Battlefield 1 Tutorial: How To Kill The ANTI-AIR! (Info and Balance Suggestions)

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@CAL1MBO 7 жыл бұрын
4 dislikes are from kids camping at the back of the map with AA truck
@pekoneko117 7 жыл бұрын
Well well well... Let´s start my rambling (I´m furious, so sorry xD): ·AA: -Option 1: Leave them as they are now, but put only 1 on each base to prevent spawn killing, and 1 (or 2) in the middle of the map. -Option 2: Reduce the range and damage: Make no wing-destroying hit above 50% health and reduce the movement force (they throw you to the ground!!). ·Air to air combat: -Make fighters stronger against other planes. That is their purpose, and right now it takes too long to destroy other planes. Maybe not the time to kill as fast as BF3, but double BF3´s? -Implement speed control like BF3... this is too arcade :( -The gunners on planes should be an auto-defence weapon, not an offensive one. If a gunner on an attack plane has good aim, you can do nothing against it. The time to kill mentioned above is too long compared to the gunner´s time to kill other planes. In the beta was better. -Attack plane´s tank hunter loadout should be buffed a little. 1 hit disable a fighter, 2 hit destroy a attack plane and 3 hit destroy a bomber. Balancing it with less shoots per "magazine" or more reload time. ·Mobile AA: -That truck is the stupidest thing I´ve ever seen. Is the same AA, but mobile and armored... so GG WP, you can´t do anything. Remove it, or make attack plane´s tank hunter loadout stronger. ·Air to ground: -Rockets should do more damage to vehicles, not much but not 2 Hp... and more damage to Infantry. -Attack plane´s tank shoots like the beta. Not a kill only if is a body shoot. -More damage of fighters´ bullets against infantry. ·Bugs: -Obviously the teleporting thing, sometimes its imposible to have a serious dogfight... -Attacks plane´s tank shoots ghosting. Sometimes still happen. -I don´t remenber what, but in 1 loadout if you use spot flares "device" it heals you too, like having the repair ability at the same time. Thank you for your time. Sorry for the spam or the bad english, I´m spanish. Have a nice day :)
@irontjunfisk 7 жыл бұрын
Let me know what you guys like to see next! Always up for feedback and suggestions! i will do more Anti-Air Videos!
@hi_im_ep1k187 7 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you but with your edit to st guintin AA placement edit I would limit them to only on the gimme flags! as a pilot in a bomber team its near imposible to get 100+ games because once you piss off 2 people they tend not to move from their little flak cannons and you tend to get caught in the middle of a cancerous cross fire...
@hi_im_ep1k187 7 жыл бұрын
and the bomber team I work with can drop 100+ on maps like monte grappa with the AAs having a little area at the bottom of the hill they cant reach.
@davis-morley 7 жыл бұрын
Best turning maneuvers and why maybe? How to counter the back gun of an attack plane if thats even possible (especially for fighter one seat-er planes).
@JR-qf9vt 7 жыл бұрын
Ignore the attack plane until it gets behind you (sadly)
@Romsisus 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with all your points. Why couldn't we just have AA on at the spawns like it was on BF3 and 4? I would be alright with their range and damage out put then. AA is ridiculous, kills you in 4 seconds.
@alanlee67 7 жыл бұрын
Great video. Super informative. If you feel up to it do all the maps. It's pointless though. Way too many on every map. Just fly in Operations.
@Skengman334 7 жыл бұрын
Alan Lee That's what I do, especially on Fao Fortress as an attacker I quickly destroy the AA and continue to rape the groud.
@evanescence47 7 жыл бұрын
@Inaluogh 7 жыл бұрын
Planes in BF1 have so many counters that CANNOT be answered directly compared to BF3 and BF4. I'm an all out infantry guy usually, running around avenging fallen teammates and reviving them. Not once did i find myself saying "FUCK THEM PLANES MAN THEY CAN DO EVERYTHING." but i did find myself saying "GOOD LORD THESE TANKS..." a lot. Planes can be shut down by tank cannons, AA guns, Artillery trucks and EVEN NORMAL RIFLES if they attempt a dive bombing run or fly too low. Tanks? Your only answer is explosives. And A LOT of them. And seriously, the St.Quentin Scar AA placements are a bitch to see with the naked eye even with a bird's eye view because of the map's color palette and how the colors look all mushed together and blend in with each other from a distance. I did enjoy flying choppers a lot in BF3 and BF4 but this was the ONLY game in the franchise i actually enjoyed flying a plane. And they went ahead and ruined it with millions of counters and no countermeasures against those counters.
