын
You using Grid? I'm looking for a more "obvious" way to show me what target to dispell. It's fine in 5 mans, but it gets a bit too cluttered in raids.
@jeppelaursen8282 7 жыл бұрын
Hey Preach. I have a question about legion, i have played warcraft for a long time now, and i have started to play legion now. I have a hard time finding a main char because i think most of the classes are so much fun. Do you have an idea i like class who are a bit complicated because i like the challenge. Can you help me on my way?
@Dropaprayer 7 жыл бұрын
How to be a hero at dispels: play a priest, and otherwise bind mouse over macros to your dispel. Win!
@calllightnin7153 7 жыл бұрын
Could you be more specific? I am a beginner Holy Priest, and I have to say I don't understand dispel. Is it to undo a magic spell, or to interrupt a spell? My dps and tank all have interrupts, so I don't know why that would be the healer's role. For instance, can you explain the difference between dispel, mass dispel, and purify? (like I'm 5.)
@Dropaprayer 7 жыл бұрын
Call Lightnin' sure thing: a dispel is the general term for removing some sort of harmful effect from a player. Different classes can remove different types of debuff. As a priest, you have two ways to accomplish this: purify, which removes magic debuffs (as opposed to poisons, curses or diseases) from your target, and mass dispel, which removes magical debuffs from all targets in the cast area, but is proportionally more mana expensive. As a priest, we don't have interrupts other than the Holy word: chastise stun.
@calllightnin7153 7 жыл бұрын
OK, thanks. We also have a spell called Dispel Magic, which removes one beneficial spell from an enemy--I guess like a shield or something? But I think that is what led to my confusion. It seems to work similarly to my mage's spellsteal. I got an addon called decursive that should help me figure out what can be dispelled.
@Dropaprayer 7 жыл бұрын
Call Lightnin' exactly! Dispel magic is an offensive spell that removes an enemy buff (like hots, damage buffs etc)
@anoncyclist2131 7 жыл бұрын
i tend to avoid dps on the resto druid, people see the wrath and suddenly the tank gets cocky and the dps stop avoiding stuff :/
@Flame110 7 жыл бұрын
People have a hard time dispelling? Learning something new everyday.
@BerraLJ 7 жыл бұрын
Well dispelling removes bad stuff that needs to be healed if left alone so get rid of it if possible.
@vitsavicky 7 жыл бұрын
Not always. Since dispel has an 8 second CD you sometimes need to save the CD for an incoming stun and just heal through the damage. That is another skill you need to have as a healer. When not to dispel.
@BerraLJ 7 жыл бұрын
And to know what can be dispelled, since not all dispels are equal.
@natalieshao3469 4 жыл бұрын
I actually quite enjoy LFG or PUG. Yes there will be none smooth runs, but it’s the same training/experience u’d need to gain from unexpected random shit tank needs to learn to deal with. Only if u run into o-shit moments does ur priority system kicks in. Learning to become good healer is IMO determine the best priority in split secs stress situations. Smooth runs don’t actually give u that experience. Ur ego best enjoyment from healer is being the hero & save ppl from these o-shit moments.
@lewisking905 7 жыл бұрын
I've done dungeons with some dps on my Disc Priest where I have ended up doing more damage than them...
@paulmarkelionisjr 7 жыл бұрын
as a main mdps, in legion I just found out in this vid that mana bomb on EoA is dispelable lol
@havtor007 7 жыл бұрын
And that is the reason why i often play many roles in an expansion my self as you can learn how to help the healer and tank as dps if you know what they have to deal with. But now you know it can be
@DecayedPony 7 жыл бұрын
Best feeling, wolf boss in HoV, boping the person he fixates on. WIN
@yoshipepperflag3187 7 жыл бұрын
.. And watch him sprint away and pull another wolf pack :/
@gaminhelp101 7 жыл бұрын
whenever I get fixated by Fenryr, I just run into the cave :P
@DecayedPony 7 жыл бұрын
***** This, every time before that fight I even say "IF you get targeted / fixated by Scent of Blood DO NOT RUN!" and at least 1/3 of the time at least they run.
@Dropaprayer 7 жыл бұрын
Lawlhero when tanking on my brewmaster, I provoke fen so he runs at them faster ;)
@sredfield7425 6 жыл бұрын
Dan Barnard >:)
@killia4132 7 жыл бұрын
where does the little FF10 music come's from when he kills a boss ?? i would like to have that aswell :D
@kennethwright5664 7 жыл бұрын
What healers say: "I can't heal through a one shot!" What healers mean: "Maybe I shouldn't be playing Hearthstone while healing this dungeon."
@MarieHolestad 7 жыл бұрын
K Dub but I'm almost winning this 1v1 run in overwatch!
@kennethwright5664 7 жыл бұрын
Vampire Cherry LOL well, at least that's a good excuse then. ;-)
@wowstonecrab 7 жыл бұрын
I prefer when you film these without your in game sound so I can mute everything I have running and just hear your instructions without the distracting mario sound of you killing a boss.
@Maglouk 7 жыл бұрын
I havent played since vanilla/tbc and just came back, max level now, and I'm absolute crap right now, I have no idea what the bosses are about to do yet and it's really frightning to even try and get a group for pracice,. need to get used to the game again I guess :S but it is demoralising atm edit: I might be trash but I always dispell... Who doesnt dispell!?
@joshuabigoking9281 7 жыл бұрын
Good tips
@TeddyBelcher4kultrawide 7 жыл бұрын
wind shear will plow your head
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