BATGIRL LOVES Who? | Batman Three Jokers #2

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@samboykin3152 4 жыл бұрын
I was reading a Batman comic the other day and about halfway through I realized I was reading it in your Batman voice
@CasuallyComics 4 жыл бұрын
Oh No! lol
@tarmaque 4 жыл бұрын
Seek therapy. 🤣
@WannabeWryter 4 жыл бұрын
I liked how different her joker voice is, the wicked and giggly voice make joker sound more unique.
@samwilson9781 4 жыл бұрын
I'd love for Sasha to voiceover the interrogation scene from the Dark Knight!
@rexhazelwood7302 4 жыл бұрын
I love Sasha's Batman voice :) so it's o.k.
@pinoyjona 4 жыл бұрын
I honestly find it funny when she does Criminal Joker’s voice with laughter while the panel shows him so serious. Makes me imagine the Joker laughing with a blank expression before.
@antonydrossos5719 4 жыл бұрын
Her Batman voice is still leagues ahead of Christian Bale's!
@micah459 4 жыл бұрын
One thing that always annoyed me in comics was forcing romance and while this wasn't romance, I feel like them kissing really wasn't needed. Like every time two people are emotional or share a connection they have to kiss. Like Why?
@manis1551 4 жыл бұрын
I think Geoff Johns wanted to add some melodrama which is why the kiss was in this story
@spookydookie4046 4 жыл бұрын
I felt it was not needed as well
@PosthumanHeresy 4 жыл бұрын
Never had yourself a trauma bond I suppose. Trust me, that was the most realistic direction for that scene to go. Bonding over trauma feels extremely intimate. That intimacy can lead to or be mistaken for romantic affection _very_ easily.
@spookydookie4046 4 жыл бұрын
@@PosthumanHeresy but is there a bond when two people handle it so differently? These are two very different people. Don't people usually bond when they are looking to bond with others. Jason leans more towards anger.
@PosthumanHeresy 4 жыл бұрын
@@spookydookie4046 I don't think that'll actually have as big an impact. Both of those reactions have the same root causal factor, unprocessed trauma and PTSD. The bond isn't coming from the reactions, it's from sharing the experience of that trauma. Both characters, especially in this moment, are looking for someone to bond with over their shared trauma due to the massive PTSD triggering they're undergoing right now. The only person they feel at the moment can understand their pain is the other one, regardless of how they've reacted from it. Both are victims of The Joker, physically and mentally. Bruce is a stone wall, so there's no support there. The rest of the family certainly has their issues with the clown, but nothing like these two. Between their shared unique experiences, their heightened emotional state and their intense isolation, it makes sense they'd turn to each other for comfort. Furthermore, Barbara just saw Jason in a somewhat recreation of her own victimization. That's going to significantly heighten her bond with him. Oh and to add, I'm not arguing that doing so is _healthy_ for either of their psyches. Making the right decisions, they could possibly be healthy. However, even in real life the plausibility of that is low. In comic books it's basically nil. If they did sleep together, it very much could be one of those unsexy despair coping sex scenes that occasionally writers do when they're feeling daring, where you know this isn't something they should do but they're doing it because they just want something pleasurable for once.
@DrFranklynAnderson 4 жыл бұрын
There was a fan audio drama once where Oracle said “Shooting me wasn’t the worst thing the Joker ever did to me. I didn’t fully heal, but I did recover. He’s killed my friends and family. I’ll never get them back.” I wish more people understood that about disability.
@MakiPcr 3 жыл бұрын
You got the name of that story?
@DrFranklynAnderson 3 жыл бұрын
@@MakiPcr It was a podcast called Batman: the Ace of Detectives, but sadly the production company must have gotten hit with a massive copyright claim, because they took down years worth of shows and acted like they’d never existed. You might be able to find some episodes in old torrents or long-forgotten websites. I have no clue which episode that dialogue is from, sadly.
@MakiPcr 3 жыл бұрын
@@DrFranklynAnderson That's so tragic. I'm still gonna see what I can find; because holy shit I need a Batfamily thing that understands disability!
@DrFranklynAnderson 3 жыл бұрын
@@MakiPcr Wwwwwwwwwwell… the actress playing Babs was VERY good and even ad-libbed some deep cut references to her comics history, so if you can find it I highly recommend. I will just say, I believe I read that at some point (I was only halfway or so through the series when it got pulled) they dropped Barbara into a Lazarus Pit. Now this was long before DC reverted her to Batgirl, so I’m pretty sure the fanshow had her decide to stay as Oracle instead of taking the mantle back from Cass/Steph. _Maybe_ that story can be handled well, but as a crip myself, I know *I* find magic paralysis cures to be incredibly frustrating. Your mileage may very.
@DrFranklynAnderson 3 жыл бұрын
@@MakiPcr Oh my goodness, they finally cast Babs in Titans! And they confirmed she’s going to have an Oracle role! Part of me’s thrilled, part dreading how DC’s inevitably going to screw this up! 😅
@TheKoolSection 4 жыл бұрын
DC needs to stop trying to pimp out Barbara to the Bat-Family. It's disgusting and unnecessary. Jason Todd also needs to STOP chasing after Dick Grayson's sloppy seconds. First Starfire, now this.
@babadoudidadouda 4 жыл бұрын
While I object to the word "sloppy seconds", I have to agree. Same for Dick's friends (I only know about Roy tbh). Not that I mind him being friends with Dick's friends, but I hate when it's him taking over Dick's place/erasing Dick's friendships.
