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Mark Freeman

Mark Freeman

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@tabathajc1981 10 жыл бұрын
Realizing and accepting that I am not my thoughts was one of the toughest things for me. I had allowed it to define so many things. I would have a harmful thought and think that I was the most horrible person because I had thought it.
@moejabari 5 жыл бұрын
T Fisher Hello can you please explain how did you do it thank you
@humbertorangel19881 4 жыл бұрын
How you been ?
@unitedvibes6405 7 жыл бұрын
ive watched this vid many times when i was sufferring a few yrs ago - i can say that you helped me recover fully. THANK U! 2023 Edit: Wow, first time i checked this since i posted it 6 years ago. Can confirm OCD is beatable! Anxiety and intrusive thoughts don't need to ruin your life - believe you can get better and take the right steps towards a better life. First step is stop trying to fight the intrusive thoughts - its a battle you will lose every single time. Take the counterintuitive approach and stop fighting, let the thoughts sit in your head for as long as possible. I promise the more you let the anxiety wash over you the sooner this ordeal will end over time. You got this!!
@everybodyhasabrain 7 жыл бұрын
I'm glad it helped on the journey!
@kptnix 6 жыл бұрын
unitedvibes Hi! How do you feel today? I'm just "discovering" this and feel a little overwhelmed :p Last couple of weeks I've been absolutely terrified of the thought that I could hurt someone and/or become insane. I'm constantly terrified of something I do proving that such a thing is a possibility for me. It's almost unbearable at times now. I'm starting the journey to recovery starting with this video! :) Any tips or tricks?
@KoolestDudeNTheBlock 6 жыл бұрын
@@kptnix I hope you are feeling better! This vid helped a bunch :D
@kptnix 6 жыл бұрын
@@KoolestDudeNTheBlock Hi. Wow this is a long time ago now. Yea I'm feeling way better - probably like 95% or more - 98%. I've been seeing a psychologist since then and it's going way better. This is a very common OCD it seems. I mean really - have you ever really hurt anyone? Probably nope? Yeah that's what I thought. It's an uncomfortable thought, but that's about it. I recommend seeing a proffesional. OCDs like these are pretty common.
@KoolestDudeNTheBlock 6 жыл бұрын
@@kptnix thanks for the update friend I'm glad you are feeling better and living your life. I actually started to see a therapist which has helped some but I have not gone too far into it. Glad to here this!
@everybodyhasabrain 11 жыл бұрын
Maybe this will help: If it's coming from inside of your head, treat it like a cloud or a fart. There's probably all sorts of thoughts that pop into your head throughout the day about whether you're going to cause harm to people around you, or experience psychosis, or hallucinate, or not be aware of what's real, etc. All of them: farts. Every other thought: also farts. I found it so helpful to be very drastic with this technique.
@roamantic2916 4 жыл бұрын
Are emotions and sensations also considered thoughts?
@everybodyhasabrain 4 жыл бұрын
@@roamantic2916 I approach all brain stuff as the same. So it might help not to get stuck on the labels but just see it as brain stuff.
@danielwalker6436 3 жыл бұрын
thankyou i have found this video especially important. i had something which was considered a delusion due to the destriuction it wanted to cause, i couldn't function many times. However now, like obsessions, its kinda about just realising it doesn't respond to logic, no amount of logic works it out, unfortunately. The only logic to be applied is realising we cannot apply logic to them. And the point that we can be even more ourselves when we stop responding to our thoughts is really important. As you say they used to seem so real, there was almost some comfort (however small) in having obsessions. Or responding in ways which is similar to a compulsion, i guess it was about seeking some sort of comfort. Or even alot of thinking as non-sufferers do, even they discover profound positive changes by realising these things and practicing meditation. Thanks again, hope u are well.
@sukladutta2079 2 жыл бұрын
Since a month now I'm facing a lot of false memories. Everyday I check many valuable things in my lab and then get them checked by someone else, yet after a few moments I feel like what if I went there again and misplaced those, which can cause them to go bad, I really don't know why that fear of going again did come to my mind. I'm facing a lot of trouble since I'm a scientist myself and this OCD is not letting me to think about my work. Rather I'm drowning in the thought of ruining the stuffs and being thrown away from the project. I really love my work and can't stand loosing it. Please kindly try to answer to me asap since I'm having the trouble everyday. Even after giving my complete effort I'm always worried about the incidents that might cause some irreversible damage. I am scared to even believe myself that I might have or have not done it. I'm literally going mad , please help. Any suggestions would be helpful 🙏
@everybodyhasabrain 2 жыл бұрын
@@sukladutta2079 What you're describing the are compulsions. You can already see that checking and asking for reassurance from others is not making things better. It's the source of the problem! It can be very helpful to recognize that compulsions to chase certainty only create uncertainty. There are likely many other areas where you believe it's useful to get certainty and control, but it can be useful to recognize that's why the brain is searching for more and more uncertainties. It's totally possible to get over OCD, but it will involve making changes, cutting out compulsions, and interacting differently with uncertainty.
@indigo_wyvern 5 жыл бұрын
"A thought that pops up in your mind is like a fart that comes out of your ass". That's a good way of looking at OCD.
@everybodyhasabrain 5 жыл бұрын
@helperboy5020 6 жыл бұрын
5:48 "you don't assign meaning to every fart that comes out of your ass' lol. At the same time, such depth in such a funny statement. Your one of the rare non-oppurtunistic ppl who really care about a person in trouble. For that you have my utmost respect.
@everybodyhasabrain 6 жыл бұрын
@Xandosoulja 5 жыл бұрын
TFW when you actually do assign meaning to your farts as they trigger a ritual. Still had to giggle though, great vid.