@christianba4598 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, please! Show us all the locations of the aa´s with their range on all maps! That´s so helpful! Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks! Keep up the great work! Upvote this commentary so that tjunfisk has the incentive to do so!
@v1.hattrick 7 жыл бұрын
The way I see it, if everything is OP, nothing is OP. The attack plane is super powerful on 64p operations. I have little trouble scoring 30+ KPD. I had much trouble at the start, yet once I said 'fuck it, i have to deal with this for the time being' things seemed a lot easier. . People as a whole are pretty stupid, use that to your advantage and rule the skies.
@v1.hattrick 7 жыл бұрын
Finn Siemetzki The ground support attack plane is crazy OP at the moment, the range of stationary AA is the only hard counter...and they can't move. I would say the attack plane is more OP than its competitor. Source : the attack plane is the source of about 2/3 of my kills in game, which sits around 3k. KPM average of 2.
@MisterDesigner 7 жыл бұрын
It is really easy to take down an attack plane strafing by sending a shell into his mouth. I think the AA damage is fine, the OP thing is just the range and the amount.
@v1.hattrick 7 жыл бұрын
Mister I would be ignorant to the facts if I didn't agree with you about the range. The problem (in my experience) with DICE, is they make very extreme changes. If they over nerf the AA, the planes will be blatantly OP. History shows, they will in turn nerf the planes. Now we're all shooting marshmallows. For that reason, I would leave it be until the dust settles, and we have a comprehensive idea of what need be done.
@MisterDesigner 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I have this fear about DICE as well. I've heard that they are "tweaking" the mortars. I can't take out the credit that they did a good job with the light tank, though. It's truly balanced now. I think the beta AAs were perfect, they smashed any plane in their range, but it wasn't massive.
@flufymarshmllows7684 7 жыл бұрын
Thx for this! It really helps! One thing that can help a lot is an attack plane tutorial! :D
@dakota754 7 жыл бұрын
Oh hey fluffy. I concur.
@SicStrandps3 7 жыл бұрын
The anti airs are also a REALLY big problem on Operations, the defenders only get anti air, and maybe 1 plane. But the Anti air controll's the whole map (monte grappa) If the defending team loses and they get a Behemot, the attacking team ONLY have the planes and tanks to take it down. Oil of operations is also a big problem, the defending team has 2 anti airs, against 2 planes, 2 tanks 2 boats, and sometimes a Behemoth (the boat) It's impossible to fly, get kills when you constantly get bombed. Operations is probably the gamemode where anti air and vehicles controlls the games.
@VeysTheGreat 7 жыл бұрын
I agree on you that AAs are a bit op in terms of placement. On most of the maps you take down the one shooting you and shortly afterwards you need to do sth else ( mostly fighting fighters for me ) and after that the SAME GUY shows up on the next AA and that's kind of a circle of doom. I'd prefer the way of kinda BF3 with Base AAs having a range of half the map and being destroyable but respawn not after time but after enemy planes scored combined 2000 points
@jsavage4625 7 жыл бұрын
The aa is definitely op. If they just dropped the damage to like 5-15 a shot depending where you hit it would be perfect. Hopefully next patch🙏🏾
@SkarrGaming 7 жыл бұрын
God damn AA ruins my fun in every BF game. In 3 and 4 you would constantly be getting locked on so you'd have to pop a flare then make your way to the outside of the map to wait for another one. I thought things would be better in BF1 but now we have this shit to put up with :(
@TornadoBarrage 7 жыл бұрын
The reason there is so many AA guns is because of the behemoth.