@vit968 3 жыл бұрын
*It is the fate of all comic book green-eyed redheads to be pimped out to whoever's the male protagonist of the moment.*
@maazzaheer8625 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly he didn't really chase after starfire and he didn't date her for almost the entirety of the new 52 run of the outlaws starfire was paired with roy
@ladyoftheabyss13 4 жыл бұрын
I really think that if Jason wasn't found by Talia and then put in the Lazarus Pit with her father, then he would be a different person. With the trauma Jason suffered through, he didn't have his family to help him heal completely. The scene where Barbara tells Jason why she kept everything shows how they both didn't have the same support system in their recovery. If Jason had been found by Bruce or Dick or Tim, I believe he would have been able to overcome what had happened to him. He would have had Dick and Alfred to take care of him mostly. Tim would have helped too. Bruce would have been hesitant at first but eventually he would have helped as well. I strongly believe that it would have been Dick and Alfred who would have done the most to have helped him. He would have still been angry about not being avenged, but I just feel that Dick would never leave Jason's side while he was recovering. For me this comic is showing the difference in support system for the two of the most traumatized people in comics.
@GenerationWest 4 жыл бұрын
Read it a few days ago, with Barbara and Jason relating over their trauma, and i'm like "Whatcha doing there". Then this issue, with Jason sleeping on Barbara's couch, shirtless, her seeing him naked like she was... I was like "Oh, you're going for it", and then they kissed, not for long, but enough for the drama! Even though they regret it, this ain't over, (You know, In media now, Barbara has kissed three Robins now, since she married Tim in the Arkham Verse.)
@vit968 4 жыл бұрын
*This means Barbara must eventually kiss Damian and claim all the Robins as the Bat Family Bicycle (because every Robin rides her or will). This will make her a shotacon and a criminal but that is her true purpose, to be hooked up with every damn Robin.*
@TrufanNW 4 жыл бұрын
Funny, I was gonna make this comment but changed my mind. Glad someone else pointed it out.
@owendean907 4 жыл бұрын
vit don't forget Stephanie is counted as an ex-Robin. She's on Babs list
@nicholashodges201 4 жыл бұрын
@@jyee6237 the hell it wasn't! She's the Robin that almost got Gotham burned to the ground
@chefedegaru 4 жыл бұрын
I've never understood Bruce's need to be a father to all those Robins and then his total lack of drive to actually parent and care for them. This issue really puts the spot light on the topic, while most of the recent issues only allude to it.
@Leadeshipcoach 4 жыл бұрын
I see your point. But ya know except for Jason I don’t think Bruce was ever trying to be a “father “ . Starting with Dick I think he saw them in pain, enraged and feeling ... helpless. I think he saw himself after his parents were killed and his thought was “ I can help you channel that anger and rage... and make that helpless feeling go away “. The only one I think he has sought to father is Damian... and with him Inthink it is about shaping him and helping him be better and not turn in to what the Al Ghouls’ planned. And I think in Damian he truly sees an heir. Someone who truly would want to take over the mantle of the Bat. Of course... I could be wrong 😉
@tomorrow4eva 3 жыл бұрын
I blame the editors and writers that want him to be edgy, so he never quite manages to read up on how to parent. In canon I go with he loves them but compartmentalises to the extreme. Also, he was raised by his employee and ran off for several years without ever calling home. I’m not sure he knows what a healthy father/son relationship looks like. If not for the writers and editors, he could overcome this, but...
@TheBigBadWriterman 4 жыл бұрын
We need a series of just Sasha reading comics in her voices.
@margaretasiedu4239 4 жыл бұрын
Or do a voice acting for batgirl animated series
@BSLcreations 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like Bat's "Why can't Jason be as strong as you" comment was an attempt to sure up a Barbara who he could tell was at her breaking point. My head cannon Batman is formost a tactician. He'd understand that often the best crutch for hard times is your peers firm belief that you can handle it.
@PosthumanHeresy 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think it's _quite_ that positive. I think he thinks they can handle it because he thinks he can handle it and he has intense respect for them. Problem is, he overestimates his own ability to handle it (a point made in a lot of good storylines ranging from Batman Beyond to Court of Owls to Emperor Joker) and in turn theirs, which makes them feel like they have impossible expectations to live up to. He believes they can be as Batman as he is if they work hard, and literally nobody else considers this a good idea because Batman, while really effective at what he does, is a broken wreck. The only one to break from this was Nightwing, and that's pretty much because he flipped his lid and left, no longer seeking any approval from Bruce. One of the best moments in Infinite Crisis was Batman actually recognizing this with his deciding factor on whether to side with Kal-L on destroying and remaking the entire universe is just asking if Dick was an even better person on Kal's Earth. In other words, he's trying to help, but this isn't him being a tactical genius, this is Batman has no coping skills for trauma besides repression and punching.
@owendean907 4 жыл бұрын
That's not a head cannon. It's cannon that the Robin outfit is designed to attract the eye. They are walking targets so Batman can get the sneak. But I don't think he said that to reassure Batgirl. Honestly think Batman is confused why Jason can't get over his trauma. That's kinda how he is. Remember when he took Jason on a road trip to where he died to get him over Damian's death?