@chriswright5665 4 жыл бұрын
I agree... my most respect
@rhondapelletier2141 3 жыл бұрын
Made me LAUGH OUTLOUD!!! And I TRULY needed that!!! I agree w/ your post!!
@joaquimvaleriofernandesfer7915 2 жыл бұрын
@redfish7302 7 жыл бұрын
This is the single most powerful message for OCD.
@mellyhearts574 9 жыл бұрын
I've had intrusive thoughts since I was 10 or 12, it spiralled out if control when my mind wished cancer on a family member, omg I thought "why would I wish that? I never want that to happen" ! Anyway your mind plays tricks with you, now in my 20's and I'm Changing the my perspective towards the thoughts, I know they mean nothing to me, just smelly farts lol! The thoughts are still there sometimes, but I don't let them bother me, it's a learning process, it's all about acceptance, that's the key, accept that your you, and your thoughts are separate. They are nothing
@broojie8191 7 жыл бұрын
I wish I had your mindset.. mine has been spiraling about my own gender! I'm a female, and I'm happy and comfortable in my body, I always have been but I got a thought that said "well if you like men so much then you might just want to be one." It's so terrible, I go from not looking at women bc I'm afraid I'm lesbian, to looking at women bc I want to be like them. If i looked at men before I saw them as attractive, not like I wanna be one.. I know I'm not. It's terrible. My experience started with symmetry, then harm, religious, hocd, rocd, and now the fear of not being a woman.
@Internetarroganz 5 жыл бұрын
@@broojie8191 I have exactly the same. Did you get better?
@sophialynn469 3 жыл бұрын
@@broojie8191 Omg you literally just described me a few years back. I started going to therapy and now the thoughts are gone. Hope you’re doing well!
@sweetlimesoda98 3 жыл бұрын
How do you accept them?
@dominicadams9732 3 жыл бұрын
1 Corinthians 15:52 - In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changedRepent the kingdom of heaven is at hand! It's the last hour Jesus is going back soon! Turn from your wicked ways it says the last days will be like the days of Noah they were eating drinking marrying partying than a flood came! God warned Noah so he made a ark and Noah tried warning Gods people but they were stiff neck with unbeleave they called Noah crazy but only Noah and hes family survied because they believed God! And they built a ark. Same now Jesus is warning us to be ready hes coming for a bride without spot or blemish for people who are on fire for him who show that Jesus is there lord and there house is in order and is ready for hes return. Our body is the temple of God! In Jon it says "FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD" are you going to heed this warning!Hebrews 11:7 - By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faithMatthew 24:44 - Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. 1 John 2:28 - And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his comingRomans 13:11-14 - And that, knowing the time, that now [it is] high time to awake out of sleep: for now [is] our salvation nearer than when we believed.1 Corinthians 15:52 - In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. It says if you say Jesus is lord and you believe that he died on the cross and resin on the 3rd day you shall be saved! Get your house in order and ready or purish keep your eyes on Jesus and you will not sink. The sighns are here! Jesus loves you!
@joyis36 8 жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I've been doing to help my intrusive thoughts! I'm a Christian, and I've been meditating in Gods word, and it HELPS! I also document 'My Future' and I'll write down stuff like " I will have a nice wedding with purple bridesmaid dresses and have a happy healthy husband with two kids. " Thinking of these thoughts as apart from you helps a lot too! I truly believe that I can and am healed from OCD or intrusive thoughts. Thank you for this video!
@larissahill2755 8 жыл бұрын
I'm a Christian as well and experiencing the same thing right now. I'm so glad you have victory over this! God bless!
@larissahill2755 8 жыл бұрын
I'm a Christian as well and experiencing the same thing right now. I'm so glad you have victory over this! God bless!
@pushparajdeshmukh09 8 жыл бұрын
if possible, practice meditation
@Devi92xx 7 жыл бұрын
Wow that's so good to know. I am a Christian as well and i have religious intrusive thoughts. Im glad to know that these tips helped you to meditate into Gods word more!
@larissahill2755 7 жыл бұрын
One of the best pieces of advice is not to give these thoughts power. If you let them pass, you will feel much less anxiety. God will see you through this, His presence brings freedom and love, NOT condemnation. God Bless!
@everybodyhasabrain 11 жыл бұрын
You're welcome. That's ok about getting many uncertainties and intrusive thoughts. Recovery isn't about getting rid of them, it's about learning how to give them big hugs and not let them affect your life. There can always be clouds in the sky--and often there are many clouds! Sometimes the sky is completely covered in clouds and sometimes your brain will be completely covered in intrusive thoughts. That's fine.
@Ma-tu2jd 4 жыл бұрын
Hello I hope you will see my message, do you consider the feeling « produced » by an intrusive thought as an intrusive thing too. Because sometimes what tricks me is the feeling that comes with it you know. Whatever it is
@everybodyhasabrain 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ma-tu2jd I find it's really helpful to approach all brain stuff as the same. Whether I'm interacting with a thought or a feeling, what matters is how I interact with it.
@pmpexamprep8979 3 жыл бұрын
'You are not your thoughts' is a great start in my fight against a monster called OCD. Thanks for the valuable info.