@MisterDesigner 7 жыл бұрын
If everybody used the AAs in St. Quentin at the same time, I think the airship wouldn't even last a minute, since it is never out of the range of more than 2 AAs.
@TornadoBarrage 7 жыл бұрын
Mister key word IF
@JR-qf9vt 7 жыл бұрын
Happened to me on operations. It didn't even enter the map
@MisterDesigner 7 жыл бұрын
TornadoBarrage Considering a team must be losing for quite a difference to get an airship, most of the AAs would probably be in the dominant team's objectives, so it's possible.
@JR-qf9vt 7 жыл бұрын
Mister Not on operations^
@shredd5705 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah there is too many. Or too powerful. But it also sucks when in Operations enemy has the blimp, and current base doesn't have any AA (this happens at least on one base of Ballroom Blitz)
@hectornajar5835 7 жыл бұрын
Any time a friendly aa shoots near me or just at me for some reason they make my plane uncontrollable or it just NOSE dives into the ground. Does this happen to anybody else ?
@ioi1989 7 жыл бұрын
yep same here sometimes a friendly teammate would be shooting a plane that I am after and would end up making me lose control. I will go a bit of topic her but there is this annoying "bug" that i've encountered on Senai desert. If i take the armored car on the B flag for example, and then the enemy team recaptures it, the car disappears while I am actually inside driving it. It's not funny when you're driving the car going to the G flag only to see it disappear and you're outside in the middle of the desert with your dick in your hands being chased by a tank... It has only happened to me in Senai so I am not sure if this bug is related to that map only.
@reticentraven1600 7 жыл бұрын
Hector Najar it happened on me ,too. It likes friendly toxic gas will make u cough. but it won't hurt u.
@ioi1989 7 жыл бұрын
ReticentRaven i beg to differ, this one (though it surely does not damage your plane) but completely fucks up your balance and you could very well end up crashing.
@reticentraven1600 7 жыл бұрын
ioi1989 agree, dice need to fix this problem
@ItsNothingPersonal32 7 жыл бұрын
1ron, I just realized one major issue with removing some of the AA positions from all maps in BF1. Removing AA positions would indirectly increase the power of the airship Behemoth, giving it greater freedom to rampage across the map with less direct counters to slow it down. We should be careful to consider that removing AA will hopefully not make these invaluable team assets impossible to take down. I propose that when an airship spawns, extra AA also spawn to assist in removing the juggernaut and any aircraft assisting it in the air. These should ideally disappear when the Behemoth is destroyed, allowing air combat to return to normalcy.
@Terbie36 7 жыл бұрын
Please make a video obout the locations of the AAs on every map.
@Flamamacue 7 жыл бұрын
I play pilot most of the time, and for balance they definitely need to be in the game. What they really need to do with them is reduce range, and make the splash damage radius smaller so you actually have to have some modicum of skill to operate them. Some maps need a number reduction but range I feel is the biggest issue. You only need two AA's in operation on any map to have basically all the effective plane areas controlled
@Empire_JeSzO 7 жыл бұрын
I feel like if you kill someone on the AA; on foot or in a plane it should destroy the turret for the 3 minute period regardless of if you damaged the turret itself. Gives sniper a bit more of a teamwork effect in their killings
@kvats12 7 жыл бұрын
I can see why there are more AA's on maps with the Zeppelin but maybe they could implement 1 artillery truck at a neutral flag to counter it.
@BIGBOSSFoX 7 жыл бұрын
In operation mode, you can destroy all the empty AA batteries and they will NEVER respawn again. Did this a couple of times in St. Quentin Scar this weekend, then everyone started to cry in the chat because none of them could stop airship from slaughtering them without a crutch like flak guns.