@LostCommenter7 4 жыл бұрын
The art for this series is amazing and I'm still super curious where it goes. However, I like the idea of Barbara and Jason bonding/comforting each other, but like (and you can ship it if that's your poison), can Babs have platonic relationships with the other guy bats? Like seriously they have shipped her with Dick, Bruce, Tim, and now Jason and it just feels demeaning to her character. This singular kiss wouldn't be so bad in vacuum, but it's just the over arching issue of Barbara existing as the go to Bat-love interest that pisses me off.
@BigBadWolframio 4 жыл бұрын
Totally agree. I could (kinda) understand it from Jason's perspective since he's so not used to people really caring about him in a deeper level (now that Roy is dead and it seems like Artemis and Bizarro aren't around), so the only way he knows how to handle so much mixed emotions is by kissing... But I don't think it was conveyed in that way and I dislike how it was portrayed. It wasn't needed. It could've been as (or more) impactful if they learned to care about each other in a non-romantic way. It was effing time someone talked to Jason about what happened to him from an understanding position and offered actual help, because so far Batman has only told him "we can help you" and then proceed to punch him harder than to some of his enemies.
@owendean907 4 жыл бұрын
Keru Wolf Jason does have a record of falling for people who are kind towards him. Happened with star fire and Thalia. Even with Roy. That relationship was past bromance to the point that people thought the DCYou LGBT series was them
@gregcourtney7717 3 жыл бұрын
@@BigBadWolframio according to joker war, in a related Red Hood issue, apparently Bizzaro and Artemis got whisked off to some other dimension. That issue also has Jason destroy their former headquarters to deal with the bad guys.
@BigBadWolframio 3 жыл бұрын
@@gregcourtney7717 Yeah, it happened during RHATO, around issue 25 or 26, I believe. Although I don't really understand what you mean by it 🤔
@gregcourtney7717 3 жыл бұрын
@@BigBadWolframio Yeah I only heard about it in Joker War and didn't read RHATO so didn't want to presume. Your wording about Artemis and Bizzaro came off to me as confused as to how they were gone. I was just trying to explain it. Really am not the biggest Jason fan, he's fine, so you probably have a better understanding of him than I do.
@Loboto_Mia 4 жыл бұрын
I have a casually comics addiction
@PhantomSaysHi 4 жыл бұрын
The second Joker grabbed Jason I just screamed "Oh come on AGAIN?!" and had to put the book down walk away for a minute. Regardless, I am loving these books, its the best written Jason we've had since DCeased.
@spookydookie4046 4 жыл бұрын
I know right. Why do all these Jokers keep sneaking up on Jason? How has he survived this long? Lol
@DCPatrol 4 жыл бұрын
I love your approach and wish there could be more of this in fandom... and really the world. It's usually light and fun but then the big words and ideas come out and you remind everyone to play nice. Thanks for all that!
@desmonddesjarlais2697 4 жыл бұрын
That artist is absurdly talented. I imagine evoking another artist's creation while telling a new story is difficult.
@davidsalinas6393 4 жыл бұрын
The writers keep putting Babs with the Batfamily its so weird 😭😭
@fynnthefox9078 4 жыл бұрын
At least she's not banging Bruce in this comic though. I honestly like Barbara either with Dick or Jason.
@davidsalinas6393 4 жыл бұрын
@@OlafLesniak JAIL
@onilao 4 жыл бұрын
it is getting a little much >.>
@vidaenagonia-cl 4 жыл бұрын
@@davidsalinas6393 i mean she should have went to jail in the 70s,since she was 25 when Dick 16.And she was totally aware of wrong it was for her to be daydreaming about a teenager.I know that the writers didn't intended that way,but nowadays it would come across almost a grooming.
@jasontoddsthighholsters4168 4 жыл бұрын
@@onilao agreed... Lmao they better not try with Damian 😂.
@daviddaniels1487 4 жыл бұрын
Dr. Phosphorus is there because Rupert Thorne is. It's a reference to Phosphorus's hatred for Thorne and desire for vengeance--underscoring Bruce, Barbara, and Jason's feelings toward Joker, Joker's feelings for them (and all humanity)--and, in that specific moment, Batman's feelings about Joe Chill. That Dr. Phosphorus is unable to burn through his bars is therefore not just about Blackgate's precautions, but about revenge and restriction--how people are prevented from taking revenge, and how revenge restricts and imprisons your life. Yes, this is deep. Good stuff. 😊 Oh, and FYI: pre-New 52, Dr. Phosphorus caught up with Thorne and burned his footprint into Thorne's back. More to chew on... 😊
@ambervalkerie9134 4 жыл бұрын
When reading this I was kinda dreading that they were gonna do the freaking Jason death pose again. Just had that in Red Hood tie in for Joker War, and I was like going through the pages, chanting "don't do the pose, Don't do the pose pls" Glad they didn't but was not expecting the Jason/Bab Kiss. DC making sure she get though all the Batboys. Dick, Tim (Arkhamverse), Jason (here, and bit in Batman Eternal), Luke Fox (Batwing, in the Batgirl comics they dated for a bit) and of course Bruce himself in the animated DCverse.
@TrufanNW 4 жыл бұрын
Give it time we may get that pose soon.
@ForbinsColossus 3 жыл бұрын
You know what would be great...a look at the ages of the Bat Family. Isn’t Barbara a lot older than Jason? Once upon a time Barbara was older than Dick. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Soon Barbara and Tim will be the same age. Though at this point Bruce is only 5 years older than Dick.