@falaknaaz3563 9 жыл бұрын
Ur an angel dude..i wanna b u..u have an amazing spirit..may god bless u always n give u a peacful life
@diegojimenez1473 6 жыл бұрын
May all beings be at ease
@danield4573 10 жыл бұрын
Wow, this is actually the ONLY information that has helped me. I hav watched tons of videos. This really explains in depth the process. And you being all up beat and happy reassures strength and belief in your words. I love the video, I love the tips. People have always told me that I control Ow I react. But I never knew how to react differently. You explained that way better than anyone else has. You have great examples and showed how to execute it. Dude you don't understand, this can change a lot in my life and this is the first time I have felt hope in awhile. I will practice and will keep watching your videos. Your great man just everything about it. You just helped change my life dude. Thanks so much
@everybodyhasabrain 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks. Glad it helped! Keep at it!
@Stella-ei4fj 5 жыл бұрын
Try Katie D’ath
@everybodyhasabrain 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks! For existential OCD, it gets tackled in the same way as any other. The compulsions are the attempts to be certain about the existential uncertainty. Even if the compulsions are totally in your head, they're still compulsions. Cutting them out is all about learning not to answer the questions, accept the uncertainty, and do healthy things anyway. Learning to put some distance btwn you and your thoughts can help a lot with "Pure O"
@gamyod123 10 жыл бұрын
This video has changed my life
@abbeycoughlin4097 4 жыл бұрын
I cannot explain to you how much of a weight was lifted from my chest just by watching this.
@charmainewardynski6798 6 жыл бұрын
Im really struggling with my thoughts then i think its real and then i panic and feel feelings of doom. You are the 1st person i have listen to explain about thoughts arent real. I thank you very much!!!!
@jd881 9 жыл бұрын
I figured this out through getting into Buddhism. Western people are taught to assign thought with self. Good on you for helping others.
@everybodyhasabrain 9 жыл бұрын
That's great! Thanks.
@callumwhite2116 4 жыл бұрын
I'm interested in learning about this. Do you know where I could start?
@pinkpandamiranda 8 жыл бұрын
@redkin4743 6 жыл бұрын
We are souls, seek souls seek the king
@garystarkey726 5 жыл бұрын
ha ha.
@ramonawilliams2518 4 жыл бұрын
@@redkin4743 THE QUEEN
@ramonawilliams2518 4 жыл бұрын
@@garystarkey726 THE KING OF NUTBUSTING
@sophiamarianaaykens5401 10 жыл бұрын
I was smiling during this whole video! You are so full of positivity and energy! Discribing exectly how I think about OCD. I had it the first time since I was 8. At 15 I curred myself from it by resisting the compulsions. For 13 years I have been curred of compulsions, but sadly since the beginning of this year they came back. I have had a lot of stressful years behind me and I guess its a way of my brain telling me I need to stress down otherwise its my silly brain making me look like a clown everytime I do compulsions. But my ocd doesnt define in the slightest who I am as a person or my persnality. Its just an annoying crack in my anxiety filter, as I used to call it. It broke again after fixing it but this time I will built it stronger ;) And I think mindfulness will definitly help making that happen!
@everybodyhasabrain 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks! All the best as you fix up that filter and build it even stronger. I hope you learn lots of useful tools and skills as you patch it up :)
@syedahmadraza6985 5 жыл бұрын
Very nice
@mistergcreativezone 4 жыл бұрын
please help me to come out from ocd, I have been suffering from ocd since 12 years it has been killing me terribly I can't eat anything I can't bath I can't wear clothes totally It never let me to do anything because of scary and negative thoughts comes from mind so I scar for those thoughts, and if I go to temple or wherever in front of God calendar if I stand to pray only negative thoughts will comes so I scar bcz i feel like he may bless those thoughts so please tell me is it possible
@PrivateerDan Жыл бұрын
Mark, you’ve been such a source of inspiration and guidance for me and so many others. Thanks for everything you do! Oh, and I love your book!
@everybodyhasabrain Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the donation and the kind words, Daniel! I'm glad the book has been useful on your adventures!
@Classof-et4wd 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve watch this video everyday and I am going through recovery as well. It’s helped me this is a great reminder.
@klv19xx 7 жыл бұрын
Mark, every time my OCD gets bad again and I start to compulsively check on the internet I get brought back to your videos and brought back down to earth with a little more rationality. Thanks for what you do.
@everybodyhasabrain 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks! For the obsessing, try to shift to the healthy actions you want to do in your life. We have limited control over what's happening in our heads, so just accept it and do the healthy things you want to and take the obsessions along for the ride. If you don't react to them, they'll get bored and leave you alone.
@Steveness100 4 жыл бұрын
I feel as though I finally understand the practice of and purpose of meditation thanks to your videos. I meditated for 15 minutes this morning and I managed to watch my thoughts and let them pass by for the first time. Thank you 😊
@everybodyhasabrain 4 жыл бұрын
Enjoy the sitting!
@darinkokovacic1084 10 жыл бұрын
Man you are my new hero! I am wisiting psychologist and psychiatrist. I had OCD in my childhood and than it come back few years ago. Now I am 25. My doctors said it would be best to go on pills - drugs but I refuse it. But now it become worse and worse and I was thinking about pills, than my friend showed me yours videos. I watched all yours 10 tips, that is about 45 min of videos and you are incredible. You gave me much more that all doctors in few months! Realy. You know what you talking about, you are so good. You give me so much hope I cant describe... I watched yours videos one week ago and first 3 days I was so happy (because of these videos) like I wasnt in years (I do not overreact!). It was incredible! I couldnt belive myself it is posible to be so happy because of you. Now I am happy, but not so much like after first 3 days. You gave me so much hope and the best tips about OCD I ever heard. After I stop watching your videos I went to listen music. And I cried. I cried because of happines. You gave me so much happines and hope. You gave me so much. I dont know how to thank you man. I own to you big one. Thank you again and again :) God bless you!
@everybodyhasabrain 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I'm glad you found the videos helpful. All the best as this journey up and over OCD continues!