@banzaiiiiiiiiiiii 7 жыл бұрын
so... in your opinion what is a 'non-crutch' way to kill the airship then? it has machine guns that can shred planes so they can't even get close the aa guns are in the game because the infantry have little to nothing that can stop or even repel air vehicles compared to the modern-era bf games. if something can only be countered by itself, you know that something is seriously wrong with the balance in the game if it's true that the operations aa guns can be permanently destroyed then that should be fixed, not copied over to the other gamemodes
@BIGBOSSFoX 7 жыл бұрын
There are so many ways to bring down the airship aside from using AA batteries. AA trucks, heavy machine guns, field guns, fortress guns, rocket guns, planes... you name it. You can even snipe driver or gunner out of airship, or parachute onto the airship with a squad to do damage to it. Airship is already the most vulnerable behemoth then why it deserves to die in 3 mins with at least 3 AAs shooting at it with no skills in operation? I'm not saying AA being permanently destroyed in operation is balanced. It should be fixed but should only come along with a nerf to it and removing AA in the next sector area where attacker's ground force cannot reach.
@banzaiiiiiiiiiiii 7 жыл бұрын
field guns and fortress guns often don't have a high enough gun elevation to even hit the airship in the first place. hmgs and rocket guns do very little damage to the airship. aa truck is a highly disadvantageous because you essentially give away a vital armour piece that could be critical to a push or defense especially the heavy tank. and i already said planes can't go near a competent squad in an airship because it has machine guns that shred them, if the airship squad is so stupid that you can land a bunch on guys on it to drop mines and limpet charge, they wouldn't have lasted long anyway the only thing that can reliably wear down an airship are the aa guns, the keyword here is RELIABLY
@BIGBOSSFoX 7 жыл бұрын
I have no problem taking out an airship single-handedly with a fighter plane with an efficiency similar as using an AA battery and I never got shot down by it. IMO, fighter plane is more reliable than AA cuz it's safer to use (OFC certain skill required). But even a worst player on earth can do the same thing by sitting in the safe zone, pointing the flak gun toward a giant target and holding the left mouse button. So you really wanna a crutch that ensure that a "handicapped" player can RELIABLY take out an airship SINGLE-HANDEDLY?
@banzaiiiiiiiiiiii 7 жыл бұрын
because the airship didn't shoot at you or couldn't aim to save their lives which is exactly the same scenario as the aa guns, except it's not even moving and is always in the same place if the airship let one guy in a flak gun shoot at it for 2 minutes straight without even bothering to return fire to the stationary, completely exposed 'handicapped player' while gigantic tracers and muzzle blasts reveal exactly where the anti-air fire is coming from, then it deserves to be shot down the aa gun is perfectly counterable by the airship as long as the driver and gunners aren't completely oblivious to flak guns while the same can't be said for something like the dreadnaught which has a massive weakness to torpedo boats sniping at it from spawn or behind it if they somehow manage to sneak up to it
@belmontofastora3665 7 жыл бұрын
The only thing I think about the AA guns that might be op is the range. I think they are good for keeping pilots on their toes and keeping them from harassing the same place for too long. I love to fly in this game and haven't once thought they were op, just a good challenge! Also, as a tip to get away, try flying low. If you stay really low to the ground when getting away they seem to have a harder time hitting you. That is my experience though. Just be careful not to hit a tree!
@panlukin 7 жыл бұрын
You asume the only thing that AA operators are worried about are planes, but they are easy target for ground army and a easy kill. Most of the AA guns have no cover and you can kill the guy from 300m. Using AA that is in the middle of the map is suicide as most players when they hear the sound will try to get the easy kill.
@joelstromner9268 7 жыл бұрын
Also add the anti aircraft vehicle to choice... Which you can move to wherever you want. On Monte Grappa that vehicle is way to overpowered!
@SIYUAN2029 7 жыл бұрын
I knew there are a lot of AA guns in scar map, but never thought it will be like this. lol. OK, my suggestions about AA: In addition to reducing the quantity, that one-shot-wing damage and screen shaking should be changed. I dont know which dev member came up this idea of wing damage when planes are getting the very FIRST hit from AA gun, but they did make planes almost unable to fly, i mean seriously, check the beginning of this video, and tell me it's ok Wingdamge should only be effective when planes are below certain health levels, such as 50%.