@drpac9164 4 жыл бұрын
I was one of the people that screamed no when I saw that kiss, btw.
@Leadeshipcoach 4 жыл бұрын
Me too
@pavankrishna.s396 3 жыл бұрын
@Coleees 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah that kiss made me uncomfy
@SG-js2qn 4 жыл бұрын
I like the use of Batgirl, a character that readers were interested in, but writers were not, when I was a kid. But the Joker is so over exposed. I'd rather read a clever one-off detective story than another "He's the Joker! He can do anything!" story.
@merengsanjana2644 3 жыл бұрын
@lobiwarsaw7410 4 жыл бұрын
The only thing i'm disliking about this book is the way that Bruce is being portrayed. I guess I got used to the more sensitive and emotional Batman from Tom King's run. I expected a more passionate reaction from Bruce when it came to the whole Joker murder. On top of that Batman just leaves Jason to recover at Barbara's place. Batman may be stunted but he cares about his family more than anything. I don't like that he just left without so much as a worried glance in Jason's direction.
@AvoCamilo 4 жыл бұрын
Never get used to a Batman that's more sensitive and caring in a run, sooner or later he's going back to its roots. Never forget that Batman is a pulp novel-noir inspired hero, calculative and emotionally broken.
@AvoCamilo 4 жыл бұрын
@@OlafLesniak Yeh, the part with Joe Chill was annoying, writters always use his parents' death like it happened yesterday and Bruce never got even a bit better in 80 years of stories. By emotionally broken i mean that he can't show his emotions to people, like all noir heroes, or like the Joker always imply, that Batman is a psychopath that happens to have a code and be in the hero side.
@reggie1025 4 жыл бұрын
I think it makes sense when it comes to Jason though. Of all his sons, Jason is the one that's always had the most strained relationship with Bruce. Dick and Bruce shared the shared trauma of losing their parents. Tim and Bruce have their detective cores. Damien is his blood. Jason though... the main thing they shared was their rage. Bruce used that anger and brought Jason in to his life with the rationalization that he'd help a down on his luck boy, but he's always wondered if he didn't indoctrinate Jason just to help himself and fill that hole in his family that was created when he had the big fight with Dick that led to Robin leaving. He may have set a kid on a path that led to the child's death (or "death" depending on which continuity is counting today) just to make himself feel better. Jason got "fixed", but everything he's been through has set him even further apart from Bruce than they were before. So Bruce has no idea how to rebuild that relationship, or even if he has the right to.
@spookydookie4046 4 жыл бұрын
@@AvoCamilo preach!
@spookydookie4046 4 жыл бұрын
I like flawed characters. I always like to think that Bruce has spent, and still does spend, his whole life to become the best. To overcome any enemy and to keep up with any meta-hero that he is not focused a lot at being emotionally/socially sensitive. He can improve over years but it will never be on par with most people. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" "Every night matters" Batman Beyond
@ryanjstannard 4 жыл бұрын
I’m not sure yet if I like Babs and Jason as a couple, but I really love their character dynamic. Especially how Barbara is someone who Jason feels he can be emotional and raw with.
@kingofthebis1068 4 жыл бұрын
“MISSING CLOWNS” Really Batman?!? I’m crying lmao
@booksvsmovies 4 жыл бұрын
I guess he has to cover all the bases
@BlackJackLopez 4 жыл бұрын
Conan Doyle canon, Boy Wonder: Once EVERY possibility has been dismissed, the only thing remaining, no matter how duh!, must be the Truth! Lol. XD
@tretyler9521 4 жыл бұрын
That they would kiss in a moment like that and then say "we shouldn't have kissed" seemed so real. That is a 10/10 moment for me. I love the art in this mini-series. I am enjoying this work. I see it as nothing to agree, nor, disagree with. I like it.
@210SAi 4 жыл бұрын
I honestly don’t see how the 3 Jokers Story gets wrapped up in the final issue unless it’s gonna be over 100 pages long.
@brittanybrown3445 4 жыл бұрын
Wild theory since this is (kinda) an elseworlds situation: They're setting up Barbara to become the third Joker, not Jason. I thought it in the first book where they were investigating and she jumped into the empty chemical pit and talked about how that's where he was created and, with this issue having Bruce say things like "you're stronger than Jason. I wish he moved past this like you did," I think it's setting up some bitter irony. Either way, love the comic and love your videos!
@210SAi 4 жыл бұрын
While that would be an interesting twist it would mean the story would never become canon
@brittanybrown3445 4 жыл бұрын
@@210SAi Oh, definitely not, but i'm not sure how much they're actually setting up for canon regardless of what they've said
@210SAi 4 жыл бұрын
Brittany Brown I honestly believe that back when the Mobius Chair introduced 3 Jokers the idea of a 5G universe was probably beginning but since that’s no longer gonna happen the whole idea is just left out there as a dangling plot
@brittanybrown3445 4 жыл бұрын
@@210SAi yeah, I kind of like that though. If there's not a real plan for what they want to come from this, it could become anything and that's exciting
@vidaenagonia-cl 4 жыл бұрын
The Batgirl Who Laughs
@missa.curtis1633 4 жыл бұрын
I'm all for a good ship, but that kiss just felt so random. Was it just a black label 'shocker' moment? They were bonding, sure. At a different time, the kiss would have been fine. It just felt weird here. (I do like the batman/joker playing cards that come with the physical copies so I'll be looking forward to that.)