@dejavukun 5 жыл бұрын
Indirectly, we by being an impartial observer, we are practicing mindfulness. To practice mindfulness, we need to understand that we are not our thoughts. Thanks Mark.
@EleniWiebeMentalWellness 2 жыл бұрын
Thank u so much amen. I'm a christian and have OCD. I know even thru this hardship God will use my story to help others know they're not alone. Love these tips they helped me so much. God bless you 🙏❤️ everyone pls don't give up! You are loved
@joyrowell3171 2 жыл бұрын
God bless you also 💒.I'm struggling with intrusive thoughts an anxiety 😭
@sand-ulb 3 жыл бұрын
I felt like few people could ever understand me the way this video makes me feel understood. It's been 8 years since it was posted but thank you
@everybodyhasabrain 3 жыл бұрын
You have a very human brain!
@CrystalOuellette 9 жыл бұрын
This is definitely something that is helpful for me cause I have OCD and ADD, and because of all my thoughts, I tend to stress myself out at times, LOL.
@littleawkwardone9810 4 жыл бұрын
I’m going through a lot of ocd and I really dug a deep hole of anxiety and watching this really helped me bring me back to reality and I want to thank you SO MUCH because it’s Christmas Eve and I really feel like a new person. Merry Christmas!!!
@sanchiacharles3877 3 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed at sixteen and overcome it and thought I was cured but this past year I've been suffering a lot and I realised it's intrusive thoughts and attachment to thoughts and trying to control them. I was also judging myself a lot for thoughts and feelings and feeling guilty and shameful like I'm going to have psychosis, I'm crazy, I'm broken etc but now I realise I have just relapsed. Thank you for this video. I need to understand and accept my ocd instead of deny it and be ashamed of it.
@inglestaemtudo 9 жыл бұрын
Amazing tips ... actually it has been a new philosophy for me ... i feel much better now.
@everybodyhasabrain 9 жыл бұрын
Leo da Silva Thanks, Leo!
@dp6447 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the video. Struggling with intrusive thoughts for the first time in a long time and it’s taken away some happiness that I’m desperately trying to get back. I AM NOT MY THOUGHTS
@seedtoday 10 жыл бұрын
You're very very smart Mark, the patterns that you've realized and put together to form those realizations are amazing.. you've been very creative in fighting this. I congratulate you for being healthy as long as being that creative in trying to solve this problem. I want to sincerely thank you, and I encourage you to reach out for more people, I believe your words if reached more people will difintely help them. you've helped me a lot..
@jffan18 10 жыл бұрын
Amazing. You have encapsulated ocd here. I know a lot of people and myself are v grateful to you.
@everybodyhasabrain 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks, James!
@ropiez 11 жыл бұрын
I think its important to note that once you "figure out" a problem you've been ruminating about, it's going to be replaced with another problem. And as long as people don't realize that and how to stop it, they'll be in a state of depression because they will continuously be trying to figure out things.
@ShiningStar-vx6jw 5 жыл бұрын
This helped me identify what I am dealing with, which is ocd. I am glad I can now do something about it and not let it control my life. Thank you so much!
@everybodyhasabrain 5 жыл бұрын
It's entirely possible to get over it. Enjoy making changes to tackle this!
@shakydogtooth 9 жыл бұрын
i've been having obsessive thoughts for almost a year now focusing on one area of my life and i've read this same advice over and over but hearing you explain and expand on it is really way more helpful and i just wanted to say, thank you for making these videos!
@everybodyhasabrain 9 жыл бұрын
You're welcome! I'm glad they've helped. Keep pushing along on the journey!
@Riyuzako7 10 ай бұрын
you okay now
@5avan10 10 жыл бұрын
Truly excellent. I had so many thoughts while watching this that it was hard to focus at times. Clearly I need to work on meditation next.
@everybodyhasabrain 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Have fun with meditation!
@tomatodragon318 8 жыл бұрын
If you feel you are alone and scared surround yourself with great big angels or warriors that defend you and you become unstopopp
@theboogie_monsta 4 жыл бұрын
This was the first video I watched that got me over this bullshit. Absolute foundation of the treatment and maintenance process. Love it.
@everybodyhasabrain 4 жыл бұрын
It is sooooooo useful to learn!
@bhushanpatil6836 7 жыл бұрын
Hi mark when these thoughts come ,they fill so real. whole body reacts automatically.please make more videos the are very helpful
@everybodyhasabrain 11 жыл бұрын
I found it helpful to not discriminate btwn thoughts. Constantly trying to be certain about thoughts, judge them, and discriminate between them can trap you in a never-ending loop attempting to figure out which thoughts are "real" or "good" or "you" and which thoughts are "OCD" or "unreal" or "false", etc.
@dsun5455 8 жыл бұрын
@JamesDurcan 7 жыл бұрын
Awesome vid, I am reading Jefferey Schwartz's "You Are Not Your Brain" right now and this vid really rings true with the material he's presenting in the book. I feel like cognitive fusion is something we've all learned to do since we were young and the mechanism has really hard-wired itself. Imagine if we were taught to be aware of the difference between mind and brain from elementary school and we were taught to foster that separation through grade 12 ( like have it as part of our education curriculum ) ; I bet you we would have much better functioning societies.
@everybodyhasabrain 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Yes, it would be a great skill to learn long before it blows up in our faces.
@suzanne77ification 8 жыл бұрын
Awesome video! I'm halfway through "The Untethered Soul", which talks about our thoughts not being who we are. Your explanation helps this make more sense to me. Thank you.