@MissSyv 7 жыл бұрын
All of the maps would be made so much better is to just either reduce the range or reduce the damage and/or not allow wing damage, it makes getting away so hard
@dannytheman9252 7 жыл бұрын
I have a couple suggestions for videos, could you make one explaining how to lose tails in each plane or just the attack and fighter planes? also could you do one more pertaining to attack planes but on how to deal with rear gunners? they piss me off lol and completely wreck me while im shooting them
@baltor74 7 жыл бұрын
And also with possible AA mobile firing from the base !!
@Alex-no1rb 7 жыл бұрын
you forgot about mobile aa modification of heavy truck
@CAL1MBO 7 жыл бұрын
Саша Махонин That's fucking disgusting. Glad barely anyone has discovered it.
@II-Day-II 7 жыл бұрын
IMO that's the only aa that should be in the game. The stationary ones need to leave.
@CommanderquesoTV 7 жыл бұрын
if anything have limited ammo and they need to land more accurate strikes to take down planes thats how i feel they should work and then reloaded
@reticentraven1600 7 жыл бұрын
I think AA gun in BF1 is fine. You help ground force and they will help you take down those AAs.
@IJustMadeAComment 7 жыл бұрын
3 minutes of clear air lol... they are totally OP
@II-Day-II 7 жыл бұрын
Having this many AA/map just makes no sense when literally every single player can deal damage to aircraft. Sure with the airship it might be needed, but if they just removed AA from the game entirely, except maybe the AA truck, and made taking out aircraft a pilot's job instead of an AA gunner, I feel like this game would be so much more fun. Ground units can still support by using small arms.
@TORETTOZ6 7 жыл бұрын
The antiaircraft have to be powerful even, the problem is the amount of them in some maps as you said
@jackass123455 7 жыл бұрын
a range nerf on all aa and an extreme range nerf on the aa truck. make it move closer to danger. perhaps a damage nerf aswell and a reduction of aa units. it far to powerfull and plentifull. a good gunner can train on you and destroy you well before you have a chance to counter them or escape.
@xbox77039 7 жыл бұрын
I like to fly planes myself but One thing I think there are many AA is because of the Behemoth Blimp.
@funnypuikas 7 жыл бұрын
would be cool to see other maps, thanks for the tips
@xCARNAG3 7 жыл бұрын
Honestly think DICE needs to reduce damage of anti airs just a little bit and reduce the range of the flak. I get shot down across the map with those Anti Airs
@dwinnie 7 жыл бұрын
@syedgilani7108 7 жыл бұрын
planes are too underpowered. even in bf4 planes were shit. there wasn't enough armor on them. why dice feels the need to completely out class the plane I don't understand. maybe they feel that they are to overpowering but so far I have died maybe 2 times from planes. and plenty more from tanks a d infantry. AA are to op. anyone who say otherwise is just plain wrong. the front gun on a plane are underpowered too. it much easier for me to go In front of enemy planes and switch to to the rear guns and take out the enemy.
@michaelv7394 7 жыл бұрын
Great vid!! Would like to see more maps
@adznz11 7 жыл бұрын
How could anyone think AA is ok as it is? Only people who don't fly could possibly think that. Seriously if i didn't love flying so much i wouldn't do it. It's not only enemy AA but friendly AA which is such a giant nuisance i get so many kill steals from friendly AA it hurts you work a guy and just before you finish pom! pom! Sorry some turnip on the ground gets that kill well deserved! It just detracts from the game so much. And if we are talking realism "Archie" in ww1 was as close to useless as anything has been in war. It got its nickname "Archie" from a song of the day called "no way archie" it was a running joke amongst pilots who had so many other things to worry about that when Archie turned up it got them laughing and in good spirits again. AA was useless back then which is why fighter aircraft and pilots were so important. Dice should have taken note.
@nix4110 7 жыл бұрын
But planes also pretty much sucked though in World War 1 I mean in the beginning they were shooting handguns at other pilots and dropping grenades at trenches ffs.
@aquariius4795 7 жыл бұрын
The damn trees steal kills from me, those pesky flagpoles as well.