@ambervalkerie9134 4 жыл бұрын
at least Babs acknowledged the fact that it wasn't the right thing to do, considering Jason is feeling so vulnerable right now.
@manis1551 4 жыл бұрын
I wish writers would note that they can have a female character who cares for, takes sympathy on and love a male character without making it romantic. The kiss between Barbara and Jason felt forced, lazy and predictable. I did like that Jason at the end of this issue wants to heal from his trauma and move forward. Overall I enjoyed this issue.
@dragonninja3655 4 жыл бұрын
What universe is this supposed to be? I thought he was crushing on aretimis current times.
@TrufanNW 4 жыл бұрын
@@dragonninja3655 you think continuity matters in these cross overs? They probably address it in a line if people complain enough .
@dragonninja3655 4 жыл бұрын
@@TrufanNW I think you mean alternate universe or spin off. There isn't really a crossover in these, just a lot of the batfamily members. I really wish the batfamily would pop up in each other's comics more often. I assume these joker stories are going to be a stand alone spinoff/what if scenario. Still, even in a spinoff, unless it contained within the stories themselves, there has never really been any romantic relationship between these two characters.
@dem0n0maniac 3 жыл бұрын
I also like how Jason's giving different answers to why he took the name parallels the way the Joker will give different origins
@TrenchReynolds 4 жыл бұрын
I went in with low expectations considering the arc Three Jokers was born out of but so far I've been impressed. They just need to stick the landing.
@davidspearim5552 4 жыл бұрын
But this is less about the three jokers and more about batman Jason and Barbara I thought we gonna know about these 3 I already know about the bat family too much .
@bioniccrouton 4 жыл бұрын
Every time I get out of purchasing comics, your enthusiasm and great stories keep pulling me back in!
@booksvsmovies 4 жыл бұрын
As someone who isn't that up to dste in Bat-lore. I really appreciated this deep dive and character analysis. I think this dive into Three Jokers has been one of faves since your Harleen reviews. I'm always here for analytical vids
@visionary202 4 жыл бұрын
I like the inclusion of disability, healing, trauma, and pain. I hope to see more of that in our culture to hopefully expand understanding and empathy. I also like that Jason and Barbra were able to have that moment of understanding and empathetic response
@matman329 4 жыл бұрын
I don't know why, but to me , the criminal joker unsettles me the most. I think it's because I'm used to seeing joker with his creepy smile and seeing him constantly scowl is throwing me off.
@tomorrow4eva 3 жыл бұрын
I’m seriously enjoying a well-drawn and attractive Jason. I dig his bad boy with a heart of gold vibe.
@apollolux 4 жыл бұрын
This issue confused me when I read it. On top of now questioning which Joker was the one who originally killed Jason, now I'm questioning which Joker was the one who temporarily went good guy Jack Napier, which Joker was the one who cut his own face off, and how much of any of that is currently canon and acknowledged by this mini-series ?_? Also, I thought the fan theory was that Jared Leto Joker was Tim to match the Batman Beyond storyline and not Jason?
@WhiteRaven696 4 жыл бұрын
I said it on ComicsExplained, and I’ll repeat it here: This made me ship Babs and Jason. Hard. Mostly because I need Dick and Starfire to end up together.
@ashleytuchin7693 4 жыл бұрын
I actually really loved this issue and I'm loving the story as a whole so far, I just hope they can stick the landing with issue three. I was unsure about the idea of there being three Jokers back when it was first mentioned, but now I think it works really well and I'd be totally fine with this being made canon. I feel like the idea of canon is pretty relative these days anyway in this post-Covergence, post-Doomsday Clock world. I'm loving the character studies of Babs, Jason and the Joker(s), and I'm pretty impressed with how they've managed to make the Jokers similar enough to be mistaken for the same person, while being very different in character and personality. Oh and I completely missed that that was Joker's Killing Joke wife, nice catch! I was actually wondering whether this story was deliberately delayed so that it could be part of the Joker's 80th anniversary celebrations, given that it celebrates so much of the character's lore and history. I've even wondered whether this was originally meant to be in the main Batman titles, but was replaced with Joker War to avoid making Three Jokers 100% canon. Seeing as both this and Joker War only have one issue left, I'm wondering whether it's possible that they might connect the two somehow, perhaps Punchline is being groomed to be the next Joker? Oh and I loved that scene between Babs and Bruce while they were driving, probably my favourite part of the issue. I'm also surprised it's taken this long for Babs and Jason to get close like that. They've both experienced trauma that the other can understand better than most people, it makes total sense that they'd find understanding or even comfort in one another. I don't think they'd work as a couple, but it makes sense that they might have a moment. Oh and did you catch that the cell numbers in Blackgate referenced the first appearances of each of those characters? I love little details like that. Sorry for this crazy long comment, there's just so much to unpack from this story.
@rcbmmines4579 4 жыл бұрын
As for why Jeannie and the son were afraid in the fantasy, that's because I think deep down, the Comedian doesn't actually like being the Joker and isn't obsessed with Batman as the other two. The Clown I think is the only one genuinely happy. Which is why he’s so goofy and why the Comedian’s so violent. I bet at the end of this story, whether he dies, goes sane or whatever, he’ll have the same fantasy, but as a normal man again.
@DarkGengar1969 4 жыл бұрын
Ms. Sasha you be killing me with the Dark Knight's voice in a good way!!! Love your channel always!!! Have the baby arrived yet? If so congratulations to you!!!