@jesselizabeth353 4 жыл бұрын
All this time i thought i wasn’t normal and that i was going crazy. Didn’t know other people experience this until I searched up what I’m feeling. I never even considered ocd. This helped me feel so much better
@thewriter8287 4 жыл бұрын
These videos are getting me through the day. Thank you so much
@everybodyhasabrain 4 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you're finding them useful!
@nickberkulis3269 6 жыл бұрын
Watched this video months ago and since cut out many compulsions. Re-watching this video I now understand on a deeper level that people don't have to do anything with their thoughts. They are external and may or may not be helpful to acting in line with who you are and what you want to spend time doing.
@everybodyhasabrain 6 жыл бұрын
@aleksandarvasic9876 8 жыл бұрын
This guy is genious
@theh3mpourium113 6 жыл бұрын
@TheAndysanz 11 жыл бұрын
Tyler I've dealt with existential OCD and philosophical OCD, in the end is the same as any other OCD accept the thoughts! in the end they are not any different from any existential question and philosophical questions people without anxiety have, the problem is you are reacting with anxiety to them! Yeah this videos along with therapy have been a great help for me and I'm sure for a lot of other people! :)
@everybodyhasabrain 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Meditation helped me with the compulsions that had become so automatic. It helps you put some space between you and what your brain wants to do, so you can make a decision about whether you want to engage in that compulsion or not. I hope your brain doesn't explode. It might still come in handy!
@ravleensingh3701 5 жыл бұрын
Heres what ive learned from “intrusive thoughts” the reason i put quotes is, i realized that these thoughts are actually NOT intrusive. Im the one giving special meaning to a regular thought that is as equal as any other thought that i dont even care about. These “intrusive thoughts” deserve no value than the other thoughts we dismiss unconsciously. Now, to me, these are just regular thoughts. I welcome them and dont hide from it anymore. Im working on this now and its not perfect but i know ill get there and i wish that for any person who suffers from their thoughts. I also realized that it doesnt matter what the content is. Its all about OUR response. Also, we mistake these thoughts as reality which indirectly makes us believe we are these made up thoughts! I have started to accept my thpughts and actually see it as a good thing because it makes me realize that im not valuing this thought more than any other. So its more than welcome to be here. Thoughts are NOT facts even if they try to convince you. Its like 2 ppl watching the same exact movie and everything but 2 different reactions. One forgot about it and the other is ruminating and creating new thoughts out of it. Trust me guys, u can overcome this. I wish u guys the best.
@padmanathannadason4773 4 жыл бұрын
excellent mate
@andresoropeza90 4 жыл бұрын
"Thoughts are not facts" great way to put it!👏
@brandonjosephboyle 4 жыл бұрын
You're a lifesaver. I'm struggling right now, but this really helps.
@bekahhh8565 2 жыл бұрын
how r u feeling? any advice? besides this great advice
@Katebeckettable 9 жыл бұрын
loved the video. Thank you so much Mark. Has helped me a lot! I have a lot more peace now.
@everybodyhasabrain 9 жыл бұрын
Nikhil Menon You're welcome, Nikhil! That's great to hear!
@jessheartlove 6 жыл бұрын
You seriously put into words what I knew all along but couldn’t figure out thank you kind sir 💗
@lakshmis1278 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, this really helped me. I came across this video when I was crying, because I was so overwhelmed by my thoughts. But, this gave me a new perspective...
@joaquimvaleriofernandesfer7915 2 жыл бұрын
@danielwalker6436 4 жыл бұрын
When thoughts don't seem so real anymore, when the chasing is a choice, this is where I make most progress. Thank you for supporting that which I need to progress with right now.
@psikochick2 7 жыл бұрын
My intrusive thoughts aren't as bad as they used to be. I'm at a point now where i can look at them objectively without being attached. What helps me these days (after going thru the rly bad parts of it when it started and having to watch a lot of videos, and then getting a lot better) is that when something comes up and i "accept" that it came up, and since I'm so used to it by now I keep telling myself that my initial repulsion is the REAL me, in spite of that flash of "what if". I've accepted that its natural to be curious of why you obsess over things that repulse you. Which definitly sends u into that spiral. I think thats the part that fucks people up the most. AND DON'T GET STARTED "DID THE FEAR OF SOMETHING OR THE URGE COME FIRST" Its crazy, it horrible, its confusing and it shouldn't even matter. Ocd Pure O SUCKS baaad its nothing to play with 😞. Mine are like obsessive flashes of repulsions, ruminating over peoples sick minds... just weirdos. Its ridiculous where the mind takes u 🎭
@Anthony-rt2xd 2 жыл бұрын
Dude you’re the first channel to see people in the comments actually recovered with your teachings!! 🙏🏻
@everybodyhasabrain 11 жыл бұрын
I'm glad they're helping! This is a difficult concept so just keep working on it and seeing how it applies in different areas of your life. With concepts like this, just trying to do it really is success. Keep pushing!
@johnwhitaker3371 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you mark for making this video. I’ve been having seemingly not stop worry and fear about my Schizocd health anxiety. I know the things that my mind is making up is ridiculous, but it scares me so much! I have to keep remembering that just because I think it, doesn’t mean that I will become it.
@everybodyhasabrain 4 жыл бұрын
You're welcome! Enjoy welcoming all of the brain stuff.
@jimmysmh 7 жыл бұрын
Holy fuck. The part about the fart is so practical.
@everybodyhasabrain 7 жыл бұрын
jimmysmh I agree.
@the1tigglet 4 жыл бұрын
You are not your body, you are not your thoughts, you are not your disease(s), you are an eternal being of pure energy having a temporary human experience!