@TurpGrain43 7 жыл бұрын
I'm a big anti air player in BF1 I do think it's over powered specially the anti air truck that if done correctly can be at you main base and you'll never die cause only air can truly kill you if you know where to set up ur truck but I think it's understandable cause of what the planes are made of wood wire and canvas like you'd use for paintings so yah is it overpowered yah but it's true to the time period and if you were a WW1 pilot you were estimated to live a week at the most for average so is it hard in the game yes but not impossible stay high stay unpredictable and you can kill the AA they be in the open so easy targets if ur high enough
@YourMumsRightTit 7 жыл бұрын
Can you do a video showing where the anti airs are located for every map please? My plan is to destroy them at the start of the game so I can get some breathing room. thanks.
@dakota754 7 жыл бұрын
Could you please mark exact aa locations on the maps
@notchocheese1234 7 жыл бұрын
good video, imma use these tips IF I HAD THE FUCKING GAME
@yogurt2497 7 жыл бұрын
@diegoconchas8354 7 жыл бұрын
I didn't know there were so many AAs on Quentin map my best games as pilot have been on that map though haha
@morich12 7 жыл бұрын
you said it all....same opinion. great vid
@BeeBop427 7 жыл бұрын
I'd like to see more vids and the AA is op on some maps
@philipp117. 7 жыл бұрын
awesome video man thanks for the help
@grizzlygaminghd3598 7 жыл бұрын
How are you rolling In your plane like that??? Is it a certain combo of buttons or a certain control scheme? Pls reply!!!
@mach_point8054 7 жыл бұрын
If you do all of the maps, could you actually show in game where they are? I mean, it's nice to know that AA is on a point, but until I see it from the air, and not just on the map, I have to wait until it shoots me first so I can find it, and there's no way to win when that happens.
@wellingtonalcantara1443 7 жыл бұрын
What really bothers me is that the AA guns don't require ANY skill to use, you barely have to lead your targets.. They should reduce the bullet velocity, make it a little harder to use
@mdilelio 7 жыл бұрын
how you can turn the plane so fast?? you use mouse and keyboard right (with space bar on pull up) but what sensitivity you use??
@reticentraven1600 7 жыл бұрын
mdilelio just turn with default speed.
@mdilelio 7 жыл бұрын
im talking about 1:01 to 1:05 in the video: how can rotate the plane so fast and smooth using the mouse??
@roryfree4707 7 жыл бұрын
fighter plane has very small turn rad
@huntzprey9967 7 жыл бұрын
either they reduce the range or reduce the amount of AA's on an few maps ( best example is Sinai Desert ) or a little bit of both . the dmg is fine imo but the range is just ridiculous man... you basicly can kill planes cross map . the fk is this?
@Azrael_wings 7 жыл бұрын
Great video TJ. 1 question..... when aa's respawn after you clear them off the map?
@irontjunfisk 7 жыл бұрын
3 mins :)
@willemhutten122 7 жыл бұрын
1ron-tjunfisk - BF1 #1 Plane Tips/Gameplays! they need to make it 6 or 7 minutes then it's balanced
@lolizmakemebonerz 7 жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention the artillery trucks with the AA guns on them. Because there is not enough AA and it should also be mobile... and the train with AA on it..........
@MrEpic325 7 жыл бұрын
In real life there really wasn't that many anti-aircraft guns, and there were only about 1,000 of those QF 1 guns ever made
@MentuGaming 7 жыл бұрын
Heres a thread on reddit about making AA a server option. Leave your thoughts -
@Countryboy2206 7 жыл бұрын
ive been saying it since bf4, dice is trying to get rid of air vehicles. just look they put aa everywhere in a game with weak planes and a stupid repair system. they made it difficult to spot and they made it difficult to see ground troops. dice is trying to turn bf into cod. look how easy sniping is...
@mistercrociato91 7 жыл бұрын
how did you figure out the range of the AA?
@wane5949 7 жыл бұрын
mistercrociato91 Pretty sure he went on each AA and fired them until they reached their maximum range?
@TheGorepriest 7 жыл бұрын
Can you say what dpi you use? Plane Sensitivity 100% Ingame?
@Arod413 7 жыл бұрын
How do you get your camera angle to look like that
@MentuGaming 7 жыл бұрын
Gameplay > Plane chase camera Off.