@CasuallyComics 4 жыл бұрын
Baby has arrived, thank you kindly :)
@AgentBlizzaga 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I found this channel, it is so validating knowing other people read comics in character voices
@fjgames9071 4 жыл бұрын
I start with the analysis, stay for receipts, and love the hair.
@schonnj 4 жыл бұрын
The "it only hurts when I laugh" sub-theme is intriguing.
@captainfalconer5869 4 жыл бұрын
I love psychological drama. The Bat Family (this includes their opponents too) provides an excellent platform to tell a story through a characters therapy. The Joker makes for an excellent psychiatrist and patient. Although, I think he's actually treating himself most of the time. I think the Batgirl/Barbara arc is uncomfortably solid. I'm uncomfortable reading it and it seems like the character is uncomfortable dealing with it. All of it makes for great reading.
@aberido9665 4 жыл бұрын
I love your reviews and insights on the backstories of the characters! It would be interesting to hear your take on the "Going Sane" Joker story line.
@samkaranja5709 4 жыл бұрын
I know that Jason was just reaching out for some connect but considering that that night Jason had murdered a joker, been beaten by another joker and found nearly psychological broken, Barbara is right, they shouldn't have done that Also I don't shio babs/jason. Rose/Jason all the way
@karenstarr 4 жыл бұрын
While I really enjoyed this issue, the kiss took me right out of the story. Personally I don't ship any member of the batfam with each other. To me they are a family. A broken one, but a family nonetheless.
@fynnthefox9078 4 жыл бұрын
I just read it last night, and I really enjoyed it! Also, when I read the Jokers' lines, I like differentiate their voices. Criminal Joker: Michael Emerson Comedian Joker: Mark Hamill Clown Joker: Kevin Michael Richardson
@Magmaster13 4 жыл бұрын
This reminds of the time Jason tried to confess his love for Donna Troy just no
@Waywardpine 4 жыл бұрын
Oh I have to see this, do you know what comic or issue ?
@amandak.5967 4 жыл бұрын
Jason has a type for strong, older women :)
@c.i.a8359 4 жыл бұрын
Amanda K. I wouldn’t count that as older women. When I think of men liking older women I think of 35+ women
@amandak.5967 4 жыл бұрын
@@c.i.a8359Okay... that's very specific :)
@Magmaster13 4 жыл бұрын
@@Waywardpineit was in Countdown to Infinite Crisis dont know what issue
@johnkelley9687 4 жыл бұрын
I love it so far. But your Joker voice scares the hell out of me.
@nicholasdaniel2778 4 жыл бұрын
Still, he's got untrademarked fish, as well as a giant shark, get em! :P
@melodymsg 3 жыл бұрын
I love your Joker voice it’s so good
@questworldiangreenknight7455 2 жыл бұрын
Somehow Causally Comics Joker voice is actually terrifying!!!😳😆
@OgIKidd 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, with how well it's been handled so far, I wouldn't mind this actually becoming cannon. Mainly because with all of these multi-verse events constantly happening, it makes sense that some previous versions of the villains would spill over like some of the Golden and Silver age heroes. Not to mention that it's very self contained and personal to Batman without having to be some massive event that involves the Justice League. Once the curiosity and spectacle of something like Dark Knights Metal and Death of The Family wears off, they feel more like they should have been elseworld stories whereas this one feels like it's more true to the spirit and characterization of these characters.... At least to me anyway. I could even see this working in context merged with everything that's happened in the current Joker War/Punchline arc. Based on how he speaks to Jason, it seems like The Criminal is looking for a new/proper Joker like an aging mob boss looking for a true successor to "the family." Throwing Harley, Punchline, and Scrambled Dick into that pool along with this Jason, and the other two Jokers would make for an interestingly warped and inverted Battle for the Cowl scenario.
@spookydookie4046 4 жыл бұрын
I don't ship Jason and Babs. I enjoy them more when they casually butt heads because of their ideals. I am enjoying this book.
@samwilson9781 4 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed your presentation. However, I am tired of the obsession Geoff Johns has with Alan Moore. Between Starfire, and now Barbara, Jason really is a Dick-clone. Jason has no identity of his own. I never liked post-crisis Jason. I felt some empathy for him during the Grant Morrison era, but Geoff has managed to make me dislike the character all over again. Joker needs to put him out his misery again, imo. Fiction or non-fiction, it is disturbing when one man ( Geoff Johns & Jason Todd) spends so much time following the path set by another man (Alan Moore & Dick Grayson).
@rodneylindsey849 3 жыл бұрын
I’m in the camp that the writers are doing the character of Barbara Gordon a disservice by having her hookup with every Wayne heir except Damian. Bruce is just CREEPY, not because of the age difference, but because of his knowledge of the relationship between Dick & Barbara, & His friendship with Her Dad. I would be fine with a triangle between Dick, Barbara,& Jason it would probably be a natural thing to occur. Tim & Barbara has the same feel as Bruce & Barbara, I think they always had a Brother,Sister/ Mentor, Student relationship,& if Tim had a crush I believe Barbara would have let him down easily, partly because of her friendship with Stephanie. Babs just deserves better
@ea_gaming 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciate these videos- you pull so much more thought and so many more references out than I do!