@leahnicole725 10 жыл бұрын
This is wonderful advice and so incredibly helpful. Thank you
@alexisalarcon443 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks man, your video really helped me. I been dealing with OCD since i was very young and it really sucks, because there is a point where it simply ruins your daily life and controls you like if you were a slave.
@ryandigings7335 8 жыл бұрын
Mark is the GOAT! can i request a video on practising acceptance, relating back to your 'OCD is a weed. Rip up the roots video' and maybe touching on Depersonalisation? I know it would help a lot of people out there… and me!
@everybodyhasabrain 8 жыл бұрын
+Ryan Digings Thanks, Ryan! What challenges are you encountering with practicing acceptance around depersonalization-related symptoms?
@ryandigings7335 8 жыл бұрын
+Mark Freeman practising acceptance with the ultimate fear, death. I can really obsess about this subject. Also, within DP, you will feel like you are unreal, then obsess around 'am I real' and other existential things that can't be disproved, so I suppose acceptance of these, and also developing a tolerance to uncertainty... I know you've kind of covered this with a Q&A, appreciate your help.
@everybodyhasabrain 8 жыл бұрын
+Ryan Digings Death is interesting. When I work with people, we usually get to death after several weeks or even months of working together. It just naturally works out that way. As a person learns to handle uncertainties, they eventually get to that final uncertainty. But I haven't figured out a way to do death in a short video yet, so I'm working on an entire video course on death. It won't be out for many months, however. I can tell you that the course will be about learning to accept that we die and that a big part of that is exploring the beliefs, judgments, and desires you currently hold on to related to death. That's an exploration that you can already do. As you identify those, you can ask yourself whether they're helping you live your life. If they're not, it can help to throw them out. Like with anything connected to OCD, if you desire not to die and you believe death is a bad thing, then it's only natural for your brain to worry about that constantly. I'll do a video touching on depersonalization. It might take a couple of weeks to do. It's the same as other identity-related obsessions, so it'll be useful to explore all of those together. Thanks for the questions/ideas!
@ryandigings7335 8 жыл бұрын
Mark, yes I agree with all of that. I pinpointed death, and the uncertainty that causes, as the root of most of my anxiety issues quite a long time ago, but then that became an obsession; to rid myself of being scared! I think moving forward, it is possible to throw these ideas and beliefs out, like you say. Thanks as usual... look forward to the videos
@Scipio219 8 жыл бұрын
+Mark Freeman My OCD is almost entirely related to death/aging/existential issues also and sometimes my OCD theme jumps to moral issues (what is the "good" or "right" thing to do) in terms of life as well, i.e. is moral pessimism or antinatalism true? is suicide a righteous act against an unfair universe or is it mostly just the result of an extremely dysfunctional or depressed brain? These questions have been weighing in on my brain for about 3 years now, and as a child or teen when I would think about these things they would hardly bother me at all, and I always told myself if life got hard that suicide was something I would NEVER do, to the point that living for no reason would be a reason to live in itself (yikes no wonder I'm tortured by my thoughts). At first I thought I was depressed when my OCD started developing and I probably am a little but the way I feel most days luckily doesn't match the thoughts that go in my mind; I have a job I like, I socialize and go out with work friends/GF, I'm about to achieve my associates degree, have energy to do things, etc. Mindful meditation and some CBT has helped alleviate some issues (including a time lasting about 4 months where I was basically symptom free, almost felt like being cured) and helped me see that I can get EXTREME cognitive fusion as you talk about in your video. However, even after having seen the light I still get stuck sometimes and suffer for it which is really disheartening as any OCD sufferer can tell you. Anyways, I am excited to see your videos on accepting death which is something my brain apparently refuses to do as well as identity related obsessions as I feel they will be greatly helpful to me, just like all your other videos. Thanks.
@sw3ettouch 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Mark, This happened to me about 3 years ago. I would get intrusive thoughts about harming my family members, like serious harm with objects. Strangely enough they didn't haunt me back then and for some reason I brushed it off and it disappeared. But then suddenly one and a half month ago at night time the thought came back from the abyss and was now directed towards my wife. This gave me a severe panic attack and haunted me since then, the doctors gave me pills to calm my mind and directed me to a psychiatrist. I thought I was a sociopath or schizofrenic, I thought that I would end up doing these things and that I was a vile and cruel human being, I thought nobody would understand what was going through my mind and that I was all alone. Fortunately enough I stumbled upon your videos and they gave me so much insight on thoughts and the way the brain works, it relieved me so much and I became aware of my thoughts. I can finally sleep (although not everyday without watching KZbin videos) but I feel much better, sometimes like today and yesterday the thoughts do still scare me, but not like when they first manifested. I never had any form of mental health issue's in my life since now, but for some reason I still sometimes feel like I'm about to lose my mind and become one of those things I mentioned. It's so ghastly to me that these thoughts feel so real and true, like you are bound to do these things. It terrifies me that our own mind can be our own enemy at times. The mind can be a dark and cruel place.
@everybodyhasabrain 4 жыл бұрын
This is all so useful to learn about and understand. I found it really helpful to recognize that the stuff in my head is just weather. It's an experience. The problem is, we often believe and engage with brain stuff we like. And then when the brain throws up something we don't like, of course it's difficult not to believe it, because we've invested so much energy believing other stuff in our heads and happily engaging with it. So one of the biggest supports was recognizing that I've got to approach all of the stuff in my head as the same (just clouds).
@IceveinsProductions 7 жыл бұрын
Great vid. Wondering if you could make a video on black and white thinking? Seems to be a prevalent thought pattern in most OCD/anxiety sufferers. One of the hardest things I deal with every day.