@nombrename2809 7 жыл бұрын
el mejor momento para aprender ingles
@SIYUAN2029 7 жыл бұрын
you should place this video on forum and let DEVs see it.
@thedavescloop 7 жыл бұрын
But is there a way to destroy the gun when it has a gunner? I have never survived an attempt to destroy a manned gun.
@roryfree4707 7 жыл бұрын
your best chance is to dive from map height limit and hope they don't notice you lol
@Ionzilla 7 жыл бұрын
AAs are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to over powered. Airplanes pissing you off? Jump in a fighter plane, that's what they're MEANT to do. I think the AAs should be used more defensively, next to the main bases as a way of aerial deterrent if your team is losing badly. I think there range and power should be reduced, but especially their numbers. St. Quintin is a nightmare for pilots. If everyone is concerned about the behemoth, then just reduced the health of it and/or modify the damage it takes from AAs. Monte Grappa and Ballroom Blitz is also not very fun for a pilot. Teammates on AAs are also a pain because they can easily take your kills and they also make your plane shake and bounce around when they shoot next to you. The AAs take little to no skill to use, and as a fighter plane it's a pain in the ass to get rid of them.
@Just_iAJ 7 жыл бұрын
do the rest of the maps plz
@MisterDesigner 7 жыл бұрын
I have to say the title looks quite ironic.
@Zesrii 7 жыл бұрын
@MisterDesigner 7 жыл бұрын
Ironick ...
@CAL1MBO 7 жыл бұрын
Mister why is that
@MisterDesigner 7 жыл бұрын
САLIMBO ГГГ it says how to kill something and then says this thing needs balance
@blakeluker1425 7 жыл бұрын
can't u just fly above their range though haven't flown very much but can't the planes fly higher than the aa range.
@roryfree4707 7 жыл бұрын
There is a height limit way below their range. Understand that the ranges you see at 3:28 are also vertical, so it's pretty hard to avoid
@blakeluker1425 7 жыл бұрын
Oh ok thanks Rory Free did not really notice or think of that. Mayb they will nerf the range then or remove some from the maps. It does kinda suck when the airship comes in and in like 2 mins it's down bc the winning team had most of the points and all or most of the aa.
@DarkThomy 7 жыл бұрын
Well, can't any explosive take out the AA ?.. Your team could help you, right ?
@DarkThomy 7 жыл бұрын
xD sure sure. But at least you could ask that for your squad if you have a mic.
@MrLokura27 7 жыл бұрын
do you use mouse and keyboard ?
@Azrael-XIII 7 жыл бұрын
Why even bother having the AA all over the map when the two at your main spawn point can reach all the way across the map anyway? Anyone who can look at that St Quentin diagram with all the AA marked and honestly say that that isn't OP clearly just doesn't want planes in the game at all. I don't care if the AA absolutely shreds your plane if you get too close to it as you should have to be aware where they are up for the enemies on the map. But if they can just kill you from their spawn without even having to capture a point? That's where I have an issue. It's early BF4 AA all over again...
@Fl4sHbAnG 7 жыл бұрын
More maps pls :) :) :)
@d.p.2603 7 жыл бұрын
Pls Show the anti air on Esch map
@d.p.2603 7 жыл бұрын
@sirtaugs 7 жыл бұрын
in settings turn on all stationary weapons show on map. Then in game press M and you will get a full size map and AA will be on said map.
@hitstothebrain3288 7 жыл бұрын
I think the anti air ruins the game for pilots there is a aa truck they could use
@elcangry855 7 жыл бұрын
this true so unbalanced keep aa soo op than i dice onece more more aa they need to balnce i totally i gree and fithher jet need boss main gun
@MGmorockngamers 7 жыл бұрын
@yogurt2497 7 жыл бұрын
oi that aa gun is fuckin trash i cant even get a kill with it man but everyone else seems to be pros with it
@roryfree4707 7 жыл бұрын
it is SO fucking overpowered lol, "pros" is the wrong term because a fucking four year old could go 30-0 with it lmao
@ezidiboy6802 7 жыл бұрын
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