@DocSchupp1 4 жыл бұрын
you're Batman voice is everything ! lol
@KitNavarro 4 жыл бұрын
Sasha's Batman voice always gives me life! Great video of an excellent series!
@brochromkee1028 4 жыл бұрын
Whenever bay man just stands there in doing nothing I’d like to think he’s singing Sound Of Silence to himself in ether Kevin’s voice or Bales “WhErEs RaChAlE!!”
@leademi1387 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly I am for the trauma bonding between Barbara and Jason. I don’t think anything will happen more than this kiss. In my opinion it was more of a gut reaction for Babs to show Jason that she genuinely cares about him and always has, as well as for Jason to realize he wasn’t the only bat family member outside of Bruce dealing lingering trauma and possible ptsd. Jason has always been driven by his emotions so I interpret the kiss as her way of conveying to him what her words can’t. I think it will ultimately be platonic. But honestly if they want to robin ship her I’m all for Jason. I’m a Dick/Starfire otp fan myself.
@Alfiemon 4 жыл бұрын
Love her hate her you must admit sashes hair is always interesting
@dhopkinsyt 4 жыл бұрын
Sasha's Joker voice is the best thing on youtube. Mark Hamill should take notes
@Fartedbooty 4 жыл бұрын
If they're going to do blasphemous things between Jason and Barbara, then they might as well finish the nonsense with Dick Grayson and Donna Troy hooking up.
@gabriellee235 4 жыл бұрын
I’m a 100% Dick/Babs shipper. They have the most well-developed relationship/connection in the Bat Family. It took years to build and it works. Didio/Johns hate both Nightwing and Batgirl. The kiss should have been a hug instead. It would have been cathartic and moving. It’s a betrayal to the character of Barbara and makes ZERO sense. It also paints Jason in a bad light as well. It’s a disservice to both and in a way Dick Grayson given that they just re-established in Rebirth how she feels about him. . They’re all out of character. 🤮🤬
@goodgamesir1750 4 жыл бұрын
It didn’t take years, it was first established in the 90s Nightwing comics when Barbara first becomes oracle, he tells her sorry he wasn’t there for her, sleeps with her, and then tells her in the morning that he’s marrying Starfire. Honestly, they’re both shitty pairs in my book. Johns doesn’t hate Nightwing or Batgirl, it’s just using the connection of trauma between Babs and Jason. And this is in the air, so it isn’t canon nor is it non canon
@gabriellee235 4 жыл бұрын
. Their relationship/connection spans the first signs in BoP#8 to the proposal Nightwing #117 to Nightwing Annual #2. when she breaks off the engagement. That’s YEARS worth of comic stories if you’re following a standard 12-issue per year. Plus, that doesn’t even cover the establishment of their close/special connection throughout the BatBooks before that. And they actually bring it all back up in Rebirth a few times with Barbara even telling Dick that he’s the man she eventually wants to marry in the end when all is said and done in Rebirth Batgirln#25. But hey, we’ll just have to agree to disagree. 🤷🏾‍♂️. It’s cool though. I ain’t looking for a fight. Just voicing my opinion, same as you. 👍🏾
@comicdog5097 4 жыл бұрын
Your Batman voice is frikkin amazing!
@ZanzibarEcho 4 жыл бұрын
interesting point about that fantasy joker home life piece...if it was just the mindset of 'big J's envisioning it then the knowledge that both his wife and son feared him (understandably from any sane person's POV) begs the relevation that J' himself also sees,knows perhaps even fears exactly the terrifying persona that is the...joker one might say an experience somewhere between 'out of the body looking in' or multiple personalities disorder.????.....which highlights the curiously leadingly significance as to the question of three jokers !?
@staceykat109 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the vid. I really enjoyed learning more about the Joker and how you delved into the more emotional moments in the story.
@egrudasill1 4 жыл бұрын
I'm having a problem with the sliding time scale. If you go back to right after Crisis on Infinite Earths - Jason is a kid. A 13 year old kid, Barbara and Dick are college graduates in their early 20's. The retconning makes Barbara about 17 when she gets shot by the Joker in the Killing Joke (which came out Spring my Senior Year of High School) and Jason is murdered later that year (Fall, my Freshman year of College) The Sliding Time Scale is doing my head in!
@MrAZed209 4 жыл бұрын
Have yet to read it but this will give me food for thought when I do. BTW, nice wig..... roots could do with a touch-up though.
@RandyJ1219 4 жыл бұрын
Your impersonation game is too funny 🤣 😂! BTW, love the hair. Makes you look...heroic.
@blstuff 4 жыл бұрын
I had a terrible nightmare where she didn't say "I'm Sasha, and if you liked this you know what to do" in the video. Thank goodness that will not come to pass.
@TA3DArtist 4 жыл бұрын
Gotham having a bunch of abandoned locations sounds like Baltimore. When I moved here last year I seriously wondered if the city would still exist in five years just because of how many abandoned buildings and impending closures there were. It's an interesting point about Gotham I hadn't thought about. Good catch. Also: love the look.
@locomadman 4 жыл бұрын
Two for two Sasha! From orange to yellow to a subtle green to black; love it!! How do I say it kinda reminds me of the plumage of a magnificent parrot??? Also, shoulder pads are really your bag; took me a moment to figure it out. I wondered if you simply repositioned the camera or got a new lens (or maybe just went on an extreme crash-course diet); nope. It’s just that 80’s Woman’s power suit look given a modern spin. Then I went back and actually watched the video; that’s good too! 😹
@michaellangwaller 3 жыл бұрын
I really love you looks into this series, I am getting insights that just did not occur to me. Thank you.