@mikey.3226 4 жыл бұрын
I have suffered from this for so long and have addressed how it has gotten progressively worse , and hands down in my opinion, this is the most amazing piece of video of really explaining it for people to practice how to begin recovering. In short, once I watched this video, the door in my head that I was locked behind, popped open, because I took that strength away from it. Thank you
@manishdas6525 8 жыл бұрын
its really helpful thanks :)
@erza1839 3 жыл бұрын
I've been struggling with this my whole life, especially lately but learning that im not alone and that this is quite common has helped me! this video is amazing and o hope i can continue to improve and learn more without medication
@everybodyhasabrain 3 жыл бұрын
Enjoy the steps ahead!
@Kam69Infernal 8 жыл бұрын
I've been trying to get rid of my OCD / Obsessive thoughts for years , So far nothing has worked. It's gotten worse over time , Example, When I was young I washed my hands obsessively then that moved on to not being able to put my clothes on without getting numbers and images right in my head first etc. Now my OCD is all about repeating phrases and getting images and voices in my head all to match up properly and if they don't I need to do the compulsion again, If anything comes into my head between the things I need to think about and do and getting away from whatever it is I'm doing ,I need to do the compulsion again. I have it with..(all while having to do the mental rituals mentioned above) - looking at certain places in a room (typically the ceiling) -coming in and out of doors -Coming up my house stairs (the top step can take me a hour sometimes) -Pausing and starting or rewinding / fast forwarding videos ( It takes up 2-3 hours a day easily that compulsion alone) -Putting clothes on and taking clothes off ( sometimes going days in the same underwear because I can't face changing) -Swallowing Saliva -Getting into bed ( I avoid going to bed as long as possible because this ritual takes so long , hours+) -Scratching my self -Pressing any kind of buttons -Going to the toilet (I don't even want to explain) -brushing teeth and hair (I have to avoid both sometimes because how bad it is) I spend easy 5-6+ hours a day doing these compulsions. I used to get support from my mother but now she just gets mad and shouts at me which makes me stressed and the more stressed I am the worse it gets, and she only sees it as an annoyance (she's been like this for years) I can't stop because I fear if I do, something bad will happen or things that are good in my life will stop or break, Or I'll loose people etc. The fear is so overwhelming I had to give up trying to stop a lot of times. Yes I have tried Psychiatry/Psychology and hypnotherapy non of which have worked. ( I also take medicine to help with the ocd but I don't think it helps ,Sertraline is the name of the medication ). I can't let this OCD control my life much longer, I've been depressed for a very long time now and I need to get rid of it. I just don't know how. The fear is too much.
@everybodyhasabrain 8 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear about the challenges. It's great you want to tackle them. There are specific types of behavioral therapy that are proven to be effective for overcoming OCD. Hypnotherapy and medication aren't treatments I would expect to help you cut out compulsions. If you're struggling with fear, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) could teach you many useful skills for accepting thoughts and cutting out compulsions. It can also help to work with a therapist that experience helping people recover. And it really helped me to throw myself into the fear. The more we learn to handle fear, the less fear we experience.
@Riderados 8 жыл бұрын
I read what you written and it all applies to me, i sort have the same problems you do. i never found anyone which make the same things as i do and this reallyh annoy me i wish there would be a way of getting rid of these i tried lots of theraphy too and medicines and nothing helped me out
@pushparajdeshmukh09 8 жыл бұрын
Hi, I am Pushparaj from india, by many years of suffering from OCD wht i learned is , one can control this disease by working on thought process, this you can do by practicing the meditation regularly. by practicing meditation we can realize the process of thoughts, we can catch each thought and get rid of problem related with that thought, you can conqure tht ocd by practicing the rght meditation, if intrested i can tel you the process of that kind of plz dont worry
@Jonsnow818 8 жыл бұрын
What meditation do u recommend for getting rid of intrusive thoughts and anxiety surrounding them? I really need help,I'm going to a doc to fix an appointment with a psychiatrist for therapy but I dunno how long the waiting list is
@everybodyhasabrain 8 жыл бұрын
Trying to get rid of intrusive thoughts is the problem, not the solution. Compulsions are all about trying to control thoughts. That only gives you more of the thoughts and feelings you don't like. So I don't recommend trying to use meditation as a compulsion.
@sketchyhealing 4 жыл бұрын
Understanding all intrusive thoughts are farts helps so much. Thank you!
@everybodyhasabrain 4 жыл бұрын
You're welcome, Lili! May the brain indigestion be calm today :D
@vertikov293 10 жыл бұрын
I think I have OCD, with focus on relationship(do i love him? etc). I also think I have social anxiety disorder + depression(which I get medication for btw). Anyways, I dont get how this will help my (r)OCD, because im really depressed because of this - dont know how to start. I have seen all of your videoes here, but I dont know how to make it work for me. Greetings from Norway, Marion.
@everybodyhasabrain 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Marion. If you're struggling to figure out how to start, I'd recommend working with a professional that's trained in recovery, or following a structured program in a book that people have found valuable and recommended to you. Randomly trying different things for mental health is about as effective as randomly trying things for physical health--it really helps to follow a structured program with somebody who knows what they're doing and has succeeded at it before.
@Celestialdaydreamer 7 жыл бұрын
you opened my eyes. ive been beating the crap out of myself the past few days over these horrible thoughts I've been having. Coming to terms that I am not those bad thoughts is tough but the cloud analogy really helped me.
@mrmurphycs89 8 жыл бұрын
Does this work with having violent thoughts about other people and myself?