@nolongeractive.635 3 жыл бұрын
14:47 okay but I can’t be the only one who thinks this panel is inspired by the Joker’s death scene in the DCAU. That version of Tim was a lot more similar to Jason, so it wouldn’t be that surprising if this was intended.
@Therese504 2 жыл бұрын
I ALWAYS read Batman in your voice
@Allan_aka_RocKITEman 8 ай бұрын
Great video, Sasha...👍
@rickycruse56 4 жыл бұрын
I think this is telling a story and why its going into more depth. Plus it leads to the detective side of things which is part of Batman's core.
@bradenhogan2 4 жыл бұрын
Barbara slowly making her way through the whole Bat-Family
@liza1074 4 жыл бұрын
Love how u explain n break down the comics have a sweet tomorrow
@grahamcann1761 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think romances ("ships") in the comics can be compared to "normal" or "general real-world" relationships. I suspect they're more like (I'm guessing) relationships in times of crisis, like during war, might be. Just looking for that moment of closeness. So... I find it hard to judge. Clark and Diana? Bruce and Lois? Jason and Barbara? What ever. But every once in a while I'd appreciate a few more non-rollar coaster romances in comics. (Of course over the decades I've been reading, it's hard when a writer/editor is looking for something different.) As always thank you so very much for your video.
@artemiswolf4508 4 жыл бұрын
I get they were having a very intimate moment but why can’t a man and a woman have a very close emotional bond without it leading to kissing or sex. Barbara has now been romantically link with Batman and all the male robins except Damien.... just why?
@darkebuddha 4 жыл бұрын
Give Damien a bit of time to grow up, it'll probably happen.
@artemiswolf4508 4 жыл бұрын
@@darkebuddha you’re probably right and I hate it
@Leadeshipcoach 4 жыл бұрын
@darkebuddha 4 жыл бұрын
@@artemiswolf4508 Like, I could see Damien from the Beyond Era getting with Babs. He seems like the type to like an older woman.
@BlackJackLopez 4 жыл бұрын
Give it a few years, when Damien grows as old as Jay... Babs was suppposed to be even older than Dick...
@michaelthompson8616 4 жыл бұрын
johns is trying his best to get this adapted so it can be one of the best animated batman movies behind Phantasm & Under the red hood, not particular order. it looks to be a worthy companion.
@misteranother2252 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome video as always I love how you break down comic books in each video and keeping amusing and insightful. 👍👍
@kcollier2192 4 жыл бұрын
Liking this story and your analysis of it- as well as your character voices...
@TimmHenson 4 жыл бұрын
4:52 My day is made by the Casually Batman having an emotional talk with Barbara.
@BozheTsaryaKhrani 4 жыл бұрын
Love the deloris quote and the yellow whig
@prince_nocturne 4 жыл бұрын
I have strong feelings about... ...bacon and coffee. I love them both. Salty and bitter. ...just like me.
@amandak.5967 4 жыл бұрын
Great video! I love the characterizations and interactions in this comic. Poor Jason! He must be so traumatized... I hope that event is touched more upon later and not forgotten... So I don't like shipping JasonBabs because I'm so sick of Babs being shipped with every Batguy (Bruce, Dick, Tim, Jason, Batwing...). But I like how it's handled in this comic. There's definitely a bond forged by trauma between the two.
@Emileigggggh 4 жыл бұрын
re: the kiss: nooooooo but also at least it makes more sense than Babs and Tim and is less creepy than Babs and Bruce
@lawrenceperry957 3 жыл бұрын
I think I liked everything about issue two except the middle portion. It’s for the dumbest reason. They kept playing “hide the junk” with the Jokers, and that took me right out of the book. They all posed in such a way to hide the junk, debris fell directly in front of the junk, etc. Whenever I see something like that, I just remember Austin Powers. I can’t take the moment seriously anymore. After the Joker zombies, the story got a lot better for me. Can’t wait for the conclusion.
@antshield 4 жыл бұрын
Your interpretation was excellent and gave me a ton to think about. Kudos.
@NatReads 3 жыл бұрын
I am drawn to Jason x Babs because of their shared trauma gives them the potential for a unique bond. However, I don’t think that bond has to be solely romantic. It might work best if it’s platonic or familial. I do find it off-putting that Barbara is shipped with almost all the Robins and within the Batfamily. Aside from Jason Bard, I don’t think she has a love interest outside the Bats and I think she deserves to have that.
@rexhazelwood7302 4 жыл бұрын
Love the hair. I must say, I am really enjoying this series. I think it is well written and with some interesting twists. there is a sense of recycled material but I don't seem to mind, since there is enough originality to the story itself. The art is really well done. I am totally old school ( R.I.P. and all hail King Kirby) but the art really seems to reach out & want to grab you.
@alguemalguem 4 жыл бұрын
I think that because this isn't done yet, opinions have yet to set, it all depends on where this ends. I wonder what is the answer Joe Chill will give the Joker. I wonder if Joker wants to make Joe Chill into a new Joker.
@blerdwords5725 4 жыл бұрын
Wow... this may be my favorite CC vid. I saw 3 Jokers at my local comic shop and after thumbing they it I left it. Ì have to go back and take a look now at this now. Jason as a Joker is an interesting idea.
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