@everybodyhasabrain 8 жыл бұрын
I found it helped to see all thoughts as the same. The issues with violent thoughts isn't the thoughts but the compulsions we engage in around the thoughts--the judgments and attaching meaning to the thoughts or ourselves for having the thoughts, or any reactions to the thoughts.
@semihademirkaya8124 3 жыл бұрын
Have you been doing better? Im recently in the same boat.
@danielwalker6436 5 жыл бұрын
We are our thoughts in one way, but also the observer of our thoughts. Because we can be the observer, we can change our reaction to them. :)
@stephaniemoura9325 3 жыл бұрын
Just found your videos today, I've always been a bit anxious kind of person, but now with quarantine, in the past two months I started to have Intrusive thoughts or at least started to pay attention to them, and since there I started Sicking for reassurance, it's been almost 3 months now, I've been worst and I've had really bad days but all the information I've been learning about these thoughts and about OCD and I am optimistic that it is possible to fully recover, it's just my first day watching few of your videos and one of them, the one that says "if I stop chasing the sticks, my brain wil stop throwing them" it makes all sense because my brain sends many different themes of intrusive thoughts but the ones I don't care about just go away soo quick and the themes that I fear the most just stick around and come back again and again. Your videos have already helped me a lot, thank you for your help
@finalfantasy7716 9 жыл бұрын
I honestly hate these thoughts. I've been dealing with them since the 6th grade, I'm out of high school now, graduated about six months ago. It's sickening, honestly. Thanks for the video
@mahirsultan7009 7 жыл бұрын
The best video ive found from 4 months of searching
@se1995199 10 жыл бұрын
Thank-you so much for this video. This is honestly the first thing in over a year that has truly helped me to control my OCD. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!
@kittyfairy662 5 жыл бұрын
i have ruminated for 6 months straight, but this has helped me so much
@bijetanaorem4700 7 жыл бұрын
I have been watching lots of videos on OCD.But I hope this one will help me..OCD kept haunting me since the past 8/9 years and I have no idea how to overcome it.. I even consult with Psychiatrist but it doesn't work.. Thanks to this video.. I hope this will change my life and will help me in achieving my DREAM..
@everybodyhasabrain 7 жыл бұрын
That approach of trying to find the right video to help you is actually something I would consider part of OCD. With OCD, we're always trying to pursue certainty and find things outside of us to make changes inside of us. You can change your life. Videos can teach you about skills but empower yourself to make these changes.
@bijetanaorem4700 7 жыл бұрын
Mark Freeman thanks for you reply.. M blessed.. 😊😊😊😊
@adamdaniel9373 7 жыл бұрын
old youtube user but my first comment on youtube goes to you :) good job from Malaysia. This is a life changer for many.
@everybodyhasabrain 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your first comment here!
@vishnushetye3323 5 жыл бұрын
I have watched many videos to stop my ocd but not worked. But your video is exactly what i m facing. It helped me not fully but improving. Thank you
@christinagreaves7932 5 жыл бұрын
You are so clear and concise , you really help me x
@ocddan5697 10 жыл бұрын
4 years of no compulsions is a huge huge accomplishment. Im trying to be compulsion free 1 day at a time. well done!
@everybodyhasabrain 10 жыл бұрын
One day without compulsions is a massive accomplishment. Keep pushing for it!
@ocddan5697 10 жыл бұрын
thanks man!
@p.l.dmanjusha1017 Жыл бұрын
By watching your smiling face brings smile on my face are so positive and happy.......and helping others through this ..........every anxiety in this world is due to thoughts .....if one able to control thought, he or she will be at peace .....thank you for helping me through my dark days you ❤️
@truthseeker1871 5 жыл бұрын
Mark, I have to admit you look like a meditator to beat all previous meditators on the planet.
@el1ana115 3 жыл бұрын
omg i love you so much. i watched this video like everyday and it helps soooo much! thank you! YOU ARE THE BEST!
@tristanmarajh8142 10 жыл бұрын
You're a good man, Mark. Thank you.
@Solefear 9 жыл бұрын
meditation is like pure ERP.. eventually. I agree i think this fundamental to recovery. Pleased to hear you've been compulsion free. You're a good speaker with a talent for this!
@LawrenceDotaCoach 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing content Mark, i'm trying to recovery from intrusive thoughts and your videos are helping me a lot, Thanks!
@everybodyhasabrain 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Lawrence! I'm glad you're finding these videos useful.
@DaDoo423678 8 жыл бұрын
Your video is of INMENSE help for a lot of people. THANK YOU from all my heart for being so brave and exposing your ideas and talent the way you have. You express beautifully too, and you have the ability to change people´s lives in a good way. Kind regards.
@everybodyhasabrain 8 жыл бұрын
thank you!
@candid.303 2 жыл бұрын
Incredibly helpful. Incredible.
@Yvonne-gd3wg 4 жыл бұрын
This made me cry. I have ocd for more thanks 40 years. This is me. It scares me to stop my thoughts . I onderstand what you are saying. I am gonna watch this a lot. I hope i can do this. But my thoughts are, Of i do not touch that switch 4 times, something will happen to one of my children. I have to touch the switch then. I can only stop it by forsing a thought. AndThat is, i will stop breathing tonight. Then i calm down.
@akki015 6 жыл бұрын
I remember first time i read that i am not my thoughts and i am still the same person and these terrible intrusive thoughts doesn't say anything about me as a person, it gave me so much relief i started crying as my days and weeks were going like so bad bc of OCD. So thank you for all your efforts, these videos are really helping me overcome my OCD
@everybodyhasabrain 6 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you're finding them useful on this journey :)
@mateussouza936 Жыл бұрын
Hey, man. I discovered your videos a few weeks ago and its helping a lot. Thanks !
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